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Recommended shops and information in Japan、A news site that introduces Japanese culture
[おすすめ]広島は"サ旅"の聖地!観光と一緒に"ととのう"旅Recommended sightseeing route

🛫[Recommended] Hiroshima”Travel”The sacred place! Along with sightseeing”Totono”Journey⛩️

サウナ好き必見!広島は”Travel”に最適な都市だった!? こんにちは!サウナ&温泉を愛するブロガー「ABETACK」 です😊♨️ 「サ旅(サウナ+旅)」って知っていますか? サウナを楽しみながら 観光&グルメを満喫する新しい旅のスタイル です!そして… 実は広島がサ旅に最適な都市 なんです🔥 🌟 広島がサ旅に向いている理由 🌟✅ 魅力的なサウナ&温泉施設が充実!広島グルメ(お好み焼き・牡蠣・日本酒)との相性抜群!観光名所(厳島神社・原爆ドーム)とセットで楽しめる! サウナでととのいながら広島を満喫できる最高の旅!そんな 広島サ旅におすすめのサウナ5選 をご紹介します! 各施設の料金やおすすめポイントも詳細にまとめたのでぜひチェックしてください✨ 🏆 広島サ旅のマストスポット!おすすめサウナ5選 1. 広島カプセルホテル&サウナ岩盤浴 ニュージャパンEX 🏨♨️ 💡 ここがすごい!オートロウリュ&フィンランドサウナ完備!カプセルホテル併設で宿泊込みでもリーズナブル!よもぎミストサウナでリラックス&デトックス! 📍 アクセス広島市中区薬研堀8-8(銀山町駅から徒歩5分) 🕒 営業時間24時間営業 💰 料金一覧 プラン 料金(税込) サウナ利用 1,500円~ 宿泊(カプセルホテル) 3,500円~ 🗣 利用者の声「観光の後に泊まれてしかもサウナ付き!最高のコスパ!」 2. 塩屋天然温泉 ほの湯楽々園 🛁💆‍♂️ 💡 ここがすごい!✔ 14種類のお風呂!源泉風呂&炭酸泉で体の芯までポカポカ!デトックス効果抜群の岩盤浴も完備!地元の人に愛されるコスパ最強の温泉サウナ! 📍 アクセス広島市佐伯区楽々園5-7-1(楽々園電停から徒歩6分)...


[Why Japanese convenience store beer attracts foreigners]

「コンビニでこんなに選べるの!?」日本のビール天国を大公開! 🍻 日本のコンビニはビールの宝庫! 海外旅行者が日本に訪れた際に驚くことのひとつが「コンビニビールの多さ」です日本のコンビニでは定番のビールから発泡酒新ジャンル(第三のビール)さらにはクラフトビールまで驚くほど多様なビールが手軽に購入できますどのコンビニに行っても地域限定の特別なビールが置かれていることもあり「ちょっと試してみよう」と思わず手に取ってしまうのです。 for example、アメリカ人の友人が日本のコンビニで初めてクラフトビールを見たとき「これ全部ビールなの!?」と驚いていました彼はすぐにいくつか購入しホテルで飲み比べを楽しんでいました。 This time、日本のコンビニで購入できるおすすめビールを厳選してご紹介!実際に飲んでみた感想とともに外国人観光客に特に人気の5つのビールをピックアップしました。 🍺 なぜ日本のコンビニビールは外国人に人気なのか? 1. 種類の豊富さが圧倒的! 日本のコンビニではレギュラービール(いわゆる普通のビール)発泡酒(少し軽め)新ジャンル(価格が安い)そして近年人気が急上昇しているクラフトビールなど多種多様なビールが棚に並んでいますアメリカやヨーロッパでもクラフトビールの人気はありますが日本のコンビニほど気軽に手に入る場所は少ないのです。 2. 地域限定ビールが楽しめる 例えば北海道なら「サッポロクラシック」沖縄なら「オリオンビール」など地域ごとに限定ビールが存在します日本全国を旅しながら各地のビールを楽しめるのも外国人にとって魅力的なポイント! 3. 価格が手頃でコスパが良い アメリカやヨーロッパではクラフトビールは高級品のイメージがありますが日本のコンビニではリーズナブルな価格で高品質なビールが手に入ります「このクオリティでこの価格!?」と驚く外国人も多いです。 4. 手軽に24時間購入できる 多くの国ではビールを購入できる時間が制限されていることが一般的ですが日本のコンビニでは24時間いつでも購入可能ですこれは特に夜遅く到着した旅行者にとって大きな魅力となっています。 🎯【日本のコンビニで買えるおすすめビール5選】 ビール名 特徴 価格 おすすめポイント サッポロクラシック(北海道限定) 北海道限定のプレミアムビール麦の風味が豊かでスッキリとした飲み心地 約250円 北海道旅行のお土産にもピッタリ! プレミアムモルツ(サントリー) 芳醇な香りと深いコクが特徴の高級ビール 約280円 少し贅沢な気分を味わいたい日におすすめ 一番搾り(キリン) キリン独自の「一番搾り製法」によるスムースな味わい 約250円 クセがなくどんな食事にも合わせやすい オリオンビール(沖縄限定) 南国生まれのスッキリ軽やかなラガービール 約240円 暑い日にピッタリ!沖縄のリゾート気分を楽しめる よなよなエール(ヤッホーブルーイング) 日本のクラフトビールを代表するエールビールフルーティーで芳醇な香り 約300円 クラフトビール初心者にもおすすめの一杯 🌏 日本と海外のビール購入制限について 日本ではビールの購入は満20歳以上に限られておりコンビニやスーパーでは夜間でも購入可能です。however、自動販売機での販売は年齢認証が必要であり近年では設置数が減少しています。 on the other hand、海外では国によってビールの購入制限が異なります。for example: like this、日本のコンビニは24時間手軽にビールを購入できる点で多くの外国人にとって驚きの存在なのです。 🌏 日本のコンビニビールはまさに「飲み比べ天国」! 日本のコンビニはただの便利な買い物スポットではなく世界のビール好きにとってまさに「宝の山」です気軽に手に取れる価格と豊富な種類日本ならではの品質の高さが多くの外国人を魅了しています! 📣 あなたの好きなコンビニビールはどれですか?ぜひコメントで教えてください!...

【衝撃】デコトラとは?日本の“走るネオンアート”に世界が注目!Japanese trivial knowledge

[Shocking] What is Decotra? The world is paying attention to Japan's "running neon art"!🚛🔥

A glittering truck appears in the city at night... Have you seen it yet? If it's a Japanese night road、If you see a huge neon-bright truck running like a sci-fi movie...it's definitely Dekotora!✨ 🚛 Future machine? The world of cyberpunk? no、This is the reality of Japan!🚛 When it's night、Trucks shine like a theme park!🚛 Even overseas custom truck fans are amazed、Japan's unique track culture! "I can't believe such an amazing truck existed in Japan..." You'll definitely be thinking, "You'll be thinking, "You'll never see such an amazing truck in Japan..."、We'll show you right now!👇👇 What is Decotra? The ultimate custom truck born in Japan🚛✨ What is Dekotora?、Japanese English, combining "decoration" and "track"、It refers to Japan's unique custom truck culture。 🎨 The features of Decotra that you can see at a glance!✅ A body that shines with neon and LED lights!💡✅ Artwork painted with artisanal art, featuring samurai, dragon, Mt. Fuji and more!🎨✅ Glittery with gold-plated and stainless steel parts!✨✅ The huge bumper and custom-made muffler make it overwhelming!🔥 This is no longer a "track"、"Running Museum"! Even within the customization culture of the truck industry、Japan is the only place that has achieved such artistic evolution! The history of decotra:The legendary film "Truck Guy" has set fire to it!🎬🚛 The decotra culture spread throughout Japan、1975The film series "Truck Guy" released in 2019 was inspired by it! 📽️ What is the movie "Truck Guy"? A story of passionate truck drivers traveling all over Japan。It was their partner、A flashy, customised decotra! 🔥 Why the film caused a boom This film was influenced by it、Truck drivers all over the country compete with each other! 🚚 Why was it popular with people involved in the fishing industry? Decotra is、It was originally seen in fishing trucks.。because、Because the metal decoration also served to protect the truck from salt damage! thus、A unique custom culture of Japan has been born, combining practicality and beauty.。 The present of decotra:Evolution from hobby to art!🚛🎨 💡 Decotra is now、What's going on? In the past, customising work trucks was the norm.、Now, it has completely evolved into a hobby world! ✅ Rather than driving on public roads、Mainly for events and exhibitions!✅ Decotra meetings will be held nationwide!✅ General custom car enthusiasts also join the Decotra culture! 🚛 "but、Can you drive such a flashy truck normally? "Japanese laws become stricter、Currently, Decotra is mainly for events only。however、There are also trucks that drive on public roads, slashing some customizations! nevertheless、Decotra culture continues to evolve, not only does it decline!🔥 Do you want to see Decotra? Recommended spots and events!👀✨ People who say "I'd like to see Decotra!"、Go to the following location!🚛💨 🎉 Decotra Event & Festival📍 National Hamaro Club Countdown Event - Japan's largest decotra event will be held on New Year's Eve!📍 Ryuhoku Fleet Art Truck Show – A huge collection of custom trucks!📍 Deco Traffic Offerings from across the country – A secret exchange event where truck enthusiasts gather! 🌟 A spot where you're likely to see decotra✅ Roadside Station (Michi-no-Eki)...

50ccなのに本気すぎる! 日本のレーサーレプリカ5選Japanese trivial knowledge

🏍️ "this、Is it really a moped? "It's 50cc, but it's too serious! 5 Japanese racer replicas

"Small displacement? That doesn't matter!" The world of mini-racers created by Japan's commitment. For those who don't ride motorcycles、You might think "50cc = scooter"。but、Japanese bike manufacturers are different。 "Even at 50cc、I want a bike that looks like a real racing machine! "It was born for riders with such passionate feelings.、”Racer replica 50″is。 ✅ Authentic full cowl design✅ Scalable acceleration with a water-cooled two-stroke engine✅ 6Fast transmission and front and rear disc brakes 50cc bikes equipped with these、Exactly”Little monster”。Today is、Motorcycle lovers around the world don't know、Introducing five "50cc racer replicas" that Japan is proud of! If you read it, you'll surely、You'll probably think, "I want it!"。 🏁 1. YAMAHA TZR50R – I don't think it's 50cc、Serious full cowl sports! "Even though it's small, Yamaha is serious!" The TZR50R, which was released in 1993, was、Full cowl sports bike inheriting Yamaha's racing DNA。The design is、Just like the big brother TZR250R、It's like a mini-GP machine。 The engine is 7.2 horsepower, two-stroke single cylinder。The sharp acceleration when entering high rpm、50It's so exciting that it's hard to believe it's cc。 ✅ The appeal of the TZR50R ✔️ Racy full cowl design (the look alone gives a great sense of satisfaction!)✔️ Front and rear disc brakes and lightweight body for a sporty ride✔️ 2A powerband pleasure that is unique to Strike! ⚠️ Note: The engine is high-revving、Low speed torque is weak, prices are rising in the second-hand market (highly popular) "If you want to enjoy the racer feeling with a 50cc、Only the TZR50R! ” 🏁 2. HONDA NS-1 – Delicious twice in one unit! A versatile sport that can also be used as a naked person: "Full cowl and naked person、I want both..." That's the perfect one for you、Honda's NS-1! The biggest feature of this bike is、Remove the full cowl and it can be used as a naked bike”2WAY specification”。You can attack sporty、You can also ride in the city casually。 moreover、6Highly practical with fast mission and fuel efficiency of 55.3km/L、You can also do touring comfortably! ✅ The appeal of NS-1 ✔️ Full Cowl & Naked、2Enjoy two styles!✔️ 6Fast mission and lightweight design allow you to drive smoothly✔️ Good fuel economy、Long distance driving is also OK! ⚠️ Notes: The torque when starting is weak、Need to get used to clutch work, and a slightly tougher forward leaning posture、It's easy to get tired at long distances "Level of freedom in appearance、The refreshing feeling of riding、This is”Playable 50cc”!」 🏁 3. Suzuki RG50γ - ...

【未来の扉が開く!大阪万博2025】Recommended sightseeing route

[The door to the future opens!] Osaka Expo 2025]

Hello! This is Iwapiko! The opening is finally here! What is the full picture of the Osaka and Kansai Expo? A major event that attracts attention from the world、Osaka and Kansai Expo 2025 will finally open in three months! but、There have been a few voices in Japan saying, "Isn't there such a lot of excitement?"。but、In fact, it is already attracting a lot of attention overseas.。Future technology、Cultural exchange、And you can't miss this festival, where gourmet food from all over the world is gathered together! 1. First of all、What is the Osaka Expo? Osaka Expo 2025 is、International Expo with the theme of "Designing a Future Society that Shines Life"。At the venue under construction in Yumeshima, Osaka City、160The above countries and international organizations will participate.、A collection of pavilions where you can experience the technology and culture of the future。There are three reasons why it is particularly popular among foreigners! 2. The cost of holding the Osaka Expo is、 It is estimated to be around 235 billion yen。In addition to venue maintenance and operating expenses、Pavilion construction costs in each country are also included.。 The economic effects of this Expo have been estimated to be over 2 trillion yen.、It is expected that the domestic economy will be revitalized, mainly in the Kansai region.。especially、The impact on tourism and food and beverage industries is huge、Many jobs are expected to be created。 3.List of participating countries The following countries are scheduled to participate in this Expo (some excerpts) Over 160 other countries and regions will also be exhibiting! What future will the pavilions of each country show?、Expectations are high。 4."This is how you can enjoy Osaka Expo 2025! A guide to highlights you should know before the start of the event" April 2025、The Osaka-Kansai Expo, a major global event in Osaka, is finally opening! but、For now, there have been voices in Japan saying, "Isn't it that much fun yet?"。but、In fact, people all over the world are looking forward to this expo! "Why is the Osaka Expo attractive to foreigners?" "What kind of experience awaits you?" This time、With the latest information before the start、We'll introduce you to the highlights of the Expo! 5. Why Osaka Expo 2025 is popular with foreigners 1. Experience cultures from around the world at once! Over 160 countries and international organizations will be participating in the Osaka Expo! Traditional culture and cutting-edge technology are shown at pavilions in various countries、It makes you feel like you're traveling around the world。 for example、 Especially regarding "eating and drinking"、Another great attraction is that you can enjoy the authentic taste of various countries! ② Get to know the cutting edge of future technology! Many foreigners are hoping that "Japan means technology!"、The Osaka Expo is truly an on-parade of cutting-edge technology.。 A future world where technology and entertainment combine、What's amazing about this Expo is that you can experience it firsthand!

horse racingJapanese trivial knowledge

"Even if you lose、Continue to run"—Halurara's miraculous story

"Life、Things that don't go well...' I want you to know about Horse racing, a sport that aims to "win."。but、Japan said, "I never won、There's a horse that has become a national star.。 Its name is Haruurara。 She has an unprecedented record of 106 consecutive losses。But even so、For some reason, tens of thousands of spectators flocked to her race.、I was so excited about "the horse I know I'll lose"。 why、Has Haruurara been loved so much? why、Did continuing to lose encourage people? Today is、With numerous unknown episodes of her、We bring you the miraculous story of Haruurara。 [Episode 1] From birth to "unselling" - The tough start as a racehorse, Haruurara、1996February 27, 2019、Born on a small ranch called Nibutani Farm in Hidaka Town, Hokkaido.。 Her father is Nippotei O、My mother was a horse called the heroine。but、She was born as a racehorse、He was already carrying a tough fate。 🔹 ① Haruurara was "too small" for a racehorse、It's smaller than other racehorses、The muscles were not very developed either。A world where racehorse is considered to be advantageous, the larger the physique.。Even before his debut, he was whispered that "this horse might not be able to win."。 🔹 ② I'm so sluggish、I was timid、Racehorse has been used to trainers and humans since they were born.、Start training for the race。but、Haruurara is very timid、He was a person who was afraid of humans。moreover、It is said that he was not very passionate about running.。 🔹 ③ Racehorse that was a racehorse that "cannot find a buyer"、Usually, they are posted on a sale (auction) when they are 1 year old.、It will be bought by the owner。but、Although Haruurara was put into the Seri market、No buyer found。 "It's going to be tough for a racehorse" "It's small、It looks weak" In the end、The farm where he was born will own it himself.、I was forced to go to local horse racing.。 [Episode 2] Transfer to Kochi Horse Racing - "Racing Horse to Lose" What sets the eye on the unsold Haruurara、He was Muneishi Dai**, the trainer at Kochi Racecourse.。 Kochi Racecourse、This is a local horse racing with a lower level than the central horse racing (JRA).。Even horses with not that high racing ability、If it were a local horse racing, it was thought that "maybe we could win."。 but、Haruurara was sent to Kochi Horse Racing、There was almost no chance of winning。Trainer Muneishi、"at least、I named it "Haruurara" with the hope that just the name will brighten up.。 [Episode 3] Despair from the debut match... The days when I continued to lose Debut match (November 17, 1998) Haruurara、1998He made his debut on November 17th, 2019。5In a head-up race、The result was 5th place (lowest place)。 After the race、The trainer and the jockey are、It's the first match, so there's nothing I can do about it."。but、Not only did they not win even one race after that、Only the lowest position...! [Episode 4] Why he became a horse that "it's okay to lose"、Racehorse will be retiring if they lose 5-10 consecutive times.。but、Haruurara was different。 because、This is because Kochi Racecourse was at a "crisis of survival" at the time.。 In these circumstances、"I just needed a horse that would run."。 So、Haruurara said, "I'm fine with losing、It has been decided that it will continue to run.。 [Episode ⑤] Haruurara's popularity explodes! What is the appeal of a horse that continues to lose? The existence of Haruurara spread throughout Japan、2003Around the age。The trigger、It was a word from live announcer Hashiguchi Koji.。 "Halurara might become a Japanese Zippy Chippy!" In America、100There was a horse called "Zippy Chippie" who had lost more than the battle.。He too、Continuing to lose has become a hot topic、He became a national star。 "For horses that keep losing、There's something that attracts people" "Winning isn't everything"、From the perspective that "it's actually more interesting to keep losing"、Haruurara's popularity exploded。...

江戸時代の庶民から学ぶミニマリストライフtraditional culture and history

Learning minimalist life from the common people of the Edo period

From Maxiist to Minimalist in modern times、Aiming for many people to be free from a life filled with things、I practice a "minimalist life"。but、Tips for living a simple and comfortable life、It is actually hidden in Japanese history。it is、Life of the common people in the Edo period。What are the wisdom of minimalism that can be learned from their lives?、Let's dig deeper。 Why minimalism is popular among foreigners? Recent years、Minimalism is attracting attention all over the world。The background is、There are the following reasons。 Japanese minimalism in particular、It includes aesthetics and spirituality、It is influenced by Zen and wabi-sabi。This cultural background is attractive to foreigners.。 Characteristics of minimalism in the Edo period: Common people in the Edo period、I naturally lived a simple and rational life。Let's take a look at the characteristics of that life。 1. Limited space 2. Preparation for a fire 3. Culture that values ​​things - application to modern times - The wisdom of minimalism in the Edo period、It's very useful even today。 1. We have only what we need. Today, we are an age where things are overflowing.、Just like in the Edo period, we choose only the bare minimum necessary items.、It's possible to live simply。for example、Let's take the following ideas:。 2. Use things carefully To live a sustainable life、Let's incorporate the habit of cherishing things like ordinary people of the Edo period.。 3. Have mental liberty The mental liberty you can gain by reducing the amount of things、It is the same as what people experienced in the Edo period.。 Online reputation and specific examples Many foreigners are influenced by Japanese minimalism.、I share my experiences on social media and blogs。 Summary: The lives of ordinary people in the Edo period、Packed with many wisdoms that relate to modern minimalist life。Preparation for limited spaces and fires、A culture that values ​​things、It gives you tips for achieving a simple and rich life。 The modern life、By having something, it feels like you are trying to satisfy your desire for approval。Of course, the desire for approval is satisfied、There's a sense of pleasure and joy。but、The desire for approval is only fulfilled the moment you possess something.、Over time, the desire for approval becomes empty。Repeat this and things will overflow、The desire for approval is enveloped in emptiness。However, can you live a wonderful life if you casually let go of anything, whatever you want? That's not the case, so、It may be necessary to think about what you really need, what information, and what emotions you need.。Maybe you should focus on what you think of yourself rather than what someone thinks you.。 if、If you have any impressions after reading this article、Please let us know in the comments section! By sharing your opinions and experiences、You may find new insights and inspiration。 lastly、If you find this helpful、Please bookmark and share! Learn wisdom from Japanese history、Share it with people all over the world。

これが日本の最恐事故物件!こんな部屋に住める?Japanese trivial knowledge

This is Japan's most terrifying accident property! Can you live in a room like this?

everyone、In Japan”Accidental properties”It is called、Did you know that there are some mysterious and slightly chilling properties? What is an accident property?、People have died in the past、It refers to the room where an incident or an unfortunate event occurred。Such properties have cheaper rent than usual、Some people live out of curiosity、Many enthusiasts go on a journey to find a property, saying, "It's scary, but I want to see it!"。 This time we've picked out three of the most famous and most terrifying properties in Japan that are rumored to be the "most terrifying"! But don't worry。This article isn't just scary、Delivered in a bright and fun tone。At the end you might think, "Maybe I want to live there?" Sapporo apartments:The next room is,What a setting for a major incident! ? First, we have an apartment in Sapporo, Hokkaido。This property、This is a rare example of two major incidents occurring one after another in a room next to each other.。The incident began in 2015.、It was a shocking incident in which her ex-boyfriend strangled her ex-girlfriend who lives in the next room.。 "picture、Why did they live next to each other? ? "I want to make you say, "、Furthermore, the following month, a fire broke out in the next room.。The cause of the fire has not been clarified、This series of misfortunes has become quite a hot topic in the local area.。Now、This property can be rented at a low price.、Some say that "neighbor troubles are scarier than ghosts."。 Detached houses in Kyoto prefecture:What was found under the floor… Next is a detached house in Kyoto Prefecture。This is a house that looks like an ordinary old Japanese house。but、There was a shocking past hidden there。The incident is caused by a marriage problem。A man who ran a construction company murdered his wife、The body was hidden under the floor.。 "picture、How do you find the underside of the floor? You think, right?。In fact, this incident、Later when I tried to sell my house、It was discovered when a new buyer was trying to renovate the house.。 This house remains undemolished today.、Locals say they should avoid getting close to that house.。It has a presence like a modern haunted house.。 Apartments in Kitakyushu:Tragedy of a mass self-subscriber - The end is Kyushu region、Apartments in Kitakyushu。Here, there was a tragic incident in which four women attempted to self-realize.。This incident was also widely reported on the news at the time.、It shocked many people。 after that、This apartment has become known as an accident property.、It has also attracted attention in some places as a "haunted spot."。but、Surprisingly, some psychic enthusiasts said they would like to stay here.、There are rumors that it has become a popular place.。 however、Real estate agents often hear residents say that "live in this room makes them feel depressed."。If you want to live there, you need to be prepared! Why are accidental properties popular among some enthusiasts? Normally, accidental cases would make you want to avoid them because you think "scary!"。But even so、Why are some people willing to live there? Let's dig a little deeper into why。 1. The appeal of cheap rents: The biggest feature of accidental properties、The cheapest rent after all。It is often 2-30% cheaper than a typical property.、"Even though it's a little scary、If it's cheap, live there! Many people make the most efficient choice.。 2. It's a story about this, but it's important to note that just saying, "I actually live in an accident property" will attract attention from those around you.。Especially in modern times when YouTube and social media have become popular.、More and more people are sharing their experiences in accidental properties as content。 3. Curiosity and Thrills Horror lovers' curiosity, such as "Maybe I'll meet ghosts?" and "What kind of paranormal phenomena will occur?"、This is the reason why accident properties are popular。Matsubara Tanishii's "Accidental Property Ghost Story: Scary Floor Plans" and、Amenaka's horror and mystery works "The Wonderful House" etc.、This is proof that works based on the theme of accidental properties are gaining popularity.。 Accidental properties、Would you live there? Listen to these most terrifying accident properties、How did you feel? If there are some people who think, "I can't do it!"、"I might want to live there a little bit…Some people may have thought, "。Accident properties are certainly places with a terrible history.、That's why it's packed with dramas and mystery.。 Personally、The paranormal phenomena due to psychological flaws are also scary,、What's even more frightening is whether the neighbors will be taking problematic behavior or not.。Living humans are far more dangerous than ghosts.。Is your neighbor okay? Please let me know in the comments。"I can't do it!" and "I'm actually interested!"、I'd like to hear your voice。and、If this story is even a little interesting、Don't forget to share and bookmark it! In the city where you live、Maybe there's a hidden accident property?

伝説の名馬・オグリキャップのエピソード!traditional culture and history

[Legendary racehorse Oguri Cap:A miraculous story engraved in the history of Japanese horse racing]

Introduction – This is Iwapiko! Hello! Horse racing fans around the world、And everyone who doesn't know much about horse racing、Please read to the end。I'm going to tell you the story of "Oguri Cap," a famous horse that will remain in Japan's history of horse racing.、We will deliver it with all our heart。 When you hear the word horse racing, some people may think it's "gambling"、Japan's horse racing is not just a gamble。There、Horse and jockey、And there is a drama that trainers and stables (people who care for horses) accumulate.。And more than anything、The fans love、Tearing、There is a "story" that will make you happy。 The Oguri Cap is、He is one of the most dramatic horses in the history of horse racing.。Going up from local horse racing to central horse racing、Defeating the powerful forces one after another、A miracle was created in the last retirement race。Their appearance was truly a "Cinderella story of Japan's horse racing."。 In this article、The Life of Oguri Cap、The excitement he gave to Japanese horse racing fans、And we'll introduce you to the story after retirement in detail。It's okay if you don't know about horse racing! If you read this story、You'll surely be captivated by the charm of Oguri Cap。 Well then、Let's look back at the legend of Oguri Cap together! 1. Oguri Cap is born – departure from the nameless ranch Oguri Cap is、1985March 27, 2019、Born at Inaba Ranch in Niikappu Town, Hokkaido。 His father is dancing cap、My mother is whitenalbee。My father is a foreign horse、Not a horse that has achieved such a prominent performance、Mother Whitenalby also finished her race life without winning.。In other words、Oguri Cap's pedigree was not something that could be called a "super blooded horse."。 moreover、Because the newborn Oguri Cap had bent legs、There was nothing expected。but、He has a very large body since his foal days.、People on the ranch were hoping, "This horse might run."。 Eventually、Oguri Cap was entrusted to the Sumi Masao stable, who lives at Kasamatsu Racecourse in Gifu Prefecture.、His race life begins。 2. Local horse racing monsters – A rapid advance at Kasamatsu Racecourse Kasamatsu Racecourse、One of Japan's local horse racing、It is a smaller racetrack than the central horse racing.。Here, Oguri Cap debuted、He quickly showed off his overwhelming ability.。 He lost to second place in his debut match.、From there, we had a huge succession of victory! Oguri Cap is a man who has no enemy in local horse racing.、It has become known among local fans as the "Kasamatsu Monster."。 🏆 Main results from the local horse racing era:、Local fans at Kasamatsu Racecourse are also convinced that "this horse is not a mere person!"。but、The true legend of Oguri Cap is、It was just beginning。 From "Local Horse Racing Stars"、Towards "heroes all over Japan" -、We needed a bigger stage。 3. Challenge to Central Horse Racing – Defeat your superior opponent! at that time、It was very rare for him to transfer from local horse racing to Central Horse Racing (JRA).。but、Those involved have seen Oguri Cap's overwhelming strength、I thought "This horse would work."。 This is how the Oguri Cap is....

「暴れ馬?天才?日本の競走馬ゴールドシップが世界で愛される理由」traditional culture and history

"A rampage horse? A genius? Why the Gold Ship's racehorse is loved all over the world"

Hello! This is Iwapiko! The second installment of the famous horse introduction series There are many famous horses in the Japanese horse racing world.、Among them, it stands out、There are horses that are enthusiastically loved by horse racing fans both in Japan and abroad.。Its name is "Gold Ship."。It is moody yet boasts incredible strength、He shows unpredictable movements in the race、Sometimes you get a big defeat...。but、Still, I can't help but love him。Why does Goldship attract fans around the world so much? Looking back at his legend、We'll unravel its charm。 [Goldship's background] Goldship was released on March 6, 2009、Born at Deguchi Ranch in Hidaka Town, Hokkaido。My father is Stay Gold、Mother is a point flag。Apparently a nuptial of Stay Gold、He had a rough temperament and incredible stamina.。 He has a large body weighing over 500kg since he was born.、It was a size that was much larger than what the surroundings were expecting.。As if to be able to hold his large body, he was free and free、A person who doesn't listen to anything at all。Already since this time、Goldship's "Unreal Legend" had begun。 and、His name comes from the "Golden Ship."。Appropriately to this name、He has become a major shaking figure in the Japanese horse racing world.。Grades: His many legends、I'll look back on my report card! Gold Ship's main results Date Race name Placement order Turf Distance Race number Number of horses Popular Jockey Weight Time 2011.07.09 Hakodate Sarah 2 year old new horse 1 Grass 1800m slightly heavy 10 5 2 Akiyama Shinichiro 57.0 1:51.2 2011.09.10 Sapporo Cosmos Award (open) 1 Grass 1800m Good 8 4 1 Akiyama Shinichiro...

日本のこたつ文化:心も体も温まる冬の風物詩traditional culture and history

Japanese Kotatsu Culture:A winter tradition that warms both your mind and body

Hello! Kawara Edition Japan!Writer of、It's fancy。There's a cold breeze outside、A winter day when you breathe lightens。In the meantime、While walking into the kotatsu inside the house、Laughing with family and friends with mandarin oranges in hand、This is the warmth of Japan's winter。This time、We bring you the charm of "kotatsu" which is indispensable for the winter in Japan! 1. What is Kotatsu? Kotatsu (kotatsu)、This is a traditional heating furniture created to make Japan's winter comfortable。A heat source is installed under a low wooden table.、A thick futon hung over it locks in heat、Warm people sitting。The mechanism is、It removes the cold as if it envelops the entire body。 The reason for its popularity is、It's not just a heating appliance、Family and friends gather naturally、It is about creating a "bond place" where you can share time together。 Kotatsu mechanism Kotatsu is、It consists of the following elements: table:A low wooden table is the basic。The top plate is removable、Food and work、It also works as a place for gathering。 Heat source:In the past, we used charcoal and charcoal.、In modern times, electric heaters are the most common.。 Kotatsu Futon:A thick futon locks in heat。Recently、Many futons with high design quality、There's fun to choose according to your interior。 Tracing the history of kotatsu The origin of kotatsu dates back to the Muromachi period (14th century).。At that time、The basic method was to put a futon over the hearth to keep warm.。after that、The "horigotatsu" that allows you to dig into the floor and stretch your legs is developed.。It became popular among ordinary households during the Meiji period.、Since the Showa era、The current mainstream "Okigotatsu" has appeared。 Kotatsu has evolved with the times。Electricity is now the norm、Models with improved energy-saving performance、More and more kotatsu with modern designs。Kotatsu is、This is a unique Japanese furniture created by the fusion of tradition and modern technology.。 Types of kotatsu:、There are two types:。 Placed kotatsu:Lightweight type for installation on the floor。Easy to move、Most popular in ordinary households。 Sunflower:Fixed type with a deep dive into the floor。The appeal is that it is comfortable to sit with your legs stretched out、Because installation is time consuming、It is often used in ryokans and specific homes.。 Changes in the kotatsu culture in modern times Kotatsu is not just a heating device、Family and friends gather naturally、It is a place of bonds where you can share heartwarming time。Especially winter days、I ate mandarin oranges around the kotatsu、The sight of watching TV、It is a tradition that symbolizes Japan's winter。 But in recent years、Due to the evolution of heating equipment and lifestyle changes、Fewer households using kotatsu。on the other hand、Increased attention overseas、Japan's "kotatsu culture" is being re-evaluated in a new way。Hybrid furniture that combines kotatsu and sofa、Energy-saving models etc.、Kotatsus are appearing one after another to suit modern needs.。 Memories of me and kotatsu in Hokkaido where I live、Due to the excellent heating equipment for cold climates、Few households use kotatsu。but、Kotatsu was a winter staple item in my hometown of Kyushu.。A cold night、The whole family surrounds the kotatsu、We laugh while enjoying a hot meal、That kind of time、It's still deeply engraved in my heart。 Summary Kotatsu、Not only does it warm your body、Connecting people、It's a special thing that warms your heart。In that small space、It has the power to turn time with family and friends into something special。 This winter、Why not try incorporating kotatsu? In a warm kotatsu、Experience the warmth of Japanese culture、Have a special moment。The smiles and conversations that arise within the kotatsu、It's sure to make a wonderful winter memory。

日本の羊毛フェルトの魅力についてExplaining the latest news in Japan

About the appeal of Japanese wool felt

Hello! Kawara version of Japan!Writer of、It's fancy。Have you heard of the craft "Wool felt" that is very popular in Japan? Fluffy texture and、Wool felt is attractive for its depth, from beginners to professionals to enjoy.、It is attracting attention as a wonderful hobby that soothes the heart。 In this article、The basics of wool felt、Japan's unique charms and ways to enjoy it、We will introduce a wide range of works, from famous artists to the works! 1. What is wool felt? Wool felt is、This is a craft that creates a shape by stabbing sheep's wool with a special needle.。Taking advantage of the intertwining properties of fibers、Create three-dimensional works and flat designs。 Necessary tools: wool:Various colors and textures、There's fun to choose。needle:Special needles that tangle wool。Detailed work is possible。mat:Ensures the safety of needles during work。Beginner kit:Basic tools and instructions are included.、Perfect for first-time users! 2. Things you can make with wool felt There are a wide variety of items you can make with wool felt。It can spread infinitely depending on your ideas! Animal Mascot:Realistic cats and dogs、Cute rabbits and hedgehogs。character:Original creative characters and anime-style designs are also popular.。accessories:brooch、Earrings、Practical items such as key chains。Seasonal decorations:cherry blossoms、autumn leaves、Christmas tree etc.、A work that lets you feel the four seasons。 3. Why Japanese wool felt is special The culture and sensibility unique to Japan is、Makes wool felt even more attractive。 1.Affinity with "cute culture" Fluffy texture and adorable design、An exquisite match with Japan's Kawaii culture。Animals and characters are especially popular。 2.Details that shine with the skill of the artisans. Japanese wool felt works、It is characterized by a realistic design that even reproduces the fur and expression.。The elaborate techniques pursued by professional writers are impressive。 3.Reflecting the four seasons and traditional cultures in wool felt works、Many Japanese seasons and traditional motifs are incorporated。Animals wearing Japanese clothing with small accessories based on cherry blossoms and autumn leaves、Felt works of kokeshi and daruma 4. Beginner-friendly environment Get materials at 100 yen shops and craft stores。A wealth of detailed tutorials on YouTube videos and social media。 5. Eco-sustainable material Wool is a renewable material from nature。It is also attracting attention as an environmentally friendly craft。 4.The possibilities of wool felt from famous artists in Japan、There are many talented wool felt artists。Below are some of them: Kirimirii:Super Real Wool Felt Artist known for his realistic animal works。 Amazing green:"Nyankoro" etc.、A writer with adorable characters。 Ota Mitsumi:It has received high praise for its works of dogs that look just like real.。 Stupid:It is a real work specializing in cats and attracts attention from all over the world.。 Check out their social media and exhibitions、You'll learn and get inspiration! 5. Advice for those who want to start wool felt It's recommended to start with an animal mascot kit for beginners with a beginner's practice。Step up little by little Start with a simple form、Gradually, complex design challenges。The needle that uses the tools carefully is easy to break, so be careful not to apply excessive force.。 6.My experience with wool felt I tried it for the first time、Round sphere mascot。At first I had a hard time reshaping it、Once you get used to it, you will be able to make animals and seasonal decorations.、It's getting more and more fun。If you think about the colour and materials,、It adds originality to your work! Summary Japanese wool felt、"Kawaii" is a special craft that combines culture with the skill of craftsmen.。Even beginners can easily get started、Experts have the pleasure of pursuing reality and details。 You too can take a step into this fascinating world、Would you like to create an original work? Once your work is finished, share it on social media、It is also recommended to deepen your interactions with your craft friends!

掃除をする人Manners in Japan

"Japan's End of Year Cleanup: Traditions to welcome the new year cleanly

Hello! A blogger who conveys the charms of Japan to the world、It's Momo! Today is、About Japan's traditional end-of-year event, "Big Cleaning"、I'd like to introduce it to people overseas。Every year in Japan、12There is a special habit of thoroughly cleaning the whole house at the end of the month.、This habit isn't just cleaning、It's like an important year-end ritual。To welcome the new year with a refreshing feeling、Clean the house、Reset your mind too。This wonderful tradition、I would like to introduce it to you! 1. The origin and origin of the great cleaning: Japan's major cleaning habits、It comes from an old ritual called "soot purification."。This soot removal、It is said to have started in the Heian period.。at that time、It is possible to wipe off soot that has accumulated inside the house、It was believed to be a bad luck。Also、Cleaning the house during this time、Get ready to welcome the year god、It also meant to remove evil spirits from the house.。What is the year god?、A god who visits his home to welcome the new year、It is said that in order to welcome this god it is important that the house be clean.。 2. Modern cleaning Modern cleaning、In addition to thoroughly cleaning the whole house at the end of the year、Organize unnecessary things、It also means to settle your mind to welcome the new year.。Reach out to a place you don't normally clean、A major feature of cleaning is to clean every corner of the house。We will focus on cleaning the following areas:。The whole family often performs a major cleaning with cooperation.、By cleaning together, we can share the feeling that we are ready to welcome the new year.。 - Cleaning windows and sashes:Remove any dirt that has accumulated in the window、I'm ready to welcome the light。Cleaning ventilation fans and air conditioners:Cleans the filters of ventilation fans and air conditioners that are prone to accumulation of oily and dust.。・Cleaning the bathroom and toilet:Thoroughly remove water stains and mold、Create a clean water area。・Clean the back and gaps of furniture:Clean areas that are usually out of reach。・Organize and sort out:Dispose of unused items、Cleaning up your house is also part of the big cleaning。 3. Momo style! I've actually experienced cleaning every year、I always do a big cleaning、It's difficult to clean everything at once during busy times at the end of the year.、I'm paying attention to some points。 ・Proceed with a planned cleaning:If you try to do it all at once、You'll run out of time and energy。I、Cleaning will be done in several days。for example、1Days are in the kitchen and living room、2Days are bath and toilet、3Days include windows, curtains, etc.、I'll start cleaning in order。・Clean areas that are usually out of reach:Filters on the back of the fridge or on the air conditioner、Cleaning gaps in furniture and other areas、The whole house is clean。・Play music to make cleaning more enjoyable:I play my favorite music while cleaning、I try to raise my tension。When music is playing、Cleaning is fun、It'll be over in a flash! 4. Recommended cleaning tools and detergents To efficiently carry out the main cleaning process、Convenient and effective cleaning tools and detergents are essential。Here are some recommended cleaning tools and detergents I actually use.。 ・Cordless vacuum cleaner:It's light and easy to carry, so it's convenient。You can even clean the corners of the floor and carpets。・Microfiber cloth:Adhesives dirt thoroughly、Because it can be wiped off、Helps to clean windows and mirrors。It is also recommended for cleaning furniture and appliances。Baking soda and citric acid:Baking soda is used to remove oil stains and odors in the kitchen、Citric acid is useful for removing dirt and mold。・Detergent for bath use:Especially when using mold removal detergents and water stain removal detergents、Can be kept clean。・Storage box and garbage bag:Dispose of things you don't use、You can organize your home neatly。 5. Finally, Japan's big cleaning、It's not just a cleaning、Clean your house to celebrate the new year、This is an important ritual to reset your mind too。Through this habit、The fun of cleaning with the family、You can feel the joy of preparing for the new year。By doing a big cleaning、Even places you don't normally clean will be cleaned、You can celebrate the new year in a clean state。Everyone please、Incorporating traditional Japanese cleaning、Please welcome the New Year with a refreshing feeling!

和柄の着物Japanese trivial knowledge

"Traditional Japanese patterns:Knowing beauty and meaning

Hello! A blogger who conveys the charms of Japan to the world、It's Momo! Today I would like to introduce traditional Japanese patterns.。In Japan、There are many beautiful patterns that have been used since ancient times。Each pattern is、It has more meaning than just a design、It contains cultural background and symbolism。Among them、Cloisonne and turtle shell patterns、Checkered pattern、Crane and turtle pattern、And my favorite cherry blossom pattern、It is a symbol of Japanese culture.。Well then、Let's take a look at each one! 1. Shippo pattern (Shippo pattern) Shippo pattern is、It is derived from Buddhism、It is characterized by circular and intersecting curves。This pattern is、"Shippo" in Buddhist teachings、In other words, it symbolizes seven precious treasures: gold, silver, lapis, glass, agate, coral, and shako shells.。In Japan、It is often used in decorations and ritual tools in Buddhist temples.、The symbolic meaning of that、happiness、Stable、It strongly expresses harmony。The crossed circular design gives a sense of eternal life and harmony、It brings calm and peace to the viewer。Even before Buddhism spread、It appears to be seen in other parts of Asia.、In Japan, it has been particularly well-respected due to the influence of Buddhism.。 2. The tortoise shell pattern (Kikomoyo) The tortoise shell pattern is、It has a hexagonal lattice pattern that poses the shape of a turtle shell、It symbolizes longevity and health。The turtle itself has been considered a symbol of longevity in Japanese culture.。In fact, the tortoise shell pattern、Not just in Japan, but、It can also be seen in other East Asian cultures such as China.、In Japan, it is often used as a lucky pattern for kimonos and home decorations.。Because the turtle shell is solid and stable、This pattern is a steady life and home.、It is preferred to pray for protection。 3. Checkered pattern (Ichimatsumoyo) Checkered pattern、Simple square lattice pattern、It symbolizes prosperity。This pattern is、It has spread since the Edo period、Its origin can be traced back to the Heian period.、It is particularly deeply rooted in traditional Japanese culture.。The lattice patterns are arranged neatly、A sense of stability and a balanced worldview are expressed.、It is a popular design that is used in interior and fashion even today.。Perfect for Japanese aesthetic sense、It's a simple yet powerful pattern。 4. Crane turtle pattern (Turtlememoyo) Crane turtle pattern、Designed with cranes and turtles、It symbolizes longevity and a happy marriage。In fact, the crane turtle pattern is、Not a unique design in Japan、It was originally used in China and elsewhere.、In Japan, especially celebrations and New Year's、Often seen at weddings、It is meant to pray for longevity and happiness。This pattern is、The combination of two creatures, a crane and a turtle、Because it symbolizes the strength and beauty of life、It is considered to be very auspicious in Japan。 5. Sakura pattern (Sakura Moyo) and、This is my favorite cherry blossom pattern! Cherry blossoms are symbolic of Japan's spring、Its fleetingness and beauty are deeply engraved in the hearts of Japanese people.。The cherry blossom pattern、It is used in many occasions to celebrate the arrival of spring、Especially new life and graduation ceremonies、You can see it during cherry blossom viewing season。Cherry blossoms can fulfill their short life.、It symbolizes "affluence" and "a new beginning."。This pattern is unique to Japan、It has characteristics that are not found overseas。 6. Finally, traditional Japanese patterns、All of them have a deep meaning、It's an indispensable part of our culture。Cloisonne pattern、Tortoise shell pattern、Checkered pattern、Crane and turtle pattern、And the cherry blossom pattern。The symbolic meaning of each pattern、happiness、longevity、Stable、order、prosperity、And a new beginning,、We are close to our lives and our hearts。There are also some cases where it was introduced from overseas、In Japan, each has a special meaning、Be loved in everyday life、It's been cherished。Knowing these patterns、It will give you a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and values。please、When you see these patterns、Please feel the meaning and history behind it!

スリッパは実は日本発祥!海外の人に伝えたい日本の履物文化Japanese trivial knowledge

"Slippers actually originate in Japan! Japanese footwear culture that we want to share with people overseas."

Hello! A blogger who conveys the charms of Japan to the world、It's Momo! Today is、I would like to introduce you to some interesting Japanese culture.。It is about the origin of "slippers"。Actually, slippers、Those footwear used all over the world、Surprisingly, Japan is the birthplace! How did slippers come from?、I'll also talk about Japan's unique relationship with the "no shoe shoes" culture.。 1. The origin of slippers:Footwear born from the shoe culture of foreigners, and the background to the birth of slippers、19The social situation in Japan in the second half of the century has been largely influenced.。at that time、Western culture flowed into Japan during the Meiji period.、Foreigners are now visiting Japan。They are、I can't get used to the unique Japanese habit of taking off my shoes and going home.、I often went indoors with my shoes on。Slippers were come up with to address this problem.。The slippers are、As indoor footwear that can be worn without taking off your shoes、It was introduced as an "overshoes" for foreigners to wear over shoes when they go up to Japanese houses.。like this、Slippers were footwear created by the intersecting culture of shoes and no shoes.。 2. The culture of no shoes and slippers Japan's "no shoes" is、It starts with the habit of removing your shoes before entering a home or public facility.。This、Not only to keep the floor clean、It also conveys respect for customers and family。especially、In Japanese houses, where people often sit directly on the floor indoors、Slippers play a very important role。The slippers are、Originally, footwear was made for foreigners.、It gradually spread to Japanese people、Nowadays, it is a daily item that can be found in most homes and offices.。 3. Recent slipper trends and places to buy now、Slippers are not only practical、You can see the attention to design too。In Japan、100Yen shops and home centers、Furthermore, at stylish general stores、Colorful and cute slippers are easy to get。especially、Design based on characters and animals、Slippers with distinctive Japanese patterns are popular。for example、At 100 yen shops such as Daiso and Seria、We have a wide range of slippers, from simple designs to unique characters.、Perfect as a souvenir for your trip。Also、There are many practical and simple slippers at home improvement stores.、Find lots of things that are easy to match with interior decorations。 4. This is recommended! Slippers as souvenirs in Japan、Its lightness and compactness make it perfect as a souvenir for your trip。especially、Japanese-style slippers and Japanese-style designs、It will be a fresh and attractive item for overseas visitors。By giving slippers、It allows people to feel the culture of Japan's prohibiting shoes and hospitality.、It's sure to be very pleased。Also、Slippers are highly practical、This is an item that those who receive it often use everyday.。A wonderful souvenir that conveys Japan's unique culture、Slippers are highly recommended。 Momo's recommended slippers、From here, I、Here are some recommended slippers from Momo! recently、I especially love Nitori's slippers.。At Nitori、100It's well made than the ones at the Yen Shop.、A wide variety of designs。I often wear fluffy slippers, especially in winter.、My feet are warm and very comfortable。Nitori's slippers、It's fluffy and soft、Perfect item for the cold season、It looks stylish and goes well with interior decoration。moreover、Nitori slippers are reasonably priced、There are many types too、It's easy to find the perfect pair for your taste。Not only does it protect your bare feet on the cold winter floor、It looks cute too、It enhances the atmosphere of the room! When you want to feel a little luxurious、Please give it a try。 Nitori official website 5. Finally, the birth of slippers、When we learn that foreigners' shoes and Japanese culture of banning shoes were deeply involved、New meanings are also visible in slippers that I use casually everyday.。19The slippers that were born in the century、Now it is a beloved item all over Japan、It is also very popular as a souvenir for travel。Next time I visit Japan、Please choose slippers as a souvenir。Light and practical、And slippers packed with Japanese design、It will be a great gift that will be appreciated by people from overseas too!

【幻の名馬】トキノミノル——無敗の伝説を残した悲劇の競走馬traditional culture and history

[The Phantom Horse] Tokino Minor - A tragic racehorse that left an undefeated legend

Hello、Iwapiko is a blogger who is passionate about Japan's horse racing and history! Today is、Despite having the most impressive results in the history of Japanese horse racing、The legendary racehorse that scattered too quickly、Introducing Tokinominol。 🏇 1010 wins、7Winning one record🏆 The first undefeated classic double-crowned horse in history💔 He died of tetanus just 17 days after winning the Japan Derby、I can see how special he was。Tokinominor, who was called "born to win the Derby," was、The biggest drama in horse racing history。 And his presence、The impact it had on Japanese horse racing is immeasurable。This time、Death from his birth、And we'll give you a thorough explanation of the legends that continue to this day! 🔥 1. Tokinominol - Appeared in the horse racing world”miracle”Horse of 🏇 The "horse of hope" was born in the chaos of the postwar period, Tokinominor was born、1948May 2, 2019。The location is、Kasamatsu Farm in Monbetsu Town, Hokkaido (now Hidaka Town), known as a famous horse racing production area.。 🌍 Postwar Japan and the Horse Racing World This era、Japan was aiming to recover from the burnt grounds of World War II.。Difficulty in food、Insufficient supplies、The devastated infrastructure...。The whole country is suffering、The horse racing world was in danger of survival due to the effects of the war.。 In the midst of such a confusion、1946Horse racing finally resumes in 2019。but、Horse racing is not yet familiar to the general public.、Few people went to the racetracks.。 In such an era、A horse that will change the future of Japanese horse racing has been born。That's、It was Tokinominol。 🏆 Tokinominol's pedigree Father Mother Tokinominol Theft Second Tyrants Queen 💰From "unsold horses" to "hope in the horse racing world" Tokinominor in his childhood、It was not a particularly popular horse.。because、Because his brothers were not able to do anything。 Also、Because his father Theft was said to be "not suitable for classical music."、Few people imagined a future in which this horse would win the Derby。 Therefore、Tokinominol has been in a "unsold" state for a long time...。 but、There was someone who first saw him。 That's、He was a trainer Tanaka Kazuichiro, a famous horse and a famous horse in the history of Japanese horse racing.。 👤 Meet the famous leader Tanaka Kazuichiro Tanaka、I recommended Nagata Masakazu, the president of the film company Daiei at the time, to buy this horse.。 💰 Nagata Masaichi originally traded for an extraordinary 1 million yen、I was reluctant to buy this horse。but、With the persuasiveness of trainer Tanaka and ranch officials、It was eventually purchased for 1 million yen (the same amount as the Derby winning prize at the time).。this is、It was an incredibly expensive transaction at the time.。 When I first purchased the horse, the name of the horse was "Perfect".、Later, it was renamed "Tokinominol"** at the request of the horse owner.。This name、 thus、The horse, a legendary horse in the horse racing world, has begun its life as a racehorse in earnest.。

「氷点下の奇跡を体感!札幌雪まつりを120%楽しむ    完全ガイド」Recommended sightseeing route

"Experience the miracle of sub-zero temperatures! A complete guide to enjoying the Sapporo Snow Festival to the fullest"

This time、SACO, who attends the Sapporo Snow Festival every year, introduces the "secrets to enjoy it 120%"! If you read this、You can have a heart-warming experience that will make you forget the cold。Under the winter night sky、"Sapporo Snow Festival" is surrounded by silver-white art。Giant snow statue、Shining ice sculpture、A thrilling snow play spreads out、Invite visitors to the world of magic。but、2The highest temperature in Sapporo on the moon is 0℃、Minimum temperature below -10℃。If you take good measures to keep warm、Forget the cold、You can enjoy this winter's miracle to your heart's content! 1. Enjoy a quiet, miraculous night with a trial light. The "trial light" will be held on the eve of the opening of the snow festival.、This is a special event where you can witness the moment when the lit-up snow sculpture is exposed to light for the first time.。There are few tourists too、It's a hidden gem in the silence。 ✨SACO experiences:"The day of the test lights、Temperature**-9℃**。The snow statue that appeared in light、It was like a creature in a dream。 place:Sapporo City Chuo District Oito West 4-10-chome 2. Behind the giant snow sculpture! The unknown behind the scenes of the production: The giant snow sculpture, which can be said to be a symbol of the Sapporo Snow Festival, is、It's not just big。Delicate details and overwhelming power、Many people take their breath。but、How are these snow sculptures made? Until a giant snow sculpture is formed 💡Trivia:For making snow sculptures、The Self-Defense Forces are cooperating。Their advanced technology and teamwork、It supports the perfection of the snow sculpture。 ⛄Impressions of SACO:"When I saw the snow sculpture in the middle of production, I was overwhelmed by the size of the product.。When it's finished, it looks like、It was truly the art of snow and ice! " place:Sapporo City Chuo District Oito West 4-10-chome 3. Morning of the snow sculpture demolished:Let's see the "art of fragility"! Early morning the day after the festival ends、The work to demolish the snow sculpture begins at the main street venue。The sight of heavy machinery collapsing the huge snow sculpture is spectacular、It gives you a sense of the beauty of disappearing art。 my experience: When I saw the snow sculpture collapse、I vowed to come and see him again next year.。The sight of the snow sculpture quietly coming to an end、It's a special scene that touches your heart。 ☕ One point: When I took a hot drink in hand,、You can enjoy watching it without forgetting the cold! place:Sapporo City Chuo District Oito West 4-10-chome 4. Enjoy a special experience at an outdoor skating rink around town! At the Odori venue、The outdoor skating rink that is set up for a limited time is also popular.。A special experience of enjoying skating in the city、It makes you feel like you're in a movie。Illumination lights around the link、At night it has a fantastic atmosphere。 ⛸️ Rental shoes fee included in the skating rink admission fee https://www.uhb.jp/smilerinksapporo2025/ Location:Odori Nishi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 5. Let's immerse ourselves in the "world of jewels" in the ice art area. At the Susukino venue、There is an "Ice Art Area" with ice sculptures。The sculptures made from highly transparent ice、It shows different beauty during the day and at night。 How to enjoy the day and night 💡SACO's comments:"The ice sculpture at night、It was a mysterious sight that seemed to have entered the story.。" address:Sapporo City Chuo District South 4 4 chome ー 6 4 chome ー 4 chome ー 4 chome 6. If you want to enjoy playing in the snow, head to the "Tsudoum Venue"! The "snow play area" at the Sapporo Snow Festival、A popular spot for both children and adults alike。 💡SACO experiences:"Returning to my childhood with my friend on a snow slide、I slid down many times and got a lot of laughs。It's an area that will make you so passionate that you'll forget about the cold! " place: 885-1 Sakaecho, Higashi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 007-0852 7. Barrier-free service is also available! At the Sapporo Snow Festival、Volunteers are active for wheelchair users.、Snow wheelchairs and canes with ice picks、Free rental of cold weather gear and walking assistance、We provide wheelchair assistance。Make everyone enjoyable with peace of mind、There is plenty of support! If you need assistance, we recommend making a reservation。 place: "Business Volunteer House" at Odori 6-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo E-mail:tetote@gamma.ocn.ne.jp 8. Prevent falls! Penguin walks and conquering snowy roads with shoe spikes On snowy roads、Master the "Penguin Walking"! 🐧Penguin walking tips ✨Secret weapon:Attaching removable shoe spikes makes it less slippery。However, it is easier to slip in underground walking spaces, so please remove it.。 9. Warmthy even under freezing temperatures! SACO style - the ultimate cold protection measure 🧣SACO's cold weather list...

日本のバス、なんでこんなに快適なの!? 乗ってみてわかった10の理由Japanese trivial knowledge

Japanese bus、Why is it so comfortable? ? 10 reasons I found out after riding

"Japanese buses are、Why is it so comfortable? "Some people who came to Japan on a trip、People who use the bus on a daily basis、You must have thought that at least once。 The seats are spacious and fluffy、Keep time carefully、Driving is also polite and safe。but、That's not obvious。 Compared to the world、Japanese buses are really high quality。So this time、We'll give you a thorough explanation of "Why are Japanese buses so comfortable?" with 10 points! The car's facilities are well-equipped! There are Wi-Fi and outlets too convenient. Japanese buses are、It's not just a way of transportation、A comfortable "relaxing space"。 On recent long distance buses、 especially、On night buses, there are partition curtains on the seats.、It is designed to prevent the person behind you from causing trouble even if you fold the reclining.。Recently、A bus equipped with a touch panel entertainment system has also been released.、Some can enjoy movies while you're on the move。Travel time doesn't get boring、What's amazing about Japanese buses。 The seats are spacious and comfortable! Designed to keep you tired even for long periods of time, Japanese bus seats are、Anyway, it's comfortable。Especially long distance buses and night buses、Some use business class airplane seats.。 The air conditioning in the car is well managed、It's not too hot or too cold。This too、One of the key points that supports the comfort of Japanese buses。 Driving is polite and safe! Comfortable travel with professional technology Japanese buses、Very safe。The reason is、The strict operating standards of bus companies、The driver's high technical skills。 Especially on night buses、There are often two drivers taking turns driving.。Even for long driving、You can reach your destination safely and comfortably。 The hospitality of the drivers is amazing. What supports the comfort of Japanese buses、One of the main reasons is the driver's courteous customer service.。 On an overseas bus、There is often almost no interaction between the driver and the passenger.、In Japan, the spirit of "passenger first" is thoroughly implemented。 Japan is the only bus that won't be late! ? The bus is very operational as timetable, but some people may think that it's only natural that buses come on time.、That's because it's Japan。 There are countries overseas that are "30 minutes late"、Japanese buses are punctual at the level of "an apology announcements even if they are only one minute late."。By operating on time、It's also easier to plan passengers。 The inside of the car is quiet and calm. Japanese buses are、The passengers are well mannered so the inside is very quiet。 On an overseas bus、Play music with a loud noise、Many people talk loudly、That's rarely happen on Japanese buses.。You can stay calm while traveling、It's one of the charms of Japanese buses.。 You can go anywhere in the country! Great access to tourist destinations: Japanese buses、It is characterized by being able to access anywhere in the country。Even in tourist spots where there are no trains、A bus is easy to get there。 for example、 If you use the night bus、You can also travel from Tokyo to Osaka at a low price。 There are plenty of seasonal bus tours, and travel and sightseeing are included.、Enjoy it efficiently without having to consider a schedule。Bus tours、Less fatigue while traveling、The advantage is that you can enjoy sightseeing to the fullest。 Barrier-free access is progressing in recent years、Buses in Japan are now more accessible to barrier-free.、It is designed for anyone to ride comfortably。 As a public transport system、It has an environment that is easy for many people to use。 Always clean! The inside of the car is shiny. Cleaning is always carried out between operations.、The sheets and handrails are also thoroughly disinfected.。On overseas buses, it is often said that the seats are dirty...、It's almost impossible on a Japanese bus。 The Japanese bus is the most comfortable in the world! Comfort、security、Cleanliness、Japanese bus with all the services。When you ride next time、I want you to enjoy this comfort carefully。

あなたの恐怖感覚を覆す! 日本のホラー映画の世界的な魅力Japanese trivial knowledge

Overturn your sense of fear! The global appeal of Japanese horror films

Hello、This is Nagano Makoto! Don't you think of horror movies as just a scary entertainment? If so、Japanese horror movies (J-horror) fundamentally overturn these preconceived notions。 J-horror goes beyond just a terrifying production、It is characterized by a sense of anxiety that creeps deep into the heart and a lingering aftertaste that remains after viewing。The "Ring" and "Ju-on" which have become a hot topic all over the world are great examples.。 myself、I still can't forget the night I first saw "Ring"。I suddenly stared at TV in the middle of the night、It was like Sadako was coming out, so I couldn't sleep at all.。That experience led to、I've become fascinated by the unique aesthetics and fear of Japanese horror films。 In this article、Why Japanese horror films are loved all over the world and、Here are some of the most popular works。 Why are Japanese horror films attracting attention around the world? 1. The terrifying performances hidden in everyday life: The characteristics of J-horror、Not only is it a scary look、It is a psychological sense of fear that permeates the audience's daily lives.。 For example, in the "Ring"、A familiar item called a cursed videotape is used as a symbol of fear.。The scene where Sadako crawls out of the TV screen、This is a famous scene that combines visual fear and psychological anxiety.。 myself、I can't forget the shock I felt when I first saw this scene。It was a moment when the TV at home felt like a source of fear, not just a home appliance.。 2. Cultural background and unique themes Japanese horror films、Weaves traditional ghost images and cultural values ​​into the story。 For example, in "Ju-on", we use the unique Japanese concept of "vengeful spirits."、It depicts a fear of a chain of grudges。"Audition" is、The theme is the loneliness and distorted relationships of modern society。 These works are、Beyond just a horror movie、It is a window that reflects the essence of Japanese culture and society.。For overseas audiences、It also has the charm of discovering unknown cultures and values。 3. The popularity of J-Horror is the remake that will affect the world、It is also reflected in Hollywood remakes.。 "Ring" and "Ju-on" are particularly successful examples.、The detailed storytelling and unique terrifying performance of the original Japanese version are appreciated.。 Recent featured works Recent years、Japanese horror films are evolving even further。The following new releases are particularly noteworthy。 Also pay attention to masterpieces. Finally, read this article、Have you become interested in Japanese horror films? What was the scariest horror movie you've ever seen? If you have ever seen "Ring" or "Ju-on"、Please share your thoughts。 If you think this article is interesting、Please share it on social media! Talk with your friends and family about the appeal of Japanese horror。 I、Nagano Makoto will continue to share Japan's wonderful entertainment culture with the world.。Well then、See you in the next article!

Japanese trivial knowledge

⚽[Up to 1.2 billion yen] We will teach you the types of soccer lottery toto and tips for winning!💰

🎉 Introduction – What types of toto are there? The Japanese sports lottery "toto" is、This is a unique Kuji that predicts the results of the J League match.。but、You might think, "Is there only one type of toto?"。actually、There are multiple types of toto with different prediction methods and rules! ✅ Do you use your soccer knowledge to compete?✅ Are you aiming for 600 million yen by leaving it to luck?✅ Would you like to try it out for beginners? In this article、We will explain in detail the characteristics of each toto。Find the perfect toto for you、Would you like to try your luck?🎟️✨ 🔹 List of types of toto – Which one do you choose? Toto、There are five types depending on your purpose and difficulty! Well then、Let's take a closer look at the appeal of each toto!👇 🏆 1. toto – A classic sports lottery that will test your predictions! 📌 Features ✅ Predict the J-League match results based on "win, draw, and loss"!✅ 1Winning money such as this is millions to hundreds of millions of yen!✅ People who are knowledgeable about soccer can use data analysis! 📊 Predictive options 🎯 Conditions for winning✅ 1wait:13A match won (it won a huge prize!)✅ 2wait:12Match wins✅ 3wait:11A winning match Recommended for those who want to use their data analysis and soccer knowledge to compete!⚽🔥 🎯 2. mini toto – For beginners! Simple predictions for just 5 games 📌 Features ✅ 5Just predict the outcome of the match!✅ It's easy to win, so it's popular among beginners!✅ 1Winning money such as tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yen 🎯 Conditions for winning✅ 1wait:5All matches are in the winning position Perfect for those who want to start with the simple ones!✨ ⚽ 3. totoGOAL3 – A thrilling lottery to predict your goals! 📌 Features...

完全ガイド】北海道・道東の絶景スポット5選✨一生に一度の感動体験を!Recommended sightseeing route

[Complete Guide] 5 Scenic Spots in Hokkaido and Eastern Hokkaido✨A once-in-a-lifetime moving experience!

*“Eh?⁉️Is there a place like this in Japan? ! ”* Hokkaido “Eastern Hokkaido Area”、It's like another world🌏。Spectacular scenery created by nature、A miraculous moment that can only be seen here is waiting! In this article、We bring you **5 scenic spots** in eastern Hokkaido that are very popular and are ``I'm glad I went!''🎉✨   📸 *If you think “I want to go!”、Shares and comments are welcome💬💕* —   🌿 *1. Shiretoko Peninsula | Excited by the world heritage nature💚  📍 *address* : Spreads over Shari Town, Shari District, Hokkaido and Rausu Town, Menashi District 💰 *Fee*: Free admission If you want to experience the great nature of Hokkaido, this is the place!✨*Shiretoko Peninsula*、It is “Earth’s last unexplored region” and is registered as a World Natural Heritage Site.🌎   *🌟 Highlight points* *Shiretoko Goko Lakes*:On the lake surface that reflects like a mirror、A spectacular spot where the primeval forest is beautifully reflected。   *cruise tour🚢*:The sight of steep cliffs and wild animals seen from the boat is truly an adventure.🦌✨   *drift ice in winter❄️*:The sight of shining white drift ice filling the sea、Breathtakingly mysterious! 📸 *Photo-worthy points*:The collaboration of drift ice and sunset is a “miraculous moment”📷💞   💎 *2. Jewelry Ice (Otsu Coast) | A winter miracle shines✨* 📍 *address*: Otsu Beach, Toyokoro Town, Nakagawa District, Hokkaido 💰 *Fee*: Free winter only❄️、**Jewelry ice appearing on the Otsu coast💎**teeth、Miraculous art created by nature🎨✨ The way the ice sparkles in the sunlight、It's truly a gem! *🌟 Highlights* *Early morning glow*:Jewelry ice cream that shines with the sunrise、Beauty that steals your heart🌅✨   *Rare feeling MAX! *:A miraculous sight that can only be seen here in the world。   📸 *Shooting tips*:Take proper measures against the cold、You should get up early and go!📷✨...

【激アツ】驚愕のクォリティ!プチプラコスメブランドが魅せる新時代の美意識!Japanese trivial knowledge

[Super hot] Behind the scenes of a low-priced revolution! A new era of beauty that is evident from affordable cosmetic brands

Recently、Low priced, yet surprisingly high quality affordable cosmetics、It overturns the traditional image that "cheap = low quality"、It achieves a finish that is comparable to department store cosmetics。Drug stores and variety stores、These brands are easy to buy online、It is supported not only by young people but also by adult women.、Not only is it "gentle on your wallet", but it also pursues its "comfort," "coloring," and "kindness to the skin."。the result、We are leading the aesthetic sense of a new era as a beauty partner that closely follows the everyday life of consumers.。In this article、Development stories of each brand and the realistic voices of experts、With market trends、We look into the appeal of affordable cosmetic brands。 Development stories and corporate philosophy of each brand Many affordable brands are、Based on the philosophy that "beauty should be equal to everyone."、To provide high-performance and high-quality products despite low prices、We are committed to our unique technology and materials selection.。 Canmake for example、Canmake is based on the concept of "congratulations to meet cuteness."、Make young people enjoy makeup on a daily basis、Using SNS to reflect real-time feedback in product improvements。Always create new colors and textures、The reason for its support is the attitude of being ahead of the trends.。 Cezanne on the other hand、Cezanne has been in business since its founding in 1964.、"It's always safe、Under the philosophy of "beautiful forever"、Known for its skin-friendly ingredients and thorough quality control。While keeping costs down、Prescriptions that do not put a strain on the skin、Efforts to achieve patch-tested safety、It has led to years of trust。 Kate again、Kate is based on the free idea of ​​"No More Rules."、A range of unique colors and a simple yet sophisticated design、It is popular among younger generations。By delving deeper into the development episodes and backgrounds of each brand,、Why can we achieve high quality despite low prices?、You can get to the secret。 Voices of experts and influencers: Influencers who are active in the beauty industry and social media、We are paying great attention to the innovation of affordable cosmetics。for example、One famous makeup artist said, "Canmake items are、Easy to use and good color、You can feel the professional-grade finish in any situation."。Also、By posting your impressions of beauty writers and influencers using them on social media.、Real reviews spread、It is a key factor in making it possible for consumers to choose products with peace of mind。These expert opinions are、Although it is affordable, it is an element that encourages you to try it out.、Very useful as a reference when choosing a brand。 Explanation of market trends and latest trends Recent years、The affordable cosmetics market is rapidly improving quality、Beyond the traditional low-cost policy、We are now able to incorporate technology and ingredients that are comparable to department store cosmetics.。According to statistical data、Sales of affordable products are increasing, especially among young people.、The spread of word-of-mouth on social media is a tailwind.。Also、Each brand has a very fast cycle of new products.、Seasonal trends and limited colors、Furthermore, collaboration products with other brands are frequently released.。This results in、Consumers are always able to try out the latest trends at low prices。for example、Limited collaborations and new colour announcements、It features quality and innovative design that rivals traditional department store cosmetics.、It is a factor that boosts the overall brand's reputation along with its topic.。

マズイ?美味しい? チョコミントはなぜ論争が起こるのか?Japanese trivial knowledge

Is it bad? delicious? Why is chocolate mint controversy?

Is chocolate mint the best sweet? Or toothpaste? When you hear "chocolate mint" in Japan、Opinions are divided like an eternal theme。While some people praised it, "The exquisite harmony of refreshing mint and sweet chocolate!"、Some people refuse with all their might, saying, "It looks like they're eating toothpaste, so it's impossible!"。There are countries that have become popular overseas flavors, but、In Japan, pros and cons tend to be extremely divided.。 Why is chocolate mint so controversial? Let's explore that secret。 Why is chocolate mint called "bad"? The refreshing feeling of mint is too strong The unique refreshing feeling of chocolate mint、Mint ingredients are "menthol"。This actually reduces the temperature inside the mouth、Gives a refreshing feeling。but、Many people don't like this "sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus-sus、This is a particularly shocking experience for those who ate sweet foods.。 Many people feel that it's "the taste of toothpaste" for those who are not used to mint flavored foods.、Chocolate mint can taste like toothpaste。actual、Many toothpastes contain menthol、Your brain will recognize it as "not food."。 Some people feel uncomfortable with the compatibility of chocolate and mint, and sweet and rich chocolate、The refreshing mint has a contrasting taste。It's a perfect balance for those who like this combination.、For those who don't like it, you may wonder, "Why did you put these two together?"。 Why is chocolate mint highly praised for being "delicious"? The balance between sweetness and refreshing taste becomes addictive for chocolate mint lovers、Sweet chocolate and refreshing mint are "not too sweet"、The best combination that will make you feel refreshed."。Especially in the summer、The appeal is that you can enjoy a refreshing feeling that other sweets don't have. Popular flavors from around the world. In America and Europe、Chocolate mint ice cream is one of the classic flavors。In particular, in the United States, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice has been ranked high in popularity rankings for many years.、Many brands sell it。 Chocolate mint sweets combined with bitter chocolate that can be enjoyed as an "adult taste"、A tasty and adult-friendly taste。Even in Japan、Chocolate mint sweets are increasing at convenience stores and cafes、The number of fans is steadily increasing。 What is its reputation online? If you look at social media or review sites、Opinions about chocolate mint are extremely divided。 like this、Chocolate mint is a flavor that changes greatly depending on the taste of the eater.。 This is the special Japanese chocolate mint! A wide variety of Japanese-style arrangements. Chocolate mint is mainly enjoyed overseas as ice cream.、Chocolate mint flavored bread in Japan、donut、chocolate、Shake etc.、There are a wide variety。 Many limited-time products in Japan、Chocolate mint flavored sweets are often released as "summer only"、Many fans look forward to the new release every year.。 Seven-Eleven is easy to buy at convenience stores、Family Mart、At convenience stores such as Lawson、Chocolate mint flavored ice cream and sweets are regularly featured.、It is easy to enjoy。 Is it worth trying chocolate mint? in conclusion、Chocolate mint is "I'm irresistible for those who like it."、It's a flavor that is hard to accept for people who don't like it."。but、People who have been shunning me up until now、Depending on the brand and product, you may think, "It's surprisingly good!"。 Especially Japanese chocolate mint sweets、Compared to overseas, the mint is less strong and easier to eat.、Even if you're not good at it, try it out。 Are you a chocolate mint person? Or is it against? Please share it on social media、Please let me know your opinion

「大流行!!」日本発!今すぐ試したい最新アイライナーの引き方【愛されライン・アニメラインetc.】Japanese trivial knowledge

"A huge trend!!" From Japan! The latest ways to pull eyeliner you want to try right now [Beloved Line, Anime Line, etc.]💄

Thank you、This is an ABETACK that makes you wonder if it's eyeliner or Wynaina。 This time I wrote an article about "eyeliner"。Be sure to read until the end! ! 👀 Japan's eyeliner techniques are hot topic around the world! Which one do you choose? "I want to make my eyes look bigger!" "I want to have the eyes that look like an anime character!" "I want to make them look natural but cute!" We'll introduce you to the latest Japanese eyeliner techniques that will fulfill these wishes.✨ Japanese makeup trends include "techniques that change the impression of your eyes"! In this article、A thorough explanation of five eyeline styles, including the landmine line, the anime line, the fox line, the Korean style line, and the beloved line, which are currently popular! 🌟 Recommended for people like this!✅ I'm interested in Japanese trendy makeup!✅ I want to add a change to my usual makeup!✅ I want to know the eyeliner style that suits me! 💬 Which eyeliner is your favorite? Tell me in the comments! 💎 ① Landmine Line – An Ennui EYE that looks like a cry 👀💔 When you think of "landmine makeup," you'll find landmine lines that create a sense of fragility and innocence! It is characterized by the ability to create a tear-eyed atmosphere while making use of the shape of your eyes💖 💡 How to draw a mine line ✨ Draw in two separate episodes → Draw a line from the beginning of the eye to the front of the black eye、after that、Avoid the bottom of the pupil and turn towards the outer corner of the eye✨ Fill in directly below the pupils with dots → Create natural tearful eyes!✨ Blur with bright eyeshadow → A soft, ephemeral atmosphere💫 📌 Recommended situations✔ Perfect for a girly outfit!✔ For eyes that make you think "I want to protect you"! 💎 ② Anime Line - It's like a manga heroine!✨...

【世界が震えた伝説の5冠馬・シンザン】——“奇跡”と呼ばれた名馬の全貌Japanese trivial knowledge

[Shinzan, the legendary five-crowned horse that trembles the world] - The complete picture of a famous horse called "miracle"

Hello! This is Iwapiko! "Beyond Shinzan" - the ultimate goal of all racehorse "In Japanese horse racing history、What is the greatest horse? " Deep Impact、Orfevre、Symboli Rudolph...。surely、They are legendary horses。 but、The history of Japanese horse racing fundamentally changes、There are horses that all racehorses have become "the ones that they should aim for."。That's、It's Shinzan。 ✅ The first classic triangle horse in history (unbeaten)✅ The only "Five-Crown Horse" in history (Satsuki Sho, Derby, Kikuka Sho, Emperor's Cup, Arima Kinen)✅ All 19 Central Horse Racing races have been placed within 2nd place! “100% consecutive rate”✅ A different-dimensional brain that is said to have understood horse racing✅ The longest-running G1 horse in Japanese horse racing history (surviving until age 35) "Beyond Shinzan" - this is for many years、It has become a slogan for the Japanese horse racing world.。 why、Is he so special? why、Will it continue to fascinate horse racing fans around the world? In this article、Even beginners can enjoy it、We will explore Shinzan's feats and its charms。 [Why is Shinzan called a "legend"? 】 ① "Everyone thought it was impossible" -- Until the undefeated Triple Crown Horse was born, Shinzan's record、1915 wins and 2nd place in 4 times。Surprisingly、I've never sunk below 3rd place。 but、He wasn't the horse he was expected to have from the beginning.。 At the time of stable、The trainers and stable hands have criticized the harsh reviews of "they don't look like a horse that runs very well."。They thought, "It's not particularly good," and "It doesn't look like it has speed."。 However,、When he debuted, he made an overwhelming succession of winnings.。and、The classic triangle that everyone said "it's impossible"、I achieved it undefeated。 The winning way is also incredible、Pull your rivals to the very last minute、A spectacular race that quickly thrusts away。The winning method makes you think, "Do you really understand horse racing?"、It surprised the fans。 "Any railroad、No matter what the development、I'll definitely win"、That's why he's called a "legend"。 ② "The sharpness of the machete" - the final sprint that surprised the world - Shinzan's final sprint、It's as sharp as if you were cutting it with a macab。Therefore、In the horse racing world, it was described as "Shinzan's final leg is the sharpness of the machete"**。 Especially the performance at the Kikuka Sho、Truly a "legend"。 "I'm not getting better after losing in summer," and "The Triple Crown will be tough," many people say such things.、He stood still until the end of the race、Explosive acceleration with 200m remaining、I quickly pushed my rivals away。 This "When you should win"、"The racing style is definitely something you win"、This is one of the biggest reasons why it attracts horse racing fans around the world.。 ③ "I understood horse racing" -- Shinzan, the brain that is so genius、It wasn't just a "fast horse"。The people involved are about him、He testifies like this。 🗣 "I had the habit of slowing down as soon as I passed the goal board.。」🗣 "I don't run at all when I trained、Perfect finish in the actual performance。"Trainers and jockeys、He said about Shinzan that he is "a horse who only takes his serious effort during the actual event."、Think about how to win the race yourself、It is said that they tried not to waste energy.。 "I'm not just strong," "I understand the flow of horse racing、I'll make moves to win." Shinzan、It was truly a "strategic" racehorse.。 ④ "Shinzan has disappeared!" -- The shock of the Arima Kinen At the Arima Kinen, Shinzan's last run、An unprecedented incident has occurred in horse racing history。 The jockey of rival horse Michalkas、**"Curtain Shinzan inside、"Runsing the rough track."。but、Shinzan spots it、I finally managed to run through the "outside edge"** on the course! At this time、Shinzan's appearance completely disappeared from the view of the stands and TV cameras.。The live announcer、I cried out with excitement。 🎙 "Shinzan has disappeared!!" This will become a legendary moment that will go down in horse racing history.、It is being talked about as a race that has surprised horse racing fans all over the world.。 ⑤ The "miraculous life force" that has survived for 35 years: The average life expectancy of a racehorse、20Around age。but、Shinzan lives up to 35 years, 3 months, 11 days、The longest-running G1 horse in Japan's history。 Later years、He loses his right eye、All my teeth have fallen out too、Still, I continued to live。His life itself、It is said to be a "miracle story"。

Recommended Japanese shops

Why McDonald's in Japan is special! “Cultural experience fast food” that surprises overseas travelers 🌏🍔

"McDonald's、Isn't it the same in every country? ” Don’t you think so? actually、McDonald's in Japan is a place filled with charm that is completely different from those in other countries! Its unique menu and courteous service、And the cultural background、An experience that gives travelers a true sense of “Japaneseness”。In this article、A thorough comparison of McDonald's in Japan and America、We will deliver the differences and charms。After reading、You will surely want to try it! This is different! Comparison between Japan and the world 1. Only here in the world! The biggest feature of Japanese McDonald's McDonald's is a unique menu limited to Japan、It is a unique menu that incorporates food culture.。Don't try this、I can't say enough about McDonald's in Japan! Points of interest: McDonald's in Japan、More than just fast food、We offer a "gourmet experience" that reflects local tastes.。Which Japanese-only menu are you interested in? Let me know in the comments! 2. "Cultural differences" in portion size and calories: Comparing McDonald's in America and Japan、There are also big differences in portion sizes and attitudes towards nutrition.。 Traveler's voice: Many people say that McDonald's in Japan feels lighter.。Those who actually experienced this difference、How did you feel? Please let us know your impressions! 3. The price of McDonald's in Japan is a little expensive, but the price is reasonable、Slightly higher than America。but、there's a reason for that。 Tips for travelers: At McDonald's in Japan、Enjoy a luxurious experience for a small additional fee。on your next trip、Please feel free to compare。 4. Unique ordering experience! in Japan and America、Ordering methods are also very different.。 Featured point: At Japanese stores、In particular, the smiles of the staff and the detailed attentiveness are noticeable.。The moment you feel "hospitality"、It may be more impressive than the meal itself。 5. McDonald's and Culture: In Japan, where you can enjoy the differences between countries、McDonald's as the "national fast food"、Popular with families and children。especially、Happy set is very popular! Always comes with fruit apple slices、Toys are also devised each time according to the theme.。on the other hand、in America、McDonald's is known as a "cheap and easy" option。 Difference in culture: This difference is、It indicates how fast food is adapted to the food culture and lifestyle of each country。 On the next trip、Let's experience McDonald's in Japan! Eat Teriyaki Mac Burger、Experience the kind customer service of the staff、McDonald's in Japan is a place where you can enjoy food culture and hospitality at the same time.。Those who read this article and thought "I want to go!"、Please put it in the plan for the next trip。 What is your experience? Do you have any favorite menus or memories in McDonald's in Japan and the United States? Please share in the comments! Also、Share this post with friends and family、Let's talk about it。Surely there will be interesting discoveries!

Osaka Prefecture

Boat racing (Kyōtei) is truly at risk💦 The world still doesn't know、A thrilling sport from Japan!🚤🔥

🚤Welcome to the world of adrenaline thrill! Hello! A blogger who shares the charm of Japan with the world、It's "ABETACK"!✨ everyone、When you think of Japanese sports, what do you think of? In Japan、There is a "ultimate thrill sports" that the world doesn't know about yet! That's "boat racing (Kyōtei)"、Japan's unique motorboat race! 🚤💨 Six boats sprinting over the water at speeds of over 80km/h、Clash on a limited course! A sharp turn、A mistake in judgment of just 0.1 seconds will determine the match、A sport that can be said to be F1 on the water!🔥 And、Boat racing is also one of Japan's public gambling services.、It's not just a speed match、It is also an intellectual sport where data analysis and strategy are key! "I want to know about Japan's unique sports!" "I want to watch a thrilling race!" "It's not just gambling."、I want to enjoy a real competition! "For those of you、We'll introduce you to the charms of boat racing!🚀 🏁 This is the boat racing experience! 1️⃣ It's a simple rule though、It's deep! The basic rules for boat racing are simple、Even first-time users can enjoy it right away! ✅ 1Only 6 boats are raced – fewer than other motorsports、Everyone has a chance to win!✅ 600Two rounds (3 turns) on the M course – in a short distance battle、Unpredictable until the very end!✅ wind、Wave、Start positions are the winners and losers - not only speed、Wisdom and strategy are key! The appeal of boat racing is not "luck"、The game is decided by the players' skills and strategies! That's why、Just watching the race is really interesting! 2️⃣ Boat racers are、Japan's proud "warrior on the water"! If you think, "You're just driving a boat, right?" you'll be wrong! How to become a boat racer、One of Japan's leading elite training institutes、You must complete the strict training at the "Boat Racer Training School"。Top-level young people gathered from all over Japan、Break through only 3% of the gates、Make your debut as a professional boat racer。 moreover、The biggest attraction of boat racing is...no matter gender、It is a sport that can be fought under exactly the same conditions! 💪🔥 Unlike horse racing and track and field, where physical fitness is affected、Boat racing depends on "technology" and "strategy."。Female players can beat male players、Not uncommon! 3️⃣ Beyond the boundaries of "gambling"、Intellectual sports 🎲 Boat racing is one of the public gambling in Japan.、You can't win just by luck! actually、How to win in boat racing、Data analysis is extremely important! ✅ Analyze athletes' past performance and running style✅ Determine the performance of boats and engines✅ Predicting the effects of wind and water flows, truly、A sport where your brain and strategy are tested! and、Because it's a public competition in Japan、The rules are super strict and 100% transparent! The race results are completely clean、No worries about fixing。That's why、You can seriously enjoy it! 🌊 Where can I watch boat racing? (Actually, you can also watch online!) Boat races、It is held every day at 24 boat racing tracks across Japan! 📍 Famous Boat Race Courses TOP 3🏟️ Boat Race Suminoe (Osaka) – The birthplace of boat racing、The appeal of night games is the event!🏟️ Boat Race Fukuoka (Fukuoka) – On a course near the sea、Wind and waves create drama!🏟️...

Japanese trivial knowledge

🌎 A legendary jockey that will surprise the world - a thorough analysis of Take Yutaka's amazingness! 🏇✨

Hello! It is Iwapiko! 🔹 Why does Take Yutaka captivate horse racing fans all over the world? If you hear "Take Yutaka"、A famous jockey known to all Japanese horse racing fans。but、Its name is not limited to Japan、It is widely known in the world of horse racing as "Yutaka Take."。 Why is he so special? Why is it beyond the boundaries of Japanese horse racing?、Will it also captivate horse racing fans around the world? In this article、A thorough analysis of jockey Take Yutaka's "amazingness"! His record、Overseas challenge、Legendary race、And we will dig deeper into global appreciation.。"People who likes Taketoyo"、「競馬をよく知らない人」も、If you read it, you'll definitely get hooked on his charm! 📣 Points of this article!✅ Take Yutaka's overwhelming record and achievements✅ 世界でも高評価を受ける海外遠征の成果✅ Three legendary races that are said to be "divine riding"✅ Evaluation of the top jockeys from overseas media and the world 💬 Please let us know your favorite "Take Yutaka's Race" and "a message of support for him" in the comments! 🏆 1. The most record holder in Japan's history of horse racing – Take Yutaka's feat First、Let's take a look at his grades。Jockey Take Yutaka is said to be "a more memorable jockey than a record."、The records are actually overwhelming too。 📌 Take Yutaka's main records (as of 2024) ✅ JRA通算4,400勝超え(史上最多)✅ JRA G1 races totaling over 100 wins (first in Japan's horse racing history)✅ Japan Derby's most wins (6 wins)✅ JRA’s most victories in years: 212 wins (2005)✅ Over 30 horses that have won G1✅ 37 consecutive years since his debut, he won major prizes✅ Riding horses' prizes exceed 86 billion yen (1st in the world) Even if you are not familiar with horse racing、It should tell you how different this number is。I can't imagine "Japanese horse racing without Take Yutaka"! That's the level。 📖 Take Yutaka's past progress 🏇 From childhood to debut, jockey Take Yutaka、Born in a horse racing family。His father, Takekunihiko, is a jockey known as a "master."、I was influenced by this and became familiar with horses since I was a child.。 🔹 The birth of Take Yutaka and the encounter with horse racing 🏠 Thoroughbred born into a horse racing family 🔹 Horse racing school days –...

日本のタクシー業界を制覇する!外国人旅行者におすすめのタクシー会社&アプリとは?Japanese trivial knowledge

Conquer the Japanese taxi industry! What are the recommended taxi companies and apps for foreign travelers?

Taxi in Japan、When going around sightseeing spots or when you want to move in a hurry、Very convenient、It's a bit uneasy for foreigners who visit Japan for the first time.。I think many people are worried, "Which taxi company should I choose?"。So this time、A company that is especially recommended in the Japanese taxi industry、Thorough explanation of convenient dispatch apps while traveling! Hold down the points of choosing a taxi that you can move with confidence、Make your trip to Japan more comfortable。 I recommend a taxi company 1. Nippon Kotsu (NIHON KOTSU) Excellent reliability! At the largest taxi company in Japan, safe transfer Nippon Kotsu、As the largest taxi company in Japan、Boasts a stable service and high reliability。Active in Tokyo and other major cities、It is also used by many foreign tourists。The driver is experienced、Because the service is perfect、Don't worry about words。especially、Nippon Kotsu has an environment where even inexperienced people can earn high income.、You can earn a solid income。 Points for foreigners: Nippon Kotsu vehicles are regularly maintained、Because hygiene is also considered、You can move comfortably。moreover、Multiple language services for foreigners、Smooth access to sightseeing spots。 2. Daiwa Motor Transportation (Daiwa Motor Transportation) is safe for women! High -treatment Yamato Motor Transportation with stable income、As the industry's first listed company、Boasting a stable management base。Especially support for female drivers is generous、It has a reputation for the work environment very easy to work。Starting from 250,000 yen per month、You can expect higher income depending on your ability。External evaluation is also high、The ease of work and stability are attractive。 Points for foreigners: Yamato Motor Transportation、There are many drivers compatible with multilinguals、Because it supports English and other languages、Very convenient for tourists。 3. International vehicles (KOKUSAI MOTOR) Easy to earn even newcomers! International vehicles that are friendly to foreigners、In the taxi industry, it is a company that has a lot of support for rookie drivers.。Welfare benefits are substantial、You can work with confidence even from inexperienced。Consideration for female drivers is also well -formed、Easy -to -work work environment is in place。 Points for foreigners: International vehicles、We provide easy -to -understand guidance and services for foreign tourists.、There is a sense of security when using a taxi。 4. Teito Taxi (TEITO TAXI) with stable income and fulfilling support, even beginners are safe Imperial Corporation Automobile Transportation、At a major taxi company widely recognized in Japan、You can earn stable income。Especially support for rookie drivers is substantial、You can start with confidence without experience in the taxi industry。 Points for foreigners: We are developing services mainly in Tokyo、Access to sightseeing spots is also very convenient。There are many vehicles and drivers that support multilinguals、You can use it with confidence。 If you want to use a convenient taxi dispatch app taxi in Japan more conveniently、It is recommended to use the dispatch app。In Japan、The following apps are particularly popular、Outstanding ease of use。 1. GO (Go) In the dispatch app available throughout Japan、You can call a taxi with a simple operation。You can call a taxi quickly while traveling、Very convenient。Just specify the destination、A taxi will be arranged immediately。 2. DIDI DIDI、With multilingual dispatch apps、Especially easy to use for foreign tourists。Because you can easily call a taxi in the app、Word anxiety is also resolved。Widely used in major cities in Japan。 3. Uber (Uber) Wberers are also famous worldwide、Available in Japan。If you use Uber、A taxi will come just by specifying the destination、Very convenient。You can also move to a sightseeing spot smoothly。 Summary When using a taxi in Japan、Choosing a reliable taxi company and a convenient dispatch app、Indispensable for comfortable travel。Utilizing the taxi companies and apps introduced in this article、Make your trip to Japan more smooth、Let's have more fun! When you take a taxi in Japan、Which app do you want to use? Please let me know in the comments! Also、If you found this article helpful、Please share or bookmark and tell your friends。

【匠の技】日本の理容室、レベル高すぎ…「札幌」で体験すべき究極のメンズカットRecommended Japanese shops

[Takumi's skill] Japanese barber shop、Level is too high ... The ultimate men's cut to experience in "Sapporo"✂

Japanese barbers are world -class! Why should you experience it in Sapporo? 💡 Japanese barber shop、It's not just a place to cut your hair。 If you want to experience "Japanese culture" deeply、You should visit a Japanese barber room。 because、The barber shop in Japan is not the "place to cut hair"、Because it is a place where you can experience the ultimate relaxation and styling.。 ✂ Precision cut technology like a craftsman🪒 With blissful shaving、Feeling that the skin is reborn🛁 With head spa、Refreshing to my heart, especially in Sapporo、A global barber shop gathers! This time, I carefully selected 4 barber shops to definitely visit in Sapporo.。 📌 "Which salon do you care about?" By all means, read to the end、Please tell me in comments! 1. THIS Is Barber -Experience Fade Cut & Shaving of Sapporo No.1! 📍 place: Sanju 2nd town building 6F, 2-4 Minami 1-4 Minami 1-4 Nishi -ku, Sapporo -shi, Hokkaido💰 price: 4,000~ ✨ Recommended points ✅ Fade cut professional is enrolled!✅ Sophisticated atmosphere like a New York barber✅ With the finest shaving、Cleanness MAX! "This is barber" is、 Barber shop that has a reputation for receiving the best fade cut in Sapporo。 💡 Why recommend it? Fade cut、Style where hair gradation is beautifully finished。but、 To make a perfect fade、I need professional technology! The barber of "This is barber"、Japanese craftsman temperament that sticks to the details。the result、 Realizes a "delicate and perfect finish" that cannot be experienced by overseas barber。 🔹 If you want to experience "real fade cut"、Here is the rule! 📌 What is your ideal fade cut? Tell me in comments! 2. mod’s...

traditional culture and history

What is Hanafuda, a Japanese card game that is attracting attention from the world? The ultimate traditional game that combines beauty and strategy!🎴✨

🌸 What is "Hanafuda"? Japanese secret card games are hot topic around the world! Have you ever heard of the game "Hanafuda"? "I know the name somehow、I don't really know how to play...'' ``A traditional Japanese game? It looks like it's difficult...'' If you think so! Actually、Did you know that Hanafuda is becoming extremely popular all over the world? 🌏🎴 ✔ An art card depicting the beautiful four seasons of Japan!✔ Psychological warfare and tactics are fun、A deep strategy game!✔ Nintendo also made it! ? A surprising history! This time、This is an easy-to-understand explanation of the charm of Hanafuda, even for beginners! If you read this article、You'll also want to scream "Come in!"🔥 🎴 The history of Hanafuda:From Portugal to Japan! What is the surprising roots? 🌍 16century:A card game that is passed down from Portugal! 16th century、A Portuguese who came to Japan brought a card game called "Karuta"。but、At that time, a ban on gambling was frequently issued in Japan.、It's difficult to play...💦 So、Japanese people think, "Well, let's make it ourselves!"、Hanafuda was the beginning of "Hanafuda" incorporating a Japanese-style design! ⛩️ Edo period:A fusion of ukiyo-e and cards! During the Edo period、A beautiful flower feast that makes use of the techniques of "Ukiyo-e" is now available as a unique Japanese design! 🎨 for example…✅ 1Moon "Pine and Crane" → Cards that symbolize longevity and good fortune 🦢✅ 3Moon: "Cherry Blossoms" → Represents Japan's spring、A gorgeous piece 🌸✅ 7Moon "Hagi and Boar" → Design that gives off a sense of autumnal atmosphere 🍂 like this、花札はただのカードゲームではなく、It is also valuable as a "playable art" that allows you to enjoy the four seasons and culture of Japan!✨ 🎮 Meiji era:"Nintendo" was making Hanafuda! ? yes、Actually... Nintendo、It was originally a manufacturer of Hanafuda! 🎴🎮 1889Year、Nintendo, founded in Kyoto、It was a company that manufactured and sold paper Hanafuda.。In other words、Nowadays, the world-class companies that make games for Mario and Zelda are、The first one I worked on was Hanafuda!😲 Flower mats are、Deeply rooted in Japanese history and gaming culture、It's truly a fusion of tradition and entertainment! 🔥 How to play Hanafuda:What is "Come in"? ? There are several ways to play Hanafuda, but、The most famous item is "Koikoi"! This is a two-player strategy game、The appeal of tactics with the other party。 📜 Basic Rules 1️⃣ Combine the cards in the field and the cards in your hand! 2️⃣ Create a specific card combination (role) and get points! 3️⃣ Choose "Come in! (continue)" or "Stop! (Score confirmed)"! for example…✅...

世界のファンが感動する!日本の漫画家ミュージアム5選Recommended sightseeing route

"Fans of the world are impressed! 5 Japanese cartoonists museums"

Hello a journey to experience Japanese culture in the "sacred place" of the manga、Gucci! Japanese manga、It is a symbol of culture loved by people around the world.。"Doraemon", "Astro Boy", "Gegege no Kitaro", etc.、How was the work that is loved over the times?、Don't you worry? actually、Follow the footprints of manga artists in Japan、There is a "manga artist museum" that can touch the secrets of the creation.。 myself、Every time I visit these museums, there are new discoveries、I was impressed by the depth of the manga。This time、Five museums that are particularly popular with foreign tourists、I will introduce it from a Gucci perspective。 If you read this article、There is no doubt that you will like Japanese manga culture more! Please refer to the travel plan.。 1. Fujiko F. Fujio Museum (Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture) address: 2-8-1 Nagao, Tama-ku, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture Admission fee: Adult / university students 1,000 yen / junior high school / high school student 700 yen / Child (4 years old or older) 500 yen * Confirmation features:Experiented museum where you can feel the world of Fujiko F. Fujio。In addition to enjoying the original picture exhibition of "Doraemon" and "Perman"、The symbolic scenes of works such as doors and vacant lots are reproduced anywhere.。At the museum cafe, you can also enjoy Doraemon motif sweets。 Gucci's story:When I first visited、The moment you see the door anywhere、I felt like I slipped back in time as a child。I lost words to the beauty of the original line、The cafe's "Yama -like baked" is also exquisite! Recommended for family trips and sightseeing with friends。 2. Takarazuka Municipal Tenzuka Osamu Memorial Hall (Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture) address: 7-65 Mukogawa-cho, Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture Admission fee: Adult 700 yen / junior and senior high school students 300 yen / elementary school student 100 yen * Confirmation features:"Manga God", which produced numerous masterpieces such as "Astro Boy" and "Black Jack"。Background of work production from childhood episodes、And until the message looking into the future、You can know Dr. Tezuka from multiple faces。Anime production experience is also very popular! Gucci's story:What I was impressed、The fact that Mr. Tezuka appealed to environmental issues and the preciousness of life in manga。After watching the exhibition、I was made me think deeply about my own way of life。In the anime production experience、The appearance of the children is moving the character seriously、I felt a future creator! 3. Ishinomori Mangokan (Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture) address: Admission fee 2-7 Nakase, Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture: 900 yen for adults / middle / high school students 600 yen / elementary school student 250 yen * Confirmation features:The author of "Kamen Rider" and "Cyborg 009"、Museum commemorating Dr. Shotaro Ishinomori。For a building with a futuristic design、Original drawings and images、There are plenty of exhibits that introduce the back of the production。Ishinomaki City can also enjoy the cityscape with the theme of Ishinomori work.。Gucci's story:While watching the exhibition、I knew that Mr. Ishinomori had been asking "what is a hero" through a manga、My chest became hot。Ishinomori's Ishinomori Character statue is also fun to walk、It is a spot where children and adults can be absorbed in。 4. Shigeru Mizuki Memorial Hall (Sakaiminato City, Tottori Prefecture) address: 5 Honmachi Honmachi, Sakaiminato City, Tottori Prefecture: Adult 1,000 yen / junior and senior high school students 500 yen / elementary school student 300 yen * Confirmation features:The leading youkai manga such as "Gegege no Kitaro"、Shigeru Mizuki's museum。There are many exhibitions where you can learn about youkai and Japanese traditional culture.。In "Shigeru Mizuki Road" outside the hall, youkai's bronze statue is lined up.、Photography is also fun! Gucci's story:Through the exhibition of the memorial hall、I learned that Mr. Mizuki drew "Youkai" as a symbol of human society.。Youkai goods sold at the memorial hall are also unique、I was very pleased if I bought it as a souvenir for an overseas friend。 5. Toshima Ward Tokiwa -so Manga Museum (Toshima -ku, Tokyo) address: 3-9-22 Minami-Nagasaki, Toshima-ku, Tokyo Enrollment fee in Minami Nagasaki Hanasaki Park: Free (advance reservation required) * Special planning exhibition has a paid feature of the whole building:Osamu Tezuka、Fujiko F. Fujio、Fujio Akatsuka, etc.、A museum that reproduces the legendary apartment "Tokiwa -so" spent by manga artists in Showa。In a small room or communal space、The youth and passion of manga artists are packed。Gucci's story:Looking at the exhibition、I saw the masters pursuing their dreams while working hard.。The jokes and ideas they exchanged between creative activities、The joy and suffering of the work of a manga artist are packed。 Why is the manga artist museum special? At the manga artist museum、Not only know behind the scenes of manga works、You can touch the deep philosophy and social message included in the creation。Also、There are many experienced exhibitions and photogenic spots、Can be enjoyed by children to adults。It is a great place to deepen Japanese manga culture.。 A new destination for traveling in Japan! The manga artist museum、Not to mention manga fans、It is also a place for excitement and learning for those who are interested in culture and art.。If you read this article and thought "I want to go!"、Please let us know in the comments section。and、Please share and convey this charm to your friends! * The image is an image

Recommended sightseeing route

🥪[The world is enthusiastic! ] Japanese”Fluffy”What is the decisive reason for egg sand to captivate foreigners?🥪[The world is enthusiastic! ]

Hello! It is Iwapiko! 🍳"If you arrive in Japan、First of all, egg sandwich! What is the reason why foreign tourists are enthusiastic? "If you get off the plane、First, buy an egg sandwich at a convenience store! "Such a delicious sandwich、Absolutely not in your home country! " now、Japanese egg sandwich is buzzing around the world! At a convenience store at the airport、Foreign tourists who have just arrived pick up one after another、Before returning to Japan, people who buy in bulk, saying, "I want to eat again at the end!"。 To SNS、Surprise and excitement are overflowing。✔ "The moment I put it in my mouth、It disappears softly! "✔ "Such a smooth egg sandwich、I haven't searched around the world! Why is simple egg sandwich attracting world -global foodies? A secret of special deliciousness that can only be understood by Japanese people、I will explain thoroughly! 🥚[Japanese egg sandwich”One and only”Reason] ① Fluffy bread x creamy egg”Miracle balance” The biggest feature of Japanese egg sandwiches is、Ultimate fluffy feeling! Overseas, the mainstream is to use hard bread such as baguettes and whole grain bread.、Japanese egg sandwich uses surprisingly soft "white bread"。 There、 The melting creamy egg filling is sandwiched。This combination of "fluffy x smooth" “The only texture” Create、Foreigners who ate for the first time are shocked! 🗣 "It's like eating clouds!"🗣 "It disappears in your mouth! It's completely different from the egg sand you have ever eaten!" “Japanese broth”Be fragrant、Japan's unique "Dashi rolled egg sandwich" Egg sandwich of Tsukiji's long -established "Matsuro" is the egg sandwich、Sandwich "dashi rolled egg" with plenty of soup with bread! ✔ I used plenty of kelp and bonito flavor、Elegant and gentle flavor。✔ Unlike general egg fried、It is made on the premise that it is "delicious even if it cools down"。✔ That's why、Outstanding compatibility with bread! When foreign tourists eat ...🗣 "The flavor of the dashi spreads! Sandwich like this、first time! "🗣 "It's like eating sushi! This is art!"、Japan's unique ideas。Exactly “Japanese heart” Is clogged、It's a egg sandwich。 (3) "Convenience store egg sandwich" that buzzed in the world at the Tokyo Olympics、The Japanese egg sandwich became a hot topic overseas、The Tokyo Olympics triggered! ✔ Overseas reporters who come to Japan eat the egg sandwich of a convenience store、Great acclaim!✔ The situation is spread on SNS、It's a topic that "you should definitely eat when you go to Japan."。✔ after that、"Convenience store egg sandwich eating comparison video" ...

あなたの「宝物」が元気を取り戻す場所:ぬいぐるみ病院の感動ストーリーExplaining the latest news in Japan

A place where your “treasure” will regain its energy:Inspiring story of a stuffed animal hospital

Hello! This is Sabu from Kawaraban JAPAN.。everyone、Take a look at your precious stuffed animals and dolls。hair becomes thinner、frayed、Do you look a little tired? A stuffed animal that feels like a “member of the family”、There is a place where I can regain my energy again.。That's the "stuffed animal hospital"。 We will take a closer look at the stuffed animal hospital that is flooded with reservations from overseas! This place is filled with the gentleness and delicacy that is unique to Japan.、We don't just repair stuffed animals.、You can have a magical experience that brings back even the owner's memories.。 In this article、How the stuffed animal hospital works and the specific treatment process、We will also tell you a lot about the value of visiting.。I'm sure you too、You'll want to leave your precious stuffed animal with us.。 What is a stuffed toy hospital? Stuffed toy hospital、Repair broken stuffed animals and dolls、A specialized facility that breathes new life into your life.。But that's not all。Treat stuffed animals as “patients”、make a medical record、Our attitude of carefully treating each patient one by one、A culture of valuing things that is unique to Japan has taken root.。 Why is it attracting attention around the world? * Please confirm shipping from overseas from the official website。 Impressed! Process of stuffed animal treatment At the stuffed animal hospital、Treatment is carried out just like a human hospital.。We will introduce the careful process.。 1. Examination and decision on treatment plan First、The owner will apply to have the stuffed animal hospitalized.。after that、Specialist staff examines the condition at the hospital.。 etc., check in detail、record in medical record。A treatment plan and cost estimate will be provided.、You can leave it to us with confidence.。 2. Hospitalization and treatment When treatment begins、The stuffed animal will spend a "hospitalized life" in the hospital.。The treatment content is wide-ranging.、The following treatments will be performed: moreover、Some hospitals also offer esthetic services such as shampoos and treatments.、The appearance of the stuffed animal will be restored to look like new! 3. Discharge and aftercare Stuffed animals after treatment、Return to the owner in good condition。At the time of discharge、You may even receive a photo of yourself undergoing treatment and a “discharge certificate”! moreover、After-care is provided so that you can come back for a follow-up appointment if something happens after you are discharged from the hospital.。 Recommended stuffed animal hospitals in Japan 1. Popular hospital that treats about 100 stuffed animals on the month of Natsumi Clinic (Tokyo)。Renowned for its thoroughness of treatment、We are flooded with requests from all over the country.。 2. Fumofumoland Plush Hospital (Osaka) A hospital in Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture.、The progress report service to the owner is very popular.。We value the sense of security that comes with entrusting a member of your family with us.。 3. At Kagawa University Kindergarten Plush Hospital (Kagawa) A hospital held as a regional event、It is characterized by warm efforts that allow children to experience the medical field.。 Estimated treatment cost The treatment cost at the stuffed animal hospital is、It varies depending on the size of the stuffed animal and the treatment details.、Below are typical prices: It may seem a little expensive、Well worth it considering the craftsmanship and thoughtful care.。 my experience:A moment when I was so happy that I cried I once had a stuffed rabbit that I had cherished since I was a child treated.。ears frayed、His color had become dull.、The moment you come back after treatment、Tears fell。The feeling of hugging me without thinking "Welcome home"、I still can't forget it。 Don't just have things repaired、This experience brings back precious memories in form.、something really special。 We look forward to your comments! Memories of your precious stuffed animals、Please let us know in the comments section about the stuffed animals you are considering repairing! This article、I would be happy if this could be the start of a new story between you and your stuffed animal.。 Share and spread the excitement! If you read this article and think “I want to order my stuffed animal too!”、Please share it on SNS! to many people、Let's spread the word about the wonders of stuffed animal hospitals.。 A new encounter with your precious stuffed animal、it may start here。

魅力満載!福島で体験する感動の観光スポット5選Recommended sightseeing route

Full of charm! 5 impressive sightseeing spots to experience in Fukushima

In Fukushima Prefecture、There are many spots that attract visitors。In this article、Historical famous spaces、beautiful nature、And we will deliver the charm of Fukushima Prefecture, which is full of cultural experiences that will heal your heart.。In particular, we carefully selected five tourist destinations that are popular among travelers from overseas.。As a destination for the next trip、Please consider it! 1,Tsuruga Castle (TSURUGA Castle): Tsuruga Castle in Aizuwakamatsu City, the only red tile in Japan、It is the only historic castle with a red tiled castle tower in Japan.。Known as a fierce battlefield of the Boshin War、It is also famous as a famous cherry blossom spot.。In the spring, the cherry blossoms in full bloom surround the castle、Beautiful scenery spreads。Admission is 410 yen for adults、Elementary and junior high school students 150 yen and affordable、You can also purchase a common ticket with the tea room "Rinkaku" for 520 yen.。 Why should I go? This place where you can deepen history and culture、Perfect for those who want to touch Japanese traditions。SNS has become a hot topic as "one of the most beautiful castles in Japan".、Ideal as a photo spot while traveling。 2,Ouchijuku (OUCHI-JUKU): Ouchijuku in Shimogo -cho, Minami -Aizu -gun, in the post town of the Edo period、It is a place where you can feel the post town of the Edo period itself.。This cityscape lined with thatched roofs、It creates a unique atmosphere as if time had stopped。Please try the local specialty "Takato Soba"。 Why should I go? You can enjoy it for free、The cityscape that shines in photos is also very popular with foreign tourists。Word -of -mouth websites have also been highly evaluated as "a place where you can enjoy the good old atmosphere of Japan".。 3,Aquamarine Fukushima (Aquamarine Fukushima): Aquamarine Fukushima in Iwaki City, aquarium where you can enjoy while learning environmental protection、A unique aquarium that displays about 800 kinds of marine creatures。There are many exhibits on the theme of environmental protection、Popular as a spot that balances learning and fun。Admission is 1,850 yen for adults、The dwarf is 900 yen。 Why should I go? Full of content that can be enjoyed by children to adults。Ideal as a destination for family trips、The review that "the child was delighted" stands out。 4,Spa Resort Hawaiians (Spa Resort Hawaiians): Enjoy Hawaii mood in Japan, Spa Resort Hawaiians in Iwaki City、It is a resort facility where you can enjoy the tropical atmosphere.。Hula dance show, indoor spa, etc.、There are plenty of activities that you can enjoy all day。Admission is 4,000 yen for adults (depending on the season)、The content is satisfactory enough。 Why should I go? In a unique place where you can experience Hawaii while in Japan、Especially recommended for rainy days and winter trips。Foreign tourists have been highly evaluated as "Entertainment is enriched".。 5,Five -colored swamp (GOSHIKINUMA): The Mysterious Lake Group Urabandai area where the color changes is located.、It is a mysterious lake group that changes the color of the water depending on the time zone and light.。You can stroll for free、You can enjoy nature through hiking courses and boat experiences。 Why should I go? It is a spot where you can feel the beautiful nature of Fukushima with your skin.。Many voices such as "breathtaking scenery" in travelers reviews.。 A memorable experience in Fukushima Prefecture! These sightseeing spots、It symbolizes the diverse charm of Fukushima Prefecture。history、nature、Culture ... all special experiences are waiting。In the wake of this article、Please visit Fukushima Prefecture。Bookmark this information、Please use it for the next travel plan! If you have more detailed information and maps、Preparing for travel makes it smoother。Enjoy a wonderful time in Fukushima Prefecture!

有馬温泉の極上旅館10選|外国人も虜になる「癒し」と「和の心」体験完全ガイドRecommended sightseeing route

10 best ryokan of Arima Onsen | Healing and Japanese Heart Experience Complete Guide

Hello、It is a blogger who loves the tour of the hot spring! One of Japan's leading hot springs "Arima Onsen" is、History and nature、And a special place filled with the finest healing。Arima no Yu is considered to be one of Japan's Sankyu、It is an irresistible spot for hot springs lovers.。It is also an unusual place where you can enjoy two kinds of spring quality, Kintsen and Ginen.、I've been healing people's fatigue since ancient times。 I will introduce this time、I actually visited and felt "This is really wonderful!"。We have a wide range of pickups from long -established long -established inns to modern hotels with high design.。To make a special time on the destination、Please read it to the end! * Accommodation rates vary depending on the season and plan.。Please refer to the official website and reservation site。 1. Traditional accommodation charges where the history beyond time is breathing: Approximately 15,000 yen ~/1 night address: 858 Arima -cho, Kita -ku, Kobe -shi, Hyogo: 12Century Entrepreneurship、850A long -established ryokan boasting a year or older。With traditional wooden construction、I am proud of the golden spring that flows from the source。 Recommended points: Gucci's story: I felt the weight of history from old pillars and wooden construction。The view of the garden that looks over the bran is also beautifully washed.、I was able to have a special experience as if I had gone back to the times。 2. SPA TERRACE Misui - Stylish accommodation fee full of resort: Approximately 24,000 yen ~/1 night address: 1656-1 Arima-cho, Kita-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo Features: A hot spring inn that combines Japanese and modern design。Women -only aroma mist sauna、It is an inn full of resort feeling that you can enjoy creative dishes of Japanese French.。 Recommended points: Gucci's story: My heart was healed by a stylish and clean space。The aroma scent in the hall is also excellent in relaxing effect、I slept soundly at night。It is a perfect inn to visit on a special day。 3. Hosoni no Yado Hosomichi — Private healing in a private open -air bath: Approximately 50,000 yen ~/1 night address: 1683-2, Arima-cho, Kita-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo Features: A hideaway luxury inn with a dedicated open -air bath in all rooms (main building only)。A luxurious space where you can spend a special time。 Recommended points: Gucci's story: The open -air bath while looking up at the night sky、It was a moment when my heart was released。By being wrapped in a quiet environment surrounded by forests、Free from daily fatigue、It is an inn that makes you feel like a luxurious mood.。 4. Kotoyo Koyokaku - Cardon warm hospitality fee unique to a long -established inn: About 20,000 yen ~/1 night address: 1904 Arima Town, Kita -ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture: 700A long -established ryokan boasting a year or older。Equipped with three large public baths on the vast premises、You can enjoy a variety of hot water tours。 Recommended points: Gucci's story: While enjoying the bathing、I had a luxurious time to feel the difference between hot springs。For dinner after meals、I enjoyed the happiness of Hyogo Prefecture at the buffet restaurant。 5. Qinshan - ...

Recommended sightseeing route

🌍 The world is enthusiastic! Why is Capsertoi in Japan very popular with foreigners? 🎡✨

🎤 What is the charm of Capsertoi that foreigners always experience on a trip to Japan? 📢 "What you should definitely do when you come to Japan!" Capsertoi (Gacha Gacha) speaks so.。 Shibuya, Tokyo、Ikebukuro、Sapporo ... There is a line of foreigners at the Capsertoi specialty store wherever you go! 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️💨 You who thought, "Is it just a toy?"、Actually, Capsertoi in Japan”The world is surprised”It has the quality and charm。 ✅ "why、Will you be so crazy about it? "✅ "What is Capsertoi, especially popular with foreigners?"✅ "Why the Capsule toy specialty store is increasing rapidly?" In this article、 Thorough explanation of the reason why Japan's capsule toy is buzzing in the world from a Japanese perspective! 📝✨ 📢 Please let me know "Capserty you like" in your comments! 🇯🇵 Why is Capsertoi in Japan very popular with foreigners? 1️⃣ Overwhelming quality and elaborate design! 🎨 📢 "Japanese capsule to is not a toy!" Foreign tourists are surprised first.、That too real design and elaborate structure。 for example…🍜 Super real ramen miniature → noodles are lifted! Reproduced to the thickness of the soup!🚽 Miniature toilet where water flows → Water flows when you open the toilet seat!🍧 A mini shaved ice machine that can cut real ice → You can make shaved ice that can be actually eaten! ✔ "This is 300 yen!? Incredible quality!"✔ "Japanese technology、Do you do this so far! " 📸 Dampered as "Too Real Capserty" on SNS、Topic around the world! 2️⃣ "Playfulness and imagination" unique to Japan 💡 Capserty in Japan is packed with "excitement that does not know what will come out" + "unique idea"! 🧠...

「しょうゆ」はただのソースではない!世界が愛する発酵調味料の魅力traditional culture and history

"Souyu" is not just a source! The charm of fermented seasonings loved by the world

in the first place、Do you know "soy sauce"? I heard "soy sauce"、What do you think of? Brown sauce on sushi or sashimi? Or、Seasoning to put in stir -fry or ramen soup? actually、Japanese soy sauce is not just a "source"、It is a traditional fermented seasoning with a thousand years of history.。The unique scent and deep taste、An important element that determines the taste of Japanese cuisine。moreover、Souyu can also be applied to dishes around the world、Surprisingly wide range of uses。 In this article、How to make Japanese soy sauce and how to make it、Health effect、And I will explain in detail about the reputation in the world。 Then、What is soy sauce? Soy sauce (soy sauce)、It is a traditional Japanese seasoning made by fermenting and aging soybeans, wheat, salt and koji molds.。In English, it is called "SOY SAUCE"、Japanese soy sauce is made by its own manufacturing method、It has a different characteristics from soy sauce in other countries。 Type of soy sauce for Japanese soy sauce、There are 5 main types。 Type of soy sauce Main application Dense soy sauce (koikuchi) is the most common、According to about 80%of the total。A well -balanced flavor。 Boiled dish、Stir -fry、Dazzling、Dressing light soy sauce (USUKUCHI) color is light、Slightly high salt content。Utilize the color of the material。 Kansai cuisine、There is a thick soy sauce (TAMARI) and thick dishes using dashi.、The taste of soybeans is strong。Some gluten is small。 sashimi、sushi、Teriyaki Re -prepared soy sauce (SAISHIKOMI) rich and sweet、Long aging period。 High -end dishes、sashimi、A lot of grilled soy sauce (shiro) wheat、The color is very pale。Sweet。 Suck、Steamed chawanmushi、There are five main types of white fish soy sauce.、It will be made through the following processes。 The longer the fermentation period、A deep body and complex scent are born。 The taste of soy sauce and the characteristics of the scent are soy sauce、It contains a well -balanced "sweet, sour taste, salty, bitter taste, umami".、In particular, the feature is that the umami is strong.。One of the charms is the fragrant aroma created by fermentation。Not only add depth to cooking、By using it as a secret taste、Complies the flavor of the whole dish。 Soy sauce health effects in the world popular soy sauce in Japan、Now loved around the world。 Let's enjoy soy sauce more! Soy sauce、It is a deep seasoning created by Japanese tradition and fermented culture.。Just add it to cooking、Umami and fragrance increase、It will make your meal more delicious。 If you haven't tried it yet、Please taste Japanese soy sauce once。and、Please incorporate it into cooking in your country。You will surely be able to come across a new taste。 👉 If this article is helpful、By all means a bookmark & ​​share! Wide Japanese fermented culture more、Let's share "deliciousness" with people around the world!

【2025年最新版】千葉県のおすすめ観光地10選!定番・穴場・絶景スポットを厳選Recommended sightseeing route

[The latest version of 2025] 10 recommended sightseeing spots in Chiba Prefecture! Carefully selected classic, secrets, and superb view spots

Chiba prefecture、While located near Tokyo、rich nature、Beautiful coastline、Historical famous spaces、And world -renowned theme parks, etc.、It is an area with a variety of charms。Therefore、There are many spots that foreign tourists visiting Japan cannot be overlooked.。This time、We will carefully select recommended sightseeing spots in Chiba Prefecture and introduce 10 places.。 Tokyo Disneyland is located in Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture、A theme park loved by Disney fans around the world。There are various attractions and parades、You can enjoy it all day long from children to adults。especially、Seasonal events and limited goods have new discoveries every time you visit。 Tokyo DisneySea Tokyo DisneySea、At Disney Park with the theme of the sea、It features an atmosphere full of exoticism.。There are many attractions and shows for adults、You can enjoy a romantic atmosphere。Especially the night illuminations are fantastic、Recommended for couples。 Naritayama Shinshoji Temple in Narita Mountain Shinshoji Temple in Narita City、1000In a temple with a history of over the year、Many worshipers visit throughout the year。Beautiful gardens and historic buildings are dotted in the precincts、You can feel a traditional Japanese culture。Especially for the first year of the New Year, it is crowded with many people。 Kamogawa Sea World is located in Kamogawa City, Kamogawa Sea World、It is a famous aquarium with jerche and dolphin performance.。Interacting with sea creatures、Various exhibitions are attractive、Especially popular among tourists with families。Also、There are many restaurants and shops in the hall.、It is a spot that you can enjoy all day。 Naritasan Park, which is adjacent to Naritayama Park Naritayama Shinshoji Temple, is、In a Japanese garden with a vast site、You can enjoy the seasonal nature。Especially in the autumn leaves season, many people come、I am fascinated by its beauty。There are also ponds and waterfalls in the park、You can heal your heart while walking。 Sake Sakei Premium Outlet Sakai Premium Outlet、It is a large outlet mall where famous domestic and overseas brands gather。Close to Narita Airport、Ideal for enjoying shopping between travel。On the spacious premises、There are a variety of shops and restaurants、You can enjoy it all day。 Tokyo German Village located in Tokyo German Village Sodigaura City、It is a theme park that reproduces the German rural landscape.。Seasonal flowers are in full bloom、Especially the winter illuminations boast one of the best beauty in the Kanto region.。Also、There are also many attractions such as turf sleds and putter golf.、It is a popular spot for families。 Funabashi Andersen Park Funabashi Andersen Park is in Funabashi City、It is a park with the theme of Denmark culture and landscape.。On the vast premises、Flowers and windmills、Contact corner with animals、Athletic, etc.、Various areas are spreading。As a spot for children to adults、Especially popular with families。 Mother ranch is located in Mother Ranch Futtsu City、It is a sightseeing ranch where you can enjoy interacting with animals and seasonal flowers.。Sheep marches, cow milking experience, etc.、Various events are being held、Especially popular with families。Also、You can also enjoy fresh dairy products and gourmet gourmet food in the park in the park.、It is a beautiful sandy beach with a total length of about 66 km spread in eastern Chiba Prefecture.。Surfing and sea bathing、Beach combing, etc.、You can enjoy various activities。Also、There are many restaurants along the sea that provide fresh seafood、Enjoy the tongue of the visitors。 In Chiba prefecture、A historic temple from a world -famous theme park、To parks and coasts with rich nature、There are a variety of sightseeing spots。Family travel、Travel between friends、Couple date、Traveling alone, etc.、It is an attractive area that you can enjoy in various scenes。 The 10 sightseeing spots introduced this time、It is only a place where you can fully feel the charm of Chiba prefecture.。Please incorporate it into the next trip plan。 Also、There are still many attractive spots in Chiba Prefecture。There should be new discoveries every time you visit。Find your favorite place、Please enjoy the charm of Chiba prefecture!

「日本旅行で大人気!外国人も感動する日本コスメ5選【失敗しない買い物ガイド】」~手頃価格・高品質・トレンド満載!絶対買うべき厳選ブランド~Recommended Japanese shops

"Popular for traveling in Japan! 4 Japanese cosmetics that are impressed by foreigners [shopping guide that will not fail]" A carefully selected brand to buy

Hello、It is a blogger who sends out Japanese beauty and lifestyle! Speaking of the fun that cannot be removed on a trip to Japan、Delicious food and beautiful scenery、Another thing you can't miss is "Japanese cosmetics shopping"。 actually、My overseas friends are eager to say, "I definitely want to buy cosmetics!"、Japanese cosmetics are full of charm。The reason is、 Because there are three beats of "high quality", "affordable prices", and "designs that hold down trends".。 myself too、I have a lot of Japanese cosmetics that I usually love。This time、 Introducing 4 cosmetics brands that can be recommended for actually using! Don't miss it while traveling、Please check it out。 Why is Japanese cosmetics popular with foreigners? For these reasons、For tourists visiting Japan, Japanese cosmetics shopping is a "essential event on a trip"! Japanese cosmetics 4 strict selections 1. CANMAKE Why choose? Speaking of "Petit Plastic Cosmetics", Can Make Make! The quality is low even though the price is low、Even the first person can use it with confidence。Especially cheeks and lips have good coloring、Perfect for everyday use。 2. Why are you chosen? The "snow -skinned" series is、It is extremely popular for those who seek whitening and moisturizing effects。Also、Petit plastic line "Visee" is、The texture and color are very popular with overseas people。 3. &BE (Andby) Why are you chosen? Produced by Yusuke Yusuke Kawakita。We support you with your beautiful life with high -quality products。 4. DHC Why choose? "Deep cleansing oil" is、A masterpiece that can be used with confidence even with sensitive skin。DHC is、Not only cosmetics but also supplements are substantial、It is very popular with health -conscious people。 By all means, Japanese cosmetics are souvenirs‼☺ The four brands introduced this time、Especially popular among tourists visiting Japan、All of them are items that can be purchased with confidence。Japanese cosmetics、 Ideal for yourself and for souvenirs 。Please try it while traveling! Read this article、The item "I want to try this!"、If you have the impression you actually bought、Please let me know in the comment section。Also、Share this article with friends and family on a trip、I would be glad if you enjoyed choosing cosmetics! In the next article、We will deliver more deep Japanese beauty information so please look forward to it!

埼玉県の絶景スポット10選!自然美と歴史を巡る旅Recommended sightseeing route

10 superb view spots in Saitama Prefecture! Travel around nature and history

While just one hour from Tokyo、Saitama Prefecture has many beautiful nature and historical famous spots.。It may not be worldwide like Mt. Fuji、There are plenty of spots in Saitama where you can feel "Japanese".。History temple、Beautiful scenery of each season、A unique cultural experience — these are、For foreign tourists visiting Japan、It's just a "hidden jewelry"。 In this article、Introducing 10 superb view spots in Saitama Prefecture.。Spots that show photos、A place where you can feel history in silence、A summary of sightseeing spots where you can learn more about Japanese culture.。If you read this article、There is no doubt that you will want to visit on the next trip to Japan! The unknown view of Japan is here! Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine over sightseeing spots in Saitama - Kawagoe Shrine Kawagoe Shrine for marriage、1500Has a history of more than a year、Famous as a marriage shrine。There is a summer event in the precincts where "marriage wind chimes" are displayed.、You can enjoy a fantastic atmosphere。Also、Items such as "Koi Mikuji" and "Enmusubi ball" are also popular.、It is a spot where many couples and friends visit。 Railway Museum -Railway Museum to learn Japanese railway culture、In a facility where you can learn the history of Japanese railways、The exhibition of Shinkansen and steam locomotives is substantial。especially、Driving simulators are popular as an experience -type exhibition that can be enjoyed by children to adults.。The miniature railway diorama is also worth seeing、It is a must -see spot for railway fans。 Time Bell - The bell at the symbolic landmark of Kawagoe is、It is a symbol of Kawagoe's symbol since the Edo period.。Even now, the sound of the bell sounds four times a day、It complements the atmosphere of the city。Retro cafes and souvenir shops are lined up around、It's a fun spot just to take a walk。especially、The bell lit up at dusk is very beautiful、It is also popular as a point that looks like a photo。 Kawagoe Ichiban Shopping Street -Walk around the cityscape of the Edo period Kawagoe Ichibancho Shopping Street、In the historic area where the cityscape of the Edo period remains、Known as "Kaedo"。Here is a traditional Japanese confectionery、You can enjoy sweet potato sweets。Also、There are also many traditional crafts、It is the perfect place for finding souvenirs unique to Kawagoe.。 Saitama City Omiya Bonsai Museum -Experience Bonsai Culture Omiya Bonsai Museum、In a facility where you can learn Japanese bonsai culture、Many tourists from Japan and overseas visit。Various types of bonsai are on display in the hall、You can enjoy the changing changes in four seasons。Also、There are also a variety of explanations about the history of bonsai and how to train.、It is especially recommended for those who are interested in Japanese culture.。 Kumagaya Sakuratsutsumi - Enjoy the spring of Japan Kumagaya Sakuratsutsumi、It is a famous cherry blossom spot that was also selected as 100 Sakura famous places.。The row of cherry blossom trees that last about 2 km along the Arakawa embankment、It blooms all at once in the spring、Create a masterpiece scenery。Especially from late March to early April、Many cherry blossoms visit、Enjoy picnics、It's full of people who take photos。 Light -up is also performed at night、You can enjoy the fantastic cherry blossoms at night。Also、A walking path to walk in the cherry blossom tunnel is also well maintained.、You can relax and enjoy the spring atmosphere。Recommended spot for families and couples。 Kawagoe Kumano Shrine - Relaxing Kawagoe Kumano Shrine on the foot approach、It is a historic shrine loved by local people.。Especially the "foot pot approach" on the precincts is famous、You can expect health promotion by walking barefoot on the cobblestone road。The visitors、You can check your physical condition while having fun。There is also a stone statue of "Yatagarasu" on the grounds.、It is said that there is a benefit to improving luck。 Berna Dome (Seibu Dome) - Sports and Events Sacred Land Berna Dome (formerly Seibu Dome), famous as the home of Seibu Lions, a professional baseball team in Japan。For sports fans, a sacred place、Not only baseball games、Concerts and events are also held frequently。Because it is a covered and closed dome、It is also attractive that you can enjoy it without worrying about the weather。 Chichibu Sanmine Shrine --Sure Power Spot Chichibu Mine Shrine is、It is a mysterious shrine in the mountains at an altitude of 1,100 meters.。Also known as one of the best power spots in Kanto、Often wrapped in fog、There is a fantastic atmosphere。The decoration of the shrine is vivid、It further enhances the mysterious atmosphere。The view from the top of the mountain is also superb、It's a worthwhile spot to visit。 Saitama Stadium 2002 - A must -see for a soccer fan Japanese national national team and J -League games will be held、Japan's largest soccer stadium。The distance between the pitch and the audience is close、You can fully enjoy the presence of the game。Even a day without a match、Stadium tour is being held、You can see the player's locker room and pitch。 A trip around Saitama sightseeing spots、Please enjoy it!

「札幌で発見!日本の伝統を味わう絶品お漬物と地酒の5つの名店」Recommended Japanese shops

"Discovered in Sapporo! 5 famous shops: exquisite pickles and local sake that enjoy Japanese traditions"

Hello! Bloggers that transmit Japanese food culture and traditions to the world、This is Piyun。 Speaking of trip to Sapporo、sushi、ramen、Many people enjoy Genghis Khan, right?。but、That's not the only charm in Japan! "Pickles" that make use of the blessings of nature in Hokkaido、Nowadays, it is gaining popularity among foreign tourists.。 Pickles are、Not only is it perfect for sake and white rice、Its beautiful appearance and deep taste、A dish that makes you feel a traditional Japanese culture。In Sapporo、A shop where you can find your favorite while enjoying the sample、Izakaya where you can enjoy pairing of sake and pickles、There are many attractive spots。 In this article、Thorough explanation of the five famous stores where you can buy exquisite pickles in Sapporo that I was actually impressed.。moreover、The reason why the combination with sake is popular with foreign tourists、We will also introduce the points of choosing souvenirs。If you read this article、There is no doubt that your trip to Sapporo will be further enhanced! 5 recommended pickles shops in Sapporo 1. Sapporo Pickle Honpo Honpo Sapporo Pickle Honpo Honpo Honpo Honpo Tabelog HP 2. Tanaka Fruit and Vegetable Mitsukoshi Sapporo Direct Store 3. Kyoto Tsukimono Nishiri (Daimaru Sapporo store) 4. Flavored shop KADO 5. century、Tsukimoto Morukoshi (Sapporo Mitsukoshi store) Sake and pickles:Reasons for the popularity of foreigners In Sapporo, "pairing of sake and pickles" is very popular with travelers。The reason is、It is a synergistic effect of taste。 for example、If you want to match the fruity sake, there are sweet pickles、Salty pickles are the best compatibility for dry sake.。I tried a local dry sake and pickled skewers at "flavored shop KADO".、I was impressed by the balance of the taste。It was a moment when I really felt that Japanese food culture is deep!。 Tips and share to choose souvenirs and enjoy travel! If you read this article and think, "I was interested in pickles in Sapporo!"、Please tell us your impressions in your comments! The report that "I saw this article!"。 Also、Share this article with friends and family planning to travel to Sapporo、Would you like to make a plan together? If you bookmark、The travel plan will be smoother! Next time, we will deliver a travel plan that combines superb view spots and gourmet in Sapporo.。Look forward to Puyun's blog from now on! Your trip to Sapporo、May you be wrapped in special memories!

"絶対行きたい!外国人も虜になる北海道工場見学スポット5選"traditional culture and history

“I definitely want to go! 5 Hokkaido factory tour spots that will captivate even foreigners”

Hokkaido surrounded by vast nature。Its magnificent scenery and fresh ingredients attract travelers from all over the world.、What is surprisingly little known is the appeal of “factory tours.”。This experience allows you to directly experience Japanese manufacturing culture.、captivate the visitors、create unforgettable memories。 This time it's me、We will introduce 5 factory tour spots that Piyun confidently recommends! We will deliver plenty of excitement and learning that you can experience at each spot.、Please check it out。 Why factory tours in Hokkaido are popular with foreigners Factory tours in Hokkaido、It's not just sightseeing。Deep experiences and new discoveries await.。I will introduce its charms divided into three parts.。 1. Experience Japan's advanced technology and craftsmanship at the factory、You can observe the process of product creation up close.。You will definitely be impressed by the careful work and advanced technology unique to Japan! For foreigners、This is Japan”Hospitality”It can be said that it is a part of。 2. look、Eat、A tactile and enjoyable five-sensory experience at many facilities.、In addition to tours, there are also plenty of tasting and tasting experiences.。By tasting fresh, locally produced food、You can experience the flavor of Hokkaido more deeply.。 3. A photogenic spot that looks great on SNS The scenery inside and around the factory、There are many photo spots that will make you want to take pictures! It's also the perfect place to take commemorative photos of your trip.。 5 Factory Tour Spots 1. White lover park 2. Asahi Beer Hokkaido Factory 3. Snow Brand Megumilk Dairy and Milk History Museum, Sapporo Plant 4. Lloyd Chocolate World 5. How was the recommended factory tour of the Sapporo Beer Museum Puyun?☺ Factory tour spots in Hokkaido、Which place would you like to go to? Also、If you have already visited, please share your experience.。If you found this article helpful、I would be happy if you could bookmark it or share it on SNS! Look forward to the next blog! Let's dig deeper into the charms of Hokkaido♪

"札幌近郊で心も体もぽかぽかに!絶景を楽しむ足湯5選"Recommended sightseeing route

“In the suburbs of Sapporo, the mind and body are warm! 5 footbaths to enjoy superb views”

While being wrapped in the clear air and beautiful nature of Hokkaido、A footbath that can gradually heal your tired legs。Especially the footbath near Sapporo、Not only can you enjoy the hot spring easily、It is a special spot that touches magnificent scenery and local culture.。We will carefully select and introduce 5 impressive footbaths that I experienced! Points that look like photos、We also deliver some tips for visiting。For new memories of travel、Please add it。 Why is the footbath near Sapporo popular with foreigners? The footbath is、It is a luxurious experience that allows you to feel the Japanese culture close while healing the tiredness of your trip.。Especially the footbath near Sapporo、It is very popular with foreign tourists because you can enjoy the blessings of the seasonal natural beauty and hot springs at the same time。for example、The feeling of immersing my feet in warm hot water in the snow、It's like magic that is released from the cold。 When I first immersed in the footbath while watching the snow scenery、I felt it would be warm not only to my body but also to my heart。Furthermore, Sapporo is accessible、It is also a popular reason that it is easy to incorporate into a sightseeing schedule.。"I want to take a break" A perfect footbath for such a time、Please experience by all means。 5 recommended footbath spots near Sapporo 1. Sadan Genzen Park 2. Foot contact Taro no Yu 3. Heart no Sato Sadayama Onsen footbath 4. Kotoni's foot bath 5. Kitamura Onsen Hotel footbath also heals your heart☺ The footbath near Sapporo is、It is a special place where you can take a break during your trip.。While feeling the great nature of Hokkaido、Please try the experience of healing your mind and body.。When I read this article and visited、Please upload photos to SNS and share your impressions.。I am looking forward to your wonderful footbath! If you like this article、Please share your bookmark and SNS! A footbath spot near Sapporo、Let's spread to more people!

これを知らないと損!日本の電車マナーで旅が変わる!!Manners in Japan

If you don't know this, you're missing out! Japanese public transportation etiquette will change your journey! !

Japanese trains、It is characterized by tranquility and cleanliness that are rarely seen anywhere in the world.。What supports this is "manners"。Many of you may be wondering, "Why is it so quiet?"。actually、Behind this is "respect for others".。 In Japan、Public transportation such as trains and buses has become an important part of daily life.。Therefore、Manners in these places are、It's not just a rule、It is considered an important element for maintaining harmony in society as a whole.。Just understand and practice this etiquette、The experience of public transportation in Japan is even more fun.、It should turn into something meaningful.。Also、communication with local people and、You will also deepen your understanding of Japanese culture.。 Why Japanese public transport etiquette is important Japan's trains and buses、It has won praise around the world for its precise running times and cleanliness.。What supports this development is "manners".。By practicing this、Expressing respect for local culture、Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to experience the Japanese worldview.。 Top 5 Public Transportation Etiquette in Japan Manners Explanation Don't make any noise Avoid talking on the phone or having loud conversations、do not make unnecessary noise。for example、It is also recommended to mute the notification sound on your smartphone.。 Observe the line Observe the order of boarding and disembarking、Avoid platform confusion。This rule is especially important during rush hours.。 Eat and drink in moderation Avoid eating on the subway or bus、Allowed only on long-distance trains, etc.。This is the basics for keeping the inside of your car clean.。 Elderly people take care of priority seats、disabled person、Expresses concern for pregnant people。This results in、Increased sense of security for society as a whole。 How to use the backpack: Move from your back to your front.、reduce the inconvenience caused to others。This is an important etiquette especially when it is crowded.。 List and explanation of transportation etiquette in Japan Additional points to enrich your experience on public transportation in Japan、Please refer to the following points to enjoy public transportation in Japan.。 summary:here we go、Let's practice Japanese public transportation etiquette! Just refer to this guide、Your Japanese public transportation experience will be completely different.。While traveling by train or bus、By being conscious of manners、create better memories、Make your stay in Japan meaningful。 By learning and practicing Japanese traffic manners、Deepening interactions with local people、This is a valuable opportunity to understand different cultures.。please、Take advantage of this manner、Enjoy a heart-rich journey。 Want to know more? Related article links

茨城県の魅力満載!おすすめ観光スポット5選Recommended sightseeing route

Full of the charm of Ibaraki prefecture! 5 recommended sightseeing spots

Ibaraki Prefecture、Excellent access from Tokyo、It is a tourist spot in a secret place where many beautiful spots that are not yet known are scattered.。history、nature、There are plenty of places where you can enjoy beautiful landscapes、A perfect area for travelers who want to relax and avoid congestion。In this article、We will carefully select and introduce the five hot spots to visit in Ibaraki Prefecture.。 Enjoy the beauty of the seasons — Hitachi Seaside Park Hitachi Seaside Park in Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture、It is a vast park where seasonal flowers are in full bloom.。A blue carpet with a nemophila spread all over in the spring、In the fall, bright red Kokia became a highlight、You can enjoy the superb view as if you were in a painting。Also、Seasonal events are held in the park、Recommended for families and couples。The admission fee is an affordable price of 450 yen for adults.。 Online reputation: "Instagram scenery!"。Many beautiful photos are posted on Instagram。 History and silence are in harmony - Kairakuen in Mito City Kairakuen、One of the three famous gardens in Japan、Known as a historic garden。Especially in the plum season, more than 3,000 plum blossoms are in full bloom.、The beauty is captured by its beauty。In the garden、Quiet time flows、You can experience the depth of Japanese culture while taking a walk。The entrance fee is 320 yen for adults。 Online reputation: There are many evaluations that "the garden design is wonderful"、It is popular as a place where you can relax while feeling history.。 The Giant Buddha statue in the world — Ushiku Daibutsu is located in Ushiku City、Recognized as the Guinness record as the world's largest Buddha statue that boasts 120 meters high.。There is an exhibition inside the Great Buddha where you can learn Buddhist culture.、From the observatory, you can overlook the beautiful scenery of Ibaraki。moreover、The surrounding gardens are also worth seeing、You can enjoy the scenery that changes every season。Admission is 800 yen for adults。 Online reputation: "A feeling of overwhelming scale" and "power beyond photos"、Many visitors share surprise。 A superb view of nature woven —Bakurota Falls in Daigo -cho, Ibaraki Prefecture、One of Japan's three famous waterfalls、It is a superb view spot where you can enjoy the seasonal expressions.。Especially the autumn leaves season and the frozen winter waterfalls are breathtaking beauty.、Enchants the visitors。There is also a promenade to proceed near the waterfall.、It is attractive that you can feel the power of nature up close.。Admission is 300 yen for adults、Child 150 yen。 Online reputation: It is highly evaluated in Japan and overseas, saying, "The beauty of each four seasons is a picture" and "the season for autumn leaves is particularly wonderful."。 Superb view of the Pacific Ocean and Torii — Oarai Iso -mae Shrine in Oarai -cho, Oarai Isozen Shrine、It is a shrine with a unique view of the sea and torii.。Especially the sight of "Kamiso no Torii", which emerges with the early morning sunrise, is mysterious.、It is very popular with photo lovers。Admission is free、One of the attractions is that you can easily visit。 Online reputation: Great attention as a "mysterious landscape" on Instagram。Many photos are posted。 Visit to Ibaraki Prefecture Ibaraki Prefecture、It is a place where you can provide a special experience that combines rich nature and history.。Also、Because the name recognition as a tourist spot is still modest、You can spend a relaxing time avoiding congestion。There is also good access from Tokyo、The perfect area for day trips。 Please add Ibaraki Prefecture to the next travel plan。If this article is helpful、By all means share with your family and friends、Enjoy a wonderful trip!

ライトノベルJapanese anime works

"5 Japanese light novels recommended for overseas friends! (2nd)"

* The image is an image。 Hello! A blogger who conveys the charms of Japan to the world、It's Momo! This time、Continuing from the previous blog、Here are 5 Japanese light novels that are sold in English.。Japanese light novels、Especially fantasy and science fiction、In the genre that is gaining popularity、These works are attracting attention around the world。In addition to the works introduced earlier、This time, we picked up even more attractive works! actual、Of the light novels I read in the Japanese version、I have recommended some English versions to overseas friends.、The reaction from my friends was very good。From among them、Here are five books that I really recommend! 1. "Sword Art Online" * The image is an image。 "Sword Art Online" official website English title:SWORD ART ONLINE:Kawara gravel illustration:ABEC recommended point "Sword Art Online" is、It is a story where players trapped in the virtual real game struggle to clear the game with their lives.。Interesting characters such as Asuna, the heroine of the story, have appeared、Battle scenes and romance elements are drawn in a well -balanced manner。In particular, the bond between Asuna and Kirito is one of the great attractions.。 Impression of Momo A magnificent adventure unfolding in the game world、I was impressed by Asuna's brave and dedicated appearance。especially、The depiction of the virtual and the real world is very realistic and heart。There are also serious scenes、The bond between the characters is drawn firmly, so it is warm。Especially the relationship between Kirito and Asuna is wonderful。 Impressions of overseas friends "Asuna is really strong and attractive、I was looking forward to her growth. "。Real emotions are drawn in the game world、He said that he felt like he was in the world。Also、It seems that the relationship between Kirito and Asuna was particularly impressive.。 2. "Witch's Journey" * The image is an image。 "Witch's Journey" Official Site English Title:THE JOURNEY OF ELAINA:Shiraishi ruler illustration:Azuru recommended point "Witch's Journey" is、It is a work depicting the adventure of a witch, Ilena who travels around the world.。Events in various countries visited by Ilena、Encounters with people will help her grow。With a fantastic world view、The story progresses while interlacing the serious theme。 Impression of Momo Through the journey of Ilena、It is attractive that various human dramas are developed。especially、Iraina's feelings are drawn firmly、I was able to sympathize with her growing up。The balance between kindness and coolness is exquisite、There are many scenes that touch the culture of another world、I was excited to read。 Impressions of an overseas friend "While traveling in a different world、The episode with the people I met was very impressive. "。It was said that her growth and change were very enjoyable。Throughout the story、Iraina's choice is getting deeper、It was interesting to watch her growth。 3. "I have been reincarnated by a villain daughter who has only the ruin flag of Otome Game ..." * The image is an image.。 "I have been reincarnated by a villain daughter who has only the ruin flag of Otome Game ..." Official site English title:My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!author:Satoru Yamaguchi Illustration:Hida Kanami Recommended Point The hero who has been reincarnated as a villain girl in the game、It is a story that self -remodeling while avoiding the game story.。Humor and romance are well entangled、Occasionally serious development、It is a very enjoyable work。The heroine、At first I was going toward ruin as a villain daughter、The attraction is that it changes fate while getting around and around.。 Momo's impressions are unique、The appearance of the hero's brightness and wisdom is very attractive。Because you know the contents of the game、Her actions with various options are interesting、I'm reading and laughing。The charm of the character is also shining、Especially the love side is drawn happily。 Impressions of overseas friends "It is interesting to see how the villain daughters open up their fate、I wanted to support you. "。It was said that her growth and change were very enjoyable。especially、The relationship with the surrounding characters is getting deeper、It seems that I enjoyed it with laughter and impressive。 4. "Irregular at Magical High School" * The image is an image。 "Magical High School Irregular" official website English title:The...

温泉と絶景を楽しむ!群馬県おすすめ観光スポット30選Explaining the latest news in Japan

Enjoy hot springs and superb views! Gunma Prefecture Recommended Sightseeing Spots 9 Selections

As the number of tourists visiting Japan continues to increase、Gunma Prefecture is a must -have for those who are thinking, "Where should I visit next?"。This area、A famous bath that heals both the mind and body、Superb view that is deprived of eyes、And it is full of sightseeing spots where you can feel history and culture.。Good access from the Tokyo metropolitan area、You can enjoy it on a day trip、By staying, you can enjoy its charm deeply。 In this article、From among the tourist destinations that Gunma Prefecture is proud of、In particular, we will carefully select and introduce 9 spots.。From a classic place such as Kusatsu Onsen and Fukiwari Falls、A wide range of secret places loved by locals。If you read this guide、There is no doubt that the tourist plan in Gunma Prefecture will move one step forward! Check it to the end、Please use it for the next travel plan。 Detailed explanation of sightseeing spot list below、Features of each spot、location、access、Business hours、Fee、Introducing all parking lot information。 Kusatsu Onsen Yubata Features: In one of the three people in Japan、You can enjoy the fantastic scenery where the smoke rises。Light -up at night is especially romantic。You can also enjoy eating on a hot spring bun around Yubata.。 Haruna Shrine features: At a mysterious shrine surrounded by huge rock walls、Popular as a power spot。Fresh green in the spring、The autumn leaves are beautiful in the fall、You can enjoy different charms for each season you visit。 Fukiwari Waterfall Features: A powerful waterfall called Oriental Niagara。A promenade is maintained around the waterfall、You can enjoy the natural beauty of each season。 Ikaho Onsen features: A hot spring area with a characteristic of Ishiyan Street。It is a luxurious spot where you can enjoy two kinds of hot springs, golden hot water and silver hot spring.。There are many footbaths and restaurants around。 Tomioka Silk Mill Characteristics: Has a history as Japan's first silk factory、An important spot registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site。 Oni pushing garden feature: In the lava area due to the eruption of Mt. Asama、The unique terrain spreads。The scenery from the observatory is also a masterpiece.。 Mt. Akagiyama: Mountains representing Gunma。Akagi Onuma, a lake Lake Caldera, spreads near the summit、You can enjoy boat play and fishing。 Mizusawa Udon Features: One of Japan's three largest udon、400Exquisite udon with an year or older。Strong noodles and sesame sauce are exquisite。 Shima Onsen features: One of the famous hot hot water in Japan、A tasteful hot spring town that is said to be the model of the movie "Sen and Chihiro no Away"。 In Gunma Prefecture、hot spring、Spectacular view、history、culture、gourmet、There are a variety of charms such as activities。These 10 spots、Among them, it is a careful selection of sightseeing spots that are particularly valuable to visit.。Good access from Tokyo、Gunma prefecture where you can enjoy both day or stay、It will be the best candidate site for the next trip。 Next action:Pick up the spots you care about、Please visit us! Bookmark this article、I would be grateful if you could refer to it when making a travel plan.。

「日本の病院はすごすぎる!? 外国人が驚愕した“世界最高レベル”の医療とは?」Japanese trivial knowledge

"Japanese hospitals are too great!? What is the “world's highest level” medical care that foreigners are surprised? "

Hello! It is Iwapiko! 🇯🇵 I feel sick while traveling to Japan ... what do you do? Suddenly while traveling to Japan、 ❌ My stomach hurts!❌ My head hurts!❌ I can't walk because my legs hurt! If you fall into this situation、What do you do? 💬 "I want to go to the hospital、Can I speak English? "💬 "Can foreigners see you?"💬 "Isn't the consultation fee too expensive?" Foreign travelers who visited a Japanese hospital with such anxiety、To have a startling experience ...! ✔ "picture!? It's so smooth!?」✔ "It's overwhelmingly cheaper than overseas!"✔ "I guess it was due to overeating⁉This time, with the real episode of foreign tourists、We will thoroughly explain "Why Japanese hospitals are so different from overseas?" If you read this article、Even if you get sick while traveling to Japan, you should think "I'm not scared anymore!" "No reservation is required for Japanese hospitals!? 365Daily consultation OK shock! [Overseas hospital]🏥 Reservation is required (waiting for a few days)🏥 Open only on weekdays (closed on weekends)🏥 I can't see a mild illness [Japanese hospital]✅ OK without a reservation!✅ 365day、You can see it late at night!✅ You can see any symptoms for the time being! 📌 [True story] "To the hospital due to eating too much ramen!?German Marx (34 years old) who was addicted to Japanese ramen。 "My chest continues for a week、I wake up with pain at night ... "The diagnosis result is" reflux esophagitis "。The cause is ... "Eat ramen too much"! 🍜 "Soy-sauce Ramen、Pork bone ramen、Miso ramen ... All were delicious and ate too much! " but、What surprised me most ...? "In Germany, it takes a few days to a few weeks to make a reservation at a hospital.、In Japan, consultation within 30 minutes!? Too fast! " 👉 In Germany、If you are mild, you may not be able to make a reservation at the hospital ... Japan's "consultation for the time being" system is the best! "Is the hospital expensive?" → "Japan is surprisingly cheap!" 💰...

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"New sightseeing in Hokkaido! Ultimate 5 experiences that can only be tasted with F Village"

Hello、Gucci! There are many wonderful sightseeing spots in Hokkaido、Did you know the popular "F Village" recently? This place is、It is an entertainment area born as a new home base for Nippon Ham Fighters、It's not just a baseball stadium! F Village is a sport、hot spring、gourmet、"Future -type sightseeing spot" full of nature experiences.。 When I first visited、It was a space where Hokkaido -like and state -of -the -art comfort combined wonderfully.。There are a lot of tricks that can be enjoyed by those who do not watch baseball、You should be satisfied with any travel style。In this article、Five spots that condenses the charm of F Village、I will introduce it with Gucchi's experiences! By all means、Please add to the next travel plan! 1. Escon Field HOKKAIDO – Discover a new way of enjoying baseball! Escon Field Hokkaido Official HP F "Escon Field HOKKAIDO" located at the center of the village、We provide entertainment experiences that go beyond watching baseball.。The combination of Japan's first opening and closing roof and natural turf、It's like a stadium that is naturally integrated with nature.。 When I visited、Sit on "Field Side Seat"、I watched the game from the same perspective as the players。While being overwhelmed by the powerful play unfolding in front of me、I enjoyed gourmet using local ingredients。Especially hot dogs with plenty of Hokkaido cheese are exquisite、If you eat it during the game, it will double the fun! My friends from overseas were also impressed that the concept of watching baseball has changed!。F Village through sports、It is a place where you can feel the charm of Hokkaido deeply。 2. Hokkaido Ball Park Market – "Hokkaido Ball Park Market" wants to stop by between watching the heavenly game of food and souvenirs.。This is、It is an area where you can enjoy Hokkaido's food culture and shopping.。 My favorite、Rich "milk soft serve"。I use milk from Ebetsu、When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the nature of Hokkaido itself.。Also、The rice balls with fresh salmon salmon are also exquisite、It is the perfect companion while watching the game! In the market、Fighters related goods and T -shirts as souvenirs、You can also purchase support goods for watching games.。It is very popular with foreign tourists that "Hokkaido experience only here" can be done.。It is full of items that can be enjoyed as memories even after returning to Japan! 3. tower eleven onsen & sauna – Experience Japanese hot spring culture at the stadium F -Village's unique facility is "TOWER ELEVEN ONSEN & sauna」。While immersed in the hot spring、Facilities where you can enjoy the scenery of the stadium、If you look for the world around the world, it's only here。 The night I visited、The lit -up stadium after the match was fantastic。While immersed in the open -air bath、The time to see this scenery is exactly a blissful time。The tiredness of watching the game was healed at once。 It was very popular with overseas friends as "I have a Japanese experience!"。Not only those who like hot springs、Recommended for those who experience hot springs for the first time。 4. Activity zone – On a vast site that touches the nature of Hokkaido、There is an "activity zone" that you can enjoy while interacting with nature。here、Walking and cycling、You can enjoy full -fledged athletic such as the ZIP line、It is very popular with families。 What makes me impressive、Time to walk slowly in the clear air of Hokkaido。I was healed by the lush scenery that makes me forget my everyday life。Also、There are many spots that look like photos、When I uploaded it to Instagram, my friends flooded a comment saying, "It's a nice place!" Those who want to enjoy actively、It is a perfect area for those who want to refresh between watching the game.。 5. Accommodation "TOWER ELEVEN HOTEL" – A base where you can enjoy a special stay The last one is、F of the F Village "TOWER ELEVEN HOTEL"。here、A special experience is provided to enhance both watching games and sightseeing.。 From the room where I stayed、I was able to overlook the magnificent view of Escon Field。While looking at the lit -up stadium after the match、The time to soak in the lingering sound、For unforgettable memories as a baseball fan。moreover、There are also a variety of benefits and events exclusively for guests、Indeed, you can only taste here! For foreign tourists、It has been highly evaluated as "the ultimate accommodation that integrates sports and sightseeing".。 Why is it popular with foreigners? F Village is popular with foreign tourists、This is because it has both "Hokkaido -like" and "international comfort".。Information on English -speaking and kind staff、Thanks to the fulfilling facilities、Even those who visit for the first time can enjoy it with confidence。 Also、Through the sport called baseball、It is also attractive that you can experience local culture deeply.。moreover、Hot springs and gourmet、To enjoy nature experience at once、There is no doubt that it will be a highlight of the trip "This is Japan!"。 Looking for comments! If you read this article and thought "I want to go!"、Please share your impressions in the comment section! "I want to have this kind of experience with F Village!"、Your ideas are also welcome。If you found this article helpful、I would be glad if you could support it with a share or bookmark! ...