Nagano prefecture



history and culture

hot spring




長野県は、nature、history、culture、hot spring、gourmet、アクティビティがバランスよく揃った地域で訪れる人々に感動と癒しを提供してくれる特別な場所です

原田雅彦の涙と奇跡:スポーツ史に残る名場面「泣き虫ヒーロー」 物語Japanese trivial knowledge

🥇 Harada Masahiko's tears and miracles:A famous scene in sports history: "Crybaby Hero" story⛷️

— The legend of the "crybaby hero" that shook the ski jumping world — ⏳ From the silver medal of tears、To a joyous gold medal 🥈➡️🥇 "Please... Fly!!🙏” 1998、Nagano Olympics🏔️❄️All eyes、It was poured into Harada Masahiko, who was standing at the top of the jump platform.👀✨ 4Lillehammer from a year ago... He failed in the most important situation.、I missed the Japanese gold medal😢💔What a man called a "crybaby" carries、Is it a chance to make a comeback?、Or tears of disappointment again?。 Read the wind、Calm your mind、He started running。and、That moment-- 🔥 The whole of Japan was shaking! 🔥 💥 Harada Masahiko's soul jump、It changed my destiny! 💥 But、This story wasn't his own... The man who finally decided everything - without Funaki Kazuki's existence、I can't talk about the drama of the gold medal🎖️✨ 😭 The birth of a man called "crybaby" 😭 Kamikawacho, Hokkaido⛄Harada Masahiko was born in、I was fascinated by ski jumps from a young age.、He blossomed that talent🌱🏔️ But、His distinctiveness is not just his jumping power.💡Double the person、He was also known for being tearful。 19942019 Lillehammer Olympics❄️🏆Japan aims for the gold medal of its long-awaited group、I entrusted everything to Harada, the final jumper.🚀 But、Fate was heartless -- "Ahhh...!" Jumps didn't grow...Japan ended up winning silver medal、Harada cries while covering her face😭💦 "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." These tears、It spreads all over Japan、He was called a "crybaby jumper"、His story didn't end here。 🔥 Fateful Revenge、1998Nagano Olympics 🔥 4Years later... Finally a chance to revenge 1998、Nagano Olympics。The pressure to hold the event locally was immeasurable🏠🎌 but、Harada once again fails in the first half jump.💥"Next" 😨💦 Harada is about to be crushed by anxiety。But、There's no way it's going to end like this🔥 And then the final attempt was held - wait for the wind to stop🌬️💨In the silence、Harada took a deep breath.👃💨 Start the run-up——💨💨💨Fly out——🚀✨and--! ! ! 💥 "It flew!!" 💥 A huge 137 meters jump! 🏔️🎯 This moment、The stadium has shook🏟️🔥The whole of Japan was filled with joy🎉🎌 "Yay!!" Harada landed、I couldn't hold back my tears anymore😆💦 But...、It wasn't the end...! ⏳ "Funakiiiii!!!" The moment Funaki Kazuki decides his destiny ✨ Harada's big jump、Japan has come to a great extent closer to gold medals🥇💫...

日本の冬は光の魔法!外国人も虜になる絶景イルミネーション5選Recommended sightseeing route

Winter in Japan is the magic of light! 5 spectacular illuminations that will captivate even foreigners

こんにちは!私は「さぶ」日本の文化や観光地グルメを世界中に発信しているブロガーですこれまでに海外の友人たちを日本の様々な場所に案内し彼らの驚きや感動を共有してきました。Among them、特に冬のイルミネーションは訪れる人々を夢のような世界へと誘う特別なイベントです冬の日本は街が光の魔法に包まれ訪れる人々に心温まる瞬間を与えてくれます。In this blog、私が体験した中でも特におすすめのイルミネーションスポットを厳選してご紹介します。I'm sure by the time you finish reading this article、次の旅行先が決まっているはずです! なぜ日本のイルミネーションが外国人に人気なのか? 圧倒的なスケールとテーマ性 日本のイルミネーションは規模の大きさだけでなく毎年テーマが変わるストーリー性が魅力訪れるたびに新しい発見がありその工夫と完成度の高さには驚かされます自然との調和 光と雪水面木々が見事に融合するのは日本ならではの美しさ四季を尊ぶ日本の文化が自然と一体化した演出に反映されています誰と行くかで変わる楽しみ方 家族友人恋人など誰と行くかによって楽しみ方が変わりますイルミネーションはどんな相手とも特別な思い出を作れる場所ですおすすめイルミネーションスポット5選 以下は私が厳選した日本の絶景イルミネーションスポットですそれぞれの詳細を体験談とともにご紹介します! スポット名 場所 期間 見どころ なばなの里 三重県桑名市 2024年10月19日(土)~2025年6月1日(日) 光のトンネル水上イルミネーション毎年変わるテーマが楽しめるさっぽろホワイトイルミネーション 北海道札幌市 2024年11月22日(金)~2025年3月14日(金)(札幌駅南口駅前広場会場 他) 雪景色と光の融合日本初のイルミネーションイベントで歴史も楽しめるSENDAI光のページェント 宮城県仙台市 2024年12月6日(金)~2024年12月25日(水)(期間終了) ケヤキ並木に45万球のLEDが灯る幻想的な光のトンネル東京ミッドタウン 東京都港区 2024年11月14日(木)~2024年12月25日(水)(期間終了) 都会の中心で楽しむ「スターライトガーデン」音と光の連動演出が見どころハウステンボス 光の王国 長崎県佐世保市 1年間点灯(時期によりイベントが異なる) 日本最大級の1,300万球のLEDプロジェクションマッピングや夜のパレードも楽しめる。 1. なばなの里(三重県桑名市) 2. さっぽろホワイトイルミネーション(北海道札幌市) 3. SENDAI光のページェント(宮城県仙台市) 4. 東京ミッドタウン(東京都港区) 5. ハウステンボス 光の王国(長崎県佐世保市) あなたの冬の思い出をシェアしよう! どのイルミネーションスポットに行ってみたいですか? コメント欄であなたの感想や思い出を教えてください!またこの記事が役に立ったと感じたらぜひブックマークやSNSでシェアをお願いします日本の冬の美しさを一緒に世界中に広めましょう!

日本の秘密を挑む!絶対に見逃せない必見の忍者体験TOP5Mie Prefecture

Challenge Japan's secrets! Top 5 must-see ninja experiences you should never miss

You too will become a ninja! As a child、Have you ever dreamed of becoming a ninja? Walking through the quiet shadows、Ninjas overcome difficulties with incredible skills。Its mysticity is、It still attracts us。In this blog、We've carefully selected some of the best ninja experience spots I've actually visited! Enjoying the world of ninjas、Let's go on a trip that will also be exposed to Japanese history and culture。here we go、Why not try and get to know the secrets of ninjas too? 1. Iga-ryu Ninja Museum (Mie Prefecture) This is the place to be recommended! Ninja's Hometown、This museum in Iga、Not only can you experience history、Full of activities you can enjoy。What surprised me was、The cleverness of the hidden door mechanism! It gives you the feeling of being in a scene from a movie。 “By touching the actual ninja mansion、The ninjas I saw in movies and anime felt even more realistic!” 2. Koga Style Ninja House (Shiga Prefecture) This is the place to be recommended! One of the few real ninja houses in existence。At the "Koga-ryu Ninjutsu House"、You can experience hidden corridors and carrots that were actually used。When you visit、I was impressed by the large number of traps and how smart they were.。 “The real ninja mansion is definitely worth a visit! It's irresistible for history lovers。” 3. Ninja Experience Cafe Asakusa (Tokyo) This is the place to be recommended! The heart of Tokyo、At "Ninja Experience Cafe Asakusa" in Asakusa、You can have a ninja experience while in the city。Not only do you take a picture wearing a ninja costume、You can also enjoy a shuriken throw or a special lunch。 “I never thought I could have such a fun ninja experience in the city!” 4. Togakushi Ninja Karakuri Mansion (Nagano Prefecture) This is the place to be recommended! "Ninja Karakuri Mansion" located in Togakushi, Nagano Prefecture, rich in nature。Enjoy the fun of passing through hidden doors and rigs、Not only the kids but also the adults were very excited.。It also has athletics, so it's perfect for those who want to exercise.。 “The ninja mansion that is integrated with nature、It was an experience that you could never experience anywhere else。” 5. Oshino Shinobi no Sato (Yamanashi Prefecture) This is the place to be recommended! A theme park where you can experience a ninja experience in a spectacular view of Mt. Fuji。"Oshino Shinobi no Sato"、Very popular with families and couples。I also watched a ninja show here、Photographed with Mt. Fuji in the background。 “Fusion of Mt. Fuji and ninja! I was able to take many photos that can only be taken here。” Why Ninjas are captivating the world: The mystical nature and outstanding techniques of ninja、And the patience and ingenuity that they represent、It attracts many people across borders。It is particularly popular among Japanese culture、Ninja-themed movies and anime are loved all over the world。By actually having a ninja experience、You can feel the depth of history and culture more realistically。 Plan your ninja experience adventure! How did you like? Ninja experience spots all over Japan、Each has its own unique charm。History lovers too、For families too、Please use this as a reference for your next trip。I would be happy if you could share your thoughts on your visit and what you like in the comments! moreover、Share this article to expand the appeal of ninjas。