「日本の歴史人物に魅了される理由:心を動かすドラマとその背景を探る」Japanese history

“Why I’m fascinated by Japanese historical figures:Exploring heart-moving dramas and their backgrounds.”

Hello、That's it! History has the power to draw us in.。Among them、Stories of Japanese historical figures、It is full of charm that evokes empathy across cultures and historical backgrounds.。Today is、Digging deeper into why Japanese historical figures inspire people all over the world.、Introducing their lifestyle and background。I'm sure by the time you finish reading this article、I'm sure you'll feel like, "I want to know more about this person's story!"。 Universal themes of historical figures and their charm One of the reasons why Japanese historical figures are loved all over the world is、Their lives are depicted through universal themes.。Episodes about historical figures、It has the power to give us deep empathy across cultures and eras.。here、We will introduce some of these themes with specific examples.。 1. Challenge and change:Innovation of Oda Nobunaga The life of Oda Nobunaga、It was a series of challenges that were unconventional.。Raising the slogan "Tenka Fubu"、Massive introduction of guns and construction of walled cities, etc.、He implemented a series of policies that were revolutionary at the time.。 myself、When I first learned about Nobunaga's episode、I was moved by the courage to live as an innovator.。like him、The spirit of challenge that opens up a new era、There are also similarities with modern leadership theory.。 2. A humane effort:Toyotomi Hideyoshi's success story Toyotomi Hideyoshi's life from being a farmer to a citizen、It is a symbol of hope and effort.。His skillful negotiation skills and ability to control people's hearts are、He teaches us the wisdom to pursue our dreams.。 Hideyoshi is、Not just a Sengoku military commander、It is also attractive as a ``existence full of humanity'' that transcends social class.。His policies such as ``sword hunting'' and ``land survey'' were、It laid the foundation for building an orderly society.。 3. peace and stability:Tokugawa Ieyasu's long-term vision Tokugawa Ieyasu、Ending the chaos of the Sengoku period、260Established a peaceful Edo period that lasted for many years.。his patience and、Actions that focus on the future rather than immediate profits、There are many points to learn even in modern times.。 for example、After the Battle of Sekigahara、Ieyasu did not completely eliminate the enemy forces;、maintained order while containing them in the countryside.。This “tolerant strategy”、Very helpful for long-term success。 4. literature and sensibility:The world of ``The Tale of Genji'' depicted by Murasaki Shikibu The ``The Tale of Genji'' created by Murasaki Shikibu、More than just a story、A literary masterpiece that depicts the depth and complexity of human emotions.。Set in court life during the Heian period、love and conflict、This work depicts growth.、Loved not only in Japan but all over the world。 Murasaki Shikibu is、Expressing myself through literature as a woman、Conveying to future generations of women the importance of ``respecting your voice''。 Learn about the “other faces” of historical figures:Deep-dive episode: How can we apply the learnings of historical figures to the present day? By reading the stories of historical figures、We can learn a lot from past failures and successes。their courage、wisdom、and the patience、It provides useful hints for those of us living in modern times.。 for example、In business, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's skillful negotiation techniques can be helpful.、Oda Nobunaga's spirit of challenge to open up an era is useful for leadership.。 Let us know your opinion! read this article、Which historical figure particularly interested you? If any of their stories touched your heart,、Please let us know in the comments section! for example、We welcome comments such as ``I want to have a long-term perspective like Ieyasu'' and ``Ryoma's passion has inspired me!'' Also、In the next article、We will dig deeper based on your comments.、Please let us know your voice! Share the article! If you find this blog interesting、Please share and bookmark、Share the fun of history with your friends and family。By knowing the past、We can have the power to make our future better。 Dive into the depths of history、Let's explore the lessons we can learn from it together!

「まだ知らない日本を発見!外国人旅行者が感動する隠れた名所7選」Japanese scenery and travel

"Discover parts of Japan that you don't know yet! 7 hidden spots that will impress foreign travelers"

Hello、That's it! When guiding a friend overseas、I always say, ``Famous spots are nice, but...、People sometimes say, ``I want to see a place that is quieter and more typical of Japan.''。So this time、We will introduce you to "hidden spots" that are not listed in tourist guidebooks.。these are、I went there myself.、These are the places where I thoroughly enjoyed its charm.。We provide the perfect information for those who want to encounter special scenery that only locals know about! Please add it to your next travel plan.。 Why hidden spots are popular with foreigners 1. Peace and privacy Although Japan's famous tourist destinations are lively and wonderful,、I've also heard that it can be a bit tiring.。on the other hand、Away from the crowds at hidden gems、One of the great attractions is being able to immerse yourself in Japan's nature and culture in a quiet environment.。 2. An experience full of originality Hidden spots are rich in individuality、You can feel special just by visiting.。The joy of discovering places no one has ever been before is one of the best parts of traveling.。It is also popular among travelers who want to look good on Instagram.。 3. Interacting with local people Unlike the big city、One of the charms of hidden spots is that you can interact directly with the locals.。While traveling, I was guided by a local person.、Many times I have received warm hospitality.。 7 hidden spots with exciting experiences 1. Aso Laputa Road (Kumamoto Prefecture) Roadside Station Aso Official Website *Due to the effects of the Kumamoto Earthquake、Currently not open to traffic or tours。 2. Inubousaki Lighthouse (Chiba Prefecture) Choshi City Tourism Association Official Website 3. Iya Kazura Bridge (Tokushima Prefecture) Miyoshi City Tourism Official Website 4. Kamikochi (Nagano Prefecture) Kamikochi official website 5. Nabegataki (Kumamoto Prefecture) Kumamoto Prefecture Tourism Official Website 6. Hikyo Station / Koboro Station (Hokkaido) Toyoura Town Official Website 7. Bitchu Matsuyama Castle (Okayama Prefecture) Takahashi City Tourism Association Official Website Go on a journey to discover more of Japan! How was it? The "hidden spots" introduced in this article are、These are all places that I was truly moved by.。A journey to discover the unknown Japan、It's sure to become a special memory in your life.。please、Let me know in the comments where you would like to visit! Also、If you liked this article、I would be happy if you could bookmark it or share it on SNS.。 your next adventure、I hope it turns out great!

「体感せよ!日本の体験型アーケードゲームTOP5」Explaining the latest news in Japan

"Experience! Japanese hands -on arcade game TOP5"

アーケードゲームと聞くと「昔懐かしい遊び」というイメージを持つ人もいるかもしれません。but、日本の体験型アーケードゲームはそのイメージを覆し全身を使って楽しむ新感覚のエンターテインメントとして進化しています!日本のゲームセンターで人気のこれらのゲームは誰もが楽しめるスリルと没入感を提供してくれます。 This time、日本に来たらぜひ体験してほしい人気の体験型アーケードゲームを5つご紹介します。If you read this article、あなたもきっとゲームセンターに足を運びたくなるはず! 私のおすすめ!!体感ゲーム筐体5選 1. 太鼓の達人: リズムに乗って太鼓を叩け! 「太鼓の達人」は日本の伝統楽器「太鼓」をモチーフにした音楽ゲームですバンダイナムコが開発したこのゲームはシンプルな操作でリズムに合わせて太鼓を叩くだけ!J-POPやクラシックアニメソングなど幅広いジャンルの楽曲を楽しめるため子どもから大人まで夢中になれるゲームです。 🎵 Attractive points:リズム感がなくても楽しめる簡単な操作と日本文化を感じられるユニークさ。🔥 Trivia:プロのドラマーでも太鼓の達人に挑戦することがあるそうです!👉 挑戦しよう! あなたが好きな曲は何ですか?コメントで教えてください! 2. ダンスダンスレボリューション: リズムに合わせて踊りまくれ! 「Dance Dance Revolution(ダンスダンスレボリューション)」は足元の矢印パネルをタイミングよく踏んで踊るダンスゲームコナミが開発したこのゲームはエクササイズ感覚でも楽しめるため健康志向のプレイヤーにも人気です。 💃 なぜ人気?踊りながらエンターテインメントと運動を同時に楽しめる一石二鳥のゲーム。🔥 Trivia:日本ではDDRの競技大会も開かれておりプロ級のプレイヤーが華麗なパフォーマンスを披露します!💬 あなたならどう踊る? 初心者でも楽しめるこのゲームぜひ体験してみてください!コメントお待ちしています。 3. マリオカート アーケードグランプリ: 現実さながらのレース体験 みんな大好き「マリオカート」がアーケードでさらに進化!「マリオカート アーケードグランプリ」は実際のハンドルとペダルを使って操作するリアルなレースゲームです友達や家族と一緒に競争すれば盛り上がること間違いなし! 🏎️ Recommended points:マリオの世界をリアルに体感できるのが最大の魅力。🔥 Trivia:アーケード版ならではの特別なアイテムが登場するので家庭用とは一味違った楽しみがあります。👉 question:あなたは誰を選びますか?マリオピーチそれともヨッシー?コメント欄で教えてください! 4. 頭文字D アーケードステージ: ドリフトで峠を制覇せよ! 「頭文字D アーケードステージ」は人気漫画『頭文字D』を題材にしたレースゲームセガが開発したこのゲームでは実在する日本車を操りながら峠道でのドリフトを体験できますリアルなハンドリングと緊張感あふれるレース展開は車好きにはたまらない魅力です。 🚗 Attractive points:車の挙動や操作性がリアルなのでまるでプロのドライバーになったような気分を味わえます。🔥 Trivia:登場する車種は実車を忠実に再現!あなたの憧れの車でプレイできるかもしれません。💬 question:あなたの好きな車種は何ですか?ぜひコメントで教えてください! 5. ザ・ハウス・オブ・ザ・デッド: ゾンビとの死闘に挑め! ゾンビと戦うシューティングゲームの決定版「The House of the Dead」セガが開発したこのゲームでは銃型のコントローラーを使って迫りくるゾンビを次々と撃退していきますホラー要素とアクションが融合したこのゲームはスリルを求める人に最適です。 🧟 なぜ楽しめる?ゾンビ映画さながらの恐怖と爽快感が楽しめる一味違うアーケード体験。🔥 Trivia:ストーリーが進むにつれて難易度が上がり協力プレイが鍵となる場面も多いです。👉 あなたはどう戦う?...

世界を魅了する日本のシティポップ:不朽の名曲5選Explaining the latest news in Japan

Japanese city pop that captivates the world:5 timeless masterpieces

city ​​pop:A Japanese music genre that combines nostalgia and futurism: when you are listening to music、Have you ever felt like you were the main character in a movie? city ​​pop is、It's a special genre of music that creates moments like that.。1970- Born during Japan's period of high economic growth in the 1980s.、Its unique sound expresses the glittering life of the city and the quietness of the night.、Now、Captivating music fans from all over the world, transcending borders.。 In recent years、YouTube and TikTok、rediscovered through digital platforms such as Spotify.、It is being reevaluated in the context of "Japanese 80's culture"。Not only that、City pop is a timeless song、It has the power to directly touch the heart of the listener.。 In this article、Introducing five famous city pop songs that are especially popular worldwide.。If you read this、While experiencing the essence of city pop、You are sure to have an encounter with new music! Must listen! 5 famous city pop songs 1. plastic love (Plastic Love) – Mariya Takeuchi 2. Midnight Door ~Stay With Me – Miki Matsubara 3. SPARKLE – Tatsuro Yamashita 4. you are natural color (Kimi wa Tennenshoku) – Eiichi Otaki 5. Friday Chinatown (Friday Chinatown) – Yasuha: Why is City Pop so popular overseas? Why is City Pop so loved all over the world?、It is the result of a combination of several factors.。Looking at this phenomenon as a Japanese person,、The following points emerge。 Would you like to share your memories with City Pop? Among the 5 songs introduced in this article、Do you have a favorite? Or、Can you think of a hidden gem that you haven't heard of yet? Let us know your experiences and recommended songs in the comments section! City Pop is more than just a music genre。It is a cultural experience that connects us across generations and borders.。this wonderful musical journey、Let's have fun with us! 🎶 A journey to deliver Japanese music city pop to the world、Would you like to join now?

札幌の極上寿司を堪能しよう!絶対行くべきおすすめ高級店4選Recommended Japanese shops

Let's enjoy the finest sushi in Sapporo! 4 recommended luxury stores to definitely go

北海道の中心地札幌は新鮮な海の幸とその美味しさを最大限に活かした料理で世界中の食通を魅了しています中でも寿司は職人技と新鮮な食材が織りなす芸術そのもの。In this article、札幌の中でも特におすすめの高級寿司店をご紹介しますどの店も特別な体験を提供してくれるため訪れる価値は大いにあります! 次の旅行先を計画中の方や特別な日を彩る場所を探している方、By all means bookmark this article、シェアしてみてください! 1. すし善 本店 📍 札幌市中央区北1条西27丁目2-7🌟 ミシュラン掲載の老舗寿司店 1971年創業の「すし善 本店」は札幌の寿司文化を代表する名店です江戸前寿司の技法と北海道ならではの新鮮な海の幸を融合させたその料理はまさに芸術特に人気の「トロたく」(脂の乗ったマグロとたくあんの組み合わせ)や「蒸しアワビ」は忘れられない一品になること間違いありません静かな空間で職人が一つひとつ丁寧に仕上げる様子を目の前で楽しめるのも魅力記念日や特別な日にぴったりのお店です。 💬 あなたにとって理想の寿司って何ですか?コメントで教えてください! 2. すし 宮川 📍 札幌市中央区南4条25丁目2-2 リヒトラーレ円山1F🌟 北海道唯一のミシュラン3つ星店 究極の寿司体験を求めるなら「すし 宮川」は外せません北海道で唯一ミシュラン3つ星を獲得したこの店は江戸前寿司の技術と北海道の新鮮な食材を駆使した洗練されたコース料理を提供しています名物の「蒸しアワビ」は口の中でとろけるような食感と繊細な味わいが楽しめる逸品料理一つひとつが職人の情熱と技術を感じさせる特別な体験となるでしょう。 ✨ 予約は必須ですがその価値は十分あります! 💬 ミシュラン星付きの寿司を食べたことがありますか?感想や行ってみたいお店をぜひ教えてください! 3. 鮨 しののめ 📍 北海道札幌市中央区南1条西22-2-15 シーズンビル2F🌟 隠れ家的なカウンター寿司 円山エリアにある「鮨 しののめ」はわずか8席のカウンターで提供されるおまかせコースが特徴の隠れ家寿司店店主が厳選した旬の食材を使い一品ごとに驚きと感動を与えてくれます落ち着いた雰囲気の中で創意工夫に富んだ料理を楽しめるため地元の人や観光客からも人気があります個人的な時間を過ごしたい方にもおすすめの場所です。 💬 あなたのお気に入りの隠れ家的なお店を教えてください!コメント欄で共有しましょう! 4. 鮨菜 和喜智 📍 北海道札幌市中央区南2条西25-1-22🌟 シンプルな美学が際立つ完全予約制の名店 「鮨菜 和喜智」はシンプルで洗練された空間の中で職人のこだわりが詰まった江戸前寿司を提供しています。8席のカウンターのみ完全予約制という特別感もこの店ならでは店主の情熱と技術が光る料理の数々は特別なひとときを過ごすのに最適静かな時間を楽しみながら究極の寿司を堪能できます。 💬 完全予約制のお寿司屋さんに行ったことがありますか?その体験を教えてください! まとめ 札幌の高級寿司店は新鮮な食材と卓越した職人技が光る特別な体験を提供してくれる場所ばかりですミシュラン星付きの「すし 宮川」から隠れ家的な「鮨しののめ」までどの店も寿司の奥深さを教えてくれるでしょう。 📌 次回の旅行で訪れるお店をこの記事で見つけてみませんか?ぜひブックマークを!📢 気になるお店や行ったことのあるお店があればぜひコメント欄で教えてください!寿司について語り合いましょう!

「正真の日本の味を体験しよう!外国人も大喜びのリンゴあめ専門店トップ5」Recommended Japanese shops

"Let's experience the taste of Japan! Top 5 apple candy specialty stores that even foreigners will love"

everyone、Do you know Japanese apple candy? usually、You may think of the sweet apple candy you see at festival stalls.。but、In modern Japan、Apple candy has evolved into a modern、Beautiful appearance and sophisticated taste、It is a very popular sweet not only among Japanese people but also among foreign tourists.。 A way to bring out the sweetness and acidity of apples to the maximum、Crispy candy texture、Plus seasonal flavors、Its charm is countless。myself、I have visited many apple candy specialty stores so far.、I had a special experience that can only be experienced there.。 Introducing the top 5 apple candy specialty stores you should visit in Japan. 1. pomme d'amour tokyo location: KI Building 2F (main store), 5-9-12 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Prices: 690circle(tax included)~*Confirmation required Features: Pomme d'Amour Tokyo is known as Japan's first apple candy specialty store.、The patented powder coating is the biggest attraction。Crispy and light texture、The juicy flavor of apples blends perfectly。moreover、You can also enjoy seasonal flavors.、No matter how many times you visit, there's always something new to discover.。 2. Apple's memory location: Room B, 1st floor, Honmachi TS Building, 4-7-5 Bakuro-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture (Shinsaibashi Main Store) Fees: Plain approximately 690 yen (tax included)、Cut approximately 720 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: “Ringo no Omoi” is operated by a long-established confectionery factory that has been in business for 80 years.。Using fresh domestic apples、Available in a variety of flavors including cinnamon sugar and white chocolate.。Especially products with condensed milk、It is highly rated by foreign tourists for its rich taste.。 3. Daikanyama Candy apple location: 1st floor, Ryuo Building, 8-9 Daikanyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (Daikanyama main store) Fee: Approximately 790 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: At this stylish store in Daikanyama、While retaining the atmosphere of a traditional food stall、Enjoy apple candy arranged in a modern style。Using carefully selected seasonal apples、The exquisite balance of sweetness and sourness is appealing.。moreover、We also offer easy-to-eat cutting services.、Perfect for a light snack while strolling。 4. angel apple candy location: 5-2-5 Yamate-dori, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture Resins Yamate (Yagoto store) Prices: Plain approximately 580 yen (tax included)、Coconut approximately 680 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: This store is located in Yagoto, Nagoya.、Features apples coated with ultra-thin candy。In addition to enjoying the light and crispy texture,、Available in a variety of flavors。There are Instagrammable photo spots inside the store.、Very popular among foreign tourists who love SNS。 5. Yaorin Cafe location: 3-38-2 Shibuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Prices: Apple candy (cup) 800 yen (tax included)、Apple candy (1 ball) 1,500 yen (tax included) *Confirmation required Features: Yaorin Cafe is located inside Shinjuku Station.、A unique apple candy specialty store run by a greengrocer。Using carefully selected seasonal apples、The candy is moderately sweet, allowing you to fully enjoy the original taste of apples.。There is a cutting service、The fact that it is easy to take home is also attractive.。 You too will be impressed by the apple candy! ! These stores are、We offer apple candy that makes use of its unique characteristics in various parts of Japan.、Well worth a visit。Every store looks beautiful、The taste is also first-class.、Perfect for remembering your trip。When you visit、Please share your thoughts and recommendations in the comments section! Let's enjoy Japan's apple candy culture together!

「酸っぱさに込められた伝統の味!外国人も感動する日本の梅干し5選」Wakayama Prefecture

"Traditional taste packed with sourness! 5 Japanese pickled plums that will impress even foreigners"

Hello、I'm Piyun, a blogger who spreads Japanese culture overseas! "Pickled plums"、It is a traditional taste that has been a part of the Japanese diet since ancient times.。Sour、Salty、It takes a little courage to eat just that.。But actually、This pickled plum is currently attracting attention overseas! How did my foreign friends react when I gave them pickled plums as a gift?、“It was a shock at first, but、this、It's kind of addictive! ” and highly praised。since then、I now want to convey the profound charm of umeboshi to more people.。 In this article、Introducing 5 carefully selected types of umeboshi, a traditional food that Japan is proud of.。The characteristics of each、We will dig deeper into why it is accepted by foreigners as well.、Please read to the end! Why is umeboshi attracting attention around the world? Carefully selected! 5 Japanese pickled plums 1. Baiganmei:The basic and ultimate taste of umeboshi Kishu Baien official website 2. Kishu Nankoume:King of the Umeboshi World Kumahira Plum Official Website 3. Shiso pickled plums:Umeboshi with beautiful aroma and color 4. honey pickled plums:Sweetness perfect for umeboshi beginners 5. Candied pickled plums:Umeboshi that can be enjoyed as a dessert Enjoy delicious eating Wakayama Mall Official How to enjoy Umeboshi Goes great with other rice‼ If you read this article and thought, “I want to try umeboshi!”、Please let us know in the comments section! Also、We also welcome your impressions of the food and recommended ways to enjoy it.。 If this article was helpful、Please support us by sharing and bookmarking。Next time、Introducing simple recipes using traditional Japanese foods and a deeper dive into the cultural background.。 Through Umeboshi、Let's spread the charm of Japan all over the world! Your word will be the first step。We look forward to your comments!

札幌発!夜の締めに「しめパフェ」を楽しむガイド!Recommended Japanese shops

From Sapporo! A guide to enjoy "Shime Parfait" at the end of the night!🍨✨

I'm ABETACK and I've never had a good time day or night.。 In this article, I wrote an article about "Shime Parfait" that even those of you who have never had such a sweet time (lie) can enjoy.。 Have a fun night… After enjoying the night in Sapporo、How do you conclude? ramen? That's fine too though、Actually, Sapporo has a more special "tightening".。That is "shime parfait"。After a drinking party or at the end of dinner、The culture of enjoying parfaits that look and taste perfect began in Sapporo.、Now it has spread all over the country。 In this article、The charm of Shime Parfait、We will introduce in detail 6 famous restaurants in Sapporo that you absolutely cannot miss.。Would you like to try this unique experience? What is "shime parfait"?🍧 What is “Shime Parfait”?、A parfait enjoyed at an evening drinking party or at the end of a meal.。This culture born in Sapporo、It's a sweet magic that soothes your body and mind after drinking.。 Why did it become popular in Sapporo? Many shops in Sapporo are open until late at night.、A drinking party culture is developing.。but、"I want to finish with something sweet!" is the growing voice.、A parfait specialty store opens in the evening。From there, “Shime Parfait” was born.、It has become very popular not only with locals but also with tourists.。 Characteristics of Shime Parfait 6 Recommended Shime Parfaits in Sapporo 🌟 1. parfait、coffee、liquor、佐藤 パフェ、coffee、liquor、佐藤 公式HP 住所:札幌市中央区南2条西1丁目6-1 第3広和ビル1F 2. INITIAL(イニシャル) INITIALSapporo 公式Instagram 住所:北海道札幌市中央区南3条西5丁目36-1 F・DRESSビル2F 3. パフェテリア パル 夜パフェ専門店 パフェテリア パル 公式Instagram 住所:札幌市中央区南4条西2丁目10-1 南4西2ビル6F 4. ななかま堂 株式会社GAKU 夜パフェ専門店 ななかま堂 公式HP 住所:北海道札幌市中央区南4条西5-10 第4藤井ビル2階 5. parfait、coffee、liquor、佐々木 パフェ、coffee、liquor、佐々木 住所:札幌市中央区南2条西1丁目8-2アスカビルB1F 6. ROJIURA CAFE ROJIURA CAFE  公式HP 住所:札幌市中央区南6条西3丁目 TAKARA6.3 1F 札幌で「しめパフェ」を楽しむべき理由 「しめパフェ」は、Not only can you experience Sapporo's unique culture, but also、Create special memories at the end of your trip。While finishing the evening drinking party and meal deliciously、"Shime Parfait" where you can enjoy local ingredients and craftsmanship、The very charm of Sapporo。...

日本旅行のハイライト!外国人に人気の着物レンタルおすすめ5選【ぴゆんが厳選】Recommended Japanese shops

Highlights of my trip to Japan! 5 recommended kimono rentals popular among foreigners [Carefully selected by Piyun]

Hello、A blogger who spreads the charms of Japan to the world、This is Piyun! For foreign tourists visiting Japan、Kimono rental is one of the experiences that will make your travel memories even more special.。Just wear a kimono and walk through the historic streets.、You can feel like you are the main character in a movie.。 This time、Based on my actual experience visiting、We will carefully select and introduce ``5 recommended kimono rental shops that will never fail''! location and fees、The features are explained in an easy-to-understand manner、Please use this as a reference for your trip to Japan.。If you read this article till the end、You're sure to find a restaurant that makes you think, "I want to visit this place!"。 Why is kimono rental so popular among foreign tourists? 1. Experience wearing culture Kimono, a traditional costume that symbolizes Japanese culture。By wearing a kimono、Not only can you experience Japanese culture, but also、It also provides an opportunity to learn about the historical background.。Especially in tourist areas such as Kyoto and Tokyo Asakusa.、Kimono blends into the cityscape、You can feel as if you have traveled back in time。 2. Excellent photogenic spots and combinations Photos taken in kimono are、It's sure to be Instagrammable! Hanamikoji in Gion and bamboo forest in Arashiyama、The combination of sightseeing spots such as Sensoji Temple and kimono is、It fully creates a Japanese atmosphere.。Great as a photo to post on SNS。 3. A support system that eliminates the language barrier.Kimono dressing and hair styling will be done by professionals.、No need to worry about language barriers。Many stores have English support、Even foreign tourists can use it with confidence。 ✨ Piyun's experience wearing a kimono in Gion, Kyoto、When I walked under the cherry blossom trees、A scene so beautiful it's hard to believe it's real。Posting a photo on SNS、A friend from overseas praised it and said, ``This is Japan!''、It was a valuable time for me to rediscover the beauty of Japan.。 Carefully selected by Piyun! 5 Recommended Kimono Rental Shops From Here、Introducing a kimono rental store that I actually used and was impressed with! We will explain in detail the characteristics and charms of each.。 1. Kimono rental “Saku Miyako” Gion store (Kyoto) Saku Miyako official website ✨ Piyun's impression: ``If you want to enjoy Kyoto in a kimono, this is the place!'' The level of satisfaction is so high。Especially the hair style is very careful.、I had a cute updo。While walking in Gion、The result was so beautiful that tourists asked, "Can I take a picture?"。 2. Kyoto Kimono Rental Yumekan Gojo Branch (Kyoto) Kimono Rental Yumekan Official Website ✨ Piyun's impressions on the way to Kiyomizu-dera Temple、I was moved by the feeling of being one with the scenery while wearing a kimono! Also、The staff are very kind、I was impressed by the way they provided information in English that was easy for foreign tourists to understand.。 3. Gion Nishiki Gion Main Store (Kyoto) Gion Nishiki Gion Main Store Official Website ✨ Piyun's impressions Because the price is reasonable、Recommended for those who want to experience kimono for the first time。I used it with a friend、There are many kimono designs available.、I was surprised at the high cost performance.。 4. Kimono rental VASARA Sensoji store (Tokyo) Kimono rental VASARA Asakusa official website ✨ Piyun's impressions When I took a photo with Sensoji Temple in the background、A foreign tourist who was there said, "It's like a scene from a movie!"。If you want to easily enjoy Japanese culture in Tokyo, this is the best place.。 5. Keiran Kimono Arashiyama Togetsukashi Store (Kyoto) Keiran Kimono Official HP ✨ Piyun's impressions The photo taken in Arashiyama's bamboo forest is、It's still one of my favorites。For those who want to choose a high-quality kimono、Recommended for those who want to use it for special anniversaries! Rent a kimono for special memories of your trip to Japan! Kimono rental experience in Japan、You can create special memories that cannot be experienced just by sightseeing.。The five stores introduced in this article are all stores that we can recommend with confidence.。Please choose your favorite place、Please enjoy Japanese culture to the fullest! 💬 Comments and shares are welcome! If you read this article and thought “I want to go there!”、Please let us know in the comments section! Also、to make plans with friends、I would appreciate it if you could share this article。We will continue to send out information that conveys the charms of Japan.、Thank you for your support!

「北海道の妖怪伝説:アイヌ文化が育む神秘と自然の物語」traditional culture and history

"Hokkaido's Yokai Legends":A story of mystery and nature nurtured by Ainu culture.”

Hello! This is Iwapiko。actually、I love monsters too much、I live a life chasing that charm every day.。From the monsters that appear in legends and folk tales、New monsters born from fiction and urban legends、Everything is a treasure! Particularly, “Eh?、Is there such an episode? ” or “This monster、It was also drawn like this! ? I love discoveries like “。 The mystery and romance of monsters、Sometimes a little scary, but with a lovely side、I want to have fun with everyone。The world of monsters you don't know about、Would you like to take a look together? Today we will introduce the “Hokkaido edition”! Living in the land of Hokkaido、An invisible story: Hokkaido, surrounded by vast nature。the mountains、river、In the forest、It has a magnificent beauty that captivates visitors.。but、How many people are aware of the "invisible presence" hidden deep within that beauty? The Ainu people, the indigenous people of Hokkaido,、I believe that everything in nature has life.、I've been called "Kamuy" (God)。The Ainu、Has a unique culture that coexists with nature、hunting and fishing、Collecting plants has been the basis of life.。Ainu is its own language、It is characterized by beliefs and rituals in ``Kamuy'' (gods) who symbolize the power of nature.。Also、Traditional crafts such as beautiful embroidery and wood carving are also famous.。In recent years、Re-evaluating Ainu culture、Efforts are underway to convey its appeal.。Learning about Japan's diverse culture、Ainu history and tradition are essential。Wind, fire, and trees、and animals too、Each person has been respected as a being with a unique will.。This deep faith and reverence、Created stories about monsters and spirits。 These monsters are、More than just a "terrible existence"。symbolizing the power of nature itself、It is an existence that teaches us respect and lessons for nature.。In this article、Introducing 5 Yokai that have been passed down in Hokkaido.。by knowing their stories、You will feel that Hokkaido's nature is more than just a scenery.。 5 Yokai of Hokkaido:Beings created by nature and culture 1. Koropokkuru – Koropokkuru is a small fairy who hides under the butterfly leaves.、It is a type of fairy that is passed down from generation to generation in Ainu culture.。They live under the leaves of butterbur、In the past, they shared fish and food with the Ainu people.、We built a mutually supportive relationship.。but、destroy their homes、Interfering recklessly、It is said that he will disappear。 In the vast buttercup fields of Ashoro town and eastern Hokkaido,、The legend of Koropokkuru remains strong.。In that quiet landscape、When you see the leaves of a large butterfly swaying,、I can't help but think of the tiny inhabitants hiding under the leaves.。The story of Koropokkuru、respect nature、It teaches us the importance of treating people with modesty.。 2. Mintu Chikamui – A mischievous Mintu Chikamui who protects the waterfront and is half human and half beast.、While known as a protector of water sources,、I also like pranks that surprise people.。In Ainu culture、water is the source of life、has been considered especially sacred。their pranks、It is also said to have the meaning of warning people not to take water lightly.。 In Tomakomai and southern Hokkaido、Strange phenomena that occur near lakes and rivers are believed to be the work of Mintuchikamui.。for example、Ripples that suddenly spread on the calm surface of the lake、Laughter like the wind can be heard from the water's edge。If you had such an experience、This may be proof that they protect the water.。 3. Repun Kamuy – The spirit of lakes and rivers Repun Kamuy is、In Ainu culture, it is said to be a god who protects lakes and rivers.。They are the blessings of water、At the same time, it is also an important entity that controls that power.。It was believed that angering him would cause flooding.、Ainu people do not pollute the waterside、I always try to remember to be grateful.。 The sky and mountains reflected on the transparent water surface of Lake Shikotsu and Lake Toya、It's as if Repun Kamuy is watching over the place.。Surrounded by the tranquility of the lake、Not just water、You will feel as if you are touching the very life of the earth.。 4. Iwa Oroshi – Iwa Oroshi is the giant who moves mountains.、A monster with the power to destroy mountains and rocks.。Its strength symbolizes the threat of nature itself.、It is said that landslides and rumblings in mountainous areas are caused by him.。In Ainu culture、Mountains themselves are thought to be living beings.、Iwa Oroshi is the kind of person who represents that will.。 Daisetsuzan Mountain Range, Hidaka Mountain Range, etc.、The legend of Iwaoroshi lives on in the rugged mountains of Hokkaido.。When you experience the silence of the mountains while climbing or trekking、You may be able to feel their powerful breathing.。 5. Funendori – a symbol of rebirth born from the fire.、A monster said to have been born from the belly of a cremated man.。As the name suggests、It has the property of not being flammable.、It is passed down from generation to generation as a symbol of death and rebirth.。This story is、It teaches us about the end of life and the reincarnation of new beginnings.。 Around Hakodate、The legend of the unburnable bird remains。Flattering from the bonfire、The figure that disappeared into the sky without disappearing even though it was engulfed in flames.、Not just a fantasy、It is passed down from generation to generation as a symbol of the mystery of life.。 The charms of Hokkaido taught by monsters The monsters of Hokkaido、Not just a character in a ghost story。they symbolize nature itself、They are the ones who convey to us the spirit of respect for nature and the attitude of facing it humbly.。And in the background、There is a deep spirituality of Ainu culture.。 If you are interested in Hokkaido after reading this article、Please feel free to visit this place with their stories in mind.。By feeling the presence of monsters in the majestic nature、It's sure to make your trip even more special.。 If you like this article、Please share and bookmark。and、I would be happy if you could tell me what you thought after reading this article and your experiences in Hokkaido in the comments section! Next time, the theme will be “Yokai of Aomori”、We bring you a deeper and more mysterious story.。Please look forward to it!

Explaining the latest news in Japan

Color the winter in Tokyo! Top 5 Fascinating Events You Must Visit in Winter

A special experience in winter in Tokyo:Would you like to create unforgettable memories? Winter in Tokyo、It's the season where you can have heart-warming experiences even when the cold wind blows.。If you walk around town、Events that intertwine culture and entertainment are held everywhere.、You will be surprised by the multifaceted nature of Tokyo.。Carefully selected recommended events with high reputation on the internet.、We will show you its charm and how to enjoy it! After reading this article、You'll definitely want to spend winter in Tokyo.。 Why are Tokyo's winter events so popular among foreigners? Why Tokyo's winter events are supported by foreign tourists、lies in its uniqueness。The following points are particularly attractive。 Carefully selected by Kiri! Events you should visit in winter in Tokyo 1. Special exhibition “Garbage Poop Exhibition” link:garbage poop exhibition 2. Anime “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba” Pillar Exhibition Link:“Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba” Pillar Exhibition 3. Special exhibition “Eggs, eggs, eggs!” 4. Special Exhibition “Paris Notre Dame Cathedral Exhibition” Link:Special exhibition “Paris Notre Dame Cathedral Exhibition” 5. Marunouchi Illumination Please tell us about your winter Tokyo experience! Did you find an event you would like to visit after reading this article? Let us know your favorite events and experiences in the comments section! Share this article with your friends、Please enjoy the charm of Tokyo's winter together.。May your next trip be special!

Make your night in Sapporo special! 10 wine bars that are a must-see for foreign travelersRecommended Japanese shops

“Make your night in Sapporo special! 6 wine bars that are a must-see for foreign travelers”

Hello、This is Iwapiko! “To all travelers visiting Sapporo、We propose a special moment。Rich ingredients nurtured by the great nature of Hokkaido、The finest marriage of carefully selected wines from around the world。Being able to experience that、A charming wine bar in Sapporo。Fresh seafood and rich Hokkaido cheese、Creative cuisine using seasonal blessings、Together with our carefully selected wines, we will make your travel memories even richer.。 Wine bars in Sapporo、Its variety is also attractive.。From a bar with a relaxing atmosphere that feels like a hideaway.、A romantic space with a night view、There's even a bar that specializes in Hokkaido wine.、New excitement awaits you every time you visit.。On a special night to conclude a day's sightseeing、Why not spend an unforgettable time at a wine bar in Sapporo? A sophisticated space and heartwarming hospitality、It will make your trip here in Sapporo special.。please、Enjoy an experience that can only be enjoyed at a wine bar in Sapporo。” When I visited Sapporo、At a wine bar I happened to stop by、The beauty of pairing Hokkaido ingredients and wine、And I was captivated by the warm hospitality.。that special night、It was an unforgettable memory during my trip to Sapporo.。 In this article、I would like all foreign travelers to visit this place.、We will carefully select and introduce 6 recommended wine bars in Sapporo.。We will bring you the charm of wine bars that will make your night in Sapporo special! *The amount is a guideline.。Please check the official store page for the actual amount.。 Why are wine bars in Sapporo so popular among foreigners? Here are three reasons why Sapporo's wine bars are popular with foreign travelers.。 1. Luxurious pairing with fresh Hokkaido ingredients Hokkaido is、seafood、Mountain blessings、And a treasure trove of diverse ingredients grown on the vast land.。At a wine bar in Sapporo、Dishes made with these fresh ingredients and、Enjoy pairings with carefully selected wines from Japan and abroad.。Also、Many shops also offer local wine.、What's special is that you can enjoy the "taste of Hokkaido"。 2. Attentive service that is friendly to beginners.At many stores,、The staff will teach you how to choose wine in an easy-to-understand manner even for beginners.。Many restaurants have English menus and staff who can speak English.、Even travelers from overseas can enjoy it with peace of mind.。 3. The contrast between snowy scenery and warm space, especially in Sapporo in winter、The snowy scenery outside and the warm atmosphere of the wine bar、It soothes the people who visit.。The wine you can taste in this special space、It is sure to be a luxurious time to relieve the fatigue of your travels.。 10 recommended wine bars in Sapporo 1. IWB Romane IWB Romane Official HP 📍 address: 3rd floor, Hoshi Building, 7-5 Minami 4-jo Nishi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido💴 Fee: ¥10,000~¥14,999🍷 Features: A long-established wine bar where you can enjoy French and wine pairings。✨ Iwapiko's experience:``The Chardonnay paired with Hokkaido scallops is exquisite!The quiet and relaxing space is...、Perfect for a special night。The courteous customer service of the staff was also impressive.。」 2. Evergreen Evergreen formula HP 📍 address: Taiyo Building 2F, Minami 3-jo Nishi 8-chome 7, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido💴 Fee: ¥10,000~¥14,999🍷 Features: A restaurant where you can enjoy luxurious Italian courses and wine。✨ Iwapiko's experience:"The marriage of red wine and risotto is wonderful.、It was a dish that looked like art.。This is the perfect place for a date or a special night.。」 3. Bar NATURE Bar NATURE official website 📍 address: 4th Fujii Building 6F, 10 Minami 4-jo Nishi 5-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido💴 Fee:...


“Experience the finest sake in Sapporo! 5 recommended spots that will captivate even foreigners”

Hello! I'm Iwapiko, a blogger who loves Japan.。Sapporo is a gourmet city where you can enjoy delicious seafood and Genghis Khan.、Did you know that there are actually many ways to enjoy sake? Sake that goes perfectly with ingredients unique to Hokkaido、Sapporo is full of shops where you can enjoy the local atmosphere.、Truly a hidden sacred place for sake lovers。 These spots are popular with foreign travelers as well.、A special place where you can experience pairing dishes made with local ingredients with sake.。From beginner to advanced、You should be able to experience the depth of Japanese sake.。This time、5 recommended sake spots in Sapporo that I actually visited、We would like to introduce you with great enthusiasm! Why Sapporo's sake is popular with foreigners 1. Exquisite ingredients grown in the land of Hokkaido, fresh seafood and Genghis Khan、seasonal vegetables etc.、Dishes unique to Hokkaido pair perfectly with sake.。for example、The fruity Junmai Daiginjo perfectly matches the rich flavor of sea urchin and crab.。Enjoy a sake experience with dishes made with local ingredients.、Creating unforgettable memories for foreign tourists。 2. Hospitality that even beginners can feel at ease at many restaurants in Sapporo.、He will teach you about sake in an easy-to-understand manner even for beginners.。Simply tell us what flavor you like and what food you would like to pair it with.、The owner and staff will suggest a drink that suits you.。I myself was very impressed with the drink I received, saying, ``If you're a beginner, this is recommended.''。 3. A cozy atmosphere at the Sapporo store、There are many places with a relaxed and calm atmosphere.、You can thoroughly enjoy sake while relieving your fatigue during your trip.。in a relaxing space、It is also attractive that you can enjoy the deliciousness typical of Hokkaido.。 *The amount listed is a guideline amount.。Please check the official website etc.。 5 Recommended Sake Spots 1. Directly managed Chitose Tsuru Directly managed Chitose Tsuru Official Website Directly managed store of Sapporo's only sake brewery "Chitose Tsuru"。The “Drink Comparison Set” where you can drink and compare about 20 different brands is a must-see! What impressed me here was “Chitose Tsuru Junmai Daiginjo”。Fruity and light taste、Perfectly paired with fresh sashimi from Hokkaido。In a calm Japanese atmosphere、You can spend a moment to heal your mind and body.。 2. Izakaya Kusachi Izakaya Kusachi Official Instagram "Izakaya Kusachi" is casual and friendly.、A cozy shop loved by local customers。The famous crab daruma is packed with the rich flavor of crab.、Excellent compatibility with Japanese sake。I received “Kuniki” here.、The refreshing taste brings out the crab dishes even more.。Another point is that you can feel free to stop by even by yourself.。 3. Sake BAR Kamada Sake BAR Kamada Official Website ``Kamada'' is a bar with a stylish and sophisticated space.。We have a wide selection of sake from Hokkaido.、The store owner will kindly help you choose the brand that suits your tastes.。What I enjoyed here was “Katsu no Katsu”。It has a rich aroma and deep flavor.、Pairing with local cheese was a new taste discovery.。 4. Izakaya Shinya Izakaya Shinya Tabelog "Izakaya Shinya" where you can enjoy Genghis Khan and salt offal。Juicy Genghis Khan made with lamb, a specialty of Hokkaido.、Once you try this sake combination, you will never forget it.。The recommendation here is “Kokushi Musou”。The sweetness of the lamb fat and the sharp aftertaste of the sake are a perfect match.、Have the best dinner experience。 5. Gyosai Gyosai Official Instagram “Gyosai” is proud of its sashimi platter made with luxurious fresh seafood.。The owner will carefully suggest sake that goes well with the food.、Even beginners can enjoy it with confidence。I tried "Tazake Junmai Ginjo"、The gentle sweetness and refreshing acidity brought out the flavor of the sashimi even more.。In a calm Japanese space、Enjoy a special moment。 A summary of Iwapiko who loves Japanese sake in Sapporo、It's the best place to enjoy the marriage of local ingredients and sake.。The five spots we introduced this time are、Each has its own personality、All the shops are worth visiting。Please refer to this article、Find your own favorite cup! When you visit、Please let us know your thoughts and recommended brands in the comments.。If you like this article、Don't forget to bookmark and share。Let's spread the word about Sapporo's sake culture together!

【完全保存版】大阪の格安ホテル5選!観光・グルメ・USJもお得に楽しむ最強ステイ術|いわぴこ厳選Recommended sightseeing route

[Completely preserved version] 5 budget hotels in Osaka! The best way to stay to enjoy sightseeing, gourmet food, and USJ at a great price|Carefully selected by Iwapiko

"Osaka trip、Would you like to have fun more wisely? ” Tips for a comfortable trip while keeping your budget in check! Hello everyone! I'm Iwapiko, a blogger who spreads the charms of Japan to the world.。"I want to go to Osaka, but、For those of you who want to stay at a cheap but convenient hotel!、Iwapiko actually stayed there this time and I was impressed.、Introducing Osaka's “5 hotels with the best value for money”**! We have carefully selected low-cost hotels that will fulfill all of your wishes.。Bookmark this article、Your trip to Osaka will be surprisingly affordable and comfortable ♪ This is the reason why Osaka is so popular with tourists! 1. delicious! cheap! Osaka gourmet takoyaki, “the city of foodies”、Okonomiyaki、Kushikatsu…Osaka gourmet food that is admired by travelers from all over the world。Walking around Dotonbori and Shinsekai、You can enjoy exquisite gourmet food on a small budget! 2. Kansai sightseeing base! Excellent access to anywhere Osaka is Kyoto、Nara、Excellent access to major tourist spots such as Kobe! If you stay in Osaka city、Enjoy all of Kansai on a day trip。 3. The best memories of Universal Studios Japan (USJ) Popular in the world。An entertainment experience unique to Osaka、We are waiting for you! [Carefully selected by Iwapiko] 5 budget hotels in Osaka | Selected based on cost performance, location, and comfort! Hotel name Price Address Star rating Hotel Keihan Universal Tower Approximately 6,000 yen~ 6-2-45 Shimaya, Konohana-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ WELLSTAY Namba Approximately 5,400 yen~ 2-8-10 Motomachi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Hotel Hokke Club Osaka Approximately 5,000 yen ~ 12-19 Usagano-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Dotonbori Crystal Hotel Approximately 4,500 yen ~ 2-9-24 Shimanouchi, Chuo-ku, Osaka ⭐⭐⭐ Wise Cabin Osaka Namba Approximately 3,800 yen~ 2-2-9 Dotonbori, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture ⭐⭐⭐ *Prices vary depending on the season, so please check the official website, etc.。 1. Hotel Keihan Universal Tower Hotel Keihan Universal Tower Official Website Iwapiko Experiences:“Even if I play until I’m exhausted at USJ,、Great to be back at the hotel! The Japanese and Western breakfast buffet has a wide variety.、I ended up eating too much (lol).” 2. WELLSTAY Namba WELLSTAY Namba official website Iwapiko's experience:``When I stayed with four friends...、The room was spacious and I was very satisfied! You can enjoy sightseeing and shopping in the Namba area.、We couldn't stop talking at the hotel at night♪ 3. Hotel Hokke Club Osaka Hotel Hokke Club Osaka Official Website Iwapiko's Experience:``After walking around sightseeing、The happiness of being able to stretch your legs in the public bath...! Wake up refreshed the next morning、I also enjoyed the next sightseeing♪” 4....

“Top 10 Japanese Tourist Attractions Destroyed by Godzilla: The Ultimate Travel Guide for Movie Fans”Recommended sightseeing route

“10 Japanese tourist attractions destroyed by Godzilla”:The Ultimate Travel Guide for Movie Fans”

Hello、It's Gucci! Godzilla is、A world-famous fictional monster born in Japan.、1954It first appeared in the movie "Godzilla" produced by Toho Co., Ltd.。Godzilla is a giant dinosaur-like monster、They are often depicted as beings affected by radioactivity.。its symbolic appearance、roar、And the ability to emit radiant heat rays、widely recognized around the world。 Background of Godzilla Movie Series Toho's Godzilla movie series is、It can be broadly divided into three eras:。 Even after that、Hollywood remakes and collaborations continue、Godzilla continues to evolve。Recently、The anime series and the new 2023 release “Godzilla-1.0” (Godzilla Minus One) are also becoming a hot topic.。 Influence of Godzilla Godzilla goes beyond mere entertainment、It has established itself as a social issue and cultural symbol in Japan and the world.。Influenced many movies and characters overseas as well.、It is a representative of the "monster movie" genre.。 Godzilla as a symbol of Japanese culture、movie、game、It is loved in various ways such as goods.。Godzilla is、One of the world-famous characters created by Japanese movies。Even now, nearly 70 years after its first appearance,、Its overwhelming presence attracts movie fans around the world.。and、Places that Godzilla has destroyed in the movies、It contains a lot of tourist attractions that represent Japan! Why are the famous spots appearing in Godzilla movies so popular? it is、A place with a historical and cultural background that Japan is proud of、vividly portrayed in the movie、This is because it combines with the scale of the monster to create a special impression.。And by actually visiting the place、You can experience the excitement of stepping into the world of movies.。I also visited these spots as a Godzilla fan.、Its charm is truly indescribable.。 Today is、Introducing 10 tourist attractions destroyed by Godzilla。Including famous scenes from each location and my own experiences.、Be ready to jump into the world of Godzilla! 10 tourist attractions destroyed by Godzilla 1. Experience of Gucci (Chiyoda -ku, Tokyo): “When you actually visit、Scenes you saw in movies come back vividly。Especially the solemn exterior of the parliament building.、The contrast with Godzilla's overwhelming destructive power leaves a strong impression! ” 2. Osaka Castle (Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture) Gucci experience: “When I visited Osaka Castle、It reminded me of a fierce battle scene in a movie.。Feeling the history、Seeing the castle from Godzilla's perspective is also a fun experience! ” 3. Nagoya Castle (Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture) Gucci Experience: "Around Nagoya Castle,、Historic gardens and beautiful architecture spread out。Sightseeing as if you were following the path Godzilla walked、You can feel closer to the world of the movie! ” 4. Yokohama Landmark Tower (Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture) Gucci experience: ``Looking at the scenery of Yokohama from the observation deck、Relive scenes from movies。Sightseeing while imagining the destroyed tower、It's a special experience! ” 5. Tokyo Tower (Minato-ku, Tokyo) Gucci experience: ``Tokyo Tower lit up at night is so magical.。When I look at it while thinking of a movie、You'll feel like you've stepped into that world! ” 6. Waterfront subcenter (around Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo) Gucci experience: ``While looking at the night view around Odaiba.、Imagine a scene where Godzilla goes on a rampage.。Reality and movies intersect、You can enjoy a mysterious feeling! ” 7. Mt. Fuji (Shizuoka Prefecture/Yamanashi Prefecture) Gucci experience: “While being surrounded by the great nature of Mt. Fuji,、Imagine a battle scene in a movie、You can feel the overwhelming sense of scale.。」 8. Atami Castle (Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture) Gucci experience: ``The view from Atami Castle is truly spectacular.。When you actually visit the movie setting、I feel that power once again.。」 9. Yokohama Marine Tower (Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture) Gucci experience: “When I stand under the tower,、A scene of destruction in a movie comes to mind.。This is a spot where you can also enjoy sightseeing in the surrounding area! ” 10. Yokohama Marine Tower (Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture) Gucci experience: ``The illuminated TV tower is so beautiful.、You can enjoy the night view while imagining the world of movies! ”...

まだ食べたことない!?日本のユニークなお菓子10選Explaining the latest news in Japan

I haven't eaten it yet! ? 10 unique Japanese sweets

In Japan、There are many unique sweets that are unlike any other in the world.。Characteristics and charms of each、And I'll explain in detail where you can get it! 1. Potato chips matcha flavor What kind of sweets? Potato chips sprinkled with matcha powder、A seemingly mysterious snack。The bitterness of matcha and the salty taste of potatoes create a perfect harmony.。A dish that is irresistible for tea lovers! Where can I buy it? Matcha specialty store in Kyoto and Uji、Souvenir shops in sightseeing spots。Also、You can see it for a limited time at convenience stores and supermarkets nationwide。 2. What kind of sweets? Mix and make it by mixing powder and water、Colorful and sticky sweets。Mysterious texture that foams、You can enjoy a sweet and unique taste。The process of making is also fun、Not only children but also adults are crazy! Where can I buy it? Nationwide supermarkets、Convenience store、Easy to purchase at a candy store。 3. What kind of sweets with gold leaf? Gold leaf floats in a transparent candy、Luxurious looking candy。It is characterized by its mild sweetness and elegant taste.。Perfect as a gift as “edible gold”! Where can I buy it? Gold leaf specialty stores in Kanazawa and souvenir shops in tourist areas。Also available for purchase at online shop。 4. Wasa Beef Chips What kind of sweets are they? With the spicy taste of wasabi、A snack that combines the rich flavor of beef。The taste is perfect as an accompaniment to beer.、Challenging flavors unique to Japan。 Where can I buy it? Easily available at convenience stores and supermarkets nationwide。 5. What kind of confectionery? With traditional Japanese confectionery、A sweet snack with brown sugar in a fried wheat stick。Recently, matcha flavors, caramel flavors, etc.、Modern arrangements are also popular。The crispy texture becomes a habit。 Where can I buy it? Japanese confectionery corner for long -established Japanese confectionery stores and department stores、Souvenir shop at tourist destination。 6. Sakura Cookie What kind of sweets? Cookies made with cherry blossoms and leaves、Elegant sweets that give you the scent of spring。Also perfect for tea、It is attractive that it looks cute.。 Where can I buy it? Convenience stores and supermarkets in spring、Can be purchased at souvenir shops at tourist destinations even out of season。 7. Persimmon seeds chocolate coated What kind of sweets? Chocolate-coated Kaki no Tane, a classic Japanese snack。The balance of sweetness and saltiness is exquisite.、Deliciousness that you won't be able to stop once you try it。 Where can I buy it? Supermarkets and convenience stores、In addition, luxury versions are department stores and souvenir shops。 8. Mochimochi Donuts What kind of sweets? A donut featuring a chewy texture using tapioca powder。It is more elastic than ordinary donuts、Outstanding food。Another point is that there are many flavors that are less sweet.。 Where can I buy it? Bakeries inside sweets chain stores and large supermarkets nationwide。 9. Yuzu Yokan What kind of sweet is it? Yokan with the refreshing scent and sourness of yuzu。It has a lighter taste than traditional yokan.、Even beginners of Japanese sweets can enjoy it.。 Where can I buy it? Japanese sweets specialty stores and department store Japanese sweets counters、If you visit a yuzu production area, you can enjoy an even wider variety of products.。 10. Kinako stick What kind of sweets? A stick-shaped sweet made by kneading soybean flour and sugar together.、The simple sweetness is appealing.。You can enjoy the taste that feels nostalgic。It is a dish that is popular as a candy。 Where can I buy it? Can be purchased at candy stores and some supermarkets。It is also located in retro souvenir shops in sightseeing spots。 Tips for finding sweets In Japan、It is characterized by many sweets limited to the season and region.。Souvenir shops at tourist destinations and airports、Or try looking for seasonal products at convenience stores.。Please enjoy these unique sweets as a fun travel treat or as a souvenir!

Recommended sightseeing route

I want to tell foreigners! 6 must-see spots where you can feel the history and culture of Kyoto

Hello、I'm O Nishi, I love traveling.。Fascinated by Japanese history and culture、Kyoto is one of the cities that particularly attracts my heart.。This time、I would like all foreigners to visit as well.、Introducing 6 attractive spots in Kyoto。 1. Kiyomizu temple:Enjoy the spectacular views and history of the ancient capital Kiyomizu-dera was founded in 778、It is a temple that represents Kyoto.。You can see a panoramic view of Kyoto city from the famous Kiyomizu Stage.、The scenery is truly spectacular.。The beauty of temples that are in harmony with nature throughout the four seasons、Once you visit, it will be an unforgettable memory.。 Recommended points: address:1-294 Shimizu, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Prefecture 2. Kinkakuji (Rokuonji):Kinkakuji, the golden world of Zen、A beautiful temple covered entirely in gold leaf.、The official name is Kaenji Temple。The image of Kinkaku reflected in Kagami Lake、Beauty just like a painting。It shows different scenery throughout the four seasons.、No matter how many times you visit, there's always something new to discover.。 Recommended points: address:1 Kinkakuji-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Prefecture 3. Fushimi Inari Shrine:Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, which is worshiped as a mysterious travel business prosperity and a god of home safety around the thousand torii.、It is the main shrine of approximately 30,000 Inari shrines nationwide.。"Senbon Torii" is a series of countless red torii gates.、You can have a mystical experience that makes you feel like you have wandered into another world.。 Recommended points: address:68 Fukakusa Yabunouchi-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Prefecture 4. Arashiyama:Healing space Arashiyama that fuses nature and history、It is an area with rich natural scenery and historical landmarks.。Walking along the bamboo forest path、The sound of bamboo swaying in the wind calms your mind.。Also、The view from Togetsukyo Bridge is also wonderful.、Enjoy the scenery of each season。 Recommended points: address:Arashiyama, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture 5. Gion:The atmosphere Gion of the flower town where tradition is breathing is、It is a red light district where Kyoto's traditional culture remains strong.。The townscape is lined with cobblestone streets and houses with lattice doors.、It feels like you've traveled back in time。From evening to night、The lights of lanterns illuminate the city、Enjoy the emotional scenery。 Recommended points: address:Gion-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture 6. Kyoto Imperial Palace:Explore the history and beauty of the imperial family Kyoto Imperial Palace、The place where the Emperor lived until the Meiji Restoration.、Deeply involved in Japanese history。Inside the vast imperial garden、Dotted with beautiful gardens and historic buildings。 Recommended points: address:Summary of Kyoto Gyoen, Kamigyo -ku, Kyoto -shi, Kyoto:A special and memorable experience in Kyoto、It is a special city with over a thousand years of history and culture.。There are new discoveries and impressions every time I visit.、Its charm never ends。This article、I hope this will help enrich your trip.。 Your Kyoto experience、Let me know in the comments where you would like to visit! Thank you for reading to the end。Spots you are interested in and impressions you have actually visited、Please share in the comments section。Let's talk about the charms of Kyoto together!

【世界の非常識】夫婦同姓という日本の選択~文化か、束縛か~Japanese trivial knowledge

[World's Insanity] Japan's choice for married couples to have the same surname - Is it a culture?、Is it bondage?

~I can speak only because I am Japanese.、Between culture and change ~ Hello、Kawaraban JAPAN! This is the editorial department.。 "When I get married、Isn't it natural to have the same last name? ” In an overseas interview、Explaining the same surname system for married couples in Japan.、There are almost always questions asked.。This custom that is commonplace for many Japanese people、This is a rare choice in the world.、We often realize this for the first time through reactions from overseas.。 actual、Looking at Japan's statistics、95.6% of married couples choose the same last name。and、The custom is for the majority of them to choose their husband's surname.、continues in a natural way。Few Japanese people feel uncomfortable with this choice.、Rather, it is accepted as an important culture that creates a sense of family unity.。 But in recent years、This “normal” thing in Japan is、Attracting attention from the international community。because、Which countries legally require married couples to have the same surname?、Because Japan is the only place in the world。 Japan's current situation seen in numbers: The latest gender gap index released by the World Economic Forum、Japan was ranked 118th out of 146 countries.。The reason behind this ranking is、There are various factors、The international community has pointed out that the system of having the same surname for married couples is one of them.。 2024In a national survey conducted in October,、60.2% of respondents agreed with the selective surname system for married couples.。This number is、This shows that Japanese society is changing little by little.、it does not negate traditional values。rather、This can be said to be a natural shift towards accepting a variety of options.。 Japan in the world:What we can see from the systems of each country When we look at the systems regarding surnames for married couples in various countries around the world.、Interesting differences emerge。 Country System Cultural background Japan Enforcement of same surname Emphasis on family unity France Free choice Emphasis on individual rights Korea Principle of separate surnames Emphasis on inheritance of family lineage Germany Choice system Emphasis on gender equality What is interesting?、South Korea, which is part of the same Asian cultural area,、Rather, the principle is to use a different surname.。this is、It reflects the Korean culture that emphasizes the inheritance of family lineage.。on the other hand、in European countries、There is a growing tendency to emphasize the right of individual choice.。 The “family form” that Japanese people cherish、has a deep cultural background。The idea that “family is one”、It's more than just a system。The sense of unity created by having the same surname、It has become an important element of Japanese family culture.。 Even if you just take the name you call me at school、The characteristics of this culture are expressed。How to be called "Tanaka-san's mother" or "Sato-kun's sister"、It is also a characteristic of the Japanese language that naturally expresses family connections.。 However, in a changing era、In today's increasingly globalized society,、It is also true that this traditional system is creating new challenges.。 international research activities and、In the global business scene、Changing your name may cause unexpected problems.。for researchers、Continuity of paper performance is an important issue。Also、For companies that have a lot of overseas transactions、We also need to be creative in maintaining relationships with business partners.。 [The preamble is the same, so it is omitted.、I will write from the continuation] According to a survey by the Ministry of Justice, a problem seen from the practical site、Various measures and measures are being taken in the field.。many companies、To reduce business inconvenience、Use of maiden name is now allowed。but、How to use the name on the family register and the common name、It also creates new challenges。 for example、Identity verification at a financial institution、When drafting important contracts、You must use the name on your family register.。Therefore、Even if you use your maiden name in your relationships with business partners、Important documents require "double management" by using a different surname.。 According to a 2023 survey by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,、Practical measures related to name change in companies、It has become clear that a considerable amount of time and cost is incurred per person per year.。but、This is not just a matter of operational inefficiency。Japanese society is facing、How to balance tradition and innovation、This can be said to be a manifestation of a more fundamental issue.。 Family ties and individual rights:To the future that is not a two -person choice, "should protect tradition" and "Requirements are required" -This discussion is、often talked about in a confrontational manner。but、What we Japanese people really need to think about is、The question is how to harmonize these two.。 actual、In countries that have introduced selective marital surnames,、There are no reports of weakened family ties.。rather、By respecting individual choice、There are many reports of people building stronger family relationships.。 2025towards the year、Discussion on legal reform is in full swing。This movement、It's more than just a change in the system.。it is、While preserving Japan's good traditions、Creating a family style suitable for a new era、It can be said that this is an attempt to explore society as a whole.。 In recent years for the future of Japanese society、Using nicknames at work、Issuance of passport with maiden name etc.、Practical measures are progressing steadily.。but、A more substantive discussion is also necessary.。Japanese culture values ​​family bonds.、Is it really something that can only be protected by legally forcing people to have the same surname?。 Recognizing freedom of choice、It does not necessarily lead to a denial of tradition.。rather、Each family can choose their own style.、It may be a form of ``continuation of tradition'' that is appropriate for modern Japanese society.。 Please tell us your thoughts in your country、What is the general idea about family names?。Also、About cultures like Japan where married couples have the same surname、How do you feel? we、through this problem、On harmony between cultural diversity and universal values、I hope we can think about it together.。

変わりゆく日本の飲みニケーション文化:欧米との違いから考えるJapanese trivial knowledge

Changing Japanese drinking culture:Thinking from the differences with Europe and America

everyone、Hello。``Kawaraban JAPAN'', which disseminates information about Japanese culture!"is。This time、About Japan's "drinking" culture, which has changed significantly in recent years、I would like to explain it from my perspective, including the differences from overseas.。 What is Japanese drinking information for us?、“Obikanication” is more than just a drinking party.。it's been a long time、Even in business、even in private、It has functioned as an important social ritual that deepens human relationships.。boss and subordinate、colleagues、Building relationships with business partners, etc.、As a place to have honest conversations with the help of alcohol、It was deeply rooted in Japanese society.。 Decisive differences from Europe and the United States for Western after -work culture and Japanese drinks、There are some important differences: 1. In the Western sense of participation in Europe and the United States、After-work drinking parties are completely optional social events.。on the other hand、In the case of Japan、Particularly in the past, there was an implicit pressure not to participate.。I was often worried that refusing the offer would affect my relationships with others.。 2. Temporarily eliminating class consciousness There is a unique culture of "equal in alcohol" at a Japanese drinking party.。There is usually a strict hierarchical relationship.、Temporarily relieved with the help of alcohol。This is a phenomenon that is rarely seen in Europe and America.。 3. Deep communication Tends to avoid talking about work in Europe and the United States、In Japanese drinking communication、Rather, it has been seen as an important opportunity for people to reveal their true feelings and concerns about work.。 Why is it decreasing? recently、Why is this drinking culture rapidly declining?、I will give you my own analysis.: 1. Young alcohol away from alcohol, growing health consciousness、Choosing a lifestyle that does not involve drinking alcohol is becoming more common.。This is a global trend、This is especially noticeable in Japan.。 2. From a drinking party after overtime work -life balance、The values ​​of valuing time with family and time for self-development have become widespread.。 3. Diversification of communication means LINE, Slack, etc.、With the development of digital tools、The importance of face-to-face communication has declined relatively.。 4. Through the pandemic of Corona evil、The habit of avoiding face-to-face drinking parties has become established.、New formats such as online drinking parties have also been created.。 Impact on Japanese society This change、It's more than just a change in drinking habits.。This can be said to be a major turning point in traditional Japanese-style communication.。How to build relationships and、Changes are also required in the way we build relationships of trust in business.。 Personally, there are ways to enjoy not drinking、I don't think this change is necessarily negative.。surely、Drinking communication had a unique quality.。but、In a modern society that accepts diverse values ​​and lifestyles,、It's also important to explore new ways of communicating that don't rely on alcohol.。 For people overseas、Japan's drinking culture may seem like an interesting social phenomenon。but、The transformation is、In that it reflects changes in the values ​​of Japanese society as a whole.、it has a deeper meaning。 What kind of changes are happening in your country? I would be happy if you could share your experiences and opinions in the comments section.。 Look forward to the next article!

Japanese trivial knowledge

[10 charms of Japan that you'll miss if you don't know about them] Amazing things about Japan that even Japanese people don't know about

In Japan、There are many “special charms” that move people around the world.。but、Japanese people may not be aware of its wonders.。In this blog、Introducing 10 carefully selected hidden charms of Japan! We'll give you tips to make your next trip or everyday life more enjoyable.。 1. Grandma and grandpa's IT skills are amazing! In Japan、70Grandfathers and grandmothers in their 80s and 80s are using smartphones and tablets normally.。Video calls with grandchildren, watching YouTube hobbies, etc.、Even foreigners were surprised to see it! Why special? IT classes for the elderly are becoming popular throughout the country.、This is supported by a culture that values ​​connections with family.。 Let's try it! Try talking to local grandparents while traveling。If you ask "What apps do you recommend?" you might discover something surprising! 2. Make your trip more fun with local specialty gourmet food! Fried maple leaves from Hiroshima、Sendai beef tongue、Sapporo miso ramen etc.、Japan has many specialties that can only be found here.。This “limited feeling” makes the trip even more special.。 Why special? Tradition that takes advantage of regional ingredients and climate、We are fostering this diverse gourmet culture.。 Try it on your next trip! Visit tourist information centers and local markets、Look for "specialties that can only be tasted here"。Perfect as a souvenir! 3. Enjoy “regional uniqueness” in the shopping district! Japanese shopping streets、More than just a shopping spot。A space filled with the warmth of local culture and people.。At long-established bakeries and local souvenir shops、A heartwarming exchange awaits。 Recommended spot! In Komachi -dori in Kamakura and in the shopping street in hot spring towns、Enjoy plenty of local charm。 Let's do it! Ask the owner of the shopping street, "What is the most popular product?"、You may be able to hear the story of the land.。 4. The playfulness of the anniversary is amazing! Japan's "Special Day" culture "Cat Day (February 22)" and "Pocky Day (November 11)", etc.、Japan has many unique anniversaries! There are ideas everywhere to make your daily life more enjoyable.。 Why special? The Japanese "playfulness" and "commercial strategy" are wonderfully fused、This anniversary culture has taken root.。 Check the next anniversary! Check out "What day is it today?"、Create opportunities to have fun with family and friends。 5. Crystal of craftsmanship! Consistency of Japanese manufacturing spiritual sushi craftsmen、A traditional craft item...。Each work has、It contains the immense efforts and thoughts of the craftsmen.。 Why special? In Japan, the "commitment to details" is at the core of culture、Craftsmen spend their entire lives honing their skills.。 Let's experience it! In sightseeing spots such as Kyoto and Kanazawa、Visit a craftsman's workshop、You can experience traditional crafts。 6. Japanese male fashion is too free! ? Japan is not unusual for men who enjoy skirts and men's makeup。A style that is often criticized in other countries、Here it is accepted as "individuality"。 Why special? The culture "respects each person's values"、Supporting free self-expression。 In the trigger of the topic! "Japanese male fashion is unique!"、Let's interact with foreign friends。 7. Sightseeing experience that you can enjoy casually! Let's enjoy Japanese culture in Japan、Kimono rental, Edo Kiriko making, etc.、There are plenty of activities that allow tourists to easily experience Japanese culture.。 Let's do it! Try putting an hands -on activity on the trip schedule。You are sure to create unforgettable memories! [You'll love Japan even more on your next trip! ] Read this article、Did you notice the new charm of Japan? Definitely on your next trip、Please try incorporating the spots and experiences introduced in this blog.。and、Share new surprises and excitement with those around you.。In the next article、Introducing a deeper look into the charms of Japan.。Look forward to it!

歌舞伎界の巨星、市川團蔵 ー 伝統を未来に繋いだその生涯と遺産Explaining the latest news in Japan

A giant star in the Kabuki world、Danzo Ichikawa - His life and legacy that connected tradition to the future

Life - Born into a prestigious family、A life dedicated to Kabuki 1951、Danzo Ichikawa (real name) was born in Tokyo.:Kazuo Ichikawa)、He grew up in a prestigious family in the Kabuki world whose grandfather was Danzo Ichikawa the 8th.。influenced by that、I became familiar with the world of theater from an early age.。1956Year、At just 5 years old, he made his first stage appearance as Rokudai-kun in ``Yoshitsune Senbonzakura.''、left a lasting impression on the audience。 He studied under the second generation Shōryoku Onoe.、Learn the essence of Kabuki from the basics of acting、Gradually, his talent blossomed.。1987Year、Became the 9th Danzo Ichikawa.。This moment was an important turning point for him.、I have renewed my determination to continue to live up to my reputation.。 Acting Style - A fusion of dignity and delicacy Danzo Ichikawa's acting is、It was praised for its combination of strength and delicacy.。He played a wide range of roles、Attracted the audience with its multifaceted expressions。 Ability to adapt to a wide range of roles The roles he played were、Aragoto (a role characterized by powerful moves)、antagonist、old man、It also covers a wide range of roles, including actual facts (roles depicting human drama).。He shows off his overwhelming presence in Musashibo Benkei in ``Yoshitsune Senbonzakura.''、He showed off his humorous side in Hakken Genba in “Tsunetsu”。Also、Kitamura Daizen at Kawachiyama embodies authority and ruthlessness.、Yatagoro Genshichi in "Kamimusubi Shinzo" won the hearts of the audience with his melancholy acting.。 Danzo's voice and style captivate the audience.、There is a sound that envelops the entire stage.、His dignified demeanor、had the power to put him on center stage.。Its expressive power is、Created an overwhelming presence that kept the audience from taking their eyes off them even for a moment.。 Contributing to the Kabuki world - nurturing juniors and passing on tradition Mr. Danzo Ichikawa、Not only as a Kabuki actor、He also greatly contributed to the development of the Kabuki world as a whole.。He is a key figure in the Kikugoro Theater Company.、In addition to supporting numerous performances,、I also worked hard to guide the next generation.。 Passion for nurturing young talent He served as an instructor for Kabuki actor training at the National Theater.、Passing on traditional techniques and the spirit of Kabuki to young actors。especially、“In addition to preserving tradition,、Teach the importance of "challenging new expressions"、It served as a great guideline for the next generation of actors.。 Spreading traditional culture and、He is also active as the tenth head master of the Kashiwagi style of Japanese dance.、We strived to preserve and spread Japanese traditional culture even off stage.。his activities are、Not only Kabuki、It widely supported Japanese culture as a whole.。 The last stage - the impression left on the audience Danzo Ichikawa's last stage performance was、2023He played the role of the corner retiree in ``Yonsenryo Koban Umeha,'' which was performed at the Kabuki-za Theater in May 2015.。on this stage、His mature acting was on full display.、impressed the audience。 This performance、It is a work that symbolizes his life itself.、It became a memorable experience for many spectators.。He maintained his pride as a Kabuki actor until the end.、It will be passed down to future generations。 Ichikawa Danzo's heritage -What has left by Ichikawa Ichikawa, a bridge that spreads Japanese culture.、More than just individual accomplishments、It is a great asset that will pass on the unique Japanese art culture of Kabuki to the next generation.。his stage is、Even for people who don't know Japanese culture、It was a valuable opportunity to experience the traditional beauty of Japan.。 through his acting、Many spectators can sense the depth of Kabuki.、This gave me an opportunity to deepen my understanding of Japanese culture.。Its legacy is、Bringing new possibilities to the performing arts of the future、will live forever in the hearts of the audience.。 King -The death of Danzo's soul Ichikawa Ichikawa, which continues in the future、Not only in the Kabuki world、This is a huge loss for Japanese culture as a whole.。But his legacy is、Passed down to the future by younger actors。 While preserving tradition、His attitude of continuing to pursue new expressions、It will be a bright signpost for the future of Kabuki.。Danzo Ichikawa's great life and legacy、I'm sure it will continue to touch the hearts of many people.。

【驚きが止まらない!】日本の魅力が10倍伝わる雑学10選Japanese trivial knowledge

[I can't stop being surprised! ] 10 Trivia that will convey the charm of Japan 10 times more

“Eh?、That's why!?I want to talk to someone without thinking that I didn't know!、We carefully selected amazing trivia in Japan。If you read this article、Traveling to Japan is more fun、There is no doubt that your conversation with Japanese people will be exciting! Please read till the end、Rediscover Japan's hidden charms。 1. Involves samurai swords!? The reason why Japan drives on the left The reason why Japan drives on the left、This is a remnant of samurai wearing swords on their left hips.。There was a risk of being hit by a sword if you walked on the right side.、The culture of walking on the left naturally took hold.。It's amazing how samurai culture influenced today's traffic rules! Use it on your trip to Japan! When I talked to the locals, they said, ``The roots of driving on the left are samurai swords!''、Enjoy lively conversations with history buffs。 2. 60% of the world's octopus is consumed in Japan! In Japan、Takoyaki and sushi、Tempura etc.、Octopus is an essential part of the table.。actually、Approximately 60% of the octopus caught around the world is consumed in Japan.。No other country loves octopus so much! How to enjoy this takoyaki while sightseeing、We collect octopuses from all over the world! Try finding your favorite takoyaki restaurant while talking to them.。 3. Chinese restaurant revolving table、It's true that I was born in Japan!? Familiar rotating table at Chinese restaurants、Actually I was born in Japan。It is a useful invention devised to make it easier to cook together.。 In the conversation! "This rotating table、Did you know that Japan had invented? If you say、There is no doubt that you will be surprised! 4. Why do Japanese ghosts have legs? The description that the ghost has no legs is unique to Japan。It is said that paintings from the Heian period are the origin。This unique culture is、It is now an indispensable element for Japanese ghost stories。 Let's talk to ghost stories! "Japanese ghosts have no feet、It originates from paintings from the Heian period."、Enjoy telling ghost stories with locals。 5. Japanese are the only people in the world who can digest raw seaweed.!? Japanese people、They have special intestinal bacteria that break down raw seaweed.。This is said to be the result of eating seaweed throughout history.。 A hot topic at sushi restaurants! If you say, “I don’t have the strength to digest seaweed!”、I'm sure the conversation will be lively.。 6. Obtained the most Michelin stars! Japan is the world's number one gourmet country Japan is the country with the most restaurants awarded stars in the Michelin Guide。In Kyoto and Tokyo、There are famous restaurants that attract foodies from all over the world.。 Check before the trip! If you make a plan saying, "Let's go to a restaurant with a Michelin star!"、A special food experience awaits。 7. Automatic sales machine heaven! Surprised that you can buy anything in Japan, the penetration rate of Japanese vending machines is the best in the world! Not only drinks、ice、Oden、Rice、We have everything up to disaster prevention supplies。 Walking around the city will be more fun! "I found such a vending machine!"、Let's surprise your friends。 8. Japan is a country where the number of pets is beyond children! the current、In Japan, there are more pets than the number of children。It is evidence that pets are cherished as members of the family.。 Conversation with pet lovers! If you say, "There are more pets than children in Japan!"、A fun exchange should be born。 9. Nobel Prize and IQ are the best in the world!? Number of secret Nobel award winners in Japan、Average IQ、To sum up the academic ability of elementary school students、Japan has been selected as the wise country in the world。The reason for education and research is the reason for this。 Let's praise! Speaking of "Japan is the wise country in the world!"、Japanese people should be proud。 10. The inventor of the QR code is Japanese! Idea that changed the world Now QR code now used around the world、Actually, it is a technology born in Japan。1994An invented Japanese engineer in the year、Because of the convenience of reading information instantly、Currently shopping and traveling、Active in a wide range of situations, up to medical care。 Try it while traveling! At tourist spots in Japan、You can often see tourist information using QR codes.。"This technology、I was born in Japan! ” When you say、Japanese people should be happy too.。 [Must see the next article! ] Let's dig deeper into the charms of Japan by using the trivia introduced in this article、Make your trip to Japan even more fun! There are still many surprising information。Check out the next article、Let's update the knowledge of Nippon -dori!

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You can only taste it in Sapporo! 5 exquisite lunch boxes that even foreigners highly recommend – Gura-chan’s thorough guide

If you come to Sapporo、Not just sightseeing and gourmet food、Why not enjoy the unique Japanese food culture called "bento"? Bento is a symbol of Japanese home cooking.、In Sapporo, even more delicious and fun awaits you.。Using plenty of fresh local ingredients、Sapporo's bento boxes are visually and tastefully enjoyable.、Very popular with foreign tourists! I、Gura-chan is also actually traveling in Sapporo.、I tasted various bento boxes.。From among them, we will carefully select and introduce the restaurants that make you think, ``This is the only thing you definitely want to eat!''。If you read this article、Your next trip to Sapporo is sure to be even more fun! Why do Japanese bento boxes fascinate the world? 1. Beautiful-looking "edible art" Bento box packed with colorful side dishes。The beautiful arrangement that spreads out the moment you open it.、Not only does it whet your appetite、Also looks great in photos! For foreigners、This "artistic quality" is reflected in the special charm of Japanese bento boxes.。 2. Nutritional balance and flavor diversity: Main dishes in one bento box、side dish、cooked rice、A “complete meal” that sometimes includes dessert。This is、This is the great thing about Japanese bento boxes.。At a bento shop in Sapporo、Many menu items use fresh seafood and seasonal vegetables.、Perfect for travelers who are also conscious about their health.。 3. "Travel gourmet" where you can enjoy the local area, the ingredients that have been nurtured by the rich nature of Hokkaido、Characteristics of Sapporo bento。sockeye salmon、Scallops、Potatoes...Taste unique to the region、The biggest appeal is that you can enjoy it easily.。 5 Recommended Bento Restaurants in Sapporo Store Name Price Range Features Gura-chan's Recommended Points Sapporo Bento Workshop From 920 yen Boasts a wide range of Japanese and Western menus ``A hearty bento where you can enjoy local flavors!'' Dosanko Chef From 650 yen Buffet style You can choose freely "The fun of customization and the homely taste are attractive!" Bensaitei 850 yen ~ Ekiben specialty store “You can easily enjoy luxurious tastes while traveling.。"Side dish studio 540 yen -homely lunch" reasonable and warm taste。EAT DELI about 1,500 yen Healthy lunch with organic material "It looks and tastes elegantly and special lunch time!" 1. Sapporo Bento Studio Quoted:Sapporo Bento Workshop Official Website “Sockeye Salmon Bento” is very popular! The combination of plump grilled salmon and freshly cooked rice is outstanding.。Authentic bento boxes are also used for events and meetings.、It's a hearty and satisfying dish.。 2. Dosanko Chef Quote:Dosanko Chef Official Website Unique buffet style where you can freely choose your side dish! I like grilled fish and boiled fish、I chose the vegetable salad.、All have gentle flavors that give you the “taste of home”。You can also eat in.、We also recommend enjoying it on the spot.。 3. Bensai Tei quote:Bensaitei official website A convenient ekiben specialty store that can be purchased inside Sapporo Station。“Makunouchi bento” can be purchased quickly while on the move.、With a gorgeous dialect and a rich variety of side dishes、Experience the special feeling of traveling。 4. Okazu Kobo quote:Okazu Kobo A locally-based bento shop、Lots of low-priced yet highly satisfying side dishes! Especially “Hokke fried bento”、Full of volume and best value for money。...

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A week spent around Mt. Fuji! A sightseeing plan that will impress the whole family [Spectacular scenery, gourmet food, Japanese culture]

The magnificent view of Mt. Fuji spreading out before your eyes。The background is、Seasonal nature and unique local culture、And it's packed with activities that the whole family can enjoy.。 Even foreign tourists visiting Mt. Fuji can make a plan with confidence、This article proposes a "perfect plan that can be enjoyed in a week".。Spectacular view、activity、gourmet、And enjoy a trip full of experiences that touch Japanese culture! First day: Start your trip at Fuji Five Lakes! Experience the natural beauty of Japan at Lake Kawaguchi Actively enjoy Lake Yamanaka Day 2: Day 3 of deepening family bonds at Fuji-Q Highland: Enjoy the photo-worthy scenery at Arakurayama Sengen Park Day 4: Day 5 of experiencing “Japanese purity” at Oshino Hakkai: Impressive experience of getting closer to the sky at the 5th station of Mt. Fuji Day 6: Enjoy spectacular views and gourmet food in the Shizuoka area, relax at Nihondaira Yume Terrace Day 7: End your adventure at Aokigahara Jukai Top 3 gourmet foods to enjoy around Mt. Fuji Top 3 photogenic spots Make lifelong memories at Mt. Fuji! Mt. Fuji is not just a tourist destination。A special place where Japanese nature and culture are fused.。Time to spend with the whole family、Have a memorable week、Please take a look at this plan。 Check out other Japanese sightseeing information with "Kawara version JAPAN".。Full of ideas to help you find the next trip! We are waiting for comments and share!

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The definitive Sapporo soup curry! 5 famous restaurants that you must visit whether you are sightseeing or local

Speaking of Sapporo, soup curry! The finest dish that warms your mind and body Hello、It's Grachan! Hokkaido and Sapporo are delicious food treasures。Among them、Soup curry is a must-try Sapporo gourmet dish.。For a rich and spicy soup、A dish full of fresh vegetables and meat、A taste you'll never forget once you try it。This time、We will introduce carefully selected famous restaurants that are loved by locals and tourists alike.。Understand the characteristics and recommended points of each store、Please meet your favorite soup curry! Pick up 5 selections of famous stores famous address evaluation price Bar Warm Sapporo City, Chuo -ku, Minami 6-1 6.4 Building 2nd floor Nishi 10- 1005-4 Cat Curry King Central 3-3-4 Minami 2jo Nishi 3-4 Katao Creville B1 ★ 4.4 1,000 yen to 2,000 yen Calabat Curry Sapporo Sapporo Sapporo Sapporo, Sapporo -shi 2-6-1 Fujino, Fujino, 4.4 1,000 yen to 2,000 yen Medisonman 10-1-18 Good Building 1-18 Good Building 1-18 Good Building 1st, Sapporo City, Sapporo City Soup Curry BAR Warm Soup Curry BAR Warm Shaosuke Page (Tabelog) HTTPS://tabelog.com/hokkaido/A0101/A010103/1069925/ Ramai Sapporo Chuo Store Ramai Sapporo Chuo store HTTP://www.ramai.co.jp/shop_access.html Soup Curry King Central Store Soup Curry King Official Homepage HTTPS://www.soupcurry- king.shop carabat curry ...

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Fukuoka Ramen Complete Guide:5 famous restaurants loved by locals and how to enjoy a drink

The ultimate ramen experience ramen you meet in Fukuoka、It is now loved all over the world as ``Japan's proud national food.''。Among them, Fukuoka、It has a special status as a sacred place for ramen.。Rich flavor of tonkotsu soup、Highly flexible customization of toppings and noodle hardness、A unique ramen culture created by local people。In this article、Along with the charm of Fukuoka ramen、A famous restaurant that has been loved by locals for many years.、We will thoroughly explain the tips for choosing a store that even beginners should never miss.。If you read this article、Make your trip to Fukuoka even more fun!、There is no doubt that it will be delicious! Fukuoka ramen is loved by foreigners four reasons 1. Tonkotsu soup that can be said to be synonymous with Fukuoka ramen。The rich and creamy taste is created by boiling pork bones for a long time.、It's a special cup that you can't taste in other regions or countries.。Its flavor is said to be addictive.、The taste is said to be unforgettable once you taste it.。 2. "Entertainment experience" at a ramen shop is a ramen shop in Fukuoka、Not just a place to eat、This is a spot where you can experience culture just by visiting.。Order with food ticket machine、Open kitchen where you can watch the cooking process up close、And the unique culture of “kaedama” etc.、Everything will be a new and exciting experience.。 3. Balancing convenience and high quality, even during busy sightseeing schedules、You can easily enjoy Fukuoka ramen in a short time.。And yet、At a price of 600 to 800 yen per cup.、The high value for money where you can enjoy authentic cuisine has been highly praised by tourists.。 4. Beautiful arrangement that looks great in photos The cloudy color of the tonkotsu soup、Beautiful appearance with brightly colored green onions and chashu、In the age of SNS, it is a factor that captures the hearts of foreign tourists.。With a bowl of ramen、It is popular because you can feel the Japanese aesthetic sense.。 3 secrets to finding a delicious ramen restaurant 1. Utilizing local people's opinions Stores that local people love、They are often hidden gems that are not listed in tourist guides.。Ask a taxi driver or the staff at your accommodation.、You may be able to learn information that only locals know.。 2. Check out the simplicity of the menu at a ramen specialty restaurant.、The smaller the menu, the more particular about the taste.。When in doubt、It's hard to go wrong if you choose a restaurant that serves standard drinks.。 3. Check if there is a line in Fukuoka、Restaurants with long lines often have a high reputation for their taste.。Especially stores where locals are lining up.、There is a high possibility that they definitely serve delicious ramen.、Please give it a try。 The following are 5 famous Fukuoka ramen restaurants that are loved by locals.、Five ramen restaurants loved by locals and tourists alike。We offer a variety of drinks each with a different personality.。 Store Name Address Price Features Menya Sadotomo 6-13-38 Mitoma, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka Soy sauce ramen 660 yen Double soup with seafood, chicken bones, and vegetable base。Features homemade medium-thin noodles。With seasonal toppings。 Hisaya 1-19-18 Ohashi, Minami-ku, Fukuoka Soy sauce ramen 700 yen Specialty store specializing in soy sauce。Features a pickled plum-flavored soup。Diverse menu available。 Chinese soba kana 2-8-23 Higashihie, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City Chinese soba 780 yen Blend of chicken broth and seafood soup。Made with homemade whole grain noodles。The rare pork siu cooked at a low temperature is exquisite.。 Fukuha Kobi Meinohama Honten Nishi -ku, Fukuoka's niece Hama soy sauce ramen 780 yen rich and powerful soy sauce ramen。Uses specially ordered raw soy sauce。The aged medium-thick noodles go perfectly with the soup.。 Wangyo Gyoza 2-5-9 Nakasu, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City Hakata Soy Soya Ramen 650 yen Sweet soup and thin homemade noodles。Nostalgic taste。Excellent compatibility with gyoza。 Summary of delicious ramen shops in Fukuoka ...

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“The essence of soup curry in Sapporo:5 Famous Restaurants Loved by Foreign Tourists”

Introduction:Sapporo soup curry、Not just a meal! If you visit Sapporo、 It's a waste to return without eating soup curry! A fresh ingredient created by the rich nature of Hokkaido、The fusion of aromatic spices is the true essence of soup curry.。 Sapporo is、Known as the birthplace of soup curry、Not only locals、It has become a must-eat experience for tourists from all over the world.。For a bowl of soup curry、Filled with the culture and feelings of the land。You can only taste it in the real place、Would you like to feel the depth of Sapporo soup curry? In this article、We will carefully select and introduce 5 famous soup curry restaurants in Sapporo that even beginners can enjoy.。The charm and characteristics of each store、We dug deeper into why you should visit。read this article、Please plan a special gourmet experience in Sapporo! 1. GARAKU "Japanese -style dashi x spice finest harmony" Garaku is GARAKU、A popular restaurant that represents Sapporo's soup curry culture。The secret of the soup、``Mellow and deep flavor'' made by combining spices with Japanese-style soup stock。Chicken legs stewed to a tender consistency and colorful vegetables fried to perfection.、Just looking at it will whet your appetite。 It is also famous for the long lines.、Still, it's worth visiting once! GARAKU's soup curry、Easy to eat even for first-timers、“This is the taste of Sapporo soup curry!” This is a dish that will impress you.。 Reasons to visit 📍 address: Okumura Building B1F, Minami 2-jo Nishi 2-6-1, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido🔗 View GARAKU official website 2. Soup Curry Suge Plus Main Store "Squid ink soup!? Full of adventure" Suge、A restaurant popular for its unique menu。The vegetables and toppings skewered are fun.、The jet-black squid ink soup is especially popular.。You'll be surprised at the rich flavor of this curry, which is unlike anything you've ever had before.。 You can freely choose spiciness and toppings.、You can enjoy your own cup, no matter what taste you like.。Take a photo before eating、SNS shine is also outstanding! Reason to visit 📍 address: Toshimatsu Building 2F, Minami 4-jo Nishi 5, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido🔗 View Suage official website 3. Picanti Sapporo Ekimae Store "A few minutes walk from Sapporo Station! Full -scale curry that you can easily taste" Picanti who can drop in quickly between sightseeing and movement、Easy access is attractive。Choose from two types of soup、Both are healthy bowls with plenty of vegetables.。Satisfies both light and rich tastes.、The secret to its popularity is its diverse menu。 Reasons to visit 📍 address: Aoyama Building 1F, 1-8-4 Kita 2-jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido🔗 Visit Picanti official website 4. Magic Spice Sapporo Main Store "The ancestor of soup curry! Spice world to taste in a different dimension" If you talk about soup curry、Magic spice is a must。Known as the "original soup curry"、Features a variety of spiciness levels and interior decoration that makes you feel like you are in a different space.。From spicy lovers to beginners、We have a menu that will satisfy everyone。 When you step into the store、You should be surprised by the atmosphere of a different world's theme park! ...

Japanese trivial knowledge

How much does Japan's infrastructure cost? From traffic lights to expressways、Unexpected price and behind the scenes

welcome、Hello、Good idea! When you walk around the city of Japan、I think many people are impressed by the well-maintained roads and transportation facilities.。but、Behind that、There is more investment and technology hidden than you can imagine.。This time、A thorough explanation of the “prices of public facilities” in Japan! While visiting Japan, I thought, ``Actually, this is...、This is what we do,” I told the locals.、This content is sure to surprise you and say, "I didn't know that!"。 1. traffic light on a street corner:14 million to 5 million yen! The traffic light is surprisingly expensive。1The price of the machine is 4 million to 5 million yen! moreover、Some push-button traffic lights cost 2 million to 3 million yen.。The electricity bill for traffic lights is about 700 yen per month.、The police are paying for it.。and、Some of the electricity bill is paid from traffic fines.。Every time I see a traffic light on the street, I think, ``This is...、I thought, ``They're being supported by fines.''、Your perspective may change a little。please、Try sharing this trivia in Japan! 2. station ticket gate:1A 7 million yen precision device Japanese train ticket gates、1Did you know that the machine costs about 7 million yen? High-performance types that can process express tickets and train tickets at the same time are even more expensive.、1000It is said to cost more than 10,000 yen.。Why are ticket gates in Japan so expensive?、Our technology boasts high precision and long service life.。“One ticket gate costs 7 million yen!” I heard from the locals.、Japanese people will be surprised too! 3. curved mirror:150,000 to 70,000 yen + installation cost 350,000 yen Curved mirrors often seen on narrow roads and curves in Japan.、Surprisingly expensive。1It costs 50,000 to 70,000 yen per unit.、Furthermore, the installation cost is 350,000 yen.。Japan's traffic safety、A large amount of investment is being made in areas that are not visible to the naked eye.。If you see a curved mirror、Please think to yourself, ``It cost over 400,000 yen just to install this.''。You'll definitely feel the commitment to Japanese town planning.。 4. guardrail:1Safety measures ranging from 4,500 yen to 10,000 yen per meter Guardrails seen on roads all over Japan。actually、1It costs 4,500 yen to 10,000 yen per meter.。Guardrails installed over long distances、Due to its high safety and durability、These costs are incurred。The next time you see a guardrail in Japan, you might think, ``This must have cost a lot of money.''。 5. Expressway construction costs:15.8 billion yen per km! Japan's expressways、It is famous for its precision design and safety.、1Construction cost per km is an astonishing 5.8 billion yen。Especially the "Tokyo Bay Aqua Line" that crosses Tokyo Bay.、Total construction cost exceeded 1.4 trillion yen、This is one of the largest large-scale projects in Japan.。When driving on Japanese expressways、Think about the huge amount of investment that has gone into it.。It could be a more special experience。 6. ETC gate bar:1A small pro that costs 60,000 yen A bar that goes up at the ETC gate on the expressway、In fact, one bottle costs 60,000 yen.。Made of special material that is hard to break、Designed to require no frequent maintenance。The next time you pass through a Japanese expressway、Just remember that this little bar has value too。If you say, “This costs 60,000 yen!”、It might spark a conversation。 7. pedestrian bridge:110 million yen per unit、A reliable ally that protects local safety, pedestrian bridges are also surprisingly affordable.。1It can cost as much as 10 million yen per unit.、Depending on the installation location, the price may be decided through bidding.。In Japan、To ensure the safety of pedestrians and bicycles、A large amount of budget is being invested in these detailed safety measures.。If you see a pedestrian bridge on a Japanese sidewalk, try casually saying, ``This costs 10 million yen.''。Japanese people might be surprised too! 8. traffic signs:5000yen - 6000 yen、Expressway signs cost 10 million yen! It may seem surprising, but、General traffic signs are relatively reasonable at 5,000 to 6,000 yen.。but、Large highway signs can cost over 10 million yen.。Sign size and material、If the installation method changes、The price also varies greatly。If you see various signs around town, you'll probably think, "This is more expensive than I thought."。 9. telephone pole:180,000 yen per book、Utility poles are an essential part of Japanese streets, supporting the streets of Japan.、1Surprisingly expensive at 80,000 yen per book。moreover、Each telephone pole has an owner.、Managed by power companies and local businesses。This thorough management is carried out by、This can be said to be a unique feature of Japan.。If you see a telephone pole in town、Try telling the locals, "This costs 80,000 yen."。I'm sure you'll be surprised。 How was it? Japan's public infrastructure、Huge amounts of cost and technology are being poured into areas that cannot be seen with the naked eye.。Having this knowledge、The way you look at Japanese cityscapes has changed.、You should be able to enjoy deeper enjoyment.。Next time you visit Japan、Please share these tips with people in Japan.、Please try to excite the conversation! In the comments, the request of "I want to know such a trivia in Japan!"。We look forward to your discoveries!

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“Otaru’s exquisite sushi guide! 5 recommended sushi restaurants that tourists must visit [Enjoy the fresh taste of Hokkaido]”

Hello! A beautiful port town in Hokkaido、For everyone who wants to enjoy a sushi experience in Otaru、This time we will carefully select and introduce 5 popular sushi restaurants in Otaru.。Otaru is、A place where fresh seafood and craftsmanship come together.、There are plenty of spots where you can enjoy exquisite sushi while sightseeing.。Please refer to this article、Enjoy luxurious sushi made with local ingredients! 1. Otaru Masa Sushi founded for over 80 years! The authentic sushi "Otaru Masa Sushi", which you can taste with the highest quality material that you purchase directly from the fresh fish store、A long-established sushi restaurant in Otaru that has been in business for over 80 years.。I am particularly particular about、Run your own fresh fish store、A style in which we directly purchase the fresh ingredients of the day every day.。Because seasonal seafood is available、We always provide high quality sushi。While preserving tradition、Cooking techniques are evolving day by day.、An assortment of dishes that you can enjoy with a texture and flavor that melts in your mouth.。This is a famous authentic sushi restaurant that you should visit at least once in Otaru.。While experiencing Japanese traditional culture、Recommended for those who want to enjoy high quality sushi。 price range: Middle to high price zone address: 1-2-1 Ironai, Otaru City, Hokkaido Official Website: Otaru Masa Sushi 2. Otaru Sushi Shop Street Nihonbashi Enjoy local seasonal food at reasonable prices! ``Otaru Sushi Shop Street Nihonbashi'' has a rich menu that is popular with tourists.、A sushi restaurant where you can enjoy fresh seafood at reasonable prices.。Located at a tourist attraction called Otaru Sushi Shop Street、The location is also attractive, making it easy to stop by while traveling.。A wide variety of menus are available that make use of locally caught seasonal fish.、There is a wide variety from nigiri sushi to set menus.。It is supported by tourists and local regulars alike.、Excellent cost performance。Not just high-class sushi、This is the perfect place for those who want to enjoy authentic sushi at an affordable price.。 price range: mid-range address: Otaru City Inaho 1-1-4 Official Website: Otaru Sushi Shop Street Nihonbashi 3. Otaru Fuku Sushi within walking distance from Otaru River! Otaru Fuku Sushi, a long -established sushi restaurant with a tasteful visit to sightseeing、Conveniently located right next to Otaru Canal、This is the perfect sushi restaurant to visit in between sightseeing.。Sushi made with fresh seafood lets you fully experience the local flavor.、We also have a wide range of banquet plans available.。Perfect for traveling with family or friends、It's close to tourist spots so you can easily stop by.。In an atmosphere typical of Otaru、Recommended for those who want to enjoy Hokkaido's seafood to the fullest。 price range: Middle to high price zone address: Official website along Sakai -dori, Otaru: Otaru Fukuzushi 4. Luxurious sushi tasted with seafood directly from Otaru Sushi Ta fisherman! Breakfast and lunch menu that are nice for tourists are also enriched、Prioritize freshness、A sushi restaurant that serves seafood purchased directly from fishermen.。Especially nice for tourists、Available for breakfast and lunch。The toppings are made with fish that arrives that morning from the Otaru market.、The taste and aroma are exceptional.。High quality at a reasonable price、Enjoy breakfast and lunch as if you were immersed in the life of the locals.。This is a restaurant you should definitely visit if you want to start your trip or have a taste of Hokkaido for lunch.。 price range: Middle to high price zone address: 2nd 3rd, Sakaicho, Otaru -shi, Hokkaido: Otaru Sushida 5. Perfect for lunch and dinner after a walk around Otaru Asahi Sushi Up! Popular location and deliciousness are attractive for tourists "Otaru Asahi Sushi"、Located right next to the tourist spot Otaru Canal.、This sushi restaurant is loved by locals and tourists alike.。Nigiri sushi and sashimi made with fresh seafood from Hokkaido are served.、You can easily enjoy authentic sushi while sightseeing.。The atmosphere inside the store is calm.、Another appeal is that you can enjoy the deliciousness of traditional sushi slowly.。With the beautiful view of Otaru Canal、This is the ideal place for those who want a memorable sushi experience.。 price range: Middle to high price zone address: Otaru City Color 1-12-5 5 official website: Otaru Asahi Sushi Summary We have introduced 5 recommended sushi restaurants in Otaru。At a sushi restaurant in Otaru where you can enjoy Hokkaido's seafood to the fullest.、You can indulge in the seasonal flavors of the four seasons.。There are many well-located shops where you can stop by while sightseeing.、Each store values ​​the local flavor and atmosphere.。When sightseeing in Otaru、Please enjoy the delicious sushi at the sushi restaurant introduced this time! About sushi experiences in Otaru and favorite shops、Please share in the comments section! We look forward to your comments and questions.。

仙台発!日本らしい味わいとローカルな魅力が詰まったカクテル『レゲエパンチ』で乾杯しよう!Recommended Japanese shops

From Sendai! Let's toast with "Reggae Punch", a cocktail packed with Japanese flavor and local charm!

In Japan、Did you know that each region has its own unique drink? The local cocktail “Reggae Punch” colors Sendai nights.、one of them。1990This cocktail was born in Sendai's entertainment district Kokubuncho in the 1990s.、Made with an unexpected combination of peach liqueur and oolong tea.、Its unique taste has now spread throughout the country.。For those who want to enjoy a special experience of touching Japanese culture、We will deliver the charm of the cocktail "reggae punch" unique to Sendai! The story of birth - The birth of the secret "reggae punch" named "reggae punch" is the origin、Center of Sendai City、Bar in Kokubuncho。It all started when a local female customer asked for a cocktail that she could enjoy even if she didn't drink much alcohol.、It started with a bartender offering a sweet and easy-to-drink cocktail.。Because the woman was a fan of reggae music.、Named "Reggae Punch"、It quickly became a popular cocktail in Sendai.。Such a story、Gives this cocktail the perfect local touch。 Peach Liqueur x Oolong Tea - exquisite harmony is the popular secret "Reggae Punch" is the charm、with sweet peach liqueur、An exquisite taste created by the subtle astringency of oolong tea.。Alcohol content is low at approximately 4%、Those who are not very good at drinking alcohol、Popular with foreign tourists who say it's "easy to drink!"。It's caffeine free、Perfect for relaxing at night。While having a delicate Japanese flavor、It's a cup that gives you a somewhat exotic feeling.。 Reggae Punch is loved all over the country - its different names depending on the region are also appealing.In Sendai, it is popularly known as "Reggae Punch".、In fact, this cocktail is also a local drink whose name changes depending on the region.。"Kunyan" in Hokkaido、In Kansai, "Shanghai Peach"、In Kagoshima, it is called ``peche oolong.''、It is loved in each local area throughout Japan.。This diversity also、This is one of the interesting aspects of Japanese cocktail culture.。When you come across different names while traveling、You will be able to feel more about Japanese culture and the charm of each region.。 Canned Reggae Punch that can be enjoyed easily - Perfect as a travel companion Due to its growing popularity, canned Reggae Punch was commercialized in 2017.、Sold in the Tohoku area。Now available nationwide、The canned type is also attracting attention as a non-carbonated RTD (Ready To Drink) cocktail that can be enjoyed casually.。You can also drink it slowly at home.、You can also pick it up casually while traveling.。As a memory of the trip、Perfect as a souvenir for yourself! Enjoy easily at home! How to make “Reggae Punch” Recreate “Reggae Punch” at home、Enjoy while immersing yourself in the memories of your trip to Japan.。Easy to make with simple ingredients、Give it a try。 Ingredients How to make it Part of the fun is being able to adjust it to your own taste at home.。If you change the sweetness of peach and the strength of oolong tea little by little,、Your own original “Reggae Punch” will be completed.。 Taste in Kokubun Town、Fun at night in Sendai Kokubuncho, Sendai is where Reggae Punch was born.、An entertainment district representing the Tohoku region。Approximately 3,000 restaurants are lined up.、Izakaya where you can enjoy beef tongue and local sake、bar、A row of restaurants。Time to enjoy “Reggae Punch” while interacting with locals、It will be a special memory。In Kokubun Town at night with glittering neon lights、Please fully enjoy the taste and local atmosphere unique to Sendai.。 Let's experience "reggae punch" in Sendai "reggae punch"、Starting from Sendai、A special cocktail loved all over Japan.。By touching on its taste and background、You should be able to experience Japan's unique cocktail culture。When traveling to Japan、Come and enjoy the authentic “Reggae Punch” in Sendai!、Enjoy a night immersed in the charm of Japan。If you have ever drank、Please let us know what you think in the comments section!

日本の20代女性がBeRealに夢中になる理由:本音と建前を超える“素顔のSNSExplaining the latest news in Japan

Why Japanese women in their 20s are obsessed with BeReal:“True face SNS that goes beyond true intentions and public appearances”

2020The SNS app “BeReal” was born in France in 2017.、It is rapidly gaining popularity among Japanese women in their 20s.。No decoration、This app lets you share your real self.、Why is it so special to them? Against the backdrop of Japan's unique culture of ``honest intentions and tatemae''、How BeReal frees women suffering from SNS fatigue、Does it add color to your daily life?、Let's get to the reason。I hope this will be helpful to foreigners who are interested in Japanese culture.。 What is Bereal? - A new style Bereal to share yourself without decorating yourself、SNS requires sharing real-time photos.、The feature is a simple rule: Once you receive a notification, you have to take a picture of the moment and post it within 2 minutes.。Past photos and processing are not allowed at all.、What you show your followers is “your current self”。While other SNS seek ideal self-expression and edited beauty,、BeReal offers a new experience to share your true self。This SNS that focuses on the “real self”、It especially captures the hearts of Japanese women in their 20s.。 Why popular among women in their 20s in their 20s? —No “real intentions and front” culture have a strong concept of “real” and “kenzen” in Japanese culture.。In public and on SNS、be considerate of others、Emphasis is often placed on ``Tatemae'' which maintains an ideal appearance.。but、I feel tired from this “perfect image”、In fact, many young people are looking for a place where they can express their true feelings.。From that background、BeReal has been liberating for them.。 In BeReal's post、No need to strive for perfection、We are fostering a culture in which "it's OK to be who you are"。BeReal is、20We provide a new place for young women to express their true feelings on SNS.、It has become established as a tool to bring out the “real” of young Japanese people.。 On "SNS Instagram and Twitter" that gives freedom and security、Evaluation indicators such as “likes” and number of followers have a large impact on user satisfaction.、BeReal has no competition based on such numbers.。Therefore、BeReal doesn't compare with others、You can use it with a relaxed feeling、Providing peace of mind to young Japanese people who suffer from SNS fatigue。 Also、Because there is no need to be conscious of "looking good"、BeReal has less pressure than other SNS、Another big feature is that you can show your real self as it is.。The simplicity of sharing everyday moments、Giving psychological freedom to young Japanese people who tend to worry about what others think of them.。 "Real connection" Bereal built in Bereal、It is also a popular place to build "real connections" with friends and family.。What is shared on BeReal、An ordinary moment of everyday life。Therefore、A side of your friend that you can't get to know through regular SNS.、You can learn about the casual moments of everyday life.、At the same time as you feel familiarity, new empathy is born.。 for example、A friend's simple morning scenery, tired expression after work, etc.、By touching the real image、Feeling closer to friends、Empathy deepens。This results in、Because you can have honest interactions with your friends、BeReal serves as a ``real communication tool'' for young people.。 The new SNS experience BEREAL of the Japanese culture and Bereal synchro is the "non -thriving" style、Providing new experiences for young people in Japan、It is valued as a place that is not bound by the "ratings" and "perfection" of traditional SNS.。The relaxing feeling this app gives you、It has captured the hearts of women who want to be freed from the fatigue of SNS, which is rooted in Japan's "honest intentions and tatemae" culture.。 Also、BeReal is a tool that helps us reaffirm the fun of SNS and the value of interaction.、Especially popular among women in their 20s.。Don't worry about evaluation、By enjoying real connections with friends and family、Become more confident in your true self、You can create your own SNS experience。 summary:Why Bereal is supported in Japan Bereal、It is supported by Japanese women in their 20s as an SNS where they can reveal their true feelings.。Not bound by evaluation、This app allows you to connect with friends by being who you are.、We provide new values ​​based on Japan's "honest intentions and tatemae" culture.。for young people in Japan、BeReal is not just a trendy SNS、A place to rediscover self-expression and true connection.。 lastly、Would you like to experience BeReal too? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section、Let's share the fun of using SNS to express your true self! Article points

日本でしか撮れない!SNSで映える観光スポットTOP10Recommended sightseeing route

Can only be taken in Japan! Top 10 tourist spots that look great on SNS

In Japan、Filled with special scenery and history that you won't find anywhere else in the world.。In this article、Introducing 10 spots that "stand out" and are overwhelmingly popular with foreign tourists! There are so many spectacular views that make you want to point your camera at them.、You can enjoy plenty of Japanese beauty and culture。You can have a special experience just by visiting、If you share it on SNS、There is no doubt that friends will say "I want to go!" together、Let's discover Japan's charm! 1. Kiyomizu -dera Temple (Kyoto Prefecture) Kiyomizu -dera Temple, which represents Kyoto、It's as if I jumped out of Japanese paintings。Especially the scenery seen from the "Shimizu stage" is overwhelming、If you get the camera、You can cut a beautiful moment in any season。Traditional shops are lined up on the approach、Shopping while feeling the Japanese atmosphere is also a fun time。 Map to Kiyomizu -dera Temple 2. Fushimi Inari Taisha (Kyoto Prefecture) Fushimi Inari Taisha is known for its “Senbon Torii”、A place where you can feel the mysterious beauty of Japan.。As you go deeper, the vermillion color overlaps.、You can have an experience that makes you feel like you have wandered into a special world.。If you post it on SNS、There is no doubt that your friends will want to go too! Map to Fushimi Inari Taisha 3. Tokyo Skytree (Tokyo) Tokyo landmark、From Tokyo Skytree、Enjoy a panoramic view of the city of Tokyo。The night view is truly spectacular、The lights of the city spread all over、You can enjoy extraordinary experiences。In the Sky Tree、Because there are many unique souvenirs and meals、It is a spot that you can enjoy not only sightseeing but also all day.。 How to get to the Tokyo Sky Tree 4. Ginza (Tokyo) Ginza, where you can enjoy Japanese fashion and luxury、Perfect for enjoying shopping in a special place。The illuminated cityscape at night is as beautiful as a movie.、It's worth taking a photo。It's a spot that looks great no matter where you look.、If you upload it to SNS, your friends will surely find it attractive too.。 5. Nara Park (Nara Prefecture) Nara Park is、Not only can you interact with deer、It is a spot where you can feel the history and culture of Japan.。The deers are very friendly、Giving a deer cracker will show you a lovely expression。Also、Historical buildings are scattered in the park、A great place to take photos in beautiful scenery。 Access to Nara Park 6. Ameyoko (Tokyo) Ameyoko in Ueno、A lively market where you can enjoy a typical Japanese atmosphere。Fresh seafood and street food lined up、You can enjoy eating while walking。Photos taken while interacting with local people、You will feel the “Japaneseness” that you will want to share on SNS.。 7. Arashiyama (Kyoto Prefecture) Arashiyama's bamboo forest is、A spot where you can feel the beauty of nature。Walking in silence and listening to the sound of bamboo swaying in the wind、You can feel as if your heart is being cleansed.。Don't miss the scenery from Togetsu Bridge。If you upload it to SNS、A nice piece that spreads the natural beauty of Kyoto。 8. Kenrokuen (Ishikawa Prefecture) One of Japan's three famous gardens、Kenrokuen is a garden that shows different beauty for each season.。With a quiet stroll、Beautifully arranged ponds and waterfalls、It soothes the people who visit.。There are new discoveries no matter what season you visit、You are sure to be able to take photos that will look great on SNS! Access to Kenrokuen 9. Sensoji Temple (Tokyo) The oldest temple in Tokyo、Sensoji is、A place filled with Japanese culture and tradition。The large lantern at Kaminarimon is especially famous as a photo spot.、There are many food stalls lined up in the precincts.、You can enjoy Japanese sweets and traditional food。If you share it on SNS、It will be a piece that transmits Japanese traditions to followers。 Access to Sensoji Temple 10. With the golden appearance of Kinkakuji (Kyoto Prefecture) Kinkakuji、The figure reflected on the surface of the garden is、Enchants the visitors。Beautiful scenery spreads out from every angle、In particular, the reflection of Kinkaku-ji across the pond is as beautiful as a painting.。It has a different expression depending on the season.、If you post it on SNS、You will get a great response from your followers.。 Access to Kinkakuji Temple in Japan、There are many sightseeing spots where you can feel beautiful nature and culture。If you find your favorite place、Please take a nice photo and share it on SNS! Episode of your journey、Please tell me where you want to actually visit in the comments.。

「ニセコで極上の冬を!外国人に人気のアットホームなおすすめペンション5選」Recommended Japanese shops

“Have a great winter in Niseko! 5 recommended homely pensions that are popular with foreigners”

Niseko, Hokkaido、A winter resort area blessed with beautiful snowy scenery and rich nature.、It is crowded with tourists from all over the world who come to enjoy winter sports.。After enjoying skiing and snowboarding、Many people are looking for a relaxing accommodation. This time、I especially recommend it to foreigners.、We have carefully selected 5 cozy and comfortable pensions in Niseko.。We will introduce you to the charms of each.、Please refer to it! 1. Pension bellary home breakfast boasts! The "Pension Bellary" is attractive with a homey atmosphere and a convenient location、This pension has a warm, homely atmosphere that makes you feel like you've come back to your parents' home.。 Particularly appealing is the homemade breakfast made with fresh local ingredients.、local vegetables and eggs、fish etc.、We offer delicious dishes that let you feel the rich blessings of Hokkaido.。 Many repeat customers、Perfect for those who want to enjoy local food culture。 moreover、Excellent access to ski resorts、Recommended for those who want to stay active。 After enjoying winter activities、Relax and refresh yourself in Bellary。 price range: 18,000 yen for night -Address:204-1 Yamada, Kutchan-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido Official Website: Pension Bellary 2. Pension Berg Perfect for active travelers! ``Pension Berg'' offers a relaxing stay with a warm interior and the owner's home-cooked meals.、This pension is popular among active travelers who want to fully enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and skiing.。Good access to ski resorts、You can fully enjoy activities in the snowy mountains.。with a certain design、It has an atmosphere that feels like being in a mountain hut.。 moreover、The home-cooked meals prepared by the owner are also popular.、The best part is that you can heal your tired body from skiing with delicious food.。A stay that refreshes your mind will come true.。 price range: 17,500 yen per night~Address:170-1 Yamada, Kutchan-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido Official Website: Pension Berg 3. Pension Woody Note Luxury time in a quiet space wrapped in the warmth of wood! "Pension Woody Note" where you can enjoy local ingredients course dishes、Calm interior with plenty of wood、A pension surrounded by a natural and warm atmosphere.。 We are particularly proud of the course meals served for dinner.、Dishes using fresh ingredients from Hokkaido、Capture the hearts of your guests and never let them go。seafood and vegetables、Using plenty of local ingredients such as meat、We offer a luxurious moment where you can enjoy local flavors.。Also、The pension is surrounded by beautiful nature.、You can enjoy a truly relaxing stay in a quiet environment.。At night, you can see a sky full of stars.、Enjoy the charm of Niseko at your leisure。 price range: 1Night 9,000 yen ~ Address:204-2 Yamada, Kutian-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido official website:Pension Woody Note 4. Warm hospitality at Pension Grandpapa Home! After enjoying skiing as much as possible, "Pension Grandpapa" is a handmade dish.、Warm hospitality unique to a family-run business、This pension has a comfortable and homely atmosphere.。Good access to ski resorts、The perfect destination for those looking to enjoy active winter sports。It warms up your body after snowboarding or snowboarding.、Owner's homemade food。We use fresh local ingredients、Homely and delicious food、It gives you a sense of security as if you were coming home.There are many repeat customers.、It is an inn where you can feel the warmth that once you come, you will want to come again.。 price range: 18,500 yen for nights ~ Address:204-3 Yamada, Kutchan Town, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido Official Website :Pension Grandpapa 5. Pension Fira Pan Relax with heartwarming hospitality and handmade breakfast! The convenient pension "Pension Firai Pan" is a convenient pension near the ski resort、A cozy pension where you can enjoy home-cooked meals made with local ingredients.。 Especially breakfast uses fresh local ingredients.、Customers say it's a place where you can recharge your energy in the morning. Good access to ski resorts.、It's the perfect location to enjoy some winter activities.。The warm hospitality given to guests is appealing.、We offer a truly relaxing stay。After having lots of fun skiing、With Furaipan's warm food and heartfelt hospitality、Please heal your body slowly。 price range: 1Night 7,000 yen ~ Address:204-4 Yamada 204-4 Yamada, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido :What do you think of the Pension Flypan summary? Niseko's pension、After enjoying winter activities、Providing a truly relaxing accommodation experience。Warm hospitality and homemade food made with local ingredients、Experiences spent in Niseko that make you feel the warmth unique to Japan.、About your favorite pension、Please share in the comments section!

日本ホラー漫画の伝説、楳図かずおさんがが遺した芸術と恐怖の世界 ー その影響力と文化的遺産に迫るJapanese manga/anime information

Japanese horror manga legend、The world of art and horror left behind by Kazuo Umezu - A look into his influence and cultural legacy

2024October 28、Innovating Japanese horror manga、Kazuo Umezu, a cultural icon, has passed away at the age of 88.。To the obituary、Many fans share their sadness、The impact of his work、Deeply rooted Japanese culture is once again attracting attention.。In his works、Philosophical themes that go beyond mere “scary”、The unique Japanese aesthetic sense is alive and well.、It continues to be loved by many fans even outside of Japan.。This time、The charm of Kazuo Umezu's life and works、We will also provide a perspective that deepens your understanding of Japanese culture.。 Who is Kazuo Umezu? - A fusion of horror and beauty drawn by a pioneer of Japanese horror manga Kazuo Umezu was born in 1936 in Koyasan, Wakayama Prefecture.、I started drawing manga when I was in elementary school, showing off my talent.。In high school, he made his professional debut with ``Best World'' and ``Mori no Brother and Sister''.、After that, he received high acclaim for works such as ``Snake Girl'' and ``Cat Eye Boy''.、He has even been called the "god of horror manga".。The "horror" he describes is、Loneliness and anxiety hidden deep within the human heart、Furthermore, it shakes the boundary between fantasy and reality.、It has a deeper message than just fear.。 Umezu's works include、The theme is ``fear'' and ``spiritual existence'' unique to Japan.。for example、His depictions are rooted in Japanese nature and spiritual culture.、Expresses "respect for the invisible"、This feeling makes the work even more profound.。his work is、The point is that you can touch the delicate side of Japanese culture through horror.、It serves as a bridge between Japan and the world.。 Umezu World, which spreads throughout the world, is the work of Kazuo Umezu, a cultural sympathy caused by its universality.、Because of its unique theme and deep psychological depiction、It has been supported by many readers outside of Japan.。for example、In "Drifting Classroom"、It depicts children trapped in a ruined world of the future.、Through their survival and growth, we explore the true nature of humans and the state of society.。Such universal themes resonate across borders.、It received high praise at the Angoulême International Comics Festival in France.。 moreover、The "Gwashi!" pose was created in the gag work "Makoto-chan".、It caused a huge boom in Japan at the time.。Even this seemingly humorous expression、developed into a cultural phenomenon、This is proof that Mr. Umezu's versatility and expressiveness impressed many people.。He achieved success in different genres of horror and laughter.、Symbolizing the diversity of Japanese manga、It showed that creative expression can be transmitted across cultures.。 As an artist who goes beyond manga -Kazuo Umezu's challenge and creative Umezu -san exceeded the frame of the manga.、He also demonstrated his talent in the world of film and art.。Especially at the ``Kazuo Umezu Grand Art Exhibition.''、101 works of art drawn by him will be exhibited.、It was recognized not only as a manga but also as a visual art.。his work is、Shaking the boundary between dreams and reality、It gives anxiety and awe to the viewer.、A unique world view expressed as art.。These works are、Kazuo Umezu is not just a manga artist、This shows that he was an artist who challenged the limits of expression.。 Also、He also tried his hand at film production.、I expressed my own horror work as a video.。Visual expression through movies、Appealing “fear” more directly to readers and audiences、The performance has been praised overseas as well.。Through these diverse challenges,、Kazuo Umezu has elevated Japanese horror manga to the level of international art.、Continued to be respected by fans around the world。 Kazuo Umezu's work is the entrance to Japanese culture.、More than just entertainment、We provide opportunities to experience Japanese culture and spirituality.。The ``fear of the invisible'' and ``fantastic beauty'' that he depicts are、It reflects Japan's unique aesthetic sense and spiritual values.、It is a fresh and attractive experience for foreign readers as well.。Before death、As Mr. Umezu said, ``I want my work to be read forever.''、His works have been etched in the hearts of many people throughout the ages.、It serves as an important "window" for disseminating Japanese culture to the world.。 By touching Umezu's works、You will have the opportunity to empathize with the Japanese people's ``respect for the invisible'' and ``exploration of the inner world of humans.''。This is、Umezu's works serve as a gateway to Japanese culture、And that is why it continues to be loved as a bridge for cross-cultural understanding.。 Summary -Kazuo Umezu's heritage Kazuo Umezu is the Japanese manga world、Furthermore, the influence it has left on the world of horror art is immeasurable.。his work is、Beyond just “fear”、It delves deeply into the inner world of humans and Japanese cultural values.。Due to its deep theme and rich expressive power,、His works are passed down across generations and borders.、Continuing to influence fans in Japan and around the world。 The works left behind by Kazuo Umezu are、will continue to live in the hearts of many people、Meet new readers as part of Japanese culture、It will continue to serve as a ``cultural bridge'' to deepen understanding.。his accomplishments and legacy、What impact will it have on the future?、I would like to continue to pay attention to。

札幌のジンギスカン店TOP10!現地で評判の絶品ラム肉を堪能しようRecommended Japanese shops

Top 10 Genghis Khan restaurants in Sapporo! Enjoy the exquisite lamb meat that is popular locally

Hello! I'm O Nishi, a Japanese blogger who loves Genghis Khan.。Top 10 popular Genghis Khan restaurants in Sapporo that are loved by both tourists and locals (in no particular order)、Lastly, I would like to introduce one restaurant that I personally recommend.。We will also explain the characteristics of each store and how to choose them.、It is noteworthy that information that can be enjoyed for the first time and Genghis Khan! Why is Genghis Khan popular with foreigners? Genghis Khan、Lamb meat dishes that are especially popular in Hokkaido。fresh lamb meat、It is attractive because it has little odor, is juicy, and is easy to eat.。Also、Each restaurant's secret sauce and grilling method、Variety of offering styles、Based on warm service unique to Japan、It is popular among foreign tourists as a ``special food experience'' that is more than just a meal.。 Recommended Genghis Khan shop in Sapporo TOP10 In Sapporo, I carefully selected Genghis Khan stores that I especially recommend.。Each store has its own unique charm.、You can enjoy unique Genghis Khan! 1. Nariyoshi Swimen Daruma Main Store 2. Matsuo Genghis Khan Sapporo Ekimae Store 3.。 4.Owl -tei 5. Genghis Khan in the night sky 6. Kui -tei 7. Yakiniku Hakushiken's head office 8. Sapporo Beer Garden 9. Genghis Khan Hujigaoka 10. Raw Ram Jingis Khan Specialty Rabbit Horse Outside. Introducing points to enjoy Genghis Khan! Enjoy Genghis Khan in Sapporo! Genghis Khan store in Sapporo、Each offers its own unique taste and service.、The fun of eating while walking is also exceptional.。Genghis Khan is、Dishes that let you feel the Hokkaido culture and the warmth of the local people。Even those who have visited often、Please enjoy Genghis Khan at a famous restaurant in Sapporo.。 I'm sure your travel memories will be even richer.。 Please read till the end、thank you very much! If you have any questions or comments、Let us know in the comments。I hope your Genghis Khan experience will be the best.、I sincerely support you!

Japanese manga/anime information

If DEATH NOTE fans don't know, you'll lose out! Amazing setting&13 Trivia

DEATH NOTE、It has captivated fans all over the world with its innovative story and deep psychological warfare.。but、There are still many secrets and urban legends behind the story。This time、Introducing 7 unknown behind-the-scenes settings and episodes of DEATH NOTE that you'll want to tell someone about.。If you read this、There is no doubt that you will be able to enjoy the world of DEATH NOTE even more deeply! 1. Shigeru Mizuki's "Mysterious Notebook" is the original story? The idea of ​​Death Note is、In fact, there is a theory that it comes from the short story "Mysterious Notebook" written by Shigeru Mizuki in 1973.。In this work、45The setting is that the person whose name is written in the notebook that the main character, Yamada, who is 20 years old, picks up at a shrine, dies.。moreover、A woman who tries to misuse the notebook appears, etc.、There are many similarities with DEATH NOTE.。It is not clear whether the authors, Tsugumi Ohba and Ken Obata, used this work as a reference.、It has become a hot topic among fans as the original story.。 2. The truth Note, which was banned from sales in Russia, is、Due to its extreme content, it has been banned in some countries.。One of them is Russia。14When a young girl commits suicide、Four copies of the Death Note anime were found along with the suicide note.、My parents claimed that my work was the cause of my suicide.。In response to this、The Russian government has banned the sale of DEATH NOTE。but、Details of this incident are unknown、Some say it as an urban legend。This is an example of how the influence of a work has developed into a social issue.。 3. Rumors of the "final round of the back" that does not exist on the Internet、Rumors have spread that "DEATH NOTE has a hidden final episode that doesn't officially exist."。Its contents are、The dead Light Yagami reunites with Ryuk in the Shinigami world.、He once again has the ambition to become a god.。but、This is a derivative work created by a fan by combining existing panels.、It's not official。nevertheless、The story was so complete that many fans believed it to be true.。The more rumors like this are born、DEATH NOTE is loved by many people.。 4. In the final episode of a mysterious woman appearing in the last episode、A mysterious woman appears, holding a candle and leading a group of people who worship Kira.。There are various theories about her true identity.。 The existence of this mysterious woman、It further enhances the lingering feeling and mystery of the story.。 5. Surprising difference between the one-shot version and the serialized version DEATH NOTE had a one-shot version before it started being serialized.、There are some major differences in their content。 With these changes、The serialized version is a work with deeper psychological warfare and suspense.。The one-shot version is included in the "DEATH NOTE short story collection"、If you are interested, please check it out.。 6. The true identity of Tsugumi Ohba, who is shrouded in mystery Tsugumi Ohba, the original author of DEATH NOTE、Its true identity has not been made public、has caused much speculation。 This mysterious side、It may also affect the atmosphere of the work.。 7. Tsugumi Ohba's accidental death hoax in the past、A rumor spread that Tsugumi Ohba-sensei died in a traffic accident.。My car was seriously damaged in an accident on the Metropolitan Expressway.、The series has been discontinued.。but、this is complete misinformation、Officially denied。The background behind the birth of such rumors is、This may be due to the author's anonymity and the work's dark theme.。Despite the rumors、It becomes a hot topic among fans、This shows the popularity and attention of DEATH NOTE.。

『鬼滅の刃』ファン必見!日本で巡るべき魅惑の聖地8選Recommended sightseeing route

A must-see for “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba” fans! 8 enchanting sacred places to visit in Japan

Hello、Hey anime fans! I'm Takashi, a blogger who truly loves Japanese anime.。“Kimetsu no Yaiba” is、With its deep story and beautiful worldview、It attracts many people。I'm a big fan myself、Pursuing the setting of the work and the footprints of the characters、I have traveled all over Japan。 This time、To all "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" fans visiting Japan from overseas、We will introduce in detail the tourist spots that you should definitely visit.。in these places、Not only can you actually experience the worldview of the work, but also、Japan's rich nature and history、You can also experience the culture。Well then、Let's journey to the world of "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" together! 1. Homangu Kamado Shrine (Yama 883, Dazaifu City, Fukuoka Prefecture) Features:A shrine where the surnames of the main characters, Tanjiro Kamado and Nezuko, are said to have originated.。surrounded by deep greenery、It has long been said to bring good luck in matchmaking and warding off evil spirits.。 my experience: When I visited Homangu Kamado Shrine、I felt as if my heart was being purified with every step I took up the stone steps of the approach.。The chirping of birds and the rustling of trees are soothing、It felt like I was in the mountains where Tanjiro lived.。 When you arrive at the precincts、Beautiful nature and historic buildings harmonize、There is a sacred atmosphere。especially、Limited edition goshuin stamps and amulets available at the shrine office、This is a must-have item as a fan.。I also received a goshuin book as a souvenir.、I cherish it。 Recommended points: 2. Museum Meiji Village (Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture) Features:An open-air museum with buildings from the Meiji era。There is the former Japanese Red Cross Central Hospital, which is said to be the model for the Butterfly House.、You can experience the world view of the work realistically.。 my experience: When visiting Meiji Village、First, we aimed at the "former Japanese Red Cross Central Hospital"。The white western-style building is elegant and beautiful.、The stained glass and stairs inside are also spectacular.。You can truly feel the atmosphere of the Butterfly House.、I couldn't help but take a lot of photos.。 Ride a steam locomotive that runs through the park、A scene from Mugen Train comes to mind.、My heart was pounding。You can also rent costumes from the Meiji era and take photos.、You can feel like you have traveled back in time。 Recommended points: access: 3. Mt. Unotori (Tokyo / Saitama Prefecture / Yamanashi Prefecture border) Features:The mountain that is said to be the model for the birthplace of Tanjiro and Nezuko。The spectacular view from an altitude of 2017m is spectacular、Feel the grandeur of nature。 my experience: Climbing Mt. Kumotori、it was a big challenge for me。On the way、Pass through clear mountain streams and beautiful forests、I felt the breath of nature all over my body.。When I stood on the top of the mountain、I was moved by the spectacular view that spread out below me.、I imagined the scenery Tanjiro would have seen.。 Stay at a mountain hut at night、I was able to see a sky full of stars。Stars that cannot be seen in the city shine、I felt like my heart was being washed clean.。 Recommended points: access: Note: 4. Tenno Ishikitsu Shrine (Yagyu -cho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture) Features:Shrine with “Ittōishi”。The legend of great swordsman Yagyu Sekishusai remains、It is also said to be the model for the scene where Tanjiro cuts a rock.。 my experience: When I saw an Itto stone standing quietly in the forest、I was overwhelmed by its power。A huge rock is split in two、The cut looks like it was cut with a sword.。While thinking about the legend、I was able to spend some quiet time。 There are many historical spots nearby、You can also enjoy a walk following in the footsteps of the Yagyu clan.。In a natural environment、It's a place where your heart can be healed。 Recommended points: access: 5. Ashikaga Flower Park (607, Sakuma -cho, Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture) Features:A park famous for its beautiful wisteria flowers。A fantastic landscape reminiscent of Mt. Fujiso spreads out.。 my experience: A night when wisteria flowers are in full bloom、Walking through the illuminated wisteria trellis、My heart leapt at the fantastic world wrapped in purple light.。The fragrant wisteria tunnel、The very world of the work itself。Many tourists with cameras in hand、I was engrossed in taking photos。 Also、Various flowers bloom in each season、No matter how many times you visit, there's always something new to discover.。While taking a break at a cafe、We also recommend enjoying the beautiful scenery.。 Recommended points: access: 6. Features of Yawata Kamamon Shrine (1399-1, Beppu City, Oita Prefecture):A shrine where Kagura related to Tanjiro's family is passed down.。Located on a hill overlooking Beppu Bay、Enjoy spectacular views and traditional culture。 my experience: The view of Beppu Bay from the shrine、It was so beautiful that I can't put it into words.。A view of the expansive sea and sky、My heart was healed。If you're lucky、You can see the traditional ``Naigama Kagura'' dedication.、I was moved by its power and beauty.。 Soak in a hot spring at nearby Beppu Onsen、It is also recommended to soothe the fatigue of your travels.。There are also many footbaths、You can easily enjoy hot springs。 Recommended points: access: 7. Ichito stone (Yagyu -cho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture) Features:Ittoishi, a huge rock split in two。Located in Yagyu no Sato、It is a place with a deep history of swordsmanship.。 my experience:...

秋葉原観光完全ガイド:地元ブロガーが語る必見スポット5選Recommended Japanese shops

Akihabara sightseeing complete guide:5 must-see spots taught by experts

Hello、Blogger living in Akihabara for 20 years、It's Takashi。A city where technology and subculture merge、Akihabara。I'm captivated by the charm of this city、Enjoying new discoveries every day。To all foreign travelers、We want you to experience the essence of Akihabara.、Based on my own experience and expertise、Introducing 5 must-see tourist spots。 1. Akihabara Electric Town:The center of the center of technology and otaku culture Akihabara Electric Town、In Japan's largest electric town、Approximately 500 stores are lined up。Rare electronic parts from the latest home appliances、Even anime/game related goods、We have a wide variety of products。When I first visited、I remember being overwhelmed by the energetic atmosphere and wide variety of products.。 Recommended Points How to enjoy when you find a rare electronic component on my experiences Junk Street、Through a conversation with the shop owner, I learned about the history of the parts and how to use them.。Interacting with local people、This is the best part of this city.。 2. Kanda Myojin Shrine:Kanda Myojin, which has been founded for over 1300 years, is founded in a power spot overview of history and subculture.、Prosperity in business and marriage、It is known for many benefits such as praying for good health.。Easy access, about 10 minutes walk from Akihabara Station。Although it is a traditional shrine、Deeply connected to modern subcultures。 Recommended points Tips on how to enjoy it My experiences I work in IT.、I purchased an amulet for "IT Information Safety Protection"。onwards、The work is progressing smoothly without any major problems.、I feel the benefit。 3. Akihabara Radio Hall:A treasure trove of hobby items Overview Akihabara Radio Kaikan is located on the 10th floor above ground and 2nd floor underground.、figure、plastic model、trading cards etc.、This is a commercial building where hobby-related specialty stores are gathered.。From maniac items to the latest goods、We have a wide range of。 Recommended points Tips on how to enjoy My experience When I visited in search of a limited edition plastic model、The store clerk taught me some tips on how to make it.。Thanks to that、I was able to create a work with a high degree of completion.。 4. March ecute Kanda Manseibashi:Relaxing time in a historical building Overview A commercial facility renovated from the remains of the former Manseibashi Station, which opened in 1912.。It is characterized by a red brick building with a retro atmosphere.、Lined with shops and cafes。 Recommended points Tips on how to enjoy My experience When visiting with friends、I enjoyed delicious local beer at a craft beer festival that happened to be held.。A special experience in a historic space、It's an unforgettable memory。 5. Yodobashi Camera Multimedia Akiba:Enjoy shopping and gourmet food Overview A huge commercial facility in front of Akihabara Station.、From home appliances to fashion、outdoor supplies、Wide range of restaurants available。There are also plenty of corners where you can experience the latest technology.。 Recommended Points How to enjoy my experience When buying a new camera、The staff were friendly and offered advice.。After purchase、While eating at the restaurant on the top floor、I immediately enjoyed shooting.。 Summary Akihabara、Technology and subculture、It is a city with a unique charm woven with history.。The five spots we introduced this time are、There are many places where you can experience its multifaceted charm.。Please come and visit us!、Have an unforgettable experience in Akihabara。 Travel tips If you have any questions or questions, if you have any questions or questions、Please feel free to let us know in the comments section。I hope your stay in Akihabara will be wonderful.。 have a nice trip!

京都旅行で絶対に泊まりたい!旅行好きブロガーが厳選したおすすめ宿泊施設5選Popular vacation rentals and hotels

I definitely want to stay here on my trip to Kyoto! 5 recommended accommodations carefully selected by travel enthusiast bloggers

Hello、I'm Miho, a Japanese blogger who loves traveling.。Kyoto is a combination of seasonal beauty and deep history.、It's a tourist destination that represents Japan.。For all travelers from overseas、I would like you to fully enjoy the charm of Kyoto.、This time, I would like to introduce 5 recommended accommodation facilities that I have visited and been impressed by.。at these inns、Would you like to experience the hospitality and traditional culture unique to Japan? 1. Arashiyama Onsen Koden Sho address: 5-4 Access, Saga Tenryuji Temple Nobaba-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto: 1 minute walk from Randen "Arashiyama Station" A relaxing inn where you can enjoy natural hot springs and Japanese luxury "Arashiyama Onsen Kadensho" is surrounded by the natural beauty of Arashiyama.、This is one of the few inns in Kyoto where you can enjoy a natural hot spring.。when I visited、I was instantly captivated by the scent of incense and the Japanese atmosphere from the entrance.。 There are 3 types of guest rooms: ``Kyoto Machiya'', ``Kyoto Japanese Style'', and ``Kyoto Modern''.。I stayed in a room at a Kyomachiya.、I was healed by the traditional design such as tatami and lattice windows.。 Hot springs include large communal baths and open-air baths.、5There are various types of free private baths.。Especially at “Takebayashi no Yu”、You can relax while looking at the Arashiyama bamboo forest.、I almost forgot the time。 The meal is、Kaiseki cuisine and order buffet style based on the concept of one soup and five dishes。Dishes made with seasonal ingredients look beautiful、Great taste too。We also recommend boiled tofu for breakfast.。 Recommended points: price: 1From 15,000 yen per night Official website: Arashiyama Onsen Kadensho 2. Matsui Annex Hanakazashi Address: 120 Horinogami -cho, Nakagyo -ku, Kyoto: Subway “Shijo Station”、A 5 -minute walk from Hankyu "Karasuma Station" is a Japanese modern inn "Matsui Annex Hanakazashi" that combines the emotions of the Kyomachiya and modern comfort.、A modern Japanese inn located in a quiet environment where you can forget the hustle and bustle of the city.。From the entrance to the lobby、Sophisticated design and soothing music、You can feel the extraordinary。 Rooms have Japanese -style rooms and Western -style rooms、Both feature stylish interiors.。I stayed in a Japanese-style room、I had a comfortable stay with the scent of tatami and the Simmons bed.。 The meal is、Kyoto Kaiseki cuisine using fresh local ingredients。Especially hamo (conger eel) and yuba (yuba).、Enjoy the unique taste of Kyoto。 Recommended points: price: 112,000 yen for night -official website: Matsui Annex Hanakanzashi 3. Cotton Zenryokan Address: 413 Izutsuya-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shiAccess: Subway “Shijo Station”、``Watazen Ryokan'' is a long-established inn with a history and tradition of about 190 years, which is a 5-minute walk from Hankyu Karasuma Station.、A long-established inn that has been around since the Edo period.、Experience traditional hospitality。When I stayed、My heart was healed by the warm welcome from the landlady and the courteous customer service from the staff.。 The rooms are pure Japanese style.、Tatami and shoji、It is filled with traditional Japanese beauty such as the tokonoma.。Matcha and sweets are also available in the evening.、I took a breather。 The meal is、Kyoto kaiseki cuisine using plenty of seasonal ingredients。Each item is like a work of art、I was impressed by its delicate taste.。 Recommended points: price: 1From 10,000 yen per night Official website: Mianshan Guesthouse 4. Bell Fushimi Inari Address: 68 Yabunouchi-cho, Fukakusa, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto Access:...

日本の最新ニュースを解説Explaining the latest news in Japan

2024Japan's living system will change from October 2020:A thorough explanation of the importance and impact for Japanese and foreigners

Hello、everyone。I'm Takashi, a blogger who brings you the latest information about Japan.。This time、2024We will explain in detail the revisions to Japan's living system that will come into effect from October 1, 2020.。These changes are、Not only Japanese people、This will also have a big impact on foreigners living in Japan.。 In this article、Changes in each system、The background、We will introduce the importance for Japanese and foreigners based on professional and reliable information.。Please read till the end、Please use it for your future life and business.。 1. Change of child allowance Background Japan has been facing the declining birthrate for many years.、Declining birth rate has become a social problem。The government will reduce the economic burden on families raising children.、To lower the hurdles to having children、We have decided to expand such allowances.。 Importance for Japanese people for foreigners 2. Application of welfare pensions Increased due to increased non -regular employees、Pension disparity in old age has become a social issue。The government will ensure that all workers can enjoy a stable retirement.、Expanding the scope of social insurance coverage。 Importance for Japanese people for foreigners 3. Change of minimum wages Background price increase and gaps correction、and to improve the living standards of workers.、The minimum wage is being raised。Also、Preventing rural population outflow、It also aims to revitalize the local economy.。 Importance for Japanese people for foreigners 4. Changes to the routine vaccination of the new coronavirus vaccine Background As the spread of the new coronavirus continues to be prolonged、Promoting vaccinations for elderly people who are at high risk of developing severe disease、This is a measure to optimize medical costs.。 Importance for Japanese people for foreigners 5. Increase in counter burden for off-patent drugs Changes Background Increasing medical costs are putting pressure on national finances.、There is an urgent need to optimize medical costs.。Promoting the use of generic drugs、Directly leads to a reduction in national medical expenses。 Importance for Japanese people for foreigners 6. Increase in postal charges Changes Background Due to the spread of e-mail and SNS、The amount of mail handled is decreasing.。On the other hand、Labor costs and logistics costs continue to rise.、Price revision was necessary to maintain service.。 Important importance for foreigners and the revision of these systems that will be enforced in October 2024、This is an important initiative to address issues facing Japanese society.。Declining birthrate, aging population, and economic disparity、Increased medical costs, etc.、To address a wide range of issues、The government is developing multifaceted policies.。 Impact on Japanese people Impact on foreigners and information sources and reference links Writer Profile Hello、My name is Takashi。With over 20 years of experience living in Japan.、Japanese social system and culture from a foreigner's perspective、We are sending out daily life information。We have helped many foreigners live in Japan with peace of mind.、We have strived to provide accurate and reliable information.。 Inquiries and opinions、Have any questions?、Please feel free to contact us using the comment section or contact form。To make your life in Japan richer、We will do our best to support you。 Finally, life in Japan、You may often feel confused due to differences in systems and cultures.。but、By obtaining accurate information and responding appropriately、The impact can be minimized。We will continue to provide you with the latest information in an easy-to-understand manner.、Please check our blog regularly。 I hope your life in Japan will be fulfilling.。...

必見!外国人が日本で絶対に食べたい札幌ラーメン10選Recommended Japanese shops

A ramen maniac will teach you! 10 selections of exquisite ramen in Sapporo and how to find delicious restaurants

Hello! I'm Takashi, a Japanese blogger who loves ramen.。I have traveled all over Japan、1,000I went around eating more than a cup of ramen.。Among them、Ramen in Sapporo is special。Take advantage of my experience and knowledge、To all foreigners who love Japan、We will introduce carefully selected ramen restaurants that you must visit in Sapporo.。through ramen、We hope you can experience the depth of Japanese food culture.。 Why do Japanese ramen attract people around the world? I think、The reasons why Japanese ramen is popular among foreigners are as follows。 1. Various flavors and style Japanese ramen、Each region has evolved in its own way.。Rich miso ramen from Sapporo、Creamy pork bone ramen from Fukuoka、Tokyo's delicate soy sauce ramen, etc.、The variations are endless。This diversity、This is one of the factors that attracts ramen fans all over the world.。 2. For craftsmanship and technical ramen、Filled with the many years of experience and passion of our craftsmen.。How to make soup stock、Noodle manufacturing method、combination of toppings etc.、Attention is paid to every detail。the result、The deep taste that is born、It's something special like no other。 3. Meals at value ramen shops as a cultural experience、This is a valuable opportunity to experience Japanese service and hospitality firsthand.。The craftsman's handiwork seen from behind the counter、The lively atmosphere inside the store、Makes your travel memories richer。 I recommended 10 ramen shops in Sapporo actually selected a shop that I actually visited and impressed.。Every shop is unique、These are famous restaurants that you should visit at least once.。 Store name Address Ramen Type Characteristics Evaluation Evaluation Menya Aya, Sapporo City, Mien 10. Mien 5-13-12 Miso Ramen Sapporo No. 1 popular shop ★★★★★ -41 Miso Ramen Sapporo Miso Ramen Royal Road ★★★★★ JAPANESE RAMEN NOODLE LAB Q Sapporo City, Chuo-ku, Sapporo City 7-17-17-1 Salt Ramen Material ★★★★★ Kazuo Kazuo Central Ward Miso Ramen loved by local people Minami 3-3-2 3-2 ★★★★ ☆ Menya Nanabei Main Store, Sapporo-shi, Sapporo 4-11 South 6-11 South 6-11 Soy sauce ramen chicken white soup ★★★★ ☆ Noodles Yanya Takahashi 3-7-1 Minamijo Nishi-ku, Chuo-ku, Sapporo.