Hello! A blogger who conveys the charms of Japan to the world、It's Momo! In this article、日本の「推しぬい」の魅力について紹介します!
recently、SNSを通してアニメファンやアイドルファンの間で急速に広がっている「推しぬい」という文化。Get a stuffed animal with the motif of your favorite character or idol、Activities that support people with love are becoming a new trend.。This time、The charm of “Oshinui” culture、Let's dig deeper into why it's so popular.。
1. 「推し活」の進化と広がり

「推し活(おしかつ)」という言葉をご存知ですか?「推し活」とは、My favorite character or idol、voice actor、Refers to all activities to support actors etc.。
Collecting goods and participating in events、Support on SNS etc.、There are various methods、Among them, what is “Oshinui”?、Love stuffed animals modeled after your favorite characters or idols、It's a culture that sometimes you can customize and enjoy.。
2. 自宅時間で再注目!ぬいぐるみ文化

コロナ禍において、going out is restricted、Due to events being canceled、Fan activities have moved to SNS。Also、Many people are spending more time at home、I started looking for ways to enjoy “Oshikatsu” at home.。among them、In particular, the ``Oshinui'' culture began to attract attention.。
3. 個人の表現の場としての「推しぬい」

「推しぬい」は、More than just a stuffed animal。it is、This is an important item that reflects the owner's personality and love for his or her passion.。for example、Dress up your favorite character in your favorite costume、The great thing about stuffed animals is that you can customize them with accessories.。By making these customizations、Even more attachment grows、You can feel close to your favorite characters on a daily basis.。
4. SNSを通じて広がるコミュニティ

「推しぬい」文化は、Very popular on SNS。Many fans posted their own “Oshinui”、Share your charm with other fans。By posting a photo of “Oshinui”、You can connect with people who share the same passion.、You can also exchange ideas for customizing your own "Oshinui".。
moreover、It is also popular to participate in events with "Oshinui".。for example、At anime events, idol concerts, etc.、You can bring your own Oshinui and have fun with other fans.、You can also enjoy interacting in real life.。
5. 癒しと安心感

「推しぬい」には、It means more than expressing love。Many people feel that stuffed animals have the power of healing.。Just looking at the fluffy and gentle stuffed animal、My heart calms down、Things that make you feel better、It also provides a sense of psychological security.。
6. Finally

「推しぬい」文化は、More than just collecting stuffed animals、A means of expressing individuality、How to get healing、It also serves as a place to interact with other fans.、We offer a wide variety of ways to enjoy。Support your favorite character with a stuffed animal、In the process, I deepened my love for myself.、This culture allows you to share the fun with other fans.、It will continue to expand in the future。
if、If you are also interested in “Oshinui”、Try making your own “Oshinui” by hand.、Try customizing ready-made products、Experience the fun!
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