Challenge Japan's secrets! Top 5 must-see ninja experiences you should never miss

Challenge Japan's secrets! Top 5 must-see ninja experiences you should never miss


子供の頃、Have you ever dreamed of becoming a ninja? Walking through the quiet shadows、Ninjas overcome difficulties with incredible skills。Its mysticity is、It still attracts us。In this blog、We've carefully selected some of the best ninja experience spots I've actually visited! Enjoying the world of ninjas、Let's go on a trip that will also be exposed to Japanese history and culture。here we go、Why not try and get to know the secrets of ninjas too?

1. 伊賀流忍者博物館(三重県)


忍者のふるさと、This museum in Iga、Not only can you experience history、Full of activities you can enjoy。What surprised me was、The cleverness of the hidden door mechanism! It gives you the feeling of being in a scene from a movie。

  • 隠し扉やからくりを探る冒険感次々と現れるトラップに挑戦!
  • スリル満点の手裏剣体験大人も子供も楽しめる体験型アクティビティ
  • 歴史展示で忍者の真実に迫る忍者文化を深く学べる貴重な資料が充実
  • address: 三重県伊賀市上野丸之内117
  • Fee: 大人:800circle / 子供:500円(手裏剣体験は別料金)

“By touching the actual ninja mansion、The ninjas I saw in movies and anime felt even more realistic!”

2. 甲賀流忍術屋敷(滋賀県)


現存する数少ない本格的な忍者屋敷の一つ。At the "Koga-ryu Ninjutsu House"、You can experience hidden corridors and carrots that were actually used。When you visit、I was impressed by the large number of traps and how smart they were.。

  • リアルな忍者屋敷体験古代の忍者たちが実際に生活していた空間
  • 忍者衣装のレンタル家族で忍者姿に変身して記念写真を撮影
  • 資料展示が充実忍者道具や戦略について学べます
  • address: 滋賀県甲賀市甲南町竜法師2331番
  • Fee: 大人:650circle / 子供:450円 ※要確認

“The real ninja mansion is definitely worth a visit! It's irresistible for history lovers。”

3. 忍者体験カフェ浅草(東京都)


東京の中心、At "Ninja Experience Cafe Asakusa" in Asakusa、You can have a ninja experience while in the city。Not only do you take a picture wearing a ninja costume、You can also enjoy a shuriken throw or a special lunch。

  • 手軽に忍者気分を味わえる雨の日でも快適な屋内施設
  • 忍者ランチでお腹も満足手裏剣型カレーやドリンクなどがユニーク
  • SNS映え抜群の写真衣装を着ての撮影は思い出になります
  • address: 東京都台東区西浅草3-27-14 トーア浅草マンション1F
  • Fee: 忍者体験プラン:3,500円~ ※要確認

“I never thought I could have such a fun ninja experience in the city!”

4. 戸隠忍者からくり屋敷(長野県)


自然豊かな長野県戸隠にある「忍者からくり屋敷」。Enjoy the fun of passing through hidden doors and rigs、Not only the kids but also the adults were very excited.。It also has athletics, so it's perfect for those who want to exercise.。

  • アクティブに楽しむ忍者体験頭と体を使って仕掛けを攻略!
  • 歴史資料が豊富忍者道具や歴史的背景を深掘りできます
  • 家族での訪問に最適子供たちも飽きずに楽しめるアトラクション
  • address: 長野県長野市戸隠3688-12
  • Fee: 大人:700circle / 子供:500円 ※要確認

“The ninja mansion that is integrated with nature、It was an experience that you could never experience anywhere else。”

5. 忍野しのびの里(山梨県)


富士山を望む絶景ロケーションで忍者体験ができるテーマパーク。"Oshino Shinobi no Sato"、Very popular with families and couples。I also watched a ninja show here、Photographed with Mt. Fuji in the background。

  • 圧巻の忍者ショープロによるライブパフォーマンスは必見
  • 絶景のフォトスポット富士山を背景にした写真は一生の思い出に
  • アクティビティが充実手裏剣投げやアスレチックが楽しめます
  • address: 山梨県南都留郡忍野村忍草2845
  • Fee: 大人:1,800circle / 小学生:1,300円 ※要確認

“Fusion of Mt. Fuji and ninja! I was able to take many photos that can only be taken here。”



忍者の神秘性や卓越した技術、And the patience and ingenuity that they represent、It attracts many people across borders。It is particularly popular among Japanese culture、Ninja-themed movies and anime are loved all over the world。By actually having a ninja experience、You can feel the depth of history and culture more realistically。



いかがでしたか?日本各地の忍者体験スポットには、Each has its own unique charm。History lovers too、For families too、Please use this as a reference for your next trip。I would be happy if you could share your thoughts on your visit and what you like in the comments! moreover、Share this article to expand the appeal of ninjas。

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