japanese music

札幌まつり完全攻略!山車行列・奉納行事・屋台グルメを満喫するための究極ガイド!traditional culture and history


北海道神宮祭—伝統と感動の3日間札幌が輝く特別な時間 毎年6月14日から16日に札幌で行われる**北海道神宮祭(札幌まつり)**は、150年以上続く伝統行事ですこの3日間街全体が華やかに彩られ多くの観光客が訪れます特に見どころは豪華な神輿と山車行列美しい奉納行事心躍る屋台グルメです私は毎年参加していますそして今回はその魅力を余すことなくご紹介!この記事ではあなたが札幌まつりを100%楽しめるよう徹底ガイドします! 1. 神輿と山車行列—心を揺さぶる壮麗なパレード 壮大な神輿渡御と優雅な平安絵巻 神輿渡御は6月16日に開催され、1,200人以上の市民が華やかな平安時代風の衣装に身を包み、4基の神輿(しんよ)と8基の山車を市内で練り歩きますその様子は圧巻で現代に生きながらも時代劇の中に飛び込んだかのような感覚を味わえます見どころポイント 💡 recommendation:大通三越前は人は多いが全ての神輿と山車が次々と見れます大通駅周辺を山車を追いかけて一緒に歩くのも楽しいです。however、神輿は頓宮にて山車は三越周辺で昼休みとなります1日のスケジュールを事前にチェックしておくと無駄なく見れるかも・・・ 🔖詳しい奉納行事のスケジュールと場所は約1ヶ月前にこちらにて公開されます「お知らせ」の「北海道神宮例祭 札幌まつり について (神輿渡御順路・奉納行事予定)」という文章を探してください。 2. 奉納行事—境内で繰り広げられる伝統芸能の祭典 6月14日と15日北海道神宮の境内では奉納行事が行われます神々に感謝を捧げるこれらの行事は日本の伝統芸能と現代の芸能を体感できる絶好の機会です。 💡 recommendation:無料かつ比較的席に座れます!幾つかの舞台にわかれ順次芸が披露されるのであらかじめ確認しておくと目当ての芸が間近で見れます① 和太鼓演奏 太鼓の音が境内全体に響き渡り体の芯まで共鳴します演奏者たちは全身を使って力強く叩き一打一打に魂を込めています静と動のバランスが生む一体感は言葉にできない迫力があります② 神楽(かぐら)・巫女舞(みこまい) 白装束に赤い袴をまとった巫女たちが太鼓や笛に合わせ優雅に舞う姿は神秘的で美しいものです観客はその一糸乱れぬ動きに目を奪われ会場には神聖な空気が流れます③ 人形浄瑠璃 音楽と語り手の声に合わせて操られる人形たちはまるで生きているかのように動きますまばたきをしたり物語に喜怒哀楽する人形の仕草に観客は釘付けです。 🔖 驚きポイント「人形が驚いてジャンプする動きや仕草は指の先まで本物の人間のよう!」 ④ ヨサコイソーラン演舞 北海道発祥の力強い踊りです鳴子を持った踊り手たちが「ソーランソーラン!」と掛け声をかけながら舞台を駆け巡ります躍動感あふれる演舞は観客を圧倒します! 🔖 SACOの思い出全力の舞と表情や掛け声に感動して涙! ⑤ 雅楽(ががく) 日本の最古の宮廷音楽で笙(しょう)篳篥(ひちりき)龍笛(りゅうてき)といった楽器が奏でる旋律は心地よく幻想的な音色ですまるで古代日本にタイムスリップしたかのような気分を味わえます⑥ 古式大的式(こしきおおまとしき) 平安時代の衣装をまとい弓を使った古式の儀式で緊張感が張り詰めた空気の中射手がゆっくりと弓を引き的を射抜く瞬間は息を飲む迫力です⑧ 乱拍子(らんびょうし) 和太鼓中心の力強いパフォーマンスは会場全体が振動するような迫力があり自然と観客も手拍子で盛り上がります!陽気なひょっとこ寸劇から獅子舞の迫力ある動きは必見!! 🔖 SACOの思い出「体に響く太鼓に心奪われひょっとこに笑い獅子舞のジャンプ力に見惚れ見ながら食べようと思っていた屋台グルメがすっかり冷めきってしまいました。」 💡詳しい奉納行事のスケジュールと場所は約1ヶ月前にこちらにて公開されます「お知らせ」の「北海道神宮例祭 札幌まつり について (神輿渡御順路・奉納行事予定)」という文章を探してください。 3. 中島公園の屋台グルメ—食べ歩き天国で大満足! 中島公園には100軒以上の屋台が立ち並び香ばしい匂いが漂いますお祭りの楽しみといえば屋台グルメ!札幌まつりの屋台は種類豊富で何を食べるか迷ってしまうほどですおすすめグルメTOP5 🎯...

[1980年代 アイドルヒストリーシリーズ 第三回]南野陽子(ナンノ)の秘密とは? 日本のポップカルチャーを変えたJapanese trivial knowledge

[1980年代 アイドルヒストリーシリーズ 第三回]⏳南野陽子(ナンノ)の秘密とは? 日本のポップカルチャーを変えた🎤🎬

⏳ if、あなたが1980年代の日本にいたら? 🏙️ ネオン輝く東京カセットウォークマンを片手に最新ヒットを聴く若者たち。📺 テレビをつけるとドラマや歌番組に熱狂するファンの姿。🎤 and、その時代の中心にいたのが… 南野陽子(Minamino Yoko)! 彼女は 「ナンノ」 の愛称で親しまれ甘い歌声・清楚なルックス・高い演技力 で日本のエンタメ界を席巻しましたしかし! 彼女の魅力は ただのアイドルでは終わらない のです!南野陽子のキャリアは「トップアイドル」→「実力派女優」→「社会貢献活動」 へと進化し今なお輝き続けています。 This time、彼女のデビューから現在までの軌跡をたどりながら、💡 「ナンノの本当の魅力」 をたっぷりお届けします! 🎭「スケバン刑事II」での大ブレイク! 南野陽子は 1985年にシングル「恥ずかしすぎて」で歌手デビューその直後ドラマ 『時をかける少女』 に出演し清楚な美しさで注目を集めました。 🚀 but、彼女がスターとなったのは…『スケバン刑事II 少女鉄仮面伝説』(1985-1986)! 🥋 彼女が演じたのは 鉄仮面をかぶったミステリアスな少女・麻宮サキこのドラマは 日本全国で大ヒット し社会現象となりました! 🏆 この作品で日本アカデミー賞新人俳優賞を受賞! 「スケバン刑事II」は海外でも 「伝説のアクションドラマ」 として評価されていますもしあなたが日本の80年代ドラマを知りたいならこれは必見! 🎶 日本の音楽シーンを彩ったヒット曲の数々! 80年代は 「アイドル黄金時代」松田聖子中森明菜おニャン子クラブ…そんな中で南野陽子も トップアイドルの座 を獲得しました! 🌟 最大のヒット曲は?👉 1989年の「吐息でネット」!オリコン1位を記録し今でも 80年代を代表する名曲 として語り継がれています。 💿南野陽子の主な作品リスト(シングル & アルバム) 彼女の音楽キャリアを振り返るために代表的なシングルとアルバムを一覧にしてみました! 🎵...

J-Pop vs K-Pop:何が違う?何が共通している?japanese music

J-Pop vs K-Pop:What's the difference? What do they have in common?

Hello、This is Nagano Makoto! Speaking of the Asian music scene、"J-Pop" and "K-Pop" are essential。Japan and Korea、Although each music style is different、It continues to attract fans all over the world。 but、Have you ever wondered, "What is the difference between J-Pop and K-Pop?" or "Which is more popular?" I am a blogger who shares Japanese music overseas.、I've been following both J-Pop and K-Pop for many years。 I actually participated in music festivals overseas.、While talking to local fans、I realized that Japanese and Korean music each has different charms.。 In this article、Differences and commonalities between J-Pop and K-Pop、And why it's so popular all over the world?、We will explore in depth from a Japanese perspective。 You are J-Pop and K-Pop、Which fan are you? Please read to the end、Please let us know your thoughts in the comments! The difference between J-Pop and K-Pop 1. Language and Internationality J-Pop is mainly sung in Japanese.、We place emphasis on the domestic market。 on the other hand、K-Pop is based on Korean.、Actively adopting English and other languages、We are releasing songs that are conscious of the international fan base.。 Therefore、For overseas fans, K-Pop is often more familiar.。 2. Performance Style: The characteristics of K-Pop、Perfectly synchronized dance performance and flashy costumes、And it's a high production value music video.。 on the other hand、J-Pop focuses on the artist's personality and musicality.、It is characterized by a wide range of expressions with greater freedom。 for example、Perfume's Technopop、ONE OK ROCK's rock style、Yonezu Kenshi's unique worldview、Fujii-style jazz and R&Songs influenced by B、J-Pop has a wide range of genres coexist。 3. Global Strategy K-Pop actively develops overseas markets、We offer promotions using global tours and social media.。Typical examples are BTS and BLACKPINK.。 on the other hand、Because J-Pop has a promotional strategy centered on the domestic market、There are some areas that are difficult to access for overseas fans.。 but、Like YOASOBI and Aimer、The number of artists is increasing worldwide through anime tie-ups。 4. Idol Culture J-Pop idols、While emphasizing friendliness with fans、K-Pop idols place importance on professional performance。 As represented by AKB48's concept of "idols that you can go to meet."、Japanese idols are close to their fans、It is characterized by a strong element of watching over growth。 on the other hand、K-Pop is、By working through the trainee system and making your debut、They tend to show very well-made performances at their debut.。 What's common to J-Pop and K-Pop 1. Musical influences in Europe and the US: J-Pop and K-Pop、Influenced by American pop and hip hop、Establishing a unique musical style。 J-Pop develops by incorporating different musical genres with different eras.、K-Pop has gained global popularity by actively adopting the latest trends in Europe and the US。 2. Visually focused, both J-Pop and K-Pop、Not just music、We focus on visuals and visual expressions。 K-Pop is characterized by high-quality music video production.、J-Pop often has its own unique visual concept for each artist.。 3. Fan culture: J-Pop and K-Pop、Fan support is an important factor。 Buy merchandise、Participation in concert、Spreading on social media, etc.、There is a common point in that the power of fans determines the success of artists。 Why are J-Pop and K-Pop popular with foreigners? 1. Charm that transcends language barriers K-Pop has a strong appeal for dance and visuals、There are many things you can enjoy even if you don't understand the language。 J-Pop also uses anime music and more.、It has surpassed language barriers and gained fans。 2.Incorporating global trends both J-Pop and K-Pop、Incorporating elements from Western pop and hip hop、Because it has a unique arrangement、It is easily accepted by listeners around the world。 3.Diversity and inclusion in particular, K-Pop、Incorporates genderless charm and international sensibilities、It has elements that can appeal to a wide range of people。 4.High quality productions J-Pop and K-Pop、From music production to music video production、Because we provide high quality works、Loved by fans all over the world。 5.Utilizing SNS and the Internet...

海外ファン急増中!林哲司が生んだシティポップの名曲たちJapanese trivial knowledge

🌴Overseas fans are increasing rapidly! City pop masterpieces born by Hayashi Tetsuji🎶

Why now、Will Hayashi Tetsuji's music be loved all over the world? City Pop - That's、A sophisticated musical genre that colored the 1980s in Japan。Incorporates jazz and AOR (adult oriented rock) elements.、The urban and stylish sound、It is now captivating music fans all over the world。 The golden age of city pop was supported by、I'm Hayashi Tetsuji, a composer and arrangement.。 The song Hayashi Tetsuji wrote、All the masterpieces that symbolize the J-POP of the time。but、Not all。Hayashi Tetsuji's music transcends time、2020It continues to attract new listeners even today in the 2019 era.。 Well then、Why is his music so loved so much? In this article、The appeal of Hayashi Tetsuji's music and、We will delve deeper into the five songs he has created that you should definitely listen to! 5 Famous Songs by Hayashi Tetsuji:Songs that give you the essence of city pop 1. "REMEMBER THE BRIGHTNESS" - Sugiyama Kiyotaka & Omega Tribe (1985) Mastering the aesthetics of city pop、Masterpieces of Sugiyama Kiyotaka and Omega Tribe。 A refreshing sound from the intro、The sparkle of the synthesizer、And Sugiyama Kiyotaka's clear vocals are beautifully combined.。As the title "REMEMBER THE BRIGHTNESS" suggests、This song gives a sense of nostalgia and sparkle。 What is particularly noteworthy、Hayashi Tetsuji's distinctive chord progression。It's not just a pop song、It incorporates sophisticated jazz and fusion elements.、The more you listen, the more you discover new things。 2023The latest remix was released in 2019.、You can also enjoy sounds that have been reconstructed using modern technology.、It might be interesting to compare it with the original。 🎧 Recommended listening methods:Driving along the coastline at dusk 2. "Broken Sunset" - Kikuchi Momoko (1986) A masterpiece that perfectly blends 80's idol pop and city pop。 With Kikuchi Momoko's soft and sweet vocals、The electro-pop sound created by Hayashi Tetsuji、It creates a fantastic atmosphere that is like a scene from a movie。 The intro synth sounds in particular、Just like a magical moment that you'll be drawn into the world of the 1980s。The song development is also excellent、The gradually increasing composition towards the chorus creates a dramatic sense of excitement.。 Also、As the title "Broken Sunset" shows、Something sad、Another point is that it has a nostalgic atmosphere。This song is packed with the essence of city pop.。 🎧 Recommended listening methods:Walking through an urban night with earphones 3. "Strangers Dream" – Jackie Lynn & Parabion (1987) A hidden masterpiece known only to a few people in city pop。 The appeal of this song is、Amazing synth sound and、It's in a fantastic arrangement。80City pop in the late 2019 was beginning to incorporate more electronic elements.、This song is a masterpiece。 Jackie Lynn's mysterious vocals further deepen the mood of the song、Listeners are like characters from a movie that wanders through the city at night..

外国人も大興奮!日本のアニクラ4選:アニメ音楽と熱狂の夜を体験しよう!Recommended sightseeing route

Foreigners are also very excited! 4 selections of Japanese anime clubs:Experience a night of anime music and excitement!

In Japan、Unique entertainment that combines anime music and club culture、There is "Anikura (Anime Club)"。In the glittering lights、In a space where anime songs are played at high volume、Fans stand shoulder to shoulder、dance together、singing、share that moment。Just take one step、It's already the world of anime。It's also very popular among foreign tourists, who say, ``It's like being the main character of an anime!''。 When I first visited too、Feeling the music with your whole body、I felt like I had wandered into another world.。In this article、You can have such a special experience、We will introduce four Anikura spots across Japan.。Every place is worth visiting! 4 recommended anime clubs 1. Mogra (Tokyo/Akihabara) 2. Genius Tokyo (Shibuya, Tokyo) 3. Sound Museum Vision (Daikanyama, Tokyo) 4. Tsukiakari Yume Terrace (Kanagawa/Kawasaki) We look forward to your comments! “Which anime club are you interested in?Are there any spots you would like to visit?、If you have any experiences, please let us know in the comments! Make this a place for readers to exchange information.。”Finally, if you like anime music、Anikura you should visit at least once。If there is a spot you are interested in in this article、Please add it to your next travel plan! We look forward to your shares and comments.。Enjoy a wonderful anime culture experience!

世界を魅了する日本のシティポップ:不朽の名曲5選Explaining the latest news in Japan

Japanese city pop that captivates the world:5 timeless masterpieces

city ​​pop:A Japanese music genre that combines nostalgia and futurism: when you are listening to music、Have you ever felt like you were the main character in a movie? city ​​pop is、It's a special genre of music that creates moments like that.。1970- Born during Japan's period of high economic growth in the 1980s.、Its unique sound expresses the glittering life of the city and the quietness of the night.、Now、Captivating music fans from all over the world, transcending borders.。 In recent years、YouTube and TikTok、rediscovered through digital platforms such as Spotify.、It is being reevaluated in the context of "Japanese 80's culture"。Not only that、City pop is a timeless song、It has the power to directly touch the heart of the listener.。 In this article、Introducing five famous city pop songs that are especially popular worldwide.。If you read this、While experiencing the essence of city pop、You are sure to have an encounter with new music! Must listen! 5 famous city pop songs 1. plastic love (Plastic Love) – Mariya Takeuchi 2. Midnight Door ~Stay With Me – Miki Matsubara 3. SPARKLE – Tatsuro Yamashita 4. you are natural color (Kimi wa Tennenshoku) – Eiichi Otaki 5. Friday Chinatown (Friday Chinatown) – Yasuha: Why is City Pop so popular overseas? Why is City Pop so loved all over the world?、It is the result of a combination of several factors.。Looking at this phenomenon as a Japanese person,、The following points emerge。 Would you like to share your memories with City Pop? Among the 5 songs introduced in this article、Do you have a favorite? Or、Can you think of a hidden gem that you haven't heard of yet? Let us know your experiences and recommended songs in the comments section! City Pop is more than just a music genre。It is a cultural experience that connects us across generations and borders.。this wonderful musical journey、Let's have fun with us! 🎶 A journey to deliver Japanese music city pop to the world、Would you like to join now?