“I want to play it at least once! 4 unique board games from Japan”


Hello! A blogger who conveys the charms of Japan to the world、It's Momo! In this article、「日本発のボードゲーム」の魅力について紹介します!
In Japan、There are many board games and card games。Among them、Something simple yet profound、Even things that allow you to enjoy reasoning using your head.、There are various genres。All can be enjoyed by a small number of people.、Perfect for playing with family and friends!

1. 犯人は踊る



推理を楽しむカードゲームです。The player takes on the role of a member gathered at the crime scene.、The purpose is to deduce the culprit.。as the game progresses、Players deduce who is the culprit based on evidence and testimonies.。but、The most interesting thing is、Although the player playing the role of the criminal hides the fact that he is the criminal,、sometimes、The point is that the person behaves suspiciously in their movements and words.。The player playing the role of the culprit needs to be careful.、You may inadvertently give clues.。


  • ・推理力と観察力が試される
  • ・犯人役のプレイヤーが犯行の証拠を隠すスリル
  • ・少人数でも楽しめるパーティーゲーム

2. ごいた



現在ではカードゲームにもなっていますがもともとは石川県能登地方発祥の4人が2人ずつチームに分かれて、It is a board game that uses pieces and boards similar to shogi pieces to fight.。There are similar games in Hokkaido and Tohoku.、Rules vary depending on the region、This time I will explain about the things in the Noto region.。A game where you compete to see which team gets the most points.、Read your opponent's movements while making good use of the pieces (cards) you have.、Play the game strategically。simple rules and、From a deep strategic point of view、You can enjoy intellectual battles。especially、The key is the order in which you play the pieces (cards) and how you respond to the pieces (cards) your opponent puts out.。


  • ・戦略的な読み合いが楽しめる
  • ・能登地方の伝統的な遊びで歴史も感じられる
  • ・直感的に楽しめるが、Requires deep strategy

3. ラブレター



少人数で楽しめるシンプルなカードゲームですが、It's a perfect combination of luck and strategy.。The purpose of the game is、Delivering a love letter to the princess。Each player uses their hand、while eliminating other players、Plan your strategy so that you are ultimately closest to the princess.。Making good use of card effects、It is important to predict the other person's behavior。


  • ・少人数でもテンポよく遊べる
  • ・運と戦略のバランスが絶妙
  • ・シンプルなルールで誰でもすぐに覚えられる

4. インサイダーゲーム



推理とコミュニケーションを重視したパーティーゲームです。The player asks a question、Give hints to other players using words related to the topic。The point here is、「インサイダー」と呼ばれる、Having role players who know the topic from the beginning。Insiders must give hints to other players to make them think they are right.、Requires clever maneuvering。


  • ・推理力とコミュニケーション能力が試される
  • ・インサイダー役のスリルが楽しさを倍増
  • ・パーティー向けで大人数でも楽しめる

5. Finally


日本発のユニークなボードゲームを4つ紹介しました。``The criminal dances'' tests your reasoning and observation skills.、“Goita” where you can enjoy strategic reading、"Love Letter" with a perfect balance of luck and strategy, etc.、All are attractive games.。Also、In "Insider Game"、Have fun using communication and reasoning skills。Even a small number of people can enjoy it.、Please try playing with your friends and family!

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