Hello! It is Iwapiko!
actually、Japan is one of the most secure and clean countries in the world、Supporting it is a very strict bring -in regulation.。Especially items and souvenirs that are usually used overseas、There are many cases that are prohibited in Japan。If you bring it in without knowing it、Not to mention confiscation、In some cases, you may even be fined or arrested。
me too、Luxury salami purchased for the first time in France、I have been confiscated by airport quarantine。At that time, I was just panicked, "Why!?"、For you after reading this article、I don't want you to make the same mistake。
In this article、In addition, we will explain the list of "things that cannot be brought to Japan" in detail、Reasons for the background and regulation、I will also tell you the tips to avoid trouble。If you read this guide、安心して日本旅行を楽しむ準備ができますよ!
日本の持ち込み規制は、Established to achieve the following three purposes。
- 犯罪の防止
薬物や偽ブランド品など、犯罪の温床となる物品を国内に持ち込ませないための対策です。 - 自然環境と農業の保護
海外から持ち込まれる食品や植物に含まれる病原菌や害虫が、日本の農業や自然を脅かさないようにするためです。 - 文化と法律の尊重
These regulations are the basis for protecting "peace of mind", "clean", and "orderly society".。It may feel a little harsh for travelers from overseas、This is one of the reasons why Japan is highly evaluated worldwide.。

List and reasons that cannot be brought in
1. 偽ブランド品・コピー品
たとえ本物だと思っていても、It will be confiscated if it is judged to be "fake" at customs。this is、With regulations to protect the value of the brand、It is very strictly cracked down in Japan。
Actual example:In some cases, a "bargain brand bag" purchased by a friend while traveling abroad was confiscated by customs.。Because it was an elaborate fake that could not be understood by the appearance、He was shocked。

2. 薬物(合法な薬にも注意)
In Japan、Legal drugs may be illegal in some countries。for example、General cough drugs and supplements in the United States、In Japan, it may contain components that are not brought in.。
countermeasure:When bringing the medicine、Check in advance on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and Customs websites。It is safe to have a copy of the prescription and a doctor's medical certificate.。

3. 肉製品・生鮮食品
冷凍肉、sausage、Fruit fruits, etc.、To prevent the risk of illness and pests、Strictly regulated。
episode:The salami I tried to bring back from France to Japan was confiscated by quarantine。The moment I was disposed of on the spot was quite shocking、"To protect Japanese agriculture and ecosystems"、I was convinced。

4. 絶滅危惧種に関する製品
象牙や特定の毛皮、Coral products, etc.、Products regulated by the Washington Treaty、Bringing to Japan is prohibited。

5. 重火器や爆発物
銃器や火薬、Bringing in explosives is of course prohibited。In Japan, possession of firearms is very strictly restricted.、This rule supports the status as a "safe country"。

6. 植物と土壌
植物や種、Soil、You cannot bring it in unless you have a quarantine certificate。This is also a regulation to protect agriculture and natural environment.。

Tips for avoiding troubles in customs
1. 渡航前に公式情報を確認
日本税関や大使館のウェブサイトで、Let's find out if the goods you plan to bring in is subject to regulation。

2. 自主廃棄ボックスを活用2. 自主廃棄ボックスを活用
空港には「自主廃棄ボックス」が設置されています。Even if you find a prohibited item、You can avoid troubles by using this box。

3. 書類を用意する
薬や特殊な物品を持ち込む際は、Prepare the required permit and medical certificate in advance。

いかがでしたか?この記事が少しでもお役に立てたなら幸いです。Impressions that "it was surprising" "I didn't know!"、If you have your own experiences, please let me know in the comments! Also、By sharing this article、We can help you to make your family and friends travel more smoothly。

日本の持ち込み規制は一見厳しく感じるかもしれませんが、It is an important rule to protect the country。Refer to this guide、Avoid troubles、Enjoy your best trip to Japan!
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