Found in a local city in Japan! A complete guide to subculture shops and events that foreigners will love

Found in a local city in Japan! A complete guide to subculture shops and events that foreigners will love
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Hello、This is Nagano Makoto!

日本のサブカルチャーといえば、Many people may think of Akihabara or Shibuya.。

but、Take a little bit of a trip to visit a local city、It is a world of deep subculture that is not listed in tourist guides.。

anime、Manga、game、Art... can only be experienced in the region、The number of foreign tourists attracted by the warm and unique culture is increasing year by year.。

This time、日本全国の地方都市で楽しめるサブカルチャーショップやイベントをご紹介します!

外国人がなぜ地方のサブカルに夢中になるのか、We will share the atmosphere of the local area, so、Please take a look until the end。


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地方都市のサブカルチャーが外国人に人気の理由は、After all, it's a special feeling that is unique to locals.。

You can't experience it in Tokyo or Osaka's big cities、Warm interaction with local people、The hidden shop that only a few people know about is attractive。Because there are few tourists、Another key point is to enjoy shopping and events in a relaxed manner.。

myself、When I participated in the Ome-juku Art Festival in Ome City、Live performances by local artists、I was touched by the warm space surrounded by handmade art goods.。

It's not commercialized there、It was a lively Japanese subculture.。

I took a foreign friend with me、"I never knew such a wonderful place could be right in Tokyo!"。

Also、At "Toyama Gamers Day" held in Toyama Prefecture、I was amazed at the passion of the local esports community。

A valuable opportunity to watch professional gamers' exhibition matches up close、Foreign tourists are also very excited。"I can't believe there are such high-level events in the Japanese region!"、I couldn't help but take a number of photos。

In the region、Unlike commercialized tourist spots、For people who want to enjoy culture purely, come together、One of the attractions is that deep conversations and interactions naturally occur.。

Every time I visit a local event, I feel、The warmth of people is unique to the land。I understand why foreign tourists become repeat customers。


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  • マニアックなジャンルを扱う店舗が集結昭和レトロな雰囲気が外国人に大人気!
  • 古書店やフィギュアショップヴィンテージ玩具の宝庫


  • 国際色豊かなパフォーマンスが楽しめる2日間のイベント地元文化を深く体験できます
  • 日本の昔ながらの街並みとアートの融合が魅力


  • チャンバラ合戦や戦国ワークショップで外国人も侍気分を味わえます
  • 衣装を着て江戸時代にタイムスリップしたかのような体験!

Takasuna Greenery Coffee Festival(神奈川県・茅ヶ崎市)

  • カフェとブックトレードを楽しみながら地域の日常に溶け込むイベント
  • ゆったりした湘南の空気の中サブカル談義も弾みます


  • プロ選手のエキシビションマッチも開催される地元企業協賛のeスポーツイベント
  • コスプレイヤーの参加率も高く海外からの注目度も急上昇!


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アニメやゲームをテーマにしたカフェで、Enjoy the unique atmosphere。



好きな作品の舞台を実際に訪れることで、You can immerse yourself in the world of the work。

Enjoying interacting with locals is also the joy of traveling.。


アニメイトカフェやスイーツパラダイスのコラボイベントで、A special experience。



地方のサブカルスポットでは、A small conversation with the shop staff and participants will enrich your travel memories。

You can hear stories that are unique to the local area、Enjoy the land even deeper and deeper。


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地方都市ならではのサブカルチャーを体験することは、This is an amazing opportunity to deeply feel the diversity of Japan.。read this article、I'd be happy if you thought, "I want to go here on my next trip!"。

Your favourite subculture spots、If there's an event you'd like to visit、Please let us know in the comments!

SNSでのシェアやブックマークも大歓迎! みんなで日本の隠れた魅力を発掘していきましょう!

I、Nagano Makoto will continue to share Japan's wonderful entertainment culture with the world.。Well then、See you in the next article!

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