Hello、A blogger who spreads the charms of Japan to the world、Piyunis!
日本を訪れる外国人観光客にとって、Kimono rental is one of the experiences that will make your travel memories even more special.。Just wear a kimono and walk through the historic streets.、You can feel like you are the main character in a movie.。
This time、Based on my actual experience visiting、We will carefully select and introduce ``5 recommended kimono rental shops that will never fail''! location and fees、The features are explained in an easy-to-understand manner、Please use this as a reference for your trip to Japan.。If you read this article till the end、You're sure to find a restaurant that makes you think, "I want to visit this place!"。
Why is kimono rental so popular among foreign tourists?
1. 文化を身にまとえる体験
日本文化を象徴する伝統衣装「着物」。By wearing a kimono、Not only can you experience Japanese culture, but also、It also provides an opportunity to learn about the historical background.。Especially in tourist areas such as Kyoto and Tokyo Asakusa.、Kimono blends into the cityscape、You can feel as if you have traveled back in time。
2. 写真映えするスポットと組み合わせが抜群
着物姿で撮った写真は、It's sure to be Instagrammable! Hanamikoji in Gion and bamboo forest in Arashiyama、The combination of sightseeing spots such as Sensoji Temple and kimono is、It fully creates a Japanese atmosphere.。Great as a photo to post on SNS。
3. 言葉の壁を感じないサポート体制
着付けやヘアセットはプロが担当してくれるので、No need to worry about language barriers。Many stores have English support、Even foreign tourists can use it with confidence。
✨ ぴゆんの体験談
京都の祇園で着物を着て、When I walked under the cherry blossom trees、A scene so beautiful it's hard to believe it's real。Posting a photo on SNS、A friend from overseas praised it and said, ``This is Japan!''、It was a valuable time for me to rediscover the beauty of Japan.。
From here、Introducing a kimono rental store that I actually used and was impressed with! We will explain in detail the characteristics and charms of each.。
1. 着物レンタル「咲く都」祇園店(京都)
- place: 京都府京都市東山区大和大路通り四条上ル富永町147 祇園タマビル(祇園四条駅から徒歩1分、花見小路まで徒歩3分)
- Fee: ¥2,750(税込)~
- Features:
- 250種類以上の着物ラインナップ。アンティークデザインやレース着物も選べます。
- プロの着付けとヘアセットサービスがプランに含まれているので安心。
- 学生やカップル向けのお得な割引プランあり。
✨ ぴゆんの感想
「着物で京都を楽しむならここ!」と思えるほど満足度が高いです。Especially the hair style is very careful.、I had a cute updo。While walking in Gion、The result was so beautiful that tourists asked, "Can I take a picture?"。
2. 京都きものレンタル夢館 五条店(京都)
- place: 京都市下京区塩竈町353 豊彩ビル
- Fee: ¥3,000~
- Features:
- 和柄の伝統的なデザインからモダンなものまで選択肢が豊富。
- 季節限定の特別コレクションが登場するのも魅力。
- 観光名所に近く、レンタル後の移動もスムーズ。
✨ ぴゆんの感想
清水寺までの道のりで、I was moved by the feeling of being one with the scenery while wearing a kimono! Also、The staff are very kind、I was impressed by the way they provided information in English that was easy for foreign tourists to understand.。
3. ぎをん錦 祇園本店(京都)
- place: 京都市東山区祇園町北側347富貴ビル1階(祇園花月前バス停より徒歩1分)
- Fee: ¥1,900(税込¥2,090)~
- Features:
- 手ごろな価格で着物レンタルが楽しめる。
- 学生やカップルに人気の10%オフ割引あり。
- 「楽々返却サービス」で観光後の返却もラクチン。
✨ ぴゆんの感想
リーズナブルな価格設定なので、Recommended for those who want to experience kimono for the first time。I used it with a friend、There are many kimono designs available.、I was surprised at the high cost performance.。
4. 着物レンタルVASARA 浅草寺店( 東京)
- place: 東京都台東区浅草1-1-16HK浅草ビル9F
- Fee: ¥2,900~
- Features:
- 日本最大級のレンタルチェーン。浅草以外にも全国展開。
- レトロモダンなデザインやレース着物など選択肢が豊富。
- 浅草寺や雷門といった観光スポットへのアクセス抜群。
✨ ぴゆんの感想
浅草寺をバックに写真を撮ったとき、A foreign tourist who was there said, "It's like a scene from a movie!"。If you want to easily enjoy Japanese culture in Tokyo, this is the best place.。
5. 京嵐和服 嵐山渡月橋店(京都)
- place: 京都市右京区嵯峨天龍寺芒ノ馬場町3-56
- Fee: ¥5,500~
- Features:
- 高品質な着物を提供し、上質な和装体験が可能。
- 竹林の小径や渡月橋といった人気観光スポットへのアクセス抜群。
- 豪華な撮影プランも用意されており、特別な思い出作りに最適。
✨ ぴゆんの感想
嵐山の竹林で撮った写真は、It's still one of my favorites。For those who want to choose a high-quality kimono、特別な記念日に利用したい方におすすめ!
日本での着物レンタル体験は、You can create special memories that cannot be experienced just by sightseeing.。The five stores introduced in this article are all stores that we can recommend with confidence.。Please choose your favorite place、Please enjoy Japanese culture to the fullest!
💬 コメント・シェア大歓迎!
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