Fukuoka prefecture

福岡県は日本の九州地方の北部に位置し、rich nature、delicious gourmet food、歴史ある文化そして都市の活気が調和した地域ですアジアへの玄関口としても知られ国内外からの観光客に人気のエリアです福岡市を中心とした都市部と伝統や自然が息づく地方エリアがバランスよく存在します

history and culture






hot spring



福岡県は、history、nature、gourmet、hot spring、そして都市の活気が融合した魅力的な地域です訪れる人々に新しい発見と豊かな体験を提供してくれる場所として多くの観光客に愛されています

日本の春を楽しむ旅!外国人が絶対行きたくなる観光スポット5選Recommended sightseeing route


Hello、ペンシルケースです! 日本の春を満喫するなら何と言っても桜の美しさが欠かせません日本の春は桜や新緑が街や自然を彩りどこを歩いても特別な景色に出会えます。In this article、I、ペンシルケースが実際に訪れて感動した日本各地の春を感じられる観光スポットを5つご紹介します外国の方でも楽しめる魅力をたっぷり詰め込んでいるので、Please read it to the end、次回の旅の参考にしてくださいね! 1. 上野公園(東京都) なぜここが特別なのか? 上野公園は日本で最初に開園した公園でその歴史的な背景も特別感を与えてくれます春になると約1,200本の桜が咲き誇りピンクの花々が公園を包みます訪れたとき桜の木の下でお弁当を楽しむ人々や外国からの観光客が笑顔で写真を撮る姿がとても印象的でした特におすすめなのが公園内をのんびり散策すること桜並木の間を歩いていると日本独特の春の風情を感じることができます私も一度お気に入りのカフェでテイクアウトした抹茶ラテを片手に桜を見ながらリラックスした時間を過ごしましたまさに心が癒される瞬間でした! 周辺のおすすめスポット 2. 弘前公園(青森県) 桜トンネルが魅了する理由 弘前公園の特徴といえば約2,600本もの桜と約110本のサクラが両側に植栽されている美しい桜のトンネルです桜の木々がアーチ状に広がりその下を歩くとまるで桜の世界に迷い込んだような気分になります夜桜もおすすめですライトアップされた桜が水面に映り込む様子は写真では伝えきれない幻想的な美しさです私が初めて弘前公園を訪れたときまさにその光景に感動して思わず声を上げてしまいました地元の方々との温かな交流もこの場所を特別にしてくれるポイントです周辺のおすすめスポット 3. 奈良公園(奈良県) 鹿と桜の絶妙な組み合わせ 奈良公園では自由に歩き回る鹿たちと満開の桜という他にはないユニークな風景が楽しめます春になると公園全体が桜色に染まりその中を鹿が歩く姿がなんとも愛らしいんです私が奈良公園を訪れたときは鹿にせんべいをあげながら桜の木の下でのんびり過ごしました鹿がこちらをじっと見つめる仕草に思わず笑ってしまうこともそんな癒しのひとときをぜひ体験してほしいです! 周辺のおすすめスポット 4. 福岡城跡(福岡県) 桜と歴史の調和 福岡城跡は歴史を感じる城跡と桜の美しさが融合したスポットです春になると城跡を囲むように咲き乱れる桜が訪れる人々を魅了します私が訪れた際には舞鶴公園内で開催されていた春祭りにも参加しました地元のグルメを味わいながら桜の下でのんびりするひとときは言葉では表せないほどの贅沢な時間でした歴史を感じながら桜を楽しむという特別な体験をぜひしてみてください! 周辺のおすすめスポット 5. 高知城(高知県) 現存する天守と桜の美しさ 高知城は現存する天守を持つ数少ないお城のひとつでその歴史的価値は計り知れません春には城を囲む桜が美しく咲き誇り天守閣からの眺めも格別です。 When I visited、天守閣に登って見下ろした桜景色に思わず息を呑みました高知の温かい空気と春の日差しがさらにこの場所を特別なものにしてくれました歴史と自然が織りなすこの空間はまさに日本の春を象徴しています周辺のおすすめスポット コメント欄にぜひご感想を! 日本の春を楽しむための5つのスポットをご紹介しましたがいかがでしたか?どの場所もただ桜を見るだけでなく歴史や文化地元の人々との交流を通じて忘れられない思い出を作ることができます「行ってみたい!」と思った場所はありましたか?ぜひコメント欄で教えてください!あなたの旅のエピソードや感想も大歓迎です。Also、share this blog、友達や家族とも日本の春の魅力を楽しんでくださいね

Osaka Prefecture

Boat racing (Kyōtei) is truly at risk💦 The world still doesn't know、A thrilling sport from Japan!🚤🔥

🚤Welcome to the world of adrenaline thrill! Hello! A blogger who shares the charm of Japan with the world、It's "ABETACK"!✨ everyone、When you think of Japanese sports, what do you think of? In Japan、There is a "ultimate thrill sports" that the world doesn't know about yet! That's "boat racing (Kyōtei)"、Japan's unique motorboat race! 🚤💨 Six boats sprinting over the water at speeds of over 80km/h、Clash on a limited course! A sharp turn、A mistake in judgment of just 0.1 seconds will determine the match、A sport that can be said to be F1 on the water!🔥 And、Boat racing is also one of Japan's public gambling services.、It's not just a speed match、It is also an intellectual sport where data analysis and strategy are key! "I want to know about Japan's unique sports!" "I want to watch a thrilling race!" "It's not just gambling."、I want to enjoy a real competition! "For those of you、We'll introduce you to the charms of boat racing!🚀 🏁 This is the boat racing experience! 1️⃣ It's a simple rule though、It's deep! The basic rules for boat racing are simple、Even first-time users can enjoy it right away! ✅ 1Only 6 boats are raced – fewer than other motorsports、Everyone has a chance to win!✅ 600Two rounds (3 turns) on the M course – in a short distance battle、Unpredictable until the very end!✅ wind、Wave、Start positions are the winners and losers - not only speed、Wisdom and strategy are key! The appeal of boat racing is not "luck"、The game is decided by the players' skills and strategies! That's why、Just watching the race is really interesting! 2️⃣ Boat racers are、Japan's proud "warrior on the water"! If you think, "You're just driving a boat, right?" you'll be wrong! How to become a boat racer、One of Japan's leading elite training institutes、You must complete the strict training at the "Boat Racer Training School"。Top-level young people gathered from all over Japan、Break through only 3% of the gates、Make your debut as a professional boat racer。 moreover、The biggest attraction of boat racing is...no matter gender、It is a sport that can be fought under exactly the same conditions! 💪🔥 Unlike horse racing and track and field, where physical fitness is affected、Boat racing depends on "technology" and "strategy."。Female players can beat male players、Not uncommon! 3️⃣ Beyond the boundaries of "gambling"、Intellectual sports 🎲 Boat racing is one of the public gambling in Japan.、You can't win just by luck! actually、How to win in boat racing、Data analysis is extremely important! ✅ Analyze athletes' past performance and running style✅ Determine the performance of boats and engines✅ Predicting the effects of wind and water flows, truly、A sport where your brain and strategy are tested! and、Because it's a public competition in Japan、The rules are super strict and 100% transparent! The race results are completely clean、No worries about fixing。That's why、You can seriously enjoy it! 🌊 Where can I watch boat racing? (Actually, you can also watch online!) Boat races、It is held every day at 24 boat racing tracks across Japan! 📍 Famous Boat Race Courses TOP 3🏟️ Boat Race Suminoe (Osaka) – The birthplace of boat racing、The appeal of night games is the event!🏟️ Boat Race Fukuoka (Fukuoka) – On a course near the sea、Wind and waves create drama!🏟️...

【完全保存版】日本のおすすめバッティングセンター!初心者も上級者も楽しめるスポーツ&レジャースポットガイドRecommended Japanese shops

[Completely preserved version] Recommended batting center in Japan! Sports & leisure spot guides that both beginners and advanced users can enjoy

"It's a bit difficult to shake the bat ..." "The batting center is a place that only loves baseball?"、Please wait a moment! All over Japan、Even beginners can enjoy easily、And there are many batting centers where surprising discoveries and challenges are waiting.。In this blog、Introducing five batting centers with particularly unique features! You can find a perfect spot for your sightseeing and activities with your friends and family.。 Further at the end of the article、"How to enjoy the first batting center" and "Tips for professional (self -proclaimed)" are also explained! You too in the comment section、Please share your best batting center! 1. Mihagino Batting Center (Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture) 230 km legend and enthusiastic sacred place Kitakyushu is the Mihagino Batting Center、Indeed, "Sacred Lands of the Challengers"。2013In the year、A challenger who beat the amazing 230kg ball has appeared、I impressed many people。after that、The feat of Katsu Yoneda, who hung back 240 km in the oldest, became a hot topic.。 The facility has a state -of -the -art batting machine、Satisfies a wide range of players from beginners to advanced users。It's good to challenge a high -speed ball、It is also possible to relax and enjoy with a low -speed machine。 Features Recommended points 2. Umeda Batting Dome (Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture) Realistic baseball experience in the middle of the city! Umeda Batting Dome in the center of Umeda, Osaka, an all -weather type、All -weather indoor facilities that you can enjoy without worrying about the weather。here、The latest system using real video of professional baseball players has been introduced.、You can feel as if you are confronted with a professional pitcher! In addition to batting, activities such as pitching and table tennis are substantial.、The perfect spot for enjoying with friends and family。 Features Recommended points 3. You can receive the guidance of former professional baseball players from the station south batting center (Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture)! ? Hidden famous spots are in Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture, station south batting center、Some people aim to be professionals、It is a facility that beginners can enjoy。How、One of the reasons why the flighter service that former professional baseball players provide guidance for free。You can feel the feeling of improving one step with professional advice。 Also、165Kilo -speed batting machine and、Struckout, etc., where you can receive cash as prizes、Unique facilities not found in other facilities are also attractive。 Features Recommended points 4. Ideal for families with Amuse Park Sendai Port (Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture)! Composite Amusement Facility AMUS Park Sendai Port in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture、Not only batting、Complex amusement facilities where you can enjoy fishing ponds and game corners。You can visit it like a theme park。 The batting area is equipped with the latest machines that can handle from beginners to advanced.、You can easily challenge with your family and friends。moreover、Home run tournaments, seasonal campaigns, etc.、Every time I visit, new fun is waiting。 Features Recommended points 5. Open stress release in the center of Tokyo (Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo) Oslo Battering Center (Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo)! The Oslover Batting Center, located in the middle of the hidden famous place in the city, Shinjuku、It is a spot where you can easily drop in between sightseeing and shopping.。There is a refreshing feeling that makes you forget the hustle and bustle of the city。 From a low -speed machine for beginners、Because it supports professional high -speed machines、Anyone can enjoy at their own pace。Access is also outstanding、Within walking distance from Shinjuku Station。Why don't you drop in between shopping and dating? Features Recommended Point Find your favorite、Let's have fun! How was it? Batting center、Not only enjoying baseball、It is also a place to relieve stress and deepen bonds with family and friends.。Feel free to visit beginners、First, let's shake the bat slowly。You may find an unexpected talent! please、Refer to this article、Please visit the batting center on the next holiday。If you find your favorite place、Please tell me in the comments! Also、Share this article on SNS、Let's spread fun to friends and family!

Recommended Japanese shops

Fukuoka Ramen Complete Guide:5 famous restaurants loved by locals and how to enjoy a drink

The ultimate ramen experience ramen you meet in Fukuoka、It is now loved all over the world as ``Japan's proud national food.''。Among them, Fukuoka、It has a special status as a sacred place for ramen.。Rich flavor of tonkotsu soup、Highly flexible customization of toppings and noodle hardness、A unique ramen culture created by local people。In this article、Along with the charm of Fukuoka ramen、A famous restaurant that has been loved by locals for many years.、We will thoroughly explain the tips for choosing a store that even beginners should never miss.。If you read this article、Make your trip to Fukuoka even more fun!、There is no doubt that it will be delicious! Fukuoka ramen is loved by foreigners four reasons 1. Tonkotsu soup that can be said to be synonymous with Fukuoka ramen。The rich and creamy taste is created by boiling pork bones for a long time.、It's a special cup that you can't taste in other regions or countries.。Its flavor is said to be addictive.、The taste is said to be unforgettable once you taste it.。 2. "Entertainment experience" at a ramen shop is a ramen shop in Fukuoka、Not just a place to eat、This is a spot where you can experience culture just by visiting.。Order with food ticket machine、Open kitchen where you can watch the cooking process up close、And the unique culture of “kaedama” etc.、Everything will be a new and exciting experience.。 3. Balancing convenience and high quality, even during busy sightseeing schedules、You can easily enjoy Fukuoka ramen in a short time.。And yet、At a price of 600 to 800 yen per cup.、The high value for money where you can enjoy authentic cuisine has been highly praised by tourists.。 4. Beautiful arrangement that looks great in photos The cloudy color of the tonkotsu soup、Beautiful appearance with brightly colored green onions and chashu、In the age of SNS, it is a factor that captures the hearts of foreign tourists.。With a bowl of ramen、It is popular because you can feel the Japanese aesthetic sense.。 3 secrets to finding a delicious ramen restaurant 1. Utilizing local people's opinions Stores that local people love、They are often hidden gems that are not listed in tourist guides.。Ask a taxi driver or the staff at your accommodation.、You may be able to learn information that only locals know.。 2. Check out the simplicity of the menu at a ramen specialty restaurant.、The smaller the menu, the more particular about the taste.。When in doubt、It's hard to go wrong if you choose a restaurant that serves standard drinks.。 3. Check if there is a line in Fukuoka、Restaurants with long lines often have a high reputation for their taste.。Especially stores where locals are lining up.、There is a high possibility that they definitely serve delicious ramen.、Please give it a try。 The following are 5 famous Fukuoka ramen restaurants that are loved by locals.、Five ramen restaurants loved by locals and tourists alike。We offer a variety of drinks each with a different personality.。 Store Name Address Price Features Menya Sadotomo 6-13-38 Mitoma, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka Soy sauce ramen 660 yen Double soup with seafood, chicken bones, and vegetable base。Features homemade medium-thin noodles。With seasonal toppings。 Hisaya 1-19-18 Ohashi, Minami-ku, Fukuoka Soy sauce ramen 700 yen Specialty store specializing in soy sauce。Features a pickled plum-flavored soup。Diverse menu available。 Chinese soba kana 2-8-23 Higashihie, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City Chinese soba 780 yen Blend of chicken broth and seafood soup。Made with homemade whole grain noodles。The rare pork siu cooked at a low temperature is exquisite.。 Fukuha Kobi Meinohama Honten Nishi -ku, Fukuoka's niece Hama soy sauce ramen 780 yen rich and powerful soy sauce ramen。Uses specially ordered raw soy sauce。The aged medium-thick noodles go perfectly with the soup.。 Wangyo Gyoza 2-5-9 Nakasu, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City Hakata Soy Soya Ramen 650 yen Sweet soup and thin homemade noodles。Nostalgic taste。Excellent compatibility with gyoza。 Summary of delicious ramen shops in Fukuoka ...