Unexplored region, spectacular view

北海道の雪祭りで冬を満喫!絶対に訪れるべき幻想的イベント5選Recommended sightseeing route


日本の冬には特別な魅力がありますがその真髄を体験するなら北海道の雪祭りは外せません広大な雪景色の中で開催されるこれらのイベントは氷と雪のアート、delicious gourmet food、そして心温まるおもてなしで世界中の観光客を惹きつけています今回私「ペンシルケース」が現地を訪れた体験を交えながら、5つの必見イベントをご紹介します読んだらきっと次の旅先が決まるはず! (日時は2025年に行われるものです。) 1. さっぽろ雪まつり世界が驚嘆するスケール さっぽろ雪まつり公式Hp 場所札幌市(大通公園すすきの)日程: 2025年2月4日〜2月11日 さっぽろ雪まつりは北海道を代表する冬のイベントで毎年約250万人以上が訪れます高さ15メートルを超える雪と氷の彫刻は歴史的建築物からアニメキャラクターまで多岐にわたり昼間のダイナミックな姿と夜のライトアップされた幻想的な姿の両方が楽しめます。 When I first visited、私は巨大な雪の大寺院の前で完全に立ち尽くしてしまいましたその規模とディテールの美しさには驚愕しましたそして「すすきのアイスワールド」では繊細な氷の彫刻を背景に写真を撮りつつ屋台で出会った地元の味噌ラーメンをすすりました雪の冷たさとラーメンの温かさがまさに北海道の冬そのものでした。 Reason for popularity: スケールの大きさと多様性は他に類を見ません日本の伝統美と現代的なテーマが融合した姿はどの世代にも感動を与えます。Also、アクセスも良く英語表記の案内が多いので外国人観光客にも優しいイベントです。 2. 支笏湖氷濤まつり自然の力を感じる青い世界 千歳・支笏湖氷濤まつり公式HP 場所千歳市(支笏湖温泉)日程: 2025年2月1日〜2月24日 支笏湖氷濤まつりは湖の透明な水を使用して作られた氷のオブジェが特徴です昼は「支笏湖ブルー」と呼ばれる青い輝き夜はライトアップによる魔法のような空間が広がります私は友人と一緒に氷のトンネルを通り抜け凍りついた壁面に触れてみましたその冷たい感触と日中の陽光に反射して青く輝く様子は一生忘れられませんさらに近くの温泉に入り心も体もポカポカに癒されました夜にはライトアップされた氷像がまるで別世界を創り出し写真撮影にも最適です。 3. 層雲峡氷瀑まつり冒険と癒しの楽園 層雲峡氷瀑まつり公式HP 場所上川町(層雲峡温泉)日程: 2025年1月25日〜3月9日 大雪山の麓で開催される層雲峡氷瀑まつりは家族連れやアウトドア愛好家に最適です約30基の氷像の間を歩いたり氷の滑り台やトンネルで遊んだりできます夜はライトアップされまるで別世界にいるかのような体験ができます特に私が感動したのは氷の滑り台を子どもたちが楽しそうに滑る姿です大人も子どもも一緒に遊べる雰囲気がありとても和やかでした。after that、温泉街の露店で出会った地元産のジンギスカンを堪能雪に囲まれながら暖かい料理を味わう瞬間が最高でした。 Reason for popularity: 家族で楽しめるアクティビティが充実しており大自然の壮大さと相まって心に残る思い出を作れます。Also、温泉街とのセットで楽しむことで冒険と癒しを同時に味わえます。 4. 旭川冬まつりアートとコミュニティが光る祭典 場所旭川市日程: 2025年2月6日〜2月11日 旭川冬まつりはアートとコミュニティの融合が特徴です特に「氷彫刻世界大会」では世界中のアーティストが技を競い合い観客を驚かせます会場では地元グルメも堪能でき暖かい人々の交流が訪れる人々を魅了します私は氷彫刻の制作過程をじっくり観察し完成品の繊細なディテールに心を打たれましたその場でアーティストと話をすることができたのも貴重な体験でした。Also、地元特産のスイーツを食べながら友人とライブステージを楽しむひと時も思い出深いです。 Reason for popularity: 氷と雪を使った芸術作品のクオリティが高くさらに市民参加型のイベントとして温かさを感じられます英語での案内も充実しているため海外からの観光客にもおすすめです。 5. おびひろ氷まつり地元愛が詰まった小さな宝石 場所帯広市(緑ヶ丘公園)日程: 2025年1月31日〜2月2日 帯広で開催されるおびひろ氷まつりは規模は小さいものの地元文化と温かいおもてなしが魅力です氷雪像や氷の彫刻夜空を彩る花火大会そして地元の食材を活かした料理が訪れる人々を虜にします私が訪れた夜地元の人々と一緒に焚火を囲みながら花火を眺めました満天の星空の下地元産のサツマイモの甘さが一層際立ち心がほっこり温まりましたこの親密な雰囲気がこの祭りを特別なものにしています。 Reason for popularity: 地元文化への愛と温かさが小規模ながら心に残る特別な体験を提供します。moreover、地元の人々との交流を楽しみたい方には特におすすめですコメント欄にぜひご感想を! あなたはどの祭りに行ってみたいですか? コメント欄で教えてください!行ったことがある方はぜひ体験談をシェアしてくださいこの記事が役立ったらブックマークやシェアもよろしくお願いします北海道の雪祭りでしか味わえない感動をぜひ一緒に楽しみましょう!

思わず訪れたくなる!日本のサスティナブルツーリズムの魅力と体験談Recommended sightseeing route


世界中で注目を集める『サスティナブルツーリズム』。this is、観光地の自然環境や文化を守りながら地域社会に貢献する観光の形です。The background is、気候変動や環境破壊が進む中で観光による負担を軽減しつつ持続可能な発展を目指すという目的があります。for example、観光客が増えすぎることで地域資源が枯渇したり住民の生活に悪影響が出る「オーバーツーリズム」の問題が世界的に深刻な事態となっていますサスティナブルツーリズムはこのような課題を解決しながら旅行者に豊かな体験を提供するもの多くの旅行者が「旅を通じて地球に優しくありたい」と考えるようになり関心が高まっています。In this article、私「ペンシルケース」が実際に体験した日本のサスティナブルツーリズムの素晴らしい実例をご紹介します! 白川村——世界遺産を未来へつなぐレスポンブル・ツーリズム 岐阜県の白川村は、1995年12月にユネスコの世界遺産に認定された合掌造りの家々が立ち並ぶ美しい村です。When I first visited、静寂さと歴史的な雰囲気に圧倒されました。but、人気観光地ゆえに訪れる観光客の混雑やマナー問題は深刻ですそこで村では観光客に文化や生活を尊重する行動を促すマナー啓発や混雑予想カレンダーを提供しています特に混雑予想カレンダーを活用し訪問者が事前にピーク時間を避けることで快適な観光体験ができるよう配慮されています。Also、一部の日程では入場制限を設けることで観光客の集中を分散させ住民の生活環境を守る工夫がなされています。moreover、予約制やチケット制を導入することで計画的な観光を促進しよりスムーズで快適な観光体験を提供する取り組みも進められていますそれによって混雑のピークを避けることで観光客の満足度を高めつつ住民の日常生活への影響を最小限に抑える工夫がされています私が白川村で印象に残ったのは地元の方々の温かいもてなしと観光地としての責任感でした地元ガイドさんから聞いた「観光で村が救われたけど守る努力も必要なんです」という言葉は心に響きましたなぜ人気? みなかみ町——自然と共生する冒険 群馬県のみなかみ町はアウトドア好きにはたまらない場所ですラフティングやハイキングを楽しみながら自然環境の保護意識を高める仕組みが整っています。 Also、温泉地としても知られ地元の源泉を活用したエコフレンドリーな温泉施設が多く存在します観光客は自然に優しい取り組みを実践する宿泊施設に滞在しながら地元の食材を使った郷土料理を味わうこともできます。moreover、伝統工芸や農業体験を通じて地域文化に触れる機会も提供されていますこうした多面的なサスティナブルツーリズムの取り組みがみなかみ町の魅力をさらに引き立てています私もラフティングに挑戦し大自然の迫力を肌で感じました地元のガイドさんが「川の清流を守るためにゴミを持ち帰ることの重要性」や「観光が環境保全にどう繋がるのか」を話してくれましたその熱意が観光の価値を深めてくれますなぜ人気? 上勝町——ごみゼロのまちが魅せる未来 徳島県の上勝町は、2003年にゼロ・ウェイストを掲げている日本初の自治体です。When you visit、リサイクルステーションや地元産素材を活用したカフェなど循環型社会の最先端を体験できます私もここでリサイクル体験をしゴミを細かく分別するプロセスや地域住民の努力を直接学びました観光客がリサイクルに参加できる仕組みは自分自身の生活にも役立つ学びが多いです「観光が地域の持続可能性に貢献できる」という新しい視点を学んだ貴重な時間でしたなぜ人気? 釜石市——生きた博物館を歩く 岩手県の釜石市は市全体を“オープンフィールドミュージアム”として活用するユニークな取り組みを行っています。2018年には日本初の「世界の持続可能な観光地100選」に選出されその後も連続して選ばれています。Also、2019年には「グリーン・デスティネーションズ・アワード」のブロンズ賞を受賞し、2022年にはシルバー賞を獲得するなど国際的にも評価を受けています釜石市には震災からの復興をテーマに地域の自然や文化を体験できるプログラムが豊富です。for example、被災地ガイドツアーでは現地の住民が震災時の経験や復興の歩みを直接語ってくれます。Also、漁業体験プログラムでは地元の漁師とともに新鮮な海産物を収穫しその場で味わうこともできますこれらのプログラムを通じて観光客は復興への努力を肌で感じ地域の生活と深く関わることができます。 When I visited、地元の漁師さんから「津波で全てを失ったけれど復興を支えてくれる観光客が私たちの希望です」と語られたことが印象的でした復興の歩みを体験できる観光プログラムや地元の新鮮な海産物を楽しむ機会もあり観光客として深いつながりを感じましたなぜ人気? 美瑛町——自然と農業の調和を楽しむ 北海道の美瑛町はどこまでも続く丘陵とカラフルな花畑で有名です。but、その美しい景観の裏には持続可能な農業への努力があります。2023年4月には「美瑛町持続可能な観光目的地実現条例」を施行し観光と環境保全の両立を目指した取り組みを強化しています。Also、同年にはUNWTO(国連世界観光機関)から「ベスト・ツーリズム・ビレッジ」に認定され世界的にも持続可能な観光地として評価されました私も農業体験に参加し地元の農家さんから「農薬を抑えた環境配慮型の農業」や「景観保全の重要性」について直接学びました。Also、地元の新鮮な食材を使った料理は格別で農業と観光がどのように結びついているかを実感しましたなぜ人気? コメントであなたの意見を聞かせてください! この記事を読んでどの観光地に興味を持ちましたか?例えば「釜石市の漁業体験プログラムに参加してみたい」や「美瑛町で農業体験をしてみたい」など具体的に教えていただけると嬉しいです!また実際に訪れたことがある方はその体験や印象をぜひシェアしてくださいサスティナブルツーリズムを通じて感じたことや他のおすすめの観光地も教えていただけると大変参考になります! この記事をブックマークしてお友達にもシェアしてくださいね日本の美しい観光地を未来へつなぐため一緒に行動を始めましょう!

日本のエコツーリズムで自然と文化を体験しよう!Recommended sightseeing route


こんにちは!日本の魅力を世界に伝えるブロガーペンシルケースです。In this article、日本を訪れる外国人観光客にぜひ知ってほしい魅力的なエコツーリズムについてご紹介しますエコツーリズムとは? エコツーリズムとは自然環境や地域文化を尊重しながら観光を楽しむ新しいスタイルの旅行ですこのスタイルの最大の特徴は観光客が訪れることで地域の自然や文化資源を守り地域経済の発展にも寄与することにあります。Also、観光客自身も環境や文化の価値を学びより深い旅の体験を得ることができます。 for example、ガイド付きのハイキングや自然観察ツアー地元住民との交流を通じた文化体験などが含まれます。In Japan、このエコツーリズムが特に注目されており美しい自然や独自の文化を守りながら楽しめる観光地が数多く存在していますその中でも特におすすめしたい4つのスポットをご紹介します最後まで読んでお気に入りの場所を見つけてくださいね! 1. 屋久島神秘の森で自然を満喫する旅 屋久島ってどんな場所? 鹿児島県に位置する屋久島はユネスコの世界自然遺産にも登録されている島で豊かな生態系と樹齢数千年の屋久杉が有名です「1か月に35日雨が降る」と表現されるほどの湿潤な気候が特徴でこの豊富な雨が島の独特な自然環境を育んでいます苔むした森や清らかな渓流が点在し多種多様な動植物が生息するまさに「生命の宝庫」です登山やハイキングを楽しむことができるコースも充実しており縄文杉トレッキングや白谷雲水峡の散策は訪れる人々に深い感動を与えてくれますエコツーリズムの取り組み 屋久島では環境保護を最優先にしたガイドツアーが実施されていますツアーガイドは厳しい認定制度を経て資格を取得しており訪問者に自然や文化の魅力を伝えながら自然環境への影響を最小限に抑えています。Also、地域資源の適正管理にも力を入れており訪問者がマナーを守りながら楽しめる仕組みを整えています訪れた感想ペンシルケースの体験談 私が訪れた時初めて目にした屋久杉の圧倒的な存在感に感動しました!ガイドさんが教えてくれたエコツーリズムの取り組みや森に息づく生物たちの話を聞きながら歩いたトレイルは忘れられません。 2. Shirakami Mountains:ブナ林で癒しのひとときを 白神山地ってどんな場所? 青森県と秋田県にまたがる白神山地は世界最大級の原生的なブナ林が広がるエリアでユネスコの世界自然遺産に登録されています手つかずの森には清らかな渓流が流れ多種多様な動植物が息づいています春には新緑が輝き夏には涼しい木陰が心地よく秋にはブナの葉が黄金色に染まり冬には静寂に包まれる雪景色が広がります四季折々の表情を見せる白神山地は訪れるたびに新鮮な感動を与えてくれますエコツーリズムの取り組み 地域主体のエコツーリズムが推進され自然の保全と活用のバランスを保ちながら観光が進められています地元のガイドさんがツアーを通じて白神山地の文化や自然の魅力を詳しく紹介してくれるのも魅力の一つです訪れた感想ペンシルケースの体験談 ブナ林の中を歩くと足元に広がる落ち葉の香りや木漏れ日の美しさに心が癒されます地元のガイドさんに教えてもらったブナの木が地域の生活とどのように関わってきたかという話もとても興味深かったです。 3. Shiretoko:野生動物と触れ合える冒険 知床ってどんな場所? 北海道の東端に位置する知床は手つかずの自然が残る貴重な場所です世界自然遺産に登録されており海と山が織りなすダイナミックな景観と多様な生態系が魅力です春から夏にかけては流氷が溶けヒグマやエゾシカが活発に動き出す季節冬には知床半島周辺のオホーツク海に流氷が押し寄せ幻想的な白銀の世界が広がります流氷ウォークやスノーシューハイキングなど季節ごとに異なるアクティビティも楽しめます。Also、知床の海にはラッコやシャチなどの海洋生物も生息しクルーズツアーに参加すれば野生動物との出会いも期待できますエコツーリズムの取り組み 知床では「知床ルール」が制定され観光客が自然環境に負荷をかけないよう配慮されていますこのルールにはヒグマなどの野生動物への適切な距離の保持や登山道・遊歩道の適正利用などが含まれており訪れる人々が自然と共生する意識を持てるよう工夫されています。Also、自然観察ツアーや環境教育プログラムも豊富で訪問者が単に景色を楽しむだけでなく知床の生態系や環境保護の重要性を深く理解できる仕組みが整っていますカヤックやトレッキング流氷ウォークなど四季折々のアクティビティを通じて知床の壮大な自然を五感で体験することができます訪れた感想ペンシルケースの体験談 カヤックで海から見た知床の断崖絶壁は圧巻でした!ツアーガイドの方からヒグマや海鳥の生態について詳しく教えてもらい大自然の力強さを肌で感じました。 4. 阿蘇ジオパーク地球の歴史を感じる旅 阿蘇ジオパークってどんな場所? 熊本県に位置する阿蘇ジオパークは世界ジオパークに認定されており巨大なカルデラと活火山が織りなす壮大な景観が特徴です阿蘇山は現在も活動を続ける火山でありそのダイナミックな自然現象を間近で体感できる貴重な場所です春から夏にかけては一面の緑の草原が広がり秋には黄金色のススキが揺れる幻想的な景色を楽しめます。moreover、阿蘇の湧水や温泉も豊富で自然の恵みを存分に味わうことができますまさに地球の鼓動を感じることができるスポットですエコツーリズムの取り組み 地域住民と連携した草原の維持やジオツアーの実施を通じて自然環境の保全が進められています阿蘇では地域住民が長年にわたり野焼きを行い草原の維持管理を続けています。This results in、多様な生態系が保たれ美しい景観が維持されています観光客は火山活動の歴史や地域の文化を学びながらダイナミックな地質の魅力を堪能できますジオツアーでは阿蘇のカルデラの成り立ちや火山の影響を間近で感じることができまるで地球の鼓動を体感するような貴重な体験ができます。Also、阿蘇の温泉や湧水も火山活動と密接に関わっており自然の恵みを身近に感じることができます訪れた感想ペンシルケースの体験談 カルデラの中をドライブしたとき広がる草原と山々に思わず息を飲みました地元の方が語る火山と共に生きる暮らしの話も心に響きましたコメント欄にぜひご感想を! 日本には美しい自然を守りながら楽しむことができるエコツーリズムの魅力的なスポットがたくさんありますこの記事で紹介した屋久島、Shirakami Mountains、Shiretoko、阿蘇ジオパークはその代表例です。 please、次の旅行先として訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか?またこの記事をブックマークしておけば計画を立てる際に役立ちます! コメントであなたの感想や行きたい場所をシェアしてくださいね!他の読者と情報交換をして旅のアイデアを膨らませましょう!

Recommended sightseeing route

🐱✨ Japan's Cat Island is extremely popular overseas! A relaxing moment with the cats in Aoshima [Complete Guide] ✨🐱

"There's a dream paradise in Japan that cat lovers can't resist!" For cat lovers, "They're a paradise that cat lovers can't take!"、There are no better spots in Japan。That's、This is Aoshima, Ehime Prefecture, known as "Cat Island"! In this small fishing village、For only 22 residents、Over 120 cats live freely🐾💕。It's like you've been lost in the world of Ghibli、Cats' paradise。 why、Will there be so many foreign tourists visiting? Access methods and local precautions、With actual experiences I visited、We will bring you plenty of Aoshima's charms! If you read to the end、You'll definitely want to go to Nekojima too.🐾✨ [Why is Cat Island in Japan popular with foreigners? 】 ① "Cat Paradise" is a rare world-class area. There are islands in the world that have many cats.、It's rare to find an island where cats are so crowded! And、The charming townscape unique to Japan、A small island surrounded by calm seas。I was attracted to the beautiful scenery where cats live leisurely.、Many foreign tourists visit。 ② Packed with photo spots that are perfect for social media📸✨ For cat lovers、No more photogenic place。Many cats live at their own pace、Bathing in the sun、They play like a scene from a movie! Search for "#Aoshima #Nekojima" on Instagram or YouTube、You'll find countless posts🐱📷。 ③ Experience Japan's "animal-friendly culture" since ancient times、We have cherished cats as "a lucky presence."。The cats in Aoshima、I live peacefully, loved by people。Overseas, it is often thought of as "stray cats = dangerous" and "existence"、Here in Aoshima、Cats coexist like "island residents."🐾。 ④ Enjoy a little adventure feeling. How to go to Aoshima、Cross the sea for about 30 minutes by boat🚢。and、There are no convenience stores or vending machines on the island! "It's a place that's a bit difficult to access、It's worth going."、It's a special experience for overseas travelers。 [I actually went to Aoshima!] Experience Report] 🚢 1. First off, head to Aoshima from Matsuyama Station! Approximately 1 hour from Matsuyama Station to Iyo Nagahama Station。From there, you will arrive in Aoshima in about 30 minutes by ferry! There are only two ferries per day (morning and afternoon)。✅ Morning flight → Stay for 8 hours✅ Afternoon flight → Stay for 70 minutes "Which is better?" → My recommendation is afternoon flight! If it's an hour、You can play with the cats well🐾💖。 🐱 2. Finally landed on Nekojima! When I descend to Aoshima、Several cats have already welcomed us! If there are friendly kids too、Some children are a little wary。 Walking through the island、Cat basking in the sun、Cats playing together、Cat taking a nap... It's like a cat's paradise🐱💕。but、There are fewer cats than I imagined。I received lots of food from tourists who visited in the morning.、It looks like I'm full🐟🍴。 🍙 3....

[おすすめ]広島は"サ旅"の聖地!観光と一緒に"ととのう"旅Recommended sightseeing route

🛫[Recommended] Hiroshima”Travel”The sacred place! Along with sightseeing”Totono”Journey⛩️

A must-see for sauna lovers! Hiroshima is”Travel”It was the perfect city for you! ? Hello! I'm "ABETACK" a blogger who loves saunas and hot springs.😊♨️ Do you know "Sauna + Travel"? This is a new style of travel where you can enjoy sightseeing and gourmet food while enjoying the sauna! And... Hiroshima is actually the perfect city for traveling to the public.🔥 🌟 Why Hiroshima is suitable for traveling to the public 🌟✅ A wide range of attractive saunas and hot spring facilities!✅ It goes great with Hiroshima gourmet food (okonomiyaki, oysters, sake)!✅ Enjoy it in conjunction with tourist attractions (Itsukushima Shrine and Atomic Bomb Dome)! In the sauna”Together”Enjoy Hiroshima while enjoying it! Here are 5 recommended saunas for traveling to Hiroshima! We have compiled the prices and recommended points for each facility in detail.、Please check it out✨ 🏆 A must-have spot for traveling to Hiroshima! 5 recommended saunas 1. Hiroshima Capsule Hotel&Sauna bedrock bath New Japan EX 🏨♨️ 💡 This is amazing!✔ Fully equipped with Autorou and Finland sauna!✔ It's a capsule hotel and is reasonably priced, even with accommodation included!✔ Relax and detox in the mugwort mist sauna! 📍 Access: 8-8 Yakukenbori, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City (5 minutes' walk from Ginzancho Station) 🕒 Open 24 hours 💰 Price List Plan Price (tax included) Sauna usage Starting from 1,500 yen Accommodation (capsule hotel) Starting from 3,500 yen 🗣 User comments: "Please stay after sightseeing、And it comes with a sauna! The best cost performance! ” 2. Shioya Natural Hot Spring Honoyu Rakusoen 🛁💆‍♂️ 💡 This is amazing!✔ 14A variety of baths! The hot spring bath and carbonated spring warm your body all the way to the core!✔ Also equipped with a rock bath with excellent detoxification effect!✔ A hot spring sauna with the best value for money, loved by locals! 📍 Access: 5-7-1 Rakugoen, Saeki-ku, Hiroshima City (6 minutes' walk from Rakugoen Tram Stop)..

これが日本の最恐事故物件!こんな部屋に住める?Japanese trivial knowledge

This is Japan's most terrifying accident property! Can you live in a room like this?

everyone、In Japan”Accidental properties”It is called、Did you know that there are some mysterious and slightly chilling properties? What is an accident property?、People have died in the past、It refers to the room where an incident or an unfortunate event occurred。Such properties have cheaper rent than usual、Some people live out of curiosity、Many enthusiasts go on a journey to find a property, saying, "It's scary, but I want to see it!"。 This time we've picked out three of the most famous and most terrifying properties in Japan that are rumored to be the "most terrifying"! But don't worry。This article isn't just scary、Delivered in a bright and fun tone。At the end you might think, "Maybe I want to live there?" Sapporo apartments:The next room is,What a setting for a major incident! ? First, we have an apartment in Sapporo, Hokkaido。This property、This is a rare example of two major incidents occurring one after another in a room next to each other.。The incident began in 2015.、It was a shocking incident in which her ex-boyfriend strangled her ex-girlfriend who lives in the next room.。 "picture、Why did they live next to each other? ? "I want to make you say, "、Furthermore, the following month, a fire broke out in the next room.。The cause of the fire has not been clarified、This series of misfortunes has become quite a hot topic in the local area.。Now、This property can be rented at a low price.、Some say that "neighbor troubles are scarier than ghosts."。 Detached houses in Kyoto prefecture:What was found under the floor… Next is a detached house in Kyoto Prefecture。This is a house that looks like an ordinary old Japanese house。but、There was a shocking past hidden there。The incident is caused by a marriage problem。A man who ran a construction company murdered his wife、The body was hidden under the floor.。 "picture、How do you find the underside of the floor? You think, right?。In fact, this incident、Later when I tried to sell my house、It was discovered when a new buyer was trying to renovate the house.。 This house remains undemolished today.、Locals say they should avoid getting close to that house.。It has a presence like a modern haunted house.。 Apartments in Kitakyushu:Tragedy of a mass self-subscriber - The end is Kyushu region、Apartments in Kitakyushu。Here, there was a tragic incident in which four women attempted to self-realize.。This incident was also widely reported on the news at the time.、It shocked many people。 after that、This apartment has become known as an accident property.、It has also attracted attention in some places as a "haunted spot."。but、Surprisingly, some psychic enthusiasts said they would like to stay here.、There are rumors that it has become a popular place.。 however、Real estate agents often hear residents say that "live in this room makes them feel depressed."。If you want to live there, you need to be prepared! Why are accidental properties popular among some enthusiasts? Normally, accidental cases would make you want to avoid them because you think "scary!"。But even so、Why are some people willing to live there? Let's dig a little deeper into why。 1. The appeal of cheap rents: The biggest feature of accidental properties、The cheapest rent after all。It is often 2-30% cheaper than a typical property.、"Even though it's a little scary、If it's cheap, live there! Many people make the most efficient choice.。 2. It's a story about this, but it's important to note that just saying, "I actually live in an accident property" will attract attention from those around you.。Especially in modern times when YouTube and social media have become popular.、More and more people are sharing their experiences in accidental properties as content。 3. Curiosity and Thrills Horror lovers' curiosity, such as "Maybe I'll meet ghosts?" and "What kind of paranormal phenomena will occur?"、This is the reason why accident properties are popular。Matsubara Tanishii's "Accidental Property Ghost Story: Scary Floor Plans" and、Amenaka's horror and mystery works "The Wonderful House" etc.、This is proof that works based on the theme of accidental properties are gaining popularity.。 Accidental properties、Would you live there? Listen to these most terrifying accident properties、How did you feel? If there are some people who think, "I can't do it!"、"I might want to live there a little bit…Some people may have thought, "。Accident properties are certainly places with a terrible history.、That's why it's packed with dramas and mystery.。 Personally、The paranormal phenomena due to psychological flaws are also scary,、What's even more frightening is whether the neighbors will be taking problematic behavior or not.。Living humans are far more dangerous than ghosts.。Is your neighbor okay? Please let me know in the comments。"I can't do it!" and "I'm actually interested!"、I'd like to hear your voice。and、If this story is even a little interesting、Don't forget to share and bookmark it! In the city where you live、Maybe there's a hidden accident property?

「氷点下の奇跡を体感!札幌雪まつりを120%楽しむ    完全ガイド」Recommended sightseeing route

"Experience the miracle of sub-zero temperatures! A complete guide to enjoying the Sapporo Snow Festival to the fullest"

This time、SACO, who attends the Sapporo Snow Festival every year, introduces the "secrets to enjoy it 120%"! If you read this、You can have a heart-warming experience that will make you forget the cold。Under the winter night sky、"Sapporo Snow Festival" is surrounded by silver-white art。Giant snow statue、Shining ice sculpture、A thrilling snow play spreads out、Invite visitors to the world of magic。but、2The highest temperature in Sapporo on the moon is 0℃、Minimum temperature below -10℃。If you take good measures to keep warm、Forget the cold、You can enjoy this winter's miracle to your heart's content! 1. Enjoy a quiet, miraculous night with a trial light. The "trial light" will be held on the eve of the opening of the snow festival.、This is a special event where you can witness the moment when the lit-up snow sculpture is exposed to light for the first time.。There are few tourists too、It's a hidden gem in the silence。 ✨SACO experiences:"The day of the test lights、Temperature**-9℃**。The snow statue that appeared in light、It was like a creature in a dream。 place:Sapporo City Chuo District Oito West 4-10-chome 2. Behind the giant snow sculpture! The unknown behind the scenes of the production: The giant snow sculpture, which can be said to be a symbol of the Sapporo Snow Festival, is、It's not just big。Delicate details and overwhelming power、Many people take their breath。but、How are these snow sculptures made? Until a giant snow sculpture is formed 💡Trivia:For making snow sculptures、The Self-Defense Forces are cooperating。Their advanced technology and teamwork、It supports the perfection of the snow sculpture。 ⛄Impressions of SACO:"When I saw the snow sculpture in the middle of production, I was overwhelmed by the size of the product.。When it's finished, it looks like、It was truly the art of snow and ice! " place:Sapporo City Chuo District Oito West 4-10-chome 3. Morning of the snow sculpture demolished:Let's see the "art of fragility"! Early morning the day after the festival ends、The work to demolish the snow sculpture begins at the main street venue。The sight of heavy machinery collapsing the huge snow sculpture is spectacular、It gives you a sense of the beauty of disappearing art。 my experience: When I saw the snow sculpture collapse、I vowed to come and see him again next year.。The sight of the snow sculpture quietly coming to an end、It's a special scene that touches your heart。 ☕ One point: When I took a hot drink in hand,、You can enjoy watching it without forgetting the cold! place:Sapporo City Chuo District Oito West 4-10-chome 4. Enjoy a special experience at an outdoor skating rink around town! At the Odori venue、The outdoor skating rink that is set up for a limited time is also popular.。A special experience of enjoying skating in the city、It makes you feel like you're in a movie。Illumination lights around the link、At night it has a fantastic atmosphere。 ⛸️ Rental shoes fee included in the skating rink admission fee https://www.uhb.jp/smilerinksapporo2025/ Location:Odori Nishi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 5. Let's immerse ourselves in the "world of jewels" in the ice art area. At the Susukino venue、There is an "Ice Art Area" with ice sculptures。The sculptures made from highly transparent ice、It shows different beauty during the day and at night。 How to enjoy the day and night 💡SACO's comments:"The ice sculpture at night、It was a mysterious sight that seemed to have entered the story.。" address:Sapporo City Chuo District South 4 4 chome ー 6 4 chome ー 4 chome ー 4 chome 6. If you want to enjoy playing in the snow, head to the "Tsudoum Venue"! The "snow play area" at the Sapporo Snow Festival、A popular spot for both children and adults alike。 💡SACO experiences:"Returning to my childhood with my friend on a snow slide、I slid down many times and got a lot of laughs。It's an area that will make you so passionate that you'll forget about the cold! " place: 885-1 Sakaecho, Higashi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 007-0852 7. Barrier-free service is also available! At the Sapporo Snow Festival、Volunteers are active for wheelchair users.、Snow wheelchairs and canes with ice picks、Free rental of cold weather gear and walking assistance、We provide wheelchair assistance。Make everyone enjoyable with peace of mind、There is plenty of support! If you need assistance, we recommend making a reservation。 place: "Business Volunteer House" at Odori 6-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo E-mail:tetote@gamma.ocn.ne.jp 8. Prevent falls! Penguin walks and conquering snowy roads with shoe spikes On snowy roads、Master the "Penguin Walking"! 🐧Penguin walking tips ✨Secret weapon:Attaching removable shoe spikes makes it less slippery。However, it is easier to slip in underground walking spaces, so please remove it.。 9. Warmthy even under freezing temperatures! SACO style - the ultimate cold protection measure 🧣SACO's cold weather list...

魅力満載!福島で体験する感動の観光スポット5選Recommended sightseeing route

Full of charm! 5 impressive sightseeing spots to experience in Fukushima

In Fukushima Prefecture、There are many spots that attract visitors。In this article、Historical famous spaces、beautiful nature、And we will deliver the charm of Fukushima Prefecture, which is full of cultural experiences that will heal your heart.。In particular, we carefully selected five tourist destinations that are popular among travelers from overseas.。As a destination for the next trip、Please consider it! 1,Tsuruga Castle (TSURUGA Castle): Tsuruga Castle in Aizuwakamatsu City, the only red tile in Japan、It is the only historic castle with a red tiled castle tower in Japan.。Known as a fierce battlefield of the Boshin War、It is also famous as a famous cherry blossom spot.。In the spring, the cherry blossoms in full bloom surround the castle、Beautiful scenery spreads。Admission is 410 yen for adults、Elementary and junior high school students 150 yen and affordable、You can also purchase a common ticket with the tea room "Rinkaku" for 520 yen.。 Why should I go? This place where you can deepen history and culture、Perfect for those who want to touch Japanese traditions。SNS has become a hot topic as "one of the most beautiful castles in Japan".、Ideal as a photo spot while traveling。 2,Ouchijuku (OUCHI-JUKU): Ouchijuku in Shimogo -cho, Minami -Aizu -gun, in the post town of the Edo period、It is a place where you can feel the post town of the Edo period itself.。This cityscape lined with thatched roofs、It creates a unique atmosphere as if time had stopped。Please try the local specialty "Takato Soba"。 Why should I go? You can enjoy it for free、The cityscape that shines in photos is also very popular with foreign tourists。Word -of -mouth websites have also been highly evaluated as "a place where you can enjoy the good old atmosphere of Japan".。 3,Aquamarine Fukushima (Aquamarine Fukushima): Aquamarine Fukushima in Iwaki City, aquarium where you can enjoy while learning environmental protection、A unique aquarium that displays about 800 kinds of marine creatures。There are many exhibits on the theme of environmental protection、Popular as a spot that balances learning and fun。Admission is 1,850 yen for adults、The dwarf is 900 yen。 Why should I go? Full of content that can be enjoyed by children to adults。Ideal as a destination for family trips、The review that "the child was delighted" stands out。 4,Spa Resort Hawaiians (Spa Resort Hawaiians): Enjoy Hawaii mood in Japan, Spa Resort Hawaiians in Iwaki City、It is a resort facility where you can enjoy the tropical atmosphere.。Hula dance show, indoor spa, etc.、There are plenty of activities that you can enjoy all day。Admission is 4,000 yen for adults (depending on the season)、The content is satisfactory enough。 Why should I go? In a unique place where you can experience Hawaii while in Japan、Especially recommended for rainy days and winter trips。Foreign tourists have been highly evaluated as "Entertainment is enriched".。 5,Five -colored swamp (GOSHIKINUMA): The Mysterious Lake Group Urabandai area where the color changes is located.、It is a mysterious lake group that changes the color of the water depending on the time zone and light.。You can stroll for free、You can enjoy nature through hiking courses and boat experiences。 Why should I go? It is a spot where you can feel the beautiful nature of Fukushima with your skin.。Many voices such as "breathtaking scenery" in travelers reviews.。 A memorable experience in Fukushima Prefecture! These sightseeing spots、It symbolizes the diverse charm of Fukushima Prefecture。history、nature、Culture ... all special experiences are waiting。In the wake of this article、Please visit Fukushima Prefecture。Bookmark this information、Please use it for the next travel plan! If you have more detailed information and maps、Preparing for travel makes it smoother。Enjoy a wonderful time in Fukushima Prefecture!

【2025年最新版】千葉県のおすすめ観光地10選!定番・穴場・絶景スポットを厳選Recommended sightseeing route

[The latest version of 2025] 10 recommended sightseeing spots in Chiba Prefecture! Carefully selected classic, secrets, and superb view spots

Chiba prefecture、While located near Tokyo、rich nature、Beautiful coastline、Historical famous spaces、And world -renowned theme parks, etc.、It is an area with a variety of charms。Therefore、There are many spots that foreign tourists visiting Japan cannot be overlooked.。This time、We will carefully select recommended sightseeing spots in Chiba Prefecture and introduce 10 places.。 Tokyo Disneyland is located in Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture、A theme park loved by Disney fans around the world。There are various attractions and parades、You can enjoy it all day long from children to adults。especially、Seasonal events and limited goods have new discoveries every time you visit。 Tokyo DisneySea Tokyo DisneySea、At Disney Park with the theme of the sea、It features an atmosphere full of exoticism.。There are many attractions and shows for adults、You can enjoy a romantic atmosphere。Especially the night illuminations are fantastic、Recommended for couples。 Naritayama Shinshoji Temple in Narita Mountain Shinshoji Temple in Narita City、1000In a temple with a history of over the year、Many worshipers visit throughout the year。Beautiful gardens and historic buildings are dotted in the precincts、You can feel a traditional Japanese culture。Especially for the first year of the New Year, it is crowded with many people。 Kamogawa Sea World is located in Kamogawa City, Kamogawa Sea World、It is a famous aquarium with jerche and dolphin performance.。Interacting with sea creatures、Various exhibitions are attractive、Especially popular among tourists with families。Also、There are many restaurants and shops in the hall.、It is a spot that you can enjoy all day。 Naritasan Park, which is adjacent to Naritayama Park Naritayama Shinshoji Temple, is、In a Japanese garden with a vast site、You can enjoy the seasonal nature。Especially in the autumn leaves season, many people come、I am fascinated by its beauty。There are also ponds and waterfalls in the park、You can heal your heart while walking。 Sake Sakei Premium Outlet Sakai Premium Outlet、It is a large outlet mall where famous domestic and overseas brands gather。Close to Narita Airport、Ideal for enjoying shopping between travel。On the spacious premises、There are a variety of shops and restaurants、You can enjoy it all day。 Tokyo German Village located in Tokyo German Village Sodigaura City、It is a theme park that reproduces the German rural landscape.。Seasonal flowers are in full bloom、Especially the winter illuminations boast one of the best beauty in the Kanto region.。Also、There are also many attractions such as turf sleds and putter golf.、It is a popular spot for families。 Funabashi Andersen Park Funabashi Andersen Park is in Funabashi City、It is a park with the theme of Denmark culture and landscape.。On the vast premises、Flowers and windmills、Contact corner with animals、Athletic, etc.、Various areas are spreading。As a spot for children to adults、Especially popular with families。 Mother ranch is located in Mother Ranch Futtsu City、It is a sightseeing ranch where you can enjoy interacting with animals and seasonal flowers.。Sheep marches, cow milking experience, etc.、Various events are being held、Especially popular with families。Also、You can also enjoy fresh dairy products and gourmet gourmet food in the park in the park.、It is a beautiful sandy beach with a total length of about 66 km spread in eastern Chiba Prefecture.。Surfing and sea bathing、Beach combing, etc.、You can enjoy various activities。Also、There are many restaurants along the sea that provide fresh seafood、Enjoy the tongue of the visitors。 In Chiba prefecture、A historic temple from a world -famous theme park、To parks and coasts with rich nature、There are a variety of sightseeing spots。Family travel、Travel between friends、Couple date、Traveling alone, etc.、It is an attractive area that you can enjoy in various scenes。 The 10 sightseeing spots introduced this time、It is only a place where you can fully feel the charm of Chiba prefecture.。Please incorporate it into the next trip plan。 Also、There are still many attractive spots in Chiba Prefecture。There should be new discoveries every time you visit。Find your favorite place、Please enjoy the charm of Chiba prefecture!

埼玉県の絶景スポット10選!自然美と歴史を巡る旅Recommended sightseeing route

10 superb view spots in Saitama Prefecture! Travel around nature and history

While just one hour from Tokyo、Saitama Prefecture has many beautiful nature and historical famous spots.。It may not be worldwide like Mt. Fuji、There are plenty of spots in Saitama where you can feel "Japanese".。History temple、Beautiful scenery of each season、A unique cultural experience — these are、For foreign tourists visiting Japan、It's just a "hidden jewelry"。 In this article、Introducing 10 superb view spots in Saitama Prefecture.。Spots that show photos、A place where you can feel history in silence、A summary of sightseeing spots where you can learn more about Japanese culture.。If you read this article、There is no doubt that you will want to visit on the next trip to Japan! The unknown view of Japan is here! Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine over sightseeing spots in Saitama - Kawagoe Shrine Kawagoe Shrine for marriage、1500Has a history of more than a year、Famous as a marriage shrine。There is a summer event in the precincts where "marriage wind chimes" are displayed.、You can enjoy a fantastic atmosphere。Also、Items such as "Koi Mikuji" and "Enmusubi ball" are also popular.、It is a spot where many couples and friends visit。 Railway Museum -Railway Museum to learn Japanese railway culture、In a facility where you can learn the history of Japanese railways、The exhibition of Shinkansen and steam locomotives is substantial。especially、Driving simulators are popular as an experience -type exhibition that can be enjoyed by children to adults.。The miniature railway diorama is also worth seeing、It is a must -see spot for railway fans。 Time Bell - The bell at the symbolic landmark of Kawagoe is、It is a symbol of Kawagoe's symbol since the Edo period.。Even now, the sound of the bell sounds four times a day、It complements the atmosphere of the city。Retro cafes and souvenir shops are lined up around、It's a fun spot just to take a walk。especially、The bell lit up at dusk is very beautiful、It is also popular as a point that looks like a photo。 Kawagoe Ichiban Shopping Street -Walk around the cityscape of the Edo period Kawagoe Ichibancho Shopping Street、In the historic area where the cityscape of the Edo period remains、Known as "Kaedo"。Here is a traditional Japanese confectionery、You can enjoy sweet potato sweets。Also、There are also many traditional crafts、It is the perfect place for finding souvenirs unique to Kawagoe.。 Saitama City Omiya Bonsai Museum -Experience Bonsai Culture Omiya Bonsai Museum、In a facility where you can learn Japanese bonsai culture、Many tourists from Japan and overseas visit。Various types of bonsai are on display in the hall、You can enjoy the changing changes in four seasons。Also、There are also a variety of explanations about the history of bonsai and how to train.、It is especially recommended for those who are interested in Japanese culture.。 Kumagaya Sakuratsutsumi - Enjoy the spring of Japan Kumagaya Sakuratsutsumi、It is a famous cherry blossom spot that was also selected as 100 Sakura famous places.。The row of cherry blossom trees that last about 2 km along the Arakawa embankment、It blooms all at once in the spring、Create a masterpiece scenery。Especially from late March to early April、Many cherry blossoms visit、Enjoy picnics、It's full of people who take photos。 Light -up is also performed at night、You can enjoy the fantastic cherry blossoms at night。Also、A walking path to walk in the cherry blossom tunnel is also well maintained.、You can relax and enjoy the spring atmosphere。Recommended spot for families and couples。 Kawagoe Kumano Shrine - Relaxing Kawagoe Kumano Shrine on the foot approach、It is a historic shrine loved by local people.。Especially the "foot pot approach" on the precincts is famous、You can expect health promotion by walking barefoot on the cobblestone road。The visitors、You can check your physical condition while having fun。There is also a stone statue of "Yatagarasu" on the grounds.、It is said that there is a benefit to improving luck。 Berna Dome (Seibu Dome) - Sports and Events Sacred Land Berna Dome (formerly Seibu Dome), famous as the home of Seibu Lions, a professional baseball team in Japan。For sports fans, a sacred place、Not only baseball games、Concerts and events are also held frequently。Because it is a covered and closed dome、It is also attractive that you can enjoy it without worrying about the weather。 Chichibu Sanmine Shrine --Sure Power Spot Chichibu Mine Shrine is、It is a mysterious shrine in the mountains at an altitude of 1,100 meters.。Also known as one of the best power spots in Kanto、Often wrapped in fog、There is a fantastic atmosphere。The decoration of the shrine is vivid、It further enhances the mysterious atmosphere。The view from the top of the mountain is also superb、It's a worthwhile spot to visit。 Saitama Stadium 2002 - A must -see for a soccer fan Japanese national national team and J -League games will be held、Japan's largest soccer stadium。The distance between the pitch and the audience is close、You can fully enjoy the presence of the game。Even a day without a match、Stadium tour is being held、You can see the player's locker room and pitch。 A trip around Saitama sightseeing spots、Please enjoy it!

茨城県の魅力満載!おすすめ観光スポット5選Recommended sightseeing route

Full of the charm of Ibaraki prefecture! 5 recommended sightseeing spots

Ibaraki Prefecture、Excellent access from Tokyo、It is a tourist spot in a secret place where many beautiful spots that are not yet known are scattered.。history、nature、There are plenty of places where you can enjoy beautiful landscapes、A perfect area for travelers who want to relax and avoid congestion。In this article、We will carefully select and introduce the five hot spots to visit in Ibaraki Prefecture.。 Enjoy the beauty of the seasons — Hitachi Seaside Park Hitachi Seaside Park in Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture、It is a vast park where seasonal flowers are in full bloom.。A blue carpet with a nemophila spread all over in the spring、In the fall, bright red Kokia became a highlight、You can enjoy the superb view as if you were in a painting。Also、Seasonal events are held in the park、Recommended for families and couples。The admission fee is an affordable price of 450 yen for adults.。 Online reputation: "Instagram scenery!"。Many beautiful photos are posted on Instagram。 History and silence are in harmony - Kairakuen in Mito City Kairakuen、One of the three famous gardens in Japan、Known as a historic garden。Especially in the plum season, more than 3,000 plum blossoms are in full bloom.、The beauty is captured by its beauty。In the garden、Quiet time flows、You can experience the depth of Japanese culture while taking a walk。The entrance fee is 320 yen for adults。 Online reputation: There are many evaluations that "the garden design is wonderful"、It is popular as a place where you can relax while feeling history.。 The Giant Buddha statue in the world — Ushiku Daibutsu is located in Ushiku City、Recognized as the Guinness record as the world's largest Buddha statue that boasts 120 meters high.。There is an exhibition inside the Great Buddha where you can learn Buddhist culture.、From the observatory, you can overlook the beautiful scenery of Ibaraki。moreover、The surrounding gardens are also worth seeing、You can enjoy the scenery that changes every season。Admission is 800 yen for adults。 Online reputation: "A feeling of overwhelming scale" and "power beyond photos"、Many visitors share surprise。 A superb view of nature woven —Bakurota Falls in Daigo -cho, Ibaraki Prefecture、One of Japan's three famous waterfalls、It is a superb view spot where you can enjoy the seasonal expressions.。Especially the autumn leaves season and the frozen winter waterfalls are breathtaking beauty.、Enchants the visitors。There is also a promenade to proceed near the waterfall.、It is attractive that you can feel the power of nature up close.。Admission is 300 yen for adults、Child 150 yen。 Online reputation: It is highly evaluated in Japan and overseas, saying, "The beauty of each four seasons is a picture" and "the season for autumn leaves is particularly wonderful."。 Superb view of the Pacific Ocean and Torii — Oarai Iso -mae Shrine in Oarai -cho, Oarai Isozen Shrine、It is a shrine with a unique view of the sea and torii.。Especially the sight of "Kamiso no Torii", which emerges with the early morning sunrise, is mysterious.、It is very popular with photo lovers。Admission is free、One of the attractions is that you can easily visit。 Online reputation: Great attention as a "mysterious landscape" on Instagram。Many photos are posted。 Visit to Ibaraki Prefecture Ibaraki Prefecture、It is a place where you can provide a special experience that combines rich nature and history.。Also、Because the name recognition as a tourist spot is still modest、You can spend a relaxing time avoiding congestion。There is also good access from Tokyo、The perfect area for day trips。 Please add Ibaraki Prefecture to the next travel plan。If this article is helpful、By all means share with your family and friends、Enjoy a wonderful trip!

新潟県の観光スポット——自然と文化が織りなす極上の旅Recommended sightseeing route

Sightseeing spots in Niigata Prefecture — The finest journey of nature and culture

Japan has many attractive sightseeing spots.、Niigata Prefecture is attracting attention as a region offering a particularly diverse range of experiences.。magnificent nature、rich traditional culture、Delicious food...Visiting Niigata Prefecture、You will be able to experience the depth of Japan.。This time、We will introduce tourist spots in Niigata Prefecture that we especially recommend to foreigners.。 Reasons why Niigata Prefecture is recommended for foreign travelers Niigata Prefecture、A special place where you can enjoy the charms of nature and the city at the same time.。Spectacular views facing the Sea of ​​Japan and seasonal scenery of mountains、Capture the hearts of visitors。Also、Easy access from Tokyo, about 2 hours by Shinkansen、A perfect destination for those who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and rejuvenate。 moreover、Niigata is also famous as a famous production area for sake、You can learn tasting experiences and traditional sake brewing in local sake brewery。Warm hospitality of local people、One of the charms to visit Niigata。 In the following、We will carefully select 5 tourist spots that cannot be removed when visiting Niigata Prefecture.。 1. GALA Yuzawa Ski Resort A ski resort that can be enjoyed by everyone from beginners to advanced skiers GALA Yuzawa Ski Resort is located in Yuzawa Town, Minamiuonuma District.、Excellent access as a ski resort directly connected to the Shinkansen station。Adults: 5,000 yen (depending on season)、We have a variety of courses that can be enjoyed by everyone from beginners to advanced players.。While sliding the pure white snow scene、Inhale the clear air into your chest ... you can experience the charm of winter in Japan。 Tips for how to enjoy: After skiing、Stop at the nearby hot spring and warm your body。Cooking using local ingredients is also fun after skiing。 Online reputation: On travel review sites、"Good access、Highly rated as a ski resort that you can enjoy on a day trip。Especially from foreign tourists、Many people say it's convenient and has rental equipment.。 2. Kiyotsu Gorge Enjoy the natural beauty of each season Kiyotsu Gorge in Tokamachi City、Known as one of the three major valleys in Japan。Adult 800 yen、You can stroll through the Kiyotsu Gorge Valley Tunnel for 400 yen for children、You can enjoy beautiful natural scenery every season。The space where the art and the scenery of the valley spread in the tunnel woven、It is a unique charm that you can not taste elsewhere.。 Tips for how to enjoy: Not only autumn leaves and snowy scenery、The fresh greenery of spring and the cool breeze of summer are also exceptional.。Enjoy different beauty depending on the season。 Online reputation: It is popular as a ``spot where you can soothe your soul in the midst of nature.''。Many photos of Kiyotsukyo Tunnel are posted on Instagram.、It is a hot topic as a "photogenic spot"。 3. Imayo Tsukasa Sake Brewery (Imayo Tsukasa Sake Brewery) Learn and experience the charm of Japanese sake Imayo Tsukasa Sake Brewery is located in Niigata City.、This is a sake brewery that you can tour for free.。Here you can learn about the sake manufacturing process.、You can also enjoy tasting。moreover、You can also buy local specialty products。Even beginners can enjoy with peace of mind by explaining a polite guide.。 Tips for how to enjoy: In tasting、From fruity to dry、It's fun to look for your taste。It is also recommended to purchase local sake for souvenirs。 Online reputation: Many reviews say ``The guide is thorough and easy to understand'' and ``You can enjoy the local flavor.''、Especially recommended for travelers who like Japanese sake.。 4. Marine Pier Nihonkai An aquarium that the whole family can enjoy Marine Pier Nihonkai is located in Niigata City.、It is one of the largest aquariums on the Sea of ​​Japan side.。Adult 1,500 yen、Children can enter for 600 yen.、You can enjoy the exhibition of dolphin shows and diverse aquatic organisms。From small children to adults、It is a facility that you can enjoy all day。 Tips for how to enjoy: Check the time schedule for the dolphin show and don't miss it! At the restaurant in the hall, you can also enjoy dishes using the seafood of Niigata。 Online reputation: Many people say it's "perfect for families" and "the dolphin show is amazing"。This is a popular spot especially for tourists with children.。 5. Cape Kakuda Lighthouse The Cape Kakuda Lighthouse in Niigata City is a spectacular spot overlooking the Sea of ​​Japan.、It is a scenic spot that you can visit for free.。You can see the Sea of ​​Japan and Sado Island.、The beauty of the sunset is especially spectacular.。If you visit just in time for sunset、A landscape that will last a lifetime。 Tips for how to enjoy: bring your camera、Try taking photos of the sunset。We also recommend relaxing at a cafe that uses local ingredients on your way home.。 Online reputation: As a "romantic scenery" and "spot that shines in photos"、Popular with travel couples and photograph lovers. Niigata Prefecture has special experiences in Niigata Prefecture.、It is an area that combines the beauty of nature and the depth of culture.。Skiing、Walking in the valley、Sake tasting、Relaxing at an aquarium...Niigata is the only place in the world where you can enjoy so many different experiences in one prefecture.。 If you are unsure of your next travel destination、Please include Niigata Prefecture as a candidate.。You'll discover something new every time you visit.。Bookmark this blog、share with friends and family、Please spread the charm of Niigata even more! A special trip in Niigata、waiting for you。 By visiting Niigata、Rediscover the deep charm of Japan! An unforgettable experience is surely waiting for you.。

「富士山のすべて:なぜこの山が世界中で愛されるのか?」Recommended sightseeing route

“All about Mt. Fuji:Why is this mountain loved all over the world? ”

A special impression created by Mt. Fuji Hello! This is Iwapiko🌸Mt. Fuji - just hearing the name、Many people, even those who are not Japanese, will remember its beautiful appearance.。but、The appeal of Mt. Fuji is not just that it is a beautiful mountain.。A miraculous shape created by nature、Deep history as a symbol of faith and culture、And the emotional experience you can get by actually climbing a mountain.。All of which makes Mt. Fuji special.。 In this article、The unknown history and culture of Mt. Fuji、With my experiences、We will thoroughly dig into why this mountain is loved all over the world.。Some people have never visited Mt. Fuji、After reading this, you will definitely want to go!。 What is Mt. Fuji? Explanation for beginners Mt. Fuji、Located between Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures in Japan, it is the highest mountain in Japan at an altitude of 3,776 meters.。Its perfect conical silhouette、Recognizable at a glance, even from a distance、symbolic presence of Japan。2013In 2007, it was registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site as "Mt. Fuji - Object of Faith and Source of Art."。 Furthermore, Mt. Fuji also has the face of an ``active volcano.''、formed over many years。Its geological value is also attracting attention.、What's more special about this mountain is that、Because there is a story woven by nature and people's hearts.。 Why is Mt. Fuji loved all over the world? 1. Spectacular views of Mt. Fuji in all seasons、No matter what season you visit, you will be amazed by its beauty.。 Upside down Fuji reflected on the surface of the lake、Mt. Fuji floating in a sea of ​​clouds is a particularly popular sight.、A must-see spot for photography enthusiasts and tourists。 2. A symbol of faith and culture Mt. Fuji has been a central figure in Japanese faith since ancient times.。As a training ground for Shugendo、Also, as a ritual object at Sengen Shrine.、Mt. Fuji has been considered a sacred mountain.。During the Edo period, a religious group called ``Fuji-ko'' encouraged mountain climbing.、It has become popular among the common people as ``the mountain to climb.''。 Furthermore, Mt. Fuji、Katsushika Hokusai's ``Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji'' and Utagawa Hiroshige's Ukiyo-e prints, etc.、It is also a cultural symbol that often appears in works of art.。These works are、It has played a role in conveying Japan's beauty and harmony of nature to the world.。 3. Climbing that gives you a challenge and a sense of accomplishment Mt. Fuji has a mountain trail that is easy for even beginners to take on.。Especially popular is、This is ``Goraiko Climbing'' where you climb at night and see the sunrise from the top of the mountain.。I also experienced this mountain climbing in the summer of 2019.。Start from the 5th station、Climbing at night while looking at the starry sky、It felt like jumping into an extraordinary world.。The sunrise we celebrated at the top of the mountain、It was a special moment where I felt the power and beauty of nature with my entire body.。 History of Mt.Fuji:40An epic journey of 100,000 years The formation of Mt. Fuji began about 400,000 years ago、It took on its current form after passing through the following three eras.。 Also、Mt. Fuji has historically experienced several large eruptions。 These volcanic activities、He created the current landscape of Mt. Fuji and its surroundings.。 Points for enjoying Mt. Fuji Recommended spots Climbing tips and precautions Nearby gourmet food and hot springs There are also plenty of hot springs and local gourmet food around Mt. Fuji.。Hoto (local Yamanashi cuisine) and Fujinomiya Yakisoba are must-try! Iwapiko Mt. Fuji experience:An unforgettable moment: The first time I climbed Mt. Fuji was in the summer of 2019.。My friend and I tried climbing at night from the 5th station.。The moment you reach the top of the mountain、The scenery that spreads out in front of you is truly magnificent。It was a special experience that made me feel “I’m glad I worked so hard!”。 The sunrise we welcomed at the summit of the mountain、It was one of the most emotional moments in my life。The scene is、It was a special experience where you could feel the beauty and power of nature with your entire body.。 Have a special experience at Mt. Fuji! read this article、If you think "I want to go to Mt. Fuji!"、Please let us know in the comments section。Also、For those who have already visited、Please share your experience! If you like this article、share with friends and family、Please spread the charm of Mt. Fuji。Your next adventure may start at Mt. Fuji! Mt. Fuji is waiting for you - let's create a new experience together! 🌄

一度は訪れたい!宮城県でしか味わえない感動の観光スポット5選Recommended sightseeing route

I want to visit at least once! 5 impressive sightseeing spots that can only be experienced in Miyagi Prefecture

Miyagi Prefecture—just an hour and a half from Tokyo by Shinkansen。In this place with excellent access、rich nature、historical landmark、And it's full of unique culture that can only be experienced here.。forget your busy daily life、Would you like to enjoy a journey that will satisfy your soul? This time、We will introduce 5 particularly recommended sightseeing spots in Miyagi Prefecture.。 1. Sendai castle ruins:Following in the footsteps of Date Masamune Location: Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Aoba Ward, Kawauchi Price: Free (700 yen for Aoba Castle Materials and Exhibition Hall) The Sendai Castle ruins are located at the top of Mt. Aoba.、This is the ruins of a castle built by Date Masamune, a hero of the Sengoku period.。You can see a panoramic view of Sendai city from here.、It is said that the view is particularly beautiful from dusk to night.。At the museum、You can learn about Masamune's life and the history of Sendai in detail.。``You can soak in the spectacular scenery while feeling the romance of history.''、Many tourists have given it their approval。It's a great place for history buffs and those who want to take pictures of spectacular scenery.。 2. Zuihoden:A mausoleum that combines tranquility and luxury: 23-2 Reiyashita, Aoba Ward, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture Price: Adult 570 yen、High school student 410 yen、210 yen for elementary and junior high school students Zuihoden, where Date Masamune is buried、It is a special place where majestic architectural beauty and nature are fused.。Beautiful colorful autumn leaves in autumn、attracts visitors。Time to think about history in a quiet forest、A valuable experience that calms your mind。``The luxurious decoration is wonderful.、It is in perfect harmony with the surrounding nature."、Visitor reviews are also good.。 3. Matsushima:A spectacular view worthy of the name of Japan's three most scenic views.: Matsushima Town, Miyagi Prefecture Fees: Pleasure boat fee (1500 yen for adults)、(Children: 750 yen) Matsushima is dotted with over 260 islands.、Due to its beauty, it is counted as one of Japan's three most scenic views.。If you take a pleasure boat、Enjoy the spectacular scenery from above the sea。We also have extensive multilingual guidance.、Very popular with tourists from overseas。``Matsushima has a different expression depending on the season.、It's always fresh no matter how many times I visit."、A place where many people want to come back。 4. Sendai Uminomori Aquarium:Experience the sea of ​​Tohoku up close: 4-6 Nakano, Miyagino-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture Fees: Adult 2400 yen、Junior and senior high school students 1,700 yen、Elementary school student 1200 yen、Infants: 700 yen At Sendai Umino-Mori Aquarium, one of the largest aquariums in Tohoku、Including dolphin show、Enjoy encounters with many marine creatures。Especially the dolphin show、Very popular with both children and adults。Inside the building、There are many exhibits where you can learn about the richness of the Tohoku sea.、It is also full of educational elements.。We see many reviews saying, "Perfect for family trips or dates."。 5. Miyagi Zao Fox Village:A special experience only available here: 11-3 Kawabata, Fukuoka Hachinomiya, Shiroishi City, Miyagi Prefecture Fees: Adult 1500 yen、Free for elementary school students and under. ``Miyagi Zao Fox Village'' is a must-see for fox lovers.。In addition to being able to see free-ranging foxes roaming freely,、You can also experience holding a cute fox。It has become a hot topic among domestic and international tourists who say, “You can take photos that look great on SNS!”、It has been highly praised by visitors as ``a special experience that can only be found here.''。 Reasons to visit Miyagi Prefecture! In Miyagi prefecture、history、nature、And there are plenty of spots with special experiences.。Excellent access from Tokyo、It's the perfect destination to get away from your busy daily life and refresh yourself.。In the wake of this article、Would you like to discover the charm of Miyagi Prefecture? If you found this article helpful、Please share and spread the charm of Miyagi Prefecture! Also refer to the official website and map.、Plan your best trip!。

山形県の観光スポット:四季の美しさと歴史を巡る旅Recommended sightseeing route

5 Sightseeing Spots in Yamagata Prefecture—A journey through the beauty of the four seasons and history

Japan has many tourist spots where you can enjoy the beauty of each season.、Among them, Yamagata Prefecture is packed with special charms.。A hot spring town filled with Taisho romance、A world-class jellyfish aquarium, etc.、An experience that will surprise visitors awaits。After reading this blog、You will definitely want to travel to Yamagata Prefecture.。 Why Yamagata Prefecture is recommended for foreign tourists 1. Yamagata Prefecture is a fusion of Japanese traditional culture and nature.、spring cherry blossoms、lush green of summer、fiery autumn leaves、Mysterious frost-covered trees in winter、It shows different expressions throughout the year.。With its natural beauty、It is dotted with historic hot spring towns and old temples.、Enjoy the harmony of Japanese tradition and nature。A wooden inn along a quiet river、A temple nestled quietly in the mountains、It will give visitors a special sense of peace.。 2. Ginzan Onsen, a tourist destination that is attracting attention overseas, has a Taisho romantic atmosphere.、You can feel as if you have traveled back in time。On winter nights, gas lamps gently illuminate the snow-covered hot spring town.、The sight is truly breathtakingly beautiful.。on the other hand、Kamo Aquarium boasts the world's largest number of jellyfish exhibits、The fantastic exhibits impress many travelers.。 List of recommended spots 1. Ginzan Onsen (Obanazawa City) Price:日帰り温泉の利用料は大人500円~ ※要確認特徴: Ginzan Onsen has a charming wooden inn lined up along the river.、It's like the world in a picture book。In winter, the light from gas lamps illuminates the snowy landscape in a fantastical way.、The perfect place for travelers looking to create special memories。 2. Zao Onsen (Yamagata City) Price: 日帰り温泉施設は大人600円〜 ※要確認特徴: You can enjoy skiing and snowboarding in Zao in winter.、No matter what you say”rime”is worth a look。After seeing what looks like a snow monster created by nature,、Enjoy a luxurious time warming your body in a hot spring。 3. Yamadera (Mt. Hoju Risshakuji) (Yamagata City) Fees: Adult 300 yen、中学生200円 ※要確認特徴: This temple is known for the poem Matsuo Basho wrote about, ``The quietness and the voice of the cicadas that penetrates the rocks.''、1015You can enjoy a sense of accomplishment and spectacular views by climbing the stone steps.。The view from the top of the mountain is a beauty that will remain in your heart.。 4. Kamo Aquarium (Tsuruoka City) Fees: Adult 1,500 yen、子供500円 ※要確認特徴: No other aquarium exhibits jellyfish so beautifully.。The sight of illuminated jellyfish slowly floating in the water、Inviting visitors to a dream-like world。It also looks great in photos.。 5. Kajo Park (Yamagata City) Fees: Free (however, some facilities within the park may require a fee) Features: A vast park built on the ruins of Yamagata Castle.、Approximately 1,500 cherry trees bloom in spring.。Take a walk through the cherry blossom tunnel、A perfect place to enjoy a picnic with your family。 山形県で特別な体験を! 山形県には、nature、history、There are many special places where cultures come together。Soothing hot springs and impressive scenery、A historic building nestled in tranquility。No matter what purpose you visit、There will be new discoveries。Not sure where to go next?、Please consider adding Yamagata Prefecture to your list.。 A trip to Yamagata prefecture、May it be a special memory that stays in your heart.。


Only locals know! Hokkaido's hidden scenery and gourmet food

Speaking of Hokkaido、Sapporo Snow Festival and Furano lavender fields、And fresh seafood may come to mind.。but、The real charm of Hokkaido is not only that! Hidden spots and special experiences that only locals know about、There's a lot packed into this vast land.。 In this article、We'll introduce you to ``ways to enjoy Hokkaido unique to locals'' that aren't found in guidebooks.。With a unique Japanese perspective、The next time you visit Hokkaido、We'll give you tips to make your trip even more special! Natural beauty Hokkaido's nature remains untouched.、Especially in national parks such as the Shiretoko Peninsula and Daisetsuzan.、worth a visit。At Shiretoko Goko Lakes、You can feel the breath of nature in the virgin forest.、If you're lucky, you can also see wild animals.。 Local food culture Hokkaido is rich in fresh seafood and agricultural products.、Genghis Khan and fresh seafood are especially loved by locals.。Not just restaurants visited by tourists.、Eating at restaurants and markets frequented by locals、You can enjoy a more authentic taste。 Enjoying each season Hokkaido is a region where you can enjoy beautiful scenery in each season.。cherry blossoms in spring、flower garden in summer、Autumn leaves in autumn、Snowy scenery in winter、Every season has its own charm。Especially when it comes to sightseeing on drift ice in winter.、It's a special experience that you can't get anywhere else.。 Events that only locals know about Festivals and events that locals participate in are also attractive.。for example、Traditional festivals in each region、Festivals using local ingredients, etc.、There are many events that are not well known to tourists.。 The charm of Hokkaido that only locals know Hidden tourist spots Spot name Details Black Pond (Hidaka Town, Hokkaido) This mysterious pond、The beautiful scenery that harmonizes with the surrounding nature is attractive.。Especially during the fall foliage season、You can enjoy the colorful scenery reflected on the surface of the pond.。 Kaminoko Pond (Kiyosato Town) This pond has extremely high transparency.、Means "child of god" in Ainu language。With the surrounding nature、It's a spot where you can spend some quiet time.。 Koshigawa Bridge (Shari Town) It was built during the war, but、A bridge that was never used、It is a place with a historical background.。With the surrounding nature、Enjoy a quiet stroll。 Takise Coast (Otobe Town) This place has a beautiful white rock coastline.、Give visitors a surprise。especially、There is also a famous spot called Kuguriiwa.、You can enjoy the beauty of nature。 Firefly Village (Numata Town) A spot where you can see the magical dance of fireflies in summer.。in beautiful nature、You can enjoy the light of fireflies。 Sunflower Village (Hokuryu Town) This place is home to Japan's largest sunflower field.、Perfect for a summer visit。A sunflower festival is also held.、You can also enjoy local gourmet food.。 Drift ice tourism (Utoro) in winter、Sightseeing in Utoro where you can see drift ice up close is popular.。Enjoy drift ice walking and sightseeing boat experiences。 Not found in major cities such as Sapporo and Asahikawa、There are spots with unique charm Summary Hokkaido has vast nature and rich food culture、It is an area filled with hidden charms unique to locals.。Not just tourist spots、By visiting spots and events that locals love、You will be able to experience a deeper charm of Hokkaido.。You can also bookmark this blog、share it with others、Please spread the charm of Hokkaido!

秋田県の観光スポット—心を満たす伝統と自然の宝庫!Recommended sightseeing route

Akita Prefecture's sightseeing spots—a treasure trove of tradition and nature that will satisfy your heart!

Akita Prefecture is located in the Tohoku region of Japan.、A place like a hidden gem where nature and culture thrive.。The moment I arrived、Rural landscapes spread out before your eyes and townscapes that give you a sense of history、And the warm smiles of the people will soothe your heart.。in this quiet place、forget the hustle and bustle、Would you like to spend some special time? In this article、Spots you should definitely visit in Akita Prefecture、We will introduce you with specific episodes and reviews.。Experience the charm of Akita、I'm sure you'll fall in love with this place too.。 Why Akita Prefecture is attractive to foreigners Akita Prefecture、It is a place where the scenery and culture that can be said to be ``this is Japan'' is condensed.。For the following reasons、Particularly attractive to foreign tourists。 Akita prefecture is、Beyond the superficial Japan、This is the perfect destination for those who want to deeply understand the true charm of Japan.。 Lake Tazawa and Tatsuko statue:The story of the blue gem and the legend Lake Tazawa、Known as the deepest lake in Japan、The azure lake's surface shines like a jewel.。The Tatsuko statue standing by the lake、A presence that conveys the sad legends related to the lake to this day.。The people who visited、Captivated by its beauty and tranquility、I feel the greatness of nature while taking photos.。 Many reviews have said things like, ``The real thing is much more beautiful than the photos'' and ``The sunset reflected on the lake is unforgettable.''。Feel the lake breeze while walking。 Kakunodate samurai residence street:Kakunodate is immersed in the atmosphere of the Edo period.、A historic town known as “Little Kyoto of Michinoku”。Rows of cherry blossom trees are in full bloom in spring、Attracts people passing by。At the samurai residence、You can experience the life and culture of those days up close.。 Visitors praise the beauty as being like a painting during the cherry blossom season and that the details of the building are impressive.。Especially recommended for history buffs。 Nyuto Onsenkyo:Nyuto Onsenkyo, a secret hot spring surrounded by nature、7A hot spring area where you can enjoy different types of spring water。In a quiet environment surrounded by mountains、You can refresh your mind and body。A special place for hot spring lovers。 ``I can't forget the silence and the warmth of the hot springs.'' ``I can't believe a place like this still exists in Japan.''、We have received comments of surprise and excitement from foreign tourists as well.。While slowly soaking in the hot water、Please heal your daily fatigue。 Oga Peninsula and Namahage:Touch the spirit of tradition! Akita's traditional culture is "Namahage"。This event is、Also registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage。At Oga Shinzan Folklore Museum and Namahage Museum、You will have a valuable opportunity to learn about the Namahage demonstration and its background.。Its power is、Everyone who visits will be overwhelmed。 Many people said, ``I have never seen such a powerful traditional event.''、It will be a special experience that symbolizes Akita's culture.。 A special time that can only be experienced in Akita Prefecture.、Although it is less well-known as a tourist destination,、That, on the other hand, is what makes it so special.。Avoiding crowds、You can enjoy the beautiful nature and deep culture slowly.。If you read this article and think “I want to go to Akita”、Please choose it for your next travel destination.。 A moment in Akita、I hope it will be an irreplaceable memory for you.。with family and friends、Please share that emotion。 For reference when traveling to Akita...

青森県の魅力的な観光スポット:自然と文化が織りなす絶景Recommended sightseeing route

Attractive sightseeing spots in Aomori Prefecture:Spectacular views of nature and culture

Why is Aomori Prefecture the perfect destination for your next trip? close your eyes and imagine。Cherry blossoms are in full bloom in spring、The sound of a mountain stream echoes like soothing music.。and、Festival lanterns illuminate the city at night、Dancers full of energy convey the spirit of the festival。This is Aomori prefecture。Here, we will introduce the beauty of Japan's four seasons.、Filled with all the good old culture。 Aomori prefecture is、nature、history、A place where cultures come together beautifully。For foreign tourists、It is an ideal travel destination where you can feel the essence of Japan.。In this guide、Why you should visit Aomori、We will introduce you to all the must-see spots.。 5 must-see spots in Aomori 1. Hirosaki Castle:A Japanese treasure where you can enjoy the spectacular view of cherry blossoms: 1-1 Shimoshiroganecho, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture Admission fee: Adult 320 yen、100 yen for children Hirosaki Castle has a history of over 400 years.、It is a famous place that symbolizes spring in Japan.。Especially during the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival in spring.、Approximately 2,600 cherry trees are in full bloom、attracts visitors。The contrast between the castle and the cherry blossoms is truly spectacular.、The illumination of the cherry blossoms at night is also worth seeing.。A must-see spot for history buffs and photography enthusiasts。 Trivia: The cherry blossom petals floating in the moat of Hirosaki Castle are called ``flower rafts.''、Its beauty is a special sight that cannot be experienced anywhere else.。 testimonials: “The contrast between the night cherry blossoms and Hirosaki Castle was romantic.。It was like being in a painting! ” 2. Oirase Stream:A place where the music of nature is played Location: Oaza Okuse, Towada City, Aomori Prefecture Admission fee: Free Oirase Gorge、It is a natural paradise with a total length of 14 km that is beautiful in every season.。Walking along the promenade along the mountain stream、The sound of clear streams and the chirping of birds soothes the soul.。In autumn, the autumn leaves beautifully color the mountain stream.、You can feel as if you are walking inside a painting.。 recommendation: Relaxing on a bench and watching the mountain stream is a special experience.。Don't forget your camera! testimonials: “Every time I walk, new scenery appears, so、I forgot the time。A place where you can feel the energy of nature。” 3. Lake Towada:A double caldera lake that captivates your heart with its mysterious blue color: 486 Yasuya, Towada City, Aomori Admission Fee: Free Lake Towada where silence and beauty coexist。A double caldera lake formed by volcanic activity、The deep blue attracts the viewer。Enjoy the panoramic view of the lake on a sightseeing boat、Enjoy its grandeur as you stroll along the lake's shores。Also、Towada Shrine near the lake、A power spot where ancient mysteries live on.。 testimonials: “I will never forget the color of the sky reflected on the lake.。A place you should visit at least once in your life。 4. Aomori Nebuta Festival:Overwhelming energy and creativity: Aomori City Admission Fee, Aomori Prefecture: Free (during the festival period) The Aomori Nebuta Festival is held every August.、One of Japan's three major festivals。Its charm is a huge lantern、It's all about the passionate performances of local people.。If you participate with dancers called "jumpers"、You can further enjoy the sense of unity at the festival.。 recommendation: The experience of renting a costume and participating in the festival as a ``jumper'' is sure to be a memory that will last a lifetime.。 testimonials: “I was impressed by the power of Nebuta.。It's a participatory festival、Tourists can also enjoy it! ” 5. Shirakami Mountains:Silent Forest, a World Heritage Site Location: Admission fee to Nishimeya Village, Nakatsugaru District, Aomori Prefecture: Free Shirakami Sanchi、A natural heritage site with extensive beech forests that has been registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.。There are trekking courses that can be enjoyed by everyone from beginners to experts.、In particular, Anmon Falls is a scenic spot that you must visit.。 Trivia: The beech forest of the Shirakami Mountains、It is said to be the best preserved in the world.、Nurturing a rich ecosystem。 Plan your trip to Aomori! Aomori prefecture is、nature、culture、A special place where all of history is in harmony.。Worth a visit regardless of the season、Once you visit, you will definitely fall in love with its charm.。Aomori is waiting for your next adventure。 Let's share the charm of Aomori! If you found this article helpful、Please share it on SNS。your post、This may be an opportunity to invite your friends and family to travel to Aomori.。 Let's start a new adventure in Aomori!