"A rampage horse? A genius? Why the Gold Ship's racehorse is loved all over the world"

"A rampage horse? A genius? Why the Gold Ship's racehorse is loved all over the world"

Hello! It is Iwapiko!

The second installment of the famous horse introduction series

There are many famous horses in the Japanese horse racing world.、Among them, it stands out、There are horses that are enthusiastically loved by horse racing fans both in Japan and abroad.。Its name is "Gold Ship."。
It is moody yet boasts incredible strength、He shows unpredictable movements in the race、Sometimes you get a big defeat...。but、Still, I can't help but love him。Why does Goldship attract fans around the world so much? Looking back at his legend、We'll unravel its charm。

[Goldship's upbringing]

[Goldship's upbringing]
* The image is an image

Gold Ship is 2009March 6, 2019、Deguchi Farm in Hidaka Town, Hokkaido Born in。
My father is Stay Gold、Mother is a point flag。Apparently a nuptial of Stay Gold、He had a rough temperament and incredible stamina.。

From the time I was born 500Large horse body exceeding kg in、It was a size that was much larger than what the surroundings were expecting.。
As if to hold your big body Freely and unrestrained、A person who doesn't listen to anything at all
Already since this time、Goldship's "Unreal Legend" had begun。

and、His The name comes from "Golden Ship"
Appropriately to this name、He has become a major shaking figure in the Japanese horse racing world.。score


His many legends、I'll look back on my report card!

Gold Ship's main achievements

dateheldRace nameOrder of arrivalScorpiondistanceBabaHead countHorse numberPopularityJumperWeighttime
2011.07.09HakodateSarah 2 year old new horse1Grass1800mSlightly heavy1052Akiyama Shinichiro57.01:51.2
2011.09.10SapporoCosmos Award (open)1Grass1800mgood841Akiyama Shinichiro57.01:53.6
2011.10.01SapporoSapporo 2-year-old S (GⅢ)2Grass1800mgood1362Ando Katsumi57.01:50.9
2011.12.24HanshinR-NIKKEI Cup 2 Year Old S (GⅢ)2Grass2000mgood1633Ando Katsumi57.02:02.6
2012.02.12TokyoCommon Communication Cup (GⅢ)1Grass1800mgood1132Uchida Hiroyuki57.01:48.3
2012.04.15ZhongshanSatsuki Sho (GⅠ)1Grass2000mgood18144Uchida Hiroyuki57.02:01.3
2012.05.27TokyoJapan Derby (GⅠ)5Grass2400mgood1862Uchida Hiroyuki57.02:24.0
2012.09.23HanshinKobe Newspaper Cup (GⅡ)1Grass2400mgood15141Uchida Hiroyuki57.02:25.2
2012.10.21KyotoKikuka Sho (GⅠ)1Grass3000mgood1811Uchida Hiroyuki57.03:02.9
2012.12.23ZhongshanArima Memorial (GⅠ)1Grass2500mgood16131Uchida Hiroyuki57.02:31.9
2013.03.17HanshinHanshin Grand Prize (GⅡ)1Grass3000mgood971Uchida Hiroyuki57.03:05.0
2013.04.28KyotoEmperor's Award(spring) (GⅠ)5Grass3200mgood1881Uchida Hiroyuki57.03:15.1
2013.06.23HanshinTakarazuka Memorial (GⅠ)1Grass2200mgood11102Uchida Hiroyuki57.02:13.2
2013.10.06KyotoKyoto Grand Prize (GⅡ)5Grass2400mgood13121Uchida Hiroyuki57.02:23.2
2013.11.24TokyoJapan C (GⅠ)15Grass2400mgood17132Uchida Hiroyuki57.02:27.5
2013.12.22ZhongshanArima Memorial (GⅠ)3Grass2500mgood16142R. Moore57.02:33.8
2014.03.23HanshinHanshin Grand Prize (GⅡ)1Grass3000mgood911Iwata Yasumasa57.03:06.6
2014.05.04KyotoEmperor's Award(spring) (GⅠ)7Grass3200mgood1882C. Williams57.03:15.6
2014.06.29HanshinTakarazuka Memorial (GⅠ)1Grass2200mgood12111Yokoyama Norihiro57.02:13.9
2014.08.24SapporoSapporo Memorial (GⅡ)2Grass2000mgood1451Yokoyama Norihiro57.01:59.2
2014.10.05LCHArc de Triomphe Prize (GⅠ)14Grass2400mgood206Yokoyama Norihiro57.0
2014.12.28ZhongshanArima Memorial (GⅠ)3Grass2500mgood16141Iwata Yasumasa57.02:35.4
2015.01.25ZhongshanAjcc (GⅡ)7Grass2200mgood1781Iwata Yasumasa57.02:14.1
2015.03.22HanshinHanshin Grand Prize (GⅡ)1Grass3000mgood1081Iwata Yasumasa57.03:05.9
2015.05.03KyotoEmperor's Award(spring) (GⅠ)1Grass3200mgood1712Yokoyama Norihiro57.03:14.7
2015.06.28HanshinTakarazuka Memorial (GⅠ)15Grass2200mgood16151Yokoyama Norihiro57.02:15.6
2015.11.29TokyoJapan C (GⅠ)10Grass2400mgood18122Yokoyama Norihiro57.02:25.1
2015.12.27ZhongshanArima Memorial (GⅠ)8Grass2500mgood16151Uchida Hiroyuki57.02:33.3


Why is Goldship popular with foreigners?

Why is Goldship popular with foreigners?

1. The impact of the appearance

Gold Ship is、A "shige" horse, which is rare in Japanese horse racing、And very large figure。If you watch the race footage、He is so prominent that he can tell at a glance which horse he is.。In addition、The driving speed accelerates rapidly at the end of the race、It was truly worthy of being called a "white monster."。

2. Unpredictable race development

His race is not monotonous、It's exactly like a drama。I'm late、I ran lazily along the way without getting too excited、However, sometimes I suddenly got motivated and ended up knocking over。Foreign horse racing fans、I especially like horses with a dramatic feel.。His running like the protagonist of a sports anime、Many people were attracted to it。

3. A great duo with the jockeys

Goldship was driven by many jockeys.、In particular, jockey Uchida Hiroyuki and Yokoyama Norihiro fought the "rampaging horse Gorsi."。Sometimes it's not in control、Sometimes it's brilliantly manipulated。Their tactics are also、We entertained horse racing fans。

4. Legendary race

Especially the Emperor's Cup (Spring) in 2015、It is reminiscent of "Yokoyama Norihiro's divine riding."。Right after the start, Goldship loses his mood and sinks backwards.、Jockey Yokoyama pushes up from outside、In the end, he won with an incredible finish.。This has also made foreign fans excited.、Comments such as "GOLD SHIP IS INSANE" were overflowing.。

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