Japanese taste



Hello、海外から日本の魅力を発信するブロガー“ペンシルケース”です! 北海道の大自然と美味しい食べ物を楽しみに来る観光客は多いですよね。but、札幌市内でリラックスしながら地元の味を楽しめるカフェがあるのをご存知ですか?今回は札幌でおすすめのカフェ4選を紹介しますこれらのカフェはそれぞれ個性が光るスポットできっとあなたのお気に入りが見つかるはずです! 1. BARISTART COFFEE 場所札幌市中央区南1条西4丁目8番地 NKC1-4 第二ビル 1F なぜおすすめ? 北海道ならではのジャージーミルクを使ったコーヒーで大人気の“BARISTART COFFEE”。When I first visited too、そのクリーミーなラテに驚きました特に「北海道ジャージーミルクラテ」は一口飲むと濃厚なミルクの甘さとコーヒーのコクが口いっぱいに広がり感動的な美味しさでしたこのメニューは地元産の新鮮な素材をふんだんに使っているからこその味わいだと感じました。 2. MORIHICO(森彦) 場所札幌市中央区南2条西26丁目2-18 なぜおすすめ? 古民家をリノベーションした“MORIHICO”はまるで時間が止まったような静けさに包まれています店内には木のぬくもりを感じる家具や昔ながらの調度品がセンス良く配置され温かみのある間接照明が落ち着いた空間を演出しています自家焙煎のコーヒーは一杯一杯丁寧に淹れられその香りは思わず深呼吸したくなるほど。 3. WAKE CAFE 場所札幌市中央区宮の森1条10丁目4-33 なぜおすすめ? 健康志向の方にぴったりな“WAKE CAFE”新鮮な野菜を使った料理やスイーツが楽しめるだけでなくリラックスできる空間も魅力的です特におすすめは「野菜丼」で彩り豊かな地元産の野菜がふんだんに使用され特製ソースが素材の美味しさを引き立てています。Also、スイーツ好きには「クリーム白玉ぜんざい」がおすすめもちもちの白玉と上品な甘さのクリーム小豆が絶妙なバランスでほっとする味わいです。Please give it a try。 4. SMOOCH COFFEE STAND 場所札幌市中央区南11条西1-4-12 なぜおすすめ? 札幌でカジュアルに立ち寄れる“SMOOCH COFFEE STAND”はカリフォルニアスタイルのカフェです店内には西海岸のリラックスした雰囲気を感じられますユニークなドリンクメニューが揃い何度も通いたくなること間違いなしあなたのおすすめは? 「行ってみたい!」と思ったカフェはありましたか?また、For those who have already visited、ぜひ感想をコメントで教えてください! どのカフェもそれぞれの個性が光り訪れる価値がある場所ばかり札幌旅行の際はこれらのカフェを旅の計画にぜひ組み込んでみてください!リラックスしたひとときを過ごせること間違いなしですシェアやブックマークも大歓迎です札幌の素敵なカフェ体験をみんなでシェアしましょう!



everyone、こんにちは!かわら版ブロガーの 花散里 です! さて今年(2025年)のさっぽろ雪まつりではある特別なイベントが行われました。it is、北海道の農畜産物や水産物をふんだんに使ったその名も「北海道まるごとカレーパン」の売上個数のギネス記録への挑戦です目指すはなんと「1万個」!  私も売り上げの一助にならんと挑戦に参加するべく約3時間もの長い待ち時間を経てついにそのカレーパンを手に入れました! 寒さに震えながらも周りの人々と共に楽しんだこの体験を皆さんにお伝えしたいと思います。here we go、一緒にこの美味しい冒険に出かけましょう! 待ち時間もまた楽しからずや…?  カレーパンを購入するために私は開店の時間(11:00)に併せて会場に到着したのですが…結果購入まで約3時間並んで待つことになりましたまあ最初はワクワクしながら待っていたものの予想以上に会場に人が繰り出していたのには驚きましたね スタッフの方々は(土日返上のさっぽろコープ・JA北海道のお手伝い部隊や中継するTV局の方たち)来場した人たちがひっきりなしに群れを成してやって来るため会場内の整理にもう四苦八苦していてそのためか時にはとある年配の男性が整列の不手際に怒り出す場面もありましたが全体としてはご来場の皆さん静かに順番を待っておられましたよ外はニシン御殿や道庁赤レンガ庁舎などの大雪像が並ぶ大変美しい景色でしたが終盤の方になると寒さで手の指先が痺れてきてしまってちょっと辛かったですね結局上記の大雪像2基を通りすがりに見ただけで終わりました こういった待ち時間の長さについて読者の皆さまはどう感じますでしょうか?  もしも同じ状況に遭遇した場合皆さまだったらどのように過ごしたでしょうか? コメント欄で教えていただけると幸いですカレーパンのお味は…?  そうして…ついに手に入れた北海道まるごとカレーパン(2個入り1セット・500円)はやはり期待を裏切らない美味しさでした!  旨味がギュッと凝縮されたスモークホタテを贅沢に使用した「贅沢スモークホタテカレーパン」とジューシーな北海道産牛を使用した「コク旨ビーフカレーパン」…そのどちらも辛みを抑えたとってもマイルドな味で子供や年配の方にも食べやすくなっており「よく考え抜かれたレシピだなぁ」と思わず感心して唸ってしまったお味でした この2種類のカレーパンのレシピは旭川市出身の初代シェフ1グランプリ王者下國伸シェフが監修して下さったものでした 海外でも修行され上記のような肩書を持ちながらも大変気さくな人柄のシェフは普段から道民が口にする機会の多い身近にある野菜や海の幸をこれまた家庭でもよく見る調味料を使ってひと工夫・ひと手間加えた気軽に作れる家庭料理を朝の情報番組で教えて下さっている方でもあるのです 彼が出演するHTBテレビでもカレーパンのギネスへの取り組みを積極的にPRしていたため「彼が監修したカレーパンなら美味しいに違いない」と多くの人々が期待して集まったのも多くの人が集まった一因だったと思います (ちなみに下國シェフ寒空の中爽やかな笑顔で時間の許す限りお客様達に応対されていましたよ!)  お値段も2個で500円とお手頃で思わず「また食べたい!」と思ってしまいました 読者の皆さんはどんな具材のカレーパンがお好きでしょうか?末尾のコメント欄でぜひ教えてくださいね! ギネス記録への挑戦!…その結果は?  実はこの挑戦の背景には「道産食材の魅力を多く発信し今年(2025年)迎える国際協同組合年に協同組合が連携のうえ北海道の農畜産物と水産物を存分に使用したカレーパンを発売・販売し世界一を目指す挑戦を通じて協同組合の役割をもっと広めたい」という大きな目的がありました今回の盛況ぶりを見る限りその目的はある程度達成できたのではと思います 最終的にカレーパンのセットは午後7時までの販売予定が予備分も含めて午後5時には全て売り切れとなりました。and、午後9時には「雪のHTB広場」で今日1日立ち会われたギネス計測委員の方が「11,208個達成!新記録おめでとうございます!」と高らかに告げチャレンジが大成功に終わったことを伝えて下さいましたバックヤードでパン作成に当たったスタッフの方々が流れ作業で手渡しを協力し合いお客様へのお渡しをスムーズに行う様子に皆さんのチームワークの良さを感じておりましたのでチャレンジが成功裏に終わって良かったですこのような取り組みが地域の魅力を世界に発信する一助となることを願っています 私自身ですが長丁場立ちっぱなしで少し凍えたこともあり購入が終わった13:30頃に会場にほど近いコンビニエンスストアに立ち寄りその日の夕飯の品定めをしつつ体を温めてから速やかに帰宅しました。but、その後も購入希望の方々はまだまだ長い列をなしていましたよ 「これだけの方々がいらしたのだからきっとチャレンジは成功する筈」と確信しつつ「どうか道民にとって意義のあるこのチャレンジが成功しますように」と祈りつつ会場を後にしました 今回この意義あるチャレンジに参加できて楽しかったですしまた道産の食材をふんだんに使ったカレーパンはと~っても美味しかったのでなんだか誇らしい気持ちでいっぱいです。 moreover、日付はまだ未定ですが全道のコープにてこのカレーパンが発売予定との嬉しい情報を後で知りました今から発売日が楽しみです!  最後になりましたが地域の特産品を使った美味しいカレーパンを通じて北海道の「食」の魅力と可能性を再確認できたことに心から感謝しています

Japanese trivial knowledge


「高級珍味」と呼ばれるものがなぜ“クセが強すぎる”のか? もっとディープな味覚体験を求めるなら日本には世界でも類を見ないほど独特な食文化があります新鮮な魚を生で食べる寿司発酵食品の宝庫である納豆や味噌さらにはフグのような「命がけのグルメ」まで存在しますそんな日本の食文化の中でも特に「知る人ぞ知る存在」として語り継がれるのが “日本三大珍味” です。 1. ウニ(雲丹) – とろける海の黄金 ウニといえば寿司の定番ネタ。but、日本三大珍味としてのウニはちょっと違います。 ▶ ウニの魅力とは? ウニの最大の魅力はその 濃厚でクリーミーな味わい口の中でとろける食感と甘みが特徴です特に北海道産の「バフンウニ」や「ムラサキウニ」は最高級品とされ世界中のグルメが絶賛しています。 and、珍味として扱われるのは 「塩ウニ」。this is、ウニの卵巣を塩漬けにして熟成させたものでより強い旨味とコクが凝縮されています。 ▶ どうやって食べるの?なぜ好き嫌いが分かれるのか?好きな人の理由苦手な人の理由 ウニは 鮮度が命! 鮮度の良いものを食べるとまったく違った印象になるかも⁉ 2. からすみ(鰡子) – 日本版キャビア? 「からすみ」はボラの卵巣を塩漬け・乾燥させた伝統的な珍味ヨーロッパの「ボッタルガ(カラスミ)」に似ていますが日本のものはさらに 濃厚でねっとり した味わいが特徴です。 ▶ からすみの魅力とは?どうやって食べるの?なぜ好き嫌いが分かれるのか?好きな人の理由苦手な人の理由 炙ると香りが和らぎ食べやすくなるので 「最初は苦手だったけど炙ったらハマった!」 という人も多いんです。 3. このわた(海鼠腸) – 知る人ぞ知る“大人の味” 「このわた」はナマコの腸を塩漬けして発酵させた珍味日本酒好きにはたまらない究極の酒の肴 と言われています。 ▶ このわたの魅力とは?...

冬の味覚を楽しもう!日本の冬を彩る伝統食材6選Japanese taste


寒い冬を楽しむ日本の知恵 寒い冬日本の食卓を温かく彩る食材たちには栄養価が高く体を温める効果があるものが多く揃っていますこれらの食材には古くから日本人の知恵が詰まっており食べることでその風習や文化も感じることができます。In this article、日本の冬に欠かせない6つの食材とその美味しさの秘密そしておすすめの料理を詳しくご紹介します冬の日本食を通じて季節を感じながら心も体も温まるひとときを楽しんでみませんか? 1. かぼちゃ かぼちゃは甘みが強くホクホクとした食感が特徴的な冬の代表食材です特に冬至には「健康と長寿を願う」風習から多くの家庭でかぼちゃを食べます古来栄養不足になりがちな冬を乗り切るために保存性が高くビタミンAやビタミンCを多く含むかぼちゃが選ばれてきました日本の家庭ではこの風習を大切に守り続けていますおすすめ料理はかぼちゃの煮物 甘辛く煮込んだかぼちゃは柔らかく優しい味わいで心がほっとする一品です寒い日に食べると体が温まり健康への願いも感じられるまさに冬の家庭料理の定番です。 2. れんこん れんこんはその穴が「未来を見通す」とされ縁起の良い食材としてお正月や祝い事に用いられます。moreover、食物繊維やビタミンCが豊富で健康的な食生活を支える頼もしい存在です江戸時代から冬の保存食としても重宝され日本の食文化の中で重要な位置を占めていますおすすめ料理はれんこんのきんぴら シャキシャキとした食感が楽しいきんぴらは醤油と砂糖で甘辛く仕上げることでご飯のお供にもピッタリです縁起の良さと美味しさの両方を味わえる料理です。 3. にんじん 鮮やかなオレンジ色のにんじんは見た目にも冬の食卓を明るくしてくれます甘みが強くビタミンAを豊富に含む健康食材として重宝されています。In Japan、その彩りからおせち料理や煮物に使われ特別な料理に欠かせない存在ですおすすめ料理はにんじんのグラッセ バターと砂糖で甘く仕上げたグラッセは子どもから大人まで人気の一品華やかな見た目と優しい甘さで洋風メニューにもぴったりです。 4. 大根 冬に旬を迎える大根は甘みが増し消化を助ける働きがありますビタミンCや食物繊維が豊富で特におでんや煮物に欠かせない存在です江戸時代には「冬の主役」として多くの家庭で活躍していました現代でもその地位は揺るがず寒い冬には欠かせない食材ですおすすめ料理は大根の味噌汁 じっくり煮込んだ大根が味噌の風味を引き立てる味噌汁は体を芯から温めてくれます仕上げに柚子を添えると香りも楽しめる特別な一品になります。 5. 白菜 白菜は冬になると甘みが増し鍋料理に欠かせない食材です水分が多くビタミンCや食物繊維を豊富に含むためヘルシーで体を温める効果があります日本では冬の家庭料理として白菜をたっぷり使った鍋が愛されていますおすすめ料理は白菜の鍋 白菜は煮込むことで甘みと旨味が増し他の具材とも絶妙なハーモニーを奏でます肉や魚豆腐を加えると栄養バランスも良く家族で囲む鍋料理に最適です。 6. ほうれん草 冬のほうれん草は甘みが強くビタミンCや鉄分を豊富に含む健康食材ですその彩りの美しさからお弁当やおせち料理にも使われることが多く日本の食卓に欠かせない存在ですおすすめ料理はほうれん草のお浸し 茹でたほうれん草を醤油や鰹節で和えたシンプルな料理ですがその栄養価と味わいは抜群です少量のごまを加えるとさらに香ばしい風味が楽しめますコメントで教えてください! この記事を読んで気になる食材はありましたか?また試してみたいと思った料理はどれですか? あなたの感想やアイデアをぜひコメント欄で教えてください!この記事をシェアして周りの人とも日本の冬の味覚を楽しんでくださいね寒い冬を美味しい料理で暖かく過ごしましょう!

マズイ?美味しい? チョコミントはなぜ論争が起こるのか?Japanese trivial knowledge

Is it bad? delicious? Why is chocolate mint controversy?

Is chocolate mint the best sweet? Or toothpaste? When you hear "chocolate mint" in Japan、Opinions are divided like an eternal theme。While some people praised it, "The exquisite harmony of refreshing mint and sweet chocolate!"、Some people refuse with all their might, saying, "It looks like they're eating toothpaste, so it's impossible!"。There are countries that have become popular overseas flavors, but、In Japan, pros and cons tend to be extremely divided.。 Why is chocolate mint so controversial? Let's explore that secret。 Why is chocolate mint called "bad"? The refreshing feeling of mint is too strong The unique refreshing feeling of chocolate mint、Mint ingredients are "menthol"。This actually reduces the temperature inside the mouth、Gives a refreshing feeling。but、Many people don't like this "sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus、This is a particularly shocking experience for those who ate sweet foods.。 Many people feel that it's "the taste of toothpaste" for those who are not used to mint flavored foods.、Chocolate mint can taste like toothpaste。actual、Many toothpastes contain menthol、Your brain will recognize it as "not food."。 Some people feel uncomfortable with the compatibility of chocolate and mint, and sweet and rich chocolate、The refreshing mint has a contrasting taste。It's a perfect balance for those who like this combination.、For those who don't like it, you may wonder, "Why did you put these two together?"。 Why is chocolate mint highly praised for being "delicious"? The balance between sweetness and refreshing taste becomes addictive for chocolate mint lovers、Sweet chocolate and refreshing mint are "not too sweet"、The best combination that will make you feel refreshed."。Especially in the summer、The appeal is that you can enjoy a refreshing feeling that other sweets don't have. Popular flavors from around the world. In America and Europe、Chocolate mint ice cream is one of the classic flavors。In particular, in the United States, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice has been ranked high in popularity rankings for many years.、Many brands sell it。 Chocolate mint sweets combined with bitter chocolate that can be enjoyed as an "adult taste"、A tasty and adult-friendly taste。Even in Japan、Chocolate mint sweets are increasing at convenience stores and cafes、The number of fans is steadily increasing。 What is its reputation online? If you look at social media or review sites、Opinions about chocolate mint are extremely divided。 like this、Chocolate mint is a flavor that changes greatly depending on the taste of the eater.。 This is the special Japanese chocolate mint! A wide variety of Japanese-style arrangements. Chocolate mint is mainly enjoyed overseas as ice cream.、Chocolate mint flavored bread in Japan、donut、chocolate、Shake etc.、There are a wide variety。 Many limited-time products in Japan、Chocolate mint flavored sweets are often released as "summer only"、Many fans look forward to the new release every year.。 Seven-Eleven is easy to buy at convenience stores、Family Mart、At convenience stores such as Lawson、Chocolate mint flavored ice cream and sweets are regularly featured.、It is easy to enjoy。 Is it worth trying chocolate mint? in conclusion、Chocolate mint is "I'm irresistible for those who like it."、It's a flavor that is hard to accept for people who don't like it."。but、People who have been shunning me up until now、Depending on the brand and product, you may think, "It's surprisingly good!"。 Especially Japanese chocolate mint sweets、Compared to overseas, the mint is less strong and easier to eat.、Even if you're not good at it, try it out。 Are you a chocolate mint person? Or is it against? Please share it on social media、Please let me know your opinion

Recommended sightseeing route

🥪[The world is enthusiastic! ] Japanese”Fluffy”What is the decisive reason for egg sand to captivate foreigners?🥪[The world is enthusiastic! ]

Hello! It is Iwapiko! 🍳"If you arrive in Japan、First of all, egg sandwich! What is the reason why foreign tourists are enthusiastic? "If you get off the plane、First, buy an egg sandwich at a convenience store! "Such a delicious sandwich、Absolutely not in your home country! " now、Japanese egg sandwich is buzzing around the world! At a convenience store at the airport、Foreign tourists who have just arrived pick up one after another、Before returning to Japan, people who buy in bulk, saying, "I want to eat again at the end!"。 To SNS、Surprise and excitement are overflowing。✔ "The moment I put it in my mouth、It disappears softly! "✔ "Such a smooth egg sandwich、I haven't searched around the world! Why is simple egg sandwich attracting world -global foodies? A secret of special deliciousness that can only be understood by Japanese people、I will explain thoroughly! 🥚[Japanese egg sandwich”One and only”Reason] ① Fluffy bread x creamy egg”Miracle balance” The biggest feature of Japanese egg sandwiches is、Ultimate fluffy feeling! Overseas, the mainstream is to use hard bread such as baguettes and whole grain bread.、Japanese egg sandwich uses surprisingly soft "white bread"。 There、 The melting creamy egg filling is sandwiched。This combination of "fluffy x smooth" “The only texture” Create、Foreigners who ate for the first time are shocked! 🗣 "It's like eating clouds!"🗣 "It disappears in your mouth! It's completely different from the egg sand you have ever eaten!" “Japanese broth”Be fragrant、Japan's unique "Dashi rolled egg sandwich" Egg sandwich of Tsukiji's long -established "Matsuro" is the egg sandwich、Sandwich "dashi rolled egg" with plenty of soup with bread! ✔ I used plenty of kelp and bonito flavor、Elegant and gentle flavor。✔ Unlike general egg fried、It is made on the premise that it is "delicious even if it cools down"。✔ That's why、Outstanding compatibility with bread! When foreign tourists eat ...🗣 "The flavor of the dashi spreads! Sandwich like this、first time! "🗣 "It's like eating sushi! This is art!"、Japan's unique ideas。Exactly “Japanese heart” Is clogged、It's a egg sandwich。 (3) "Convenience store egg sandwich" that buzzed in the world at the Tokyo Olympics、The Japanese egg sandwich became a hot topic overseas、The Tokyo Olympics triggered! ✔ Overseas reporters who come to Japan eat the egg sandwich of a convenience store、Great acclaim!✔ The situation is spread on SNS、It's a topic that "you should definitely eat when you go to Japan."。✔ after that、"Convenience store egg sandwich eating comparison video" ...

「しょうゆ」はただのソースではない!世界が愛する発酵調味料の魅力traditional culture and history

"Souyu" is not just a source! The charm of fermented seasonings loved by the world

in the first place、Do you know "soy sauce"? I heard "soy sauce"、What do you think of? Brown sauce on sushi or sashimi? Or、Seasoning to put in stir -fry or ramen soup? actually、Japanese soy sauce is not just a "source"、It is a traditional fermented seasoning with a thousand years of history.。The unique scent and deep taste、An important element that determines the taste of Japanese cuisine。moreover、Souyu can also be applied to dishes around the world、Surprisingly wide range of uses。 In this article、How to make Japanese soy sauce and how to make it、Health effect、And I will explain in detail about the reputation in the world。 Then、What is soy sauce? Soy sauce (soy sauce)、It is a traditional Japanese seasoning made by fermenting and aging soybeans, wheat, salt and koji molds.。In English, it is called "SOY SAUCE"、Japanese soy sauce is made by its own manufacturing method、It has a different characteristics from soy sauce in other countries。 Type of soy sauce for Japanese soy sauce、There are 5 main types。 Type of soy sauce Main application Dense soy sauce (koikuchi) is the most common、According to about 80%of the total。A well -balanced flavor。 Boiled dish、Stir -fry、Dazzling、Dressing light soy sauce (USUKUCHI) color is light、Slightly high salt content。Utilize the color of the material。 Kansai cuisine、There is a thick soy sauce (TAMARI) and thick dishes using dashi.、The taste of soybeans is strong。Some gluten is small。 sashimi、sushi、Teriyaki Re -prepared soy sauce (SAISHIKOMI) rich and sweet、Long aging period。 High -end dishes、sashimi、A lot of grilled soy sauce (shiro) wheat、The color is very pale。Sweet。 Suck、Steamed chawanmushi、There are five main types of white fish soy sauce.、It will be made through the following processes。 The longer the fermentation period、A deep body and complex scent are born。 The taste of soy sauce and the characteristics of the scent are soy sauce、It contains a well -balanced "sweet, sour taste, salty, bitter taste, umami".、In particular, the feature is that the umami is strong.。One of the charms is the fragrant aroma created by fermentation。Not only add depth to cooking、By using it as a secret taste、Complies the flavor of the whole dish。 Soy sauce health effects in the world popular soy sauce in Japan、Now loved around the world。 Let's enjoy soy sauce more! Soy sauce、It is a deep seasoning created by Japanese tradition and fermented culture.。Just add it to cooking、Umami and fragrance increase、It will make your meal more delicious。 If you haven't tried it yet、Please taste Japanese soy sauce once。and、Please incorporate it into cooking in your country。You will surely be able to come across a new taste。 👉 If this article is helpful、By all means a bookmark & ​​share! Wide Japanese fermented culture more、Let's share "deliciousness" with people around the world!

「日本の食べ放題が特別な理由:歴史・進化・体験談で徹底解説!」Recommended Japanese shops

"Why all -you -can -eat in Japan is special:Thorough explanation in history, evolution, and experiences! "

Hello! It is Iwapiko! I heard "All -you -can -eat"、What kind of image do you have? Lots of dishes、Enjoy what you like as much as you like ... Japan has evolved one or two steps in the concept of "all -you -can -eat".。All -you -can -eat in Japan、High quality、Experience for each genre、And the craftsmanship in each dish is packed.。In this article、From the history that originated、Why is all -you -can -eat all -you -can -eat in Japan by overseas travelers?、In addition, I will deliver my recommended shops and experiences in detail! A wonderful experience that touches Japanese food culture、Would you like to explore together? At the beginning of all -you -can -eat Japan:The first all -you -can -eat all -you -can -eat in Japan is 1958、Born at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo。At that time, this style named "Imperial Viking"、Inspired by the Scandinavian "Smogger Board"。Mr. Torizo ​​Inumaru, the president of the hotel, sees this style in Denmark、It was the beginning of the introduction of "a place where you can enjoy luxurious food as much as you want in Japan."。 The name "Viking" is named in the image of a Nordic pirate、It has spread as a symbol of adventure and luxury。after that、1980Reasonable all -you -can -eat for students and young people in the age、1990Evolved into a style that pursues quality after the age。now、Grilled meat、Shabu -shabu、Sweets、Sushi, etc.、All -you -can -eat for each theme is common。 Why all -you -can -eat in Japan is popular with foreigners 1. High quality and craftsmanship in Japan all -you -can -eat、Not only "large amount"、"High quality" is a major feature.。for example、In "Yakiniku King"、Soft and juicy meat is prepared、You can enjoy the taste of each part。When I first visited、The moment you say special ribs、I was surprised at the savory flavor and the softness of the meat。This was an incredible experience as "all -you -can -eat"! 2. Abundant options for all -you -can -eat Japan、High specialty for each genre、Very abundant choices。Grilled meat、Shabu -shabu、sushi、Sweets, etc.、No matter which one you choose, you can fully enjoy the charm of each theme.。Also、Some shops specialize only for desserts, such as "Sweets Paradise"、I can't collect for sweets lovers。 3. Kind and comfortable service many stores use a touch panel order system、Easy to use even for foreign tourists。moreover、The staff is also polite、There are many shops with English -language menus。A foreign friend said, "All -you -can -eat in Japan、Not only cooking but also service is a world class. "。 Iwapo recommended! All -you -can -eat chain store in Japan、Please check the store official website for charges。 1. Yakiniku King Soft ribs、Fragrant thick sliced ​​tongue、Juicy hormones ... all exquisite。If you order with a touch panel、Fresh food will be offered immediately。When I first visited、I have confirmed many times with my friend, "Is this really all -you -can -eat?"。 Yakiniku King King Official HP 2. A shop where you can enjoy shabu leaves shabu -shabu as much as you like。Fresh vegetables and meat、The soup you can choose is attractive。Especially "Yuzu salt soup" is exquisite、When I first visited, I was impressed by the richness of the scent。 Shabuha official HP 3. Sweets paradise cake and jelly、Ice cream, etc.、30A place like a heaven where there are more than kinds of sweets。There are many desserts that show photos、When I uploaded it to SNS, many friends got a comment saying "I want to go!"。 Sweets Paradise Official HP 4. Taro Taro Yakiniku、sushi、Sweets、Furthermore, up to fried food、All -you -can -eat all -you -can -eat that covers a wide range of genres。Perfect for enjoying with families and groups。 Suta Marina Taro Official HP 5. One Calvi -luxurious yakiniku restaurant。You can enjoy all -you -can -eat high quality marbled meat and special ribs、Perfect for special days。When I visited my birthday、I was very satisfied with the special dishes and services。 Wankarbi Official HP Iwapo "All -you -can -eat all -you -can -eat" conclusion:All -you -can -eat in Japan is "experience itself" all -you -can -eat in Japan、Beyond the act of "just eat"、You can enjoy it as "experience itself"。Quality of cooking、Abundant choices、And heartwarming service。All of these are Japanese -specific culture.。For travelers、All -you -can -eat in Japan is definitely an unforgettable experience.。 Please let us know your opinion, "Which store is the most worrisome?" "Have you ever experienced all -you -can -eat in Japan?"。If this blog is useful、Please share and bookmarks! Let's spread the wonderful food culture of Japan to the world together!


"Sapporo Autumn Festa 2025 -5 Ultimate Experience where the charm of sake intersects the local and sake!"

Sapporo Autumn Festa、A dream -like food festival that collects gourmet and culture in Hokkaido。This year will be held at Odori Park、You can enjoy local specialty products and various menus。One of the real pleasure of this event, "Booth where you can enjoy sake" is、In particular, we are attracting hot attention from foreign tourists。While unraveling the reasons for the popularity of sake、Here are five must -see booths at the event。Have a valuable experience that allows you to fully enjoy the local flavor and culture! Why is sake popular with foreigners? Sake、Drinks packed with Japanese traditions and craftsmanship。Unlike overseas wine and beer、A deep taste born from the simple material of rice and water、It gives many foreigners a fresh surprise。Especially sake from Hokkaido、It is made by making use of the cool climate and pure water、It features a mellow and fruity scent。moreover、Suitable for food pairing、You can enjoy a wide range of dishes regardless of Japanese and Westerners。 At a sake brewery in Hokkaido、A selection of unique brands that reflect the local climate and seasons、Enjoying it with dishes made with local ingredients、Sake becomes an even more special experience。Also、Enjoy a cup while listening to the history of the sake brewery and the passion of the brewers.、It will be a precious memory that you can't experience anywhere else.。 2025It is scheduled to be held from September 12th (Friday) to October 4th (Saturday)! 5 recommended spots 1. 4chome booth: IN4 square – A collection of attractive autumn gourmet foods with traditional Hokkaido cuisine、Enjoy sake delivered directly from local sake breweries。here、We recommend trying pairing food and sake.。The combination of “Chicken Zangi” and mellow Junmai sake is truly exquisite! moreover、The brewer's representative may even suggest pairings directly.、This is your chance to learn more about local sake and cuisine.。 Recommended points: 2. 5chome booth: Hokkaido BAKU BAKU PARK Enjoy bread and sweets made with Hokkaido wheat in one hand.、A booth where you can sample sake。A light-tasting sake、It also goes great with sweet sweets! Especially pairing it with "sweets made with sake lees" is a new way to enjoy it.。While tasting、Please try a rare combination that you can not usually taste。 Recommended points: 3. 7chome booth: Audrey Park BAR This is a heavenly place for sake lovers! There are a lot of local sake from all over Hokkaido.、There is also a chance to talk directly to the local brewery staff。As a new attempt、Cocktails based on Japanese sake、We offer special snacks that go well with sake.。 Recommended points: 4. 8chome booth: Sapporo Audrey Hakkai Market Fresh seafood and local specialties、Area where you can enjoy sake。It goes especially well with oysters and scallops.、It is also very popular with foreign tourists.。here、You can also purchase a bottle that suits your taste while tasting it.、Perfect as a souvenir.。 Recommended points: 5. 11chome booth: Precious Table Special dishes created by famous chefs and、A luxurious booth where you can experience high-quality sake pairings。here、You can enjoy a special menu made in collaboration with limited edition sake from local sake breweries.。The event-limited “full course of food and sake”、Worth a look! Perfect for anniversaries and special occasions.。 Recommended points: I want you to notice! Bringing the charm of Japanese sake to you! Sapporo Autumn Festa、It's not just a food festival。Japanese tradition、local charm、This is a special event filled with encounters with warm people.。At the five booths we introduced this time,、Each one is designed to allow you to fully enjoy the depth of local food culture and sake.。 please、Enjoy the charm of local sake at Sapporo Autumn Festa。When you find your favorite cup、Please let us know in the comments! Also、I hope you enjoyed the article、I would be happy if you could support me by sharing and bookmarking.。 **We also welcome requests such as "I would like you to introduce this kind of booth next time!"**。 Sapporo Autumn Festa official website

サイゼリヤのメニューRecommended Japanese shops

Is Saizeriya popular with foreigners? A thorough explanation of the reason!

What is Saizeriya? The Italian family restaurant Restaurant Saizeriya (Saizeriya) from Japan、An Italian family restaurant chain originating from Japan.、1968Founded in the year、1973The chain was deployed around the age。Currently, we have more than 1,000 stores in Japan and overseas.、Especially popular with young people and families。Saizeriya is、Because you can enjoy authentic Italian cuisine at an affordable price.、loved by many people。 The biggest attraction of Saizeriya is popular with foreigners.、Its overwhelming cost performance。for example、Salads and soups are 200 to 300 yen.、Surprising pricing of 100 yen for a glass of wine。For this、Foreign customers were surprised and wondered, "Is it okay for it to be this cheap?"、When I actually enjoy the food, I am impressed by the high quality of the food.。 Abundant menu Saizeriya、We offer a variety of menus centered on Italian cuisine.。"Milano style doria", "escargot" and "spicy chicken" are especially popular.、Even foreigners praise it as ``delicious''。The menu is also in English、It is also praised for being able to order without any language barriers.。 By the way, Milanese style Doria does not exist in Italy.、This is a dish that originated in Japan.。 What is the name Milan style Doria?、The name comes from the fact that the meat sauce is from the Bologna region of Italy.。The Bologna region is located near Milan.、It is said that it took its name from。 Casual atmosphere Saizeriya、The casual atmosphere is great for gathering with friends and family.。Many foreigners feel that it is easy to go with friends.、Don't just enjoy your meal、It is also used as a place to enjoy conversation.。In addition, in the past, there was a page for finding the differences (with a high level of difficulty) on the menu cover.、You can kill time between meals, etc.、There were also some ingenious elements.。 Easy and easy-to-understand ordering system Saizeriya's ordering method is very simple.。 Please write the number and quantity of the desired dish on the order form.、You can order by simply pressing the button on the table and showing it to the staff.。 moreover、The self-service drink bar is also popular.。 To enjoy unlimited drinks at reasonable prices、Ideal for those who want to spend a relaxing time。 Online Reputation The online reputation for Saizeriya is also very good.。We have received many comments such as ``cheap and delicious'' and ``best value for money.''。especially、Many foreigners recommend this restaurant as a ``must-visit restaurant when you come to Japan.''、Its appeal is also spreading on SNS and YouTube.。 Summary Saizeriya is、affordable price、Extensive menu、Combined with a casual atmosphere、It has become an attractive place to eat for foreigners.。When visiting Japan、Why not come and visit us at least once? Let me know your thoughts and experiences in the comments! Also、If you found this article helpful、Bookmarks and shares are also welcome! By knowing the charm of Saizeriya、You too may find new ways to enjoy food.。Please use this as a reference when choosing your next meal!

北海道・厚真町で訪れるべき5つのカフェ:自然と美食を楽しむ旅Recommended Japanese shops

5 cafes you should visit in Atsuma Town, Hokkaido:A trip to enjoy nature and delicious food

Hello everyone! This is mitumi。This time I would like to introduce my favorite cafe.、Please read to the end! Atsuma Town is known as a place rich in nature even in Hokkaido.。Among them、A cafe that makes the most of the local charm、It is a spot that provides a special experience for foreign tourists visiting.。In this article、Introducing 5 recommended cafes in Atsuma Town。any cafe、The appeal is that you can enjoy the ingredients and scenery unique to Hokkaido.。If you read this article、You'll definitely want to go! 5 recommended cafes 1. Momo Cafe (Momo Cafe) Momo cafe is、A hidden cafe in Atsuma town。Especially popular is、Also、We also offer aromatic tea.、Excellent compatibility with sweets。The interior of the store has been redecorated by the owner every season, making it very cute.、A cat serves customers。 2. Haskap Cafe Labo (Hascup Cafe Lab) At Haskap Cafe Lab、Enjoy sweets and drinks made with Haskap, a specialty of Atsuma Town.。Recommended、Rich haskap smoothie and haskap brûlée crepe。You can spend a relaxing time in a location surrounded by nature.、Perfect for those who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city。 3. Kochi (This side) This side、This is a store that sells super hard breads made with ancient grains.。All breads are made with homemade yeast.、You can enjoy the fragrant aroma and firm texture.。because of popularity、Reservations are recommended.。 4. Cafe Kanro Cafe Kanro is popular for its weekly lunch and snacks! The inside of the store has a warm atmosphere like an old folk house.、It soothes the people who visit.。 5. Yururi dining space Yururi、You can enjoy dishes made with Atsuma Town's branded pork, ``Komeaibuta.''。This pork is raised in a stress-free environment.、Soft and low in fat。Special bento boxes are also convenient while sightseeing.、Enjoy local flavors easily。 Discover the charm of Japan at a cafe in Atsuma Town! Cafes in Atsuma Town、Each with their own unique charm、We value local nature and food culture。If you are visiting Hokkaido、Please enjoy a special time at these cafes.。When you visit、Please let us know what you think in the comments。

「正真の日本の味を体験しよう!外国人も大喜びのリンゴあめ専門店トップ5」Recommended Japanese shops

"Let's experience the taste of Japan! Top 5 apple candy specialty stores that even foreigners will love"

everyone、Do you know Japanese apple candy? usually、You may think of the sweet apple candy you see at festival stalls.。but、In modern Japan、Apple candy has evolved into a modern、Beautiful appearance and sophisticated taste、It is a very popular sweet not only among Japanese people but also among foreign tourists.。 A way to bring out the sweetness and acidity of apples to the maximum、Crispy candy texture、Plus seasonal flavors、Its charm is countless。myself、I have visited many apple candy specialty stores so far.、I had a special experience that can only be experienced there.。 Introducing the top 5 apple candy specialty stores you should visit in Japan. 1. pomme d'amour tokyo location: KI Building 2F (main store), 5-9-12 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Prices: 690circle(tax included)~*Confirmation required Features: Pomme d'Amour Tokyo is known as Japan's first apple candy specialty store.、The patented powder coating is the biggest attraction。Crispy and light texture、The juicy flavor of apples blends perfectly。moreover、You can also enjoy seasonal flavors.、No matter how many times you visit, there's always something new to discover.。 2. Apple's memory location: Room B, 1st floor, Honmachi TS Building, 4-7-5 Bakuro-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture (Shinsaibashi Main Store) Fees: Plain approximately 690 yen (tax included)、Cut approximately 720 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: “Ringo no Omoi” is operated by a long-established confectionery factory that has been in business for 80 years.。Using fresh domestic apples、Available in a variety of flavors including cinnamon sugar and white chocolate.。Especially products with condensed milk、It is highly rated by foreign tourists for its rich taste.。 3. Daikanyama Candy apple location: 1st floor, Ryuo Building, 8-9 Daikanyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (Daikanyama main store) Fee: Approximately 790 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: At this stylish store in Daikanyama、While retaining the atmosphere of a traditional food stall、Enjoy apple candy arranged in a modern style。Using carefully selected seasonal apples、The exquisite balance of sweetness and sourness is appealing.。moreover、We also offer easy-to-eat cutting services.、Perfect for a light snack while strolling。 4. angel apple candy location: 5-2-5 Yamate-dori, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture Resins Yamate (Yagoto store) Prices: Plain approximately 580 yen (tax included)、Coconut approximately 680 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: This store is located in Yagoto, Nagoya.、Features apples coated with ultra-thin candy。In addition to enjoying the light and crispy texture,、Available in a variety of flavors。There are Instagrammable photo spots inside the store.、Very popular among foreign tourists who love SNS。 5. Yaorin Cafe location: 3-38-2 Shibuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Prices: Apple candy (cup) 800 yen (tax included)、Apple candy (1 ball) 1,500 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: Yaorin Cafe is located inside Shinjuku Station.、A unique apple candy specialty store run by a greengrocer。Using carefully selected seasonal apples、The candy is moderately sweet, allowing you to fully enjoy the original taste of apples.。There is a cutting service、The fact that it is easy to take home is also attractive.。 You too will be impressed by the apple candy! ! These stores are、We offer apple candy that makes use of its unique characteristics in various parts of Japan.、Well worth a visit。Every store looks beautiful、The taste is also first-class.、Perfect for remembering your trip。When you visit、Please share your thoughts and recommendations in the comments section! Let's enjoy Japan's apple candy culture together!

Make your night in Sapporo special! 10 wine bars that are a must-see for foreign travelersRecommended Japanese shops

“Make your night in Sapporo special! 6 wine bars that are a must-see for foreign travelers”

Hello、This is Iwapiko! “To all travelers visiting Sapporo、We propose a special moment。Rich ingredients nurtured by the great nature of Hokkaido、The finest marriage of carefully selected wines from around the world。Being able to experience that、A charming wine bar in Sapporo。Fresh seafood and rich Hokkaido cheese、Creative cuisine using seasonal blessings、Together with our carefully selected wines, we will make your travel memories even richer.。 Wine bars in Sapporo、Its variety is also attractive.。From a bar with a relaxing atmosphere that feels like a hideaway.、A romantic space with a night view、There's even a bar that specializes in Hokkaido wine.、New excitement awaits you every time you visit.。On a special night to conclude a day's sightseeing、Why not spend an unforgettable time at a wine bar in Sapporo? A sophisticated space and heartwarming hospitality、It will make your trip here in Sapporo special.。please、Enjoy an experience that can only be enjoyed at a wine bar in Sapporo。” When I visited Sapporo、At a wine bar I happened to stop by、The beauty of pairing Hokkaido ingredients and wine、And I was captivated by the warm hospitality.。that special night、It was an unforgettable memory during my trip to Sapporo.。 In this article、I would like all foreign travelers to visit this place.、We will carefully select and introduce 6 recommended wine bars in Sapporo.。We will bring you the charm of wine bars that will make your night in Sapporo special! *The amount is a guideline.。Please check the official store page for the actual amount.。 Why are wine bars in Sapporo so popular among foreigners? Here are three reasons why Sapporo's wine bars are popular with foreign travelers.。 1. Luxurious pairing with fresh Hokkaido ingredients Hokkaido is、seafood、Mountain blessings、And a treasure trove of diverse ingredients grown on the vast land.。At a wine bar in Sapporo、Dishes made with these fresh ingredients and、Enjoy pairings with carefully selected wines from Japan and abroad.。Also、Many shops also offer local wine.、What's special is that you can enjoy the "taste of Hokkaido"。 2. Attentive service that is friendly to beginners.At many stores,、The staff will teach you how to choose wine in an easy-to-understand manner even for beginners.。Many restaurants have English menus and staff who can speak English.、Even travelers from overseas can enjoy it with peace of mind.。 3. The contrast between snowy scenery and warm space, especially in Sapporo in winter、The snowy scenery outside and the warm atmosphere of the wine bar、It soothes the people who visit.。The wine you can taste in this special space、It is sure to be a luxurious time to relieve the fatigue of your travels.。 10 recommended wine bars in Sapporo 1. IWB Romane IWB Romane Official HP 📍 address: 3rd floor, Hoshi Building, 7-5 Minami 4-jo Nishi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido💴 Fee: ¥10,000~¥14,999🍷 Features: A long-established wine bar where you can enjoy French and wine pairings。✨ Iwapiko's experience:``The Chardonnay paired with Hokkaido scallops is exquisite!The quiet and relaxing space is...、Perfect for a special night。The courteous customer service of the staff was also impressive.。」 2. Evergreen Evergreen formula HP 📍 address: Taiyo Building 2F, Minami 3-jo Nishi 8-chome 7, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido💴 Fee: ¥10,000~¥14,999🍷 Features: A restaurant where you can enjoy luxurious Italian courses and wine。✨ Iwapiko's experience:"The marriage of red wine and risotto is wonderful.、It was a dish that looked like art.。This is the perfect place for a date or a special night.。」 3. Bar NATURE Bar NATURE official website 📍 address: 4th Fujii Building 6F, 10 Minami 4-jo Nishi 5-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido💴 Fee:...