If you don't know, you're missing out! Why Noh and Kyogen captivate audiences all over the world

If you don't know, you're missing out! Why Noh and Kyogen captivate audiences all over the world
* The image is an image

Hello、This is Nagano Makoto!


「敷居が高そう」「難しそう」と感じる方もいるかもしれません。but、In fact, in recent years、Among foreign tourists and artists around the world、能と狂言の人気が急上昇しているんです!

フランスの演劇人が狂言に夢中になり、Hollywood film directors are influenced by Noh's stage production, etc.、It is also gaining popularity overseas。なぜ彼らは能と狂言に魅了されるのでしょうか?

This time、Nagano Makoto, a Japanese person、外国人の視点も交えながらその魅力を深掘りしていきます!



能は、It is a performing art with a mysterious and fantastic worldview。Its origins date back to the 14th century.、It is also registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage。

The first time I saw Noh was at the Kongo Noh Theater in Kyoto。

In the silence、The sight of Shite (the main character) dancing slowly、I felt like time had stopped。Live music from a musical instrument called Hayashi resonates with、Every single act of the performer wearing a Noh mask、I will not let go of the viewers。

especially、The charm of Noh lies in its "interval".。A performance that cherishes margins and silence、Inspires the audience's imagination、You can feel like you're drawn into a story on stage。

Foreign friends too、"It was like I was in a dream" "It was a minimalist production though、I was moved by the feeling that I could directly convey my emotions."。Even if you don't understand Japanese、What you can feel with visuals and music、It's amazing about Noh。

Also、Noh is also a comprehensive art that combines poetry, dance, music and art.。Beautiful Noh costumes and unique dance、Stories that give off a deep spirituality、It has influenced theater people and artists all over the world.。

for example、Director George Lucas of Star Wars、It is said that he was inspired by the Noh performances and actions.。

moreover、Many Noh performances include "ghosts" and "gods."、Packed with fantastic elements。This is、It is very appealing to foreigners interested in traditional Japanese culture.。



狂言は、It is a traditional Japanese performing arts that is a match with Noh.、While Noh depicts a fantastic world、Kyogen is a comedy based on humorous everyday events.。Therefore、More friendly than Noh、It has the charm of laughing and enjoying even for first-time audiences。

In the performance I saw, "Bowshibari"、A man who loves alcohol is tied up by his master、Still, it was depicted as he was desperate to drink。The audience was filled with laughter、The foreign tourists next to me were also laughing out loud.。

Even if you don't understand the words、The great charm of Kyogen is that it can be enjoyed just by the performer's gestures and expressions.。In particular, it is popular in France as it is related to "Le Theatre de Lovesulde" (absurd theater).、Many theatres are interested。

Also、Kyogen is a simple story、It is packed with humor that captures the true essence of humanity。Because it depicts universal themes that can be relatable across countries and cultures.、It's easy to understand for foreigners too.。

My Italian friend said, "The movements and tempo of Kyogen are、There's something that's similar to our comedy dramas! "He spoke excitedly.。

actually、Kyogen has many similarities with European theater.、It is being performed more and more at overseas theater festivals.。

moreover、Kyogen has also been increasingly being made with modern elements.、It continues to evolve with classic performances。this is、This is one of the points that brings a fresh surprise to foreign audiences as well.。

lastly:Noh and Kyogen、あなたはどちらに興味がありますか?

lastly:Noh and Kyogen、あなたはどちらに興味がありますか?
* The image is an image

能は神秘的で幻想的、Kyogen is humorous and friendly。Both are essential for deeper understanding of traditional Japanese culture.。

If you haven't seen it yet、Please try it out once! When traveling to Japan、We also recommend checking out the performances at Noh Theaters in Kyoto or Tokyo。

能や狂言を観たことがありますか? あなたの国の伝統演劇と比べてどう感じましたか?

ぜひコメント欄で感想を聞かせてください! シェアやブックマークも大歓迎です!

I、Nagano Makoto will continue to share Japan's wonderful entertainment culture with the world.。Well then、See you in the next article!

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