In Fukushima Prefecture、There are many spots that attract visitors。In this article、Historical famous spaces、beautiful nature、And we will deliver the charm of Fukushima Prefecture, which is full of cultural experiences that will heal your heart.。In particular, we carefully selected five tourist destinations that are popular among travelers from overseas.。As a destination for the next trip、Please consider it!
1,Tsuruga Castle (TSURUGA Castle): 日本唯一の赤瓦の天守閣

会津若松市にある鶴ヶ城は、It is the only historic castle with a red tiled castle tower in Japan.。Known as a fierce battlefield of the Boshin War、It is also famous as a famous cherry blossom spot.。In the spring, the cherry blossoms in full bloom surround the castle、Beautiful scenery spreads。Admission is 410 yen for adults、Elementary and junior high school students 150 yen and affordable、You can also purchase a common ticket with the tea room "Rinkaku" for 520 yen.。
なぜ行くべき? 歴史と文化を深く知ることができるこの場所は、Perfect for those who want to touch Japanese traditions。SNS has become a hot topic as "one of the most beautiful castles in Japan".、Ideal as a photo spot while traveling。
2,Ouchijuku (OUCHI-JUKU): 江戸時代の宿場町にタイムスリップ

南会津郡下郷町にある大内宿は、It is a place where you can feel the post town of the Edo period itself.。This cityscape lined with thatched roofs、It creates a unique atmosphere as if time had stopped。Please try the local specialty "Takato Soba"。
なぜ行くべき? 入場無料で楽しめる上、The cityscape that shines in photos is also very popular with foreign tourists。Word -of -mouth websites have also been highly evaluated as "a place where you can enjoy the good old atmosphere of Japan".。
3,Aquamarine Fukushima (Aquamarine Fukushima): 環境保護を学びながら楽しめる水族館
いわき市にあるアクアマリンふくしまは、A unique aquarium that displays about 800 kinds of marine creatures。There are many exhibits on the theme of environmental protection、Popular as a spot that balances learning and fun。Admission is 1,850 yen for adults、The dwarf is 900 yen。
なぜ行くべき? 子どもから大人まで楽しめる内容が満載です。Ideal as a destination for family trips、The review that "the child was delighted" stands out。
4,Spa Resort Hawaiians (Spa Resort Hawaiians): 日本でハワイ気分を満喫
いわき市にあるスパリゾートハワイアンズは、It is a resort facility where you can enjoy the tropical atmosphere.。Hula dance show, indoor spa, etc.、There are plenty of activities that you can enjoy all day。Admission is 4,000 yen for adults (depending on the season)、The content is satisfactory enough。
なぜ行くべき? 日本にいながらハワイを体験できるユニークな場所で、Especially recommended for rainy days and winter trips。Foreign tourists have been highly evaluated as "Entertainment is enriched".。
5,Five -colored swamp (GOSHIKINUMA): 色が変わる不思議な湖沼群

裏磐梯エリアに位置する五色沼は、It is a mysterious lake group that changes the color of the water depending on the time zone and light.。You can stroll for free、You can enjoy nature through hiking courses and boat experiences。
なぜ行くべき? 福島の美しい自然を肌で感じられるスポットです。Many voices such as "breathtaking scenery" in travelers reviews.。

これらの観光スポットは、It symbolizes the diverse charm of Fukushima Prefecture。history、nature、Culture ... all special experiences are waiting。In the wake of this article、Please visit Fukushima Prefecture。Bookmark this information、次回の旅行計画に活用してください!
さらに詳しい情報や地図があれば、Preparing for travel makes it smoother。Enjoy a wonderful time in Fukushima Prefecture!
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