Otaru City


「心を癒し、魂を浄化!札幌近郊で体験する座禅と滝行の究極ガイド」traditional culture and history

"Heal the heart、Purify your soul! The ultimate guide to zazen and waterfall walking near Sapporo”

away from the hustle and bustle、Are you looking for a trip to soothe your mind and body in the great outdoors? In the suburbs of Sapporo、There are many places where you can experience Japan's unique spiritual practices such as zazen and waterfall meditation.。These trainings、More than just a tourist experience。face yourself、Provides a deep time to regain peace of mind。When I, Piyun, experienced the waterfall row for the first time,、Although I was surprised by the coldness,、I was impressed by the refreshing feeling after finishing it.。In this article、5 spots near Sapporo where you can experience zazen meditation and waterfall walking, which are very popular among foreigners、I will introduce you with my actual experience.。please、After reading this article、あなたも新しい挑戦をしてみてください! なぜ札幌の修行体験が外国人に人気なのか? 1. 自然と一体化する特別な環境 札幌周辺には手つかずの大自然が広がり、It is the perfect location for waterfall walking and zazen meditation.。waterfall sound、the feel of cold water、and fresh air、It refreshes your mind and body。I'm also going to the waterfall、Get your whole body hit by the powerful water flow of the waterfall、I felt as if the anxiety in my heart suddenly disappeared.。Even for foreign travelers、This nature experience is a special time that can only be found in Japan.。 2. 禅の精神で心をリセット 座禅は日本文化の一端を体験できるだけでなく、It is also a practice of ``mindfulness'' that is needed in today's stressful society.。For foreign travelers、It's a time where you can feel a simple yet deep spirituality.。Through zazen, I too、Thoughts disappear、I reaffirmed the importance of facing myself。 3. ユニークでシェアしたくなる思い出 滝行や座禅は、You can create your own story that is different from visiting tourist attractions.。courage to challenge、Silence that calms the mind、And meeting a new self。Every moment、It will be a special experience that you will want to share on SNS.。When I shared the waterfall photo、I received a lot of feedback from friends saying, ``I want to go with you next time!''。 5 recommended spots 1. 中央寺(ちゅうおうじ) 中央寺 公式HP 2. 滝行体験スポット(札幌市南区) 北海道の体験型観光 アクティビティの予約サイト 3. 徳源寺(小樽市) 徳源寺 公式HP 4. 北海道教区 大衆禅堂 臨済宗妙心寺派 北海道教区 大衆禅堂 札幌禅センター 公式HP 5. 社会人のための座禅道場 人間禅 社会人のための座禅道場 人間禅 公式HP 疲れた心をリフレッシュしませんか? 札幌の自然に囲まれた修行体験は、Provides the perfect time to refresh your mind and body。Refer to this article、Please take a journey to face yourself.。If this guide is helpful、Please share your thoughts in the comments section! Also、If you like this article、Bookmark or share on SNS、Please share this special experience with others!🌟



「真っ白な雪と透き通る氷が織りなす景色にただただ息をのむばかりでした」これは私が北海道の冬のお祭りを訪れたときの正直な感想です日本の北の大地北海道には世界中の人々を虜にする冬の祭りがあります雪と氷の芸術幻想的なライトアップそして地元の温かいホスピタリティそんな非日常の体験を一度でも味わったらきっと忘れられない思い出になるはずです。This time、外国人観光客にも大人気の北海道の冬のお祭り5選を場所とともに私の体験談を交えてご紹介します読んだ後にはあなたも訪れたくなること間違いありません! なぜ北海道の冬のお祭りが外国人に人気なのか? 北海道の冬はただ寒いだけではありません雪と氷が織りなす美しい景色世界的にも珍しいスケールの氷像や雪像そしてライトアップが織りなす幻想的な雰囲気それに加えて日本ならではのホスピタリティや地域文化が息づくイベントの数々が訪れる人々を惹きつけています。Also、For foreign tourists、普段経験することのない「厳しい冬の美しさ」はとても魅力的な体験です。for example、雪と氷を使った芸術作品に触れたり温泉で心も体も温めたりといった北海道ならではの楽しみ方が詰まっているのですぴゆんおすすめ!北海道の冬のお祭り5選 1. さっぽろ雪まつり(札幌市) さっぽろ雪まつり公式HP 2. 千歳・支笏湖氷濤まつり(千歳市 支笏湖温泉) 支笏湖氷濤まつり公式HP 3. 層雲峡温泉氷瀑まつり(上川町 層雲峡温泉) 層雲峡温泉氷瀑まつり公式HP 4. 小樽雪あかりの路(小樽市) 小樽雪あかりの路公式HP 5. 旭川冬まつり(旭川市) 旭川冬まつり公式HP ぴゆんからのメッセージ 北海道の冬は寒いだけではなく心まで温かくなる体験が詰まっています。please、この冬は思い切って北海道の冬のお祭りに訪れてみてください。and、この記事を読んで「行きたい!」と思ったらぜひコメントで教えてくださいね!あなたの感想をお待ちしていますそしてこの記事をブックマークして家族や友達にもシェアしてください一緒に北海道の冬を楽しみましょう!

Recommended Japanese shops

“Otaru’s exquisite sushi guide! 5 recommended sushi restaurants that tourists must visit [Enjoy the fresh taste of Hokkaido]”

Hello! A beautiful port town in Hokkaido、For everyone who wants to enjoy a sushi experience in Otaru、This time we will carefully select and introduce 5 popular sushi restaurants in Otaru.。Otaru is、A place where fresh seafood and craftsmanship come together.、There are plenty of spots where you can enjoy exquisite sushi while sightseeing.。Please refer to this article、Enjoy luxurious sushi made with local ingredients! 1. おたる政寿司 創業80年以上!鮮魚店から直接仕入れる最高品質のネタで味わう本格寿司 「おたる政寿司」は、A long-established sushi restaurant in Otaru that has been in business for over 80 years.。I am particularly particular about、Run your own fresh fish store、A style in which we directly purchase the fresh ingredients of the day every day.。Because seasonal seafood is available、We always provide high quality sushi。While preserving tradition、Cooking techniques are evolving day by day.、An assortment of dishes that you can enjoy with a texture and flavor that melts in your mouth.。This is a famous authentic sushi restaurant that you should visit at least once in Otaru.。While experiencing Japanese traditional culture、Recommended for those who want to enjoy high quality sushi。 price range: 中〜高価格帯住所: 北海道小樽市色内1-2-1公式サイト: Otaru Masa Sushi 2. 小樽 寿司屋通り 日本橋 リーズナブルに楽しむ地元の旬!観光客に人気の豊富なメニュー 「小樽 寿司屋通り 日本橋」は、A sushi restaurant where you can enjoy fresh seafood at reasonable prices.。Located at a tourist attraction called Otaru Sushi Shop Street、The location is also attractive, making it easy to stop by while traveling.。A wide variety of menus are available that make use of locally caught seasonal fish.、There is a wide variety from nigiri sushi to set menus.。It is supported by tourists and local regulars alike.、Excellent cost performance。Not just high-class sushi、This is the perfect place for those who want to enjoy authentic sushi at an affordable price.。 price range: 中価格帯住所: 小樽市稲穂1丁目1番4号公式サイト: Otaru Sushi Shop Street Nihonbashi 3. 小樽 福鮨 小樽運河から徒歩圏内!観光ついでに立ち寄れる風情ある老舗寿司屋 「小樽 福鮨」は、Conveniently located right next to Otaru Canal、This is the perfect sushi restaurant to visit in between sightseeing.。Sushi made with fresh seafood lets you fully experience the local flavor.、We also have a wide range of banquet plans available.。Perfect for traveling with family or friends、It's close to tourist spots so you can easily stop by.。In an atmosphere typical of Otaru、Recommended for those who want to enjoy Hokkaido's seafood to the fullest。 price range: 中〜高価格帯住所: 小樽市堺通り沿い公式サイト: Otaru Fukuzushi 4. おたるすし田 漁師直送の魚介で味わう贅沢寿司!観光客に嬉しい朝食・ランチメニューも充実 「おたるすし田」は、Prioritize freshness、A sushi restaurant that serves seafood purchased directly from fishermen.。Especially nice for tourists、Available for breakfast and lunch。The toppings are made with fish that arrives that morning from the Otaru market.、The taste and aroma are exceptional.。High quality at a reasonable price、Enjoy breakfast and lunch as if you were immersed in the life of the locals.。This is a restaurant you should definitely visit if you want to start your trip or have a taste of Hokkaido for lunch.。 price range: 中〜高価格帯住所: 北海道小樽市堺町2番3号公式サイト: Otaru Sushida 5. おたる 旭寿司 運河散策後のランチ・ディナーにぴったり!観光客に人気の立地と美味しさが魅力 「おたる 旭寿司」は、Located right next to the tourist spot Otaru Canal.、This sushi restaurant is loved by locals and tourists alike.。Nigiri sushi and sashimi made with fresh seafood from Hokkaido are served.、You can easily enjoy authentic sushi while sightseeing.。The atmosphere inside the store is calm.、Another appeal is that you can enjoy the deliciousness of traditional sushi slowly.。With the beautiful view of Otaru Canal、This is the ideal place for those who want a memorable sushi experience.。 price range: 中〜高価格帯住所: 小樽市色内1丁目12番5号公式サイト: おたる 旭寿司 まとめ 小樽でおすすめの寿司屋5軒をご紹介しました。At a sushi restaurant in Otaru where you can enjoy Hokkaido's seafood to the fullest.、You can indulge in the seasonal flavors of the four seasons.。There are many well-located shops where you can stop by while sightseeing.、Each store values ​​the local flavor and atmosphere.。When sightseeing in Otaru、ぜひ今回ご紹介した寿司屋で美味しいお寿司を堪能してください! 小樽での寿司体験やお気に入りのお店について、Please share in the comments section! We look forward to your comments and questions.。