“Make your trip to Japan even more special!🌟5 theme cafes that are very popular with foreign tourists

Maid Cafe

Hello! A blogger who spreads the charms of Japan to the world、さぶis🌸✨

On a trip to Japan、Visiting temples and shrines and hot springs、Classic pleasures like sushi come to mind.、Looking for a more unique and special experience?、pleaseテーマカフェに足を運んでみてください🍵💕

The theme cafe、More than just a restaurant、It is an extraordinary space where you can enjoy the ``world of stories'' and ``special healing''.🏰。Whenever I show my foreign friends around, they are often surprised and say, ``This can only be experienced in Japan!''、毎回大盛り上がり!

In this article、We will introduce five carefully selected themed cafes unique to Japan.✨。If you read this article、It's sure to make your trip to Japan even more fun! read till the end、Please use this as a reference for your next trip.😊

Why are Japanese themed cafes so popular among foreigners?🌟

🌸 1. 非日常の体験が味わえる


テーマカフェでは、A "special time" that you can never experience in your everyday life is waiting for you.⏳✨。At the maid cafe、Enjoy a “master” experience that makes you feel like you’ve jumped into the world of anime.、Anime character cafe in Shinjuku、You can immerse yourself in the world of favorite characters.🎭

📸 2. SNS映え抜群のスポット


カフェの内装やメニューはどれも独特で写真映えするものばかり📷✨。Perfect for people who want to share their travel memories.、Your friends will no doubt be jealous and ask, "Where is this?" and "I want to go!"💖

🧸 3. 日本文化の奥深さに触れられる


The theme cafe、anime culture、animal love、It is also a place where you can experience the spirit of hospitality.🎌。At rescue cat cafes and experience-based cafes、You can also experience the meticulous attention to detail and spirit of social contribution that is unique to Japan.。

5 popular themed cafes✨

1. Maid Cafe (Akihabara)👗💖

Maid Cafe (Akihabara)👗💖

place: Akihabara
price: Drinks from 500 yen、フード1000円~

秋葉原と言えば、A sacred place for anime culture。and、The maid cafe is a symbol of this.✨。A space where staff dressed in maid uniforms will treat you as ``master'' and ``mistress.''、Truly an extraordinary world🎭。Special performances and original menus will be prepared.、Enjoy new experiences no matter how many times you visit。

📝 Sabu experience:
When guiding a foreign friend、“Moe Moe Kyun💖I laughed out loud at the performance! My friend who was shy ended up getting excited.、It was an unforgettable memory😊

2. Cat cafes (all over the country)🐾😻

Cat cafes (all over the country)🐾😻

いこーよ Cat Café MOFF コクーンシティさいたま新都心店(キャットカフェモフ)

place: Shibuya、Ikebukuro、横浜など
price: 1時間1000円~(ドリンク付き)

猫と触れ合いながらリラックスできる猫カフェは、An irresistible spot for animal lovers✨。Watching cats roaming freely、There's nothing special about relaxing while petting a cat that's sitting on your lap.🐈。At the rescue cat cafe、Activities to find foster parents are also underway.、Aspects that lead to social contribution。

🐾 Sabu experience:
At a cat cafe in Ikebukuro、I will never forget the feeling of happiness I felt at the moment I was stared at by a fluffy white cat sitting on my lap.💖。My friend was impressed and said, ``I can't believe I was able to interact with cats so close!''😻

3. Anime character cafe (Shinjuku)🎮✨

Anime character cafe (Shinjuku)🎮✨


place: 新宿
price: Drinks from 800 yen、フード1500円~ ※要確認

人気アニメやゲームの世界観が忠実に再現されたキャラクターカフェは、A dream place for fans✨。In addition to enjoying original menus and limited goods that can only be obtained here,、There are also plenty of limited-time events.。

🌟 Recommended points:
Not only can you get goods of your favorite characters, but also、Take a commemorative photo at a photo spot、It will be the best memory📸💖

4. Experience-based cafe (Aoyama)🎨🍴

Experience-based cafe (Aoyama)🎨🍴
Quote:FQ Kids


place: 青山
price: 1500円~(体験内容により変動)

食事と一緒にアクティビティを楽しめる体験型カフェは、Perfect for strengthening bonds with friends and family✨。Because you can have cooking classes and art experiences.、There's something new to discover every time you visit。

🎨 Sabu experience:

5. 動物カフェ(全国各地)🐰🦔


じゃらん HARRY原宿駅前店

place: Shibuya、心斎橋など
price: 1時間1000円~(ドリンク付き)※要確認

猫だけでなくウサギやハリネズミさらには爬虫類まで!🐾 さまざまな動物たちと触れ合えるカフェは癒し効果抜群✨動物好きには必見のスポットです

🐾 Recommended points:



PR TIMES リサとガスパール

この記事で紹介したテーマカフェの中でどれが一番気になりましたか?✨ 実際に訪れた方はぜひコメント欄でその感想を教えてください😊「こんなテーマカフェも紹介してほしい!」というリクエストも大歓迎です!

If you found this article helpful、ぜひブックマーク📖やSNSでシェア📲してくださいね!次回は日本旅行をもっと楽しくする隠れた名所をご紹介します🎌。Look forward to it!

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This is Sabu。taking pictures、doing handicrafts、I like growing plants。I'm learning Tai Chi。I will tell you about the charms of Japan.。