Japanese history

外国人も驚きの体験!初詣に行くべき3つの理由Recommended sightseeing route

Foreigners are also surprised! Three reasons to go to Hatsumode

Do you know the Japanese traditional event "Hatsumode" in the New Year? This event is to visit shrines and temples and pray for the new year's health and good luck、It is a valuable experience that allows you to feel Japanese culture with your skin.。I、I can't forget the moment when I was impressed by the first Hatsumode in the "pencil case"。In this article、The charm of Hatsumode and recommended spots、We'll show you how to enjoy it in detail! What is the amazing thing about first visit to the shrine? There are three main purposes for the first visit to the shrine。 When I first went to Hatsumode、I really realized these three meanings。Visit with a lot of people in a lively、The moment I listened to the sound of the bell and put my wish was very sacred and echoed in my heart.。The quietness of the night and the harsh atmosphere of worship、It further enhanced the joy of celebrating the New Year。 Popular New Year's Visit Spots and Why There are many New Year's Visit Spots all over Japan.、The following three are particularly popular。 1. Meiji Jingu - the largest shrine in Tokyo - Meiji Jingu in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo、It is a representative shrine that is visited by millions of people every year.。What is characteristic、It is a magnificent atmosphere surrounded by a vast site and silence.。If you walk on the green approach to the city center、You can feel as if you came to another world。 When I first visited too、I was overwhelmed by its magnitude。As you follow the approach, your heart calms down naturally、I can't forget the sense of accomplishment when praying in the strict main shrine。This Meiji Jingu Shrine is recommended as a "place where silence and vibrancy coexist".。 Official website:Meiji Jingu Official HP 2. Sensoji Temple - Enjoying the atmosphere of the ancient Tokyo - Sensoji Temple is located in Asakusa, Daito Ward, Tokyo、One of the most historic temples in Tokyo、It is the best spot to enjoy the atmosphere of the downtown area.。Especially famous is "Nakamise Street"。In the shopping street lined up on the approach、Traditional Japanese sweets and crafts、You can get souvenirs。 I also strolled here with delicious dumplings and dolls。After worship at Sensoji Temple、You can also enjoy eating and shopping around you、There's something new to discover every time you visit。It is an attractive area that combines history and modernity.。 Official website:Seikanon sect Asakusakan Official HP 3. Fushimi Inari Taisha - The Mystery of the Senbon Torii gate - Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto、It is also famous in the world with its iconic thousand torii.。Loved by people who wish for business prosperity and success、The scene where the vermilion torii is woven is like a painting.。 When I visited、What I felt while walking between the torii、The sacredness that has become integrated with nature and its scale size。Different scenery spreads every time you follow the slope、It was a mysterious experience to feel the power of prayer。Especially the light -up at night is fantastic、Please visit me once。 Official website:Fushimi Inari Taisha Official Website How to Enjoy Your First Visit to the Shrine To the Maximum、Let's hold down the following points。 Share your first visit to the shrine! If you read this article and want to go to the shrine for the first time、Please tell us your experience and impressions in the comments.。Also、If you found this article helpful, please share or bookmark it! First visit to the shrine、It is a valuable experience where you can enjoy the special moment of the New Year.。By all means this year、Let's go to experience Japanese culture!

札幌まつり完全攻略!山車行列・奉納行事・屋台グルメを満喫するための究極ガイド!traditional culture and history


北海道神宮祭—伝統と感動の3日間札幌が輝く特別な時間 毎年6月14日から16日に札幌で行われる**北海道神宮祭(札幌まつり)**は、150年以上続く伝統行事ですこの3日間街全体が華やかに彩られ多くの観光客が訪れます特に見どころは豪華な神輿と山車行列美しい奉納行事心躍る屋台グルメです私は毎年参加していますそして今回はその魅力を余すことなくご紹介!この記事ではあなたが札幌まつりを100%楽しめるよう徹底ガイドします! 1. 神輿と山車行列—心を揺さぶる壮麗なパレード 壮大な神輿渡御と優雅な平安絵巻 神輿渡御は6月16日に開催され、1,200人以上の市民が華やかな平安時代風の衣装に身を包み、4基の神輿(しんよ)と8基の山車を市内で練り歩きますその様子は圧巻で現代に生きながらも時代劇の中に飛び込んだかのような感覚を味わえます見どころポイント 💡 recommendation:大通三越前は人は多いが全ての神輿と山車が次々と見れます大通駅周辺を山車を追いかけて一緒に歩くのも楽しいです。however、神輿は頓宮にて山車は三越周辺で昼休みとなります1日のスケジュールを事前にチェックしておくと無駄なく見れるかも・・・ 🔖詳しい奉納行事のスケジュールと場所は約1ヶ月前にこちらにて公開されます「お知らせ」の「北海道神宮例祭 札幌まつり について (神輿渡御順路・奉納行事予定)」という文章を探してください。 2. 奉納行事—境内で繰り広げられる伝統芸能の祭典 6月14日と15日北海道神宮の境内では奉納行事が行われます神々に感謝を捧げるこれらの行事は日本の伝統芸能と現代の芸能を体感できる絶好の機会です。 💡 recommendation:無料かつ比較的席に座れます!幾つかの舞台にわかれ順次芸が披露されるのであらかじめ確認しておくと目当ての芸が間近で見れます① 和太鼓演奏 太鼓の音が境内全体に響き渡り体の芯まで共鳴します演奏者たちは全身を使って力強く叩き一打一打に魂を込めています静と動のバランスが生む一体感は言葉にできない迫力があります② 神楽(かぐら)・巫女舞(みこまい) 白装束に赤い袴をまとった巫女たちが太鼓や笛に合わせ優雅に舞う姿は神秘的で美しいものです観客はその一糸乱れぬ動きに目を奪われ会場には神聖な空気が流れます③ 人形浄瑠璃 音楽と語り手の声に合わせて操られる人形たちはまるで生きているかのように動きますまばたきをしたり物語に喜怒哀楽する人形の仕草に観客は釘付けです。 🔖 驚きポイント「人形が驚いてジャンプする動きや仕草は指の先まで本物の人間のよう!」 ④ ヨサコイソーラン演舞 北海道発祥の力強い踊りです鳴子を持った踊り手たちが「ソーランソーラン!」と掛け声をかけながら舞台を駆け巡ります躍動感あふれる演舞は観客を圧倒します! 🔖 SACOの思い出全力の舞と表情や掛け声に感動して涙! ⑤ 雅楽(ががく) 日本の最古の宮廷音楽で笙(しょう)篳篥(ひちりき)龍笛(りゅうてき)といった楽器が奏でる旋律は心地よく幻想的な音色ですまるで古代日本にタイムスリップしたかのような気分を味わえます⑥ 古式大的式(こしきおおまとしき) 平安時代の衣装をまとい弓を使った古式の儀式で緊張感が張り詰めた空気の中射手がゆっくりと弓を引き的を射抜く瞬間は息を飲む迫力です⑧ 乱拍子(らんびょうし) 和太鼓中心の力強いパフォーマンスは会場全体が振動するような迫力があり自然と観客も手拍子で盛り上がります!陽気なひょっとこ寸劇から獅子舞の迫力ある動きは必見!! 🔖 SACOの思い出「体に響く太鼓に心奪われひょっとこに笑い獅子舞のジャンプ力に見惚れ見ながら食べようと思っていた屋台グルメがすっかり冷めきってしまいました。」 💡詳しい奉納行事のスケジュールと場所は約1ヶ月前にこちらにて公開されます「お知らせ」の「北海道神宮例祭 札幌まつり について (神輿渡御順路・奉納行事予定)」という文章を探してください。 3. 中島公園の屋台グルメ—食べ歩き天国で大満足! 中島公園には100軒以上の屋台が立ち並び香ばしい匂いが漂いますお祭りの楽しみといえば屋台グルメ!札幌まつりの屋台は種類豊富で何を食べるか迷ってしまうほどですおすすめグルメTOP5 🎯...

心を奪われる港町、小樽へ―外国人観光客に人気の秘密を徹底解剖!Recommended sightseeing route


Hokkaido is、日本の中でも独特な歴史と文化を持つ地域として多くの旅行者を惹きつけています雄大な自然だけでなく開拓時代の息吹やアイヌ文化異国情緒あふれる建築が織りなす物語に触れることができます。In this article、特に外国人観光客に人気の北海道歴史スポット5選をご紹介訪れるだけで日本の歴史と文化を深く理解できる体験が待っています次の休暇で北海道の時を超えた旅に出かけてみませんか? 1. 札幌市時計台 – 北海道開拓時代の象徴 札幌市時計台は明治11年(1878年)に建設された北海道開拓の象徴ですこの木造の建物はアメリカの新教会様式を取り入れた珍しいデザインで当時の札幌農学校(現・北海道大学)の演武場として使用されていました。Currently、札幌市の歴史を伝える博物館として多くの観光客を迎えています人気の理由 札幌市時計台の魅力はその美しい外観と歴史的背景にありますフォトジェニックな外観はどの季節でも絵になります。Also、館内の展示を通じて北海道開拓時代の苦労や希望を感じられる点も外国人観光客の心を捉えていますおすすめポイント 周辺グルメと観光 2. 小樽運河 – 浪漫あふれる水辺の街並み 小樽運河は明治時代に物流の中心地として栄えた場所です運河沿いには石造りの倉庫が立ち並び現在はレストランやショップとしてリノベーションされています特に夕暮れ時のガス灯が灯る光景はまるで絵画のような美しさです人気の理由 「日本のヴェネツィア」とも呼ばれる小樽運河はそのロマンチックな雰囲気で多くの外国人観光客を魅了しています歴史的建造物が立ち並ぶ景観は写真映えするスポットとしても人気ですおすすめポイント 周辺グルメと観光 3. 函館五稜郭 – 星形の城郭に息づく歴史 五稜郭は日本初の西洋式城郭として幕末に建設されました星形のユニークなデザインは敵の攻撃を効率的に防ぐためのもので現在は五稜郭公園として親しまれています春には桜が満開になり観光客で賑わいます人気の理由 外国人観光客には幕末の歴史的背景やそのユニークなデザインが特に興味深いとされています展望台から眺める星形の堀の全景は他では見られない特別な光景ですおすすめポイント 周辺グルメと観光 4. 釧路湿原 – アイヌ文化と大自然の融合 釧路湿原は日本最大の湿原で数多くの野生動物が生息していますこの広大な湿原にはアイヌ文化に関連する遺跡も点在しており自然観察と文化体験を同時に楽しめる特別な場所です人気の理由 エコツーリズムの中心地として釧路湿原は自然愛好家や文化探求者に人気です。especially、広大な湿原での静寂やアイヌ文化との触れ合いが心に残る体験となりますおすすめポイント 周辺グルメと観光 5. 旭山動物園 – 動物たちのリアルな姿とアイヌ文化 旭山動物園はその「行動展示」が世界的に注目されています動物たちが自然な行動を見せる展示スタイルは訪れる人々に新たな感動を与えます特にペンギンの散歩やホッキョクグマの水中での動きは見逃せません。Also、アイヌ文化に関する展示もあり動物と文化のつながりを学べます人気の理由 旭山動物園の革新的な展示方法は外国人観光客にも高い評価を受けています動物の生態を学びながら楽しめる点が大人から子どもまで幅広い層に支持されていますおすすめポイント 周辺グルメと観光 コメント欄にぜひご感想を! 北海道の歴史スポットを巡る旅は新たな発見と感動の連続ですどのスポットが最も気になりましたか?ぜひコメント欄で教えてください!この記事が参考になった方はぜひブックマークやSNSでシェアしていただけると嬉しいです次の旅の計画に役立ててくださいね!

「日本で発見された恐竜たち:フタバスズキリュウからむかわ竜へ続く進化の物語」Japanese trivial knowledge


日本が「恐竜発掘大国」として海外から注目される理由とは? 恐竜化石といえばアメリカや中国の広大な土地を思い浮かべるでしょう。but、意外なことに島国である日本も世界的な恐竜発掘の注目地です。 1968年に福島県で発見された「フタバスズキリュウ」、1978年に岩手県で見つかった「モシリュウ」その後の「フクイサウルス」や「丹波竜」そして最新の「むかわ竜」に至るまで日本では驚くべき恐竜の発見が続いていますこれらの化石は日本独自の恐竜進化の物語を語るだけでなくアジア地域全体の恐竜進化の空白を埋める重要な手がかりでもあります。here we go、壮大な発掘物語に耳を傾けてみましょう! 1. フタバスズキリュウ日本初の首長竜海底から現れる 発掘地福島県いわき市大久川河岸 1968年福島県の川岸を歩いていた地元高校教師・鈴木直氏が偶然巨大な骨片を発見しましたこれが「フタバスズキリュウ」の発見へとつながり日本初の首長竜化石として国内外で話題になりました。 2. モシリュウ日本初の正式な恐竜化石発見 発掘地岩手県下閉伊郡岩泉町茂師 1978年岩手県茂師地区で見つかった上腕骨の化石が「モシリュウ」と名付けられました日本で正式に記録された初の恐竜化石です。 3. フクイサウルス日本初の草食恐竜が語る進化のヒント 発掘地福井県勝山市北谷町 手取層群 北谷層 1990年代に福井県勝山市で行われた大規模な発掘調査で草食恐竜「フクイサウルス」が発見されました。2003年には正式に命名され日本独自の恐竜進化を示す重要な証拠となりました。 4. 丹波竜日本最大級の恐竜が明かす新たな可能性 発掘地兵庫県丹波市山南町 2006年地元住民が偶然発見した骨片がきっかけで兵庫県丹波市で「丹波竜」と名付けられた巨大恐竜が発掘されました。 5. むかわ竜完全な骨格化石で世界が注目 発掘地北海道むかわ町穂別地区 2013年に北海道むかわ町で発見された「むかわ竜」はほぼ完全な骨格化石が発見されるという極めて珍しいケースでしたなぜ日本の恐竜化石が特別なのか? あなたの声をお聞かせください! この記事で紹介した恐竜の中でどれが最も印象的でしたか?あなたの感想をコメントでシェアしてください!シェアやブックマークをしていただくことで日本の恐竜発掘の物語をもっと広めるお手伝いができます。 📌 日本が誇る恐竜発掘物語を広めましょう!

traditional culture and history


はじめに こんにちはペンシルケースです! 日本の伝統美術はその独自性と奥深さで世界中の人々を魅了しています美しい筆運びの書道や自然を感じさせる生け花精緻な職人技が光る陶芸などどれも一度は触れてみたいと思うものばかりです。In this article、日本の伝統美術について少し詳しく解説しその魅力をお伝えしますあなたもきっと日本文化への理解が深まると同時にその美しさに心を奪われることでしょう。 Well then、日本の伝統美術の世界へご案内します! 書道筆と墨で描く心の芸術 書道は弥生時代に中国から日本に伝わり奈良時代には写経が盛んになり平安時代には日本独自の発展を遂げました文字を美しく表現するだけでなく精神を集中させ感情を文字に乗せることを目的とする奥深い芸術です有名な書家としては空海や嵯峨天皇橘逸勢の三筆が挙げられます彼らの作品を目にするとその筆跡から作者の心情や当時の雰囲気が伝わってくるかのようです書道の世界は文字そのものがアートになる魅力を秘めています美術館や展示会で歴史的な作品を見るのも良いですし実際に筆を握って体験してみるのもおすすめです! 生け花自然を映し出す芸術 6世紀に仏教と共に日本に伝来した生け花は室町時代にその形を確立しました花や植物を器に美しく飾り自然の美しさや調和を表現する芸術です流派ごとに独自の技法や美意識があり自由な発想を楽しむことができます現代風の自由花は伝統を尊重しながらも現代のライフスタイルにマッチするデザインが特徴的です生け花に触れることで日常の中に自然の美しさを取り入れるヒントが得られるかもしれません。please、一度ワークショップなどに参加してみてはいかがでしょうか? 陶芸土と火が生み出す造形美 縄文時代から続く陶芸は日本の伝統美術の中でも特に古い歴史を持っています平安時代に独自の発展を遂げ江戸時代には多様化しました有田焼や美濃焼瀬戸焼などの名品は実用性と美術工芸としての価値を兼ね備えています陶芸の魅力はその一つひとつが手作りであること窯元を訪れると職人たちが丁寧に作品を仕上げる様子を見学することができますその作品はまるで生きているかのように個性を放っていますお気に入りの一品を探す旅に出かけてみてはいかがでしょう? 折り紙紙一枚に広がる無限の可能性 室町時代に武家の礼法として発展した折り紙は江戸時代になると遊びや教育の道具として広まりました紙を折るだけで動物や植物幾何学模様などさまざまな形を作ることができます特に折り鶴は日本の平和の象徴として世界的に有名です。through origami、手先の器用さだけでなく創造力や集中力を養うこともできます家族や友人と一緒に折り紙で楽しい時間を過ごしてみませんか? 浮世絵江戸の庶民文化を描く 江戸時代に発展した浮世絵は木版画技法を用いて描かれる庶民文化の象徴です葛飾北斎の『富嶽三十六景』や歌川広重の『東海道五十三次』など世界的にも高い評価を受ける作品が数多く存在しますその鮮やかな色彩とユニークな構図は見る人を江戸時代の街並みや風俗へと誘います現在では美術館や展示会で多くの作品を見ることができますお気に入りの一枚を見つけて江戸の暮らしを感じてみるのも楽しいですよ歌舞伎華やかな舞台で描かれる人間ドラマ 歌舞伎は、1603年に出雲の阿国の踊りから始まり、400年以上の歴史を持つ日本の総合舞台芸術です。music、舞踊演技が一体となり観客を物語の世界に引き込みます歌舞伎の特徴は華やかな衣装や独特の化粧(隈取)にありますこれらは登場人物の性格や感情を視覚的に表現する重要な要素です代表的な演目には『忠臣蔵』や『義経千本桜』がありこれらの物語は日本人にとって馴染み深いテーマです東京や京都の劇場では英語の音声ガイドを利用できる場合もあるので海外の方にもおすすめですぜひ一度その魅力を体感してみてください。 summary:日本の伝統美術を未来へ 日本の伝統美術は単なる美しさだけでなく歴史や文化そして人々の心が込められた深い世界です美術の中に隠された日本人の精神や価値観を探ることでより深い理解が得られるはずですぜひ今回の記事をきっかけに日本の伝統美術をもっと知り楽しんでくださいあなたが好きな日本の伝統美術やこの記事で興味を持ったものがあればぜひコメント欄で教えてください!記事が面白かったらシェアやブックマークもお待ちしています。Well then、また次回の投稿でお会いしましょう!ペンシルケースでした

日本語でしかわからない?和歌の魅力 古今和歌集 巻二:春下 131首~134首Explaining the latest news in Japan

日本語でしかわからない?和歌の魅力 古今和歌集 巻二春下 131首~134首

古今和歌集 巻二春下 131~134首の魅力 *この画像はイメージです 『古今和歌集』は日本の和歌文学の基礎を築いた重要な歌集ですその中でも春の和歌は日本の四季の移ろいを繊細に表現し風情を感じさせるものが多く収められています。In this article、春の終わりを詠んだ131首から134首の和歌の魅力についてそれぞれの背景と翻訳では伝わらない美しさを紹介します第131首 興風(おきかぜ) *この画像はイメージです 和歌こゑたえす なけやうぐひす ひととせに ふたたびとたに くへき春かは ローマ字読みKoe taesu nake ya uguisu hito tose ni futatabi to tani kueki haru ka wa 意味 声が途切れることなく鳴き続ける鶯よ一年に二度も春が巡ってくるならばどんなに素晴らしいことだろうか背景と魅力 春の訪れを告げる鶯の鳴き声が途切れることなく続くことに詠み手は永遠の春を夢見ています「ひととせにふたたびとたに」は実際にはありえないことを願う心情を表現しており日本人の春に対する惜別の情がよく表れています翻訳ではこの願望の儚さや自然との一体感が十分に伝わりにくいでしょう第132首 躬恒(みつね) *この画像はイメージです 和歌ととむへき  ものとはなしに    はかなくも   ちる花ごとに   たぐふこころか ローマ字読みTotomu beki mono to wa nashi ni hakanaku mo chiru hana goto ni tagu fu kokoro ka 意味 留めておくことができるものではないのに儚く散る花に特に心を寄せるのはなぜなのだろうか背景と魅力 春の花の儚さを前にした人の切なさが詠まれています「ととむへきものとはなしに」という表現が桜を留めることの不可能さを強調し翻訳では難しい繊細な感情の余韻を生み出します。Also、「たくふこころか」と問いかける形にすることで読者自身に共感を促す効果があります第133首 業平(なりひらの朝臣) *この画像はイメージです 和歌 ぬれつつそ しひてをりつる としのうちに  はるはいくかも  あらじと思へば ローマ字読みNuretsutsu so shite oritsuru toshi no uchi ni haru...

日本語でしかわからない?和歌の魅力 古今和歌集 巻一:春上 1~10首traditional culture and history

日本語でしかわからない?和歌の魅力 古今和歌集 巻一春上 1~10首

古今和歌集 巻一春上 1~10首の魅力 『古今和歌集』巻一「春上」には日本の春の訪れを繊細に表現した和歌が並びますここでは1~10首の和歌を紹介しそれぞれの魅力や翻訳では伝わらない日本語の美しさを解説します 第1首 在原元方(ありわらのもとかた) 和歌: 年のうちに  春は来にけり ひととせを  こそとやいはむ  ことしとやいはむローマ字読み:Toshi no uchi ni haru wa kinikeri Hitotose o koso to ya iwamu kotoshi to ya iwamu 意味:年の途中に春が来てしまったこの一年を去年と呼ぶべきかそれとも今年と呼ぶべきか迷ってしまう。background:正月を迎えた際の新年の感覚と日本の旧暦での「春の始まり」を結びつけた和歌です暦の移ろいと春の到来の新鮮さが表現されています。Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:「去年」「今年」といった時間概念の揺れや音の響きが織りなす韻律の美しさは日本語の特性が存分に活かされています 第2首 紀貫之(きのつらゆき) 和歌: 袖ひちて  むすびし水の  こほれるを  春立つけふの   風や解くらむローマ字読み:Sode hichite musubishi mizu no kooreru o Haru tatsu kyou no kaze ya tokuramu 意味:袖を濡らして掬った水が凍っているそれを今日立つ春の風が解かしてくれるのだろうか。background:冬から春への移行期を具体的な「凍った水」というイメージで描写しています自然の移ろいを繊細に感じ取る日本人の感性が現れています。Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:「袖ひちて」の具体性や「風が解かす」という擬人化表現が感情と自然を密接に結びつけています 第3首 二条の后(にじょうのきさき) 和歌: 雪の内に   春は来にけり  鶯の    凍れる涙   今や解くらむローマ字読み:Yuki no uchi ni haru wa kinikeri uguisu no Kooreru namida ima ya tokuramu 意味:雪の中に春が来た鶯の凍った涙も今まさに解けようとしているのだろうか。background:雪と鶯の対比を通じて冬から春への変化を象徴的に描いています。Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:「鶯の涙」という表現が日本語ならではの繊細な感覚を象徴しています 第4首 読人不知(よみびとしらず) 和歌: 梅が枝に 来ゐる鶯   春かけて  鳴けども今だ   雪は降りつつローマ字読み:Umegae ni kiiru uguisu haru kakete Nake domo imada yuki wa furitsutsu 意味:梅の枝に止まる鶯が春を告げて鳴いているがまだ雪が降り続いている。background:梅と鶯という春の象徴的な取り合わせに冬の雪を加えた対比的な構図が特徴です。Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:「春かけて鳴けども」という継続性の表現が春の到来の儚さを際立たせます素性法師(そせいほうし)  第5首 読人不知(よみびとしらず) 和歌: 春たてば  花とや見らむ   白雪の   かかれる枝に   鶯そ鳴くローマ字読み:Haru...

京都の魔法に包まれる!あなたも行きたくなる伝統祭り4選Kyoto prefecture


Hello、ペンシルケースです! 京都と聞いて思い浮かべるのは古き良き街並みや豊かな歴史ではありませんか?でもちょっと待ってください!その魅力を最大限に味わうなら実は「お祭り」という魔法の扉を開ける必要があるんです。This time、海外からも注目される京都の4つの伝統祭りをご紹介します! この記事を読み終わるころには次の京都旅行の計画が立てられるかもしれません。Well then、行きましょう! 葵祭(5月15日) 場所上賀茂神社・下鴨神社 葵祭はなんと1500年以上の歴史を誇る京都の伝統的なお祭りです平安装束を身にまとった行列が京都御所から下鴨神社上賀茂神社まで練り歩く光景はまるでタイムトリップしたような気分にさせてくれます私が初めて葵祭を訪れ体験したときのことです早朝から並んで見学スポットを確保し平安装束を着た行列が目の前を通る瞬間を待っていました。What was particularly impressive was、行列を先導する牛車(ぎっしゃ)の優雅な動きとそれに続く人々の整然とした歩み行列の参加者一人ひとりがまるで平安時代から来たかのような佇まいでその光景に胸が熱くなりました。 Also、地元の方々が行列の進行を静かに見守りながらも観光客には温かく案内をしてくれる姿も心に残っています行列を待つ間隣にいた地元の方から葵祭の由来や衣装にまつわる興味深い話を聞けたのも特別な体験でしたなぜ外国人に人気なのか? 海外の方からすると、This festival is”日本の歴史を目で見るという感覚を味わえる貴重な機会です。myself、現地で行列を目の当たりにしたときその整然とした美しさに息を飲みました衣装の細かい刺繍や色彩の美しさに圧倒されると同時に行列を引っ張る牛車(ぎっしゃ)の優雅な動きには特に感動しました。 Also、地元の方々が代々受け継いできたこの伝統を現代に移り変わっても誇りを持って続けている姿に心を打たれましたカメラ好きや歴史ファンにとってこれは絶対に外せないイベントです祇園祭(7月1日~31日) 場所八坂神社・各山鉾町 祇園祭は疫病を鎮めるために始まった日本最大級の祭り。7月の1ヶ月間にわたって行われ特に山鉾巡行や宵山は見逃せませんなぜ外国人に人気なのか? この祭りのハイライトは山鉾の美しさ!それぞれの山鉾(やまぼこ)は動く美術館と呼ばれるほど精巧な装飾が施されています山鉾の中には見事な金箔が施された装飾や何百年もの歴史を持つ刺繍が輝く布で覆われたものもあります。for example、船の形を模した船鉾(ふねほこ)や鳥居のモチーフを取り入れた鶏鉾(にわとりほこ)などそれぞれが独自のテーマを持ち見る人を飽きさせません自身の体験談ですが私も巡行を間近で見たときその大迫力に圧倒されました。especially、夜の宵山では提灯に照らされた山鉾が幻想的な雰囲気を醸し出していてまるで映画のワンシーンにいるような気分でした山鉾の細部を見て歩くだけでも伝統工芸の素晴らしさに触れることができるのも魅力の一つです。 Also、山鉾ごとに異なるテーマや物語が込められておりそれを知ることで観覧がさらに面白くなります地元の職人技術や歴史的な背景についてボランティアガイドから直接話を聞けたのも貴重な体験でした祭りの後には地元の露店で食べた焼き鳥やかき氷の味がまた格別!ぜひあなたも体験してみてください時代祭(10月22日) 場所京都御所・平安神宮 時代祭は明治時代に平安遷都1100年を記念して1895年に始まったお祭りです。but、その意義は深く日本の歴史を生き生きと体験できる貴重な機会を提供してくれますこのお祭りのハイライトは平安時代から明治時代までの各時代の衣装を忠実に再現した壮大な行列です歴史的背景と意義 時代祭は京都がかつて日本の首都であったことを讃えるとともに歴史の中で培われた文化を次世代に伝えるという使命を担っています行列に登場する衣装や小道具は細部にまでこだわっており京都の伝統工芸の技術が随所に感じられます。for example、平安時代の貴族の装束に施された繊細な刺繍や戦国時代の武士が纏う鎧兜の精巧さは圧巻です体験談になりますが私がこの祭りを初めて訪れた際地元の方々から直接聞いた話が忘れられません。I was especially impressed by、祭りの準備に数ヶ月を費やすという地域コミュニティの結束力その努力がこの壮大な行列を可能にしているのだと知り深い敬意を抱きました祭りの後には平安神宮の静寂な境内を訪れ時代祭が持つ「歴史を継承する」という深い意義に思いを馳せるのもおすすめです京都の歴史に新たな視点を加えたい方にはぜひ訪れてほしいお祭りですなぜ外国人に人気なのか? 歴史の教科書から飛び出してきたかのような衣装の数々平安時代から明治時代までの日本史を旅するような気分を味わえます私がこの祭りを見たとき特に印象的だったのは行列を作る地元の人々の情熱です衣装や小道具の細部まで再現されておりそれぞれの時代背景を感じさせる工夫が随所に見られました。for example、鎧兜を身につけた武士の堂々とした歩き方や宮中装束を身につけた女性の優雅な所作は目を見張るものでした祭りが終わった後地元の方々と歴史について語り合ったのも良い思い出ですこうした交流が旅をさらに豊かにしてくれるのだと感じました五山送り火(8月16日) 場所京都市内の五山(大文字山など) お盆の精霊を送り出すための行事で夜空に浮かぶ巨大な火文字は言葉にできないほど美しいです体験談ですが私が五山送り火を初めて見たときのことを鮮明に覚えています山に点火されるその瞬間周囲が一斉に静まり返り夜空に「大」の文字が浮かび上がる光景に息を呑みましたその場にいた全員が同じ感動を共有しているのが伝わり言葉を交わさずとも不思議な一体感を感じたのです。 What was particularly impressive was、火文字が夜空を照らしながらゆっくりと燃え続ける様子まるで先祖の魂が見守ってくれているような感覚を覚えました送り火が終わった後も余韻に浸りながら近くのお寺を散策し地元の方々と静かに交流を深めたことが心に残っていますなぜ外国人に人気なのか? このイベントの魅力はシンプルながらも心に響くその光景にありますその光景には送り火が持つスピリチュアルそして日本独特の静寂さと信心深さは他のどんな祭りにもない特別な魅力を持っています私が五山送り火を見たとき山に点火される瞬間観客全員が静まり返り息をのむような感動を共有しました。especially、暗闇の中に浮かぶ「大」の文字が視界に広がる瞬間は忘れられません送り火の後には地元の方々が提案してくれたお寺の参拝ルートをたどりさらに深い京都の文化を感じることができました。like this、ただ眺めるだけでなく地元の人々とのつながりを作る機会にもなる素晴らしい行事だと感じますコメント欄にぜひご感想を! あなたはどの京都のお祭りに一番行きたくなりましたか? また実際に訪れたことがある方はその体験もぜひシェアしてください! 私たちのブログをブックマークして次の京都旅行の参考にしていただけると嬉しいです。Also、この記事をシェアして京都の魅力を広めるお手伝いをしていただけるととても励みになります京都の魅力を一緒に語りましょうペンシルケースでした!

日本語でしかわからない?和歌の魅力 古今和歌集 巻三:夏 151首~160首Explaining the latest news in Japan

Do you only understand it in Japanese? The charm of waka poetry: Kokin Waka poetry collection, volume 3:夏 151首~160首

古今和歌集 巻三夏 151首~160首の魅力 *画像はイメージです 『古今和歌集』の巻三「夏」には自然の情景と人の感情が交錯する珠玉の和歌が収められています特に151首から160首にかけては夏の象徴ともいえる「郭公(ほととぎす)」を詠んだ歌が多く古の人々がこの鳥に託した思いや夜の静寂の中に響くその声に感じた感傷が色濃く表れています和歌の魅力は単なる情景描写だけではなく日本語特有の響きや掛詞余情の深さにもありますこれらの歌を通じて日本語でしか味わえない美を感じていただければ幸いです第151首 作者不詳(よみ人しらず) *画像はイメージです 和歌:今さらに  山へかへるな   郭公   こゑのかぎりは  わがやどになけ ローマ字読み:Ima sarani yama e kaeruna hototogisu koe no kagiri wa waga yado ni nake 意味:今更山へ帰るなホトトギスよ声の続く限り私の家で鳴いてほしい背景と翻訳では伝わらない良さ:「かきり(限り)」には終わりという意味と「郭公の声の最後の響き」という二重の意味が含まれる日本語の「限り」と「声の響き」が繊細に絡み合い深い余韻を生む第152首 作者: 三国町(みくにのまち) *画像はイメージです 和歌:やよやまて    山郭公    事づてむ    我世中に    すみわびぬとよ ローマ字読み:Yayo yamate yama hototogisu koto dutemu ware yo no naka ni sumi wabinu toyo 意味:おお山へ帰るほととぎすよ伝言を頼みたい私もこの世に住むのが嫌になってしまったのだ背景と翻訳では伝わらない良さ:俗世から離れたい作者の心情を詠ったもの「事つてむ」は「伝えてくれ」という願いを表しほととぎすが伝言を運ぶ鳥としての役割を担っている擬人化されたほととぎすの存在が日本語独特の叙情性を際立たせる第153首 作者: 紀友則(きのとものり) *画像はイメージです 和歌: 五月雨に   物思ひをれは   郭公   夜ふかくなきて いづちゆくらむ ローマ字読み:Samidare ni  mono omoi oreba hototogisu yofukaku nakite idu chi yukuramu 意味:五月雨の降る夜物思いにふけっているとほととぎすが夜更けに鳴いているどこへ行こうとしているのだろうか背景と翻訳では伝わらない良さ:「五月雨(さみだれ)」の静けさの中に響くほととぎすの声が悩みを抱える作者の孤独な心情を引き立てている擬人化された鳥の存在が夜の寂しさをより強く表現する第154首 作者: 紀友則(きのとものり) *画像はイメージです 和歌:夜やくらき  道やまとへる  ほととぎす  わがやどをしも   すぎがてになく...

日本の春を楽しむ旅!外国人が絶対行きたくなる観光スポット5選Recommended sightseeing route


Hello、ペンシルケースです! 日本の春を満喫するなら何と言っても桜の美しさが欠かせません日本の春は桜や新緑が街や自然を彩りどこを歩いても特別な景色に出会えます。In this article、I、ペンシルケースが実際に訪れて感動した日本各地の春を感じられる観光スポットを5つご紹介します外国の方でも楽しめる魅力をたっぷり詰め込んでいるので、Please read it to the end、次回の旅の参考にしてくださいね! 1. 上野公園(東京都) なぜここが特別なのか? 上野公園は日本で最初に開園した公園でその歴史的な背景も特別感を与えてくれます春になると約1,200本の桜が咲き誇りピンクの花々が公園を包みます訪れたとき桜の木の下でお弁当を楽しむ人々や外国からの観光客が笑顔で写真を撮る姿がとても印象的でした特におすすめなのが公園内をのんびり散策すること桜並木の間を歩いていると日本独特の春の風情を感じることができます私も一度お気に入りのカフェでテイクアウトした抹茶ラテを片手に桜を見ながらリラックスした時間を過ごしましたまさに心が癒される瞬間でした! 周辺のおすすめスポット 2. 弘前公園(青森県) 桜トンネルが魅了する理由 弘前公園の特徴といえば約2,600本もの桜と約110本のサクラが両側に植栽されている美しい桜のトンネルです桜の木々がアーチ状に広がりその下を歩くとまるで桜の世界に迷い込んだような気分になります夜桜もおすすめですライトアップされた桜が水面に映り込む様子は写真では伝えきれない幻想的な美しさです私が初めて弘前公園を訪れたときまさにその光景に感動して思わず声を上げてしまいました地元の方々との温かな交流もこの場所を特別にしてくれるポイントです周辺のおすすめスポット 3. 奈良公園(奈良県) 鹿と桜の絶妙な組み合わせ 奈良公園では自由に歩き回る鹿たちと満開の桜という他にはないユニークな風景が楽しめます春になると公園全体が桜色に染まりその中を鹿が歩く姿がなんとも愛らしいんです私が奈良公園を訪れたときは鹿にせんべいをあげながら桜の木の下でのんびり過ごしました鹿がこちらをじっと見つめる仕草に思わず笑ってしまうこともそんな癒しのひとときをぜひ体験してほしいです! 周辺のおすすめスポット 4. 福岡城跡(福岡県) 桜と歴史の調和 福岡城跡は歴史を感じる城跡と桜の美しさが融合したスポットです春になると城跡を囲むように咲き乱れる桜が訪れる人々を魅了します私が訪れた際には舞鶴公園内で開催されていた春祭りにも参加しました地元のグルメを味わいながら桜の下でのんびりするひとときは言葉では表せないほどの贅沢な時間でした歴史を感じながら桜を楽しむという特別な体験をぜひしてみてください! 周辺のおすすめスポット 5. 高知城(高知県) 現存する天守と桜の美しさ 高知城は現存する天守を持つ数少ないお城のひとつでその歴史的価値は計り知れません春には城を囲む桜が美しく咲き誇り天守閣からの眺めも格別です。 When I visited、天守閣に登って見下ろした桜景色に思わず息を呑みました高知の温かい空気と春の日差しがさらにこの場所を特別なものにしてくれました歴史と自然が織りなすこの空間はまさに日本の春を象徴しています周辺のおすすめスポット コメント欄にぜひご感想を! 日本の春を楽しむための5つのスポットをご紹介しましたがいかがでしたか?どの場所もただ桜を見るだけでなく歴史や文化地元の人々との交流を通じて忘れられない思い出を作ることができます「行ってみたい!」と思った場所はありましたか?ぜひコメント欄で教えてください!あなたの旅のエピソードや感想も大歓迎です。Also、share this blog、友達や家族とも日本の春の魅力を楽しんでくださいね

日本語でしかわからない?和歌の魅力 古今和歌集 巻三:夏 161首~168首traditional culture and history

Do you only understand it in Japanese? The charm of waka poetry: Kokin Waka poetry collection, volume 3:Summer 161 to 168

Kokin Waka Collection Volume 3 "Summer" 161-168 Holes This time、From the Kokin Waka Collection Volume 3 "Summer" feature waka poems from 161 to 168。About each waka poem、The author's name and its reading、Original text of waka poem、Roman alphabetical indication、meaning、background、We will also explain the benefits of Japanese that are difficult to convey in translation.。 Title 161 Author: Bankawachi Tsutsune (Oshikochi Mitsune) Japanese poem: Guo Gong: He couldn't hear the voice, Yamahiko made no other sound, and Roman characters were in no position to answer.:Hototogisu koe mo kikoezu yama biko ha hoka ni naku newo kotae ya ha senu meaning:I can't hear the voice of Hototogisu here、At this time, Yamahiko、Why won't they deliver other cries?。 background:In the room of the patrol of the Lord、My superior told me to "sing a poem waiting for the Hototogisu," so I wrote this.。Instead of waiting for the season when the Hototogisu cries,、I'm waiting for the sound of a Hototogisu, which is supposed to be crying out in the vicinity。 Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:The expression "I can't hear the voice"、Not only the voice of Hototogisu、It also contains the meaning of the "voice" of a superior person who has been making such a silly statement.、He skillfully hides his dissatisfaction phrases。 Title 162 Author: Kinotsurayuki (Kinotsurayuki) Japanese poem:Guo Gong: When it disappears, it's time to be my house, it's a Roman character:Hototogisu hito matu yama ni naku nare ba ware uti tukeni koi masarikeri meaning:When I see the Hototogisu cries on the mountains waiting for people、I suddenly start to miss someone too。 background:It was a song about a roaring roaring in the mountains、It can be seen from the author's feelings that he felt lonely and lonely due to his cry.。 Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:There are various theories、The "Fest" in "Hito Matsuyama"、There is a meaning that "matsu = wait"、It can also be said to represent the author's feelings awaiting people in Matsuyama.。 Chapter 163 Author: Mibu Tadamino (Mibu no Tadamino) Japanese poem:Once upon a time, it is still a hot topic, the town of Guo-gyo, the hometown of Roman characters that are thriving:Mukashi heya ima mo koisiki hototogisu furusato ni simo naki te kituramu meaning:Do you still miss the old days?、It seems that the Hototogisu still chirps in my old home. Background:This is a song about the sound of the Hototogisu that the author heard in the land where he lived before.、The nostalgic cry of the Hototogisu、It entrusts the author's own nostalgic feelings。 Good things that cannot be conveyed in translation:The expression "hometown"、It has the meaning of "in this hometown."、There must be somewhere else to go、Why did you always come to this place? You and me too、Do you miss your old hometown where there's nothing to see anymore? It expresses the feelings of。 Title 164 Author's name:Bankawachi Tsutsune (Oshikochi Mitsune) Japanese poem:Guo Gong: Not with me....

horse racingJapanese trivial knowledge

"Even if you lose、Continue to run"—Halurara's miraculous story

"Life、Things that don't go well...' I want you to know about Horse racing, a sport that aims to "win."。but、Japan said, "I never won、There's a horse that has become a national star.。 Its name is Haruurara。 She has an unprecedented record of 106 consecutive losses。But even so、For some reason, tens of thousands of spectators flocked to her race.、I was so excited about "the horse I know I'll lose"。 why、Has Haruurara been loved so much? why、Did continuing to lose encourage people? Today is、With numerous unknown episodes of her、We bring you the miraculous story of Haruurara。 [Episode 1] From birth to "unselling" - The tough start as a racehorse, Haruurara、1996February 27, 2019、Born on a small ranch called Nibutani Farm in Hidaka Town, Hokkaido.。 Her father is Nippotei O、My mother was a horse called the heroine。but、She was born as a racehorse、He was already carrying a tough fate。 🔹 ① Haruurara was "too small" for a racehorse、It's smaller than other racehorses、The muscles were not very developed either。A world where racehorse is considered to be advantageous, the larger the physique.。Even before his debut, he was whispered that "this horse might not be able to win."。 🔹 ② I'm so sluggish、I was timid、Racehorse has been used to trainers and humans since they were born.、Start training for the race。but、Haruurara is very timid、He was a person who was afraid of humans。moreover、It is said that he was not very passionate about running.。 🔹 ③ Racehorse that was a racehorse that "cannot find a buyer"、Usually, they are posted on a sale (auction) when they are 1 year old.、It will be bought by the owner。but、Although Haruurara was put into the Seri market、No buyer found。 "It's going to be tough for a racehorse" "It's small、It looks weak" In the end、The farm where he was born will own it himself.、I was forced to go to local horse racing.。 [Episode 2] Transfer to Kochi Horse Racing - "Racing Horse to Lose" What sets the eye on the unsold Haruurara、He was Muneishi Dai**, the trainer at Kochi Racecourse.。 Kochi Racecourse、This is a local horse racing with a lower level than the central horse racing (JRA).。Even horses with not that high racing ability、If it were a local horse racing, it was thought that "maybe we could win."。 but、Haruurara was sent to Kochi Horse Racing、There was almost no chance of winning。Trainer Muneishi、"at least、I named it "Haruurara" with the hope that just the name will brighten up.。 [Episode 3] Despair from the debut match... The days when I continued to lose Debut match (November 17, 1998) Haruurara、1998He made his debut on November 17th, 2019。5In a head-up race、The result was 5th place (lowest place)。 After the race、The trainer and the jockey are、It's the first match, so there's nothing I can do about it."。but、Not only did they not win even one race after that、Only the lowest position...! [Episode 4] Why he became a horse that "it's okay to lose"、Racehorse will be retiring if they lose 5-10 consecutive times.。but、Haruurara was different。 because、This is because Kochi Racecourse was at a "crisis of survival" at the time.。 In these circumstances、"I just needed a horse that would run."。 So、Haruurara said, "I'm fine with losing、It has been decided that it will continue to run.。 [Episode ⑤] Haruurara's popularity explodes! What is the appeal of a horse that continues to lose? The existence of Haruurara spread throughout Japan、2003Around the age。The trigger、It was a word from live announcer Hashiguchi Koji.。 "Halurara might become a Japanese Zippy Chippy!" In America、100There was a horse called "Zippy Chippie" who had lost more than the battle.。He too、Continuing to lose has become a hot topic、He became a national star。 "For horses that keep losing、There's something that attracts people" "Winning isn't everything"、From the perspective that "it's actually more interesting to keep losing"、Haruurara's popularity exploded。...

伝説の名馬・オグリキャップのエピソード!traditional culture and history

[Legendary racehorse Oguri Cap:A miraculous story engraved in the history of Japanese horse racing]

Introduction – This is Iwapiko! Hello! Horse racing fans around the world、And everyone who doesn't know much about horse racing、Please read to the end。I'm going to tell you the story of "Oguri Cap," a famous horse that will remain in Japan's history of horse racing.、We will deliver it with all our heart。 When you hear the word horse racing, some people may think it's "gambling"、Japan's horse racing is not just a gamble。There、Horse and jockey、And there is a drama that trainers and stables (people who care for horses) accumulate.。And more than anything、The fans love、Tearing、There is a "story" that will make you happy。 The Oguri Cap is、He is one of the most dramatic horses in the history of horse racing.。Going up from local horse racing to central horse racing、Defeating the powerful forces one after another、A miracle was created in the last retirement race。Their appearance was truly a "Cinderella story of Japan's horse racing."。 In this article、The Life of Oguri Cap、The excitement he gave to Japanese horse racing fans、And we'll introduce you to the story after retirement in detail。It's okay if you don't know about horse racing! If you read this story、You'll surely be captivated by the charm of Oguri Cap。 Well then、Let's look back at the legend of Oguri Cap together! 1. Oguri Cap is born – departure from the nameless ranch Oguri Cap is、1985March 27, 2019、Born at Inaba Ranch in Niikappu Town, Hokkaido。 His father is dancing cap、My mother is whitenalbee。My father is a foreign horse、Not a horse that has achieved such a prominent performance、Mother Whitenalby also finished her race life without winning.。In other words、Oguri Cap's pedigree was not something that could be called a "super blooded horse."。 moreover、Because the newborn Oguri Cap had bent legs、There was nothing expected。but、He has a very large body since his foal days.、People on the ranch were hoping, "This horse might run."。 Eventually、Oguri Cap was entrusted to the Sumi Masao stable, who lives at Kasamatsu Racecourse in Gifu Prefecture.、His race life begins。 2. Local horse racing monsters – A rapid advance at Kasamatsu Racecourse Kasamatsu Racecourse、One of Japan's local horse racing、It is a smaller racetrack than the central horse racing.。Here, Oguri Cap debuted、He quickly showed off his overwhelming ability.。 He lost to second place in his debut match.、From there, we had a huge succession of victory! Oguri Cap is a man who has no enemy in local horse racing.、It has become known among local fans as the "Kasamatsu Monster."。 🏆 Main results from the local horse racing era:、Local fans at Kasamatsu Racecourse are also convinced that "this horse is not a mere person!"。but、The true legend of Oguri Cap is、It was just beginning。 From "Local Horse Racing Stars"、Towards "heroes all over Japan" -、We needed a bigger stage。 3. Challenge to Central Horse Racing – Defeat your superior opponent! at that time、It was very rare for him to transfer from local horse racing to Central Horse Racing (JRA).。but、Those involved have seen Oguri Cap's overwhelming strength、I thought "This horse would work."。 This is how the Oguri Cap is....

和柄の着物Japanese trivial knowledge

"Traditional Japanese patterns:Knowing beauty and meaning

Hello! A blogger who conveys the charms of Japan to the world、It's Momo! Today I would like to introduce traditional Japanese patterns.。In Japan、There are many beautiful patterns that have been used since ancient times。Each pattern is、It has more meaning than just a design、It contains cultural background and symbolism。Among them、Cloisonne and turtle shell patterns、Checkered pattern、Crane and turtle pattern、And my favorite cherry blossom pattern、It is a symbol of Japanese culture.。Well then、Let's take a look at each one! 1. Shippo pattern (Shippo pattern) Shippo pattern is、It is derived from Buddhism、It is characterized by circular and intersecting curves。This pattern is、"Shippo" in Buddhist teachings、In other words, it symbolizes seven precious treasures: gold, silver, lapis, glass, agate, coral, and shako shells.。In Japan、It is often used in decorations and ritual tools in Buddhist temples.、The symbolic meaning of that、happiness、Stable、It strongly expresses harmony。The crossed circular design gives a sense of eternal life and harmony、It brings calm and peace to the viewer。Even before Buddhism spread、It appears to be seen in other parts of Asia.、In Japan, it has been particularly well-respected due to the influence of Buddhism.。 2. The tortoise shell pattern (Kikomoyo) The tortoise shell pattern is、It has a hexagonal lattice pattern that poses the shape of a turtle shell、It symbolizes longevity and health。The turtle itself has been considered a symbol of longevity in Japanese culture.。In fact, the tortoise shell pattern、Not just in Japan, but、It can also be seen in other East Asian cultures such as China.、In Japan, it is often used as a lucky pattern for kimonos and home decorations.。Because the turtle shell is solid and stable、This pattern is a steady life and home.、It is preferred to pray for protection。 3. Checkered pattern (Ichimatsumoyo) Checkered pattern、Simple square lattice pattern、It symbolizes prosperity。This pattern is、It has spread since the Edo period、Its origin can be traced back to the Heian period.、It is particularly deeply rooted in traditional Japanese culture.。The lattice patterns are arranged neatly、A sense of stability and a balanced worldview are expressed.、It is a popular design that is used in interior and fashion even today.。Perfect for Japanese aesthetic sense、It's a simple yet powerful pattern。 4. Crane turtle pattern (Turtlememoyo) Crane turtle pattern、Designed with cranes and turtles、It symbolizes longevity and a happy marriage。In fact, the crane turtle pattern is、Not a unique design in Japan、It was originally used in China and elsewhere.、In Japan, especially celebrations and New Year's、Often seen at weddings、It is meant to pray for longevity and happiness。This pattern is、The combination of two creatures, a crane and a turtle、Because it symbolizes the strength and beauty of life、It is considered to be very auspicious in Japan。 5. Sakura pattern (Sakura Moyo) and、This is my favorite cherry blossom pattern! Cherry blossoms are symbolic of Japan's spring、Its fleetingness and beauty are deeply engraved in the hearts of Japanese people.。The cherry blossom pattern、It is used in many occasions to celebrate the arrival of spring、Especially new life and graduation ceremonies、You can see it during cherry blossom viewing season。Cherry blossoms can fulfill their short life.、It symbolizes "affluence" and "a new beginning."。This pattern is unique to Japan、It has characteristics that are not found overseas。 6. Finally, traditional Japanese patterns、All of them have a deep meaning、It's an indispensable part of our culture。Cloisonne pattern、Tortoise shell pattern、Checkered pattern、Crane and turtle pattern、And the cherry blossom pattern。The symbolic meaning of each pattern、happiness、longevity、Stable、order、prosperity、And a new beginning,、We are close to our lives and our hearts。There are also some cases where it was introduced from overseas、In Japan, each has a special meaning、Be loved in everyday life、It's been cherished。Knowing these patterns、It will give you a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and values。please、When you see these patterns、Please feel the meaning and history behind it!

【幻の名馬】トキノミノル——無敗の伝説を残した悲劇の競走馬traditional culture and history

[The Phantom Horse] Tokino Minor - A tragic racehorse that left an undefeated legend

Hello、Iwapiko is a blogger who is passionate about Japan's horse racing and history! Today is、Despite having the most impressive results in the history of Japanese horse racing、The legendary racehorse that scattered too quickly、Introducing Tokinominol。 🏇 1010 wins、7Winning one record🏆 The first undefeated classic double-crowned horse in history💔 He died of tetanus just 17 days after winning the Japan Derby、I can see how special he was。Tokinominor, who was called "born to win the Derby," was、The biggest drama in horse racing history。 And his presence、The impact it had on Japanese horse racing is immeasurable。This time、Death from his birth、And we'll give you a thorough explanation of the legends that continue to this day! 🔥 1. Tokinominol - Appeared in the horse racing world”miracle”Horse of 🏇 The "horse of hope" was born in the chaos of the postwar period, Tokinominor was born、1948May 2, 2019。The location is、Kasamatsu Farm in Monbetsu Town, Hokkaido (now Hidaka Town), known as a famous horse racing production area.。 🌍 Postwar Japan and the Horse Racing World This era、Japan was aiming to recover from the burnt grounds of World War II.。Difficulty in food、Insufficient supplies、The devastated infrastructure...。The whole country is suffering、The horse racing world was in danger of survival due to the effects of the war.。 In the midst of such a confusion、1946Horse racing finally resumes in 2019。but、Horse racing is not yet familiar to the general public.、Few people went to the racetracks.。 In such an era、A horse that will change the future of Japanese horse racing has been born。That's、It was Tokinominol。 🏆 Tokinominol's pedigree Father Mother Tokinominol Theft Second Tyrants Queen 💰From "unsold horses" to "hope in the horse racing world" Tokinominor in his childhood、It was not a particularly popular horse.。because、Because his brothers were not able to do anything。 Also、Because his father Theft was said to be "not suitable for classical music."、Few people imagined a future in which this horse would win the Derby。 Therefore、Tokinominol has been in a "unsold" state for a long time...。 but、There was someone who first saw him。 That's、He was a trainer Tanaka Kazuichiro, a famous horse and a famous horse in the history of Japanese horse racing.。 👤 Meet the famous leader Tanaka Kazuichiro Tanaka、I recommended Nagata Masakazu, the president of the film company Daiei at the time, to buy this horse.。 💰 Nagata Masaichi originally traded for an extraordinary 1 million yen、I was reluctant to buy this horse。but、With the persuasiveness of trainer Tanaka and ranch officials、It was eventually purchased for 1 million yen (the same amount as the Derby winning prize at the time).。this is、It was an incredibly expensive transaction at the time.。 When I first purchased the horse, the name of the horse was "Perfect".、Later, it was renamed "Tokinominol"** at the request of the horse owner.。This name、 thus、The horse, a legendary horse in the horse racing world, has begun its life as a racehorse in earnest.。

「氷点下の奇跡を体感!札幌雪まつりを120%楽しむ    完全ガイド」Recommended sightseeing route

"Experience the miracle of sub-zero temperatures! A complete guide to enjoying the Sapporo Snow Festival to the fullest"

This time、SACO, who attends the Sapporo Snow Festival every year, introduces the "secrets to enjoy it 120%"! If you read this、You can have a heart-warming experience that will make you forget the cold。Under the winter night sky、"Sapporo Snow Festival" is surrounded by silver-white art。Giant snow statue、Shining ice sculpture、A thrilling snow play spreads out、Invite visitors to the world of magic。but、2The highest temperature in Sapporo on the moon is 0℃、Minimum temperature below -10℃。If you take good measures to keep warm、Forget the cold、You can enjoy this winter's miracle to your heart's content! 1. Enjoy a quiet, miraculous night with a trial light. The "trial light" will be held on the eve of the opening of the snow festival.、This is a special event where you can witness the moment when the lit-up snow sculpture is exposed to light for the first time.。There are few tourists too、It's a hidden gem in the silence。 ✨SACO experiences:"The day of the test lights、Temperature**-9℃**。The snow statue that appeared in light、It was like a creature in a dream。 place:Sapporo City Chuo District Oito West 4-10-chome 2. Behind the giant snow sculpture! The unknown behind the scenes of the production: The giant snow sculpture, which can be said to be a symbol of the Sapporo Snow Festival, is、It's not just big。Delicate details and overwhelming power、Many people take their breath。but、How are these snow sculptures made? Until a giant snow sculpture is formed 💡Trivia:For making snow sculptures、The Self-Defense Forces are cooperating。Their advanced technology and teamwork、It supports the perfection of the snow sculpture。 ⛄Impressions of SACO:"When I saw the snow sculpture in the middle of production, I was overwhelmed by the size of the product.。When it's finished, it looks like、It was truly the art of snow and ice! " place:Sapporo City Chuo District Oito West 4-10-chome 3. Morning of the snow sculpture demolished:Let's see the "art of fragility"! Early morning the day after the festival ends、The work to demolish the snow sculpture begins at the main street venue。The sight of heavy machinery collapsing the huge snow sculpture is spectacular、It gives you a sense of the beauty of disappearing art。 my experience: When I saw the snow sculpture collapse、I vowed to come and see him again next year.。The sight of the snow sculpture quietly coming to an end、It's a special scene that touches your heart。 ☕ One point: When I took a hot drink in hand,、You can enjoy watching it without forgetting the cold! place:Sapporo City Chuo District Oito West 4-10-chome 4. Enjoy a special experience at an outdoor skating rink around town! At the Odori venue、The outdoor skating rink that is set up for a limited time is also popular.。A special experience of enjoying skating in the city、It makes you feel like you're in a movie。Illumination lights around the link、At night it has a fantastic atmosphere。 ⛸️ Rental shoes fee included in the skating rink admission fee https://www.uhb.jp/smilerinksapporo2025/ Location:Odori Nishi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 5. Let's immerse ourselves in the "world of jewels" in the ice art area. At the Susukino venue、There is an "Ice Art Area" with ice sculptures。The sculptures made from highly transparent ice、It shows different beauty during the day and at night。 How to enjoy the day and night 💡SACO's comments:"The ice sculpture at night、It was a mysterious sight that seemed to have entered the story.。" address:Sapporo City Chuo District South 4 4 chome ー 6 4 chome ー 4 chome ー 4 chome 6. If you want to enjoy playing in the snow, head to the "Tsudoum Venue"! The "snow play area" at the Sapporo Snow Festival、A popular spot for both children and adults alike。 💡SACO experiences:"Returning to my childhood with my friend on a snow slide、I slid down many times and got a lot of laughs。It's an area that will make you so passionate that you'll forget about the cold! " place: 885-1 Sakaecho, Higashi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 007-0852 7. Barrier-free service is also available! At the Sapporo Snow Festival、Volunteers are active for wheelchair users.、Snow wheelchairs and canes with ice picks、Free rental of cold weather gear and walking assistance、We provide wheelchair assistance。Make everyone enjoyable with peace of mind、There is plenty of support! If you need assistance, we recommend making a reservation。 place: "Business Volunteer House" at Odori 6-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo E-mail:tetote@gamma.ocn.ne.jp 8. Prevent falls! Penguin walks and conquering snowy roads with shoe spikes On snowy roads、Master the "Penguin Walking"! 🐧Penguin walking tips ✨Secret weapon:Attaching removable shoe spikes makes it less slippery。However, it is easier to slip in underground walking spaces, so please remove it.。 9. Warmthy even under freezing temperatures! SACO style - the ultimate cold protection measure 🧣SACO's cold weather list...

【世界が震えた伝説の5冠馬・シンザン】——“奇跡”と呼ばれた名馬の全貌Japanese trivial knowledge

[Shinzan, the legendary five-crowned horse that trembles the world] - The complete picture of a famous horse called "miracle"

Hello! This is Iwapiko! "Beyond Shinzan" - the ultimate goal of all racehorse "In Japanese horse racing history、What is the greatest horse? " Deep Impact、Orfevre、Symboli Rudolph...。surely、They are legendary horses。 but、The history of Japanese horse racing fundamentally changes、There are horses that all racehorses have become "the ones that they should aim for."。That's、It's Shinzan。 ✅ The first classic triangle horse in history (unbeaten)✅ The only "Five-Crown Horse" in history (Satsuki Sho, Derby, Kikuka Sho, Emperor's Cup, Arima Kinen)✅ All 19 Central Horse Racing races have been placed within 2nd place! “100% consecutive rate”✅ A different-dimensional brain that is said to have understood horse racing✅ The longest-running G1 horse in Japanese horse racing history (surviving until age 35) "Beyond Shinzan" - this is for many years、It has become a slogan for the Japanese horse racing world.。 why、Is he so special? why、Will it continue to fascinate horse racing fans around the world? In this article、Even beginners can enjoy it、We will explore Shinzan's feats and its charms。 [Why is Shinzan called a "legend"? 】 ① "Everyone thought it was impossible" -- Until the undefeated Triple Crown Horse was born, Shinzan's record、1915 wins and 2nd place in 4 times。Surprisingly、I've never sunk below 3rd place。 but、He wasn't the horse he was expected to have from the beginning.。 At the time of stable、The trainers and stable hands have criticized the harsh reviews of "they don't look like a horse that runs very well."。They thought, "It's not particularly good," and "It doesn't look like it has speed."。 However,、When he debuted, he made an overwhelming succession of winnings.。and、The classic triangle that everyone said "it's impossible"、I achieved it undefeated。 The winning way is also incredible、Pull your rivals to the very last minute、A spectacular race that quickly thrusts away。The winning method makes you think, "Do you really understand horse racing?"、It surprised the fans。 "Any railroad、No matter what the development、I'll definitely win"、That's why he's called a "legend"。 ② "The sharpness of the machete" - the final sprint that surprised the world - Shinzan's final sprint、It's as sharp as if you were cutting it with a macab。Therefore、In the horse racing world, it was described as "Shinzan's final leg is the sharpness of the machete"**。 Especially the performance at the Kikuka Sho、Truly a "legend"。 "I'm not getting better after losing in summer," and "The Triple Crown will be tough," many people say such things.、He stood still until the end of the race、Explosive acceleration with 200m remaining、I quickly pushed my rivals away。 This "When you should win"、"The racing style is definitely something you win"、This is one of the biggest reasons why it attracts horse racing fans around the world.。 ③ "I understood horse racing" -- Shinzan, the brain that is so genius、It wasn't just a "fast horse"。The people involved are about him、He testifies like this。 🗣 "I had the habit of slowing down as soon as I passed the goal board.。」🗣 "I don't run at all when I trained、Perfect finish in the actual performance。"Trainers and jockeys、He said about Shinzan that he is "a horse who only takes his serious effort during the actual event."、Think about how to win the race yourself、It is said that they tried not to waste energy.。 "I'm not just strong," "I understand the flow of horse racing、I'll make moves to win." Shinzan、It was truly a "strategic" racehorse.。 ④ "Shinzan has disappeared!" -- The shock of the Arima Kinen At the Arima Kinen, Shinzan's last run、An unprecedented incident has occurred in horse racing history。 The jockey of rival horse Michalkas、**"Curtain Shinzan inside、"Runsing the rough track."。but、Shinzan spots it、I finally managed to run through the "outside edge"** on the course! At this time、Shinzan's appearance completely disappeared from the view of the stands and TV cameras.。The live announcer、I cried out with excitement。 🎙 "Shinzan has disappeared!!" This will become a legendary moment that will go down in horse racing history.、It is being talked about as a race that has surprised horse racing fans all over the world.。 ⑤ The "miraculous life force" that has survived for 35 years: The average life expectancy of a racehorse、20Around age。but、Shinzan lives up to 35 years, 3 months, 11 days、The longest-running G1 horse in Japan's history。 Later years、He loses his right eye、All my teeth have fallen out too、Still, I continued to live。His life itself、It is said to be a "miracle story"。

「日本の食べ放題が特別な理由:歴史・進化・体験談で徹底解説!」Recommended Japanese shops

"Why all -you -can -eat in Japan is special:Thorough explanation in history, evolution, and experiences! "

Hello! It is Iwapiko! I heard "All -you -can -eat"、What kind of image do you have? Lots of dishes、Enjoy what you like as much as you like ... Japan has evolved one or two steps in the concept of "all -you -can -eat".。All -you -can -eat in Japan、High quality、Experience for each genre、And the craftsmanship in each dish is packed.。In this article、From the history that originated、Why is all -you -can -eat all -you -can -eat in Japan by overseas travelers?、In addition, I will deliver my recommended shops and experiences in detail! A wonderful experience that touches Japanese food culture、Would you like to explore together? At the beginning of all -you -can -eat Japan:The first all -you -can -eat all -you -can -eat in Japan is 1958、Born at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo。At that time, this style named "Imperial Viking"、Inspired by the Scandinavian "Smogger Board"。Mr. Torizo ​​Inumaru, the president of the hotel, sees this style in Denmark、It was the beginning of the introduction of "a place where you can enjoy luxurious food as much as you want in Japan."。 The name "Viking" is named in the image of a Nordic pirate、It has spread as a symbol of adventure and luxury。after that、1980Reasonable all -you -can -eat for students and young people in the age、1990Evolved into a style that pursues quality after the age。now、Grilled meat、Shabu -shabu、Sweets、Sushi, etc.、All -you -can -eat for each theme is common。 Why all -you -can -eat in Japan is popular with foreigners 1. High quality and craftsmanship in Japan all -you -can -eat、Not only "large amount"、"High quality" is a major feature.。for example、In "Yakiniku King"、Soft and juicy meat is prepared、You can enjoy the taste of each part。When I first visited、The moment you say special ribs、I was surprised at the savory flavor and the softness of the meat。This was an incredible experience as "all -you -can -eat"! 2. Abundant options for all -you -can -eat Japan、High specialty for each genre、Very abundant choices。Grilled meat、Shabu -shabu、sushi、Sweets, etc.、No matter which one you choose, you can fully enjoy the charm of each theme.。Also、Some shops specialize only for desserts, such as "Sweets Paradise"、I can't collect for sweets lovers。 3. Kind and comfortable service many stores use a touch panel order system、Easy to use even for foreign tourists。moreover、The staff is also polite、There are many shops with English -language menus。A foreign friend said, "All -you -can -eat in Japan、Not only cooking but also service is a world class. "。 Iwapo recommended! All -you -can -eat chain store in Japan、Please check the store official website for charges。 1. Yakiniku King Soft ribs、Fragrant thick sliced ​​tongue、Juicy hormones ... all exquisite。If you order with a touch panel、Fresh food will be offered immediately。When I first visited、I have confirmed many times with my friend, "Is this really all -you -can -eat?"。 Yakiniku King King Official HP 2. A shop where you can enjoy shabu leaves shabu -shabu as much as you like。Fresh vegetables and meat、The soup you can choose is attractive。Especially "Yuzu salt soup" is exquisite、When I first visited, I was impressed by the richness of the scent。 Shabuha official HP 3. Sweets paradise cake and jelly、Ice cream, etc.、30A place like a heaven where there are more than kinds of sweets。There are many desserts that show photos、When I uploaded it to SNS, many friends got a comment saying "I want to go!"。 Sweets Paradise Official HP 4. Taro Taro Yakiniku、sushi、Sweets、Furthermore, up to fried food、All -you -can -eat all -you -can -eat that covers a wide range of genres。Perfect for enjoying with families and groups。 Suta Marina Taro Official HP 5. One Calvi -luxurious yakiniku restaurant。You can enjoy all -you -can -eat high quality marbled meat and special ribs、Perfect for special days。When I visited my birthday、I was very satisfied with the special dishes and services。 Wankarbi Official HP Iwapo "All -you -can -eat all -you -can -eat" conclusion:All -you -can -eat in Japan is "experience itself" all -you -can -eat in Japan、Beyond the act of "just eat"、You can enjoy it as "experience itself"。Quality of cooking、Abundant choices、And heartwarming service。All of these are Japanese -specific culture.。For travelers、All -you -can -eat in Japan is definitely an unforgettable experience.。 Please let us know your opinion, "Which store is the most worrisome?" "Have you ever experienced all -you -can -eat in Japan?"。If this blog is useful、Please share and bookmarks! Let's spread the wonderful food culture of Japan to the world together!

traditional culture and history

"Why are Japanese people's personalities highly praised around the world? The secrets and touching stories are revealed!"

"Why are Japanese so special?" This is、It is a question that was thrown many times by overseas friends。The reason why Japanese personality is evaluated around the world、Relateness and coordination、Not just patience。Behind that、The unique values ​​cultivated in long history and culture are hidden.。 In this article、The charm of the Japanese personality、I will deliver it with my own experiences。By the time you finish reading、I was impressed with "Japanese people are amazing!"、You should want to know Japan deeply。 true story:At Shinjuku Station, Tokyo Station, a miraculous impressive that creates politeness、It is a story when I helped foreign tourists who were lost。Not only teach them the way to them who were in trouble by looking at the map、I went to the destination together。Then they、"In a busy city、You can get so kind! "。after that、He sent me a thank -you letter with gratitude.。 What I felt from this event、"Courtine" and "kindness" that are obvious for Japanese people、For foreigners, this means that it will lead to great excitement.。 5 reasons why the Japanese personality is loved around the world 1. politeness:When a foreign friend visits Japan for the first time: caring for everyone, everywhere、"At every store, the staff greets you with a polite bow," he said, surprising me.。moreover、I was moved by the sight of people picking up trash on the roadside.、He highly praised that "courtesy is deeply rooted in our culture."。These small actions、It creates trust and excitement.。 2. humility:Restrain yourself and respect others, as symbolized by the Japanese value of ``the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.''、Japanese people are virtue that they are modest。At work、Rather than claiming, "This is my achievements."、It is natural to be pleased with the results of the whole team。This humility is、Make foreigners feel "coordination and honesty"、Gives trust。 3. Endurance:Quiet strength to face difficulties - during the Great East Japan Earthquake、What attracted the attention of many foreign media、Japanese people form an orderly line、They were helping each other。I can't forget what I saw at the evacuation center back then.。Many people say, ``I'm amazed at the patience of Japanese people.''、His calm demeanor in the face of hardship was praised around the world.。 4. Coordination:When I did a team project with a foreign friend who values ​​``Japanese'' more than the individual.、He said, ``I was surprised by the attitude of all Japanese people working toward one goal.''。In Japan、Because team harmony is more important than individual success、Natural cooperation is fostered。 5. perfectionism:Impressions created by attention to detail Kyoto's traditional gardens、A friend from overseas who saw the skills of Japanese sushi chefs said, ``This attention to detail is amazing.、I was impressed and said, ``It's unique to Japanese people.''。Japanese perfectionism、We are creating the image of "reliable" around the world。 Is it difficult to "understand the culture"? but、That's attractive! Foreigners may ask, "Why not Japanese people say directly?"。surely、In Japan, there is a rooting culture that takes in the feelings of the other person.。but、By knowing this culture、You should notice the delicate compassion of the Japanese。 Ask the reader:Please tell me your episode! Read this article、If you think "the Japanese personality is wonderful!"、Please share this article by all means。Also、Episode experienced in Japan and、Please tell us your impression of the Japanese in the comments.。 for example、Please answer this question: Your comment、It might spark the interest of new readers! summary:The influence of the Japanese personality on the world Politeness、humility、Coordination、Endurance、Perfectionism: These traits、Generating trust and respect for Japanese people around the world。

「富士山のすべて:なぜこの山が世界中で愛されるのか?」Recommended sightseeing route

“All about Mt. Fuji:Why is this mountain loved all over the world? ”

A special impression created by Mt. Fuji Hello! This is Iwapiko🌸Mt. Fuji - just hearing the name、Many people, even those who are not Japanese, will remember its beautiful appearance.。but、The appeal of Mt. Fuji is not just that it is a beautiful mountain.。A miraculous shape created by nature、Deep history as a symbol of faith and culture、And the emotional experience you can get by actually climbing a mountain.。All of which makes Mt. Fuji special.。 In this article、The unknown history and culture of Mt. Fuji、With my experiences、We will thoroughly dig into why this mountain is loved all over the world.。Some people have never visited Mt. Fuji、After reading this, you will definitely want to go!。 What is Mt. Fuji? Explanation for beginners Mt. Fuji、Located between Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures in Japan, it is the highest mountain in Japan at an altitude of 3,776 meters.。Its perfect conical silhouette、Recognizable at a glance, even from a distance、symbolic presence of Japan。2013In 2007, it was registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site as "Mt. Fuji - Object of Faith and Source of Art."。 Furthermore, Mt. Fuji also has the face of an ``active volcano.''、formed over many years。Its geological value is also attracting attention.、What's more special about this mountain is that、Because there is a story woven by nature and people's hearts.。 Why is Mt. Fuji loved all over the world? 1. Spectacular views of Mt. Fuji in all seasons、No matter what season you visit, you will be amazed by its beauty.。 Upside down Fuji reflected on the surface of the lake、Mt. Fuji floating in a sea of ​​clouds is a particularly popular sight.、A must-see spot for photography enthusiasts and tourists。 2. A symbol of faith and culture Mt. Fuji has been a central figure in Japanese faith since ancient times.。As a training ground for Shugendo、Also, as a ritual object at Sengen Shrine.、Mt. Fuji has been considered a sacred mountain.。During the Edo period, a religious group called ``Fuji-ko'' encouraged mountain climbing.、It has become popular among the common people as ``the mountain to climb.''。 Furthermore, Mt. Fuji、Katsushika Hokusai's ``Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji'' and Utagawa Hiroshige's Ukiyo-e prints, etc.、It is also a cultural symbol that often appears in works of art.。These works are、It has played a role in conveying Japan's beauty and harmony of nature to the world.。 3. Climbing that gives you a challenge and a sense of accomplishment Mt. Fuji has a mountain trail that is easy for even beginners to take on.。Especially popular is、This is ``Goraiko Climbing'' where you climb at night and see the sunrise from the top of the mountain.。I also experienced this mountain climbing in the summer of 2019.。Start from the 5th station、Climbing at night while looking at the starry sky、It felt like jumping into an extraordinary world.。The sunrise we celebrated at the top of the mountain、It was a special moment where I felt the power and beauty of nature with my entire body.。 History of Mt.Fuji:40An epic journey of 100,000 years The formation of Mt. Fuji began about 400,000 years ago、It took on its current form after passing through the following three eras.。 Also、Mt. Fuji has historically experienced several large eruptions。 These volcanic activities、He created the current landscape of Mt. Fuji and its surroundings.。 Points for enjoying Mt. Fuji Recommended spots Climbing tips and precautions Nearby gourmet food and hot springs There are also plenty of hot springs and local gourmet food around Mt. Fuji.。Hoto (local Yamanashi cuisine) and Fujinomiya Yakisoba are must-try! Iwapiko Mt. Fuji experience:An unforgettable moment: The first time I climbed Mt. Fuji was in the summer of 2019.。My friend and I tried climbing at night from the 5th station.。The moment you reach the top of the mountain、The scenery that spreads out in front of you is truly magnificent。It was a special experience that made me feel “I’m glad I worked so hard!”。 The sunrise we welcomed at the summit of the mountain、It was one of the most emotional moments in my life。The scene is、It was a special experience where you could feel the beauty and power of nature with your entire body.。 Have a special experience at Mt. Fuji! read this article、If you think "I want to go to Mt. Fuji!"、Please let us know in the comments section。Also、For those who have already visited、Please share your experience! If you like this article、share with friends and family、Please spread the charm of Mt. Fuji。Your next adventure may start at Mt. Fuji! Mt. Fuji is waiting for you - let's create a new experience together! 🌄

侍のリアルな日常:伝説の背後にあった「汗と誇りの生活」traditional culture and history

The real daily life of a samurai:“The life of sweat and pride” behind the legend

The truth about samurai that is not depicted in movies Hello、This is Iwapiko! Following on from the previous explanation about samurai, this time we will explain about the life of a samurai! 👉 Previous article:"The truth of the samurai":Why does it capture the hearts of the world? "~history、philosophy、And its influence on modern times - when you hear the word "Samurai"、Grasp a sharp sword、You will imagine him running proudly across the battlefield.。but、actual samurai、The time spent in daily life was much longer than the time spent on the battlefield.。 The life of a samurai cannot be described only in its splendor.。they are daily、Struggles between honor and life、Although I sometimes have common people's worries,、continued to be proud。In this article、Delve deep into the real daily life of these samurai.、From lower class samurai to senior samurai、Introducing the reality of their lives。 1. Life of a lower class samurai:Hanshiro Sakai's Edo Life Who is Hanshiro Sakai? Hanshiro Sakai was born in 1860 at the end of the Edo period.、He was a low-ranking samurai who went to Edo from Kishu Wakayama.。In his detailed diary recorded by his meticulous personality,、The daily life of the samurai at that time is described in amazing detail.。That diary is、This is a valuable document that conveys the hardships and joys of lower-class samurai who lived between commoners and samurai.。 episode 1:Edo life with lots of free time Late Edo period、Lower class samurai had surprisingly little work to do.、Sakai also spent days working ``zero'' in a month.。To fill that time、he turned to hobbies。 episode 2:A big fight over splitting the bill.When you split the cost of a banquet with your roommate.、Sakai calculated the details using coins.、A big fight broke out between my roommate and me, who were doing rough calculations using silver coins, over a difference of 2 mon (about a few yen today).。Also from this episode、You can see that the lives of lower-class samurai were common and full of humanity.。 episode 3:Tragedy at the Banquet: Sakai and his friends buy bonito as a feast.、held a grand banquet。but、Was the food not fresh?、Everyone was suffering from abdominal pain in the middle of the night.。Eating habits and mistakes、It seems to be a theme that never changes no matter the era.。 2. The reality of senior samurai:light and shadow on the other hand、Contrary to their outward appearance, senior samurai、I had another problem。in exchange for high income、My days were filled with heavy responsibilities and hard work.。 The tough work of the town magistrate The town magistrate is、Edo administration、police、This position is responsible for all judicial matters.。It's a seemingly prestigious position, but、The reality was that it was hard work.。 Financial difficulties and debt even in the homes of senior samurai、Many families cannot make ends meet on their income alone.、It was common to rely on debt。The shogunate issued a ``commemorative ordinance'' and canceled the debt.、This causes a loss of trust、many samurai fell。 3. The “pride” that resides in Bushido: something that the samurai never let go of, no matter what hardships they faced.、That is "pride"。 This famous phrase is、It symbolizes the spirit of the samurai, who does not show it through his appearance or attitude even if his life is difficult.。no matter how poor they are、dress yourself、I did not lose my dignified posture.。 Samurai practiced swordsmanship and haiku、Train your mind through the tea ceremony、I controlled myself。These are not just hobbies、It was also training to practice "Bushido".。 4. What the life of a samurai teaches us Samurai、Living for honor and at the same time、Despite the hardships of life, I never forgot my ingenuity and pride.。That way of life、It has many lessons for us today as well.。 knot:Let's share the reality of samurai. Samurai are heroes, but at the same time、He was also an ordinary person who continued to maintain his pride even though he was worried about his daily life.。Its appearance is、gives us tips for living。 If you have also felt something about the life of samurai、Please let me know in the comments。and share this article with your friends and family、Let's spread the Japanese samurai culture!

「なぜ日本の電機産業は世界を変えたのか?歴史が語る成功の秘密と未来への挑戦」traditional culture and history

"Why did Japan's electrical industry change the world? History tells us the secret of success and challenges for the future."

Hello、This is Iwapiko! everyone、When choosing electrical appliances, have you ever thought to yourself, ``Japan-made products are safe after all?'' high quality rice cooker、air conditioner、tv set…。They are loved all over the world for being ``hard to break'' and ``easy to use.''。but、Why is Japanese electrical technology so trusted? The answer is、Hidden in Japan's history of "challenge and innovation"。 myself、When visiting overseas、When I saw a ``Japanese section'' set up at an electronics store, I thought, ``Japan is amazing!''。In this article、The reason why Japan's electronics industry has led the world、Let's unravel it with history! Do you know the reason why "you can trust it because it's made in Japan"? [1. The beginning of the challenge] The moment when the "revolution of light" illuminated the future The beginning of Japan's electrical industry from the late 19th century to the Meiji era、19The period of civilization and enlightenment in the second half of the century。at that time、Actively introducing Western technology、1882Japan's first arc lamp was lit in Tokyo in 2017.。that moment、The city is surrounded by light、people cheered。after that、The first hydroelectric power plant was also established.、Japan has taken a step forward as a country that can generate its own electricity.。 💡 Trivia:America's Edison began supplying electricity in 1879.。Japan introduced arc lamps only a few years later.、The country's technological capabilities rapidly grew.。 🔍 Iwapiko's experience:When I visited the site of a power plant in Kyoto、The guide told us about the "cheer when the lights turned on in the city for the first time."。"A future where the night becomes brighter"、It must have been a magical moment for people at the time.。 【2. "Three Sacred Treasures" that Changed Life] After the period of high economic growth in the 1950s and 1960s, Japan underwent postwar reconstruction.、1950Since the 1990s, the ``three sacred treasures'' of ``television,'' ``refrigerator,'' and ``washing machine'' have been popularized in every household.。This results in、People's lives suddenly become richer、Convenience has spread into everyday life。1964At the Tokyo Olympics in 2017、The black-and-white television became a symbol for every family.、All of Japan went crazy about watching sports.。 📺 family memories:My grandfather also watched the Olympic opening ceremony on black and white TV.。“Gather around the screen as a family、I felt like all of Japan was united," he said.。Electrical products are not just machines、It began to be loved as "an entity that connects people"。 【3. Technological innovation that swept the world] 1970s to 1980s This period、Japanese electronics manufacturers have taken the world market by storm。Especially innovative products such as Walkman and Famicom.、Established the image of Japan as a technological powerhouse。 🎧 Walkman impact:The first time I listened to music on the Walkman my father bought me.、I got goosebumps from the experience of “a small machine carrying the world of music”。For me, that was the moment I got my future.。 🕹️ The magic of Famicom:The culture of games、With the Famicom, it became something to enjoy at home.。My overseas friend also said, ``The moment I got my hands on the Famicom...、"Children all over the world were hooked," he said with excitement.。 【4. Trials and restart challenges] After the 1990s In the 1990s、Companies from South Korea and Taiwan are emerging、Japanese electronics manufacturers faced fierce competition。but、Japan aims to differentiate itself through “quality” and “unique technology”、Next-generation home appliances that make full use of AI and IoT technology are once again attracting attention.。 📱 latest technology:Recently、A smart refrigerator can tell you the stock of ingredients and expiration dates、The cleaning robot automatically scans the room and cleans it.、Home appliances are evolving as "life partners"。 🔧 The excitement of the exhibition:When you see smart home appliances equipped with IoT technology、Visitors were astonished and wondered, "Is this the future of life?"。especially、Japanese manufacturers were praised for their "design and functionality that has been thought out down to the smallest detail."。 The story of challenge and innovation continues in Japan's electronics industry.、``Take technology and make it your own.''、has the power to evolve。The history of that challenge continues today.、Creating new innovations in fields such as AI and IoT。 💬 question:"In your life、What Japanese products cannot you do without? ” Please let us know in the comments section! 📢 Share & Bookmark Request:If you read this article and found it interesting or useful,、Please share it on SNS。your share、This will be an opportunity to spread the wonders of Japanese technology to many people! 🌟 Your voice will create the future.Electronic products、It's not just a tool, it's a story that changes lives.。you are part of the story、Would you like to share the charm of Japan with the world? We look forward to your comments!

「着物に恋する外国人急増中!その理由と体験エピソードをご紹介」Japanese history

"The number of foreigners falling in love with kimono is increasing rapidly! Introducing the reasons and experiences"

Hello! "Kekke" is a place to spread Japanese culture to the world.。everyone、What impression do you have of Japan's traditional costume "Kimono"? its elegant design、rich colors、And it seems like you can feel the four seasons.。This is、For people overseas, it is truly “beauty from another world”。Actually recently、Kimono is once again attracting attention around the world。 Today is、Why is kimono loved by foreigners?、I will also talk about some moving stories that my French friend "Gura-chan" experienced! By the time you finish reading、I'm sure you'll want to wear a kimono too.。 Why Kimono is loved by foreigners 1. Artistic Design Kimono is more than just a costume。The four seasons and culture of Japan are displayed、It's like a canvas。for example、cherry blossoms in spring、Morning glory in summer、Autumn leaves in autumn。These motifs are、Not only does it symbolize Japan's nature, but、It also has meanings depending on rituals and occasions.。 for foreigners、These designs are impressive just by looking at them.。I often hear surprised people say, ``One piece of kimono can have such deep meaning!''。 2. The special feeling of wearing a kimono The experience of wearing a kimono at a tourist spot、It's a special thing that can only be done in Japan.。For example, if you walk through the old streets of Kyoto wearing a kimono,、I feel like I've traveled back in time。moreover、By combining it with traditional culture such as tea ceremony and flower arranging,、You will be drawn into an extraordinary world。 Gura-chan too、I experienced kimono for the first time in Kyoto during my trip to Japan.。She said, ``Just by wearing a kimono, I felt like I was part of a beautiful culture.''、I posted the picture on SNS、Many people commented that it was wonderful!。 Kimono experience guide:Would you like to try it too? here、For those planning a kimono experience、We have compiled a list of recommended places to experience! Please refer to it.。 Experience content Location Price (yen) Experience time Notes Kimono rental Kyoto 2,000 yen - 10,000 yen 1 day Kimono rental/dressing [Saku Miyako] official website Tea ceremony experience Kyoto 3,000 yen - 20,000 yen 30 minutes - 2 hours GetYourGuide Flower arrangement experience Kyoto 3,000 yen - 3,500 yen 3 to 4 hours Kyoto Mametecho Tell us your “kimono story”! read this article、What did you think about kimono? Also、Anyone who has ever worn a kimono、Please tell me the episode from that time.。Please share in the comment section、Me and other readers will be very happy! If you like this article、Please share it on SNS! Let's spread the charm of kimono to more people😊

「日本の歴史人物に魅了される理由:心を動かすドラマとその背景を探る」Japanese history

“Why I’m fascinated by Japanese historical figures:Exploring heart-moving dramas and their backgrounds.”

Hello、That's it! History has the power to draw us in.。Among them、Stories of Japanese historical figures、It is full of charm that evokes empathy across cultures and historical backgrounds.。Today is、Digging deeper into why Japanese historical figures inspire people all over the world.、Introducing their lifestyle and background。I'm sure by the time you finish reading this article、I'm sure you'll feel like, "I want to know more about this person's story!"。 Universal themes of historical figures and their charm One of the reasons why Japanese historical figures are loved all over the world is、Their lives are depicted through universal themes.。Episodes about historical figures、It has the power to give us deep empathy across cultures and eras.。here、We will introduce some of these themes with specific examples.。 1. Challenge and change:Innovation of Oda Nobunaga The life of Oda Nobunaga、It was a series of challenges that were unconventional.。Raising the slogan "Tenka Fubu"、Massive introduction of guns and construction of walled cities, etc.、He implemented a series of policies that were revolutionary at the time.。 myself、When I first learned about Nobunaga's episode、I was moved by the courage to live as an innovator.。like him、The spirit of challenge that opens up a new era、There are also similarities with modern leadership theory.。 2. A humane effort:Toyotomi Hideyoshi's success story Toyotomi Hideyoshi's life from being a farmer to a citizen、It is a symbol of hope and effort.。His skillful negotiation skills and ability to control people's hearts are、He teaches us the wisdom to pursue our dreams.。 Hideyoshi is、Not just a Sengoku military commander、It is also attractive as a ``existence full of humanity'' that transcends social class.。His policies such as ``sword hunting'' and ``land survey'' were、It laid the foundation for building an orderly society.。 3. peace and stability:Tokugawa Ieyasu's long-term vision Tokugawa Ieyasu、Ending the chaos of the Sengoku period、260Established a peaceful Edo period that lasted for many years.。his patience and、Actions that focus on the future rather than immediate profits、There are many points to learn even in modern times.。 for example、After the Battle of Sekigahara、Ieyasu did not completely eliminate the enemy forces;、maintained order while containing them in the countryside.。This “tolerant strategy”、Very helpful for long-term success。 4. literature and sensibility:The world of ``The Tale of Genji'' depicted by Murasaki Shikibu The ``The Tale of Genji'' created by Murasaki Shikibu、More than just a story、A literary masterpiece that depicts the depth and complexity of human emotions.。Set in court life during the Heian period、love and conflict、This work depicts growth.、Loved not only in Japan but all over the world。 Murasaki Shikibu is、Expressing myself through literature as a woman、Conveying to future generations of women the importance of ``respecting your voice''。 Learn about the “other faces” of historical figures:Deep-dive episode: How can we apply the learnings of historical figures to the present day? By reading the stories of historical figures、We can learn a lot from past failures and successes。their courage、wisdom、and the patience、It provides useful hints for those of us living in modern times.。 for example、In business, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's skillful negotiation techniques can be helpful.、Oda Nobunaga's spirit of challenge to open up an era is useful for leadership.。 Let us know your opinion! read this article、Which historical figure particularly interested you? If any of their stories touched your heart,、Please let us know in the comments section! for example、We welcome comments such as ``I want to have a long-term perspective like Ieyasu'' and ``Ryoma's passion has inspired me!'' Also、In the next article、We will dig deeper based on your comments.、Please let us know your voice! Share the article! If you find this blog interesting、Please share and bookmark、Share the fun of history with your friends and family。By knowing the past、We can have the power to make our future better。 Dive into the depths of history、Let's explore the lessons we can learn from it together!

On a winter's day, several families wearing kimono gather together in a Japanese-style room over New Year's dishes and chatting peacefully.traditional culture and history

New Year is almost here - the history and origin of osechi cuisine

Hello。Kawaraban Japan! This is Hanachirisato。very soon、2024year is over、A new year - 2025 is coming.。In your country or region of origin、What kind of year-end and New Year holidays will you have? In Japan、In a typical household, after cleaning the house before New Year's Eve,、In parallel with decorating for the New Year,、Make ``Osechi Ryori'' which is essential for New Year's Day、Or prepare by purchasing、On New Year's Eve (31st), we had Toshikoshi Soba.、The end of the year is quietly approaching。 just、For people from countries other than Japan, questions like "What is 'Osechi Ryori'?" and "Why do we go to the trouble of preparing something called 'Osechi Ryori'?"、I think there are many things we don't understand...。 There、This time, we will especially talk about the history and origin of Japanese ``Osechi cuisine.''、Its origin and development process、We would like you to understand the meaning behind each dish.、I will explain in detail。 Origin and history of osechi cuisine 1. origin:Yayoi period It is said that the prototype of osechi cuisine was created during the Yayoi period (around 10th century BC to mid-3rd century AD).。Rice cultivation was introduced from China、A custom was born to thank God for the harvest.。This ceremony of gratitude for the harvest is called ``Sechuku''.、This became the prototype for later Osechi cuisine.。 2. Heian period:Development as a court event From the Nara period to the Heian period (710 AD to 1185 AD)、“Sekku” became established as an imperial court event.。Especially during the Heian period、1On important turning points called "Gosechie" such as the 1st of the month (New Year's Day) and May 5th (Tango)、``Osechiku'' was prepared as an offering to the gods.。By the way、The cuisine of this period is、It was served high in a bowl rather than in a box.。(The format of serving high in a bowl is、Now、It can be seen at events held by the Imperial Family and various shrines.) 3. Edo period:Spread to common people In the Edo period (1603-1868)、The Shogunate celebrates “Gosekku”(Goseku) was established as an official holiday.。Due to this influence、``Osetsuku'', which was a court event, spread to the common people as well.。In particular, New Year's Day is considered the most important festival.、"Osechi" has become established as a New Year's dish.。From around this time、Each ingredient has come to have an auspicious meaning.、The current shape has begun to take shape.。 4. After the Meiji period:Establishment of Jubako culture from the end of the Edo period (1853-1868) to the Meiji period (-1912)、Osechi dishes are now packed in jubako boxes.。Jubako has the meaning of ``overlapping felicity''.、There was also an emphasis on the shelf life of the food and its gorgeous appearance.。 5. modern:Osechi becomes more diverse after the war、The name ``Osechi'' spread.、Not only can you make it at home、Now available for purchase at department stores and mail order。Coupled with the diversification of each household,、The cuisine is a mix of Japanese and Western cuisine, and is suitable for small groups.、A wide variety of new osechi dishes are now available to suit modern lifestyles.。 Typical New Year dishes and、The meaning behind the dishes: Osechi cuisine、Each dish has an auspicious meaning.。Below are typical dishes and their meanings.。 How to make Osechi cuisine and key points Osechi cuisine is、Designed to last for a long time、Preparations are generally completed at the end of the year.。below、How to make some standard dishes and、I would like to introduce the point、If you want to take on the challenge, please use this as a reference.。 Black beans Ingredients (for 4 people) How to make: Chestnut Kinton Ingredients (for 4 people) How to make: Datemaki Ingredients (for 4 people) How to make: Kohaku Namasu Ingredients (for 4 people) How to make: In order to deeply understand ``Osechi Ryori'', as a summary, ``Osechi Ryori'' is、Not just a New Year's dish、Japanese history and culture、It is also an important symbol of family ties.。By knowing the meaning behind the food and its background.、You will be able to enjoy the New Year even more deeply.。 Well then、To all the people in various countries who have a connection to spend the new year in Japan.、With all my love, I wish you a Happy New Year!