Popular vacation rentals and hotels

Introducing popular vacation rentals and accommodations that will make your stay in Japan special.。At traditional inns and modern guesthouses、You can experience Japanese lifestyle culture。

【完全保存版】大阪の格安ホテル5選!観光・グルメ・USJもお得に楽しむ最強ステイ術|いわぴこ厳選Recommended sightseeing route

[Completely preserved version] 5 budget hotels in Osaka! The best way to stay to enjoy sightseeing, gourmet food, and USJ at a great price|Carefully selected by Iwapiko

"Osaka trip、もっと賢く楽しみませんか?」予算を抑えて快適な旅を叶えるコツ! 皆さんこんにちは!日本の魅力を世界中に発信するブロガー「いわぴこ」です「大阪に行きたいけど宿泊費が高そう…」「安くても便利なホテルに泊まりたい!」そんなあなたに、Iwapiko actually stayed there this time and I was impressed.、大阪の“コスパ最強ホテル5選”**をご紹介します! こんな希望を全部叶えちゃう格安ホテルを厳選しました。Bookmark this article、大阪旅行が驚くほどお得で快適になりますよ♪ 大阪が観光客に大人気の理由はコレ! 1. 美味しい!安い!“食い倒れの街”大阪グルメ たこ焼き、Okonomiyaki、Kushikatsu…Osaka gourmet food that is admired by travelers from all over the world。Walking around Dotonbori and Shinsekai、You can enjoy exquisite gourmet food on a small budget! 2. 関西観光の拠点!どこへでもアクセス抜群 大阪は京都、Nara、Excellent access to major tourist spots such as Kobe! If you stay in Osaka city、Enjoy all of Kansai on a day trip。 3. ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン(USJ)で最高の思い出 世界中で人気のUSJ。An entertainment experience unique to Osaka、あなたを待っています! 【いわぴこ厳選】大阪格安ホテル5選|コスパ・立地・快適さで選びました! ホテル名 料金 住所 星評価 ホテル京阪 ユニバーサル・タワー 約6,000円〜 大阪府大阪市此花区島屋6丁目2−45 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ WELLSTAY難波 約5,400円〜 大阪府大阪市浪速区元町2丁目8−10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ホテル法華クラブ大阪 約5,000円〜 大阪府大阪市北区兎我野町12−19 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 道頓堀クリスタルホテル 約4,500円〜 大阪市中央区島之内2-9-24 ⭐⭐⭐ ワイズキャビン大阪難波 約3,800円〜 大阪府大阪市中央区道頓堀2丁目2−9 ⭐⭐⭐ *Prices vary depending on the season, so please check the official website, etc.。 1. ホテル京阪 ユニバーサル・タワー ホテル京阪 ユニバーサル・タワー公式HP いわぴこの体験談:“Even if I play until I’m exhausted at USJ,、Great to be back at the hotel! The Japanese and Western breakfast buffet has a wide variety.、I ended up eating too much (lol).” 2. WELLSTAY難波 WELLSTAY難波公式HP いわぴこの体験談:``When I stayed with four friends...、The room was spacious and I was very satisfied! You can enjoy sightseeing and shopping in the Namba area.、We couldn't stop talking at the hotel at night♪ 3. ホテル法華クラブ大阪 ホテル法華クラブ大阪公式HP いわぴこの体験談:``After walking around sightseeing、The happiness of being able to stretch your legs in the public bath...! Wake up refreshed the next morning、I also enjoyed the next sightseeing♪” 4....

京都旅行で絶対に泊まりたい!旅行好きブロガーが厳選したおすすめ宿泊施設5選Popular vacation rentals and hotels

I definitely want to stay here on my trip to Kyoto! 5 recommended accommodations carefully selected by travel enthusiast bloggers

Hello、I'm Miho, a Japanese blogger who loves traveling.。Kyoto is a combination of seasonal beauty and deep history.、It's a tourist destination that represents Japan.。For all travelers from overseas、I would like you to fully enjoy the charm of Kyoto.、This time, I would like to introduce 5 recommended accommodation facilities that I have visited and been impressed by.。at these inns、Would you like to experience the hospitality and traditional culture unique to Japan? 1. 嵐山温泉 花伝抄(かでんしょう) 住所: 京都市右京区嵯峨天龍寺芒ノ馬場町5-4アクセス: 嵐電「嵐山駅」から徒歩1分 天然温泉と和の贅沢を堪能できる癒しの宿 嵐山の自然美に囲まれた「嵐山温泉 花伝抄」は、This is one of the few inns in Kyoto where you can enjoy a natural hot spring.。when I visited、I was instantly captivated by the scent of incense and the Japanese atmosphere from the entrance.。 客室は「京町家」「京和風」「京モダン」の3タイプ。I stayed in a room at a Kyomachiya.、I was healed by the traditional design such as tatami and lattice windows.。 温泉は大浴場や露天風呂のほか、5There are various types of free private baths.。Especially at “Takebayashi no Yu”、You can relax while looking at the Arashiyama bamboo forest.、I almost forgot the time。 食事は、Kaiseki cuisine and order buffet style based on the concept of one soup and five dishes。Dishes made with seasonal ingredients look beautiful、Great taste too。We also recommend boiled tofu for breakfast.。 Recommended points: price: 1泊15,000円〜 公式サイト: Arashiyama Onsen Kadensho 2. 松井別館 花かんざし 住所: 京都市中京区堀之上町120アクセス: Subway “Shijo Station”、阪急「烏丸駅」から徒歩5分 京町家の情緒とモダンな快適さを兼ね備えた和モダンな宿 「松井別館 花かんざし」は、A modern Japanese inn located in a quiet environment where you can forget the hustle and bustle of the city.。From the entrance to the lobby、Sophisticated design and soothing music、You can feel the extraordinary。 客室は和室と洋室があり、Both feature stylish interiors.。I stayed in a Japanese-style room、I had a comfortable stay with the scent of tatami and the Simmons bed.。 食事は、Kyoto Kaiseki cuisine using fresh local ingredients。Especially hamo (conger eel) and yuba (yuba).、Enjoy the unique taste of Kyoto。 Recommended points: price: 1泊12,000円〜 公式サイト: Matsui Annex Hanakanzashi 3. 綿善旅館(わたぜんりょかん) 住所: 京都市中京区井筒屋町413アクセス: Subway “Shijo Station”、阪急「烏丸駅」から徒歩5分 創業約190年の歴史と伝統を感じる老舗旅館 「綿善旅館」は、A long-established inn that has been around since the Edo period.、Experience traditional hospitality。When I stayed、My heart was healed by the warm welcome from the landlady and the courteous customer service from the staff.。 客室は純和風で、Tatami and shoji、It is filled with traditional Japanese beauty such as the tokonoma.。Matcha and sweets are also available in the evening.、I took a breather。 食事は、Kyoto kaiseki cuisine using plenty of seasonal ingredients。Each item is like a work of art、I was impressed by its delicate taste.。 Recommended points: price: 1泊10,000円〜 公式サイト: Mianshan Guesthouse 4. 鈴 伏見稲荷 住所: 京都市伏見区深草薮之内町68アクセス:...