



history and culture


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🌟 外国人も夢中!サンリオピューロランドの魅力と必訪スポット5選 🌟

💖 まるでサンリオの世界に迷い込んだみたい! 東京・多摩市に位置するサンリオピューロランドは世界中のサンリオファンにとって夢のような場所。Not only in Japan、海外からの訪問者も増加中! 「日本のテーマパークといえばディズニーランドやUSJ!」と思うかもしれませんがサンリオピューロランドはまた違った魅力を持っていますなぜ世界中のファンが訪れるのか? どんな体験が待っているのか? 実際に訪れた私の体験を交えながらオススメのスポットを5つ紹介します! 🌟 サンリオピューロランドが外国人に人気の理由 1. サンリオキャラクターの世界的人気 サンリオといえばハローキティマイメロディシナモロールポムポムプリンなど世界中にファンを持つキャラクターばかり! 日本でしか味わえないキャラクターたちとの「リアルな出会い」が叶うのはここだけまるで童話の中に入り込んだような空間に海外の人も思わず「Kawaii!」と声を上げてしまうんです。 2. 屋内型テーマパークで天候を気にしなくてOK! 「雨の日の観光どうしよう?」と悩むことありますよねでもサンリオピューロランドなら完全屋内型だから天気に関係なく思いっきり楽しめます。 3. フォトジェニックでSNS映え抜群! サンリオピューロランドにはどこを切り取っても「インスタ映え」間違いなし! 訪れたらぜひたくさん写真を撮ってSNSでシェアしてみてくださいね。 4. 海外向けサービスが充実! 5. 日本の「Kawaii文化」を体感できる! 「Kawaii」は今や世界共通語! 日本に来たら一度は体験したい日本ならではのカラフルで夢いっぱいの空間。 📸 絶対行くべき!サンリオピューロランドのオススメスポット5選 1. サンリオキャラクターボートライド(料金: 入場料込み) まるでおとぎ話の世界!ボートに乗ってハローキティやマイメロディの世界を巡るアトラクション。 2. ミラクルギフトパレード(無料) サンリオキャラクターが勢ぞろいするショータイム! 3. レディキティハウス(料金: 入場料込み) ハローキティの自宅を再現! ここでしか見られない可愛いインテリアに心がときめきます。 4. レインボーワールドレストラン(フードコート)(料金: メニューによる) サンリオキャラクターをモチーフにした可愛い料理がいっぱい! 5. ワンポイントハートシリーズ(グッズストア)(料金: 商品による) ピューロランド限定グッズや可愛いぬいぐるみが手に入る場所! お土産選びにも最適です。 🌟 VRChatで楽しむサンリオピューロランド! 現在VRChat内でサンリオピューロランドのバーチャルコラボイベントが開催中!日本まで行けない方でもVRChatアカウントがあれば仮想空間でサンリオの世界を体験できますVRChatイベントの楽しみ方 開催期間 このコラボイベントは、2025年2月9日〜2025年3月9日までの期間限定開催!...

的場文男—51年の騎手人生に幕。「大井の帝王」の伝説は永遠にJapanese trivial knowledge


「7,424勝」日本競馬史上最多!伝説のジョッキー、51年の騎手人生に幕 2024年3月31日日本競馬史に燦然と輝くレジェンドがついにターフを去りましたその名は 的場文男(まとば ふみお)彼が残した通算勝利数は驚異の 7,424勝!これは JRA(中央競馬)を含めた日本競馬史上最多勝記録 であり的場文男こそ 「日本で最も多くの勝利を挙げた男」 なのです「大井の帝王」 の異名を持ち地方競馬を50年以上にわたり牽引した伝説的ジョッキーの軌跡 をここで振り返ります。 📌 的場文男のレースを見たことがある人はぜひ思い出をコメントで教えてください!📌 この記事が良かったらシェアやブックマークをお願いします! 「大井の帝王」誕生——17歳でのデビュー 的場文男は 1956年9月7日生まれそして 1973年10月16日大井競馬場でデビューデビュー戦からわずか 3週間後の11月6日には初勝利!早くも将来のスター騎手となる片鱗を見せました。 but、彼の本当のすごさは 「長く強く勝ち続けたこと」 にあります地方競馬No.1の記録を打ち立てたキャリア 🏆 的場文男の生涯成績(日本競馬史上最多勝記録!) 項目 記録 騎乗期間 1973年10月16日 ~ 2024年3月31日(51年5か月) 通算騎乗数 43,497戦 通算勝利数(日本歴代1位) 7,424勝(地方競馬歴代1位日本競馬歴代1位) 大井競馬リーディング獲得回数 21回 全国リーディングジョッキー 2回(2002年・2003年) 最年長騎手記録 67歳まで現役 7,424勝という記録はJRA(中央競馬)を含めても日本一!つまり日本競馬史上最も勝った騎手が的場文男なのです! 的場文男の主な勝ち鞍 🏆✨ 地方競馬界のレジェンドとして的場は多くの重賞タイトルを獲得しました。 🎖 主な勝利レース 年度 レース名 馬名 1993年 帝王賞(GI)...

日本の春を楽しむ旅!外国人が絶対行きたくなる観光スポット5選Recommended sightseeing route


Hello、ペンシルケースです! 日本の春を満喫するなら何と言っても桜の美しさが欠かせません日本の春は桜や新緑が街や自然を彩りどこを歩いても特別な景色に出会えます。In this article、I、ペンシルケースが実際に訪れて感動した日本各地の春を感じられる観光スポットを5つご紹介します外国の方でも楽しめる魅力をたっぷり詰め込んでいるので、Please read it to the end、次回の旅の参考にしてくださいね! 1. 上野公園(東京都) なぜここが特別なのか? 上野公園は日本で最初に開園した公園でその歴史的な背景も特別感を与えてくれます春になると約1,200本の桜が咲き誇りピンクの花々が公園を包みます訪れたとき桜の木の下でお弁当を楽しむ人々や外国からの観光客が笑顔で写真を撮る姿がとても印象的でした特におすすめなのが公園内をのんびり散策すること桜並木の間を歩いていると日本独特の春の風情を感じることができます私も一度お気に入りのカフェでテイクアウトした抹茶ラテを片手に桜を見ながらリラックスした時間を過ごしましたまさに心が癒される瞬間でした! 周辺のおすすめスポット 2. 弘前公園(青森県) 桜トンネルが魅了する理由 弘前公園の特徴といえば約2,600本もの桜と約110本のサクラが両側に植栽されている美しい桜のトンネルです桜の木々がアーチ状に広がりその下を歩くとまるで桜の世界に迷い込んだような気分になります夜桜もおすすめですライトアップされた桜が水面に映り込む様子は写真では伝えきれない幻想的な美しさです私が初めて弘前公園を訪れたときまさにその光景に感動して思わず声を上げてしまいました地元の方々との温かな交流もこの場所を特別にしてくれるポイントです周辺のおすすめスポット 3. 奈良公園(奈良県) 鹿と桜の絶妙な組み合わせ 奈良公園では自由に歩き回る鹿たちと満開の桜という他にはないユニークな風景が楽しめます春になると公園全体が桜色に染まりその中を鹿が歩く姿がなんとも愛らしいんです私が奈良公園を訪れたときは鹿にせんべいをあげながら桜の木の下でのんびり過ごしました鹿がこちらをじっと見つめる仕草に思わず笑ってしまうこともそんな癒しのひとときをぜひ体験してほしいです! 周辺のおすすめスポット 4. 福岡城跡(福岡県) 桜と歴史の調和 福岡城跡は歴史を感じる城跡と桜の美しさが融合したスポットです春になると城跡を囲むように咲き乱れる桜が訪れる人々を魅了します私が訪れた際には舞鶴公園内で開催されていた春祭りにも参加しました地元のグルメを味わいながら桜の下でのんびりするひとときは言葉では表せないほどの贅沢な時間でした歴史を感じながら桜を楽しむという特別な体験をぜひしてみてください! 周辺のおすすめスポット 5. 高知城(高知県) 現存する天守と桜の美しさ 高知城は現存する天守を持つ数少ないお城のひとつでその歴史的価値は計り知れません春には城を囲む桜が美しく咲き誇り天守閣からの眺めも格別です。 When I visited、天守閣に登って見下ろした桜景色に思わず息を呑みました高知の温かい空気と春の日差しがさらにこの場所を特別なものにしてくれました歴史と自然が織りなすこの空間はまさに日本の春を象徴しています周辺のおすすめスポット コメント欄にぜひご感想を! 日本の春を楽しむための5つのスポットをご紹介しましたがいかがでしたか?どの場所もただ桜を見るだけでなく歴史や文化地元の人々との交流を通じて忘れられない思い出を作ることができます「行ってみたい!」と思った場所はありましたか?ぜひコメント欄で教えてください!あなたの旅のエピソードや感想も大歓迎です。Also、share this blog、友達や家族とも日本の春の魅力を楽しんでくださいね

日本の美術館でアートの旅を満喫—絶対訪れるべき6つのスポットRecommended sightseeing route

Enjoy your art trip at a Japanese museum - 6 spots you should definitely visit

everyone、日本の美術館を訪れたことはありますか?もしまだならこの記事を読み終わった後にはきっと行きたくなるはずです!日本は伝統的な美術から現代アートまで幅広い魅力を持つ美術館が全国に点在していますそしてその中には絶大な人気を誇るスポットがいくつかあります。This time、筆者ペンシルケースが実際に訪れた6つの美術館をご紹介しますどの美術館もそれぞれ独自の特徴を持ちアート好きの方はもちろん初めてアートに触れる方にもおすすめです。 1. 東京国立近代美術館 東京の中心地皇居の近くに位置するこの美術館は日本の近代美術の歴史をじっくりと学べる場所ですアクセスも良好で観光の合間に気軽に訪れることができます特に外国人観光客にとっては日本の近代美術を深く理解する絶好の機会です館内は広々としており展示の質の高さが特に印象的でした。for example、横山大観の作品では日本の伝統と近代化が交錯する独特の美意識が感じられ異文化との比較を楽しむ外国人の姿が多く見られました私が訪れた際には横山大観や藤島武二の作品が特集されていてこれらの絵画が持つ力強さと繊細さに心を打たれました。 2. 金沢21世紀美術館 建築そのものがアート作品とも言えるこの美術館はユニークな体験型展示で有名です有名な「スイミング・プール」ではまるで水の中にいるかのような感覚を楽しめます私が訪れた際には子どもたちが楽しそうにプールの下を歩き上から見下ろして笑い合う姿がとても印象的でした。Also、建物の中にある大きな窓から庭園を眺めながら現代アートが自然と共存する様子を堪能しました家族連れやカップルにも大人気で展示を楽しんだ後に敷地内を散策するのも心が癒されるひとときでした。 3. 足立美術館 ここは美術館だけでなく日本一と評価される庭園が特徴です四季折々の風景が楽しめる庭園と横山大観をはじめとする巨匠たちの作品が調和しています。When I visited in spring、ツツジやサツキの花が咲き誇っていてまるで絵画のようでした夏には新緑が鮮やかで庭園内の小川のせせらぎが心を癒してくれます秋には紅葉が庭園を赤や黄色に染め冬には雪化粧をした景色が静けさを際立たせますどの季節に訪れても自然と美術が織りなす絶景を堪能することができます。 4. ベネッセアートサイト直島 直島全体がアートに包まれているようなこのスポット地中美術館では自然光を活用した展示が印象的で私自身も安藤忠雄の建築デザインに圧倒されました。Also、草間彌生の赤カボチャは島の象徴として人気です。 5. 東京都庭園美術館 アール・デコ様式の建物が美しくまるで時代を超えた世界に迷い込んだような気持ちにさせてくれます庭園も手入れが行き届いており静かな環境でアートを楽しむことができます私が訪れた際には特別展の繊細な工芸品に心奪われました。 6. Miho Museum 自然と調和した美しい建築が特徴のこの美術館その設計を手掛けたのは世界的に有名な建築家I.M.ペイです彼がデザインしたトンネルを抜けた先に広がる風景はまさに非日常の体験を約束してくれます展示室の配置や自然光の使い方が緻密に計算されており私が訪れた際にはその静謐な空間で心からリラックスしてアートを楽しむことができました特にギリシャの古代彫刻が展示された部屋では周囲の景色と調和した美しさに息を呑みました冬期間は休館しているので確認してからご来館ください最後に この記事を読んであなたも日本の美術館巡りをしたくなったのではないでしょうか?ぜひブックマークして旅行の参考にしたり友達とシェアしたりしてくださいね。Also、この記事へのコメントも大歓迎です。please、コメント欄であなたの体験を共有してください!

Osaka Prefecture

Boat racing (Kyōtei) is truly at risk💦 The world still doesn't know、A thrilling sport from Japan!🚤🔥

🚤Welcome to the world of adrenaline thrill! Hello! A blogger who shares the charm of Japan with the world、It's "ABETACK"!✨ everyone、When you think of Japanese sports, what do you think of? In Japan、There is a "ultimate thrill sports" that the world doesn't know about yet! That's "boat racing (Kyōtei)"、Japan's unique motorboat race! 🚤💨 Six boats sprinting over the water at speeds of over 80km/h、Clash on a limited course! A sharp turn、A mistake in judgment of just 0.1 seconds will determine the match、A sport that can be said to be F1 on the water!🔥 And、Boat racing is also one of Japan's public gambling services.、It's not just a speed match、It is also an intellectual sport where data analysis and strategy are key! "I want to know about Japan's unique sports!" "I want to watch a thrilling race!" "It's not just gambling."、I want to enjoy a real competition! "For those of you、We'll introduce you to the charms of boat racing!🚀 🏁 This is the boat racing experience! 1️⃣ It's a simple rule though、It's deep! The basic rules for boat racing are simple、Even first-time users can enjoy it right away! ✅ 1Only 6 boats are raced – fewer than other motorsports、Everyone has a chance to win!✅ 600Two rounds (3 turns) on the M course – in a short distance battle、Unpredictable until the very end!✅ wind、Wave、Start positions are the winners and losers - not only speed、Wisdom and strategy are key! The appeal of boat racing is not "luck"、The game is decided by the players' skills and strategies! That's why、Just watching the race is really interesting! 2️⃣ Boat racers are、Japan's proud "warrior on the water"! If you think, "You're just driving a boat, right?" you'll be wrong! How to become a boat racer、One of Japan's leading elite training institutes、You must complete the strict training at the "Boat Racer Training School"。Top-level young people gathered from all over Japan、Break through only 3% of the gates、Make your debut as a professional boat racer。 moreover、The biggest attraction of boat racing matter gender、It is a sport that can be fought under exactly the same conditions! 💪🔥 Unlike horse racing and track and field, where physical fitness is affected、Boat racing depends on "technology" and "strategy."。Female players can beat male players、Not uncommon! 3️⃣ Beyond the boundaries of "gambling"、Intellectual sports 🎲 Boat racing is one of the public gambling in Japan.、You can't win just by luck! actually、How to win in boat racing、Data analysis is extremely important! ✅ Analyze athletes' past performance and running style✅ Determine the performance of boats and engines✅ Predicting the effects of wind and water flows, truly、A sport where your brain and strategy are tested! and、Because it's a public competition in Japan、The rules are super strict and 100% transparent! The race results are completely clean、No worries about fixing。That's why、You can seriously enjoy it! 🌊 Where can I watch boat racing? (Actually, you can also watch online!) Boat races、It is held every day at 24 boat racing tracks across Japan! 📍 Famous Boat Race Courses TOP 3🏟️ Boat Race Suminoe (Osaka) – The birthplace of boat racing、The appeal of night games is the event!🏟️ Boat Race Fukuoka (Fukuoka) – On a course near the sea、Wind and waves create drama!🏟️...

Recommended sightseeing route

[Super cute!]A dream maid cafe in Akihabara! Beginners & repeaters must -see💖

🌟"I want to go to a maid cafe!"、Where is good?🤔 If you want "I want to go to a maid cafe on a trip to Tokyo!"、You have to check this guide!📖✨The maid cafe is、Not just a cafe。 It is a special space where you can enjoy dreamy time as "Master & young lady"!🎀💖 But ... "There are too many、I don't know where! "Where is the first store that you can enjoy for the first time?" "I want to enjoy a geek culture、Is it English -speaking? " rest assured! This time, we will introduce "5 maid cafes that should definitely go in Akihabara"!💡✨ 💬 "Which store is the most worrisome?" Tell me in the comments! 5 recommended maid cafes recommended 🎀 1. @ Homm Cafe (@home cafe)👑 📍 The most famous in Akihabara! Maid cafe that beginners are safe 🔹 Recommended for such people!✅ People who go to a maid cafe for the first time (you can get a "master certificate"!)✅ Those who want to have "THE Maid Cafe experience" 💡 Features✔ Beginners welcome! You can get a "master certificate" 🏅✔ Pink x race cute world of dreams🎀✔ Draw on Omurice! You can experience "Moe Moe Kyun" 📸 💡Recommended experience:Cheki shooting📷✨Leave memories with the maid! 💬 "The maid is kind、I was able to relax too! " 🎤 2. Maidreamin🌟 📍 Maid Cafe x Live Show! Must -see for entertainment lovers 🔹 Recommended for such people!✅ People who want to enjoy dance and live shows✅ Foreign travelers are also looking for a shop where they can feel safe 💡 Features✔ 20 stores in Japan and overseas! Popular with nerds around the world 🌍✔ Maid dances! Live performance is amazing🎶✔ Complete multilingual menu! English OK is safe 📸 💡Recommended experience:"Moe Moe Magic" & Special Drink🍹✨ 💬 "It's like an idol live! It was the best experience!" ☕ 3. Cure Made Cafe (CURE ...

【完全保存版】日本のおすすめバッティングセンター!初心者も上級者も楽しめるスポーツ&レジャースポットガイドRecommended Japanese shops

[Completely preserved version] Recommended batting center in Japan! Sports & leisure spot guides that both beginners and advanced users can enjoy

"It's a bit difficult to shake the bat ..." "The batting center is a place that only loves baseball?"、Please wait a moment! All over Japan、Even beginners can enjoy easily、And there are many batting centers where surprising discoveries and challenges are waiting.。In this blog、Introducing five batting centers with particularly unique features! You can find a perfect spot for your sightseeing and activities with your friends and family.。 Further at the end of the article、"How to enjoy the first batting center" and "Tips for professional (self -proclaimed)" are also explained! You too in the comment section、Please share your best batting center! 1. Mihagino Batting Center (Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture) 230 km legend and enthusiastic sacred place Kitakyushu is the Mihagino Batting Center、Indeed, "Sacred Lands of the Challengers"。2013In the year、A challenger who beat the amazing 230kg ball has appeared、I impressed many people。after that、The feat of Katsu Yoneda, who hung back 240 km in the oldest, became a hot topic.。 The facility has a state -of -the -art batting machine、Satisfies a wide range of players from beginners to advanced users。It's good to challenge a high -speed ball、It is also possible to relax and enjoy with a low -speed machine。 Features Recommended points 2. Umeda Batting Dome (Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture) Realistic baseball experience in the middle of the city! Umeda Batting Dome in the center of Umeda, Osaka, an all -weather type、All -weather indoor facilities that you can enjoy without worrying about the weather。here、The latest system using real video of professional baseball players has been introduced.、You can feel as if you are confronted with a professional pitcher! In addition to batting, activities such as pitching and table tennis are substantial.、The perfect spot for enjoying with friends and family。 Features Recommended points 3. You can receive the guidance of former professional baseball players from the station south batting center (Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture)! ? Hidden famous spots are in Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture, station south batting center、Some people aim to be professionals、It is a facility that beginners can enjoy。How、One of the reasons why the flighter service that former professional baseball players provide guidance for free。You can feel the feeling of improving one step with professional advice。 Also、165Kilo -speed batting machine and、Struckout, etc., where you can receive cash as prizes、Unique facilities not found in other facilities are also attractive。 Features Recommended points 4. Ideal for families with Amuse Park Sendai Port (Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture)! Composite Amusement Facility AMUS Park Sendai Port in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture、Not only batting、Complex amusement facilities where you can enjoy fishing ponds and game corners。You can visit it like a theme park。 The batting area is equipped with the latest machines that can handle from beginners to advanced.、You can easily challenge with your family and friends。moreover、Home run tournaments, seasonal campaigns, etc.、Every time I visit, new fun is waiting。 Features Recommended points 5. Open stress release in the center of Tokyo (Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo) Oslo Battering Center (Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo)! The Oslover Batting Center, located in the middle of the hidden famous place in the city, Shinjuku、It is a spot where you can easily drop in between sightseeing and shopping.。There is a refreshing feeling that makes you forget the hustle and bustle of the city。 From a low -speed machine for beginners、Because it supports professional high -speed machines、Anyone can enjoy at their own pace。Access is also outstanding、Within walking distance from Shinjuku Station。Why don't you drop in between shopping and dating? Features Recommended Point Find your favorite、Let's have fun! How was it? Batting center、Not only enjoying baseball、It is also a place to relieve stress and deepen bonds with family and friends.。Feel free to visit beginners、First, let's shake the bat slowly。You may find an unexpected talent! please、Refer to this article、Please visit the batting center on the next holiday。If you find your favorite place、Please tell me in the comments! Also、Share this article on SNS、Let's spread fun to friends and family!

日本の「耳かき文化」は、繊細な技術と深いリラクゼーションを提供する独自の伝統です。耳かき専門店では、その文化をさらに洗練させた特別な体験を提供しています。膝枕での耳かきやプライベート空間での癒しは、心と体を解きほぐす極上のひととき。特に外国人観光客からは、「日本ならではの特別な体験」として注目されています。本記事では、実際に訪れてみた感想を交えながら、東京で楽しめるおすすめの耳かき専門店を5店ご紹介します!Japanese trivial knowledge

"Once you experience it, you can't forget it! Japanese healing culture、Best 5 earpick specialty stores

Japan's "ear-picking culture"、A unique tradition that offers delicate techniques and deep relaxation.。At a store specializing in ear cleaning、We offer a special experience that further refines that culture.。Ear cleaning on your lap and healing in a private space、An exquisite moment to relax your mind and body。Especially from foreign tourists、It is attracting attention as a “special experience unique to Japan”。In this article、While sharing my impressions from my actual visit.、We will introduce 5 recommended ear cleaning specialty stores that you can enjoy in Tokyo! Why Japanese ear cleaning specialty stores are popular with foreigners 1. A fusion of healing and cleanliness.Japanese ear cleaning specialty store、It is characterized by careful technology and a clean environment.。Daily care such as ear cleaning、This experience transforms into a moment of relaxation.、Something new and special for many foreigners。 2. Extraordinary “knee pillow” culture Some ear cleaning specialty stores、Some stores also offer knee pillows.、This unique culture is especially surprising and soothing to foreigners.。The practitioner's attentiveness and、The time wrapped in a gentle touch、It will refresh your mind and body。 3. Relaxation and digital detox daily busyness、The perfect place for spending a quiet time with digital devices。A simple experience of earpick、It gives you mental healing.。 5 recommended earpick specialty stores 1. Nice beautiful tokyo 2. Earpick specialty store Mimikuru 3. Dream gochi (Kobe store) 4. Ear Esthetic Salon Iaris (eariss) 5. Healing yukata and knee pillow Dreams (Umeda store) Did you have a store that you care about? Read this article、Did you have an earpick specialty store that you want to go to! Also、If you have the impressions and questions you actually visited、Please share in the comments! To make many people know the charm of earpick specialty stores、I would be glad if you could share this article on SNS。 For those seeking healing and relaxation、We would love for you to experience Japan's ear cleaning culture!

外国人も大興奮!日本のアニクラ4選:アニメ音楽と熱狂の夜を体験しよう!Recommended sightseeing route

Foreigners are also very excited! 4 selections of Japanese anime clubs:Experience a night of anime music and excitement!

In Japan、Unique entertainment that combines anime music and club culture、There is "Anikura (Anime Club)"。In the glittering lights、In a space where anime songs are played at high volume、Fans stand shoulder to shoulder、dance together、singing、share that moment。Just take one step、It's already the world of anime。It's also very popular among foreign tourists, who say, ``It's like being the main character of an anime!''。 When I first visited too、Feeling the music with your whole body、I felt like I had wandered into another world.。In this article、You can have such a special experience、We will introduce four Anikura spots across Japan.。Every place is worth visiting! 4 recommended anime clubs 1. Mogra (Tokyo/Akihabara) 2. Genius Tokyo (Shibuya, Tokyo) 3. Sound Museum Vision (Daikanyama, Tokyo) 4. Tsukiakari Yume Terrace (Kanagawa/Kawasaki) We look forward to your comments! “Which anime club are you interested in?Are there any spots you would like to visit?、If you have any experiences, please let us know in the comments! Make this a place for readers to exchange information.。”Finally, if you like anime music、Anikura you should visit at least once。If there is a spot you are interested in in this article、Please add it to your next travel plan! We look forward to your shares and comments.。Enjoy a wonderful anime culture experience!

日本の冬は光の魔法!外国人も虜になる絶景イルミネーション5選Recommended sightseeing route

Winter in Japan is the magic of light! 5 spectacular illuminations that will captivate even foreigners

こんにちは!私は「さぶ」日本の文化や観光地グルメを世界中に発信しているブロガーですこれまでに海外の友人たちを日本の様々な場所に案内し彼らの驚きや感動を共有してきました。Among them、特に冬のイルミネーションは訪れる人々を夢のような世界へと誘う特別なイベントです冬の日本は街が光の魔法に包まれ訪れる人々に心温まる瞬間を与えてくれます。In this blog、私が体験した中でも特におすすめのイルミネーションスポットを厳選してご紹介します。I'm sure by the time you finish reading this article、次の旅行先が決まっているはずです! なぜ日本のイルミネーションが外国人に人気なのか? 圧倒的なスケールとテーマ性 日本のイルミネーションは規模の大きさだけでなく毎年テーマが変わるストーリー性が魅力訪れるたびに新しい発見がありその工夫と完成度の高さには驚かされます自然との調和 光と雪水面木々が見事に融合するのは日本ならではの美しさ四季を尊ぶ日本の文化が自然と一体化した演出に反映されています誰と行くかで変わる楽しみ方 家族友人恋人など誰と行くかによって楽しみ方が変わりますイルミネーションはどんな相手とも特別な思い出を作れる場所ですおすすめイルミネーションスポット5選 以下は私が厳選した日本の絶景イルミネーションスポットですそれぞれの詳細を体験談とともにご紹介します! スポット名 場所 期間 見どころ なばなの里 三重県桑名市 2024年10月19日(土)~2025年6月1日(日) 光のトンネル水上イルミネーション毎年変わるテーマが楽しめるさっぽろホワイトイルミネーション 北海道札幌市 2024年11月22日(金)~2025年3月14日(金)(札幌駅南口駅前広場会場 他) 雪景色と光の融合日本初のイルミネーションイベントで歴史も楽しめるSENDAI光のページェント 宮城県仙台市 2024年12月6日(金)~2024年12月25日(水)(期間終了) ケヤキ並木に45万球のLEDが灯る幻想的な光のトンネル東京ミッドタウン 東京都港区 2024年11月14日(木)~2024年12月25日(水)(期間終了) 都会の中心で楽しむ「スターライトガーデン」音と光の連動演出が見どころハウステンボス 光の王国 長崎県佐世保市 1年間点灯(時期によりイベントが異なる) 日本最大級の1,300万球のLEDプロジェクションマッピングや夜のパレードも楽しめる。 1. なばなの里(三重県桑名市) 2. さっぽろホワイトイルミネーション(北海道札幌市) 3. SENDAI光のページェント(宮城県仙台市) 4. 東京ミッドタウン(東京都港区) 5. ハウステンボス 光の王国(長崎県佐世保市) あなたの冬の思い出をシェアしよう! どのイルミネーションスポットに行ってみたいですか? コメント欄であなたの感想や思い出を教えてください!またこの記事が役に立ったと感じたらぜひブックマークやSNSでシェアをお願いします日本の冬の美しさを一緒に世界中に広めましょう!

「富士山のすべて:なぜこの山が世界中で愛されるのか?」Recommended sightseeing route

“All about Mt. Fuji:Why is this mountain loved all over the world? ”

A special impression created by Mt. Fuji Hello! This is Iwapiko🌸Mt. Fuji - just hearing the name、Many people, even those who are not Japanese, will remember its beautiful appearance.。but、The appeal of Mt. Fuji is not just that it is a beautiful mountain.。A miraculous shape created by nature、Deep history as a symbol of faith and culture、And the emotional experience you can get by actually climbing a mountain.。All of which makes Mt. Fuji special.。 In this article、The unknown history and culture of Mt. Fuji、With my experiences、We will thoroughly dig into why this mountain is loved all over the world.。Some people have never visited Mt. Fuji、After reading this, you will definitely want to go!。 What is Mt. Fuji? Explanation for beginners Mt. Fuji、Located between Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures in Japan, it is the highest mountain in Japan at an altitude of 3,776 meters.。Its perfect conical silhouette、Recognizable at a glance, even from a distance、symbolic presence of Japan。2013In 2007, it was registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site as "Mt. Fuji - Object of Faith and Source of Art."。 Furthermore, Mt. Fuji also has the face of an ``active volcano.''、formed over many years。Its geological value is also attracting attention.、What's more special about this mountain is that、Because there is a story woven by nature and people's hearts.。 Why is Mt. Fuji loved all over the world? 1. Spectacular views of Mt. Fuji in all seasons、No matter what season you visit, you will be amazed by its beauty.。 Upside down Fuji reflected on the surface of the lake、Mt. Fuji floating in a sea of ​​clouds is a particularly popular sight.、A must-see spot for photography enthusiasts and tourists。 2. A symbol of faith and culture Mt. Fuji has been a central figure in Japanese faith since ancient times.。As a training ground for Shugendo、Also, as a ritual object at Sengen Shrine.、Mt. Fuji has been considered a sacred mountain.。During the Edo period, a religious group called ``Fuji-ko'' encouraged mountain climbing.、It has become popular among the common people as ``the mountain to climb.''。 Furthermore, Mt. Fuji、Katsushika Hokusai's ``Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji'' and Utagawa Hiroshige's Ukiyo-e prints, etc.、It is also a cultural symbol that often appears in works of art.。These works are、It has played a role in conveying Japan's beauty and harmony of nature to the world.。 3. Climbing that gives you a challenge and a sense of accomplishment Mt. Fuji has a mountain trail that is easy for even beginners to take on.。Especially popular is、This is ``Goraiko Climbing'' where you climb at night and see the sunrise from the top of the mountain.。I also experienced this mountain climbing in the summer of 2019.。Start from the 5th station、Climbing at night while looking at the starry sky、It felt like jumping into an extraordinary world.。The sunrise we celebrated at the top of the mountain、It was a special moment where I felt the power and beauty of nature with my entire body.。 History of Mt.Fuji:40An epic journey of 100,000 years The formation of Mt. Fuji began about 400,000 years ago、It took on its current form after passing through the following three eras.。 Also、Mt. Fuji has historically experienced several large eruptions。 These volcanic activities、He created the current landscape of Mt. Fuji and its surroundings.。 Points for enjoying Mt. Fuji Recommended spots Climbing tips and precautions Nearby gourmet food and hot springs There are also plenty of hot springs and local gourmet food around Mt. Fuji.。Hoto (local Yamanashi cuisine) and Fujinomiya Yakisoba are must-try! Iwapiko Mt. Fuji experience:An unforgettable moment: The first time I climbed Mt. Fuji was in the summer of 2019.。My friend and I tried climbing at night from the 5th station.。The moment you reach the top of the mountain、The scenery that spreads out in front of you is truly magnificent。It was a special experience that made me feel “I’m glad I worked so hard!”。 The sunrise we welcomed at the summit of the mountain、It was one of the most emotional moments in my life。The scene is、It was a special experience where you could feel the beauty and power of nature with your entire body.。 Have a special experience at Mt. Fuji! read this article、If you think "I want to go to Mt. Fuji!"、Please let us know in the comments section。Also、For those who have already visited、Please share your experience! If you like this article、share with friends and family、Please spread the charm of Mt. Fuji。Your next adventure may start at Mt. Fuji! Mt. Fuji is waiting for you - let's create a new experience together! 🌄

日本の秘密を挑む!絶対に見逃せない必見の忍者体験TOP5Mie Prefecture

Challenge Japan's secrets! Top 5 must-see ninja experiences you should never miss

You too will become a ninja! As a child、Have you ever dreamed of becoming a ninja? Walking through the quiet shadows、Ninjas overcome difficulties with incredible skills。Its mysticity is、It still attracts us。In this blog、We've carefully selected some of the best ninja experience spots I've actually visited! Enjoying the world of ninjas、Let's go on a trip that will also be exposed to Japanese history and culture。here we go、Why not try and get to know the secrets of ninjas too? 1. Iga-ryu Ninja Museum (Mie Prefecture) This is the place to be recommended! Ninja's Hometown、This museum in Iga、Not only can you experience history、Full of activities you can enjoy。What surprised me was、The cleverness of the hidden door mechanism! It gives you the feeling of being in a scene from a movie。 “By touching the actual ninja mansion、The ninjas I saw in movies and anime felt even more realistic!” 2. Koga Style Ninja House (Shiga Prefecture) This is the place to be recommended! One of the few real ninja houses in existence。At the "Koga-ryu Ninjutsu House"、You can experience hidden corridors and carrots that were actually used。When you visit、I was impressed by the large number of traps and how smart they were.。 “The real ninja mansion is definitely worth a visit! It's irresistible for history lovers。” 3. Ninja Experience Cafe Asakusa (Tokyo) This is the place to be recommended! The heart of Tokyo、At "Ninja Experience Cafe Asakusa" in Asakusa、You can have a ninja experience while in the city。Not only do you take a picture wearing a ninja costume、You can also enjoy a shuriken throw or a special lunch。 “I never thought I could have such a fun ninja experience in the city!” 4. Togakushi Ninja Karakuri Mansion (Nagano Prefecture) This is the place to be recommended! "Ninja Karakuri Mansion" located in Togakushi, Nagano Prefecture, rich in nature。Enjoy the fun of passing through hidden doors and rigs、Not only the kids but also the adults were very excited.。It also has athletics, so it's perfect for those who want to exercise.。 “The ninja mansion that is integrated with nature、It was an experience that you could never experience anywhere else。” 5. Oshino Shinobi no Sato (Yamanashi Prefecture) This is the place to be recommended! A theme park where you can experience a ninja experience in a spectacular view of Mt. Fuji。"Oshino Shinobi no Sato"、Very popular with families and couples。I also watched a ninja show here、Photographed with Mt. Fuji in the background。 “Fusion of Mt. Fuji and ninja! I was able to take many photos that can only be taken here。” Why Ninjas are captivating the world: The mystical nature and outstanding techniques of ninja、And the patience and ingenuity that they represent、It attracts many people across borders。It is particularly popular among Japanese culture、Ninja-themed movies and anime are loved all over the world。By actually having a ninja experience、You can feel the depth of history and culture more realistically。 Plan your ninja experience adventure! How did you like? Ninja experience spots all over Japan、Each has its own unique charm。History lovers too、For families too、Please use this as a reference for your next trip。I would be happy if you could share your thoughts on your visit and what you like in the comments! moreover、Share this article to expand the appeal of ninjas。

「正真の日本の味を体験しよう!外国人も大喜びのリンゴあめ専門店トップ5」Recommended Japanese shops

"Let's experience the taste of Japan! Top 5 apple candy specialty stores that even foreigners will love"

everyone、Do you know Japanese apple candy? usually、You may think of the sweet apple candy you see at festival stalls.。but、In modern Japan、Apple candy has evolved into a modern、Beautiful appearance and sophisticated taste、It is a very popular sweet not only among Japanese people but also among foreign tourists.。 A way to bring out the sweetness and acidity of apples to the maximum、Crispy candy texture、Plus seasonal flavors、Its charm is countless。myself、I have visited many apple candy specialty stores so far.、I had a special experience that can only be experienced there.。 Introducing the top 5 apple candy specialty stores you should visit in Japan. 1. pomme d'amour tokyo location: KI Building 2F (main store), 5-9-12 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Prices: 690circle(tax included)~*Confirmation required Features: Pomme d'Amour Tokyo is known as Japan's first apple candy specialty store.、The patented powder coating is the biggest attraction。Crispy and light texture、The juicy flavor of apples blends perfectly。moreover、You can also enjoy seasonal flavors.、No matter how many times you visit, there's always something new to discover.。 2. Apple's memory location: Room B, 1st floor, Honmachi TS Building, 4-7-5 Bakuro-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture (Shinsaibashi Main Store) Fees: Plain approximately 690 yen (tax included)、Cut approximately 720 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: “Ringo no Omoi” is operated by a long-established confectionery factory that has been in business for 80 years.。Using fresh domestic apples、Available in a variety of flavors including cinnamon sugar and white chocolate.。Especially products with condensed milk、It is highly rated by foreign tourists for its rich taste.。 3. Daikanyama Candy apple location: 1st floor, Ryuo Building, 8-9 Daikanyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (Daikanyama main store) Fee: Approximately 790 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: At this stylish store in Daikanyama、While retaining the atmosphere of a traditional food stall、Enjoy apple candy arranged in a modern style。Using carefully selected seasonal apples、The exquisite balance of sweetness and sourness is appealing.。moreover、We also offer easy-to-eat cutting services.、Perfect for a light snack while strolling。 4. angel apple candy location: 5-2-5 Yamate-dori, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture Resins Yamate (Yagoto store) Prices: Plain approximately 580 yen (tax included)、Coconut approximately 680 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: This store is located in Yagoto, Nagoya.、Features apples coated with ultra-thin candy。In addition to enjoying the light and crispy texture,、Available in a variety of flavors。There are Instagrammable photo spots inside the store.、Very popular among foreign tourists who love SNS。 5. Yaorin Cafe location: 3-38-2 Shibuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Prices: Apple candy (cup) 800 yen (tax included)、Apple candy (1 ball) 1,500 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: Yaorin Cafe is located inside Shinjuku Station.、A unique apple candy specialty store run by a greengrocer。Using carefully selected seasonal apples、The candy is moderately sweet, allowing you to fully enjoy the original taste of apples.。There is a cutting service、The fact that it is easy to take home is also attractive.。 You too will be impressed by the apple candy! ! These stores are、We offer apple candy that makes use of its unique characteristics in various parts of Japan.、Well worth a visit。Every store looks beautiful、The taste is also first-class.、Perfect for remembering your trip。When you visit、Please share your thoughts and recommendations in the comments section! Let's enjoy Japan's apple candy culture together!

日本旅行のハイライト!外国人に人気の着物レンタルおすすめ5選【ぴゆんが厳選】Recommended Japanese shops

Highlights of my trip to Japan! 5 recommended kimono rentals popular among foreigners [Carefully selected by Piyun]

Hello、A blogger who spreads the charms of Japan to the world、This is Piyun! For foreign tourists visiting Japan、Kimono rental is one of the experiences that will make your travel memories even more special.。Just wear a kimono and walk through the historic streets.、You can feel like you are the main character in a movie.。 This time、Based on my actual experience visiting、We will carefully select and introduce ``5 recommended kimono rental shops that will never fail''! location and fees、The features are explained in an easy-to-understand manner、Please use this as a reference for your trip to Japan.。If you read this article till the end、You're sure to find a restaurant that makes you think, "I want to visit this place!"。 Why is kimono rental so popular among foreign tourists? 1. Experience wearing culture Kimono, a traditional costume that symbolizes Japanese culture。By wearing a kimono、Not only can you experience Japanese culture, but also、It also provides an opportunity to learn about the historical background.。Especially in tourist areas such as Kyoto and Tokyo Asakusa.、Kimono blends into the cityscape、You can feel as if you have traveled back in time。 2. Excellent photogenic spots and combinations Photos taken in kimono are、It's sure to be Instagrammable! Hanamikoji in Gion and bamboo forest in Arashiyama、The combination of sightseeing spots such as Sensoji Temple and kimono is、It fully creates a Japanese atmosphere.。Great as a photo to post on SNS。 3. A support system that eliminates the language barrier.Kimono dressing and hair styling will be done by professionals.、No need to worry about language barriers。Many stores have English support、Even foreign tourists can use it with confidence。 ✨ Piyun's experience wearing a kimono in Gion, Kyoto、When I walked under the cherry blossom trees、A scene so beautiful it's hard to believe it's real。Posting a photo on SNS、A friend from overseas praised it and said, ``This is Japan!''、It was a valuable time for me to rediscover the beauty of Japan.。 Carefully selected by Piyun! 5 Recommended Kimono Rental Shops From Here、Introducing a kimono rental store that I actually used and was impressed with! We will explain in detail the characteristics and charms of each.。 1. Kimono rental “Saku Miyako” Gion store (Kyoto) Saku Miyako official website ✨ Piyun's impression: ``If you want to enjoy Kyoto in a kimono, this is the place!'' The level of satisfaction is so high。Especially the hair style is very careful.、I had a cute updo。While walking in Gion、The result was so beautiful that tourists asked, "Can I take a picture?"。 2. Kyoto Kimono Rental Yumekan Gojo Branch (Kyoto) Kimono Rental Yumekan Official Website ✨ Piyun's impressions on the way to Kiyomizu-dera Temple、I was moved by the feeling of being one with the scenery while wearing a kimono! Also、The staff are very kind、I was impressed by the way they provided information in English that was easy for foreign tourists to understand.。 3. Gion Nishiki Gion Main Store (Kyoto) Gion Nishiki Gion Main Store Official Website ✨ Piyun's impressions Because the price is reasonable、Recommended for those who want to experience kimono for the first time。I used it with a friend、There are many kimono designs available.、I was surprised at the high cost performance.。 4. Kimono rental VASARA Sensoji store (Tokyo) Kimono rental VASARA Asakusa official website ✨ Piyun's impressions When I took a photo with Sensoji Temple in the background、A foreign tourist who was there said, "It's like a scene from a movie!"。If you want to easily enjoy Japanese culture in Tokyo, this is the best place.。 5. Keiran Kimono Arashiyama Togetsukashi Store (Kyoto) Keiran Kimono Official HP ✨ Piyun's impressions The photo taken in Arashiyama's bamboo forest is、It's still one of my favorites。For those who want to choose a high-quality kimono、Recommended for those who want to use it for special anniversaries! Rent a kimono for special memories of your trip to Japan! Kimono rental experience in Japan、You can create special memories that cannot be experienced just by sightseeing.。The five stores introduced in this article are all stores that we can recommend with confidence.。Please choose your favorite place、Please enjoy Japanese culture to the fullest! 💬 Comments and shares are welcome! If you read this article and thought “I want to go there!”、Please let us know in the comments section! Also、to make plans with friends、I would appreciate it if you could share this article。We will continue to send out information that conveys the charms of Japan.、Thank you for your support!

Explaining the latest news in Japan

Color the winter in Tokyo! Top 5 Fascinating Events You Must Visit in Winter

A special experience in winter in Tokyo:Would you like to create unforgettable memories? Winter in Tokyo、It's the season where you can have heart-warming experiences even when the cold wind blows.。If you walk around town、Events that intertwine culture and entertainment are held everywhere.、You will be surprised by the multifaceted nature of Tokyo.。Carefully selected recommended events with high reputation on the internet.、We will show you its charm and how to enjoy it! After reading this article、You'll definitely want to spend winter in Tokyo.。 Why are Tokyo's winter events so popular among foreigners? Why Tokyo's winter events are supported by foreign tourists、lies in its uniqueness。The following points are particularly attractive。 Carefully selected by Kiri! Events you should visit in winter in Tokyo 1. Special exhibition “Garbage Poop Exhibition” link:garbage poop exhibition 2. Anime “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba” Pillar Exhibition Link:“Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba” Pillar Exhibition 3. Special exhibition “Eggs, eggs, eggs!” 4. Special Exhibition “Paris Notre Dame Cathedral Exhibition” Link:Special exhibition “Paris Notre Dame Cathedral Exhibition” 5. Marunouchi Illumination Please tell us about your winter Tokyo experience! Did you find an event you would like to visit after reading this article? Let us know your favorite events and experiences in the comments section! Share this article with your friends、Please enjoy the charm of Tokyo's winter together.。May your next trip be special!