Manners in Japan

Manners in Japan


📍「日本のSNSでよく見る『ぬい撮り』って何?」📍「ぬいぐるみと写真を撮るって子供っぽくない?」📍「なぜ大人までぬいぐるみを持ち歩くの?」 もしそんな疑問を持ったことがあるならこの記事を読めばすべて解決します!💡 now、日本発の「ぬい撮り(ぬいどり)」が海外でも大流行中!🌍✨ 実は僕も最初は「ぬいぐるみと写真を撮るなんて子供向けでしょ?」と思っていました。 but、one day、動物園に立ち寄った際に試しにぬいぐるみを持って行ってみたんです。 📸 最初は軽い気持ちで撮影…→ 「まあ可愛いかも?」 📸 別の日レストランでぬいぐるみを座らせて撮ってみる…→ 「お雰囲気出るじゃん!」 📸 さらに帰りに桜の前で撮ってみる…→ 「うわぁぬいぐるみが旅をしてるみたい!」 この瞬間僕の中で「ぬい撮り」の概念が変わりましたただの写真じゃないこれはまるで「ぬいぐるみと一緒に物語を作る」感覚しかもSNSに投稿すると…「可愛い!どこで撮ったの?」「このぬいぐるみどこで買えるの?」「次の旅先でも撮ってほしい!」 …とまさかのバズり🔥 thus、僕は完全に「ぬい撮り」にハマってしまったのです🤣 Well then、なぜ「ぬい撮り」が日本で大人気なのか? そして海外でも広がりつつある理由とは?実際に僕が撮影した写真も交えながら詳しく解説していきます!👇 🌟 そもそも「ぬい撮り」って何? 「ぬい撮り(ぬいどり)」とはぬいぐるみを主役にして写真を撮ること単なる「ぬいぐるみ写真」ではなくまるでぬいぐるみが旅をしているようなストーリー性のある写真を撮るのが特徴です📸✨ ✅ ぬいぐるみを持ってお出かけし旅の記録を残すカフェやおしゃれなスポットで「ぬいぐるみと一緒の写真」を撮るストーリー性のある写真を作りSNSに投稿! 🌏 なぜ日本で「ぬい撮り」が人気なの? 📌 ① 日本の「カワイイ文化(Kawaii Culture)」が根付いている 日本ではサンリオポケモンジブリなどのキャラクター文化が発展し「カワイイ」を楽しむことが大人にも当たり前になっています海外では「ぬいぐるみ=子供のおもちゃ」と思われがちですが、In Japan、大人や若い子がぬいぐるみを持ち歩いたりキーボルダー代わりにバッグに装着することも多いんです。Therefore、ぬいぐるみを愛でる文化が自然に広まりぬい撮りが流行するきっかけになりました。 📌 ② ぬいぐるみを「大切なパートナー」と考える文化 日本ではぬいぐるみを「ただのモノ」ではなく「心の支え」「旅の仲間」として扱う人が多いです。 actually、日本には…「ぬいぐるみと泊まれるホテル」(大小さまざまなぬいぐるみと泊まれるサービス)「ぬいぐるみ専用のクリーニング」(ぬいぐるみを綺麗にする専門のサービス)「ぬいぐるみ供養」(捨てる際に感謝を込めてお別れする儀式) …などぬいぐるみを特別な存在として扱う文化が根付いています「ぬいぐるみ=大切な仲間」という意識があるからこそぬいぐるみと一緒に思い出を作り写真に残したくなるのです。 📌 ③ SNS映えする!...

掃除をする人Manners in Japan

"Japan's End of Year Cleanup: Traditions to welcome the new year cleanly

Hello! A blogger who conveys the charms of Japan to the world、It's Momo! Today is、About Japan's traditional end-of-year event, "Big Cleaning"、I'd like to introduce it to people overseas。Every year in Japan、12There is a special habit of thoroughly cleaning the whole house at the end of the month.、This habit isn't just cleaning、It's like an important year-end ritual。To welcome the new year with a refreshing feeling、Clean the house、Reset your mind too。This wonderful tradition、I would like to introduce it to you! 1. The origin and origin of the great cleaning: Japan's major cleaning habits、It comes from an old ritual called "soot purification."。This soot removal、It is said to have started in the Heian period.。at that time、It is possible to wipe off soot that has accumulated inside the house、It was believed to be a bad luck。Also、Cleaning the house during this time、Get ready to welcome the year god、It also meant to remove evil spirits from the house.。What is the year god?、A god who visits his home to welcome the new year、It is said that in order to welcome this god it is important that the house be clean.。 2. Modern cleaning Modern cleaning、In addition to thoroughly cleaning the whole house at the end of the year、Organize unnecessary things、It also means to settle your mind to welcome the new year.。Reach out to a place you don't normally clean、A major feature of cleaning is to clean every corner of the house。We will focus on cleaning the following areas:。The whole family often performs a major cleaning with cooperation.、By cleaning together, we can share the feeling that we are ready to welcome the new year.。 - Cleaning windows and sashes:Remove any dirt that has accumulated in the window、I'm ready to welcome the light。Cleaning ventilation fans and air conditioners:Cleans the filters of ventilation fans and air conditioners that are prone to accumulation of oily and dust.。・Cleaning the bathroom and toilet:Thoroughly remove water stains and mold、Create a clean water area。・Clean the back and gaps of furniture:Clean areas that are usually out of reach。・Organize and sort out:Dispose of unused items、Cleaning up your house is also part of the big cleaning。 3. Momo style! I've actually experienced cleaning every year、I always do a big cleaning、It's difficult to clean everything at once during busy times at the end of the year.、I'm paying attention to some points。 ・Proceed with a planned cleaning:If you try to do it all at once、You'll run out of time and energy。I、Cleaning will be done in several days。for example、1Days are in the kitchen and living room、2Days are bath and toilet、3Days include windows, curtains, etc.、I'll start cleaning in order。・Clean areas that are usually out of reach:Filters on the back of the fridge or on the air conditioner、Cleaning gaps in furniture and other areas、The whole house is clean。・Play music to make cleaning more enjoyable:I play my favorite music while cleaning、I try to raise my tension。When music is playing、Cleaning is fun、It'll be over in a flash! 4. Recommended cleaning tools and detergents To efficiently carry out the main cleaning process、Convenient and effective cleaning tools and detergents are essential。Here are some recommended cleaning tools and detergents I actually use.。 ・Cordless vacuum cleaner:It's light and easy to carry, so it's convenient。You can even clean the corners of the floor and carpets。・Microfiber cloth:Adhesives dirt thoroughly、Because it can be wiped off、Helps to clean windows and mirrors。It is also recommended for cleaning furniture and appliances。Baking soda and citric acid:Baking soda is used to remove oil stains and odors in the kitchen、Citric acid is useful for removing dirt and mold。・Detergent for bath use:Especially when using mold removal detergents and water stain removal detergents、Can be kept clean。・Storage box and garbage bag:Dispose of things you don't use、You can organize your home neatly。 5. Finally, Japan's big cleaning、It's not just a cleaning、Clean your house to celebrate the new year、This is an important ritual to reset your mind too。Through this habit、The fun of cleaning with the family、You can feel the joy of preparing for the new year。By doing a big cleaning、Even places you don't normally clean will be cleaned、You can celebrate the new year in a clean state。Everyone please、Incorporating traditional Japanese cleaning、Please welcome the New Year with a refreshing feeling!

これを知らないと損!日本の電車マナーで旅が変わる!!Manners in Japan

If you don't know this, you're missing out! Japanese public transportation etiquette will change your journey! !

Japanese trains、It is characterized by tranquility and cleanliness that are rarely seen anywhere in the world.。What supports this is "manners"。Many of you may be wondering, "Why is it so quiet?"。actually、Behind this is "respect for others".。 In Japan、Public transportation such as trains and buses has become an important part of daily life.。Therefore、Manners in these places are、It's not just a rule、It is considered an important element for maintaining harmony in society as a whole.。Just understand and practice this etiquette、The experience of public transportation in Japan is even more fun.、It should turn into something meaningful.。Also、communication with local people and、You will also deepen your understanding of Japanese culture.。 Why Japanese public transport etiquette is important Japan's trains and buses、It has won praise around the world for its precise running times and cleanliness.。What supports this development is "manners".。By practicing this、Expressing respect for local culture、Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to experience the Japanese worldview.。 Top 5 Public Transportation Etiquette in Japan Manners Explanation Don't make any noise Avoid talking on the phone or having loud conversations、do not make unnecessary noise。for example、It is also recommended to mute the notification sound on your smartphone.。 Observe the line Observe the order of boarding and disembarking、Avoid platform confusion。This rule is especially important during rush hours.。 Eat and drink in moderation Avoid eating on the subway or bus、Allowed only on long-distance trains, etc.。This is the basics for keeping the inside of your car clean.。 Elderly people take care of priority seats、disabled person、Expresses concern for pregnant people。This results in、Increased sense of security for society as a whole。 How to use the backpack: Move from your back to your front.、reduce the inconvenience caused to others。This is an important etiquette especially when it is crowded.。 List and explanation of transportation etiquette in Japan Additional points to enrich your experience on public transportation in Japan、Please refer to the following points to enjoy public transportation in Japan.。 summary:here we go、Let's practice Japanese public transportation etiquette! Just refer to this guide、Your Japanese public transportation experience will be completely different.。While traveling by train or bus、By being conscious of manners、create better memories、Make your stay in Japan meaningful。 By learning and practicing Japanese traffic manners、Deepening interactions with local people、This is a valuable opportunity to understand different cultures.。please、Take advantage of this manner、Enjoy a heart-rich journey。 Want to know more? Related article links

traditional culture and history

🚦 "picture、Japanese traffic rules、Manners are so different! ? "

Hello! It is Iwapiko! This time, "Eh、This is a violation in Japan! ? Thorough explanation of the surprising rules! you、Japanese traffic rules、How many manners do you know? "What is a signal?、You have to cross the car, right? "Is it okay for a motorcycle to run a little sidewalk, isn't it?"、Car priority is the priority, right? "... I'm thinking like this、It may be a problem in Japan!😱 So this time、 Japan's unique transportation rules "This is so different from overseas!?"、Carefully selected four manners! Why is Japan so tough? "Eh," compared to your country、Too different! If you think、Please let me know in the comments! 🚗💨 If you don't know, it's dangerous! Four points to prevent fines, accidents, and troubles、It's a red light, but you can cross! ? "Pedestrians、Insanely prioritized! ? There is such a country! ? "" Japanese road、It's difficult because there are too many rules ... "If you've ever come to Japan、Once "Japanese traffic rules、Too different from the world! You should have thought。And ... it's dangerous if you don't know!😱 ❌ You will be fined! ?❌ Police stop! ?❌ I get angry with the Japanese! ? (no、That's not the case😂) actual、My foreign friend (from Canada)、On the first day after coming to Japan ... 🚶 "If you try to cross a pedestrian crossing in the middle of the night、All the Japanese people around me stopped "→" Eh、why! ? "🚴 "If you run on the sidewalk by bicycle、I was seen by the Japanese ... "→" Is this? This is useless!? "、He feels, "It's dangerous if you don't really know the rules!"。 Why is Japan so strict? and、Why is it so different from overseas? This time、Thorough explanation of "why?" Of Japanese traffic rules! Read from the perspective of "How is it different from your country?" 🚥 1. Absolutely stop at the red light! Overseas with the Japanese rules awareness → "It's normal to cross if the car is not coming" Japan → "Even if there are no people、Even at midnight、Absolutely wait! " "picture、No one is、Why wait! ?😨" this、100 % surprising rules for foreigners who came to Japan ...

traditional culture and history

I definitely want to know! "Surprising things that cannot be brought to Japan" Complete guide and preparation that do not fail

Hello! It is Iwapiko! You are going to the airport with enthusiastic saying, "I'm ready for traveling in Japan!"。but、What do you do if customs suddenly say, "I can't bring this?" actually、Japan is one of the most secure and clean countries in the world、Supporting it is a very strict bring -in regulation.。Especially items and souvenirs that are usually used overseas、There are many cases that are prohibited in Japan。If you bring it in without knowing it、Not to mention confiscation、In some cases, you may even be fined or arrested。 me too、Luxury salami purchased for the first time in France、I have been confiscated by airport quarantine。At that time, I was just panicked, "Why!?"、For you after reading this article、I don't want you to make the same mistake。 In this article、In addition, we will explain the list of "things that cannot be brought to Japan" in detail、Reasons for the background and regulation、I will also tell you the tips to avoid trouble。If you read this guide、You are ready to enjoy traveling in Japan with confidence! Why is Japan strictly restricted? Japan's carry -in regulations、Established to achieve the following three purposes。 These regulations are the basis for protecting "peace of mind", "clean", and "orderly society".。It may feel a little harsh for travelers from overseas、This is one of the reasons why Japan is highly evaluated worldwide.。 List and reasons that cannot be brought in 1. Fake brands, copies, even if you think it's real、It will be confiscated if it is judged to be "fake" at customs。this is、With regulations to protect the value of the brand、It is very strictly cracked down in Japan。 Actual example:In some cases, a "bargain brand bag" purchased by a friend while traveling abroad was confiscated by customs.。Because it was an elaborate fake that could not be understood by the appearance、He was shocked。 2. In Japan, in Japan、Legal drugs may be illegal in some countries。for example、General cough drugs and supplements in the United States、In Japan, it may contain components that are not brought in.。 countermeasure:When bringing the medicine、Check in advance on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and Customs websites。It is safe to have a copy of the prescription and a doctor's medical certificate.。 3. Meat products, fresh food frozen meat、sausage、Fruit fruits, etc.、To prevent the risk of illness and pests、Strictly regulated。 episode:The salami I tried to bring back from France to Japan was confiscated by quarantine。The moment I was disposed of on the spot was quite shocking、"To protect Japanese agriculture and ecosystems"、I was convinced。 4. Products related to endangered species ivory and specific fur、Coral products, etc.、Products regulated by the Washington Treaty、Bringing to Japan is prohibited。 5. Heavy firearms, explosive firearms and gunpowder、Bringing in explosives is of course prohibited。In Japan, possession of firearms is very strictly restricted.、This rule supports the status as a "safe country"。 6. Plants and soil plants and seeds、Soil、You cannot bring it in unless you have a quarantine certificate。This is also a regulation to protect agriculture and natural environment.。 Tips for avoiding troubles in customs 1. Confirm official information before traveling on the website of Japan Customs and Embassy、Let's find out if the goods you plan to bring in is subject to regulation。 List of Japanese Embassy Japan Customs HP 2. Utilizing voluntary discard boxes 2. Utilizing voluntary discard boxes, "voluntary discard boxes" are installed at the airport.。Even if you find a prohibited item、You can avoid troubles by using this box。 3. When bringing documents and special items to prepare documents、Prepare the required permit and medical certificate in advance。 How was your message to the reader? I hope this article helps me a little。Impressions that "it was surprising" "I didn't know!"、If you have your own experiences, please let me know in the comments! Also、By sharing this article、We can help you to make your family and friends travel more smoothly。 Please enjoy a wonderful trip in Japan! Summary The restrictions in Japan may seem strict at first glance.、It is an important rule to protect the country。Refer to this guide、Avoid troubles、Enjoy your best trip to Japan!

traditional culture and history

"Why are Japanese people's personalities highly praised around the world? The secrets and touching stories are revealed!"

"Why are Japanese so special?" This is、It is a question that was thrown many times by overseas friends。The reason why Japanese personality is evaluated around the world、Relateness and coordination、Not just patience。Behind that、The unique values ​​cultivated in long history and culture are hidden.。 In this article、The charm of the Japanese personality、I will deliver it with my own experiences。By the time you finish reading、I was impressed with "Japanese people are amazing!"、You should want to know Japan deeply。 true story:At Shinjuku Station, Tokyo Station, a miraculous impressive that creates politeness、It is a story when I helped foreign tourists who were lost。Not only teach them the way to them who were in trouble by looking at the map、I went to the destination together。Then they、"In a busy city、You can get so kind! "。after that、He sent me a thank -you letter with gratitude.。 What I felt from this event、"Courtine" and "kindness" that are obvious for Japanese people、For foreigners, this means that it will lead to great excitement.。 5 reasons why the Japanese personality is loved around the world 1. politeness:When a foreign friend visits Japan for the first time: caring for everyone, everywhere、"At every store, the staff greets you with a polite bow," he said, surprising me.。moreover、I was moved by the sight of people picking up trash on the roadside.、He highly praised that "courtesy is deeply rooted in our culture."。These small actions、It creates trust and excitement.。 2. humility:Restrain yourself and respect others, as symbolized by the Japanese value of ``the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.''、Japanese people are virtue that they are modest。At work、Rather than claiming, "This is my achievements."、It is natural to be pleased with the results of the whole team。This humility is、Make foreigners feel "coordination and honesty"、Gives trust。 3. Endurance:Quiet strength to face difficulties - during the Great East Japan Earthquake、What attracted the attention of many foreign media、Japanese people form an orderly line、They were helping each other。I can't forget what I saw at the evacuation center back then.。Many people say, ``I'm amazed at the patience of Japanese people.''、His calm demeanor in the face of hardship was praised around the world.。 4. Coordination:When I did a team project with a foreign friend who values ​​``Japanese'' more than the individual.、He said, ``I was surprised by the attitude of all Japanese people working toward one goal.''。In Japan、Because team harmony is more important than individual success、Natural cooperation is fostered。 5. perfectionism:Impressions created by attention to detail Kyoto's traditional gardens、A friend from overseas who saw the skills of Japanese sushi chefs said, ``This attention to detail is amazing.、I was impressed and said, ``It's unique to Japanese people.''。Japanese perfectionism、We are creating the image of "reliable" around the world。 Is it difficult to "understand the culture"? but、That's attractive! Foreigners may ask, "Why not Japanese people say directly?"。surely、In Japan, there is a rooting culture that takes in the feelings of the other person.。but、By knowing this culture、You should notice the delicate compassion of the Japanese。 Ask the reader:Please tell me your episode! Read this article、If you think "the Japanese personality is wonderful!"、Please share this article by all means。Also、Episode experienced in Japan and、Please tell us your impression of the Japanese in the comments.。 for example、Please answer this question: Your comment、It might spark the interest of new readers! summary:The influence of the Japanese personality on the world Politeness、humility、Coordination、Endurance、Perfectionism: These traits、Generating trust and respect for Japanese people around the world。

知らないと損する!? 初めて日本を訪れる外国人が守るべきマナー10選Manners in Japan

It's a loss if you don't know!? 10 manners foreigners should follow when visiting Japan for the first time

First trip to Japan。A mixture of expectations and anxiety、If you know the manners unique to Japan、I'm sure you'll have a great time。Japan is not only famous for its beautiful scenery and traditional culture.、It is a country characterized by the attention to detail that is present in everyday life.。 In this article、We will explain in an easy-to-understand manner the "manners in public places" that tourists visiting Japan for the first time should know.。I will carefully introduce the background and reasons.、You should be able to naturally observe manners while becoming familiar with Japanese culture.。Please use it as a reference、Enjoy your trip in Japan even more。 Why should you know Japanese manners? Japanese people、We value a "culture of consideration for others"。It's not just public places、home and work、Can be seen in every scene of daily life。When tourists respect the culture and act accordingly、Relationships with local people become smoother、Your travel satisfaction will be even higher。 for example、The comments that I often see on review sites and social media are, ``Japanese trains were quiet and comfortable'' and ``I was surprised at how clean the city was.''、This is the result of an environment created by the consideration of the Japanese people.。on the other hand、Loud voices and eating and drinking on the train、Leaving garbage etc.、You may cause trouble to local people by unintentionally breaking the rules.。 Increase pleasant experiences at your travel destination、In order to avoid trouble、It is important to know the minimum manners。That's all、Travel will be more enjoyable。 Typical manners to follow are as follows:、This is a table that summarizes manners in public places that are especially important in Japan.。Please refer to it.。 Manners Why are they important? What happens if you protect it? Be quiet on trains and buses.We value the space where other passengers can relax.。 You can comfortably use public transportation in Japan.。 Take your trash home as there are not enough trash cans、It is common to take home。 You can contribute to keeping the city clean。 Stand on one side of the escalator (left side in Kanto)、In Kansai, it is customary to stand on the right side.。 Allows for smooth movement、be appreciated by those around you。 Wash your body in the hot spring before entering the hot spring, as it is a place that everyone uses.、It is important to maintain cleanliness。 You can properly enjoy Japanese traditional culture。 Bowing before passing through the torii gate at a shrine is an act that shows respect for a sacred place.。 You can deepen your understanding of Japanese religious culture。 Typical Japanese manners About the manners of foreigners from a Japanese perspective Many Japanese people welcome foreign tourists, but、You may be concerned about the following behaviors:。 but、Tourists are interested in Japanese culture and manners.、If you show an attitude of trying to put it into practice、I feel that Japanese people are very friendly.。A little effort、It creates trust and gratitude with local people.。 Observing Japanese manners、It's not just about following the rules。it is、Deepen interactions with local people、It's also a way to make your trip more fulfilling.。Just be aware of the points introduced in this article、Your stay in Japan will be special。 To enjoy your trip in Japan、Please take advantage of this article。and、Please make many wonderful memories。 Article link to learn more Etiquette guide to avoid mistakes when traveling to Japan! Tips and tricks for public transportation and restaurants

日本への旅行で失敗しないためのマナーガイド!公共交通機関と食事店でのポイントとコツManners in Japan

An etiquette guide to avoid mistakes when traveling to Japan! Tips and tricks for public transportation and restaurants

Japan is known as a “manner country”、Tourists who visit are often surprised by the orderliness and politeness.。but、If we act without understanding these cultural differences,、It may cause unexpected trouble or discomfort.。In this guide、A detailed explanation of etiquette that you should be especially careful about when traveling to Japan.、We will help you have a comfortable and memorable stay.。 1. Etiquette on public transportation Japanese public transportation is、Recognized worldwide for its accuracy and orderliness。To enjoy comfortable movement、Please keep the following manners in mind。 ・Line up when boarding There are lines on the station platform to indicate the boarding position.。Line up neatly along this line、Give priority to those getting off before boarding.。When it's crowded, hold your backpack in front of you.、It is important to be considerate of other passengers。 Etiquette points Why are they important? Line up along the line To maintain order Give priority to getting off the train Achieve smooth boarding and alighting Pack your luggage into small pieces Consider other passengers Important points of etiquette on public transportation ・Be quiet inside the car Inside the car then avoid phone calls、Be careful of sound leakage when listening to music。Especially near priority seats.、It is considered good manners to turn off your mobile phone.。 cultural background: Japanese people place great importance on not causing trouble to others.、These values ​​are also reflected within public transport.。 ・Etiquette when getting off the train When you get close to the station where you are getting off, move near the door.、Make sure to disembark smoothly。On escalators, the side you stand on differs depending on the region.、It is important to adapt to the actions of those around you。 2. Etiquette at restaurants How to enjoy Japanese food culture to the fullest、Let's follow basic manners。 ・Notes while eating It is permissible to make noise when eating soup or ramen.、In other situations, you are expected to eat quietly.。You also need to be careful when using chopsticks.、Sashimi chopsticks and yose chopsticks are bad manners.。It makes a good impression if you arrange the dishes after you finish eating.。 Examples of bad manners Why you should avoid Stitched chopsticks Considered rude Propping up chopsticks on tableware Reminiscent of Buddhist rituals Etiquette at restaurants ・Behave quietly Be careful of the volume of your conversation at restaurants.、Please be careful not to disturb other customers.。Polite behavior is required, especially at high-end Japanese restaurants and restaurants.。 ・Tipping Culture In Japan, there is no custom of tipping.。Instead of handing over cash directly when paying、It is generally placed on the accounting tray.。 3. Garbage Disposal Japan places great emphasis on cleanliness.、Garbage is thoroughly separated and taken home.。By following this、You can maintain Japan's beautiful cityscapes.。 ・Recycling habits plastic、can、bottle、paper etc.、Garbage is carefully separated。At tourist spots and accommodation facilities、In many cases, instructions on how to separate the items are provided.、let's follow it。 ・Cigarette butts: Please smoke in designated smoking areas.。It is convenient to bring a portable ashtray.。 ・Countermeasures against trash at tourist spots. Some places have few trash cans.、We recommend carrying a garbage bag with you.。Throwing garbage in public places is strictly prohibited。 4. Manners at religious facilities and tourist spots, such as temples and shrines、Places that reflect Japanese culture and beliefs、Appropriate behavior is expected。 ・Visit procedures: Bow once before passing through the torii gate.、Cleanse your hands and mouth at the chozuya。After putting coins into the offering box、The basic etiquette is to pray with two bows, two claps, and one bow.。 example: At the famous Fushimi Inari Taisha、A smooth visit to the shrine is achieved by visitors following the flow of worship.。 ・Considerations at tourist spots: Be careful not to disturb other tourists at crowded tourist spots.。When taking photos、Please be careful not to photograph others without their permission.。...