Osaka Prefecture









【完全保存版】日本のおすすめバッティングセンター!初心者も上級者も楽しめるスポーツ&レジャースポットガイドRecommended Japanese shops

[Completely preserved version] Recommended batting center in Japan! Sports & leisure spot guides that both beginners and advanced users can enjoy

"It's a bit difficult to shake the bat ..." "The batting center is a place that only loves baseball?"、Please wait a moment! All over Japan、Even beginners can enjoy easily、And there are many batting centers where surprising discoveries and challenges are waiting.。In this blog、Introducing five batting centers with particularly unique features! You can find a perfect spot for your sightseeing and activities with your friends and family.。 Further at the end of the article、"How to enjoy the first batting center" and "Tips for professional (self -proclaimed)" are also explained! You too in the comment section、Please share your best batting center! 1. Mihagino Batting Center (Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture) 230 km legend and enthusiastic sacred place Kitakyushu is the Mihagino Batting Center、Indeed, "Sacred Lands of the Challengers"。2013In the year、A challenger who beat the amazing 230kg ball has appeared、I impressed many people。after that、The feat of Katsu Yoneda, who hung back 240 km in the oldest, became a hot topic.。 The facility has a state -of -the -art batting machine、Satisfies a wide range of players from beginners to advanced users。It's good to challenge a high -speed ball、It is also possible to relax and enjoy with a low -speed machine。 Features Recommended points 2. Umeda Batting Dome (Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture) Realistic baseball experience in the middle of the city! Umeda Batting Dome in the center of Umeda, Osaka, an all -weather type、All -weather indoor facilities that you can enjoy without worrying about the weather。here、The latest system using real video of professional baseball players has been introduced.、You can feel as if you are confronted with a professional pitcher! In addition to batting, activities such as pitching and table tennis are substantial.、The perfect spot for enjoying with friends and family。 Features Recommended points 3. You can receive the guidance of former professional baseball players from the station south batting center (Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture)! ? Hidden famous spots are in Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture, station south batting center、Some people aim to be professionals、It is a facility that beginners can enjoy。How、One of the reasons why the flighter service that former professional baseball players provide guidance for free。You can feel the feeling of improving one step with professional advice。 Also、165Kilo -speed batting machine and、Struckout, etc., where you can receive cash as prizes、Unique facilities not found in other facilities are also attractive。 Features Recommended points 4. Ideal for families with Amuse Park Sendai Port (Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture)! Composite Amusement Facility AMUS Park Sendai Port in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture、Not only batting、Complex amusement facilities where you can enjoy fishing ponds and game corners。You can visit it like a theme park。 The batting area is equipped with the latest machines that can handle from beginners to advanced.、You can easily challenge with your family and friends。moreover、Home run tournaments, seasonal campaigns, etc.、Every time I visit, new fun is waiting。 Features Recommended points 5. Open stress release in the center of Tokyo (Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo) Oslo Battering Center (Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo)! The Oslover Batting Center, located in the middle of the hidden famous place in the city, Shinjuku、It is a spot where you can easily drop in between sightseeing and shopping.。There is a refreshing feeling that makes you forget the hustle and bustle of the city。 From a low -speed machine for beginners、Because it supports professional high -speed machines、Anyone can enjoy at their own pace。Access is also outstanding、Within walking distance from Shinjuku Station。Why don't you drop in between shopping and dating? Features Recommended Point Find your favorite、Let's have fun! How was it? Batting center、Not only enjoying baseball、It is also a place to relieve stress and deepen bonds with family and friends.。Feel free to visit beginners、First, let's shake the bat slowly。You may find an unexpected talent! please、Refer to this article、Please visit the batting center on the next holiday。If you find your favorite place、Please tell me in the comments! Also、Share this article on SNS、Let's spread fun to friends and family!

capsule hotelHokkaido

Stay in Japan! 5 best capsule hotels🌟

Hello trip and sauna(Perverted)I like "Abetack"。 Isn't there a lot of people who struggled to find a hotel due to the inbound effect? So the article introduced this time is the capsule hotel。I often use it myself, so I would be grateful if I could send out the charm.。 Speaking of capsule hotels、Japan's unique accommodation style。That futuristic design、In that it is reasonable but can enjoy a comfortable stay、Popular with travelers around the world。but、You're worried, "Where should I choose a capsule hotel?"。In this article、Introducing 5 recommended capsule hotels to be absolutely stayed at。If you read this、There is no doubt that the next trip will be even more special! Then、To be helpful for your next trip、We will dig into the charm of each hotel。All of them are places where you can think "I'm glad you stayed!"。✨ 5 recommended facilities 1. Karumaru Ikebukuro – Luxury hideaway in Tokyo 📍 address: 2-7-7 Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, downtown Tokyo、"Karumaru Ikebukuro" located in Ikebukuro、Relaxation heaven to heal the fatigue of busy tourists。here、You can experience luxurious saunas and open -air baths that overturn the image of the capsule hotel。moreover、You can enjoy multiple kinds of saunas and hot springs、A space where you can reset your mind and body。 💡 Recommended points: Both luxury facilities and quiet atmosphere。Perfect for those who want to focus not only on sightseeing but also on "rest"! 2. Spa & Capsule New Wing – Healed near the Tokyo Sky Tree 📍 address: 2-6-11 E Higashibashi, Sumida-ku, Tokyo "New Wing"、Hidden name spots that combine traditional Japanese -style saunas and modern capsules。While being in a convenient location as a base for sightseeing in Sky Tree、It is a quiet and relaxing facility。Out a open -air bath、There are a variety of relaxation facilities in the hall。 💡 This is wonderful: In the middle of the city、You can experience the "sauna culture" that the locals love。Also for foreign tourists、A new experience is packed! 3. Welby Sakae – Nagoya Urban Oasis 📍 address: 3-13-12 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi If you want to relax a little in Nagoya, "Welby Sakae" is the best。This is not just a capsule hotel、Relaxation specialized facilities。Using a sauna and massage service、You can heal the fatigue of sightseeing。Because it is a convenient place called Sakae area、Easy visiting Nagoya Castle and local gourmet。 💡 Featured point: Highly evaluated among sauna enthusiasts。Recommended for business travelers who want to heal a tired body。 4. Nico Refre – Experience the warmth of Hokkaido 📍 address: "Nico Refre", located in the center of Sapporo, Sapporo, Chuo -ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido、At -home atmosphere and clean facilities are attractive。Hokkaido is severe in winter、This capsule hotel is equipped with a warm bath facility that warms the body from the core.。Very popular as a base for enjoying the Sapporo Snow Festival and local sightseeing spots。 💡 recommendation: Sauna and relaxation facilities are in place、Especially perfect for the cold season。The staff's response is also kind、The first traveler is also safe。 5. New Japan Umeda store – Retro Modan space in Osaka ...

スリル、歴史、未来が交差する!日本でしか体験できない異次元テーマパーク5選日本で必ず訪れたいユニークなテーマパーク5選!Recommended sightseeing route

thrill、history、The future intersects! 5 unique theme parks that you can only visit in Japan that you can only experience in Japan! 5 unique theme parks you want to visit in Japan!

こんにちは!旅行好きの皆さん日本旅行の計画は進んでいますか?日本には美しい景色や美味しい食べ物だけでなく思わず「こんな場所があったなんて!」と驚くようなユニークなテーマパークがたくさんあります。In this article、家族旅行友人との冒険ロマンチックなデートにぴったりな5つの個性的なテーマパークをご紹介しますどのパークも日本ならではの魅力が詰まった特別な場所訪れたくなるポイント満載でお届けしますのでぜひ最後まで読んでくださいね!気に入ったらコメントやシェアもお待ちしています次の日本旅行がもっと楽しみになること間違いなし! 私がおすすめするテーマパーク5選 1. 富士急ハイランド(山梨県) 世界屈指の絶叫マシンと富士山の絶景 日本を代表する絶叫テーマパークといえば間違いなく富士急ハイランド!ここには世界記録を持つ絶叫マシンが揃っています「高飛車」は最大角度121度の急降下でスリル満点「ドドンパ」は驚異の加速でアドレナリン全開です! そしてこのパークのもう一つの魅力は富士山の絶景アトラクションのスリルを味わいながら日本が誇る自然美を満喫できますスリルと癒しを同時に楽しめるそんな贅沢な体験をぜひ。 📸 recommendation: 富士山とジェットコースターの写真はSNS映え間違いなし!💬 「高飛車」に挑戦したいと思う人、Please tell me in comments! 2. ナガシマスパーランド(三重県) 絶叫マシン、hot spring、ショッピングが一度に楽しめる ナガシマスパーランドは単なる遊園地ではありません!スリルを追求するなら全長・高さでギネス記録を持つジェットコースター「スチールドラゴン2000」に乗ってみてくださいスリルを楽しんだ後は隣接する温泉施設でリラックスするのがおすすめです。 moreover、アウトレットモールでのショッピングも可能テーマパーク、hot spring、買い物がすべて揃った複合施設で一日中楽しむことができます。Also、季節ごとのイベントやイルミネーションも充実しているので何度訪れても新しい発見があります! 🌟 Trivia: スチールドラゴン2000は「世界最長」のローラーコースター!💬 「絶叫派」と「リラックス派」あなたはどちら派ですか?コメントで教えてください! 3. 東映太秦映画村(京都府) 江戸時代にタイムスリップ!映画の世界を体感 歴史と映画が融合したテーマパークそれが東映太秦映画村ですこのテーマパークでは日本の時代劇の世界に浸ることができます江戸時代を再現した街並みを歩きながら忍者や侍の衣装を着て写真撮影を楽しむことも可能まるで映画の主人公になったような気分が味わえます。 moreover、ライブショーや映画の撮影風景の見学もおすすめです特に海外からの旅行者には日本の伝統文化に触れる絶好の機会です。 🎥 point: 衣装レンタルを活用してSNS映えする写真を撮ってみましょう!💬 あなたなら侍と忍者どちらになりたいですか?コメントで教えてください! 4. 東京ジョイポリス(東京都) ゲームとVRの未来を体感する屋内テーマパーク 雨の日でも楽しめる東京の屋内型テーマパークといえば東京ジョイポリス。here、最新のVRアトラクションやアーケードゲームが楽しめます特にデートスポットとしても人気がありホラー系の体験やアクション満載のアトラクションは二人の距離を縮めるかもしれません! また近未来的なアトラクションが多いためゲーム好きやテクノロジーに興味がある方にはピッタリ。 🎮 recommendation: 特に人気のあるホラーアトラクションでスリルを味わってみてください!💬 あなたが体験したいアトラクションは何ですか?コメントで教えてください! 5. ひらかたパーク(大阪府) 日本最古級の遊園地で味わうレトロな魅力 最後にご紹介するのは地元で愛されるひらかたパークですこのテーマパークは長い歴史を誇りながらも現代の魅力も兼ね備えています特に人気のアトラクション「バンデット」はスリル満点のジェットコースターです季節ごとのイベントも魅力的で、cherry blossoms in spring、冬にはイルミネーションなどいつ訪れても新しい感動があります昭和レトロなアトラクションも多く幅広い世代が楽しめる温かみのある遊園地です。 🌸 point: 春の桜や冬のイルミネーションは特に見ごたえあり!💬 あなたが訪れるならどの季節ですか?コメントで教えてください! 日本のテーマパークで新たな冒険を! 日本には単なるアトラクション以上の魅力が詰まったテーマパークがたくさんありますそれぞれのパークが持つ独自の個性と魅力を楽しむことで旅の思い出がさらに深まるでしょうどのテーマパークが一番行ってみたいですか? コメントで教えていただけると嬉しいです!また、Bookmark this article、次回の旅行計画に役立ててくださいシェアして友達とも話し合いましょう! 👉 ABETACK(アベタック)をフォローして最新の旅行情報をチェックしよう! 📢...

「正真の日本の味を体験しよう!外国人も大喜びのリンゴあめ専門店トップ5」Recommended Japanese shops

"Let's experience the taste of Japan! Top 5 apple candy specialty stores that even foreigners will love"

everyone、Do you know Japanese apple candy? usually、You may think of the sweet apple candy you see at festival stalls.。but、In modern Japan、Apple candy has evolved into a modern、Beautiful appearance and sophisticated taste、It is a very popular sweet not only among Japanese people but also among foreign tourists.。 A way to bring out the sweetness and acidity of apples to the maximum、Crispy candy texture、Plus seasonal flavors、Its charm is countless。myself、I have visited many apple candy specialty stores so far.、I had a special experience that can only be experienced there.。 Introducing the top 5 apple candy specialty stores you should visit in Japan. 1. pomme d'amour tokyo location: KI Building 2F (main store), 5-9-12 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Prices: 690circle(tax included)~*Confirmation required Features: Pomme d'Amour Tokyo is known as Japan's first apple candy specialty store.、The patented powder coating is the biggest attraction。Crispy and light texture、The juicy flavor of apples blends perfectly。moreover、You can also enjoy seasonal flavors.、No matter how many times you visit, there's always something new to discover.。 2. Apple's memory location: Room B, 1st floor, Honmachi TS Building, 4-7-5 Bakuro-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture (Shinsaibashi Main Store) Fees: Plain approximately 690 yen (tax included)、Cut approximately 720 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: “Ringo no Omoi” is operated by a long-established confectionery factory that has been in business for 80 years.。Using fresh domestic apples、Available in a variety of flavors including cinnamon sugar and white chocolate.。Especially products with condensed milk、It is highly rated by foreign tourists for its rich taste.。 3. Daikanyama Candy apple location: 1st floor, Ryuo Building, 8-9 Daikanyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (Daikanyama main store) Fee: Approximately 790 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: At this stylish store in Daikanyama、While retaining the atmosphere of a traditional food stall、Enjoy apple candy arranged in a modern style。Using carefully selected seasonal apples、The exquisite balance of sweetness and sourness is appealing.。moreover、We also offer easy-to-eat cutting services.、Perfect for a light snack while strolling。 4. angel apple candy location: 5-2-5 Yamate-dori, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture Resins Yamate (Yagoto store) Prices: Plain approximately 580 yen (tax included)、Coconut approximately 680 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: This store is located in Yagoto, Nagoya.、Features apples coated with ultra-thin candy。In addition to enjoying the light and crispy texture,、Available in a variety of flavors。There are Instagrammable photo spots inside the store.、Very popular among foreign tourists who love SNS。 5. Yaorin Cafe location: 3-38-2 Shibuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Prices: Apple candy (cup) 800 yen (tax included)、Apple candy (1 ball) 1,500 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: Yaorin Cafe is located inside Shinjuku Station.、A unique apple candy specialty store run by a greengrocer。Using carefully selected seasonal apples、The candy is moderately sweet, allowing you to fully enjoy the original taste of apples.。There is a cutting service、The fact that it is easy to take home is also attractive.。 You too will be impressed by the apple candy! ! These stores are、We offer apple candy that makes use of its unique characteristics in various parts of Japan.、Well worth a visit。Every store looks beautiful、The taste is also first-class.、Perfect for remembering your trip。When you visit、Please share your thoughts and recommendations in the comments section! Let's enjoy Japan's apple candy culture together!

【完全保存版】大阪の格安ホテル5選!観光・グルメ・USJもお得に楽しむ最強ステイ術|いわぴこ厳選Recommended sightseeing route

[Completely preserved version] 5 budget hotels in Osaka! The best way to stay to enjoy sightseeing, gourmet food, and USJ at a great price|Carefully selected by Iwapiko

"Osaka trip、Would you like to have fun more wisely? ” Tips for a comfortable trip while keeping your budget in check! Hello everyone! I'm Iwapiko, a blogger who spreads the charms of Japan to the world.。"I want to go to Osaka, but、For those of you who want to stay at a cheap but convenient hotel!、Iwapiko actually stayed there this time and I was impressed.、Introducing Osaka's “5 hotels with the best value for money”**! We have carefully selected low-cost hotels that will fulfill all of your wishes.。Bookmark this article、Your trip to Osaka will be surprisingly affordable and comfortable ♪ This is the reason why Osaka is so popular with tourists! 1. delicious! cheap! Osaka gourmet takoyaki, “the city of foodies”、Okonomiyaki、Kushikatsu…Osaka gourmet food that is admired by travelers from all over the world。Walking around Dotonbori and Shinsekai、You can enjoy exquisite gourmet food on a small budget! 2. Kansai sightseeing base! Excellent access to anywhere Osaka is Kyoto、Nara、Excellent access to major tourist spots such as Kobe! If you stay in Osaka city、Enjoy all of Kansai on a day trip。 3. The best memories of Universal Studios Japan (USJ) Popular in the world。An entertainment experience unique to Osaka、We are waiting for you! [Carefully selected by Iwapiko] 5 budget hotels in Osaka | Selected based on cost performance, location, and comfort! Hotel name Price Address Star rating Hotel Keihan Universal Tower Approximately 6,000 yen~ 6-2-45 Shimaya, Konohana-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ WELLSTAY Namba Approximately 5,400 yen~ 2-8-10 Motomachi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Hotel Hokke Club Osaka Approximately 5,000 yen ~ 12-19 Usagano-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Dotonbori Crystal Hotel Approximately 4,500 yen ~ 2-9-24 Shimanouchi, Chuo-ku, Osaka ⭐⭐⭐ Wise Cabin Osaka Namba Approximately 3,800 yen~ 2-2-9 Dotonbori, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture ⭐⭐⭐ *Prices vary depending on the season, so please check the official website, etc.。 1. Hotel Keihan Universal Tower Hotel Keihan Universal Tower Official Website Iwapiko Experiences:“Even if I play until I’m exhausted at USJ,、Great to be back at the hotel! The Japanese and Western breakfast buffet has a wide variety.、I ended up eating too much (lol).” 2. WELLSTAY Namba WELLSTAY Namba official website Iwapiko's experience:``When I stayed with four friends...、The room was spacious and I was very satisfied! You can enjoy sightseeing and shopping in the Namba area.、We couldn't stop talking at the hotel at night♪ 3. Hotel Hokke Club Osaka Hotel Hokke Club Osaka Official Website Iwapiko's Experience:``After walking around sightseeing、The happiness of being able to stretch your legs in the public bath...! Wake up refreshed the next morning、I also enjoyed the next sightseeing♪” 4....