As the number of tourists visiting Japan continues to increase、Gunma Prefecture is a must -have for those who are thinking, "Where should I visit next?"。This area、A famous bath that heals both the mind and body、Superb view that is deprived of eyes、And it is full of sightseeing spots where you can feel history and culture.。Good access from the Tokyo metropolitan area、You can enjoy it on a day trip、By staying, you can enjoy its charm deeply。
In this article、From among the tourist destinations that Gunma Prefecture is proud of、In particular, we will carefully select and introduce 9 spots.。From a classic place such as Kusatsu Onsen and Fukiwari Falls、A wide range of secret places loved by locals。If you read this guide、There is no doubt that the tourist plan in Gunma Prefecture will move one step forward! Check it to the end、Please use it for the next travel plan。
below、Features of each spot、location、access、Business hours、Fee、Introducing all parking lot information。
草津温泉 湯畑
Features: In one of the three people in Japan、You can enjoy the fantastic scenery where the smoke rises。Light -up at night is especially romantic。You can also enjoy eating on a hot spring bun around Yubata.。
- address: 群馬県吾妻郡草津町草津
- access:
- 車: 渋川伊香保ICから約1時間20分
- train: 長野原草津口駅からバスで約25分
- Business hours: 24時間営業
- 定休日: 無休
- Fee: 無料
- 駐車場: あり
Features: At a mysterious shrine surrounded by huge rock walls、Popular as a power spot。Fresh green in the spring、The autumn leaves are beautiful in the fall、You can enjoy different charms for each season you visit。
- address: 群馬県高崎市榛名山町
- access:
- 車: 関越道高崎ICから約60分
- バス: 高崎駅からバスで約90分
- Business hours: 24時間営業
- 定休日: 無休
- Fee: 無料
- 駐車場: あり
Features: A powerful waterfall called Oriental Niagara。A promenade is maintained around the waterfall、You can enjoy the natural beauty of each season。
- address: 群馬県沼田市利根町追貝
- access:
- 車: 関越道沼田ICから約30分
- バス: 沼田駅からバスで約50分
- Business hours: 24時間営業
- 定休日: 無休
- Fee: 無料
- 駐車場: あり
Features: A hot spring area with a characteristic of Ishiyan Street。It is a luxurious spot where you can enjoy two kinds of hot springs, golden hot water and silver hot spring.。There are many footbaths and restaurants around。
- address: 群馬県渋川市伊香保町伊香保
- access:
- 車: 渋川伊香保ICから約20分
- バス: 渋川駅から約25分
- Business hours: 通年営業
- 定休日: 無休
- Fee: 無料
- 駐車場: あり
Features: Has a history as Japan's first silk factory、An important spot registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site。
- address: 群馬県富岡市富岡1
- access:
- 車: 東京から富岡市まで練馬IC(関越自動車道)~藤岡JCT(上信越自動車道)~富岡IC(約75分)
- Business hours: 9:00~17:00
- Fee: 大人1,000円
- 駐車場: 富岡製糸場はお車での乗り入れができませんので、普通自動車でお越しの方は、近隣の市営駐車場やコインパーキングをご利用ください。
Features: In the lava area due to the eruption of Mt. Asama、The unique terrain spreads。The scenery from the observatory is also a masterpiece.。
- address: 群馬県吾妻郡嬬恋村鎌原
- access:
- 車: 上信越道碓氷軽井沢ICから約40分
- バス: 万座・鹿沢口駅からバスで約30分
- Business hours: 8:30~17:00
- 定休日: 無休
- Fee: 大人600円
- 駐車場: あり
Features: Mountains representing Gunma。Akagi Onuma, a lake Lake Caldera, spreads near the summit、You can enjoy boat play and fishing。
- address: 群馬県前橋市富士見町赤城山
- access:
- 車: 関越道前橋ICから約60分
- バス: JR前橋駅からバスで約1時間
- Business hours: 通年営業
- 定休日: 無休
- Fee: 無料
- 駐車場: あり
Features: One of Japan's three largest udon、400Exquisite udon with an year or older。Strong noodles and sesame sauce are exquisite。
- address: 群馬県渋川市伊香保町水沢
- access:
- 車: 渋川伊香保ICから約15分
- バス: 渋川駅からバスで約30分
- Business hours: 9:00~17:00(店舗による)
- 定休日: 無休(店舗による)
- Fee: 500円~(店舗による)
- 駐車場: あり(店舗による)
Features: One of the famous hot hot water in Japan、A tasteful hot spring town that is said to be the model of the movie "Sen and Chihiro no Away"。
- address: 群馬県中之条町四万
- access:
- 車: 関越道渋川伊香保ICから約1時間
- バス: 中之条駅からバスで約40分
- Business hours: 通年営業
- 定休日: 無休
- Fee: 無料(宿泊施設利用は別途料金)
- 駐車場: あり
In Gunma Prefecture、hot spring、Spectacular view、history、culture、gourmet、There are a variety of charms such as activities。These 10 spots、Among them, it is a careful selection of sightseeing spots that are particularly valuable to visit.。Good access from Tokyo、Gunma prefecture where you can enjoy both day or stay、It will be the best candidate site for the next trip。
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Pick up the spots you care about、Please visit us! Bookmark this article、I would be grateful if you could refer to it when making a travel plan.。
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