traditional culture and history

「俳句で巡る四季:季語を通して自然を楽しむ」traditional culture and history


Hello! A blogger who conveys the charms of Japan to the world、モモです!今日は私の大好きな趣味俳句についてお話ししようと思います「俳句/haiku」は、5・7・5の17音からなる短い詩で自然や季節の変化人々の感情を表現することが特徴ですその中でも特に大切なのが「季語/kigo」という言葉季語はその詩がどの季節に詠まれたのかを示す言葉で俳句を読む上で欠かせない要素となっています季語は日本の四季を反映していてどの季節にも特徴的な言葉がたくさんあります。Today is、春・夏・秋・冬それぞれの季節にちなんだ季語をいくつかご紹介したいと思います。Well then、さっそく始めましょう! 1. 春の季語 ・初桜(はつざくら/hatuzakura)春の訪れを感じさせる最初の桜の花初桜は春の始まりを象徴する花として非常に重要な季語です寒さを乗り越えて最初に咲く桜の花は新たな命が芽吹く瞬間を感じさせてくれます・春雨(はるさめ/harusame)春に降る柔らかな雨春雨も季語としてよく使われます春雨はしっとりとした優しいイメージを与え暖かさとともに心地よい季節の訪れを感じさせてくれます・鶯笛(うぐいすぶえ/uguisubue)春にさえずる鶯の鳴き声を「鶯笛」と呼びます鶯の鳴き声は春を告げるメロディとして古くから俳句に詠まれていますその美しいさえずりは春の風物詩として親しまれています。 2. 夏の季語 ・蛍(ほたる/hotaru)夏の夜を彩る蛍の光暗闇の中でぽっと光る蛍は幻想的で儚い存在です夏の風物詩として多くの俳句に登場します・蝉(せみ/semi)夏の昼間に聞こえる蝉の鳴き声も夏の風物詩のひとつ蝉の鳴き声は日本の夏の暑さを象徴する音として暑い夏を思い起こさせます・花火(はなび/hanabi)夏の夜空に広がる花火は夏の夜の風物詩です華やかで儚い光の瞬間が夏の短い期間を美しく表現しています。 3. 秋の季語 ・紅葉(こうよう/kouyou)秋に木々が色づく紅葉は日本の秋の風物詩として知られています赤や黄色に染まる葉が秋の深まりを感じさせてくれます・月見(つきみ/tukimi)秋の夜満月を眺めながら楽しむ月見月見は秋の風物詩で秋の夜の静けさと美しさを表現するのにぴったりなテーマです・栗(くり/kuri)秋に収穫される栗も秋の季語です栗を使ったお菓子や料理は秋の味覚として日本の家庭で親しまれています。 4. 冬の季語 ・雪晴(ゆきばれ/yukibare)雪が降った後の晴れた空を「雪晴」と呼びます雪に覆われた景色が澄み切った空とともに美しく輝く様子は冬ならではの風景です静かな雪景色の後に広がる晴れやかな空が心に温かさをもたらしてくれます・霜の花(しものはな/simonohana)冬の寒い朝霜が花のように枝や草に付きまるで花が咲いたかのような美しい光景が広がります霜の花は寒さの中にも美しさを見出す日本の冬の風物詩です・初雪(はつゆき/hatuyuki)冬の最初の雪初雪も美しい季語です初雪が降ると冬が始まったことを実感する瞬間として多くの俳句に登場します。 5. さいごに 季語はその季節の特徴を短い言葉で表現しており俳句を深く味わうためには欠かせない存在です季語を通して四季折々の自然や風景を感じ心が豊かになるような気がします。lastly、私が最近読んだ俳句を一つ紹介しますね「春の風 桜吹雪に 揺れるかな」/「harunokaze sakurahubukini yurerukana」 春風に舞い散る桜の花びらが風に揺れている情景を描いた一篇です桜の花が散る瞬間の儚さと春風の心地よさが感じられてとても美しいなと思いました

御朱印:美と伝統を手にする、日本旅の特別な体験traditional culture and history

Goshuin stamp:Obtain beauty and tradition、A special experience of traveling to Japan

Hello! My name is Sabu from Kawaraban JAPAN.。Our mission is to convey Japanese culture and tourist spots to people overseas.、I enjoy writing articles every day.。This time、I would like to introduce you to my favorite “Goshuin”! This special record that you get when you visit a Japanese shrine or temple is、It is art、is history、It's a heart-healing experience.。 If you are planning a trip to Japan、Be sure to add a goshuin tour to your travel plans.。If you read this article、I'm sure you'll think, "Goshuin looks interesting!"。 What is Goshuin? Its charm is more than just a stamp✨ What is Goshuin?、A seal that can be used as proof of your visit to a shrine or temple.。Names of shrines and temples are written in ink on a special “Goshuincho”、The date of worship is recorded、A vermilion stamp will be stamped。At first glance, it seems like it's just a record.、The diversity and beauty of its design、And the experience itself、Attracting people from home and abroad。 for example、I am at a shrine、I once received a goshuin stamp with a hand-drawn cherry blossom pattern.。The delicate design and warm typeface will make your heart flutter.、I still cherish it like a treasure.。 Why are goshuin so popular? 🌟 1. 思い出を形に残せる特別な記念品 御朱印には、The moments spent there are recorded.。Not just names and dates、Looking at the handwritten letters and designs、The atmosphere and scenery of that time may suddenly come back to life.。for example、Every time I look at the goshuin stamp I received at Todaiji Temple in Nara、I can vividly remember the time I spent in the magnificent Great Buddha and the quiet temple grounds.。 🎨 2. 多様なデザインに魅了される楽しみ 御朱印はただの文字ではなく、It has now reached the realm of "art"。Designs featuring seasonal cherry blossoms and autumn leaves、Some have Ukiyo-e style illustrations.。At a shrine in Kamakura、I once received a blue Goshuin stamp with the image of a starry sky, available only during Tanabata.。These “limited items” have a special feel.、It has a charm that makes you want to collect it.。 🏯 3. 日本文化を深く知る入り口になる 御朱印巡りをしていると、You will have more opportunities to learn about the origins and history of shrines and temples in each region.。By knowing the local culture and beliefs、Make your journey more enriching。for example、When visiting Kumano Kodo、Through the goshuin seal I received at a mysterious shrine deep in the mountains.、I was able to understand the depth of Kumano faith.。 🌿 4. リフレッシュ&心の癒しの時間 御朱印巡りは観光以上の癒しをもたらしてくれます。While walking through quiet temples and shrines surrounded by nature、Experience the feeling of being freed from your busy daily life。Especially when you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.、It will be a soul-cleansing experience.。 How to get a goshuin stamp:Basic rules and points🎴 1. 参拝が最優先 御朱印は参拝した証としていただくものです。First, visit the shrine、Let's express our gratitude to shrines and temples。 2. お願いの仕方は丁寧に 授与所や社務所で「御朱印をお願いします」と伝えましょう。When presenting the Goshuincho directly、It is good manners to hand it in the same direction.。 3. It is important to check in advance. Not all shrines and temples offer goshuin stamps.。Also、Reception may be limited during busy periods.、We recommend checking before visiting.。 The world of goshuin:特別なデザインと一期一会の魅力 御朱印の中には、There is something special that is different from the normal design.。for example、Seasonal designs and event-limited goshuin stamps。At Sensoji Temple in Tokyo、For New Year's only, you can get a special Goshuin stamp with golden ink.。Also、Because it is handwritten、Even if you get it at the same place, you will never get the exact same thing twice.。The special feeling of this “once-in-a-lifetime chance”、It attracts many people。 あなたも御朱印巡りを始めてみませんか? 御朱印は、It is the gateway to Japanese culture.、A beautiful record that captures the memories of your trip.。myself too、Every time I receive a stamp while traveling, I discover something new.。If you visit Japan、Please try getting a goshuin stamp at your nearest shrine or temple.。and、Please share your experience in the comments! Your favorite goshuin stamp you found、Could you tell me about any memorable experiences of shrines or temples?、I will use it as a reference for the next article.😊。I look forward to interacting with all my readers! Thank you for reading to the end! In the next “Kawaraban JAPAN”、We will introduce more unique and attractive Japanese culture and sightseeing spots.。Bookmarks and shares are also welcome! May your trip be even more wonderful✨

日本語でしかわからない?和歌の魅力 古今和歌集 巻一:春上 1~10首traditional culture and history

日本語でしかわからない?和歌の魅力 古今和歌集 巻一春上 1~10首

古今和歌集 巻一春上 1~10首の魅力 『古今和歌集』巻一「春上」には日本の春の訪れを繊細に表現した和歌が並びますここでは1~10首の和歌を紹介しそれぞれの魅力や翻訳では伝わらない日本語の美しさを解説します 第1首 在原元方(ありわらのもとかた) 和歌: 年のうちに  春は来にけり ひととせを  こそとやいはむ  ことしとやいはむローマ字読み:Toshi no uchi ni haru wa kinikeri Hitotose o koso to ya iwamu kotoshi to ya iwamu 意味:年の途中に春が来てしまったこの一年を去年と呼ぶべきかそれとも今年と呼ぶべきか迷ってしまう。background:正月を迎えた際の新年の感覚と日本の旧暦での「春の始まり」を結びつけた和歌です暦の移ろいと春の到来の新鮮さが表現されています。Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:「去年」「今年」といった時間概念の揺れや音の響きが織りなす韻律の美しさは日本語の特性が存分に活かされています 第2首 紀貫之(きのつらゆき) 和歌: 袖ひちて  むすびし水の  こほれるを  春立つけふの   風や解くらむローマ字読み:Sode hichite musubishi mizu no kooreru o Haru tatsu kyou no kaze ya tokuramu 意味:袖を濡らして掬った水が凍っているそれを今日立つ春の風が解かしてくれるのだろうか。background:冬から春への移行期を具体的な「凍った水」というイメージで描写しています自然の移ろいを繊細に感じ取る日本人の感性が現れています。Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:「袖ひちて」の具体性や「風が解かす」という擬人化表現が感情と自然を密接に結びつけています 第3首 二条の后(にじょうのきさき) 和歌: 雪の内に   春は来にけり  鶯の    凍れる涙   今や解くらむローマ字読み:Yuki no uchi ni haru wa kinikeri uguisu no Kooreru namida ima ya tokuramu 意味:雪の中に春が来た鶯の凍った涙も今まさに解けようとしているのだろうか。background:雪と鶯の対比を通じて冬から春への変化を象徴的に描いています。Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:「鶯の涙」という表現が日本語ならではの繊細な感覚を象徴しています 第4首 読人不知(よみびとしらず) 和歌: 梅が枝に 来ゐる鶯   春かけて  鳴けども今だ   雪は降りつつローマ字読み:Umegae ni kiiru uguisu haru kakete Nake domo imada yuki wa furitsutsu 意味:梅の枝に止まる鶯が春を告げて鳴いているがまだ雪が降り続いている。background:梅と鶯という春の象徴的な取り合わせに冬の雪を加えた対比的な構図が特徴です。Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:「春かけて鳴けども」という継続性の表現が春の到来の儚さを際立たせます素性法師(そせいほうし)  第5首 読人不知(よみびとしらず) 和歌: 春たてば  花とや見らむ   白雪の   かかれる枝に   鶯そ鳴くローマ字読み:Haru...

思わず訪れたくなる!日本のサスティナブルツーリズムの魅力と体験談Recommended sightseeing route


世界中で注目を集める『サスティナブルツーリズム』。this is、観光地の自然環境や文化を守りながら地域社会に貢献する観光の形です。The background is、気候変動や環境破壊が進む中で観光による負担を軽減しつつ持続可能な発展を目指すという目的があります。for example、観光客が増えすぎることで地域資源が枯渇したり住民の生活に悪影響が出る「オーバーツーリズム」の問題が世界的に深刻な事態となっていますサスティナブルツーリズムはこのような課題を解決しながら旅行者に豊かな体験を提供するもの多くの旅行者が「旅を通じて地球に優しくありたい」と考えるようになり関心が高まっています。In this article、私「ペンシルケース」が実際に体験した日本のサスティナブルツーリズムの素晴らしい実例をご紹介します! 白川村——世界遺産を未来へつなぐレスポンブル・ツーリズム 岐阜県の白川村は、1995年12月にユネスコの世界遺産に認定された合掌造りの家々が立ち並ぶ美しい村です。When I first visited、静寂さと歴史的な雰囲気に圧倒されました。but、人気観光地ゆえに訪れる観光客の混雑やマナー問題は深刻ですそこで村では観光客に文化や生活を尊重する行動を促すマナー啓発や混雑予想カレンダーを提供しています特に混雑予想カレンダーを活用し訪問者が事前にピーク時間を避けることで快適な観光体験ができるよう配慮されています。Also、一部の日程では入場制限を設けることで観光客の集中を分散させ住民の生活環境を守る工夫がなされています。moreover、予約制やチケット制を導入することで計画的な観光を促進しよりスムーズで快適な観光体験を提供する取り組みも進められていますそれによって混雑のピークを避けることで観光客の満足度を高めつつ住民の日常生活への影響を最小限に抑える工夫がされています私が白川村で印象に残ったのは地元の方々の温かいもてなしと観光地としての責任感でした地元ガイドさんから聞いた「観光で村が救われたけど守る努力も必要なんです」という言葉は心に響きましたなぜ人気? みなかみ町——自然と共生する冒険 群馬県のみなかみ町はアウトドア好きにはたまらない場所ですラフティングやハイキングを楽しみながら自然環境の保護意識を高める仕組みが整っています。 Also、温泉地としても知られ地元の源泉を活用したエコフレンドリーな温泉施設が多く存在します観光客は自然に優しい取り組みを実践する宿泊施設に滞在しながら地元の食材を使った郷土料理を味わうこともできます。moreover、伝統工芸や農業体験を通じて地域文化に触れる機会も提供されていますこうした多面的なサスティナブルツーリズムの取り組みがみなかみ町の魅力をさらに引き立てています私もラフティングに挑戦し大自然の迫力を肌で感じました地元のガイドさんが「川の清流を守るためにゴミを持ち帰ることの重要性」や「観光が環境保全にどう繋がるのか」を話してくれましたその熱意が観光の価値を深めてくれますなぜ人気? 上勝町——ごみゼロのまちが魅せる未来 徳島県の上勝町は、2003年にゼロ・ウェイストを掲げている日本初の自治体です。When you visit、リサイクルステーションや地元産素材を活用したカフェなど循環型社会の最先端を体験できます私もここでリサイクル体験をしゴミを細かく分別するプロセスや地域住民の努力を直接学びました観光客がリサイクルに参加できる仕組みは自分自身の生活にも役立つ学びが多いです「観光が地域の持続可能性に貢献できる」という新しい視点を学んだ貴重な時間でしたなぜ人気? 釜石市——生きた博物館を歩く 岩手県の釜石市は市全体を“オープンフィールドミュージアム”として活用するユニークな取り組みを行っています。2018年には日本初の「世界の持続可能な観光地100選」に選出されその後も連続して選ばれています。Also、2019年には「グリーン・デスティネーションズ・アワード」のブロンズ賞を受賞し、2022年にはシルバー賞を獲得するなど国際的にも評価を受けています釜石市には震災からの復興をテーマに地域の自然や文化を体験できるプログラムが豊富です。for example、被災地ガイドツアーでは現地の住民が震災時の経験や復興の歩みを直接語ってくれます。Also、漁業体験プログラムでは地元の漁師とともに新鮮な海産物を収穫しその場で味わうこともできますこれらのプログラムを通じて観光客は復興への努力を肌で感じ地域の生活と深く関わることができます。 When I visited、地元の漁師さんから「津波で全てを失ったけれど復興を支えてくれる観光客が私たちの希望です」と語られたことが印象的でした復興の歩みを体験できる観光プログラムや地元の新鮮な海産物を楽しむ機会もあり観光客として深いつながりを感じましたなぜ人気? 美瑛町——自然と農業の調和を楽しむ 北海道の美瑛町はどこまでも続く丘陵とカラフルな花畑で有名です。but、その美しい景観の裏には持続可能な農業への努力があります。2023年4月には「美瑛町持続可能な観光目的地実現条例」を施行し観光と環境保全の両立を目指した取り組みを強化しています。Also、同年にはUNWTO(国連世界観光機関)から「ベスト・ツーリズム・ビレッジ」に認定され世界的にも持続可能な観光地として評価されました私も農業体験に参加し地元の農家さんから「農薬を抑えた環境配慮型の農業」や「景観保全の重要性」について直接学びました。Also、地元の新鮮な食材を使った料理は格別で農業と観光がどのように結びついているかを実感しましたなぜ人気? コメントであなたの意見を聞かせてください! この記事を読んでどの観光地に興味を持ちましたか?例えば「釜石市の漁業体験プログラムに参加してみたい」や「美瑛町で農業体験をしてみたい」など具体的に教えていただけると嬉しいです!また実際に訪れたことがある方はその体験や印象をぜひシェアしてくださいサスティナブルツーリズムを通じて感じたことや他のおすすめの観光地も教えていただけると大変参考になります! この記事をブックマークしてお友達にもシェアしてくださいね日本の美しい観光地を未来へつなぐため一緒に行動を始めましょう!

京都の魔法に包まれる!あなたも行きたくなる伝統祭り4選Kyoto prefecture


Hello、ペンシルケースです! 京都と聞いて思い浮かべるのは古き良き街並みや豊かな歴史ではありませんか?でもちょっと待ってください!その魅力を最大限に味わうなら実は「お祭り」という魔法の扉を開ける必要があるんです。This time、海外からも注目される京都の4つの伝統祭りをご紹介します! この記事を読み終わるころには次の京都旅行の計画が立てられるかもしれません。Well then、行きましょう! 葵祭(5月15日) 場所上賀茂神社・下鴨神社 葵祭はなんと1500年以上の歴史を誇る京都の伝統的なお祭りです平安装束を身にまとった行列が京都御所から下鴨神社上賀茂神社まで練り歩く光景はまるでタイムトリップしたような気分にさせてくれます私が初めて葵祭を訪れ体験したときのことです早朝から並んで見学スポットを確保し平安装束を着た行列が目の前を通る瞬間を待っていました。What was particularly impressive was、行列を先導する牛車(ぎっしゃ)の優雅な動きとそれに続く人々の整然とした歩み行列の参加者一人ひとりがまるで平安時代から来たかのような佇まいでその光景に胸が熱くなりました。 Also、地元の方々が行列の進行を静かに見守りながらも観光客には温かく案内をしてくれる姿も心に残っています行列を待つ間隣にいた地元の方から葵祭の由来や衣装にまつわる興味深い話を聞けたのも特別な体験でしたなぜ外国人に人気なのか? 海外の方からすると、This festival is”日本の歴史を目で見るという感覚を味わえる貴重な機会です。myself、現地で行列を目の当たりにしたときその整然とした美しさに息を飲みました衣装の細かい刺繍や色彩の美しさに圧倒されると同時に行列を引っ張る牛車(ぎっしゃ)の優雅な動きには特に感動しました。 Also、地元の方々が代々受け継いできたこの伝統を現代に移り変わっても誇りを持って続けている姿に心を打たれましたカメラ好きや歴史ファンにとってこれは絶対に外せないイベントです祇園祭(7月1日~31日) 場所八坂神社・各山鉾町 祇園祭は疫病を鎮めるために始まった日本最大級の祭り。7月の1ヶ月間にわたって行われ特に山鉾巡行や宵山は見逃せませんなぜ外国人に人気なのか? この祭りのハイライトは山鉾の美しさ!それぞれの山鉾(やまぼこ)は動く美術館と呼ばれるほど精巧な装飾が施されています山鉾の中には見事な金箔が施された装飾や何百年もの歴史を持つ刺繍が輝く布で覆われたものもあります。for example、船の形を模した船鉾(ふねほこ)や鳥居のモチーフを取り入れた鶏鉾(にわとりほこ)などそれぞれが独自のテーマを持ち見る人を飽きさせません自身の体験談ですが私も巡行を間近で見たときその大迫力に圧倒されました。especially、夜の宵山では提灯に照らされた山鉾が幻想的な雰囲気を醸し出していてまるで映画のワンシーンにいるような気分でした山鉾の細部を見て歩くだけでも伝統工芸の素晴らしさに触れることができるのも魅力の一つです。 Also、山鉾ごとに異なるテーマや物語が込められておりそれを知ることで観覧がさらに面白くなります地元の職人技術や歴史的な背景についてボランティアガイドから直接話を聞けたのも貴重な体験でした祭りの後には地元の露店で食べた焼き鳥やかき氷の味がまた格別!ぜひあなたも体験してみてください時代祭(10月22日) 場所京都御所・平安神宮 時代祭は明治時代に平安遷都1100年を記念して1895年に始まったお祭りです。but、その意義は深く日本の歴史を生き生きと体験できる貴重な機会を提供してくれますこのお祭りのハイライトは平安時代から明治時代までの各時代の衣装を忠実に再現した壮大な行列です歴史的背景と意義 時代祭は京都がかつて日本の首都であったことを讃えるとともに歴史の中で培われた文化を次世代に伝えるという使命を担っています行列に登場する衣装や小道具は細部にまでこだわっており京都の伝統工芸の技術が随所に感じられます。for example、平安時代の貴族の装束に施された繊細な刺繍や戦国時代の武士が纏う鎧兜の精巧さは圧巻です体験談になりますが私がこの祭りを初めて訪れた際地元の方々から直接聞いた話が忘れられません。I was especially impressed by、祭りの準備に数ヶ月を費やすという地域コミュニティの結束力その努力がこの壮大な行列を可能にしているのだと知り深い敬意を抱きました祭りの後には平安神宮の静寂な境内を訪れ時代祭が持つ「歴史を継承する」という深い意義に思いを馳せるのもおすすめです京都の歴史に新たな視点を加えたい方にはぜひ訪れてほしいお祭りですなぜ外国人に人気なのか? 歴史の教科書から飛び出してきたかのような衣装の数々平安時代から明治時代までの日本史を旅するような気分を味わえます私がこの祭りを見たとき特に印象的だったのは行列を作る地元の人々の情熱です衣装や小道具の細部まで再現されておりそれぞれの時代背景を感じさせる工夫が随所に見られました。for example、鎧兜を身につけた武士の堂々とした歩き方や宮中装束を身につけた女性の優雅な所作は目を見張るものでした祭りが終わった後地元の方々と歴史について語り合ったのも良い思い出ですこうした交流が旅をさらに豊かにしてくれるのだと感じました五山送り火(8月16日) 場所京都市内の五山(大文字山など) お盆の精霊を送り出すための行事で夜空に浮かぶ巨大な火文字は言葉にできないほど美しいです体験談ですが私が五山送り火を初めて見たときのことを鮮明に覚えています山に点火されるその瞬間周囲が一斉に静まり返り夜空に「大」の文字が浮かび上がる光景に息を呑みましたその場にいた全員が同じ感動を共有しているのが伝わり言葉を交わさずとも不思議な一体感を感じたのです。 What was particularly impressive was、火文字が夜空を照らしながらゆっくりと燃え続ける様子まるで先祖の魂が見守ってくれているような感覚を覚えました送り火が終わった後も余韻に浸りながら近くのお寺を散策し地元の方々と静かに交流を深めたことが心に残っていますなぜ外国人に人気なのか? このイベントの魅力はシンプルながらも心に響くその光景にありますその光景には送り火が持つスピリチュアルそして日本独特の静寂さと信心深さは他のどんな祭りにもない特別な魅力を持っています私が五山送り火を見たとき山に点火される瞬間観客全員が静まり返り息をのむような感動を共有しました。especially、暗闇の中に浮かぶ「大」の文字が視界に広がる瞬間は忘れられません送り火の後には地元の方々が提案してくれたお寺の参拝ルートをたどりさらに深い京都の文化を感じることができました。like this、ただ眺めるだけでなく地元の人々とのつながりを作る機会にもなる素晴らしい行事だと感じますコメント欄にぜひご感想を! あなたはどの京都のお祭りに一番行きたくなりましたか? また実際に訪れたことがある方はその体験もぜひシェアしてください! 私たちのブログをブックマークして次の京都旅行の参考にしていただけると嬉しいです。Also、この記事をシェアして京都の魅力を広めるお手伝いをしていただけるととても励みになります京都の魅力を一緒に語りましょうペンシルケースでした!

[’70]もうすぐ開幕!!歴史を振り返よう2025年大阪万博に向けた日本で最初の国際博覧会traditional culture and history


タイムスリップできるならこの万博に行ってみたくない? ⏳ 50年前の日本へタイムスリップできるならあなたは行ってみたいですか? 🚀 時は1970年——世界が初めて未来を目撃した日。 if、50年前の1970年の日本にタイムスリップできるとしたらあなたは何を見てみたいですか? 🚀 未来の乗り物が動き出し、📞 テレビ電話が初めてお披露目され、🌕 月から持ち帰った本物の石が展示された…。That's、1970年の大阪万博(EXPO ’70)です! この万博は当時の日本にとってただのイベントではなく「世界に日本の実力を見せつける瞬間」でした。and、それを目の当たりにした6,422万人の人々は未来への希望に胸を躍らせたのですそんな伝説の大阪万博を今こそ振り返ってみましょう!✨ 🎡 これが伝説の大阪万博だ! ✅ Period: 1970年3月15日~9月13日(183日間)会場: 大阪府吹田市・千里丘陵✅ theme: 「人類の進歩と調和(Progress and Harmony for Mankind)」参加国: 77カ国、4国際機関、9つの州来場者数: 約6422万人(うち外国人来場者 約170万人) 💡 6422万人ってどれくらいスゴイ? 📌 2021年の東京オリンピックの総観客数は ゼロ(無観客開催)📌 2010年の上海万博(史上最多来場者数)は 約7300万人📌 In other words、当時の日本人口(約1億400万人)の3人に1人が大阪万博を訪れた計算! いま考えてもこれはとんでもないスケールのイベントだったのです!😲 「もし行けたら絶対に見てみたい!」と思ったあなたぜひコメントしてください!💬✨ 🚀 未来が詰まった魔法の展示” 🔹 万博で初公開された革命的テクノロジー 💨 リニアモーターカー – 超高速で移動する未来の電車!🚶‍♂️ 動く歩道 – 空港や駅で見かけるあの歩道が世界初登場!📞 テレビ電話 –...

日本のエコツーリズムで自然と文化を体験しよう!Recommended sightseeing route


こんにちは!日本の魅力を世界に伝えるブロガーペンシルケースです。In this article、日本を訪れる外国人観光客にぜひ知ってほしい魅力的なエコツーリズムについてご紹介しますエコツーリズムとは? エコツーリズムとは自然環境や地域文化を尊重しながら観光を楽しむ新しいスタイルの旅行ですこのスタイルの最大の特徴は観光客が訪れることで地域の自然や文化資源を守り地域経済の発展にも寄与することにあります。Also、観光客自身も環境や文化の価値を学びより深い旅の体験を得ることができます。 for example、ガイド付きのハイキングや自然観察ツアー地元住民との交流を通じた文化体験などが含まれます。In Japan、このエコツーリズムが特に注目されており美しい自然や独自の文化を守りながら楽しめる観光地が数多く存在していますその中でも特におすすめしたい4つのスポットをご紹介します最後まで読んでお気に入りの場所を見つけてくださいね! 1. 屋久島神秘の森で自然を満喫する旅 屋久島ってどんな場所? 鹿児島県に位置する屋久島はユネスコの世界自然遺産にも登録されている島で豊かな生態系と樹齢数千年の屋久杉が有名です「1か月に35日雨が降る」と表現されるほどの湿潤な気候が特徴でこの豊富な雨が島の独特な自然環境を育んでいます苔むした森や清らかな渓流が点在し多種多様な動植物が生息するまさに「生命の宝庫」です登山やハイキングを楽しむことができるコースも充実しており縄文杉トレッキングや白谷雲水峡の散策は訪れる人々に深い感動を与えてくれますエコツーリズムの取り組み 屋久島では環境保護を最優先にしたガイドツアーが実施されていますツアーガイドは厳しい認定制度を経て資格を取得しており訪問者に自然や文化の魅力を伝えながら自然環境への影響を最小限に抑えています。Also、地域資源の適正管理にも力を入れており訪問者がマナーを守りながら楽しめる仕組みを整えています訪れた感想ペンシルケースの体験談 私が訪れた時初めて目にした屋久杉の圧倒的な存在感に感動しました!ガイドさんが教えてくれたエコツーリズムの取り組みや森に息づく生物たちの話を聞きながら歩いたトレイルは忘れられません。 2. Shirakami Mountains:ブナ林で癒しのひとときを 白神山地ってどんな場所? 青森県と秋田県にまたがる白神山地は世界最大級の原生的なブナ林が広がるエリアでユネスコの世界自然遺産に登録されています手つかずの森には清らかな渓流が流れ多種多様な動植物が息づいています春には新緑が輝き夏には涼しい木陰が心地よく秋にはブナの葉が黄金色に染まり冬には静寂に包まれる雪景色が広がります四季折々の表情を見せる白神山地は訪れるたびに新鮮な感動を与えてくれますエコツーリズムの取り組み 地域主体のエコツーリズムが推進され自然の保全と活用のバランスを保ちながら観光が進められています地元のガイドさんがツアーを通じて白神山地の文化や自然の魅力を詳しく紹介してくれるのも魅力の一つです訪れた感想ペンシルケースの体験談 ブナ林の中を歩くと足元に広がる落ち葉の香りや木漏れ日の美しさに心が癒されます地元のガイドさんに教えてもらったブナの木が地域の生活とどのように関わってきたかという話もとても興味深かったです。 3. Shiretoko:野生動物と触れ合える冒険 知床ってどんな場所? 北海道の東端に位置する知床は手つかずの自然が残る貴重な場所です世界自然遺産に登録されており海と山が織りなすダイナミックな景観と多様な生態系が魅力です春から夏にかけては流氷が溶けヒグマやエゾシカが活発に動き出す季節冬には知床半島周辺のオホーツク海に流氷が押し寄せ幻想的な白銀の世界が広がります流氷ウォークやスノーシューハイキングなど季節ごとに異なるアクティビティも楽しめます。Also、知床の海にはラッコやシャチなどの海洋生物も生息しクルーズツアーに参加すれば野生動物との出会いも期待できますエコツーリズムの取り組み 知床では「知床ルール」が制定され観光客が自然環境に負荷をかけないよう配慮されていますこのルールにはヒグマなどの野生動物への適切な距離の保持や登山道・遊歩道の適正利用などが含まれており訪れる人々が自然と共生する意識を持てるよう工夫されています。Also、自然観察ツアーや環境教育プログラムも豊富で訪問者が単に景色を楽しむだけでなく知床の生態系や環境保護の重要性を深く理解できる仕組みが整っていますカヤックやトレッキング流氷ウォークなど四季折々のアクティビティを通じて知床の壮大な自然を五感で体験することができます訪れた感想ペンシルケースの体験談 カヤックで海から見た知床の断崖絶壁は圧巻でした!ツアーガイドの方からヒグマや海鳥の生態について詳しく教えてもらい大自然の力強さを肌で感じました。 4. 阿蘇ジオパーク地球の歴史を感じる旅 阿蘇ジオパークってどんな場所? 熊本県に位置する阿蘇ジオパークは世界ジオパークに認定されており巨大なカルデラと活火山が織りなす壮大な景観が特徴です阿蘇山は現在も活動を続ける火山でありそのダイナミックな自然現象を間近で体感できる貴重な場所です春から夏にかけては一面の緑の草原が広がり秋には黄金色のススキが揺れる幻想的な景色を楽しめます。moreover、阿蘇の湧水や温泉も豊富で自然の恵みを存分に味わうことができますまさに地球の鼓動を感じることができるスポットですエコツーリズムの取り組み 地域住民と連携した草原の維持やジオツアーの実施を通じて自然環境の保全が進められています阿蘇では地域住民が長年にわたり野焼きを行い草原の維持管理を続けています。This results in、多様な生態系が保たれ美しい景観が維持されています観光客は火山活動の歴史や地域の文化を学びながらダイナミックな地質の魅力を堪能できますジオツアーでは阿蘇のカルデラの成り立ちや火山の影響を間近で感じることができまるで地球の鼓動を体感するような貴重な体験ができます。Also、阿蘇の温泉や湧水も火山活動と密接に関わっており自然の恵みを身近に感じることができます訪れた感想ペンシルケースの体験談 カルデラの中をドライブしたとき広がる草原と山々に思わず息を飲みました地元の方が語る火山と共に生きる暮らしの話も心に響きましたコメント欄にぜひご感想を! 日本には美しい自然を守りながら楽しむことができるエコツーリズムの魅力的なスポットがたくさんありますこの記事で紹介した屋久島、Shirakami Mountains、Shiretoko、阿蘇ジオパークはその代表例です。 please、次の旅行先として訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか?またこの記事をブックマークしておけば計画を立てる際に役立ちます! コメントであなたの感想や行きたい場所をシェアしてくださいね!他の読者と情報交換をして旅のアイデアを膨らませましょう!

日本の春を楽しむ旅!外国人が絶対行きたくなる観光スポット5選Recommended sightseeing route


Hello、ペンシルケースです! 日本の春を満喫するなら何と言っても桜の美しさが欠かせません日本の春は桜や新緑が街や自然を彩りどこを歩いても特別な景色に出会えます。In this article、I、ペンシルケースが実際に訪れて感動した日本各地の春を感じられる観光スポットを5つご紹介します外国の方でも楽しめる魅力をたっぷり詰め込んでいるので、Please read it to the end、次回の旅の参考にしてくださいね! 1. 上野公園(東京都) なぜここが特別なのか? 上野公園は日本で最初に開園した公園でその歴史的な背景も特別感を与えてくれます春になると約1,200本の桜が咲き誇りピンクの花々が公園を包みます訪れたとき桜の木の下でお弁当を楽しむ人々や外国からの観光客が笑顔で写真を撮る姿がとても印象的でした特におすすめなのが公園内をのんびり散策すること桜並木の間を歩いていると日本独特の春の風情を感じることができます私も一度お気に入りのカフェでテイクアウトした抹茶ラテを片手に桜を見ながらリラックスした時間を過ごしましたまさに心が癒される瞬間でした! 周辺のおすすめスポット 2. 弘前公園(青森県) 桜トンネルが魅了する理由 弘前公園の特徴といえば約2,600本もの桜と約110本のサクラが両側に植栽されている美しい桜のトンネルです桜の木々がアーチ状に広がりその下を歩くとまるで桜の世界に迷い込んだような気分になります夜桜もおすすめですライトアップされた桜が水面に映り込む様子は写真では伝えきれない幻想的な美しさです私が初めて弘前公園を訪れたときまさにその光景に感動して思わず声を上げてしまいました地元の方々との温かな交流もこの場所を特別にしてくれるポイントです周辺のおすすめスポット 3. 奈良公園(奈良県) 鹿と桜の絶妙な組み合わせ 奈良公園では自由に歩き回る鹿たちと満開の桜という他にはないユニークな風景が楽しめます春になると公園全体が桜色に染まりその中を鹿が歩く姿がなんとも愛らしいんです私が奈良公園を訪れたときは鹿にせんべいをあげながら桜の木の下でのんびり過ごしました鹿がこちらをじっと見つめる仕草に思わず笑ってしまうこともそんな癒しのひとときをぜひ体験してほしいです! 周辺のおすすめスポット 4. 福岡城跡(福岡県) 桜と歴史の調和 福岡城跡は歴史を感じる城跡と桜の美しさが融合したスポットです春になると城跡を囲むように咲き乱れる桜が訪れる人々を魅了します私が訪れた際には舞鶴公園内で開催されていた春祭りにも参加しました地元のグルメを味わいながら桜の下でのんびりするひとときは言葉では表せないほどの贅沢な時間でした歴史を感じながら桜を楽しむという特別な体験をぜひしてみてください! 周辺のおすすめスポット 5. 高知城(高知県) 現存する天守と桜の美しさ 高知城は現存する天守を持つ数少ないお城のひとつでその歴史的価値は計り知れません春には城を囲む桜が美しく咲き誇り天守閣からの眺めも格別です。 When I visited、天守閣に登って見下ろした桜景色に思わず息を呑みました高知の温かい空気と春の日差しがさらにこの場所を特別なものにしてくれました歴史と自然が織りなすこの空間はまさに日本の春を象徴しています周辺のおすすめスポット コメント欄にぜひご感想を! 日本の春を楽しむための5つのスポットをご紹介しましたがいかがでしたか?どの場所もただ桜を見るだけでなく歴史や文化地元の人々との交流を通じて忘れられない思い出を作ることができます「行ってみたい!」と思った場所はありましたか?ぜひコメント欄で教えてください!あなたの旅のエピソードや感想も大歓迎です。Also、share this blog、友達や家族とも日本の春の魅力を楽しんでくださいね

日本語でしかわからない?和歌の魅力 古今和歌集 巻三:夏 161首~168首traditional culture and history

Do you only understand it in Japanese? The charm of waka poetry: Kokin Waka poetry collection, volume 3:Summer 161 to 168

Kokin Waka Collection Volume 3 "Summer" 161-168 Holes This time、From the Kokin Waka Collection Volume 3 "Summer" feature waka poems from 161 to 168。About each waka poem、The author's name and its reading、Original text of waka poem、Roman alphabetical indication、meaning、background、We will also explain the benefits of Japanese that are difficult to convey in translation.。 Title 161 Author: Bankawachi Tsutsune (Oshikochi Mitsune) Japanese poem: Guo Gong: He couldn't hear the voice, Yamahiko made no other sound, and Roman characters were in no position to answer.:Hototogisu koe mo kikoezu yama biko ha hoka ni naku newo kotae ya ha senu meaning:I can't hear the voice of Hototogisu here、At this time, Yamahiko、Why won't they deliver other cries?。 background:In the room of the patrol of the Lord、My superior told me to "sing a poem waiting for the Hototogisu," so I wrote this.。Instead of waiting for the season when the Hototogisu cries,、I'm waiting for the sound of a Hototogisu, which is supposed to be crying out in the vicinity。 Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:The expression "I can't hear the voice"、Not only the voice of Hototogisu、It also contains the meaning of the "voice" of a superior person who has been making such a silly statement.、He skillfully hides his dissatisfaction phrases。 Title 162 Author: Kinotsurayuki (Kinotsurayuki) Japanese poem:Guo Gong: When it disappears, it's time to be my house, it's a Roman character:Hototogisu hito matu yama ni naku nare ba ware uti tukeni koi masarikeri meaning:When I see the Hototogisu cries on the mountains waiting for people、I suddenly start to miss someone too。 background:It was a song about a roaring roaring in the mountains、It can be seen from the author's feelings that he felt lonely and lonely due to his cry.。 Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:There are various theories、The "Fest" in "Hito Matsuyama"、There is a meaning that "matsu = wait"、It can also be said to represent the author's feelings awaiting people in Matsuyama.。 Chapter 163 Author: Mibu Tadamino (Mibu no Tadamino) Japanese poem:Once upon a time, it is still a hot topic, the town of Guo-gyo, the hometown of Roman characters that are thriving:Mukashi heya ima mo koisiki hototogisu furusato ni simo naki te kituramu meaning:Do you still miss the old days?、It seems that the Hototogisu still chirps in my old home. Background:This is a song about the sound of the Hototogisu that the author heard in the land where he lived before.、The nostalgic cry of the Hototogisu、It entrusts the author's own nostalgic feelings。 Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:The expression "hometown"、It has the meaning of "in this hometown."、There must be somewhere else to go、Why did you always come to this place? You and me too、Do you miss your old hometown where there's nothing to see anymore? It expresses the feelings of。 Title 164 Author's name:Bankawachi Tsutsune (Oshikochi Mitsune) Japanese poem:Guo Gong: Not with me....

はにわが可愛すぎる件について 古代生まれの癒し系キャラ!traditional culture and history

About the fact that I'm too cute💕 Ancient, soothing mascot character!

I'm gonna get it、He was so cute! ?😍 When I hear "Haniwa"、Many people probably think of the earthen dolls lined up around the ancient tombs that appeared in history classes.。but、wait a minute! I'm gonna get it、Looking closely... 💗 A plump form!💗 Round eyes!💗 A gaping mouth! Wherever you go、It's so cute! !😍 This exquisite relaxation and surreality、It's slowly becoming a boom right now! Recently, there have been an increase in "Haniwa goods"、Many people are collecting✨ actually、He was an ancient mascot character! In this article、We will introduce you to the "loose" charm of Haniwa and how to enjoy it as a collection! By the time I finish reading、You too are "too cute...💕"It should be like this! The cuteness of the haniwa💖 ① Her vague face is the most soothing...! Look at Haniwa's face。 👀 Round eyes → What are you staring at? Are you just feeling awkward?😮 A gaping mouth → I'm sure I'll always say, "Hmm?" (lol)🤲 A small hand → I'm still、It kind of adorable...💓 This "feeling that you don't know what you're thinking" is extremely soothing✨ Looking at it closely、I'm starting to feel attached to it! ② The stocky form is irresistible! I'm gonna get it、Basically a round shape。 🔸 It's so cute to see her standing slightly unstable!🔸 Her stocky figure makes her friendly!🔸 From anywhere、An indescribable love💕 It has a form like a stuffed animal、You can't help but cry out, "That's so cute!" ③ In fact, there are a huge variety! In the Haniwa、There are so many different types! 🐶 The dog's haniwa → Her big eyes are so cute! It looks like a Shiba Inu!🐴 Horse's Haniwa → Her stocky body and small ears are cute💕💃 Dance Haniwa → He raises his hands and says, "Yay!" ?⚔ Warrior's Haniwa → It looks a little strong though、If you look closely, it's surprisingly cute (lol) There are a wide variety of them、Collecting them is fun too! Which do you like?、Try finding your favorite✨ "Haniwa Goods" are so cute that they're so popular!🛍...

知らなきゃ損!能と狂言が世界中の観客を虜にする理由traditional culture and history

If you don't know, you're missing out! Why Noh and Kyogen captivate audiences all over the world

Hello、This is Nagano Makoto! Have you ever seen Japanese traditional performing arts such as Noh and Kyogen? Some people may find it "the threshold is high" or "it looks difficult."。but、In fact, in recent years、Among foreign tourists and artists around the world、The popularity of Noh and Kyogen is rising rapidly! French theatre man becomes obsessed with Kyogen、Hollywood film directors are influenced by Noh's stage production, etc.、It is also gaining popularity overseas。Why are they fascinated by Noh and Kyogen? This time、Nagano Makoto, a Japanese person、We will explore the charm of foreigners while also delving into its appeal! Why is Noh popular with foreigners? Noh is、It is a performing art with a mysterious and fantastic worldview。Its origins date back to the 14th century.、It is also registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage。 The first time I saw Noh was at the Kongo Noh Theater in Kyoto。 In the silence、The sight of Shite (the main character) dancing slowly、I felt like time had stopped。Live music from a musical instrument called Hayashi resonates with、Every single act of the performer wearing a Noh mask、I will not let go of the viewers。 especially、The charm of Noh lies in its "interval".。A performance that cherishes margins and silence、Inspires the audience's imagination、You can feel like you're drawn into a story on stage。 Foreign friends too、"It was like I was in a dream" "It was a minimalist production though、I was moved by the feeling that I could directly convey my emotions."。Even if you don't understand Japanese、What you can feel with visuals and music、It's amazing about Noh。 Also、Noh is also a comprehensive art that combines poetry, dance, music and art.。Beautiful Noh costumes and unique dance、Stories that give off a deep spirituality、It has influenced theater people and artists all over the world.。 for example、Director George Lucas of Star Wars、It is said that he was inspired by the Noh performances and actions.。 moreover、Many Noh performances include "ghosts" and "gods."、Packed with fantastic elements。This is、It is very appealing to foreigners interested in traditional Japanese culture.。 Why is Kyogen popular with foreigners? Kyogen is、It is a traditional Japanese performing arts that is a match with Noh.、While Noh depicts a fantastic world、Kyogen is a comedy based on humorous everyday events.。Therefore、More friendly than Noh、It has the charm of laughing and enjoying even for first-time audiences。 In the performance I saw, "Bowshibari"、A man who loves alcohol is tied up by his master、Still, it was depicted as he was desperate to drink。The audience was filled with laughter、The foreign tourists next to me were also laughing out loud.。 Even if you don't understand the words、The great charm of Kyogen is that it can be enjoyed just by the performer's gestures and expressions.。In particular, it is popular in France as it is related to "Le Theatre de Lovesulde" (absurd theater).、Many theatres are interested。 Also、Kyogen is a simple story、It is packed with humor that captures the true essence of humanity。Because it depicts universal themes that can be relatable across countries and cultures.、It's easy to understand for foreigners too.。 My Italian friend said, "The movements and tempo of Kyogen are、There's something that's similar to our comedy dramas! "He spoke excitedly.。 actually、Kyogen has many similarities with European theater.、It is being performed more and more at overseas theater festivals.。 moreover、Kyogen has also been increasingly being made with modern elements.、It continues to evolve with classic performances。this is、This is one of the points that brings a fresh surprise to foreign audiences as well.。 lastly:Noh and Kyogen、Which one are you interested in? Noh is mysterious and fantastic、Kyogen is humorous and friendly。Both are essential for deeper understanding of traditional Japanese culture.。 If you haven't seen it yet、Please try it out once! When traveling to Japan、We also recommend checking out the performances at Noh Theaters in Kyoto or Tokyo。 Have you ever seen Noh or Kyogen? How did you feel compared to traditional theater in your country? Please let us know what you think in the comments! Share and bookmarks are also welcome! I、Nagano Makoto will continue to share Japan's wonderful entertainment culture with the world.。Well then、See you in the next article!

【未来の扉が開く!大阪万博2025】Recommended sightseeing route

[The door to the future opens!] Osaka Expo 2025]

Hello! This is Iwapiko! The opening is finally here! What is the full picture of the Osaka and Kansai Expo? A major event that attracts attention from the world、Osaka and Kansai Expo 2025 will finally open in three months! but、There have been a few voices in Japan saying, "Isn't there such a lot of excitement?"。but、In fact, it is already attracting a lot of attention overseas.。Future technology、Cultural exchange、And you can't miss this festival, where gourmet food from all over the world is gathered together! 1. First of all、What is the Osaka Expo? Osaka Expo 2025 is、International Expo with the theme of "Designing a Future Society that Shines Life"。At the venue under construction in Yumeshima, Osaka City、160The above countries and international organizations will participate.、A collection of pavilions where you can experience the technology and culture of the future。There are three reasons why it is particularly popular among foreigners! 2. The cost of holding the Osaka Expo is、 It is estimated to be around 235 billion yen。In addition to venue maintenance and operating expenses、Pavilion construction costs in each country are also included.。 The economic effects of this Expo have been estimated to be over 2 trillion yen.、It is expected that the domestic economy will be revitalized, mainly in the Kansai region.。especially、The impact on tourism and food and beverage industries is huge、Many jobs are expected to be created。 3.List of participating countries The following countries are scheduled to participate in this Expo (some excerpts) Over 160 other countries and regions will also be exhibiting! What future will the pavilions of each country show?、Expectations are high。 4."This is how you can enjoy Osaka Expo 2025! A guide to highlights you should know before the start of the event" April 2025、The Osaka-Kansai Expo, a major global event in Osaka, is finally opening! but、For now, there have been voices in Japan saying, "Isn't it that much fun yet?"。but、In fact, people all over the world are looking forward to this expo! "Why is the Osaka Expo attractive to foreigners?" "What kind of experience awaits you?" This time、With the latest information before the start、We'll introduce you to the highlights of the Expo! 5. Why Osaka Expo 2025 is popular with foreigners 1. Experience cultures from around the world at once! Over 160 countries and international organizations will be participating in the Osaka Expo! Traditional culture and cutting-edge technology are shown at pavilions in various countries、It makes you feel like you're traveling around the world。 for example、 Especially regarding "eating and drinking"、Another great attraction is that you can enjoy the authentic taste of various countries! ② Get to know the cutting edge of future technology! Many foreigners are hoping that "Japan means technology!"、The Osaka Expo is truly an on-parade of cutting-edge technology.。 A future world where technology and entertainment combine、What's amazing about this Expo is that you can experience it firsthand!

江戸時代の庶民から学ぶミニマリストライフtraditional culture and history

Learning minimalist life from the common people of the Edo period

From Maxiist to Minimalist in modern times、Aiming for many people to be free from a life filled with things、I practice a "minimalist life"。but、Tips for living a simple and comfortable life、It is actually hidden in Japanese history。it is、Life of the common people in the Edo period。What are the wisdom of minimalism that can be learned from their lives?、Let's dig deeper。 Why minimalism is popular among foreigners? Recent years、Minimalism is attracting attention all over the world。The background is、There are the following reasons。 Japanese minimalism in particular、It includes aesthetics and spirituality、It is influenced by Zen and wabi-sabi。This cultural background is attractive to foreigners.。 Characteristics of minimalism in the Edo period: Common people in the Edo period、I naturally lived a simple and rational life。Let's take a look at the characteristics of that life。 1. Limited space 2. Preparation for a fire 3. Culture that values ​​things - application to modern times - The wisdom of minimalism in the Edo period、It's very useful even today。 1. We have only what we need. Today, we are an age where things are overflowing.、Just like in the Edo period, we choose only the bare minimum necessary items.、It's possible to live simply。for example、Let's take the following ideas:。 2. Use things carefully To live a sustainable life、Let's incorporate the habit of cherishing things like ordinary people of the Edo period.。 3. Have mental liberty The mental liberty you can gain by reducing the amount of things、It is the same as what people experienced in the Edo period.。 Online reputation and specific examples Many foreigners are influenced by Japanese minimalism.、I share my experiences on social media and blogs。 Summary: The lives of ordinary people in the Edo period、Packed with many wisdoms that relate to modern minimalist life。Preparation for limited spaces and fires、A culture that values ​​things、It gives you tips for achieving a simple and rich life。 The modern life、By having something, it feels like you are trying to satisfy your desire for approval。Of course, the desire for approval is satisfied、There's a sense of pleasure and joy。but、The desire for approval is only fulfilled the moment you possess something.、Over time, the desire for approval becomes empty。Repeat this and things will overflow、The desire for approval is enveloped in emptiness。However, can you live a wonderful life if you casually let go of anything, whatever you want? That's not the case, so、It may be necessary to think about what you really need, what information, and what emotions you need.。Maybe you should focus on what you think of yourself rather than what someone thinks you.。 if、If you have any impressions after reading this article、Please let us know in the comments section! By sharing your opinions and experiences、You may find new insights and inspiration。 lastly、If you find this helpful、Please bookmark and share! Learn wisdom from Japanese history、Share it with people all over the world。

伝説の名馬・オグリキャップのエピソード!traditional culture and history

[Legendary racehorse Oguri Cap:A miraculous story engraved in the history of Japanese horse racing]

Introduction – This is Iwapiko! Hello! Horse racing fans around the world、And everyone who doesn't know much about horse racing、Please read to the end。I'm going to tell you the story of "Oguri Cap," a famous horse that will remain in Japan's history of horse racing.、We will deliver it with all our heart。 When you hear the word horse racing, some people may think it's "gambling"、Japan's horse racing is not just a gamble。There、Horse and jockey、And there is a drama that trainers and stables (people who care for horses) accumulate.。And more than anything、The fans love、Tearing、There is a "story" that will make you happy。 The Oguri Cap is、He is one of the most dramatic horses in the history of horse racing.。Going up from local horse racing to central horse racing、Defeating the powerful forces one after another、A miracle was created in the last retirement race。Their appearance was truly a "Cinderella story of Japan's horse racing."。 In this article、The Life of Oguri Cap、The excitement he gave to Japanese horse racing fans、And we'll introduce you to the story after retirement in detail。It's okay if you don't know about horse racing! If you read this story、You'll surely be captivated by the charm of Oguri Cap。 Well then、Let's look back at the legend of Oguri Cap together! 1. Oguri Cap is born – departure from the nameless ranch Oguri Cap is、1985March 27, 2019、Born at Inaba Ranch in Niikappu Town, Hokkaido。 His father is dancing cap、My mother is whitenalbee。My father is a foreign horse、Not a horse that has achieved such a prominent performance、Mother Whitenalby also finished her race life without winning.。In other words、Oguri Cap's pedigree was not something that could be called a "super blooded horse."。 moreover、Because the newborn Oguri Cap had bent legs、There was nothing expected。but、He has a very large body since his foal days.、People on the ranch were hoping, "This horse might run."。 Eventually、Oguri Cap was entrusted to the Sumi Masao stable, who lives at Kasamatsu Racecourse in Gifu Prefecture.、His race life begins。 2. Local horse racing monsters – A rapid advance at Kasamatsu Racecourse Kasamatsu Racecourse、One of Japan's local horse racing、It is a smaller racetrack than the central horse racing.。Here, Oguri Cap debuted、He quickly showed off his overwhelming ability.。 He lost to second place in his debut match.、From there, we had a huge succession of victory! Oguri Cap is a man who has no enemy in local horse racing.、It has become known among local fans as the "Kasamatsu Monster."。 🏆 Main results from the local horse racing era:、Local fans at Kasamatsu Racecourse are also convinced that "this horse is not a mere person!"。but、The true legend of Oguri Cap is、It was just beginning。 From "Local Horse Racing Stars"、Towards "heroes all over Japan" -、We needed a bigger stage。 3. Challenge to Central Horse Racing – Defeat your superior opponent! at that time、It was very rare for him to transfer from local horse racing to Central Horse Racing (JRA).。but、Those involved have seen Oguri Cap's overwhelming strength、I thought "This horse would work."。 This is how the Oguri Cap is....

「暴れ馬?天才?日本の競走馬ゴールドシップが世界で愛される理由」traditional culture and history

"A rampage horse? A genius? Why the Gold Ship's racehorse is loved all over the world"

Hello! This is Iwapiko! The second installment of the famous horse introduction series There are many famous horses in the Japanese horse racing world.、Among them, it stands out、There are horses that are enthusiastically loved by horse racing fans both in Japan and abroad.。Its name is "Gold Ship."。It is moody yet boasts incredible strength、He shows unpredictable movements in the race、Sometimes you get a big defeat...。but、Still, I can't help but love him。Why does Goldship attract fans around the world so much? Looking back at his legend、We'll unravel its charm。 [Goldship's background] Goldship was released on March 6, 2009、Born at Deguchi Ranch in Hidaka Town, Hokkaido。My father is Stay Gold、Mother is a point flag。Apparently a nuptial of Stay Gold、He had a rough temperament and incredible stamina.。 He has a large body weighing over 500kg since he was born.、It was a size that was much larger than what the surroundings were expecting.。As if to be able to hold his large body, he was free and free、A person who doesn't listen to anything at all。Already since this time、Goldship's "Unreal Legend" had begun。 and、His name comes from the "Golden Ship."。Appropriately to this name、He has become a major shaking figure in the Japanese horse racing world.。Grades: His many legends、I'll look back on my report card! Gold Ship's main results Date Race name Placement order Turf Distance Race number Number of horses Popular Jockey Weight Time 2011.07.09 Hakodate Sarah 2 year old new horse 1 Grass 1800m slightly heavy 10 5 2 Akiyama Shinichiro 57.0 1:51.2 2011.09.10 Sapporo Cosmos Award (open) 1 Grass 1800m Good 8 4 1 Akiyama Shinichiro...

日本のこたつ文化:心も体も温まる冬の風物詩traditional culture and history

Japanese Kotatsu Culture:A winter tradition that warms both your mind and body

Hello! Kawara Edition Japan!Writer of、It's fancy。There's a cold breeze outside、A winter day when you breathe lightens。In the meantime、While walking into the kotatsu inside the house、Laughing with family and friends with mandarin oranges in hand、This is the warmth of Japan's winter。This time、We bring you the charm of "kotatsu" which is indispensable for the winter in Japan! 1. What is Kotatsu? Kotatsu (kotatsu)、This is a traditional heating furniture created to make Japan's winter comfortable。A heat source is installed under a low wooden table.、A thick futon hung over it locks in heat、Warm people sitting。The mechanism is、It removes the cold as if it envelops the entire body。 The reason for its popularity is、It's not just a heating appliance、Family and friends gather naturally、It is about creating a "bond place" where you can share time together。 Kotatsu mechanism Kotatsu is、It consists of the following elements: table:A low wooden table is the basic。The top plate is removable、Food and work、It also works as a place for gathering。 Heat source:In the past, we used charcoal and charcoal.、In modern times, electric heaters are the most common.。 Kotatsu Futon:A thick futon locks in heat。Recently、Many futons with high design quality、There's fun to choose according to your interior。 Tracing the history of kotatsu The origin of kotatsu dates back to the Muromachi period (14th century).。At that time、The basic method was to put a futon over the hearth to keep warm.。after that、The "horigotatsu" that allows you to dig into the floor and stretch your legs is developed.。It became popular among ordinary households during the Meiji period.、Since the Showa era、The current mainstream "Okigotatsu" has appeared。 Kotatsu has evolved with the times。Electricity is now the norm、Models with improved energy-saving performance、More and more kotatsu with modern designs。Kotatsu is、This is a unique Japanese furniture created by the fusion of tradition and modern technology.。 Types of kotatsu:、There are two types:。 Placed kotatsu:Lightweight type for installation on the floor。Easy to move、Most popular in ordinary households。 Sunflower:Fixed type with a deep dive into the floor。The appeal is that it is comfortable to sit with your legs stretched out、Because installation is time consuming、It is often used in ryokans and specific homes.。 Changes in the kotatsu culture in modern times Kotatsu is not just a heating device、Family and friends gather naturally、It is a place of bonds where you can share heartwarming time。Especially winter days、I ate mandarin oranges around the kotatsu、The sight of watching TV、It is a tradition that symbolizes Japan's winter。 But in recent years、Due to the evolution of heating equipment and lifestyle changes、Fewer households using kotatsu。on the other hand、Increased attention overseas、Japan's "kotatsu culture" is being re-evaluated in a new way。Hybrid furniture that combines kotatsu and sofa、Energy-saving models etc.、Kotatsus are appearing one after another to suit modern needs.。 Memories of me and kotatsu in Hokkaido where I live、Due to the excellent heating equipment for cold climates、Few households use kotatsu。but、Kotatsu was a winter staple item in my hometown of Kyushu.。A cold night、The whole family surrounds the kotatsu、We laugh while enjoying a hot meal、That kind of time、It's still deeply engraved in my heart。 Summary Kotatsu、Not only does it warm your body、Connecting people、It's a special thing that warms your heart。In that small space、It has the power to turn time with family and friends into something special。 This winter、Why not try incorporating kotatsu? In a warm kotatsu、Experience the warmth of Japanese culture、Have a special moment。The smiles and conversations that arise within the kotatsu、It's sure to make a wonderful winter memory。

【幻の名馬】トキノミノル——無敗の伝説を残した悲劇の競走馬traditional culture and history

[The Phantom Horse] Tokino Minor - A tragic racehorse that left an undefeated legend

Hello、Iwapiko is a blogger who is passionate about Japan's horse racing and history! Today is、Despite having the most impressive results in the history of Japanese horse racing、The legendary racehorse that scattered too quickly、Introducing Tokinominol。 🏇 1010 wins、7Winning one record🏆 The first undefeated classic double-crowned horse in history💔 He died of tetanus just 17 days after winning the Japan Derby、I can see how special he was。Tokinominor, who was called "born to win the Derby," was、The biggest drama in horse racing history。 And his presence、The impact it had on Japanese horse racing is immeasurable。This time、Death from his birth、And we'll give you a thorough explanation of the legends that continue to this day! 🔥 1. Tokinominol - Appeared in the horse racing world”miracle”Horse of 🏇 The "horse of hope" was born in the chaos of the postwar period, Tokinominor was born、1948May 2, 2019。The location is、Kasamatsu Farm in Monbetsu Town, Hokkaido (now Hidaka Town), known as a famous horse racing production area.。 🌍 Postwar Japan and the Horse Racing World This era、Japan was aiming to recover from the burnt grounds of World War II.。Difficulty in food、Insufficient supplies、The devastated infrastructure...。The whole country is suffering、The horse racing world was in danger of survival due to the effects of the war.。 In the midst of such a confusion、1946Horse racing finally resumes in 2019。but、Horse racing is not yet familiar to the general public.、Few people went to the racetracks.。 In such an era、A horse that will change the future of Japanese horse racing has been born。That's、It was Tokinominol。 🏆 Tokinominol's pedigree Father Mother Tokinominol Theft Second Tyrants Queen 💰From "unsold horses" to "hope in the horse racing world" Tokinominor in his childhood、It was not a particularly popular horse.。because、Because his brothers were not able to do anything。 Also、Because his father Theft was said to be "not suitable for classical music."、Few people imagined a future in which this horse would win the Derby。 Therefore、Tokinominol has been in a "unsold" state for a long time...。 but、There was someone who first saw him。 That's、He was a trainer Tanaka Kazuichiro, a famous horse and a famous horse in the history of Japanese horse racing.。 👤 Meet the famous leader Tanaka Kazuichiro Tanaka、I recommended Nagata Masakazu, the president of the film company Daiei at the time, to buy this horse.。 💰 Nagata Masaichi originally traded for an extraordinary 1 million yen、I was reluctant to buy this horse。but、With the persuasiveness of trainer Tanaka and ranch officials、It was eventually purchased for 1 million yen (the same amount as the Derby winning prize at the time).。this is、It was an incredibly expensive transaction at the time.。 When I first purchased the horse, the name of the horse was "Perfect".、Later, it was renamed "Tokinominol"** at the request of the horse owner.。This name、 thus、The horse, a legendary horse in the horse racing world, has begun its life as a racehorse in earnest.。

「氷点下の奇跡を体感!札幌雪まつりを120%楽しむ    完全ガイド」Recommended sightseeing route

"Experience the miracle of sub-zero temperatures! A complete guide to enjoying the Sapporo Snow Festival to the fullest"

This time、SACO, who attends the Sapporo Snow Festival every year, introduces the "secrets to enjoy it 120%"! If you read this、You can have a heart-warming experience that will make you forget the cold。Under the winter night sky、"Sapporo Snow Festival" is surrounded by silver-white art。Giant snow statue、Shining ice sculpture、A thrilling snow play spreads out、Invite visitors to the world of magic。but、2The highest temperature in Sapporo on the moon is 0℃、Minimum temperature below -10℃。If you take good measures to keep warm、Forget the cold、You can enjoy this winter's miracle to your heart's content! 1. Enjoy a quiet, miraculous night with a trial light. The "trial light" will be held on the eve of the opening of the snow festival.、This is a special event where you can witness the moment when the lit-up snow sculpture is exposed to light for the first time.。There are few tourists too、It's a hidden gem in the silence。 ✨SACO experiences:"The day of the test lights、Temperature**-9℃**。The snow statue that appeared in light、It was like a creature in a dream。 place:Sapporo City Chuo District Oito West 4-10-chome 2. Behind the giant snow sculpture! The unknown behind the scenes of the production: The giant snow sculpture, which can be said to be a symbol of the Sapporo Snow Festival, is、It's not just big。Delicate details and overwhelming power、Many people take their breath。but、How are these snow sculptures made? Until a giant snow sculpture is formed 💡Trivia:For making snow sculptures、The Self-Defense Forces are cooperating。Their advanced technology and teamwork、It supports the perfection of the snow sculpture。 ⛄Impressions of SACO:"When I saw the snow sculpture in the middle of production, I was overwhelmed by the size of the product.。When it's finished, it looks like、It was truly the art of snow and ice! " place:Sapporo City Chuo District Oito West 4-10-chome 3. Morning of the snow sculpture demolished:Let's see the "art of fragility"! Early morning the day after the festival ends、The work to demolish the snow sculpture begins at the main street venue。The sight of heavy machinery collapsing the huge snow sculpture is spectacular、It gives you a sense of the beauty of disappearing art。 my experience: When I saw the snow sculpture collapse、I vowed to come and see him again next year.。The sight of the snow sculpture quietly coming to an end、It's a special scene that touches your heart。 ☕ One point: When I took a hot drink in hand,、You can enjoy watching it without forgetting the cold! place:Sapporo City Chuo District Oito West 4-10-chome 4. Enjoy a special experience at an outdoor skating rink around town! At the Odori venue、The outdoor skating rink that is set up for a limited time is also popular.。A special experience of enjoying skating in the city、It makes you feel like you're in a movie。Illumination lights around the link、At night it has a fantastic atmosphere。 ⛸️ Rental shoes fee included in the skating rink admission fee Location:Odori Nishi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 5. Let's immerse ourselves in the "world of jewels" in the ice art area. At the Susukino venue、There is an "Ice Art Area" with ice sculptures。The sculptures made from highly transparent ice、It shows different beauty during the day and at night。 How to enjoy the day and night 💡SACO's comments:"The ice sculpture at night、It was a mysterious sight that seemed to have entered the story.。" address:Sapporo City Chuo District South 4 4 chome ー 6 4 chome ー 4 chome ー 4 chome 6. If you want to enjoy playing in the snow, head to the "Tsudoum Venue"! The "snow play area" at the Sapporo Snow Festival、A popular spot for both children and adults alike。 💡SACO experiences:"Returning to my childhood with my friend on a snow slide、I slid down many times and got a lot of laughs。It's an area that will make you so passionate that you'll forget about the cold! " place: 885-1 Sakaecho, Higashi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 007-0852 7. Barrier-free service is also available! At the Sapporo Snow Festival、Volunteers are active for wheelchair users.、Snow wheelchairs and canes with ice picks、Free rental of cold weather gear and walking assistance、We provide wheelchair assistance。Make everyone enjoyable with peace of mind、There is plenty of support! If you need assistance, we recommend making a reservation。 place: "Business Volunteer House" at Odori 6-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 8. Prevent falls! Penguin walks and conquering snowy roads with shoe spikes On snowy roads、Master the "Penguin Walking"! 🐧Penguin walking tips ✨Secret weapon:Attaching removable shoe spikes makes it less slippery。However, it is easier to slip in underground walking spaces, so please remove it.。 9. Warmthy even under freezing temperatures! SACO style - the ultimate cold protection measure 🧣SACO's cold weather list...

traditional culture and history

What is Hanafuda, a Japanese card game that is attracting attention from the world? The ultimate traditional game that combines beauty and strategy!🎴✨

🌸 What is "Hanafuda"? Japanese secret card games are hot topic around the world! Have you ever heard of the game "Hanafuda"? "I know the name somehow、I don't really know how to play...'' ``A traditional Japanese game? It looks like it's difficult...'' If you think so! Actually、Did you know that Hanafuda is becoming extremely popular all over the world? 🌏🎴 ✔ An art card depicting the beautiful four seasons of Japan!✔ Psychological warfare and tactics are fun、A deep strategy game!✔ Nintendo also made it! ? A surprising history! This time、This is an easy-to-understand explanation of the charm of Hanafuda, even for beginners! If you read this article、You'll also want to scream "Come in!"🔥 🎴 The history of Hanafuda:From Portugal to Japan! What is the surprising roots? 🌍 16century:A card game that is passed down from Portugal! 16th century、A Portuguese who came to Japan brought a card game called "Karuta"。but、At that time, a ban on gambling was frequently issued in Japan.、It's difficult to play...💦 So、Japanese people think, "Well, let's make it ourselves!"、Hanafuda was the beginning of "Hanafuda" incorporating a Japanese-style design! ⛩️ Edo period:A fusion of ukiyo-e and cards! During the Edo period、A beautiful flower feast that makes use of the techniques of "Ukiyo-e" is now available as a unique Japanese design! 🎨 for example…✅ 1Moon "Pine and Crane" → Cards that symbolize longevity and good fortune 🦢✅ 3Moon: "Cherry Blossoms" → Represents Japan's spring、A gorgeous piece 🌸✅ 7Moon "Hagi and Boar" → Design that gives off a sense of autumnal atmosphere 🍂 like this、花札はただのカードゲームではなく、It is also valuable as a "playable art" that allows you to enjoy the four seasons and culture of Japan!✨ 🎮 Meiji era:"Nintendo" was making Hanafuda! ? yes、Actually... Nintendo、It was originally a manufacturer of Hanafuda! 🎴🎮 1889Year、Nintendo, founded in Kyoto、It was a company that manufactured and sold paper Hanafuda.。In other words、Nowadays, the world-class companies that make games for Mario and Zelda are、The first one I worked on was Hanafuda!😲 Flower mats are、Deeply rooted in Japanese history and gaming culture、It's truly a fusion of tradition and entertainment! 🔥 How to play Hanafuda:What is "Come in"? ? There are several ways to play Hanafuda, but、The most famous item is "Koikoi"! This is a two-player strategy game、The appeal of tactics with the other party。 📜 Basic Rules 1️⃣ Combine the cards in the field and the cards in your hand! 2️⃣ Create a specific card combination (role) and get points! 3️⃣ Choose "Come in! (continue)" or "Stop! (Score confirmed)"! for example…✅...

世界のファンが感動する!日本の漫画家ミュージアム5選Recommended sightseeing route

"Fans of the world are impressed! 5 Japanese cartoonists museums"

Hello a journey to experience Japanese culture in the "sacred place" of the manga、Gucci! Japanese manga、It is a symbol of culture loved by people around the world.。"Doraemon", "Astro Boy", "Gegege no Kitaro", etc.、How was the work that is loved over the times?、Don't you worry? actually、Follow the footprints of manga artists in Japan、There is a "manga artist museum" that can touch the secrets of the creation.。 myself、Every time I visit these museums, there are new discoveries、I was impressed by the depth of the manga。This time、Five museums that are particularly popular with foreign tourists、I will introduce it from a Gucci perspective。 If you read this article、There is no doubt that you will like Japanese manga culture more! Please refer to the travel plan.。 1. Fujiko F. Fujio Museum (Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture) address: 2-8-1 Nagao, Tama-ku, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture Admission fee: Adult / university students 1,000 yen / junior high school / high school student 700 yen / Child (4 years old or older) 500 yen * Confirmation features:Experiented museum where you can feel the world of Fujiko F. Fujio。In addition to enjoying the original picture exhibition of "Doraemon" and "Perman"、The symbolic scenes of works such as doors and vacant lots are reproduced anywhere.。At the museum cafe, you can also enjoy Doraemon motif sweets。 Gucci's story:When I first visited、The moment you see the door anywhere、I felt like I slipped back in time as a child。I lost words to the beauty of the original line、The cafe's "Yama -like baked" is also exquisite! Recommended for family trips and sightseeing with friends。 2. Takarazuka Municipal Tenzuka Osamu Memorial Hall (Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture) address: 7-65 Mukogawa-cho, Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture Admission fee: Adult 700 yen / junior and senior high school students 300 yen / elementary school student 100 yen * Confirmation features:"Manga God", which produced numerous masterpieces such as "Astro Boy" and "Black Jack"。Background of work production from childhood episodes、And until the message looking into the future、You can know Dr. Tezuka from multiple faces。Anime production experience is also very popular! Gucci's story:What I was impressed、The fact that Mr. Tezuka appealed to environmental issues and the preciousness of life in manga。After watching the exhibition、I was made me think deeply about my own way of life。In the anime production experience、The appearance of the children is moving the character seriously、I felt a future creator! 3. Ishinomori Mangokan (Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture) address: Admission fee 2-7 Nakase, Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture: 900 yen for adults / middle / high school students 600 yen / elementary school student 250 yen * Confirmation features:The author of "Kamen Rider" and "Cyborg 009"、Museum commemorating Dr. Shotaro Ishinomori。For a building with a futuristic design、Original drawings and images、There are plenty of exhibits that introduce the back of the production。Ishinomaki City can also enjoy the cityscape with the theme of Ishinomori work.。Gucci's story:While watching the exhibition、I knew that Mr. Ishinomori had been asking "what is a hero" through a manga、My chest became hot。Ishinomori's Ishinomori Character statue is also fun to walk、It is a spot where children and adults can be absorbed in。 4. Shigeru Mizuki Memorial Hall (Sakaiminato City, Tottori Prefecture) address: 5 Honmachi Honmachi, Sakaiminato City, Tottori Prefecture: Adult 1,000 yen / junior and senior high school students 500 yen / elementary school student 300 yen * Confirmation features:The leading youkai manga such as "Gegege no Kitaro"、Shigeru Mizuki's museum。There are many exhibitions where you can learn about youkai and Japanese traditional culture.。In "Shigeru Mizuki Road" outside the hall, youkai's bronze statue is lined up.、Photography is also fun! Gucci's story:Through the exhibition of the memorial hall、I learned that Mr. Mizuki drew "Youkai" as a symbol of human society.。Youkai goods sold at the memorial hall are also unique、I was very pleased if I bought it as a souvenir for an overseas friend。 5. Toshima Ward Tokiwa -so Manga Museum (Toshima -ku, Tokyo) address: 3-9-22 Minami-Nagasaki, Toshima-ku, Tokyo Enrollment fee in Minami Nagasaki Hanasaki Park: Free (advance reservation required) * Special planning exhibition has a paid feature of the whole building:Osamu Tezuka、Fujiko F. Fujio、Fujio Akatsuka, etc.、A museum that reproduces the legendary apartment "Tokiwa -so" spent by manga artists in Showa。In a small room or communal space、The youth and passion of manga artists are packed。Gucci's story:Looking at the exhibition、I saw the masters pursuing their dreams while working hard.。The jokes and ideas they exchanged between creative activities、The joy and suffering of the work of a manga artist are packed。 Why is the manga artist museum special? At the manga artist museum、Not only know behind the scenes of manga works、You can touch the deep philosophy and social message included in the creation。Also、There are many experienced exhibitions and photogenic spots、Can be enjoyed by children to adults。It is a great place to deepen Japanese manga culture.。 A new destination for traveling in Japan! The manga artist museum、Not to mention manga fans、It is also a place for excitement and learning for those who are interested in culture and art.。If you read this article and thought "I want to go!"、Please let us know in the comments section。and、Please share and convey this charm to your friends! * The image is an image

「しょうゆ」はただのソースではない!世界が愛する発酵調味料の魅力traditional culture and history

"Souyu" is not just a source! The charm of fermented seasonings loved by the world

in the first place、Do you know "soy sauce"? I heard "soy sauce"、What do you think of? Brown sauce on sushi or sashimi? Or、Seasoning to put in stir -fry or ramen soup? actually、Japanese soy sauce is not just a "source"、It is a traditional fermented seasoning with a thousand years of history.。The unique scent and deep taste、An important element that determines the taste of Japanese cuisine。moreover、Souyu can also be applied to dishes around the world、Surprisingly wide range of uses。 In this article、How to make Japanese soy sauce and how to make it、Health effect、And I will explain in detail about the reputation in the world。 Then、What is soy sauce? Soy sauce (soy sauce)、It is a traditional Japanese seasoning made by fermenting and aging soybeans, wheat, salt and koji molds.。In English, it is called "SOY SAUCE"、Japanese soy sauce is made by its own manufacturing method、It has a different characteristics from soy sauce in other countries。 Type of soy sauce for Japanese soy sauce、There are 5 main types。 Type of soy sauce Main application Dense soy sauce (koikuchi) is the most common、According to about 80%of the total。A well -balanced flavor。 Boiled dish、Stir -fry、Dazzling、Dressing light soy sauce (USUKUCHI) color is light、Slightly high salt content。Utilize the color of the material。 Kansai cuisine、There is a thick soy sauce (TAMARI) and thick dishes using dashi.、The taste of soybeans is strong。Some gluten is small。 sashimi、sushi、Teriyaki Re -prepared soy sauce (SAISHIKOMI) rich and sweet、Long aging period。 High -end dishes、sashimi、A lot of grilled soy sauce (shiro) wheat、The color is very pale。Sweet。 Suck、Steamed chawanmushi、There are five main types of white fish soy sauce.、It will be made through the following processes。 The longer the fermentation period、A deep body and complex scent are born。 The taste of soy sauce and the characteristics of the scent are soy sauce、It contains a well -balanced "sweet, sour taste, salty, bitter taste, umami".、In particular, the feature is that the umami is strong.。One of the charms is the fragrant aroma created by fermentation。Not only add depth to cooking、By using it as a secret taste、Complies the flavor of the whole dish。 Soy sauce health effects in the world popular soy sauce in Japan、Now loved around the world。 Let's enjoy soy sauce more! Soy sauce、It is a deep seasoning created by Japanese tradition and fermented culture.。Just add it to cooking、Umami and fragrance increase、It will make your meal more delicious。 If you haven't tried it yet、Please taste Japanese soy sauce once。and、Please incorporate it into cooking in your country。You will surely be able to come across a new taste。 👉 If this article is helpful、By all means a bookmark & ​​share! Wide Japanese fermented culture more、Let's share "deliciousness" with people around the world!

"絶対行きたい!外国人も虜になる北海道工場見学スポット5選"traditional culture and history

“I definitely want to go! 5 Hokkaido factory tour spots that will captivate even foreigners”

Hokkaido surrounded by vast nature。Its magnificent scenery and fresh ingredients attract travelers from all over the world.、What is surprisingly little known is the appeal of “factory tours.”。This experience allows you to directly experience Japanese manufacturing culture.、captivate the visitors、create unforgettable memories。 This time it's me、We will introduce 5 factory tour spots that Piyun confidently recommends! We will deliver plenty of excitement and learning that you can experience at each spot.、Please check it out。 Why factory tours in Hokkaido are popular with foreigners Factory tours in Hokkaido、It's not just sightseeing。Deep experiences and new discoveries await.。I will introduce its charms divided into three parts.。 1. Experience Japan's advanced technology and craftsmanship at the factory、You can observe the process of product creation up close.。You will definitely be impressed by the careful work and advanced technology unique to Japan! For foreigners、This is Japan”Hospitality”It can be said that it is a part of。 2. look、Eat、A tactile and enjoyable five-sensory experience at many facilities.、In addition to tours, there are also plenty of tasting and tasting experiences.。By tasting fresh, locally produced food、You can experience the flavor of Hokkaido more deeply.。 3. A photogenic spot that looks great on SNS The scenery inside and around the factory、There are many photo spots that will make you want to take pictures! It's also the perfect place to take commemorative photos of your trip.。 5 Factory Tour Spots 1. White lover park 2. Asahi Beer Hokkaido Factory 3. Snow Brand Megumilk Dairy and Milk History Museum, Sapporo Plant 4. Lloyd Chocolate World 5. How was the recommended factory tour of the Sapporo Beer Museum Puyun?☺ Factory tour spots in Hokkaido、Which place would you like to go to? Also、If you have already visited, please share your experience.。If you found this article helpful、I would be happy if you could bookmark it or share it on SNS! Look forward to the next blog! Let's dig deeper into the charms of Hokkaido♪

traditional culture and history

🚦 "picture、Japanese traffic rules、Manners are so different! ? "

Hello! It is Iwapiko! This time, "Eh、This is a violation in Japan! ? Thorough explanation of the surprising rules! you、Japanese traffic rules、How many manners do you know? "What is a signal?、You have to cross the car, right? "Is it okay for a motorcycle to run a little sidewalk, isn't it?"、Car priority is the priority, right? "... I'm thinking like this、It may be a problem in Japan!😱 So this time、 Japan's unique transportation rules "This is so different from overseas!?"、Carefully selected four manners! Why is Japan so tough? "Eh," compared to your country、Too different! If you think、Please let me know in the comments! 🚗💨 If you don't know, it's dangerous! Four points to prevent fines, accidents, and troubles、It's a red light, but you can cross! ? "Pedestrians、Insanely prioritized! ? There is such a country! ? "" Japanese road、It's difficult because there are too many rules ... "If you've ever come to Japan、Once "Japanese traffic rules、Too different from the world! You should have thought。And ... it's dangerous if you don't know!😱 ❌ You will be fined! ?❌ Police stop! ?❌ I get angry with the Japanese! ? (no、That's not the case😂) actual、My foreign friend (from Canada)、On the first day after coming to Japan ... 🚶 "If you try to cross a pedestrian crossing in the middle of the night、All the Japanese people around me stopped "→" Eh、why! ? "🚴 "If you run on the sidewalk by bicycle、I was seen by the Japanese ... "→" Is this? This is useless!? "、He feels, "It's dangerous if you don't really know the rules!"。 Why is Japan so strict? and、Why is it so different from overseas? This time、Thorough explanation of "why?" Of Japanese traffic rules! Read from the perspective of "How is it different from your country?" 🚥 1. Absolutely stop at the red light! Overseas with the Japanese rules awareness → "It's normal to cross if the car is not coming" Japan → "Even if there are no people、Even at midnight、Absolutely wait! " "picture、No one is、Why wait! ?😨" this、100 % surprising rules for foreigners who came to Japan ...

Kyoto prefecture

🎎Maiko's Hi Mi Tsu💗:300Japanese beauty inherited🌸

What is Maiko? Do you know the true figure? When you are walking in the town of Kyoto、Take a gorgeous kimono、Connect an elaborate hairstyle、I sometimes see a beautiful woman with white powder.。They are called "Maiko"、It attracts tourists around the world。 but、Maiko is not just a sightseeing specialty。They have more than 300 years of history、It is a symbol of Japanese culture、I still keep that tradition。 In this article、Maiko's unknown history and charm、I will explain in detail from the perspective of Japan。 If you read till the end、You will surely be attracted to Maiko's world! The origin of Maiko:The history of the birth of Maiko from the Edo period from the teahouse culture dates back to the Edo period (1603 to 1868).。 In Kyoto at that time、There are shrines and temples such as Kitano Tenmangu Shrine and Yasaka Shrine、Many worshipers from all over the country were visiting。To treat the worshiper、There was a teahouse called "Mizuyaya" near the shrine.。 The young women working at this teahouse、At first I provided tea and dumplings、Gradually, we started to perform dance and songs to entertain customers。This culture develops、They have come to be called "Chakumonna" or "Cha point girl".。 after that、Women who have acquired more advanced dance and music skills are called "Maiko"、Eventually, those who were extremely performed were recognized as "Geiko".。 Difference between Maiko and geisha:Can you tell? "Maiko" and "Geisha" look the same、In fact, there is a big difference。 Features Maiko (Geiko) Geisha (Geiko) Age 15-20 years old More Obi Training Contents Dance, Music, and Rite Completed Maiko is a young woman who is training to become a geisha、Usually become a geisha after 5-6 years of training。 Maiko is characterized by more gorgeous and decorations.、When you become a geisha, it will be a more calm outfit。 Maiko's harsh training and life:To become Maiko Michiko to inherit the tradition、You must receive the following strict training as follows。 ✅...

traditional culture and history

💥 V cinema is hot in the world! Absolutely addictive masterpieces are Kore! !💥

🔥What is "V Cinema"? Japan's unique movie culture that overseas movie fans are addicted! Hollywood action movies and Netflix dramas are good, but have you ever thought, "I want to see more exciting and deeper works!" What is recommended for you、"V -cinema" in Japan! What is v cinema?、Abbreviation for "Video Cinema", which developed in Japan in the late 1980s、Not the movie theater release、Mainly rental video and DVD、Recently, it refers to the original work produced for streaming.。Especially there are many yakuza movies and outlaws、It is a genre that reflects Japanese culture strongly.。 "but、Those who thought that a Japanese yakuza movie would be difficult ... "、Are you okay! actually、The genre of V -Cinema in Japan、Not only in Japan、It had a big impact on overseas film directors。for example… 🎬 Influenced by Quentin Tarantino (Director Kill Bill) → "Battle without Jinji"🎬 Focus on the realism of Martin Scorsese (directed by "Good Fellows") → "Japan Unification"。 Etc.… Japanese V -cinema、It is a genre that movie fans around the world are paying attention now! Degree、It is also attracting attention to overseas movie fans! So this time、V Introducing 5 masterpieces that can be enjoyed from beginners to movie.。If you read this、You will definitely be addicted to the charm of Japan's V -cinema! 💰 1."Namba Financial Den, Minami's Emperor" - "The person who is not sloppy to the money is" the person who controls the money "、See hell "A man whose words look good、That is Ginjiro Manda (Riki Takeuchi)。 💵 Story in Osaka / Minami、Legendary financing, Ginjiro Manda, crushes vicious managers and scammers! His weapons、"Law" and "overwhelming knowledge"。I never use violence、His skill is more scary than a yakuza ...。 🔹 Highlights✅ Takeuchi Riki Charismatic MAX!✅ A social story that realistically depicts actual financial scams!✅ Used the law”Legal sanctions”Is refreshing! 💡 Recommended episode:"Minami's Emperor's Bond -Kizuna-" 📢 "If you suffer from debt ...?" If you watch this movie、”Reality of money”I understand! 🔫 2."Battleless Battle" - ...

traditional culture and history

I definitely want to know! "Surprising things that cannot be brought to Japan" Complete guide and preparation that do not fail

Hello! It is Iwapiko! You are going to the airport with enthusiastic saying, "I'm ready for traveling in Japan!"。but、What do you do if customs suddenly say, "I can't bring this?" actually、Japan is one of the most secure and clean countries in the world、Supporting it is a very strict bring -in regulation.。Especially items and souvenirs that are usually used overseas、There are many cases that are prohibited in Japan。If you bring it in without knowing it、Not to mention confiscation、In some cases, you may even be fined or arrested。 me too、Luxury salami purchased for the first time in France、I have been confiscated by airport quarantine。At that time, I was just panicked, "Why!?"、For you after reading this article、I don't want you to make the same mistake。 In this article、In addition, we will explain the list of "things that cannot be brought to Japan" in detail、Reasons for the background and regulation、I will also tell you the tips to avoid trouble。If you read this guide、You are ready to enjoy traveling in Japan with confidence! Why is Japan strictly restricted? Japan's carry -in regulations、Established to achieve the following three purposes。 These regulations are the basis for protecting "peace of mind", "clean", and "orderly society".。It may feel a little harsh for travelers from overseas、This is one of the reasons why Japan is highly evaluated worldwide.。 List and reasons that cannot be brought in 1. Fake brands, copies, even if you think it's real、It will be confiscated if it is judged to be "fake" at customs。this is、With regulations to protect the value of the brand、It is very strictly cracked down in Japan。 Actual example:In some cases, a "bargain brand bag" purchased by a friend while traveling abroad was confiscated by customs.。Because it was an elaborate fake that could not be understood by the appearance、He was shocked。 2. In Japan, in Japan、Legal drugs may be illegal in some countries。for example、General cough drugs and supplements in the United States、In Japan, it may contain components that are not brought in.。 countermeasure:When bringing the medicine、Check in advance on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and Customs websites。It is safe to have a copy of the prescription and a doctor's medical certificate.。 3. Meat products, fresh food frozen meat、sausage、Fruit fruits, etc.、To prevent the risk of illness and pests、Strictly regulated。 episode:The salami I tried to bring back from France to Japan was confiscated by quarantine。The moment I was disposed of on the spot was quite shocking、"To protect Japanese agriculture and ecosystems"、I was convinced。 4. Products related to endangered species ivory and specific fur、Coral products, etc.、Products regulated by the Washington Treaty、Bringing to Japan is prohibited。 5. Heavy firearms, explosive firearms and gunpowder、Bringing in explosives is of course prohibited。In Japan, possession of firearms is very strictly restricted.、This rule supports the status as a "safe country"。 6. Plants and soil plants and seeds、Soil、You cannot bring it in unless you have a quarantine certificate。This is also a regulation to protect agriculture and natural environment.。 Tips for avoiding troubles in customs 1. Confirm official information before traveling on the website of Japan Customs and Embassy、Let's find out if the goods you plan to bring in is subject to regulation。 List of Japanese Embassy Japan Customs HP 2. Utilizing voluntary discard boxes 2. Utilizing voluntary discard boxes, "voluntary discard boxes" are installed at the airport.。Even if you find a prohibited item、You can avoid troubles by using this box。 3. When bringing documents and special items to prepare documents、Prepare the required permit and medical certificate in advance。 How was your message to the reader? I hope this article helps me a little。Impressions that "it was surprising" "I didn't know!"、If you have your own experiences, please let me know in the comments! Also、By sharing this article、We can help you to make your family and friends travel more smoothly。 Please enjoy a wonderful trip in Japan! Summary The restrictions in Japan may seem strict at first glance.、It is an important rule to protect the country。Refer to this guide、Avoid troubles、Enjoy your best trip to Japan!

「日本の食べ放題が特別な理由:歴史・進化・体験談で徹底解説!」Recommended Japanese shops

"Why all -you -can -eat in Japan is special:Thorough explanation in history, evolution, and experiences! "

Hello! It is Iwapiko! I heard "All -you -can -eat"、What kind of image do you have? Lots of dishes、Enjoy what you like as much as you like ... Japan has evolved one or two steps in the concept of "all -you -can -eat".。All -you -can -eat in Japan、High quality、Experience for each genre、And the craftsmanship in each dish is packed.。In this article、From the history that originated、Why is all -you -can -eat all -you -can -eat in Japan by overseas travelers?、In addition, I will deliver my recommended shops and experiences in detail! A wonderful experience that touches Japanese food culture、Would you like to explore together? At the beginning of all -you -can -eat Japan:The first all -you -can -eat all -you -can -eat in Japan is 1958、Born at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo。At that time, this style named "Imperial Viking"、Inspired by the Scandinavian "Smogger Board"。Mr. Torizo ​​Inumaru, the president of the hotel, sees this style in Denmark、It was the beginning of the introduction of "a place where you can enjoy luxurious food as much as you want in Japan."。 The name "Viking" is named in the image of a Nordic pirate、It has spread as a symbol of adventure and luxury。after that、1980Reasonable all -you -can -eat for students and young people in the age、1990Evolved into a style that pursues quality after the age。now、Grilled meat、Shabu -shabu、Sweets、Sushi, etc.、All -you -can -eat for each theme is common。 Why all -you -can -eat in Japan is popular with foreigners 1. High quality and craftsmanship in Japan all -you -can -eat、Not only "large amount"、"High quality" is a major feature.。for example、In "Yakiniku King"、Soft and juicy meat is prepared、You can enjoy the taste of each part。When I first visited、The moment you say special ribs、I was surprised at the savory flavor and the softness of the meat。This was an incredible experience as "all -you -can -eat"! 2. Abundant options for all -you -can -eat Japan、High specialty for each genre、Very abundant choices。Grilled meat、Shabu -shabu、sushi、Sweets, etc.、No matter which one you choose, you can fully enjoy the charm of each theme.。Also、Some shops specialize only for desserts, such as "Sweets Paradise"、I can't collect for sweets lovers。 3. Kind and comfortable service many stores use a touch panel order system、Easy to use even for foreign tourists。moreover、The staff is also polite、There are many shops with English -language menus。A foreign friend said, "All -you -can -eat in Japan、Not only cooking but also service is a world class. "。 Iwapo recommended! All -you -can -eat chain store in Japan、Please check the store official website for charges。 1. Yakiniku King Soft ribs、Fragrant thick sliced ​​tongue、Juicy hormones ... all exquisite。If you order with a touch panel、Fresh food will be offered immediately。When I first visited、I have confirmed many times with my friend, "Is this really all -you -can -eat?"。 Yakiniku King King Official HP 2. A shop where you can enjoy shabu leaves shabu -shabu as much as you like。Fresh vegetables and meat、The soup you can choose is attractive。Especially "Yuzu salt soup" is exquisite、When I first visited, I was impressed by the richness of the scent。 Shabuha official HP 3. Sweets paradise cake and jelly、Ice cream, etc.、30A place like a heaven where there are more than kinds of sweets。There are many desserts that show photos、When I uploaded it to SNS, many friends got a comment saying "I want to go!"。 Sweets Paradise Official HP 4. Taro Taro Yakiniku、sushi、Sweets、Furthermore, up to fried food、All -you -can -eat all -you -can -eat that covers a wide range of genres。Perfect for enjoying with families and groups。 Suta Marina Taro Official HP 5. One Calvi -luxurious yakiniku restaurant。You can enjoy all -you -can -eat high quality marbled meat and special ribs、Perfect for special days。When I visited my birthday、I was very satisfied with the special dishes and services。 Wankarbi Official HP Iwapo "All -you -can -eat all -you -can -eat" conclusion:All -you -can -eat in Japan is "experience itself" all -you -can -eat in Japan、Beyond the act of "just eat"、You can enjoy it as "experience itself"。Quality of cooking、Abundant choices、And heartwarming service。All of these are Japanese -specific culture.。For travelers、All -you -can -eat in Japan is definitely an unforgettable experience.。 Please let us know your opinion, "Which store is the most worrisome?" "Have you ever experienced all -you -can -eat in Japan?"。If this blog is useful、Please share and bookmarks! Let's spread the wonderful food culture of Japan to the world together!

traditional culture and history

"Why are Japanese people's personalities highly praised around the world? The secrets and touching stories are revealed!"

"Why are Japanese so special?" This is、It is a question that was thrown many times by overseas friends。The reason why Japanese personality is evaluated around the world、Relateness and coordination、Not just patience。Behind that、The unique values ​​cultivated in long history and culture are hidden.。 In this article、The charm of the Japanese personality、I will deliver it with my own experiences。By the time you finish reading、I was impressed with "Japanese people are amazing!"、You should want to know Japan deeply。 true story:At Shinjuku Station, Tokyo Station, a miraculous impressive that creates politeness、It is a story when I helped foreign tourists who were lost。Not only teach them the way to them who were in trouble by looking at the map、I went to the destination together。Then they、"In a busy city、You can get so kind! "。after that、He sent me a thank -you letter with gratitude.。 What I felt from this event、"Courtine" and "kindness" that are obvious for Japanese people、For foreigners, this means that it will lead to great excitement.。 5 reasons why the Japanese personality is loved around the world 1. politeness:When a foreign friend visits Japan for the first time: caring for everyone, everywhere、"At every store, the staff greets you with a polite bow," he said, surprising me.。moreover、I was moved by the sight of people picking up trash on the roadside.、He highly praised that "courtesy is deeply rooted in our culture."。These small actions、It creates trust and excitement.。 2. humility:Restrain yourself and respect others, as symbolized by the Japanese value of ``the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.''、Japanese people are virtue that they are modest。At work、Rather than claiming, "This is my achievements."、It is natural to be pleased with the results of the whole team。This humility is、Make foreigners feel "coordination and honesty"、Gives trust。 3. Endurance:Quiet strength to face difficulties - during the Great East Japan Earthquake、What attracted the attention of many foreign media、Japanese people form an orderly line、They were helping each other。I can't forget what I saw at the evacuation center back then.。Many people say, ``I'm amazed at the patience of Japanese people.''、His calm demeanor in the face of hardship was praised around the world.。 4. Coordination:When I did a team project with a foreign friend who values ​​``Japanese'' more than the individual.、He said, ``I was surprised by the attitude of all Japanese people working toward one goal.''。In Japan、Because team harmony is more important than individual success、Natural cooperation is fostered。 5. perfectionism:Impressions created by attention to detail Kyoto's traditional gardens、A friend from overseas who saw the skills of Japanese sushi chefs said, ``This attention to detail is amazing.、I was impressed and said, ``It's unique to Japanese people.''。Japanese perfectionism、We are creating the image of "reliable" around the world。 Is it difficult to "understand the culture"? but、That's attractive! Foreigners may ask, "Why not Japanese people say directly?"。surely、In Japan, there is a rooting culture that takes in the feelings of the other person.。but、By knowing this culture、You should notice the delicate compassion of the Japanese。 Ask the reader:Please tell me your episode! Read this article、If you think "the Japanese personality is wonderful!"、Please share this article by all means。Also、Episode experienced in Japan and、Please tell us your impression of the Japanese in the comments.。 for example、Please answer this question: Your comment、It might spark the interest of new readers! summary:The influence of the Japanese personality on the world Politeness、humility、Coordination、Endurance、Perfectionism: These traits、Generating trust and respect for Japanese people around the world。

外国人も大興奮!日本のアニクラ4選:アニメ音楽と熱狂の夜を体験しよう!Recommended sightseeing route

Foreigners are also very excited! 4 selections of Japanese anime clubs:Experience a night of anime music and excitement!

In Japan、Unique entertainment that combines anime music and club culture、There is "Anikura (Anime Club)"。In the glittering lights、In a space where anime songs are played at high volume、Fans stand shoulder to shoulder、dance together、singing、share that moment。Just take one step、It's already the world of anime。It's also very popular among foreign tourists, who say, ``It's like being the main character of an anime!''。 When I first visited too、Feeling the music with your whole body、I felt like I had wandered into another world.。In this article、You can have such a special experience、We will introduce four Anikura spots across Japan.。Every place is worth visiting! 4 recommended anime clubs 1. Mogra (Tokyo/Akihabara) 2. Genius Tokyo (Shibuya, Tokyo) 3. Sound Museum Vision (Daikanyama, Tokyo) 4. Tsukiakari Yume Terrace (Kanagawa/Kawasaki) We look forward to your comments! “Which anime club are you interested in?Are there any spots you would like to visit?、If you have any experiences, please let us know in the comments! Make this a place for readers to exchange information.。”Finally, if you like anime music、Anikura you should visit at least once。If there is a spot you are interested in in this article、Please add it to your next travel plan! We look forward to your shares and comments.。Enjoy a wonderful anime culture experience!

食品サンプルの魔法:なぜ日本の「食べられない料理」が世界中で愛されるのか?Recommended Japanese shops

The magic of food samples:Why are Japanese “inedible dishes” loved all over the world?

looks real、But I can't eat it! ? A small miracle of Japanese culture: Crispy tempura batter、Ramen soup is very clear、The lustrous shine of sushi toppings...。When I found out that this was an “inedible dish”、Are you surprised? food samples、It's one of the things that foreign tourists visiting Japan see with surprise and excitement, wondering, "Is this Japanese culture?"。When I actually saw the food samples for the first time、Take your breath away with its overwhelming realism、I was impressed by the high level of technical ability of the craftsmen.。and、It's not just a decoration、I learned that it is a symbol of Japan's "hospitality culture".、I remember being even more fascinated by it.。 In this article、Why are Japanese food samples attracting attention around the world?、While approaching the secret、I would like to share with you the charm of this place, including my own experiences.。If you read till the end、I'm sure you'll think, "Food samples are amazing!" What is a food sample? Easy-to-understand explanation: What is a food sample?、Displayed in the show windows of Japanese restaurants、It is a model made to look exactly like a dish.。Mainly made of plastic or silicone、It is used to visually convey the content of the dish.。 for example、Ramen food samples have the following characteristics:: These are not just models、It is the result of Japan's proud craftsmanship.。Its realism、captivate the viewer、It boasts a level of perfection that makes you want to take a photo.。 Why are Japanese food samples loved all over the world? 1. Surprisingly realistic The biggest feature of food samples is、It's so real that you could mistake it for the real thing.。The craftsmen、Take a mold from an actual dish、Color each piece by hand、Finish the texture。for example、Tempura batter、By pouring melted plastic into water and shaping it、Perfectly expresses the crispiness。 When I visited the workshop、A craftsman showed us the process of making shrimp tempura right in front of our eyes.。Amazed by every tiny movement、I was impressed by the realism of the completed tempura.。 2. The convenience of food samples that transcend language barriers、It is also a powerful tool for foreign tourists to overcome the language barrier.。Even tourists who cannot read Japanese、look at food samples、You can understand the contents of the dish at a glance。The convenience of ordering just by pointing and saying “I want this!”、Highly praised by many foreigners。 The American friend I guided、When I saw the food samples, I was relieved and said, ``With this, I won't have to worry about what to order!''。I was impressed by the attention to detail that is unique to Japan.。 3. Evaluation of food samples as art、Not only is it a practical tool、Recently, it has been attracting attention as a work of art.。Especially the “lifting type” samples.、It features a unique design that reproduces the movement of noodles floating in the air and melting cheese.。Its novelty and photogenic beauty、It became a hot topic on SNS、gaining popularity all over the world。 my experience:Try making food samples! At a food sample workshop in Asakusa, Tokyo、I actually experienced making food samples.。The theme is "Tempura and Lettuce"。Make a batter by pouring a liquid containing dissolved plastic into water.、The process of carefully layering lettuce leaves one by one is、The work was more delicate than I expected.。 The moment you pick up the completed sample、I was so moved by how realistic it was that I couldn't believe it was something I made myself.。Then post on SNS、I was flooded with comments from friends asking, “Is this real?” and “How did you make it?”。This experience、It was a special time to experience traditional Japanese techniques with my own hands.。 Very popular as a souvenir! Shopping experience in Kappabashi Food samples、It is also very popular as a souvenir from a trip to Japan.。At specialty stores in Tokyo's Kappabashi and Asakusa、There are many products on sale that arrange food samples into key chains and smartphone cases.。 The Italian friends I guided、Excited to purchase miniature sushi and ramen。``If you display this at home,、You'll definitely have a blast talking about your memories of your trip to Japan! ” and returned home with a smile on his face.。 The charm of Japanese culture symbolized by food samples Food samples are、Not just an imitation。It is a symbol of Japan's "craftsmanship" and "hospitality spirit."。elaborately made、beauty、And food samples that have practicality、It can be said that it is a work of art that makes you feel the depth of Japanese culture.。 You too can enter the world of food samples! next time、When visiting Japan、Be sure to visit our food sample specialty stores and workshops.。The experience of making it yourself、It is sure to be a lifetime memory.。and、If you take it home as a souvenir、It can also be a great conversation starter with friends and family.。 Share your experience in the comments! Please let us know in the comments section! If you like this article、Please share and bookmark。The appeal of food samples、Let's work together to reach more people!

「富士山のすべて:なぜこの山が世界中で愛されるのか?」Recommended sightseeing route

“All about Mt. Fuji:Why is this mountain loved all over the world? ”

A special impression created by Mt. Fuji Hello! This is Iwapiko🌸Mt. Fuji - just hearing the name、Many people, even those who are not Japanese, will remember its beautiful appearance.。but、The appeal of Mt. Fuji is not just that it is a beautiful mountain.。A miraculous shape created by nature、Deep history as a symbol of faith and culture、And the emotional experience you can get by actually climbing a mountain.。All of which makes Mt. Fuji special.。 In this article、The unknown history and culture of Mt. Fuji、With my experiences、We will thoroughly dig into why this mountain is loved all over the world.。Some people have never visited Mt. Fuji、After reading this, you will definitely want to go!。 What is Mt. Fuji? Explanation for beginners Mt. Fuji、Located between Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures in Japan, it is the highest mountain in Japan at an altitude of 3,776 meters.。Its perfect conical silhouette、Recognizable at a glance, even from a distance、symbolic presence of Japan。2013In 2007, it was registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site as "Mt. Fuji - Object of Faith and Source of Art."。 Furthermore, Mt. Fuji also has the face of an ``active volcano.''、formed over many years。Its geological value is also attracting attention.、What's more special about this mountain is that、Because there is a story woven by nature and people's hearts.。 Why is Mt. Fuji loved all over the world? 1. Spectacular views of Mt. Fuji in all seasons、No matter what season you visit, you will be amazed by its beauty.。 Upside down Fuji reflected on the surface of the lake、Mt. Fuji floating in a sea of ​​clouds is a particularly popular sight.、A must-see spot for photography enthusiasts and tourists。 2. A symbol of faith and culture Mt. Fuji has been a central figure in Japanese faith since ancient times.。As a training ground for Shugendo、Also, as a ritual object at Sengen Shrine.、Mt. Fuji has been considered a sacred mountain.。During the Edo period, a religious group called ``Fuji-ko'' encouraged mountain climbing.、It has become popular among the common people as ``the mountain to climb.''。 Furthermore, Mt. Fuji、Katsushika Hokusai's ``Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji'' and Utagawa Hiroshige's Ukiyo-e prints, etc.、It is also a cultural symbol that often appears in works of art.。These works are、It has played a role in conveying Japan's beauty and harmony of nature to the world.。 3. Climbing that gives you a challenge and a sense of accomplishment Mt. Fuji has a mountain trail that is easy for even beginners to take on.。Especially popular is、This is ``Goraiko Climbing'' where you climb at night and see the sunrise from the top of the mountain.。I also experienced this mountain climbing in the summer of 2019.。Start from the 5th station、Climbing at night while looking at the starry sky、It felt like jumping into an extraordinary world.。The sunrise we celebrated at the top of the mountain、It was a special moment where I felt the power and beauty of nature with my entire body.。 History of Mt.Fuji:40An epic journey of 100,000 years The formation of Mt. Fuji began about 400,000 years ago、It took on its current form after passing through the following three eras.。 Also、Mt. Fuji has historically experienced several large eruptions。 These volcanic activities、He created the current landscape of Mt. Fuji and its surroundings.。 Points for enjoying Mt. Fuji Recommended spots Climbing tips and precautions Nearby gourmet food and hot springs There are also plenty of hot springs and local gourmet food around Mt. Fuji.。Hoto (local Yamanashi cuisine) and Fujinomiya Yakisoba are must-try! Iwapiko Mt. Fuji experience:An unforgettable moment: The first time I climbed Mt. Fuji was in the summer of 2019.。My friend and I tried climbing at night from the 5th station.。The moment you reach the top of the mountain、The scenery that spreads out in front of you is truly magnificent。It was a special experience that made me feel “I’m glad I worked so hard!”。 The sunrise we welcomed at the summit of the mountain、It was one of the most emotional moments in my life。The scene is、It was a special experience where you could feel the beauty and power of nature with your entire body.。 Have a special experience at Mt. Fuji! read this article、If you think "I want to go to Mt. Fuji!"、Please let us know in the comments section。Also、For those who have already visited、Please share your experience! If you like this article、share with friends and family、Please spread the charm of Mt. Fuji。Your next adventure may start at Mt. Fuji! Mt. Fuji is waiting for you - let's create a new experience together! 🌄

侍のリアルな日常:伝説の背後にあった「汗と誇りの生活」traditional culture and history

The real daily life of a samurai:“The life of sweat and pride” behind the legend

The truth about samurai that is not depicted in movies Hello、This is Iwapiko! Following on from the previous explanation about samurai, this time we will explain about the life of a samurai! 👉 Previous article:"The truth of the samurai":Why does it capture the hearts of the world? "~history、philosophy、And its influence on modern times - when you hear the word "Samurai"、Grasp a sharp sword、You will imagine him running proudly across the battlefield.。but、actual samurai、The time spent in daily life was much longer than the time spent on the battlefield.。 The life of a samurai cannot be described only in its splendor.。they are daily、Struggles between honor and life、Although I sometimes have common people's worries,、continued to be proud。In this article、Delve deep into the real daily life of these samurai.、From lower class samurai to senior samurai、Introducing the reality of their lives。 1. Life of a lower class samurai:Hanshiro Sakai's Edo Life Who is Hanshiro Sakai? Hanshiro Sakai was born in 1860 at the end of the Edo period.、He was a low-ranking samurai who went to Edo from Kishu Wakayama.。In his detailed diary recorded by his meticulous personality,、The daily life of the samurai at that time is described in amazing detail.。That diary is、This is a valuable document that conveys the hardships and joys of lower-class samurai who lived between commoners and samurai.。 episode 1:Edo life with lots of free time Late Edo period、Lower class samurai had surprisingly little work to do.、Sakai also spent days working ``zero'' in a month.。To fill that time、he turned to hobbies。 episode 2:A big fight over splitting the bill.When you split the cost of a banquet with your roommate.、Sakai calculated the details using coins.、A big fight broke out between my roommate and me, who were doing rough calculations using silver coins, over a difference of 2 mon (about a few yen today).。Also from this episode、You can see that the lives of lower-class samurai were common and full of humanity.。 episode 3:Tragedy at the Banquet: Sakai and his friends buy bonito as a feast.、held a grand banquet。but、Was the food not fresh?、Everyone was suffering from abdominal pain in the middle of the night.。Eating habits and mistakes、It seems to be a theme that never changes no matter the era.。 2. The reality of senior samurai:light and shadow on the other hand、Contrary to their outward appearance, senior samurai、I had another problem。in exchange for high income、My days were filled with heavy responsibilities and hard work.。 The tough work of the town magistrate The town magistrate is、Edo administration、police、This position is responsible for all judicial matters.。It's a seemingly prestigious position, but、The reality was that it was hard work.。 Financial difficulties and debt even in the homes of senior samurai、Many families cannot make ends meet on their income alone.、It was common to rely on debt。The shogunate issued a ``commemorative ordinance'' and canceled the debt.、This causes a loss of trust、many samurai fell。 3. The “pride” that resides in Bushido: something that the samurai never let go of, no matter what hardships they faced.、That is "pride"。 This famous phrase is、It symbolizes the spirit of the samurai, who does not show it through his appearance or attitude even if his life is difficult.。no matter how poor they are、dress yourself、I did not lose my dignified posture.。 Samurai practiced swordsmanship and haiku、Train your mind through the tea ceremony、I controlled myself。These are not just hobbies、It was also training to practice "Bushido".。 4. What the life of a samurai teaches us Samurai、Living for honor and at the same time、Despite the hardships of life, I never forgot my ingenuity and pride.。That way of life、It has many lessons for us today as well.。 knot:Let's share the reality of samurai. Samurai are heroes, but at the same time、He was also an ordinary person who continued to maintain his pride even though he was worried about his daily life.。Its appearance is、gives us tips for living。 If you have also felt something about the life of samurai、Please let me know in the comments。and share this article with your friends and family、Let's spread the Japanese samurai culture!

日本のカラオケ文化を探る—おすすめチェーンtraditional culture and history

Wonderful memories in Japan‼Exploring Japan's karaoke culture—Recommended chains for foreigners

Karaoke is part of a unique Japanese culture、We provide experiences beyond just entertainment。Making memories with friends and releasing stress、Relaxing time by yourself, etc.、There are various ways to enjoy。In this article、I would like overseas people to visit、Introducing 5 karaoke chains that represent Japan, which are rich in Western music.。If you know the characteristics、There is no doubt that the next karaoke plan will be more fun! 5 Karaoke shops I recommend 1. Karaoke Manekineko: Number of freedom and flexibility stores: Approximately 672 stores are abundant、There is no doubt that it will be exciting! and、The biggest attraction of Karaoke Manekine is its "freedom"。Because you are free to bring food and drink、Bring your favorite snacks and drinks to reduce costs。Also、24Consideration is that smoking in all rooms in time business、Perfect for health -conscious people and those who want to play late at night.。 Recommended points:It's exciting just to think, "What kind of food do you want to bring in?" What would you bring? Please let me know in the comments。 2. Big Echo: High quality sound and number of meal stores: Approximately 443 store Big Echo、It is a perfect chain for those who are particular about sound quality。You can enjoy the latest songs with high sound quality with the DAM system installed in all rooms。Also、There are a lot of rooms for the theme room and the number of adults.、Ideal for parties and events。There is also a full -fledged food menu、It is attractive that you can enjoy it with your meal。Would you like to excite with karaoke while eating sushi and ramen? * The menu varies depending on the time。 Recommended points:Ideal for those who want to enjoy both sound quality and meals。A person who sings while enjoying the food like a izakaya is exceptional! Please tell me the best combination of your "karaoke x food"。 3. Karaoke Banban: Number of stores that are friendly to families and students: Approximately 360 stores BANBAN have a reasonable price setting。You can enjoy it without worrying about the budget。Also、Renovate existing properties to reduce costs、It is also characteristic that it provides community -based services.。 Recommended points:If you can easily enjoy with your family and friends、It should be a warm memory above all。Please share the episode on Banban! 4. Karaoke hall: Number of fusion stores of luxury and simplicity: Approximately 195 Karaoke Museum is a sophisticated interior and a spacious room、We provide premium karaoke experiences。Because both JOYSOUND and DAM are prepared、The range of song selection will expand。Also、A large room where up to 60 people can accommodate、Ideal for special events and large number of people。 Recommended points:A karaoke building where you can enjoy a luxurious and special atmosphere。There is no doubt that it will be a memorable trip in Japan! Please share in comments! 5. Junka: Convenient and rich karaoke store: Approximately 188 stores Jankara、There are plenty of services that can be enjoyed by groups alone。Reserve a room from the app、Can be used smoothly。Also、All -you -can -drink plans and karaoke -only services are available.、It has both cospa and convenience。 Recommended points:Jankara that can be used casually、There are plenty of Western music and is also recommended for beginners of karaoke of foreigners。What is your "single karaoke iron plate song"? Please tell me in comments! Which karaoke chain do you want to try? Japanese karaoke chain、All are unique、Each has a different charm。Banban if you want to enjoy it easily with a focus on cost、Big echo if you want high sound quality and dishes、If you want to spend a special time, etc.、There are plenty of choices。 Did you enjoy this article? Please tell us about your favorite karaoke chain.。Also、Bookmark this article、Share with your friends planning to travel to Japan! Your experience、It may be a hint to choose the next karaoke for other readers。

traditional culture and history

History of hyper yoyo:Lessons from success and failure

For everyone interested in Japan! Do you know Hyper Yoyo? This was from the late 1990s to early 2000s.、This is a competitive yo-yo that fascinated Japanese children.。Maybe when you say yo-yo、You may have the impression that it is just a toy that you can play by moving it up and down.。but、Hyper Yoyo was an innovative entity that drastically changed that image.。 For those interested in Japanese pop culture and toy booms、The history of the hyper yo-yo and the secret to its success、And I will explain in detail why it once declined.。 What is hyper yoyo? hyper yoyo、This is a competition yo-yo series released by Japanese toy manufacturer Bandai in 1997.。Unlike traditional toy yo-yos、It is equipped with a "sleep" function that causes it to spin idle when you swing it down.、Allows for a variety of tricks。This new mechanism、Don't just play、Provided children with the fun of honing their skills。 The Hyper Yoyo was a big hit, especially in Japan.、Behind this was clever marketing and collaboration with the children's magazine CoroCoro Comic.。moreover、Performances by professional players and national tournaments are attracting a lot of attention.、It has developed into a social phenomenon.。 Issue 1:The road to great success (1997–2000) The hyper yo-yo boom、1997It started in the year。In Japan at the time、Competitive toys such as mini 4WD and B-Daman are becoming popular.、Based on that success, the Hyper Yo-Yo was born.。 Key points of success Why did the boom end? 2nd term:Retrying and stalling (2003–2004) After the boom ended、2003In 2018 Hyper Yoyo reappeared on the market。This period is、The children of the first generation become high school and university students.、There was also a movement to return to yo-yos due to nostalgia.。 Challenges and reasons for failure As a result、The second season ended without attracting much attention.。 Issue 3:Revival and modernization (2010–2014) 2010、Bandai has brought back Hyper Yoyo again。this period、YouTube and SNS have become popular、The skills of professional players have spread all over the world through the Internet.。 Striving for Success: Difficulties Returned in 2014、Bandai has ended its hyper yoyo business.、The Japan Yo-Yo Association is still active today.、Contributing to the spread of yo-yo culture。 What we can learn from Hyper Yoyo The history of Hyper Yoyo、It teaches us many lessons from both success and failure.。 Conclusion hyper yoyo、This is an example of how Japan's unique culture and entertainment industry has evolved.。Behind that boom、There is a story of success and failure.。Taking this as an opportunity、Why not experience Japan's unique hobby culture? Evoking fond childhood memories、I hope this will give you an opportunity to think about future possibilities! If you like it、Please bookmark and share ^^

「心を癒し、魂を浄化!札幌近郊で体験する座禅と滝行の究極ガイド」traditional culture and history

"Heal the heart、Purify your soul! The ultimate guide to zazen and waterfall walking near Sapporo”

away from the hustle and bustle、Are you looking for a trip to soothe your mind and body in the great outdoors? In the suburbs of Sapporo、There are many places where you can experience Japan's unique spiritual practices such as zazen and waterfall meditation.。These trainings、More than just a tourist experience。face yourself、Provides a deep time to regain peace of mind。When I, Piyun, experienced the waterfall row for the first time,、Although I was surprised by the coldness,、I was impressed by the refreshing feeling after finishing it.。In this article、5 spots near Sapporo where you can experience zazen meditation and waterfall walking, which are very popular among foreigners、I will introduce you with my actual experience.。please、After reading this article、You too can try a new challenge! Why are training experiences in Sapporo so popular among foreigners? 1. A special environment where you become one with nature Unspoiled nature spreads around Sapporo、It is the perfect location for waterfall walking and zazen meditation.。waterfall sound、the feel of cold water、and fresh air、It refreshes your mind and body。I'm also going to the waterfall、Get your whole body hit by the powerful water flow of the waterfall、I felt as if the anxiety in my heart suddenly disappeared.。Even for foreign travelers、This nature experience is a special time that can only be found in Japan.。 2. Reset your mind with the spirit of Zen Zazen not only allows you to experience a part of Japanese culture;、It is also a practice of ``mindfulness'' that is needed in today's stressful society.。For foreign travelers、It's a time where you can feel a simple yet deep spirituality.。Through zazen, I too、Thoughts disappear、I reaffirmed the importance of facing myself。 3. Memories that are unique and want to be shared: Waterfall walking and zazen meditation、You can create your own story that is different from visiting tourist attractions.。courage to challenge、Silence that calms the mind、And meeting a new self。Every moment、It will be a special experience that you will want to share on SNS.。When I shared the waterfall photo、I received a lot of feedback from friends saying, ``I want to go with you next time!''。 5 recommended spots 1. Chuoji Chuoji Official Website 2. Waterfall experience spot (Minami Ward, Sapporo City) 3. Tokugenji Temple (Otaru City) 4. Hokkaido Diocese Mass Zendo 5. Would you like to refresh your tired mind at Human Zen, a meditation dojo for working adults? A training experience surrounded by nature in Sapporo、Provides the perfect time to refresh your mind and body。Refer to this article、Please take a journey to face yourself.。If this guide is helpful、Please share your thoughts in the comments section! Also、If you like this article、Bookmark or share on SNS、Please share this special experience with others!🌟

「なぜ日本の電機産業は世界を変えたのか?歴史が語る成功の秘密と未来への挑戦」traditional culture and history

"Why did Japan's electrical industry change the world? History tells us the secret of success and challenges for the future."

Hello、This is Iwapiko! everyone、When choosing electrical appliances, have you ever thought to yourself, ``Japan-made products are safe after all?'' high quality rice cooker、air conditioner、tv set…。They are loved all over the world for being ``hard to break'' and ``easy to use.''。but、Why is Japanese electrical technology so trusted? The answer is、Hidden in Japan's history of "challenge and innovation"。 myself、When visiting overseas、When I saw a ``Japanese section'' set up at an electronics store, I thought, ``Japan is amazing!''。In this article、The reason why Japan's electronics industry has led the world、Let's unravel it with history! Do you know the reason why "you can trust it because it's made in Japan"? [1. The beginning of the challenge] The moment when the "revolution of light" illuminated the future The beginning of Japan's electrical industry from the late 19th century to the Meiji era、19The period of civilization and enlightenment in the second half of the century。at that time、Actively introducing Western technology、1882Japan's first arc lamp was lit in Tokyo in 2017.。that moment、The city is surrounded by light、people cheered。after that、The first hydroelectric power plant was also established.、Japan has taken a step forward as a country that can generate its own electricity.。 💡 Trivia:America's Edison began supplying electricity in 1879.。Japan introduced arc lamps only a few years later.、The country's technological capabilities rapidly grew.。 🔍 Iwapiko's experience:When I visited the site of a power plant in Kyoto、The guide told us about the "cheer when the lights turned on in the city for the first time."。"A future where the night becomes brighter"、It must have been a magical moment for people at the time.。 【2. "Three Sacred Treasures" that Changed Life] After the period of high economic growth in the 1950s and 1960s, Japan underwent postwar reconstruction.、1950Since the 1990s, the ``three sacred treasures'' of ``television,'' ``refrigerator,'' and ``washing machine'' have been popularized in every household.。This results in、People's lives suddenly become richer、Convenience has spread into everyday life。1964At the Tokyo Olympics in 2017、The black-and-white television became a symbol for every family.、All of Japan went crazy about watching sports.。 📺 family memories:My grandfather also watched the Olympic opening ceremony on black and white TV.。“Gather around the screen as a family、I felt like all of Japan was united," he said.。Electrical products are not just machines、It began to be loved as "an entity that connects people"。 【3. Technological innovation that swept the world] 1970s to 1980s This period、Japanese electronics manufacturers have taken the world market by storm。Especially innovative products such as Walkman and Famicom.、Established the image of Japan as a technological powerhouse。 🎧 Walkman impact:The first time I listened to music on the Walkman my father bought me.、I got goosebumps from the experience of “a small machine carrying the world of music”。For me, that was the moment I got my future.。 🕹️ The magic of Famicom:The culture of games、With the Famicom, it became something to enjoy at home.。My overseas friend also said, ``The moment I got my hands on the Famicom...、"Children all over the world were hooked," he said with excitement.。 【4. Trials and restart challenges] After the 1990s In the 1990s、Companies from South Korea and Taiwan are emerging、Japanese electronics manufacturers faced fierce competition。but、Japan aims to differentiate itself through “quality” and “unique technology”、Next-generation home appliances that make full use of AI and IoT technology are once again attracting attention.。 📱 latest technology:Recently、A smart refrigerator can tell you the stock of ingredients and expiration dates、The cleaning robot automatically scans the room and cleans it.、Home appliances are evolving as "life partners"。 🔧 The excitement of the exhibition:When you see smart home appliances equipped with IoT technology、Visitors were astonished and wondered, "Is this the future of life?"。especially、Japanese manufacturers were praised for their "design and functionality that has been thought out down to the smallest detail."。 The story of challenge and innovation continues in Japan's electronics industry.、``Take technology and make it your own.''、has the power to evolve。The history of that challenge continues today.、Creating new innovations in fields such as AI and IoT。 💬 question:"In your life、What Japanese products cannot you do without? ” Please let us know in the comments section! 📢 Share & Bookmark Request:If you read this article and found it interesting or useful,、Please share it on SNS。your share、This will be an opportunity to spread the wonders of Japanese technology to many people! 🌟 Your voice will create the future.Electronic products、It's not just a tool, it's a story that changes lives.。you are part of the story、Would you like to share the charm of Japan with the world? We look forward to your comments!

「心が踊る日本の祭り10選!外国人も感動する魅力の秘密を徹底解説」traditional culture and history

"Top 10 Japanese festivals that will make your heart dance! A thorough explanation of the secrets of the charm that will impress even foreigners"

Hello! A blogger who brings Japanese culture to the world、It's kicking。Speaking of Japan, attention tends to be focused on the beautiful four seasons and gourmet food.、In fact, the "festival" is also a point that attracts a lot of attention from overseas! me too、Through the festival, I was able to experience Japanese culture more deeply.。And what I realized was、Not only us Japanese attend the festival.、It has a special power that attracts even foreigners.。 In this article、The reason and charm、Also, I will share with you some episodes that I actually experienced.、Introducing "recommended festivals" that even foreigners can enjoy。If you read till the end、Please let us know your favorite festivals and memories in the comments! Why is the festival popular with foreigners? What are the reasons why Japanese festivals are so special to foreigners?、The following points stand out 1. Colorful and photogenic! Dashi (dashi) and mikoshi (portable shrine)、Traditional costumes such as kimono and yukata、Japanese festivals are full of visually impactful elements.。For foreign tourists、This is a great opportunity to look great on SNS! 2. Festivals can be called “living textbooks” of Japanese culture, allowing you to experience cultural experiences closer to home.。You can experience the traditions of Shinto and Buddhism.、You can also experience the historical aspect.。 3. The sense of unity and warmth is appealing, and there are many participatory festivals.、Another point is that you have the opportunity to interact with local people.。Carrying the mikoshi together、By sharing street food、The distance will be much shorter。 10 recommended festivals to kick off! Festival name Location Period Features My experience Gion Festival Kyoto Prefecture July The highlight is the gorgeous yamahoko parade At the Gion Festival, the locals tell me about the history of yamahoko、I was impressed! Aomori Nebuta Festival Aomori Prefecture Early August Giant Nebuta lights decorate the night sky.The lights of the Nebuta and the rhythm of the drums touched my heart.。 Awa Odori Tokushima Prefecture Mid-August The idiots seen in the dancing idiots! Participatory festival: Participate in dance、Enjoyed with foreign tourists。 Asakusa Sanja Festival Tokyo May The highlight is the impressive mikoshi while taking photos、I had a lively conversation with the locals.。 Danjiri Festival Osaka Prefecture September-October The fast-paced pulling of floats is a thrilling experience.、The audience cheered! I was particularly moved by the Aomori Nebuta Festival Aomori Nebuta Festival Official Website Last year、I visited Aomori Nebuta Festival for the first time.。A huge nebuta floating in the night sky、I was captivated by the rhythm of the drums and flutes.。It was amazing to see the locals dancing as ``Haneto'' and shouting ``Rassera!''。I actually borrowed a jumper costume and participated in the dance.、I also became friends with foreign tourists! Which festival is your favorite? At Japanese festivals、Each region is packed with different charms.。Was there a festival that made you want to go after reading this article? Please let us know in the comments section! Also、I would also love to hear about similar events in your country! I hope you enjoyed the article、Please feel free to share and bookmark.。Well then、See you at the next festival!

「日本の神秘的な旅:神社と仏閣で出会う伝統と心の平穏」traditional culture and history

"Japan's Mysterious Journey":Tradition and peace of mind encountered at shrines and temples”

Hello、That's it! when traveling to japan、Why do we want to visit shrines and temples? mysterious atmosphere、A quiet space surrounded by trees、And where centuries of history live on.、It makes you feel as if you have entered another world.。I myself have guided foreign friends many times.、Every time I hear them say, "I'm so glad I came here!"、Recognizing the specialness of this place。In this article、The charm of shrines and temples、We will explain in detail how to enjoy it! Why is it popular with foreigners? 1. Cultural experiences unique to Japan: Shrines and temples、Reflects a unique religious culture not found in other countries。for many foreigners、The experience of passing through a torii gate and worshiping while burning incense is refreshing.、It is also said that you can experience a feeling of purifying your mind.。 2. A space of tranquility and reflection, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city.、Shrines and temples are perfect places to calm your mind.。especially、For travelers accustomed to a busy life abroad、The silence of the garden and the sound of the bell are extremely relaxing.。 3. Photogenic spots Many foreign tourists、I'm looking for photos to upload to SNS。vermilion torii、mossy stone stairs、Beautiful gardens and seasonal flowers、Shrines and temples are picturesque no matter where you take them.。 Recommended shrines and temples across Japan Name Location Features Fushimi Inari Taisha Kyoto Prefecture Famous for its Senbon Torii gates、Spectacular scenery that extends all the way to the top of the mountain Sensoji Temple Tokyo Tokyo's oldest temple、The symbol is a giant lantern Todaiji Temple Nara Prefecture One of the world's largest Buddha statues and a deer can be seen Itsukushima Shrine Hiroshima Prefecture The underwater torii gate is famous as a world heritage site Mt. Koya Wakayama Prefecture A sacred place for the Shingon sect, a branch of Buddhism、Experience of “Kekke” where you can experience the lodging experience The first shrine I visited was Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto。Passing through Senbon Torii、I felt like I had wandered into some other dimension.。Even when I guided a foreign friend around、Overwhelmed by the beauty of the torii gate、"I absolutely have to take pictures of this place," I said, taking many pictures.。Also、Staying at a lodging in Koyasan, Wakayama、I have also experienced Shojin Ryori.。While listening to the sutra while working in the morning、When I came into contact with the profoundness of Buddhism、I felt like my heart was cleansed。 Would you like to visit shrines and temples in Japan? If you read this article、If you think “I want to go too!”、Please let us know your thoughts and questions in the comments section! Also、I would be happy if you could share your recommended shrines, temples, and experiences.。Let's share Japanese tradition and beauty together! If you like this article、Please also bookmark and share.。 lastly、Visiting shrines and temples is more than just sightseeing.、This is a valuable time to understand Japanese culture and spirit.。Be sure to visit on your next trip to Japan!

「陶器、漆器、染織の魔法:日本の伝統工芸が織りなす職人技の世界」traditional culture and history

"Pottery、lacquerware、The magic of dyeing and weaving:A world of craftsmanship created by traditional Japanese crafts.”

Discover the secrets hidden in Japanese traditional crafts! Hello! I'm Kekke, a blogger who spreads the charms of Japan to the world.。In Japan、There are many traditional crafts that attract people from all over the world.。pottery、lacquerware、Dyeing and weaving...。Each piece is a work of art that reflects the skills and passion of the craftsmen.。 The first time I visited a Kutani ware workshop、The beauty of the pottery being painted right in front of my eyes took my breath away.。that moment、I felt the weight of technology that has been passed down over centuries.。Through this kind of experience、Traditional crafts are not just “things”、I realized that I am part of the culture and history.。 In this article、Digging deeper into the charm of traditional Japanese crafts、The commitment of the craftsmen behind this、We will also introduce you to its role in modern society! Why are Japanese traditional crafts popular with foreigners? Let's consider why Japanese traditional crafts are attracting attention, especially overseas.。 Point Details Fusion of beauty and functionality Ceramic bowls and lacquerware bowls、Not only is it beautiful like a work of art、Excellent in practicality。 The story of the craftsman The history and philosophy of the creator is embedded in each piece.、Knowing this will make your work more appealing.。 Eco-friendly and sustainable using natural materials、Many products can be used for a long time、It is also supported by foreigners who are highly environmentally conscious.。 A symbol of culture and tradition, allowing you to experience Japanese culture through crafts.、Highly valuable as a tourist souvenir or souvenir。 Especially in America and Europe, "products that tell a story" are preferred.。Therefore、By knowing the creator's commitment and production process,、The product itself is recognized as art.。 pottery、lacquerware、Dyeing and weaving... What is the charm of each? pottery:Art that makes you feel the breath of the earth For example:、Shigaraki ware and Arita ware are made by making use of the local soil.。Therefore、The unique texture of each region is attractive.。i once、Experienced the process of making pottery from clay at a Bizen ware pottery。I was impressed by its simple texture and the skilled technique of the craftsmen.、I couldn't help but buy a small tea bowl for myself.。 lacquerware:Shine that is loved beyond time. Lacquerware is a wooden vessel coated with lacquer.、This is a craft that pursues a glossy finish.。The first time I saw Wajima lacquerware、The contrast between the deep black of the lacquer and the gold leaf took my breath away.。moreover、Lacquerware whose texture increases the more you use it.、It can be called a “sidekick” that you can use for a lifetime.。 Dyeing and weaving:Natural colors in cloth: traditional Yuzen dyeing and Okinawan bingata、Natural scenery and flowers are drawn on a piece of cloth.。one day、When experiencing Yuzen dyeing at a dyeing and weaving workshop in Kyoto、I was captivated by the moment the dye soaked into the cloth.。it is、It was a magical moment that felt like encapsulating nature itself in cloth.。 The role of traditional crafts in today's world Traditional crafts are not just "legacies of the past"。In modern times、We are taking on new roles such as:。 Let us know what you think in the comments section! Which traditional crafts caught your attention after reading this article? Also、Please let us know if there is anything you would like to experience when you visit Japan! I can also introduce you to the workshops I experienced and recommended spots.。 Bookmark your favorite articles、By sharing on SNS、Let's bring Japanese traditional crafts to more people!

日本の秘密を挑む!絶対に見逃せない必見の忍者体験TOP5Mie Prefecture

Challenge Japan's secrets! Top 5 must-see ninja experiences you should never miss

You too will become a ninja! As a child、Have you ever dreamed of becoming a ninja? Walking through the quiet shadows、Ninjas overcome difficulties with incredible skills。Its mysticity is、It still attracts us。In this blog、We've carefully selected some of the best ninja experience spots I've actually visited! Enjoying the world of ninjas、Let's go on a trip that will also be exposed to Japanese history and culture。here we go、Why not try and get to know the secrets of ninjas too? 1. Iga-ryu Ninja Museum (Mie Prefecture) This is the place to be recommended! Ninja's Hometown、This museum in Iga、Not only can you experience history、Full of activities you can enjoy。What surprised me was、The cleverness of the hidden door mechanism! It gives you the feeling of being in a scene from a movie。 “By touching the actual ninja mansion、The ninjas I saw in movies and anime felt even more realistic!” 2. Koga Style Ninja House (Shiga Prefecture) This is the place to be recommended! One of the few real ninja houses in existence。At the "Koga-ryu Ninjutsu House"、You can experience hidden corridors and carrots that were actually used。When you visit、I was impressed by the large number of traps and how smart they were.。 “The real ninja mansion is definitely worth a visit! It's irresistible for history lovers。” 3. Ninja Experience Cafe Asakusa (Tokyo) This is the place to be recommended! The heart of Tokyo、At "Ninja Experience Cafe Asakusa" in Asakusa、You can have a ninja experience while in the city。Not only do you take a picture wearing a ninja costume、You can also enjoy a shuriken throw or a special lunch。 “I never thought I could have such a fun ninja experience in the city!” 4. Togakushi Ninja Karakuri Mansion (Nagano Prefecture) This is the place to be recommended! "Ninja Karakuri Mansion" located in Togakushi, Nagano Prefecture, rich in nature。Enjoy the fun of passing through hidden doors and rigs、Not only the kids but also the adults were very excited.。It also has athletics, so it's perfect for those who want to exercise.。 “The ninja mansion that is integrated with nature、It was an experience that you could never experience anywhere else。” 5. Oshino Shinobi no Sato (Yamanashi Prefecture) This is the place to be recommended! A theme park where you can experience a ninja experience in a spectacular view of Mt. Fuji。"Oshino Shinobi no Sato"、Very popular with families and couples。I also watched a ninja show here、Photographed with Mt. Fuji in the background。 “Fusion of Mt. Fuji and ninja! I was able to take many photos that can only be taken here。” Why Ninjas are captivating the world: The mystical nature and outstanding techniques of ninja、And the patience and ingenuity that they represent、It attracts many people across borders。It is particularly popular among Japanese culture、Ninja-themed movies and anime are loved all over the world。By actually having a ninja experience、You can feel the depth of history and culture more realistically。 Plan your ninja experience adventure! How did you like? Ninja experience spots all over Japan、Each has its own unique charm。History lovers too、For families too、Please use this as a reference for your next trip。I would be happy if you could share your thoughts on your visit and what you like in the comments! moreover、Share this article to expand the appeal of ninjas。

「日本の城に魅了される理由:異世界への旅、侍の暮らしに触れる瞬間」traditional culture and history

"Why I'm fascinated by Japanese castles":Journey to another world、The moment you experience the life of a samurai”

Among foreign tourists traveling to Japan、One of the most popular sightseeing spots is the castle.。Majestic appearance、depth of history、And above all, the experience of experiencing a foreign culture first-hand.。These are、Visiting ``Japanese castles'' has become an attraction for foreigners.。 I、“Kekke” has visited more than 30 castles across the country so far.。The beautiful scenery I saw there、The story hidden behind history、It still remains in my heart。In this blog、Based on my experience、Reasons why foreign tourists want to visit castles、And we'll tell you more about how to enjoy it! Why are "castles" so popular among foreigners? There are several reasons why Japanese castles are special to foreigners.。 Specific castle recommendations:A simple introduction in the table below:、These are the three castles I particularly recommend among the castles I visited.。 Castle name Features Recommended points Location Himeji Castle World Heritage Site、The beauty known as Shirasagi Castle The view from the castle tower is spectacular Matsumoto Castle, Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture One of the existing five-story castle towers、Characterized by its black walls.The contrast with the rows of cherry blossom trees is beautiful from the end of March to the beginning of April.Nijo Castle, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture.Gorgeous wall paintings and a ``corridor lined with Japanese warblers.''The interior decoration is eye-catching.Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, ``Kekke'' Experience: When I visited Himeji Castle for the first time、The contrast between the pure white castle walls and the blue sky took my breath away.。That day happened by chance、You can also participate in guided tours held at the castle.、I was able to learn more about the historical background and the ingenuity of the defense system.。Also、At Matsumoto Castle, you will never forget the scenery created by the cherry blossoms in full bloom and the castle's black walls.。I took many photos、It was so beautiful that it couldn't be captured on camera.。 Please visit a Japanese castle‼ Japanese castles、More than just a tourist destination。Just stand there、It is a special place where you can experience the life of samurai and daimyo over hundreds of years.。Please refer to this article、Visit your favorite castle too。and、If you have ever visited a castle or、Is there a castle you would like to visit?、Please let us know in the comments! Also、If you like this article、Please share and bookmark😊 Which castle are you most interested in? Please let us know in the comments section!

On a winter's day, several families wearing kimono gather together in a Japanese-style room over New Year's dishes and chatting peacefully.traditional culture and history

New Year is almost here - the history and origin of osechi cuisine

Hello。Kawaraban Japan! This is Hanachirisato。very soon、2024year is over、A new year - 2025 is coming.。In your country or region of origin、What kind of year-end and New Year holidays will you have? In Japan、In a typical household, after cleaning the house before New Year's Eve,、In parallel with decorating for the New Year,、Make ``Osechi Ryori'' which is essential for New Year's Day、Or prepare by purchasing、On New Year's Eve (31st), we had Toshikoshi Soba.、The end of the year is quietly approaching。 just、For people from countries other than Japan, questions like "What is 'Osechi Ryori'?" and "Why do we go to the trouble of preparing something called 'Osechi Ryori'?"、I think there are many things we don't understand...。 There、This time, we will especially talk about the history and origin of Japanese ``Osechi cuisine.''、Its origin and development process、We would like you to understand the meaning behind each dish.、I will explain in detail。 Origin and history of osechi cuisine 1. origin:Yayoi period It is said that the prototype of osechi cuisine was created during the Yayoi period (around 10th century BC to mid-3rd century AD).。Rice cultivation was introduced from China、A custom was born to thank God for the harvest.。This ceremony of gratitude for the harvest is called ``Sechuku''.、This became the prototype for later Osechi cuisine.。 2. Heian period:Development as a court event From the Nara period to the Heian period (710 AD to 1185 AD)、“Sekku” became established as an imperial court event.。Especially during the Heian period、1On important turning points called "Gosechie" such as the 1st of the month (New Year's Day) and May 5th (Tango)、``Osechiku'' was prepared as an offering to the gods.。By the way、The cuisine of this period is、It was served high in a bowl rather than in a box.。(The format of serving high in a bowl is、Now、It can be seen at events held by the Imperial Family and various shrines.) 3. Edo period:Spread to common people In the Edo period (1603-1868)、The Shogunate celebrates “Gosekku”(Goseku) was established as an official holiday.。Due to this influence、``Osetsuku'', which was a court event, spread to the common people as well.。In particular, New Year's Day is considered the most important festival.、"Osechi" has become established as a New Year's dish.。From around this time、Each ingredient has come to have an auspicious meaning.、The current shape has begun to take shape.。 4. After the Meiji period:Establishment of Jubako culture from the end of the Edo period (1853-1868) to the Meiji period (-1912)、Osechi dishes are now packed in jubako boxes.。Jubako has the meaning of ``overlapping felicity''.、There was also an emphasis on the shelf life of the food and its gorgeous appearance.。 5. modern:Osechi becomes more diverse after the war、The name ``Osechi'' spread.、Not only can you make it at home、Now available for purchase at department stores and mail order。Coupled with the diversification of each household,、The cuisine is a mix of Japanese and Western cuisine, and is suitable for small groups.、A wide variety of new osechi dishes are now available to suit modern lifestyles.。 Typical New Year dishes and、The meaning behind the dishes: Osechi cuisine、Each dish has an auspicious meaning.。Below are typical dishes and their meanings.。 How to make Osechi cuisine and key points Osechi cuisine is、Designed to last for a long time、Preparations are generally completed at the end of the year.。below、How to make some standard dishes and、I would like to introduce the point、If you want to take on the challenge, please use this as a reference.。 Black beans Ingredients (for 4 people) How to make: Chestnut Kinton Ingredients (for 4 people) How to make: Datemaki Ingredients (for 4 people) How to make: Kohaku Namasu Ingredients (for 4 people) How to make: In order to deeply understand ``Osechi Ryori'', as a summary, ``Osechi Ryori'' is、Not just a New Year's dish、Japanese history and culture、It is also an important symbol of family ties.。By knowing the meaning behind the food and its background.、You will be able to enjoy the New Year even more deeply.。 Well then、To all the people in various countries who have a connection to spend the new year in Japan.、With all my love, I wish you a Happy New Year!

「北海道の妖怪伝説:アイヌ文化が育む神秘と自然の物語」traditional culture and history

"Hokkaido's Yokai Legends":A story of mystery and nature nurtured by Ainu culture.”

Hello! This is Iwapiko。actually、I love monsters too much、I live a life chasing that charm every day.。From the monsters that appear in legends and folk tales、New monsters born from fiction and urban legends、Everything is a treasure! Particularly, “Eh?、Is there such an episode? ” or “This monster、It was also drawn like this! ? I love discoveries like “。 The mystery and romance of monsters、Sometimes a little scary, but with a lovely side、I want to have fun with everyone。The world of monsters you don't know about、Would you like to take a look together? Today we will introduce the “Hokkaido edition”! Living in the land of Hokkaido、An invisible story: Hokkaido, surrounded by vast nature。the mountains、river、In the forest、It has a magnificent beauty that captivates visitors.。but、How many people are aware of the "invisible presence" hidden deep within that beauty? The Ainu people, the indigenous people of Hokkaido,、I believe that everything in nature has life.、I've been called "Kamuy" (God)。The Ainu、Has a unique culture that coexists with nature、hunting and fishing、Collecting plants has been the basis of life.。Ainu is its own language、It is characterized by beliefs and rituals in ``Kamuy'' (gods) who symbolize the power of nature.。Also、Traditional crafts such as beautiful embroidery and wood carving are also famous.。In recent years、Re-evaluating Ainu culture、Efforts are underway to convey its appeal.。Learning about Japan's diverse culture、Ainu history and tradition are essential。Wind, fire, and trees、and animals too、Each person has been respected as a being with a unique will.。This deep faith and reverence、Created stories about monsters and spirits。 These monsters are、More than just a "terrible existence"。symbolizing the power of nature itself、It is an existence that teaches us respect and lessons for nature.。In this article、Introducing 5 Yokai that have been passed down in Hokkaido.。by knowing their stories、You will feel that Hokkaido's nature is more than just a scenery.。 5 Yokai of Hokkaido:Beings created by nature and culture 1. Koropokkuru – Koropokkuru is a small fairy who hides under the butterfly leaves.、It is a type of fairy that is passed down from generation to generation in Ainu culture.。They live under the leaves of butterbur、In the past, they shared fish and food with the Ainu people.、We built a mutually supportive relationship.。but、destroy their homes、Interfering recklessly、It is said that he will disappear。 In the vast buttercup fields of Ashoro town and eastern Hokkaido,、The legend of Koropokkuru remains strong.。In that quiet landscape、When you see the leaves of a large butterfly swaying,、I can't help but think of the tiny inhabitants hiding under the leaves.。The story of Koropokkuru、respect nature、It teaches us the importance of treating people with modesty.。 2. Mintu Chikamui – A mischievous Mintu Chikamui who protects the waterfront and is half human and half beast.、While known as a protector of water sources,、I also like pranks that surprise people.。In Ainu culture、water is the source of life、has been considered especially sacred。their pranks、It is also said to have the meaning of warning people not to take water lightly.。 In Tomakomai and southern Hokkaido、Strange phenomena that occur near lakes and rivers are believed to be the work of Mintuchikamui.。for example、Ripples that suddenly spread on the calm surface of the lake、Laughter like the wind can be heard from the water's edge。If you had such an experience、This may be proof that they protect the water.。 3. Repun Kamuy – The spirit of lakes and rivers Repun Kamuy is、In Ainu culture, it is said to be a god who protects lakes and rivers.。They are the blessings of water、At the same time, it is also an important entity that controls that power.。It was believed that angering him would cause flooding.、Ainu people do not pollute the waterside、I always try to remember to be grateful.。 The sky and mountains reflected on the transparent water surface of Lake Shikotsu and Lake Toya、It's as if Repun Kamuy is watching over the place.。Surrounded by the tranquility of the lake、Not just water、You will feel as if you are touching the very life of the earth.。 4. Iwa Oroshi – Iwa Oroshi is the giant who moves mountains.、A monster with the power to destroy mountains and rocks.。Its strength symbolizes the threat of nature itself.、It is said that landslides and rumblings in mountainous areas are caused by him.。In Ainu culture、Mountains themselves are thought to be living beings.、Iwa Oroshi is the kind of person who represents that will.。 Daisetsuzan Mountain Range, Hidaka Mountain Range, etc.、The legend of Iwaoroshi lives on in the rugged mountains of Hokkaido.。When you experience the silence of the mountains while climbing or trekking、You may be able to feel their powerful breathing.。 5. Funendori – a symbol of rebirth born from the fire.、A monster said to have been born from the belly of a cremated man.。As the name suggests、It has the property of not being flammable.、It is passed down from generation to generation as a symbol of death and rebirth.。This story is、It teaches us about the end of life and the reincarnation of new beginnings.。 Around Hakodate、The legend of the unburnable bird remains。Flattering from the bonfire、The figure that disappeared into the sky without disappearing even though it was engulfed in flames.、Not just a fantasy、It is passed down from generation to generation as a symbol of the mystery of life.。 The charms of Hokkaido taught by monsters The monsters of Hokkaido、Not just a character in a ghost story。they symbolize nature itself、They are the ones who convey to us the spirit of respect for nature and the attitude of facing it humbly.。And in the background、There is a deep spirituality of Ainu culture.。 If you are interested in Hokkaido after reading this article、Please feel free to visit this place with their stories in mind.。By feeling the presence of monsters in the majestic nature、It's sure to make your trip even more special.。 If you like this article、Please share and bookmark。and、I would be happy if you could tell me what you thought after reading this article and your experiences in Hokkaido in the comments section! Next time, the theme will be “Yokai of Aomori”、We bring you a deeper and more mysterious story.。Please look forward to it!