
的場文男—51年の騎手人生に幕。「大井の帝王」の伝説は永遠にJapanese trivial knowledge


「7,424勝」日本競馬史上最多!伝説のジョッキー、51年の騎手人生に幕 2024年3月31日日本競馬史に燦然と輝くレジェンドがついにターフを去りましたその名は 的場文男(まとば ふみお)彼が残した通算勝利数は驚異の 7,424勝!これは JRA(中央競馬)を含めた日本競馬史上最多勝記録 であり的場文男こそ 「日本で最も多くの勝利を挙げた男」 なのです「大井の帝王」 の異名を持ち地方競馬を50年以上にわたり牽引した伝説的ジョッキーの軌跡 をここで振り返ります。 📌 的場文男のレースを見たことがある人はぜひ思い出をコメントで教えてください!📌 この記事が良かったらシェアやブックマークをお願いします! 「大井の帝王」誕生——17歳でのデビュー 的場文男は 1956年9月7日生まれそして 1973年10月16日大井競馬場でデビューデビュー戦からわずか 3週間後の11月6日には初勝利!早くも将来のスター騎手となる片鱗を見せました。 but、彼の本当のすごさは 「長く強く勝ち続けたこと」 にあります地方競馬No.1の記録を打ち立てたキャリア 🏆 的場文男の生涯成績(日本競馬史上最多勝記録!) 項目 記録 騎乗期間 1973年10月16日 ~ 2024年3月31日(51年5か月) 通算騎乗数 43,497戦 通算勝利数(日本歴代1位) 7,424勝(地方競馬歴代1位日本競馬歴代1位) 大井競馬リーディング獲得回数 21回 全国リーディングジョッキー 2回(2002年・2003年) 最年長騎手記録 67歳まで現役 7,424勝という記録はJRA(中央競馬)を含めても日本一!つまり日本競馬史上最も勝った騎手が的場文男なのです! 的場文男の主な勝ち鞍 🏆✨ 地方競馬界のレジェンドとして的場は多くの重賞タイトルを獲得しました。 🎖 主な勝利レース 年度 レース名 馬名 1993年 帝王賞(GI)...

原田雅彦の涙と奇跡:スポーツ史に残る名場面「泣き虫ヒーロー」 物語Japanese trivial knowledge

🥇 Harada Masahiko's tears and miracles:A famous scene in sports history: "Crybaby Hero" story⛷️

— The legend of the "crybaby hero" that shook the ski jumping world — ⏳ From the silver medal of tears、To a joyous gold medal 🥈➡️🥇 "Please... Fly!!🙏” 1998、Nagano Olympics🏔️❄️All eyes、It was poured into Harada Masahiko, who was standing at the top of the jump platform.👀✨ 4Lillehammer from a year ago... He failed in the most important situation.、I missed the Japanese gold medal😢💔What a man called a "crybaby" carries、Is it a chance to make a comeback?、Or tears of disappointment again?。 Read the wind、Calm your mind、He started running。and、That moment-- 🔥 The whole of Japan was shaking! 🔥 💥 Harada Masahiko's soul jump、It changed my destiny! 💥 But、This story wasn't his own... The man who finally decided everything - without Funaki Kazuki's existence、I can't talk about the drama of the gold medal🎖️✨ 😭 The birth of a man called "crybaby" 😭 Kamikawacho, Hokkaido⛄Harada Masahiko was born in、I was fascinated by ski jumps from a young age.、He blossomed that talent🌱🏔️ But、His distinctiveness is not just his jumping power.💡Double the person、He was also known for being tearful。 19942019 Lillehammer Olympics❄️🏆Japan aims for the gold medal of its long-awaited group、I entrusted everything to Harada, the final jumper.🚀 But、Fate was heartless -- "Ahhh...!" Jumps didn't grow...Japan ended up winning silver medal、Harada cries while covering her face😭💦 "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." These tears、It spreads all over Japan、He was called a "crybaby jumper"、His story didn't end here。 🔥 Fateful Revenge、1998Nagano Olympics 🔥 4Years later... Finally a chance to revenge 1998、Nagano Olympics。The pressure to hold the event locally was immeasurable🏠🎌 but、Harada once again fails in the first half jump.💥"Next time...me..." 😨💦 Harada is about to be crushed by anxiety。But、There's no way it's going to end like this🔥 And then the final attempt was held - wait for the wind to stop🌬️💨In the silence、Harada took a deep breath.👃💨 Start the run-up——💨💨💨Fly out——🚀✨and--! ! ! 💥 "It flew!!" 💥 A huge 137 meters jump! 🏔️🎯 This moment、The stadium has shook🏟️🔥The whole of Japan was filled with joy🎉🎌 "Yay!!" Harada landed、I couldn't hold back my tears anymore😆💦 But...、It wasn't the end...! ⏳ "Funakiiiii!!!" The moment Funaki Kazuki decides his destiny ✨ Harada's big jump、Japan has come to a great extent closer to gold medals🥇💫...

「安藤勝己の伝説:日本競馬界を変えた男の物語」Japanese trivial knowledge

"The Legend of Katsumi Ando":The story of the man who changed the world of horse racing in Japan.”

Why do some jockeys become unforgettable? In the vast and competitive world of horse racing、Few people have had a greater influence than Katsumi Ando, ​​affectionately known as "Ankatsu."。Rising from the humble stage of local horse racing to the pinnacle of central horse racing、The story of his success in that process was such that he changed the rules of the horse racing world.、attracts many people。This time、Tracing the path of the man who created the system called "Ankatsu Rule"、Let's take a closer look at the charm that attracts not only horse racing fans but everyone! A star born in Aichi Prefecture March 28, 1960、Katsumi Ando was born in Aichi Prefecture.。1976Year、He made his debut at Kasamatsu Racecourse.、From the beginning, he showed his ability and passion that set him apart from other jockeys.。He achieved overwhelming results at the local racecourse.、Not only do I dream of taking on the challenge of competing in the Central Horse Racing、made it happen。and、This challenge would later bring about a revolution in the Japanese horse racing world.。 From local hero to national icon 2003、Ando, ​​who has accumulated a brilliant track record in local horse racing,、I will be on the stage of JRA (Japan Racing Association)。but、This challenge is not just a turning point in my career.、It was a turning point for the entire Japanese horse racing industry.。That was the birth of "Ankatsu Rule"。 What is “Ankatsu Rule”? “Ankatsu Rule” is、This system was established to lower the hurdles for local horse racing jockeys to challenge central horse racing.。In this rule、Jockeys who have won 20 or more races in a year twice in the past five years、The first round of the JRA jockey license exam will be exempted.。 The background to the introduction of this special provision is、There was Katsumi Ando, ​​who boasted overwhelming results in the local area.。This system is called the "Ankatsu Rule" after his name.、For many local jockeys, it became an important key to paving the way to central horse racing.。 Astonishing Career The brilliance of Katsumi Ando's career is、It's obvious when you look at his results. This number alone shows his overwhelming ability.、What is even more noteworthy is、Make accurate decisions in any situation、It was his talent for building trusting relationships with horses.。 A presence that continues to shine even after retirement Katsumi Ando retired as a jockey in January 2013.、After that, I never left the racing world.。Currently working as a horse racing commentator.、Through explanations and analysis based on extensive experience in the field、Contributing to fans and horse racing people。 What Katsumi Ando left behind: What is the name of “Ankatsu”?、Not just as a great jockey、It is passed down from generation to generation as the person who built a bridge between local horse racing and central horse racing.。His challenges and achievements、Hope for young jockeys、It also contributes to the development of the horse racing world as a whole.。 What do you think about the legend of "Ankatsu"? For horse racing fans too、Even those who are not、There's sure to be something in Katsumi Ando's story that touches your heart.。What is the most appealing thing about Ankatsu for you? Also、Did you learn anything new after reading this article? Please let us know in the comments section! your opinion、It may be a great encouragement for the next generation of jockeys.。 Bookmark this article、Would you like to share it with people who love horse racing? The legend of a man named Katsumi Ando、It is still deeply engraved in our hearts。[ABETACK” is Japanese culture、hero、This is a blog that delivers unknown stories to the world.。

「北海道の妖怪伝説:アイヌ文化が育む神秘と自然の物語」traditional culture and history

"Hokkaido's Yokai Legends":A story of mystery and nature nurtured by Ainu culture.”

Hello! This is Iwapiko。actually、I love monsters too much、I live a life chasing that charm every day.。From the monsters that appear in legends and folk tales、New monsters born from fiction and urban legends、Everything is a treasure! Particularly, “Eh?、Is there such an episode? ” or “This monster、It was also drawn like this! ? I love discoveries like “。 The mystery and romance of monsters、Sometimes a little scary, but with a lovely side、I want to have fun with everyone。The world of monsters you don't know about、Would you like to take a look together? Today we will introduce the “Hokkaido edition”! Living in the land of Hokkaido、An invisible story: Hokkaido, surrounded by vast nature。the mountains、river、In the forest、It has a magnificent beauty that captivates visitors.。but、How many people are aware of the "invisible presence" hidden deep within that beauty? The Ainu people, the indigenous people of Hokkaido,、I believe that everything in nature has life.、I've been called "Kamuy" (God)。The Ainu、Has a unique culture that coexists with nature、hunting and fishing、Collecting plants has been the basis of life.。Ainu is its own language、It is characterized by beliefs and rituals in ``Kamuy'' (gods) who symbolize the power of nature.。Also、Traditional crafts such as beautiful embroidery and wood carving are also famous.。In recent years、Re-evaluating Ainu culture、Efforts are underway to convey its appeal.。Learning about Japan's diverse culture、Ainu history and tradition are essential。Wind, fire, and trees、and animals too、Each person has been respected as a being with a unique will.。This deep faith and reverence、Created stories about monsters and spirits。 These monsters are、More than just a "terrible existence"。symbolizing the power of nature itself、It is an existence that teaches us respect and lessons for nature.。In this article、Introducing 5 Yokai that have been passed down in Hokkaido.。by knowing their stories、You will feel that Hokkaido's nature is more than just a scenery.。 5 Yokai of Hokkaido:Beings created by nature and culture 1. Koropokkuru – Koropokkuru is a small fairy who hides under the butterfly leaves.、It is a type of fairy that is passed down from generation to generation in Ainu culture.。They live under the leaves of butterbur、In the past, they shared fish and food with the Ainu people.、We built a mutually supportive relationship.。but、destroy their homes、Interfering recklessly、It is said that he will disappear。 In the vast buttercup fields of Ashoro town and eastern Hokkaido,、The legend of Koropokkuru remains strong.。In that quiet landscape、When you see the leaves of a large butterfly swaying,、I can't help but think of the tiny inhabitants hiding under the leaves.。The story of Koropokkuru、respect nature、It teaches us the importance of treating people with modesty.。 2. Mintu Chikamui – A mischievous Mintu Chikamui who protects the waterfront and is half human and half beast.、While known as a protector of water sources,、I also like pranks that surprise people.。In Ainu culture、water is the source of life、has been considered especially sacred。their pranks、It is also said to have the meaning of warning people not to take water lightly.。 In Tomakomai and southern Hokkaido、Strange phenomena that occur near lakes and rivers are believed to be the work of Mintuchikamui.。for example、Ripples that suddenly spread on the calm surface of the lake、Laughter like the wind can be heard from the water's edge。If you had such an experience、This may be proof that they protect the water.。 3. Repun Kamuy – The spirit of lakes and rivers Repun Kamuy is、In Ainu culture, it is said to be a god who protects lakes and rivers.。They are the blessings of water、At the same time, it is also an important entity that controls that power.。It was believed that angering him would cause flooding.、Ainu people do not pollute the waterside、I always try to remember to be grateful.。 The sky and mountains reflected on the transparent water surface of Lake Shikotsu and Lake Toya、It's as if Repun Kamuy is watching over the place.。Surrounded by the tranquility of the lake、Not just water、You will feel as if you are touching the very life of the earth.。 4. Iwa Oroshi – Iwa Oroshi is the giant who moves mountains.、A monster with the power to destroy mountains and rocks.。Its strength symbolizes the threat of nature itself.、It is said that landslides and rumblings in mountainous areas are caused by him.。In Ainu culture、Mountains themselves are thought to be living beings.、Iwa Oroshi is the kind of person who represents that will.。 Daisetsuzan Mountain Range, Hidaka Mountain Range, etc.、The legend of Iwaoroshi lives on in the rugged mountains of Hokkaido.。When you experience the silence of the mountains while climbing or trekking、You may be able to feel their powerful breathing.。 5. Funendori – a symbol of rebirth born from the fire.、A monster said to have been born from the belly of a cremated man.。As the name suggests、It has the property of not being flammable.、It is passed down from generation to generation as a symbol of death and rebirth.。This story is、It teaches us about the end of life and the reincarnation of new beginnings.。 Around Hakodate、The legend of the unburnable bird remains。Flattering from the bonfire、The figure that disappeared into the sky without disappearing even though it was engulfed in flames.、Not just a fantasy、It is passed down from generation to generation as a symbol of the mystery of life.。 The charms of Hokkaido taught by monsters The monsters of Hokkaido、Not just a character in a ghost story。they symbolize nature itself、They are the ones who convey to us the spirit of respect for nature and the attitude of facing it humbly.。And in the background、There is a deep spirituality of Ainu culture.。 If you are interested in Hokkaido after reading this article、Please feel free to visit this place with their stories in mind.。By feeling the presence of monsters in the majestic nature、It's sure to make your trip even more special.。 If you like this article、Please share and bookmark。and、I would be happy if you could tell me what you thought after reading this article and your experiences in Hokkaido in the comments section! Next time, the theme will be “Yokai of Aomori”、We bring you a deeper and more mysterious story.。Please look forward to it!